Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Appendix A

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Appendix A – Foundation Functional Requirements
A Instructions
Respond to each statement with detail (not yes/no) whether your
product has the functionality, does not have this functionality,
partial functionality or exceeds the functionality requested.
B Constituent "membership" management
B.1 Constituent Management Module Description -- Constituent
management, sometimes known as membership management, is the
module that tracks "person" information about donors, members,
volunteers, funders and friends of the foundation. This "person" data
should be available to all other modules and special care should be taken
to preserve the security, integrity and privacy of this information.
C Donor management
C.1 Donor Management Module Description -- This module provides
tools to support annual and long-term fund-raising planning, including:
goal-setting, objective-setting, major tasks and deliverables and
campaign effectiveness tracking. The module provides moves
management (sometimes known as sales pipeline management) tools for
fundraisers including; constituent management, prospect identification
and tracking, and tools to assist with qualifying prospects and closing
deals. This module is where tools to perform a variety of gift processing
tasks resides including: acknowledgement processes, membership
benefits processing, pledge processing and fundraiser task management.
This module provides tools to record and track donations including: the
capability to record the type, designation and timing of the gift, process
a variety of vehicles (cash, stock, annuities, etc.), and monitor financial
activity, compliance and effort expended.
C.2 System supports annual and long-term planning
C.3 System supports moves management -- moving people up the
chain of giving from constituents to prospects to commitment
C.4 Gift processing capabilities
C.5 System provides tools to record and track donations
C.6 System provides tools to for contact management
C.7 System provides reporting
C.8 System provides tools for task and workflow management
D Event management
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Appendix A – Foundation Functional Requirements
D.1 Event Management Module Description -- This module provides
tools to support annual and long-term event planning, including: goalsetting, objective-setting, major tasks and deliverables, and event
effectiveness tracking. The module provides tools to assist with event
committee logistics and support including: committee planning and
creation, committee management and oversight and committee
communication and support. This module provides tools to assist with
individual event planning including: program and entertainment
development, event scheduling and timeline planning, and individualevent financial planning. This module provides tools to help manage
event donations and sponsorships including: tracking detailed
solicitation targets, managing solicitation volunteers, tracking
solicitation progress against goals, tracking outstanding solicitation
issues and volunteer feedback. This module provides tools to identity
and close deals with event donors and sponsors including: movesmanagement (or pipeline management) of donors and sponsors, track
and process donated items and donation payments.
This module provides tools to assist with event promotion, including:
targeting event attendees, developing and managing event publicity
campaigns, and managing personal invitations to key attendees. This
part of the system provides event-registration capabilities including:
collecting registration information, recording attendee assignments (for
housing, meals, activities, etc.), providing registration confirmations to
attendees, tracking attendee preferences and information and
communicating with registrants. This module provides event logistics
tools including: preparing event briefing books, tracking event
schedules, tracking volunteer information, supporting attendee check-in,
managing event assignments/contacts/schedules, tracking hot-lists of
"special people" at the event, support for silent auctions and processing
attendee check-outs.
D.2 Event schedule planning tools
D.3 Tools for committee logistics and support
D.4 Individual event planning
D.5 Donation and sponsorship management
D.6 Direct marketing tools / links / tracking
D.7 Registration, groups, assignment management
D.8 Support of event logistics, tasks, follow-up
D.9 Financial processing and reporting integration
D.10 Event wrap-up, capturing lessons learned, notes for next time,
D.11 Recognition, thank-you, and follow-up communication
D.12 On-site event-processing capabilities
E Financial management
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Appendix A – Foundation Functional Requirements
E.1 Financial Management Module Description -- This module
provides tools to assist in Foundation financial planning and budgeting
including: tracking forecasted income and expenses, allowing multilevel roll-ups (and drill-down) of Foundation financial information. This
part of the system processes the receipt of payments to the foundation,
as well as provides Accounts Receivable capability. This module also
provides the capability to process payments by the foundation, as well as
Accounts Payable capability. This module provides money management
tools to track cash and investment activity. The module also provides a
variety of financial reporting tools.
E.2 Provides tools to manage funds/chart of accounts
E.3 Provides tools to assist in foundation budgeting
E.4 Process receipts, AR, AP
E.7 Money management tools
E.8 Financial reporting capability
E.9 Compatible with industry standard financial management
systems (list them)
F Grants management
F.1 Grants Management Module Description -- This module provides
tools to support annual and long-term grants planning, including: goalsetting, objective-setting, major tasks and deliverables and grants
activity tracking. The module provides grants moves management
(sometimes known as sales pipeline management) tools for solicitors
including: foundation "suspect" management, prospect identification and
tracking, and tools to assist with qualifying prospects and closing deals.
