FTA, Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of seniors and Persons with Disabilities Call for Projects Funding Application FY 15 2 Table of Contents Information ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose of Program .................................................................................................................................. 4 Goals and Objectives................................................................................................................................. 4 Eligible Recipients ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Eligible Recipients for “Traditional” Section 5310 Projects ...................................................................... 5 Eligible Recipients for Other Section 5310 projects ................................................................................. 5 Expenses ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Eligible Capital Expenses for “Traditional” Projects.................................................................................. 5 Other Eligible Capital and Operating Expenses ........................................................................................ 7 Public Transportation Projects that Exceed the Requirements of the ADA ............................................. 8 Local Share Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 10 Application Cycle......................................................................................................................................... 11 Application, Evaluation and Scoring ........................................................................................................... 12 Equity of Distribution .................................................................................................................................. 12 Project Approval and Award ....................................................................................................................... 12 5310 Application Agreement ...................................................................................................................... 14 Application .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Agency Information: ............................................................................................................................... 15 Agency Type: ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Service Overview:.................................................................................................................................... 15 Grants Administration................................................................................................................................. 18 Compliance ................................................................................................................................................. 19 Financial and Managerial Capability ........................................................................................................... 19 Certification of Non-Profit Status (Please attach as “Attachment F”) ....................................................... 19 Project Description...................................................................................................................................... 20 Inclusion in the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Transportation Plan...................................... 21 Project Need Requirement ......................................................................................................................... 22 Need for “Traditional Capital” ................................................................................................................ 22 Vehicles ................................................................................................................................................... 23 IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 3 Radios, Computers and Computer Hardware/Software, etc. ................................................................. 24 Need for Other Capital and/ or Operating Expenses .................................................................................. 24 Above and Beyond ADA (Formerly New Freedom) ................................................................................ 26 Preventive Maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 26 Operating Expenses ................................................................................................................................ 27 Description of Local Support for the Proposed Project .............................................................................. 27 IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 4 Information Purpose of Program Section 5310, Federal Transit Act (49 U.S.C. 5310), authorizes the Secretary of the US DOT to create grants for the provision of transportation services meeting the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities. VIA Metropolitan has been designated by the MPO to administer the large urban 5310 program funds. The grants department through the Grant Coordinator carries out an annual, local project selection process. The Grant Coordinator also oversees the daily administration of the 5310 grant program. Goals and Objectives VIA is the Designated Recipient for 5310 funds allocated to the San Antonio urbanized area. VIA’s role includes administering, managing and programming these funds, and selecting and monitoring the implementation of funded projects. VIA also has a responsibility to announce a call-for-projects and provide technical assistance in the completion of grant applications. Moreover, it is VIA’s