WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN SAS and Understanding By Design Template Name James Blaney Date 04-28-2014 _ Length of Lesson 3 days Content Area Algebra 1 STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC: BIG IDEAS: Standard Area - 2.8: Algebra and Functions *Standard - 2.8.8.B: Evaluate and simplify algebraic Slope-Intercept Form expressions and solve and graph linear equations and inequalities. *Standard - 2.8.8.C: Find the missing elements and recognize, describe, and extend patterns to include linear, exponential, and simple quadratic equations. *Standard - 2.8.8.D: Create a table or graph from a functional rule. *Standard - 2.8.8.E: Use combinations of symbols and numbers to create expressions, equations in one or two variables, and inequalities in one variable that model problem situations. *Standard - 2.8.8.F: Interpret the results of solving equations in one or two variables and inequalities in one variable in the context of the situation that motivated the model. UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will be able to: *write and graph linear equations in slope-intercept form. *model real-world data with an equation in slope-intercept form. VOCABULARY: *Linear equation *slope-intercept form *absolute value ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: 1. How do you find the slope and y-intercept of a line? 2. How can you use the slope intercept form of an equation to graph data? 3. What does a positive or negative slope look like when graphed? 4. How do you use the graph of an equation in everyday life? 5. How are graphs of equations used to help make decisions? STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. *Slope *Rate of change *Direct variation *Slope-intercept form *Point-slope form 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Find the slope of a line.(5-1) Use the rate of change to solve problems.(5-1) Solve problems involving direct variation, write and graph.(5-2) Write and graph linear equations in slope-intercept form.(5-3) Write the equation of a line given the slope and one point.(5-4) Write the equation of a line given two points. (5-5) Write linear equations in multiple forms (slope-intercept, standard, point-slope). Write the equation of a line parallel/perpendicular to a given line, through a given point.(5-6) Interpret points on a scatter plot and write an equation for a line of best fit.(5-7) STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: Students will participate in class discussions, guided practice, computer work, chalkboard and whiteboard activities OTHER EVIDENCE: Students will actively participate in class examples, discussion, class work, whiteboards, open ended assessments, graphic organizers, exit tickets, daily warm ups, homework, unit tests, quizzes, and other formative assessments. STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: (Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction, Meta-cognition, Modeling, Scaffolding) Active Engagement Note Taking, Modeling, Whole Class Response, Partnering, Higher Level Thinking Skills Scaffolding Guided Notes, Chunking, Build on prior Knowledge, Teacher Prompting, Visual Support Daily: Warm up will include a spiraling review of prior knowledge to include the upcoming lesson Daily: Check for understanding using warm-up, homework, or formative assessment questioning to determine whether to continue as needed or do interventions as needed. ( model, spiral scaffolding, instruct/re-teach, as needed) MINI LESSON: MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: *Chapter 5: Glencoe Text ) *Warm ups & Exit polls(daily) *Classwork/Homework (daily Guided practice and Enrichment from Glencoe Grab & Go workbooks) Study Island A+ Math Math Lab Self Check Quizzes and Tests *Note: all assignment are from the same page, but different questions are assigned based on grouping by teacher. Additional materials as needed Positive/ negative counters Number lines, etc . Supplemental/Adaptive materials: AGS Algebra (A), Pre-Algebra (P) and Basic Math Texts (M) Supplemental\ Adaptive Materials 5-3 Study Guide and Intervention: SlopeIntercept Form, p.293 5-3 Study Guide and Intervention: SlopeIntercept Form, p.294 5-3 Skills Practice: SlopeIntercept Form, p.295 5-3 Practice: SlopeIntercept Form, p.296