here - Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy

Paragraph Writing and Simple
Essay Writing
Some of you might still be looking for ways to improve your writing,
whether a paragraph, or a whole essay. Below are some good tips that
should help your writing to unfold more clearly and logically. Let's
begin with the paragraph. Consider the diagram below. It stands for
the five sentence paragraph.
The top line refers to the opening sentence. This is your Main Idea Sentence. It
should be made clear at the beginning of your paragraph, and it should be restated
in some form in your concluding sentence. The green lines on the right refer to
your Supporting Detail Sentences, and the final pink line at the bottom refers to
your concluding sentence. See below:
Let’s write a paragraph on snacks. The opening sentence should express
the main idea, and for our supporting detail sentences we can write
about our three favourite snacks. In our conclusion, we return to our
main idea.
When I want some snacks to eat, I always look for at least
First, I look for some popcorn to pop.
5 Sentence Paragraph
Next, I check to see if we have any apples.
Finally, for a dessert snack, I’m pleased
if I find some cookies.
I like many snacks, but popcorn, apples, and cookies are my favourite ones.
8 Sentence Paragraph
my dad bought
chocolate chip
In an eight sentence paragraph, we add sub-categories which
support and elaborate on the original supporting sentences.
When I want some snacks to eat, I always look for at least three.
First, I look for some popcorn to pop. If I find popcorn that I can
put in the microwave, I have a fast, easy snack. Next, I check to
see if we have any apples. When I’m lucky, I find some that my
dad bought at the supermarket. Finally, for a dessert snack, I’m
pleased if I find some cookies. My favourite ones are chocolate
chip. I like many snacks, but popcorn, apples, and cookies are
my favourite ones.
Transition Words for
Supporting Detail Sentences
First Supporting
Detail Sentence
Second Supporting
Detail Sentence
Third Supporting
Detail Sentence
Above all
Last of all
To begin with
First of all
As well as
Starting with
In addition
In conclusion
At last
In addition to
As well
When it comes to writing an Essay, brainstorming is very
important. Choose what the main idea of your essay is going to be,
and then brainstorm on some ideas that center around your main idea.
As a class, we decided to brainstorm on
what an essay on hockey would look like.
We came up with the following plan in less
than 1 minute:
Think of a main idea for an essay you’d like to write
Main idea
Think of four Big Ideas that will support the Main
Big Ideas
Write an essay on the following idea using the supporting
ideas (Big Ideas). Write a 5 sentence paragraph for each
Big Idea. Begin with an Introductory Sentence,
introducing the main idea
supporting sentence
supporting sentence
A Day in the
Life of Me
supporting sentence
Be sure to plan out your supporting sentences for each Big
Idea. Be sure to write a closing statement.
Writing an Essay
Arguing a Point
Some essays require you to formulate a thesis and argue in
defense of the thesis. Here is what such an essay should
look like.
Introductory Statement
Thesis Statement
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Summary of Supporting Arguments
Restatement of Thesis
Closing Statement
Let’s write an essay using all that we’ve learned about
paragraph writing. Let’s write an essay on the new cafeteria at
our school.
The New Cafeteria at FMMCA
The New Cafeteria
Now let’s add our ideas that surround our main idea
Diversity at FMM
The New Cafeteria
Thesis Statement
To make a thesis statement, begin by making an assertion. If
our main topic is the new cafeteria, make an assertion about
the new cafeteria.
Then, formulate a thesis around that assertion. Your essay is
really a defense of your thesis.
Thesis Statement
The new cafeteria is more
diversified than in previous
Aramark food services is a very suitable
company given the diverse population that
makes up the student body.
Diversity at FMM
The New Cafeteria
Diversity at FMM
This will be the main idea of our first paragraph.
Now recall that a paragraph has the following
Our First Paragraph would look something like this:
FMM is a diversified community
Cultures in general
Chinese, Taiwan, etc
Tea at Christmas
Indian and Carribean
Curry Wars
How they feel
FMM needs a Cafeteria that
reflects their diversity
First Paragraph
Father Michael McGivney is a highly diversified community located in
Markham, Ontario, on the Northeast corner of 14th and McCowen. No one culture
dominates the rest at this school. Rather, we have a very balanced mixture of a wide
variety of cultures from around the globe. First, we have students from China,
Taiwan, Korea, and the Philippines. If you are lucky, you might get some Chinese
tea as a Christmas gift in December. We also have students from India, Sri Lanka,
Jamaica, and Trinidad. Some of these students will argue whether the best curry is
from India or the Caribbean, or whether it is more appropriate to say “Curry
Chicken” or “Chicken Curry”. Strangely enough, Italians and students of AngloSaxon descent are a minority at this school. Nevertheless, not one of them has ever
been reported to have felt out of place here. Such a culturally diverse population as
the one we find at McGivney deserves a very special food services company, which is
precisely what Aramark has turned out to be.
This will be the main idea of our second paragraph.
various kinds
Big Breakfast
McMuffins, etc
Healthier alternatives
Second Paragraph
Students often come to school without breakfast, but now they can purchase
breakfast at a very reasonable cost. There are a number of different flavors of coffee
that one may purchase for only a dollar. One has a choice between decaffeinated ,
dark blend, or mild 100% Columbian, etc. There are a host of muffins to choose
from, such as bran, carrot, oatmeal, and morning glory. The muffins are quite large
and are guaranteed to fill you up. Finally, a student may order a big breakfast
consisting of 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 2 hash browns and milk or coffee. Egg
“McMuffins” are also available for a Toonie. Cereal bars and yogurt are also
available for those students a little more health conscious than the rest.