responsibility to ensure that all interested parties have a fair and equitable opportunity to apply; and if selected, receive a fair and equitable distribution of funds. Once funds are distributed, VIA is to ensure that all selected grant recipients comply with guidelines as defined by the FTA and any state or local authority. Other VIA responsibilities (as the Designated Recipient) of funds from the 5310 program is relevant to the Alamo Area Regional Public Transportation Coordination Plan. VIA intends to fulfill the following objectives: Identify, contact and inform public agencies, community organizations, NonProfit and private for profit organizations providing service for seniors and persons with disabilities, as to the availability of 5310 program grant funds; Establish, promote and outline processes for soliciting and evaluating 5310 program funding proposals; Assure that proposals selected for funding are responsive to one or more of the needs identifies in the Alamo Area Regional Public Transportation Coordination Plan; Establish the requirements for the selected projects to enter into grant agreements with VIA; and, Summarize the requirements for managing and reporting the progress for implementing the funded projects. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 5 Eligible Recipients Eligible Recipients for “Traditional” Section 5310 Projects Not less than 55 percent of funds should be available got traditional Section 5310 projects--those public transportation capital projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, unavailable or inappropriate. Further, the law provides that, for these projects, a recipient may allocate the funds apportioned to it to: 1. A private nonprofit organization; 2. A state or local government authority that; a) Is approved by a state to coordinate services for seniors and individuals with disabilities; or, b) Certifies that there are no nonprofit organizations readily available in the area to provide the service. 3. Governmental authorities eligible to apply for Section 5310 funds as “coordinators of services for seniors and individuals with disabilities” are those designated by the state to coordinate human service activities in a particular area. Eligible Recipients for Other Section 5310 projects Eligible sub recipients for other eligible Section 5310 activities include a state or local governmental authority, a private nonprofit organization, or a private operator of public transportation that received a Section 5310 grant indirectly through a recipient. Private taxi companies that provide shared-ride taxi service to the general public on a regular basis are operators of public transportation, and therefore eligible sub recipients. “Shared-ride” means two or more passengers in the same vehicle who are otherwise not traveling together. Similar to general public and ADA demand response service, every trip does not have to be shared-ride in order for a taxi company to be considered a shared-ride operator, but the general nature of the service must include shared rides. Expenses Eligible Capital Expenses for “Traditional” Projects Funds for the Section 5310 program are available for capital expenses to support public transportation capital projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, unavailable, or inappropriate. Examples of capital expenses that meet the “Traditional” requirement, which must be carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, unavailable, or inappropriate. Per the FTA C9070.1G (Pg. III-10), IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 6 examples of capital expenses that meet the “Traditional” requirement, which must be carried out by an eligible recipient or sub recipient as described above include, but are not limited to: 1. Rolling stock and related activities for Section 5310-funded vehicles a) Acquisition of expansion or replacement buses or vans, and related procurement, testing, inspection, and acceptance costs; b) Vehicle rehabilitation or overhaul; c) Preventive maintenance; d) Radios and communication equipment; and e) Vehicle wheelchair lifts, ramps, and securement devices. 2. Passenger facilities related to Section 5310-funded vehicles a) Purchase and installation of benches, shelters, and other passenger amenities. 3. Support facilities and equipment for Section 5310-funded vehicles a) Extended warranties that do not exceed the industry standard; b) Computer hardware and software; c) Transit-related intelligent transportation systems (ITS); d) Dispatch systems; and e) Fare collection systems. 4. Lease of equipment when lease is more cost effective than purchase. Note that when lease of equipment or facilities is treated as a capital expense, the recipient must establish criteria for determining cost effectiveness in accordance with FTA regulations, “Capital Leases,” 49 CFR part 639 and OMB Circular A-94, which provides the necessary discount factors and formulas for applying the same; 5. Acquisition of transportation services under a contract, lease, or other arrangement. This may include acquisition of ADA-complementary Para transit services when provided by an eligible recipient or sub recipient as defined above. Both capital and operating costs associated with contracted service are eligible capital expenses. Userside subsidies are considered one form of eligible arrangement. Funds may be requested for contracted services covering a time period of more than one year. The capital eligibility of acquisition of services as authorized in 49 U.S.C. 5310(b)(4) is limited to the Section 5310 program; 6. Support for mobility management and coordination programs among public transportation providers and other human service agencies