Urgency One of the most pressing challenges of the new construction and maintenance of existing buildings and structures is a hydroprotection and restoration of the bearing capacity of building structures. Water acts on structures in the outer or inner side (atmospheric and groundwater). In the spring thaw raises the groundwater level (GWL), which interact with mineral and organic particles, change their chemical composition and concentration. Groundwater level fluctuations activate the leaching of lime in concrete structures. Rainwater captures from the atmosphere of a large number of gaseous industrial emissions. Is converted to the acid rain solution destroying concrete, marble, silicate bricks, this increases the number of pores, capillaries, and cracks. For protection of various constructions from surface wear and cracking, i.e. from the harmful effects of water and aggressive environment use various waterproofing materials (based on cement, bitumen, polymer). Urgency Relevant environmental, technical and economic problem in many countries is the utilization of sulfur formed as waste oil and gas, the amount of which is increasing every year, reaching several million tons. The pollution of the environment sulfur dust, which in windy weather spreads over long distances. Are often sulfur dust explosions occur. Processing of low-cost sulfur is economically viable and could solve the environmental problem in any region. LLC «Gubkin E & TC» has developed a unique product - a waterproof coating on the basis of polymeric sulfur, which would solve two problems at once: 1 • - the problem of new construction and operation of existing buildings and structures associated with waterproofing and repair of building structures (foundations, etc.) exposed to groundwater, surface water and industrial waste waters, adverse climatic factors 2 • - problem of disposal of the sulfur formed as a departure of oil and gas processing, the amount of which is increasing every year The application of waterproofing coatings based on highly polymerized sulfur The lining and protection of underground facilities Waterproofing underwater, waterworks Waterproofing of building structures in the disposal of chemical waste Waterproofing dams, bridge piers, quays Waterproofing pools, reservoirs, ponds Examples of constructions which can be used for waterproof coating on a highly polymerized sulfur: Hydraulic facilities: • • • • • • Civil engineering structures: Reservoirs (open, diked etc.) Swimming pools (open and closed) Manholes Docks Berths The design of treatment facilities (aeration tanks, septic tanks, sewers, pumping, etc.) • concrete seawall • Dams, etc. • • • • • Foundations Basements Underground facilities (parking lots, garages, transitions, etc.) Balconies Lift shafts Examples of constructions which can be used for waterproof coating on a highly polymerized sulfur: Industrial and agricultural facilities: • • • • • • • Industrial premises Pools of cooling towers Vaults Chimneys Mines Bins Concrete structures exposed to aggressive action, etc. Objects of energy sector: • • • • • • Spent nuclear fuel pools Pumping stations Storage of spent nuclear fuel Canals Overpass of fuel Cable tunnels Examples of constructions which can be used for waterproof coating on a highly polymerized sulfur: Concrete structures exposed to radiation, etc. Transport infrastructure : Objects of Defense and Emergencies : • • Seekers Fire tanks, etc. • • • Tunnels (road, rail, walking, etc.) Subways The elements of bridges and roads, etc. The benefits of an innovative product : Economic efficiency Efficiency, reliability, durability Safety and environmental The opportunity to work with a variety of construction materials (concrete, brick, etc.) Ability to work under the negative ambient temperatures No pretreatment step of building materials Market • Construction is one of the most important sectors of the national economy. Its condition largely determines the level of development of society and its productive forces. • Along with the development of the construction industry is growing demand for high-performance waterproofing coating. Existing on the market waterproofing materials have a number of drawbacks, such as high cost, low efficiency, fragility, low resistance to aggressive media, etc. • Thus, an innovative product - the waterproof coating on the basis of a highly polymerized sulfur will be worthy competition to existing waterproofing materials on the market and the demand is expected to be high. Areas of use of an innovative product Waterproofing at during manufacture of building materials Waterproofing on stage repair of finished constructions Thus, the implementation of technology applied waterproofing coating can be carried out at the plants by entering additional workshops, as well as at the location of the object, using compact equipment necessary for the application of a waterproofing coating. Technologies of drawing of waterproofing coating based on a highly polymerized sulfur on building materials: Complete impregnation • In the first method the impregnation is carried out by dipping the product in the chamber with the melt impregnation of polymeric sulfur. This flow chart is best suited for permanent installation, for example, at an operating plant of concrete products as a complementary technology unit in which part of the products produced by the plant can be processed in the melt of polymeric sulfur. Possible to use this method for operating a mobile unit in which the impregnation products operate on site