Life Skills ITALIAN Fairvale High School – Languages Register & Sequence Chart Life Skills - years 7-10 UNIT 5 – Buon Appetito! Topic: Buon Appetito! (Enjoy your meal!) Estimated duration: Updated: 11/9/13 7 weeks Unit Description: Learning in this unit focuses on food. The unit develops students’ existing knowledge of Italian food and challenges some of their preconceived notions of what is considered food. Students will engage in cross-cultural comparison whereby they compare popular and highly regarded food from Italy, Australia and around the world. Learning in this unit gives students a broader understanding of the vast differences in food consumption in both Australia, Italy and around the world. Students acquire vocabulary related to food and eating out in a cafe or restaurant; learn structures and pronunciation, in addition to metalanguage, which will assist their own understanding of English. By the end of the unit, students will be able to order food from a menu they have created and discuss their likes and dislikes regarding food. Student activities relate to the learn about and learn to statements and form the basis of the unit of work. What are the key ideas or concepts you want the students to learn? Why does that learning matter? The key concepts I want students to learn are that: The learning matters because: Food is strongly related to culture When students travel or meet people from other cultures they will have a greater understanding of the impact food has on other cultures and their customs. Different cultures see food in different ways. E.g. In Australia we rarely eat horse or dog meat. In other countries and cultures this happens mote often. Empathy for the differences in other cultures is extremely important and promotes respect and understanding between peoples of different cultures. Different languages have different ways to express ‘politeness’ or formality. Learning about other language systems and comparing them to English allows students to think about other languages they speak in a deeper manner. Simple Italian can be used to describe and communicate about one’s self. Exchanging information about food is part of the way we socialise. Using simple Italian adds a new dimension to the students’ daily interaction. 1 Life Skills ITALIAN Fairvale High School – Languages Register & Sequence Chart Life Skills - years 7-10 UNIT 5 – Buon Appetito! Targeted outcomes A student: LS.UL.1 recognises words and phrases in Italian LS.UL.2 uses Italian to interact in everyday activities LS.UL.3 obtains and gives information in Italian LS.UL.4 uses written Italian to communicate LS.MLC.1 recognises internationally shared signs, symbols and words LS.MLC.2 explores ways in which meaning is conveyed by nonverbal communication LS.MLC.3 explores ways in which meaning is conveyed by spoken language LS.MLC.4 explores ways in which meaning is conveyed by written language LS.MBC.1 experiences cultural diversity LS.MBC.2 explores own and other cultures LS.MBC.3 recognises the contribution of different cultures to Australian society. Components Using Language Students learn about: Students learn to: words and phrases in a variety of spoken contexts the different purposes of using known language ways to use spoken text to communicate information. ways to use written text to communicate information. 2 listen to words, phrases and simple sentences to identify meaning, eg associate a word with a picture identify known words and phrases, eg in songs, rhymes identify known words and phrases in conversation, eg greetings, please, thank you use language for enjoyment, eg singing share personal information, eg birthdays, family details, likes and dislikes, pets communicate information in a variety of ways, eg in response to questions, surveys, an interview, a storyboard/comic strip, a short talk, questionnaires, form completion, a letter. communicate information in a variety of ways, eg in response to questions, in surveys, a storyboard/comic strip, a short talk, questionnaires, form completion, a letter. Life Skills ITALIAN Making Linguistic connections Fairvale High School – Languages Register & Sequence Chart Life Skills - years 7-10 UNIT 5 – Buon Appetito! cross-cultural influences on language. communication of meaning in nonverbal ways. the importance of listening and observing to aid comprehension the relationship between written words and symbols and their corresponding sounds and meanings in alphabetic and/or nonalphabetic languages Moving between cultures cultural characteristics of the school community diverse cultures represented in Australia the contribution of Italian-speaking communities to Australian society. Structures and scripts Present simple tense with verbs of eating and drinking: io mangio, io bevo Expressing likes and dislikes: Mi piace, non mi piace, Saying what you would like: Io vorrei Asking how much something costs/understanding reply: Quanto costa..? Costa 10 euro. Saying please and thank you: Per favore, Grazie. 