Decentralized Administrator (DA) Procedures for Performing an Annual Audit of Privileges I. Running the Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege Document .............. 1 II. Reviewing the Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege Document ........... 3 III. Running the Resource Export Report .................................................................. 4 IV. Reporting on Resources in Multiple Trees ........................................................... 7 V. Reviewing the Resource Export Report ............................................................... 8 VI. Checking CRP for Centers .................................................................................... 8 VII. Documentation of Annual Review......................................................................... 9 VIII. Checklist and Verification for DA Annual Privilege and CRP Audit .............10 DA Annual Audit Procedures 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting Vanderbilt University Medical Center Policy # OP 40-10.01 requires that Decentralized Administrators and Reviewers perform an audit of all privileges for the resources under their purview. This review should be conducted no less than annually. This document provides the steps necessary to create the two Documents required for this audit: 1. Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege Document- provides a complete listing of the resources under a DA’s purview 2. Resource Export Report- details the privilege assignments under a specified resource I. Running the Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege Document The Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege Document is a Business Objects report which you can access through BI launch pad. You can log into BI launch pad from many Vanderbilt websites, including Step 1: Log into BI launch pad using your VUNetID and e-password (make sure that your authentication is set to Windows AD). Step 2: Once you log into BI launch pad, you will default to the Documents tab with Corporate Categories expanded. Click on the + box to expand the Privilege Management universe, and double click Annual Audit to open the list of Documents in the Details window on the right. Note: BI launch pad uses the term “Documents” when referring to the list below. Once a Document is generated, individual tabs within the Document are referred to as “Reports.” Use this terminology when navigating, saving, or printing from BI launch pad. Note: If you do not see the Privilege Management universe folder, you need access to the Privilege Management Business Objects universe. To get this, complete the Business Objects Access Request Form and follow the routing instructions on page 2 of the document. 1 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting Step 3: Available Privilege Management documents will be displayed in alphabetical order. Select Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege from the list by clicking on the name. Step 4: Once you open the Document, click “Advanced” in the User Prompt Input box, or click the “refresh data” icon, which appears as in the lower right area of the Document window. This will cause the Prompts menu to appear. Step 5: Enter your VUNetID in the box circled below. NOTE: Make sure you enter your VUNetID in ALL CAPS or the Document will not generate. Click the arrow to select your VUnet ID. Once entered, click OK as shown: 2 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center II. Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting Reviewing the Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege Document This Document shows all resources under the purview of the selected Decentralized Administrator. The Resource column reflects Home Departments and Cost Centers, as well as groups of Resources, such as Sumto Home Departments or PCC Sumtos. DAs should run this Document annually and complete an annual audit for each resource under their purview. Note: Some resources may be listed more than once. This indicates that the resource resides in more than one hierarchy, or reporting tree. Note that in these instances only one audit is required (see related instructions in Section IV, p. 7). This Document can be printed and should be saved, as shown below. 3 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center III. Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting Running the Resource Export Report The Resource Export Report is a Business Objects report accessed through BI launch pad. You can log into BI launch pad from the many Vanderbilt websites, including Step 1: Once logged in to BI launch pad, click the Documents tab at the top to access the Privilege Management/Annual Audit menu of reports. Step 2: Once returned to the menu, you will see a variety of Documents displayed in alphabetical order by Document name. Locate the one titled Resource Export Report and double click on the Document name, as shown below: Step 3: Once you open the Document, click in the User Prompt Input box, or click the refresh data icon, which appears as in the lower right area of the Document window. This will cause the Prompts menu to appear. 4 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting Step 5: “Enter Resource ID (in ALL CAPS)” is the first prompt required to generate the Resource Export Report. You may choose a resource by selecting a resource from the list on the bottom left of the prompt screen or by entering the desired resource in the entry box circled below (choose a Resource from the Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege Document). Use the arrow to select the resource once entered. Step 6: Click “Enter Structure (Tree) Name” and the list of values will appear in the box below. Refer to the Decentralized Administrator (DA) Privilege Document and select the Structure listed in the Tree column of that Document for the appropriate resource. (Please refer to the Section IV, p. 7 for resources listed with multiple Structures/Trees.) Use the arrow to select the Tree Name once highlighted. 5 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Step 7: Click Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting to generate the Document. Step 8: Once generated, it is important to save the Document as BI launch pad may time-out while you are reviewing the data (20 minutes). To save the Document , simply drop-down the Export menu, select Export Document As and choose the desired format as shown below: 6 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center IV. Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting Reporting on Resources in Multiple Trees The Decentralized Administrators (DA) Privilege Document may indicate that a resource is contained in multiple Structures/Trees. When this occurs, select Fund Accounting Tree when choosing the Structure (Tree) Name for the Resource Export Report. 7 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center V. Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting Reviewing the Resource Export Report No less than annually, each Decentralized Administrator and Reviewer should perform an audit of all privileges assigned to each resource within their purview to ensure staff with system access and/or transaction approval are valid. The audit should include the following activities: 1. Delete all privileges for staff whose roles have changes or are no longer active in the department due to termination or transfer from your department; and 2. All privileges for staff in a “leave” status are in a suspended state or no longer suspended if they have returned from leave; and 3. All persons listed have the appropriate privilege for the appropriate resource (also review dollar limits for appropriateness based on department guidelines). Note: If the reinstatement of privileges involves a “high risk” privilege, the workflow approval process will be triggered in the Privilege Management application. Users may also have unnecessary or “duplicate” privileges assignments which should be removed. An example of this is a user with a privilege (ex: eDog Viewer) granted on a sumto center (ex: PCCSum Radiology) and the same user also holding the same privilege on one or more 10 digit cost centers that roll up to the sumto center (ex: 8-01-464-0005 rolls up to PCCSum - Radiology). In this example, the eDog Viewer granted on the cost center is unnecessary, since eDog Viewer granted on the sumto automatically gives access to all cost centers underneath by way of inheritance, and should be deleted. VI. Checking CRP for Centers Using the same Resource Export Report Document, click on the third worksheet tab on the far right, titled “Center Responsible Person.” This report displays all the 10-digit cost centers that roll-up (directly or indirectly) to the Resource entered on the prompt menu, but is designed to quickly highlight the Center Responsible Persons (CRPs) for each. NOTE: This tab will remain blank if you refresh the Document with a Home Dept or SumtoHD, since HDs do not have CRPs. 8 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting As part of the annual review, scroll through the CRPs for each resource in your purview to determine if changes or updates are needed. Should you identify one or more CRPs in need of updating, simply compile that information in an email (include Center# with the name of the new CRP) and submit as a request to VII. Documentation of Annual Review Decentralized Administrators can retain either paper or electronic copies of the reports used for this audit as proof of its execution and justification for removing invalid or unnecessary privilege assignments. Regardless of how DAs choose to maintain historical records of this activity, it is important to keep these files organized and readily available. In the event of an internal audit or other review of your functional area, this documentation will be of great value. 9 Last updated: 5/13/2014 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Privilege Management Annual Audit Reporting VIII. Checklist and Verification for DA Annual Privilege and CRP Audit The checklist below can be used to help ensure this once yearly task is completed and documented as needed. Use of this checklist is optional. 1. ___ Run and Save the DA Privileges Document 2. ___ Run and Save the Resource Export Report 3. ___ Review & resolve invalid privileges in purview 4. ___ Review & resolve the Center Responsible Person (CRP) for centers 5. ___ Document completion of annual audit ________________________________ Signature of Decentralized Administrator _______________________ Date of completion 10 Last updated: 5/13/2014