immediately before installation (for example, prior to impregnation pile elements clogging or zero cycle before their installation). The first method is used when processing prefabricated usually new, not yet assembled products. The depth of infiltration is provided and monitors the flow rate of the solution in the bath for impregnation cycle. Surface impregnation • By the second method the melt polymeric sulfur applied to the surface of structures by brushing, rolling, spraying, or by another similar device. The method can be used for precast have not yet mounted structures and elements for existing buildings, including at their repair or reconstruction. Embodiments of an innovative product 1 • Construction of the production of polymeric sulfur and sales of waterproofing material as to the factories that manufacture building materials, as to individuals willing to repair the building structures. 2 • Construction of the production of polymeric sulfur and maintenance of commercial production of a new product at the plant, produces building materials, and, accordingly, sales of a new product - "a building material with a waterproofing coating." The calculation of the construction unit for production of polymeric sulfur capacity - 6000 tons / year. This will get the following amounts of development of technology: The impregnation of concrete • Complete impregnation requires the consumption of a building material for 1m3 approximately 6kg, which will handle about 1 000 000 m3 of building products. • A melt flow of polymeric sulfur per 1m2 for surface treatment is 0.8-1.0 kg. It will handle more than 6000000 m2 of surface. The impregnation of bricks • Complete impregnation of one brick requires the consumption of 0.11 kg of polymeric sulfur, which will handle nearly 54 mln bricks. • In 1m2 masonry contains 51 brick, hence the polymer sulfur flow rate per 1m2 at full treatment is 51 * 0.11 = 5.61 kg. • A flow of polymeric sulfur per 1m2 for surface treatment is 0.8-1.0 kg. It will handle more than 6 000 000 m2 of surface. • In 1m3 masonry contains 394 bricks, from here on 1m3 brick masonry with full treatment takes about 394 * 0.11 = 43.34 kg. Technological scheme of the unit for the preparation of polymeric sulfur in 3D Overview of the equipment needed to produce polymeric sulfur 1. Storage tanks and sulfur stabilizer, equipped with electric paddles and heating jacket, coolant - superheated steam. 2. Reactor-mixer for preparing a composition of liquid sulfur and stabilizer: equipped with a paddle stirrer with electric and heating jacket, Heat carrier - superheated steam. 3. Fridge-crystallizer scraper, refrigerant: cooling water or liquid propane from propane refrigeration cycle. 4. Heater - heat exchanger scraper, Heat carrier - superheated steam; 5. Pumps; 6. Dispensers. Safety and environmental project On this innovative product is designed MSDS • • • • • In the solid polymeric sulfur (polymerization degree 75-80%) - fire resistant material, non-toxic, hazard class 4. Liquid sulfur is non-toxic. Melting point-120°C, the temperature of spontaneous combustion 575 °C. Solid polymeric sulfur is in the glassy state and does not generate sulfur dust. Liquid polymeric sulfur in the overflow and storage (in direct contact with oxygen in air) generates sulfur dioxide (SO2) in a small amount (within the maximum allowable concentration). The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) for airborne concentrations are: for sulfur dioxide - 10 mg/m3. Monitoring the MPC is the local branch of environmental control. Polymeric sulfur is not more toxic compounds forms in the air and waste waters in the presence of other substances and it has no cumulative properties. Safety and environmental project Qualified personnel must be trained Knowledge check on industrial safety and labor protection, safety at work with polymer sulfur, as well as familiar with the relevant sections of the instructions and emergency response plans. When working with polymer modified sulfur staff must be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) and protective equipment Respiratory Equipment (RPE) (special clothing, safety goggles, rubber gloves, respirators). Calculation of income from the sale of polymeric sulfur Item name Amount , in tons / year Unit price of, EUR / ton Overall, EUR / year Sulfur Polymer, including: 6 000 - sulfur from the gas processing 5 940 37.5 222750 60 1875 112500 - stabilizator Total raw materials 6 000 Sulfur Polymer 6 000 Total income 335250 200 1200000 864750 Technical and economic characteristics of the installation for the production of polymeric sulfur capacity of 6000 tons / year № data module units of 1 Annual operating mode час. 8 000 2 Commercial products in natural units: 2.1 Polymeric sulfur tons / year 6 000 3 Commodity output EUR 1 200 000 4 Growth of commodity products EUR 864750 EUR 350000 EUR 103000 6 Additional operational expenses Profits tax 7 Net income for the year EUR 411875 8 Capital expenses EUR 432497,5 9 Payback period year 1,05 5 The dynamics of growth of tariffs for raw materials, wages, operating costs and the cost of commodity product data wages the cost of electric power operating costs (transport, replacement materials, service) raw material costs commodity price of the product normative, % module today EUR / 8 year 254671 EUR / 2,5 year 78000 2 1,5 2,3 EUR / year EUR / year EUR / year after 1 year after 2 year after 3 after 4 year after 5 year year 275045 297049 320812 346477 374960 79950 81949 83998 86098 88250 14178 14462 14751 15046 15347 