providing transportation. Mobility management is an eligible capital cost. Mobility management techniques may enhance transportation access for populations beyond those served by one agency or organization within a community. For example, a nonprofit agency could receive Section 5310 funding to support the administrative costs of sharing services if it provides to its own clientele with other seniors and/or individuals with disabilities and coordinate usage of vehicles with other nonprofits, but not the operating costs of service. Mobility IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 7 management is intended to build coordination among existing public transportation providers and other transportation service providers with the result of expanding the availability of service. Mobility management activities may include: a) The promotion, enhancement, and facilitation of access to transportation services, including the integration and coordination of services for individuals with disabilities, seniors, and low income individuals; b) Support for short-term management activities to plan and implement coordinated services; c) The support of state and local coordinated policy bodies and councils; d) The operation of transportation brokerages to coordinate providers, funding agencies and passengers; e) The provision of coordination services, including employer-oriented transportation management organizations’ and human service organizations’ customer-oriented travel navigator systems and neighborhood travel coordination activities such as coordinating individualized travel training and trip planning activities for customers; f) The development and operation of one-stop transportation traveler call centers to coordinate transportation information on all travel modes and to manage eligibility requirements and arrangements for customers among supporting programs; and g) Operational planning for the acquisition of intelligent transportation technologies to help plan and operate coordinated systems inclusive of geographic information systems (GIS) mapping, global positioning system technology, coordinated vehicle scheduling, dispatching and monitoring technologies, as well as technologies to track costs and billing in a coordination system, and single smart customer payment systems. (Acquisition of technology is also eligible as a standalone capital expense). 7. Capital activities (e.g., acquisition of rolling stock and related activities, acquisition of services, etc.) to support ADA-complementary Para transit service may qualify toward the “Traditional” Allocation, so long as the service is provided by an eligible recipient/sub recipient as defined above, and is included in the coordinated plan. Other Eligible Capital and Operating Expenses 1. Per the FTA, C 9070.1G Circular (Pg. III-12), up to 45 percent of a rural, small urbanized area, or large urbanized area’s annual apportionment may be utilized for: a) Public transportation projects (capital only) planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable; IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 8 b) Public transportation projects (capital and operating) that exceed the requirements of ADA; c) Public transportation projects(capital and operating) that improve access to fixedroute service and decrease reliance by individuals with disabilities on ADAcomplementary Para transit service; or d) Alternatives to public transportation (capital and operating) that assist seniors and individuals with disabilities with transportation. Since the 55 percent requirement is a floor, and not a ceiling, the activities listed in section 14, above, are eligible expenses for all funds available to a recipient under Section 5310. For example, mobility management and ITS projects may be eligible under both categories; the difference to note, in order for the project to qualify toward the 55 percent requirement, is that the project must meet the definition of a capital project, be specifically geared toward the target population, and carried out by an eligible sub recipient, which is limited for this category of projects. Public Transportation Projects that Exceed the Requirements of the ADA The following activities are examples of eligible projects meeting the definition of public transportation service that is beyond the ADA. 1. Enhancing paratransit beyond minimum requirements of the ADA. ADA-complementary Para transit services can be eligible under the Section 5310 program in several ways: a) Expansion of Para transit service parameters beyond the three-fourths mile required by the ADA; b) Expansion of current hours of operation for ADA Para transit services that are beyond those provided on the fixed-route services; c) The incremental cost of providing same day service; d) The incremental cost (if any) of making door-to-door service available to all eligible ADA Para transit riders, but not on a case-by-case basis for individual riders in an otherwise curb-to-curb system; e) Enhancement of the level of service by providing escorts or assisting riders through the door of their destination; f) Acquisition of vehicles and equipment designed to accommodate mobility aids that exceed the dimensions and weight ratings established for wheelchairs under the ADA regulations, 49 CFR part 38 (i.e., larger than 30”x 48” and/or weighing more than 600 pounds), and labor costs of aides to help drivers assist passengers with oversized wheelchairs. This would permit the acquisition of lifts with a larger capacity, as well as modifications to lifts with a 600-pound design load, and the acquisition of heavier duty vehicles for Para transit and/or demandresponse service in order to accommodate lifts with a