This module provides tools to perform a variety of grant pre-award
processing tasks resides including; generating responses to letters of
inquiry, assigning and managing proposal tasks, proposal-creation tools,
proposal-submission tools, proposal follow-up, managing site-visits and
tracking proposals that were not awarded. This module provides grantprocessing capabilities such as: producing acknowledgements, tracking
membership benefits awarded to funders and funder follow-up
processing. This module provides tools to record and track grants postaward including: recording the nature, timing and designation of the
grant as well as grant compliance, effort and financial tracking.
F.2 System provides tools to assist in the annual grants planning
F.3 Grant moves management
F.4 System provides pre-award -- grant proposal management -tools
F.5 System provides grant processing capabilities
F.6 System provides tools to record and track grant -- post award
F.7 System has tools to aid solicitors with task and workflow
G Scholarship management
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Appendix A – Foundation Functional Requirements
G.1 Scholarship Management Module Description -- This module
provides tools to assist in annual and multi-year scholarship-spending
planning including: maintaining multi-year historical information,
tracking award criteria by scholarship fund, establishing and tracking
scholarship award schedules and scholarship fund cash-flow projections.
The module records the details of agreements with scholarship donors
(aka memoranda of understanding (MOUs). This module provides tools
to support the scholarship application review process including: tools to
assist in the call for applicants, tracking scholarship-applicant
submissions, support for the application-review process, and tracking
scholarship awards and rejections.
The system provides tools for processing scholarships including:
ongoing student performance tracking, tracking scholarships awarded by
external entities, and reporting. This module ties to the financialmanagement module to provide a variety of capabilities including:
tracking scholarship fund balances and earnings, processing scholarships
payable, determining current recipient status prior to releasing payments,
recording vouches approving the release of the payment and providing
tools to transfer funds to the business office for payment. This module
provides a variety of scholarship measurement and tracking tools
including scholarship financial and activity reporting.
G.2 Assistance in annual and multi-year scholarship-spending
G.3 Captures and records agreements with donors (aka
memorandum of understanding or MOU)
G.4 Tools to support scholarship applicant processing
G.5 Scholarship processing (scholarship records)
G.6 Scholarship financial processing
G.7 Sscholarship measurement and tracking
G.8 Contact management
G.9 Task and workflow management
H Data management
H.1 Data Management Module Description -- This module system
capabilities regarding creating and modifying records including:
foundation-define data defaults and data entry assistance capabilities.
This module provides records administration tools such as archiving and
backup, global change capabilities as well as search and journaling
capability. This module is where data import and export capabilities,
code administration, e-mail message tracking and system support for
identity management systems take place.
H.2 Creating and modifying records
H.3 Records administration tools
H.4 Code administration tools
H.5 Data import and export tools
H.6 Mailings management
H.7 E-mail message capability
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Appendix A – Foundation Functional Requirements
H.8 Supports identity management systems
I Portal management (internal and public web pages)
I.1 Portal Management Module Description -- This module manages
the "web facing" capabilities of the system including: the integration of
the web portal with other modules of the system and the degree to which
the portal provides the ability for constituents to manage their own
information. This module also provides a way to manage those web
pages that can be accessed by foundation staff.
I.2 Management of public-facing portal page / interface for the
I.3 Management of web pages by foundation staff; interface with
different CMS used by colleges/universities
J Report and forms management
J.1 Reporting and Forms Management Module Description -- This
portion of the system allows users to create custom queries and reports
as well as providing report-generation and forms generation for all other
J.2 User-friendly standard reports as well as custom queries and
J.3 Report-writer or report generator
J.4 Forms-writer or form generator; exportable in various file types
(PDF, Word, Excel, JPG, etc)
K Multi-location, multi-foundation capability
K.1 Multi-location and Multi-foundation Module Description -- This
is the part of the RFP that addresses the ability of the system to be
shared by more than one entity. This module provides a multifoundation data structure which can segregate and secure data between
locations. This is where batch-job processing capabilities are described
as well as the capability to handle batch processes differently between
locations. This module provides backup and recovery capabilities as
well as service billing and charge-back capabilities.
K.2 Management capability for multiple foundations
K.3 Multi-foundation data structure
K.4 Batch job scheduling processes
K.5 Multi-foundation data processing
K.6 Multi-foundation backup and maintenance
K.7 Foundation services billing and reporting for the operator of
the shared service
M System ROI and costs
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Appendix A – Foundation Functional Requirements
M.1 System ROI and Costs Module Description -- The main reason
we are selecting new systems is to build better relationships with our
constituents and raise more money. We are also interested in making our
operations more nimble, improving the quality of our services and
reducing costs. This module provides vendors an opportunity to describe
how their system will help us meet those goals.
M.2 Revenue improvement opportunity
M.3 Cost reduction opportunity
M.4 Quality improvement opportunity
M.5 Response-time reduction opportunity
M.6 Startup costs
M.7 Annual costs
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Appendix A – Foundation Functional Requirements