This will be the main idea of our third
Diversity in menu
Other options
Side orders
Low fat
Pita Pik
Third Paragraph
Lunch with Aramark is always a very positive experience. The diverse menu
reflects the diversity of the student body. One may purchase International Cuisine, for
example, Chow Mein Noodles with Vegetables, an Indian Samosa, Veal Parmesan with
Pasta, or Southern Fried Chicken. There are also a host of side dishes to choose from.
Students can buy French Fries cooked without trans fat, or a salad, baked rice and
vegetables, or baked spuds. For students on a low fat diet, there is a pita pik just
outside the main doors of the Cafeteria. They can have a pita made to their
specifications. Lunch is obviously the busiest time of the day for the Cafeteria staff.
This will be the main idea of our next paragraph
Fruit cups
Desserts and blood sugar
Fourth Paragraph
There is no shortage of desserts to choose from at the McGivney Cafeteria
this year. A favorite among the students is the slush. You might think that this is the
last thing in the world students need before going back to class, but the number one
ingredient in the slush is 100% white concentrated grape juice, not sugar and water.
For one dollar, you can buy a rather large yogurt parfait mixed with berries and nuts,
or a rather large fruit cup. Finally, for those with a sweet tooth, brownies and
chocolate chip cookies are also available. It is probably a good idea to reduce the
amount of sugar we ingest, for by the time period four comes around, our blood
sugar level will be low and we will begin to feel very sluggish.
Summary of Supporting Arguments
As you can see, our new food services company offers a wide variety
of dishes from various cultures at very reasonable prices. Moreover,
there is a wide selection of healthy foods for staff who might be a bit
more health conscious than the average student.
Restatement of Thesis
Evidently, Aramark Food Services is a highly suitable company for the population
of Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy.
Closing Statement
Hopefully, they will be around for many years to come; for it is not easy to find a
company that provides tasty as well as healthy food.
The New Cafeteria at FMMCA
Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy has a new cafeteria company specializing in food services for high school students.
Aramark food services is a very suitable company given the diverse population that makes up the student body.
Father Michael McGivney is a highly diversified community located in Markham, Ontario, on the Northeast corner of 14th and McCowen.
No one culture dominates the rest at this school. Rather, we have a very balanced mixture of a wide variety of cultures from around the globe.
First, we have students from China, Taiwan, Korea, and the Philippines. If you are lucky, you might get some Chinese tea as a Christmas gift in
December. We also have students from India, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, and Trinidad. Some of these students will argue whether the best curry is from
India or the Caribbean, or whether it is more appropriate to say “Curry Chicken” or “Chicken Curry”. Strangely enough, Italians and students of
Anglo-Saxon descent are a minority at this school. Nevertheless, not one of them has ever been reported to have felt out of place here.
Such a culturally diverse population as the one we find at McGivney deserves a very special food services company, which is precisely
what Aramark has turned out to be.
Students often come to school without breakfast, but now they can purchase breakfast at a very reasonable cost. There are a number of
different flavors of coffee that one may purchase for only a dollar. One has a choice between decaffeinated , dark blend, or mild 100%
Columbian, etc. There are a host of muffins to choose from, such as bran, carrot, oatmeal, and morning glory. The muffins are quite large and are
guaranteed to fill you up. Finally, a student may order a big breakfast consisting of 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 2 hash browns and milk or coffee.
Egg “McMuffins” are also available for a Toonie. Cereal bars and yogurt are also available for those students a little more health conscious than
the rest.
Lunch with Aramark is always a very positive experience. The diverse menu reflects the diversity of the student body. One may purchase
International Cuisine, for example, Chow Mein Noodles with Vegetables, an Indian Samosa, Veal Parmesan with Pasta, or Southern Fried
Chicken. There are also a host of side dishes to choose from. Students can buy French Fries cooked without trans fat, or a salad, baked rice and
vegetables, or baked spuds. For students on a low fat diet, there is a pita pik just outside the main doors of the Cafeteria. They can have a pita
made to their specifications. Lunch is obviously the busiest time of the day for the Cafeteria staff.
There is no shortage of desserts to choose from at the McGivney Cafeteria this year. A favorite among the students is the slush. You
might think that this is the last thing in the world students need before going back to class, but the number one ingredient in the slush is 100%
white concentrated grape juice, not sugar and water. For one dollar, you can buy a rather large yogurt parfait mixed with berries and nuts, or a
rather large fruit cup. Finally, for those with a sweet tooth, brownies and chocolate chip cookies are also available. It is probably a good idea to
reduce the amount of sugar we ingest, for by the time period four comes around, our blood sugar level will be low and we will begin to feel very
As you can see, our new food services company offers a wide variety of dishes from various cultures at very reasonable prices. Moreover,
there is a wide selection of healthy foods for staff who might be a bit more health conscious than the average student. Evidently, Aramark Food
Services is a highly suitable company for the population of Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy. Hopefully, they will be around for
many years to come; for it is not easy to find a company that provides tasty as well as healthy food
Connecting Words
That Add Coherence
Adding ideas
firstly, etc.
in addition
in like manner
in the same way
Contrasting ideas
in contrast
on the contrary
on the other hand
Connecting Words
That Add Coherence
Showing order in
at the same time
Making a
in conclusion
as a result
for this reason
it follows that
in fact
Copyright © 2005 Douglas P. McManaman