heavier design load; and IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 9 g) Installation of additional securement locations in public buses beyond what is required by the ADA. 2. Feeder Services. Accessible “feeder” service (transit service that provides access) to commuter rail, commuter bus, intercity rail, and intercity bus stations, for which complementary Para transit service is not required under the ADA. 3. Public Transportation Projects that Improve Accessibility. The following activities are examples of eligible projects that improve accessibility to fixed-route system. a) Making accessibility improvements to transit and intermodal stations not designated as key stations. Improvements for accessibility at existing transportation facilities that are not designated as key stations established under 49 CFR 37.47, 37.51 or 37.53, and that are not required under 49 CFR 37.43 as part of an alteration or renovation to an existing station, so long as the projects are clearly intended to remove barriers that would otherwise have remained. Section 5310 funds are eligible to be used for accessibility enhancements that remove barriers to individuals with disabilities so they may access greater portions of public transportation systems, such as fixed-route bus service, commuter rail, light rail, and rapid rail. This may include: Building an accessible path to a bus stop that is currently inaccessible, including curb cuts, sidewalks, accessible pedestrian signals, or other accessible features; Adding an elevator or ramps, detectable warnings, or other accessibility improvements to a non-key station that are not otherwise required under the ADA; Improving signage or way finding technology; or Implementation of other technology improvements that enhance accessibility for people with disabilities including ITS. b) Travel Training. Training programs for individual users on awareness, knowledge, and skills of public and alternative transportation options available in their communities. This includes travel instruction and travel training services. 4. Public Transportation Alternatives that Assist Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities with Transportation. The following activities are examples of projects that are eligible public transportation alternatives. a) Purchasing vehicles to support accessible taxi, ride-sharing, and/or vanpooling programs. Section 5310 funds can be used to purchase and operate accessible vehicles for use in taxi, ride-sharing, and/or vanpool programs provided that the vehicle meets the same requirements for lifts, ramps, and securement systems specified in 49 CFR part 38, subpart B, at a minimum, and permits a passenger IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 10 whose wheelchair can be accommodated pursuant to part 38 to remain in his/her personal mobility device inside the vehicle. b) Supporting the administration and expenses related to voucher programs for transportation services offered by human service providers. This activity is intended to support and supplement existing transportation services by expanding the number of providers available or the number of passengers receiving transportation services. Vouchers can be used as an administrative mechanism for payment of alternative transportation services to supplement available public transportation. The Section 5310 program can provide vouchers to seniors and individuals with disabilities to purchase rides, including: (a) mileage reimbursement as part of a volunteer driver program; (b) a taxi trip; or (c) trips provided by a human service agency. Providers of transportation can then submit the voucher for reimbursement to the recipient for payment based on predetermined rates or contractual arrangements. Transit passes or vouchers for use on existing fixed-route or ADA complementary Para transit service are not eligible. Vouchers are an operational expense which requires a 50/50 (federal/local) match. c) Supporting volunteer driver and aide programs. Volunteer driver programs are eligible and include support for costs associated with the administration, management of driver recruitment, safety, background checks, scheduling, and coordination with passengers, other elated support functions, mileage reimbursement, and insurance associated with volunteer driver programs. The costs of enhancements to increase capacity of volunteer driver programs are also eligible. 5. Limits on operating assistance. Given the requirement for “Traditional” Section 5310 capital projects, a recipient may allocate a percentage of its apportionment for operating assistance. However, this finding is limited to eligible projects as described in 49 U.S.C. 5310(b) (1) (B-D) and described in this section (b and c), above. Operating assistance for required ADA complementary Para transit service is not an eligible expense. Local Share Requirements Section 5310 funds may be used to finance capital and operating expenses. The federal share of eligible capital costs shall be in an amount equal to 80 percent of the net cost of activity. The federal share of the eligible operating costs may not exceed 50 percent of the net operating costs of the activity. The local share of eligible capital costs shall be not less than 20 percent of the net cost of the activity, and the local share for eligible operating costs shall be not less than 50 percent of the net IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 11 operating costs. The local share may be provided from an undistributed cash surplus, a replacement or depreciation cash fund or reserve, a service agreement with a state or local service agency or private social service organization, or new capital. Some