3 identify words from other cultures that are in common use in Australia, eg kindergarten, pizza, plaza, kebab, sushi, café, karate identify the meaning conveyed by gestures and facial expressions, eg bowing, beckoning, waving, shaking hands respond to gestures and facial expressions, eg bowing in return, waving in response, offering hand in response. listen actively for a specific purpose or task, eg identify places, names, numbers recognise that written words and symbols represent sounds, eg in alphabetic and nonalphabetic languages identify culture(s) represented in the school community, eg survey of cultures represented in the classroom recognise that different cultures have different languages recognise visual representations of culture(s), eg flags, maps, costumes identify diverse cultures represented in Australia, eg name cultural groups represented in the local community, name other cultural groups represented in the wider Australian community identify ways in which Italian-speaking communities have contributed to the Australian way of life, eg food, clothing, dance, art, drama, festivals, manners and attitudes Life Skills ITALIAN Fairvale High School – Languages Register & Sequence Chart Life Skills - years 7-10 UNIT 5 – Buon Appetito! Socio-cultural content: Learning about and appreciating different food from different cultures Revisiting the importance of manners across cultures. Being able to request food politely using please and thank you. Appropriate use of formal and informal language: Voglio, vorrei Cross-curriculum content & policies Creative and Performing Arts: Role-plays, songs. Literacy: Using metalanguage to describe structures and features of language. HSIE: Comparison of Italian and Australian values, attitudes and cultures relating to food. Numeracy: Reviewing numbers with prices. ICT: WWW, PowerPoint, IWB Building the field: Brainstorm, gather information about Italy, Italian language, Italian culture. Discuss the similarities and differences between Italy and Australia’s food habits. Informal Assessment: Listening to Students pronunciation in the classroom Italian menus created to display their learning about Italian food Bookwork Observing simple interactions between students Resources: Websites: IWB: Worksheets/games: Farmers Markets: the key to Italian cuisine by select Italy, youtube:, Nonna Maria does la spesa, youtube:, Making Fresh Italian pasta with nonn Sarno, youtube: Food flashcards, IWB spelling games. A/B crossword entitles ‘au restaurant’, food bingo, match up worksheet, restaurant find-a-word, playing card sized cards with pictures on them of food vocabulary to be used in match-up activities, board games, ‘what’s missing’ games. Etc. Food songs. 4 Life Skills ITALIAN Fairvale High School – Languages Register & Sequence Chart Life Skills - years 7-10 UNIT 5 – Buon Appetito! REGISTER & SEQUENCE CHART: Unit 5: Buon appetito! Class: Special Ed AA, AB, AC. Teacher: Lucy Gilbert (7 weeks) Eliciting prior knowledge – Class brainstorm with the class to find out about what students already know about Italian food. What have they tried? Did they like it? etc. Title page- Students create title page incorporating pictures to represent this Viewing of a short clip- Nonna Maria does la spesa Flashcards/IWB presentation- teach breakfast and lunch vocabulary Culture- how to make pasta from scratch. Clip entitled: Making fresh Italian pasta with Nonna Sarno. Activities and games- incorporate games or activities to reinforce vocabulary. i.e matching activity, IWB games, A/B crosswords etc. Flashcards/IWB presentation- teach dinner and dessert vocabulary Clip entitled: Farmers Markets: the key to Italian cuisine by select Italy. Students learn about the importance of fresh food and markets all over Italy Activities and games- incorporate games or activities to reinforce vocabulary. i.e matching activity, IWB games, A/B crosswords etc. IWB games- spelling games to consolidate knowledge of breakfast, lunch and dinner words Activity- Creating menus. Students create a menu using pictures of food and labels in English and Italian with prices on them. IWB presentation- Saying you would like something and asking how much things cost. What the waiter might ask you. Saying please and thank you. Role-play- Students take turns to act out a role-play of a waiter and a customer in a restaurant or cafe using the menus they created previously. 5 U L M M L B C C Register Signature & Date