ECE 442 Solid-State Devices & Circuits 4. CMOS Logic Circuits Jose E. Schutt-Aine Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Illinois ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 1 Digital Logic - Generalization De Morgan’s Law A B C ... A B C ... A B C ... A B C ... Distributive Law AB AC BC BD A( B C ) B(C D) • General Procedure 1. 2. 3. Design PDN to satisfy logic function Construct PUN to be complementary of PDN in every way Optimize using distributive rule ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 2 CMOS Logic Gate Circuits • Two Networks – Pull-down network (PDN) with NMOS – Pull-up network (PUN) with PMOS PUN conducts when inputs are low and consists of PMOS transistors PDN consists of NMOS transistors and is active when inputs are high • PDN and PUN utilize devices – In parallel to form OR functions – In series to form AND functions ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 3 Pull-Down Networks Y AB Y A B ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 4 Pull-Up Networks Y AB Y A B ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 5 Basic Logic Function Basic Function INVERTER NOR NAND Symbol # Devices PUN # Devices PDN 1 PMOS 2 PMOS-Series 2 PMOS-Parallel 1 NMOS 2 NMOS-Parallel 2 NMOS-Series Truth Table ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 6 Pull-Down and Pull-Up Functions Pull-up network (PUN) Pull-down network (PDN) • Key features – When PDN switch is on, PUN switch is off and vice versa – Conditions for being on and off are complementary ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 7 Pull-Down and Pull-Up PDN-parallel NMOS PUN-series PMOS YDP A B Truth Tables ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine YUS AB 8 Pull-Down and Pull-Up When YDP in PDN-parallel is low, this means that either A or B (or both) is high. When either A or B (or both) is high, either transistor (or both) in PUNseries are offYUS=low When YDP in PDN-parallel is high, both A and B are low. Both transistors in PUN-Series are on creating a path to VDD. YUS=highYUS=YDP. PDN-Parallel and PUN-series are complementary ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 9 Pull-Down and Pull-Up PDN-Series NMOS PUN-Parallel PMOS YDS AB Truth Tables ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine YUP A B 10 Pull-Down and Pull-Up If YDS is low, both A and B must be high in which case both transistors in PUN-Parallel are off providing no path to VDDYUP=lowYUP=YDS. If YDS is high, then either A or B (or both) are off (low) in which case either QPA or QPB in PUN-Parallel will be on and present a path to VDD; thus YUP=high YUP=YDS PDN-Series and PUN-Parallel are complementary ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 11 Two-Input NOR Gate Y A B AB ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 12 Two-Input NOR Gate Ideal Actual ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 13 Two-Input NAND Gate Y AB A B ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 14 Example Y AB CD Using De Morgan’s Law Y AB CD AB CD ( A B ) (C D) Pull-down network Pull-up network ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 15 Example 1 Evaluate Logic Function Y ( A B )C Y AB C from pull down from pull up AB C AB C ( A B )C ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 16 Example 2 Implement the function Y AB C pull down pull up Y AB C AB C ( A B) C ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine 17 Exclusive-OR (XOR) Function Y ( A B)( A B ) Y AB AB XOR pull down A 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 Y 0 1 1 0 ECE 342 – Jose Schutt-Aine pull up 18