The Persuasive Essay

There will be a journal check on
Tomorrow be prepared!
• Journal # : 1.)What is a Persuasive
Essay? 2.) What are positives & negatives
of parades? List them.
• An essay that presents a point of view and a counter
point of view with the intent to persuade or convince.
• Issue
a topic on which people hold different,
and often strong, opinions
Just the Facts for Persuasive
• Topic Sentence/ Thesis Statement:
- a sentence that states the topic of a
composition and the writer’s opinion about
the topic.
IVF: identify the topic/ choose a verb/ finish
the thought
Just the Facts for Persuasive
• Argument:
- the writer’s presentation of reasons and
evidence to prove the validity of the thesis
Just the Facts for Persuasive
• Counterargument:
- the writer’s acknowledgement that other
people may not share the same opinion
Just the Facts for Persuasive
• Transitions:
- words or phrases that show how
sentences or ideas connect to each other
Just the Facts for Persuasive
• Public voice:
- a more formal use of the language than
everyday speech, the language of
business and news reporting; the opposite
is private voice, the language between
friends, often involving slang and
incomplete sentences
• The persuasive composition has a specific
organizational pattern:
• Thesis –
• Argument –
• Counterargument –
• Rebuttal –
• Conclusion
The Prompt
• What is the best sport for children to play?
In this writing test you will write a
persuasive essay to convince the reader
of your position. Give convincing reasons
that support your positions and address
the concerns of those who would argue
against your position.
Thesis = Soccer is the ideal sport for
teaches teamwork
too intimidating for some
rebuttal learning teamwork necessary
--every position has a job
--everyone must work together to win
--physically smaller
--not as athletic
--work together well
Paragraph One:Thesis
• Hook + History+ Thesis Statement
Hook- Parents often wonder what is the best
sport for children to play.
History/Background- Sports are an important
part of growing up.
Thesis-Although there are many sports, I
believe soccer is an ideal sport for children
Transitions for argument:
One reason
Expand Your Argument
One reason is that soccer teaches
teamwork. Each position has a specific
job. Forwards have the responsibility of
scoring goals. The fullbacks’ job is
defense, and the halfbacks assist both
forwards and fullbacks. Defense of the
goal is the duty of the goalie. In order to
win all must do their jobs well and rely on
each other for help.
Transitions for counterargument:
I will admit
Of course,
I will concede
Expand Your Counter
• Certainly, team sports can intimidate children.
Some children may be physically smaller than
others. Age group teams are meant to solve this
problem, but it is not unusual to see large
differences of height and weight in children of
the same age. Others may not be as athletic as
other team members. Children are particularly
sensitive about how they compare to their peers.
When they cannot run as fast as other team
members or are not as agile, they fear ridicule
Transitions for rebuttal:
On the other hand,
Expand Your Rebuttal
However, learning to work as part of a team is essential to
success in many other areas. Children have to learn to
cooperate both at school and home. In school students
are expected to work together without conflict. Many
teachers use cooperative groups to teach. At home
children are expected to be part of the family team and
help with chores that need to be done. When they are
older, these children may have a job that requires
teamwork. Only rarely does a person work in job that
does not require working with others. Office workers
have to work together to accomplish the tasks given to
them. Construction workers have to be part of a team
effort to finish buildings on time and on budget.
Soccer: An Ideal Sport for Children
Sports are an important part of growing up. Parents often wonder what is the best sport
for children to play. Although there are many sports, I believe soccer is an ideal sport for children.
One reason is that soccer teaches teamwork. Each position has a specific job. Forwards
have the responsibility of scoring goals. The fullbacks’ job is defense, and the halfbacks assist
both forwards and fullbacks. Defense of the goal is the duty of the goalie. In order to win all must
do their jobs well and rely on each other for help.
Certainly, team sports can intimidate children. Some children may be physically smaller
than others. Age group teams are meant to solve this problem, but it is not unusual to see large
differences of height and weight in children of the same age. Others may not be as athletic as
other team members. Children are particularly sensitive about how they compare to their peers.
When they cannot run as fast as other team members or are not as agile, they fear ridicule.
However, learning to work as part of a team is essential to success in many other areas.
Children have to learn to cooperate both at school and home. In school students are expected to
work together without conflict. Many teachers use cooperative groups to teach. At home children
are expected to be part of the family team and help with chores that need to be done. When they
are older, these children may have a job that requires teamwork. Only rarely does a person work
in job that does not require working with others. Office workers have to work together to
accomplish the tasks given to them. Construction workers have to be part of a team effort to
finish buildings on time and on budget.
Therefore, I believe parents should encourage their children to play soccer. While some
children may feel intimidated at the beginning, by learning to be part of a team, they will be
preparing themselves for future success.
A clear thesis statement?
Obvious organization?
Strong transitions?
Specific examples & evidence?
A memorable conclusion?
• What are the 5 parts of a persuasive
• Thesis, argument, counter- argument,
rebuttal, and conclusion
• Give examples of transitions for each part:
The Drama…
• 100s of Facebook comments about a local
Susan Whitehead wrote
Joshua Cook Susan Whitehead in the time it took to write this post u xould have filled a trash
bag. Stop complaining and make a difference
9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 8
Susan Whitehead Mr.Cook, I will say you can do the same
9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 17
Julie Hurd Perhaps organize a volunteer group after the events, to help clean up.
9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Cheryl Capper Ambrose Just so everyone knows the Venice High School Girls weightlifting team
is on their way to clean up trash. And I'm sure they aren't the only teenagers who volunteered. So
by lunchtime the place should be looking great!!!
on The Venice Scoop's timeline. 6:58am
I just passed down W Venice Ave just for grins to see if the sectionals were still there
(they were);
All I have to say is that I found those sectionals to be a lot less offensive than the
amount of garbage left on the street, not to mention what was strewn about by
spectators. I found it saddening and disgusting.
Granted the trash cans ...were overflowing. But how hard is it to pick up after
yourselves and take it with you if there's no place to dispose of it??? It's your
garbage; you made it.
People, stop being so damn lazy and take a little responsibility; the very least you
can do.
The orangizers and the city worked hard to put on a FREE family-oriented event,
and this morning it looks like people just bundled up their garbage and left because
that's exactly what they did. Lazy
• Since today seems to be a parade discussion day ...Does anyone
know, and would like to share, proper flag etiquette in parades? I
always stand ( and have taught my kids the same) when a group
goes by carrying the American Flag. Is it also appropriate to stand
when a float is "carrying" a flag?
Parade controversy. I am not sure why it was a issue w the hospital, yet I
saw another boat w a Santa..............
From Would like to stay anonymous......
Venice Regional float was stopped at the beginning of the parade. Because
there was a Santa on it. The gentleman that came up on the float to disrobe
the Santa was very rude and unprofessional and uncalled for and in front.
Very very disrespectful to all those children to disrobe Santa on a float at
the beginning of the parade. We have a lot of new members and on our
committee at the hospital… They did not have the rulebook of the parade
and only an email from Bob and Sue and nothing said to not have Santa in
the parade.
So very sad and unprofessional for all that Venice Regional does for this
Write a Persuasive Essay
Many people are celebrating the holiday
season with parades. You will write a
persuasive essay to convince the reader
of your position on parades. Give
convincing reasons that support your
positions and address the concerns of
those who would argue against your
Thesis =
rebuttal Reason/Fact/Detail