examples of these sources of local match include: State or local appropriations Dedicated tax revenues Private donations Revenue from service contracts Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) Net income generated from advertising and concessions Non-cash share: Donations Volunteered services In-kind contributions are accepted with respect to the following: Eligible to be counted toward local match as long as the value of each is documented and supported; represents a capital cost which would otherwise be eligible under the program; And included in the net project cost in the project budget. Non-cash share such as donations, volunteered service, or in-kind contributions is eligible to be counted toward the local match as long as the value of each is documented and supported, represents a cost which would otherwise be eligible under the program, and is included in the new project costs in the project budget. The source(s) of local funding must be identified in the initial 5310 grant application. The use and certification of Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) is the sole responsibility of the sub-recipient in most cases. TDC Certification documentation must be provided to VIA and VIA must include the documentation in the FTA TEAM grant application. VIA will assist sub-recipients in obtaining the TDC Certification documentation from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and act in behalf of the sub-recipient when TDCs are requested. Application Cycle MAP-21 requires that projects and programs, implemented with 5310 program funding, to be the outcome of a selection process that is fair and equitable. The FTA provides some flexibility with the process itself. The selection process may be held annually or at intervals up to three years, as determined by VIA and based on local needs. VIA will select projects as needed to avoid the lapsing of any funds that are not obligated in a timely manner. 5310 funds need to be obligated within the next two federal fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the funds were appropriated by Congress. In this regard, the federal fiscal year starts on October 1 and ends on September 30 of the following year. Any 5310 funds remaining from prior fiscal year in which the selection will take place and those funds expected to be made IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 12 available within the following fiscal year. Accordingly, 5310 funds from up to three consecutive fiscal years could be made available and VIA will select projects and programs at intervals not to exceed this time frame. This approach will allow for the development of more viable and longerterm projects, reduce the administrative cost of the programs, and allow for other efficiencies. Application, Evaluation and Scoring VIA is responsible for the selection of projects; and could, but is not required to, include a competitive selection process. In any case, VIA will select projects on a fair and equitable basis. If VIA decides to conduct a competitive selection for projects, VIA will conduct the solicitation but retains the option of outsourcing the selection process. Equity of Distribution The process for selecting projects will be widely publicized and disseminated directly to the agencies providing or needing specialized transportation services in the San Antonio urbanized area. Information relevant to the selection process and application guidelines and forms, will be made available at VIA’s website at http://viainfo.net/5310/Default.aspx. As part of the application process, VIA may provide technical assistance to agencies that may not be experienced in the preparation of transportation project proposals, including human service agencies providing or funding client transportation. Project Approval and Award Proposals may be selected based on but not limited to project mobility, effectiveness, and benefit to urbanized area, program reach and population served. Once selection of projects and awarding of funds is finalized, VIA staff will submit the list of recommended projects to the VIA Board of Trustees for approval. The next step will be to submit the grant TEAM application(s) to the FTA for approval. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 13 Dear Applicant, To be considered for funding under the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program, applications must be received by 5:00 P.M. on Monday, April 6, 2015. I must have submitted project proposals “in hand” at the VIA office by the submission deadline. Proposals that are postmarked, but not received by the deadline do not constitute an on-time submission. In addition, supplemental information will not be accepted after the submission deadline. Project sponsors are encouraged to submit their proposals far enough in advance of the submission deadline to allow VIA staff to review proposals for completeness. Project proposals must consist of three (3) original hard copies and one (1) copy in electronic format to be submitted through VIA’s 5310 website. Graphics, such as maps or photographs can be submitted in to VIA through email to me personally at Katelyn.Francis@viainfo.net. Hard copy project proposals should be submitted to me at: VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority Attn: Katelyn R. Francis Grant Coordinator 800 West Myrtle P.O. Box 12489 San Antonio, TX 78212 Organizations applying for Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities funding must turn in a completed application. Any Application that does not meet any or all of the above or below criteria may be rejected. We recommend that applicants review their applications for completeness and clarity. The information in this application is public record. Therefore, applicants should not include information regarded as confidential. Best Regards, Katelyn R. Francis Grant Coordinator VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority (210) 362-2176 IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 14 5310 Application Agreement I certify the following: 1. The information presented in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 2. I have not intentionally made any misstatements or misrepresented the facts. 