15654 335250 340279 345383 350564 355822 361160 200 204,5 209,25 214 219 224 The dynamics of growth of wages, insurance premiums and tax payments тыс. руб. Technology of production of building materials with a waterproofing coating • This technology is to fully melt impregnation of building materials, and polymeric sulfur can be carried out directly on plants producing building materials. • Below are the results of calculations of this technology for the impregnation of concrete and brick. The calculation for each construction material is kept separately. The calculation of the capital cost of the introduction of the installation for applying a waterproofing coating for building materials № Name of equipment and costs Number Required of units. Ratio% of the cost Unit price of, .EUR Sum, EUR. 1 basic equipment: 1.1 Heated tank for liquid polymeric sulfur 1 16250 16250 1.2 The conveyor-belt 1 50 000 50 000 1.3 Other Total capital equipment Iinstrumentation Shut-off and control and relief valves Total equipment Transportation, harvesting and storage costs 2 3 4 5 6 Dismantling, assembly Project work Total capital expenditures 20 30 10 15 50 2500 68750 13750 20625 34375 10313 15469 51563 180469 Calculation of income from the sale of building materials with a waterproofing coating of polymeric sulfur. Waterproofing concrete Item name Waterproofing brick Number of m3 / year Unit price Sum, mln (concrete of, EUR./ EUR./ cubes) м3 year (S, ton/year) Raw materials, including: - concrete - polymeric sulfur Raw materials, including: - brick 1 000 000 100 100 6 000 200 1,2 Total raw materials: concrete with 1 000 000 waterproofing coating Total income Item name 101,2 110 Number, ths Unit price , Sum, mln units / year EUR/ EUR./ (S, ton/year) ths units year - polymeric sulfur 53 93258 300 16,1798 6 000 200 1,2 Total raw materials: 110 brick with 53 93258 waterproofing coating 8,8 Total income 17,3798 337,5 18,2023 0,8225 Technical and economic parameters of the unit for applying a waterproofing coating for building materials Waterproofing concrete № Data module 1 Annual operating mode hour 2 Commercial products: 2.1 3 4 Concrete with waterproofing coating Cost of commodity production Growth of commodity products Waterproofing brick U № Data module 1 Annual operating mode hour 2 Commercial products:: 2.1 м3 1 000 000 ths. EUR 110 000 3 ths. EUR 8800 4 U Brick with waterproofing coating Cost of commodity production Growth of commodity products ths units 53 93258 ths. EUR 18202,3 ths. EUR 822,5 5 Additional operational expenses ths. EUR 8388,2 5 Additional operational expenses ths. EUR 701,4 6 Profits tax ths. EUR 82,36 6 Profits tax ths. EUR 24,21 7 Net income for the year ths. EUR 329,44 7 Net income for the year ths. EUR 96,86 8 Capital expenses ths. EUR 180,47 Payback period year 0,55 Capital expenses Payback period ths. EUR 9 8 9 180,47 1,86 year The dynamics of growth of tariffs Waterproofing concrete data wages the cost of electric power operating costs (transport, replacement materials, service) raw material costs commodity price of the product normative, % module today after 1 year after 2 year after 3 year after 4 year after 5 year Ths EUR / 254,67 year 275,05 297,05 320,81 346,48 374,20 2,5 Ths EUR / year 8125 8328,13 8536,33 8749,74 8968,48 9192,69 2 Ths EUR / year 7,01 7,15 7,30 7,44 7,59 7,74 1,5 Ths EUR / 101200 year 102718 104259 105823 107410 109021 1,7 Ths EUR / year 0,1118 0,1138 0,1158 0,1178 0,1198 8 0,11 The dynamics of growth of tariffs Waterproofing brick data wages the cost of electric power operating costs (transport, replacement materials, service) raw material costs commodity price of the product normative, % module today 8 Ths EUR / year 254,67 275,05 297,05 320,81 346,48 374,20 2,5 Ths EUR / year 438,2 449,16 460,39 471,9 483,69 495,79 2 Ths EUR / year 7,01 7,15 7,30 7,44 7,59 7,74 1,5 Ths EUR / year 1738 17640,5 17905,1 18173,7 18446,3 18722,9 1,7 Ths EUR / year 0,3375 0,34325 0,349 0,355 0,361 0,36725 after 1 year after 2 year after 3 yearafter 4 year after 5 year The dynamics of growth of wages, insurance premiums and tax payments Waterproofing concrete Waterproofing brick тыс. руб. ООО «Губкинский инженернотехнический центр» http://gubkin-etc.ru/ conclusion: Necessary information from the customer to design the plant for the production of polymeric sulfur: 1. Productivity of the plant; 2. Information about the initial temperature of the raw sulfur coming to the plant; 3. Type of refrigerant (propane, ammonia, water) and parameters (t, P); 4. Selection of shipment (packaging) of the finished product (type, size of package). Comparative characteristics of waterproof materials and placement of seats in accordance with the evaluation criteria The evaluation criteria Waterproofing on the basis of polymeric sulfur Cost-effectiveness (cost / expense) 0,2 € /m2 Efficiency (ratio of water absorption) 1 Type of waterproofing material Waterproofing cement-based Polymer waterproofing Waterproofing bitumen-based 2 1,75 € /m2 1 3 3,2 € /m2 15 € /m2 4 3 4 2 durability Comparable with the lifetime of the building material Comparable with the lifetime of the building material 1 1 15years 20-30 years 4 2 3 The need for pre-treatment Pretreatment is not needed required surface preparation 1 required surface preparation 2 requires careful preparation of the surface 3 4 Safety and environmental -operation at elevated temperatures 1 3 Resistance to aggressive environments 2 1 Total: 1 operation at elevated temperatures; - hazardous emissions into the atmosphere 4 3 2 2 4 4 2 3 3