3. The organization has the resources and technical capacity to support the project. 4. The organization has the resources to provide the required match. 5. The organization offers transportation to all eligible elderly and disabled person(s) within the UZA and is not restricted to a specific member list, community, etc. 6. The organization uses generally accepted accounting standards for its financial recordkeeping functions. 7. The organization will participate in a continuous, comprehensive dialogue throughout the life of the project including, but not limited to: On-Site monitoring by VIA personnel Timely submission of required reports and or documentation Timely written notification of events that will affect the outcome of the project. 8. The organization will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulation. This includes, but is not limited to: Master grant agreements Project grant agreements Annual Federal Certifications and Assurances Applicable federal program circulars, Program Management Plan and similar federal guidance. 9. I understand that failure to attach any or all attachments to this application by the deadline will result in rejection of the proposed project(s). To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information provided in this project proposal is true and correct. As the person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the project sponsor, I certify the project sponsor will comply with the necessary Federal Transit Administration regulations and grant management requirements if funding is awarded. Click here to enter text. Representative Click here to enter text. Organization Click here to enter text. Date IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 15 Application Agency Information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Agency Legal Name Click here to enter text. Physical Address Click here to enter text. Mailing Address Click here to enter text. County Click here to enter text. Fax Number Click here to enter text. Email Address Click here to enter text. Point of Contact for Application Click here to enter text. A. Phone Number Click here to enter text. B. Email Click here to enter text. 8. Applicants DUNS number9. Applicants FEIN number- Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Agency Type: 1. Please identify your agency as one of the following: ☐Rural Transit District ☐Private Non-Profit Organization ☐Urban Transit District ☐Private For-Profit Organization ☐Governmental Agency Service Overview: ***Please attach a detailed expense report referring to the last 3 years including revenue made from rides, driver expenses, PM, Fuel, etc. Please be as detailed as possible. Label as “Previous 3-year expense report”. 1. Briefly describe your agency’s purpose and transportation program. Attach any brochures which explain your transportation service. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 16 Click here to enter text. 2. How many days of service do you operate daily and annually? Click here to enter text. 3. During what time do you provide transportation service? Check all that apply. ☐Weekdays ☐Weeknights after 6PM ☐Weekends 4. List towns and counties to be serviced by this award. (If providing service in part of a county, list specific towns served in that county.) **5310 funds should only be used within the San Antonio UZA. Click here to enter text. 5. Is transportation service currently contracted out to a third party operator? Check one box only. Yes ☐No ***If yes, provide contact information below and a copy of third party contract as an attachment. Please mark it “Attachment A”. Legal Name: Click here to enter text. Physical Address: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text. Fax:Click here to enter text. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 17 Do you charge a fare or request a donation from the passengers you carry? ☐ A fare is charged ☐ A donation is requested ☐ No fee is requested Please indicate details on the following table: Fare Type: Amount: Comments: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Regular Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Senior Persons with Disabilities(non paratransit) Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Personal Care Attendant Paratransit Student Fare Monthly pass Tickets or tokens No fare charged Other Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 6. Storage of Vehicles (check all that apply) ☐ Garage Kept ☐ Secured Lot ☐ On Site in an unsecured lot ☐Staff takes vehicles home at the end of day 7. Trip Scheduling (Check One) ☐72 Hours or greater in advance ☐24-48 hours in advance ☐Same days as needed ☐Other: Please explain below. Click here to enter text. 8. Are trips scheduled on a first come first served basis? Check one. ☐Yes ☐No 9. How is dispatching accomplished? Check one. ☐Two-Way Radio ☐Call Phone ☐Mobile Data Terminal ☐Other: Please explain below. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 18 Click here to enter text. 10. Is a website available with transit information? Check one. ☐Yes ☐No If yes, are schedules, maps and fare info described? Click here to enter text. 11. How is your service marketed? Check all that apply. ☐Newspaper ☐Radio ☐Public Hearing ☐Flyer ☐TV/Cable ☐Other, Specify: Click here to enter text. Grants Administration 1. Is your agency an existing recipient (grantee) of federal or state grant funding? Describe the experience your agency has in managing grants or other governmental grant programs? Click here to enter text. 2. Does the agency have the ability to: Check Yes or No. Match and manage state and federal grant funds Cover cost overruns Covering operating deficits Maintain and operate federally funded facilities and equipment. Yes ☐No 3. If you are requesting TDCs (Transportation Development Credits) through TxDOT and they are not awarded, how will the local match be provided? Please explain below and attach proof of funds as “Attachment B”. (Bank statement, fundraising, etc.) Click here to enter text. 4. Describe your efforts to leverage funds and/or existing resources to support the implementation of this project. Click here to enter text. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 19 Compliance 1. Do you have written procurement policies and procedures? Please attach as “Attachment C” ☐Yes ☐No If yes, will you procure the proposed project using internal procedures or by participating in group/bulk procurement? Explain: Click here to enter text. 2. Do you have a preventative maintenance program required for both vehicles and facilities with state and federal interest? Check Yes or No. Please attach as “Attachment D”. ☐Yes ☐No 3. Will ITS equipment (such as computer software, communication, equipment, etc.) be purchased during the fiscal year covered by this application? Check Yes or No. ☐Yes ☐No Financial and Managerial Capability Provide documentation that the applicant has the financial and managerial capability to provide efficient and effective public transportation services. Include as Attachments “E” to include: the applicants annual budget and/ or documentation of other funding sources. Additional information demonstrating financial capability may also be included. Do not attach an audit as this will be requested prior to site-visits. 1. Briefly describe the applicants history and experience with similar projects providing existing specialized transportation services for seniors and persons with disabilities including annual trips provided or total clients served or briefly describe the experience the applicant has providing social services (non-transportation) for seniors or individuals with disabilities. Click here to enter text. 2. Describe organizational resources for each aspect of the project (staff, fleet, volunteer support, and managerial experience with similar projects). Click here to enter text. Certification of Non-Profit Status (Please attach as “Attachment F”) If applying as a non-profit organization, attach documentation to certify non-profit status. An applicant may show that it is a nonprofit organization by any of the following means: IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 20 1. Proof that the Internal Revenue Service currently recognizes the applicant as an organization to which contributions are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; 2. A statement from a State taxing body or the State attorney general certifying that: a. The organization is a nonprofit organization operating within the State; and b. No part of its net earnings may lawfully benefit any private shareholder or individual; 3. A certified copy of the applicant’s certificate of incorporation or similar document if it clearly establishes the nonprofit status of the applicant; or 4. Any item described above if that item applies to a State or national parents organization, together with a statement by the State or parent organization that the applicant is a local nonprofit affiliate. Project Description All applicants should take the 5310 goals and objectives and the key 5310 concepts into consideration as they develop projects. 1. Provide a descriptive title for the project: in one sentence, indicate what the project will do. For example, “Expanding Hours of Service in Entire Service Area”, “Coordination with Local HHSC Agencies to Improve Service” or “Replacing Aging Fleet to Run More Efficiently, etc”. Click here to enter text. 2. Briefly describe the proposed project. The description should be clear and concise. Mention any unique features. Please attach as “Attachment G”. Click here to enter text. 3. How will the project support the 5310 program goals of serving the special needs of seniors and persons with disabilities? Click here to enter text. 4. What are the projects’ proposed origins/destinations? Click here to enter text. 5. Who, if any, are the committed project partners? Please include a letter of commitment from each partner that confirms their level of involvement. Letters can be attached at the end of attachment list as “Commitment Letters”. Click here to enter text. 6. Are Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) requested for any aspect(s) of this project? ☐Yes ☐No IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 21 Inclusion in the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Transportation Plan The projects selected for funding under the Section 5310 program must be “derived be a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan” that was “developed and approved through a process that included participation by seniors, individuals with disabilities, representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation and human services transportation plan is intended to improve services for people with disabilities and seniors. Individuals, groups, and organizations representing these target populations should be invited to participate in the planning process. Applicants should coordinate services with other programs for the elderly and disabled. Coordination between transportations services is a vital federal program requirement for client service and the most effective use of vehicles. Agencies receiving federal and state grants must contact and coordinate with all other services provided in their geographic service area to the extent possible to assure the most beneficial services to the targeted population. 1. Is the proposed project consistent with the coordinated public transit-human service transportation plan? ☐Yes ☐No If No, this project is not eligible. Do not complete the application. Contact Katelyn Francis at VIA Metropolitan Transit for assistance. 2. Enter the page number where the strategy, activity, or project is identified in your locally Coordinated Plan. If service area extends into more than one planning area, include references for each coordinated plan. Click here to enter text. 3. Enter the date the plan was adopted by the lead agency. Click here to enter text. 4. Who is the lead agency? Click here to enter text. 5. Explain how the proposed project addresses gaps/barriers identified in the coordinated public transit-human service transportation plan(s). Click here to enter text. 6. Explain how the project will coordinate with other organizations. Clearly define the roles of coordinating partners. Click here to enter text. 7. If the project does not coordinate with another entity, identify attempts that have been made to coordinate with another agency and explain why coordination isn’t possible. VIA reserves the right to confirm the extent of the coordination efforts. Click here to enter text. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 22 Project Need Requirement Need for “Traditional Capital” ***Please include detailed project budget for each requested section. Please attach as “Attachment H”. Per the 9070.1G Circular, VIA Metropolitan Transit focuses the administration of the 5310 program in promoting the availability of cost-effective, efficient, and coordinated passenger transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable. 1. Provide a description of evidence that pertains to the project need; a. How was the need for the project determined? For example: was the need based on customer input; a request from a local agency that serves the targeted population(s); a gap in service that the project would fill; a project that maintains existing service; or a project that is the only public transportation option for the service area? The above listed examples are scenarios. The need for projects can go above and beyond these examples per the FTA, 9070.1G Circular. Please include anything that will express your community’s needs. Click here to enter text. 2. Describe the passengers you will serve and their unique travel needs. What changes in service, if any, will be made as a result of this grant? If the project includes new service, indicate why this project is needed in addition to existing services. Click here to enter text. 3. Explain how this project relates to the 5310 key concepts per the FTA, 9070.1G Circular: a) The project is sustainable over time; b) Provides service continuity; c) Demonstrates efficient use of resources; d) Is the only public transportation option for the proposed service area; e) Leverages existing resources; and, f) Promotes innovation. Click here to enter text. 4. Explain how the project is coordinated with other transportation services in the local area? IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 23 Click here to enter text. 5. What are the projected numbers of one way trips? *** Per the FTA, 9070.1G Circular, a trip is counted each time a passenger boards a vehicle. ***There may be multiple boardings between the origin and ultimate destination. Click here to enter text. 6. What staff will be involved in this project? Click here to enter text. 7. Will this be existing staff or new hire(s)? ☐Existing ☐New 8. What percentage of time will each person spend on project activities? Click here to enter text. Vehicles *** If your application includes the need for vehicles, complete the following section. ***Please include detailed project budget for each requested section. Please attach as “Attachment I”. 1. Are vehicle expenses parts of the proposed project description? ☐Yes ☐No 2. Provide documentation of how need was identified as “Attachment J”. a) If applicable, provide the number of trip denials during the past year, or persons on waiting list. How many of these trip denials are seniors or persons with disabilities? This explanation should be based on the volume of rides, service hours and miles operated the cost of service, and accessibility needs. Click here to enter text. 3. Address the condition of your current fleet and discuss why your agency wishes to acquire vehicles? Click here to enter text. 4. Will requested vehicles: a) Replace existing service? ☐Yes ☐No b) Expand existing service? ☐Yes ☐No c) Start new service? ☐Yes ☐No 5. How many annual one-way trips will the additional vehicle(s) provide? Click here to enter text. 6. How will your agency pay for the cost (driver wages, fuel, maintenance) of operating the additional vehicle(s)? Click here to enter text. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 24 7. Will the proposed vehicle be ADA accessible?***All commuter service vehicles are required by FTA to be accessible and will not be granted waivers. ***All vehicles purchased with Section 5310 funds must be accessible. ***Service or Administration vehicles may not be purchased with Section 5310 funds. “Service vehicles” include, but not limited to: management/supervisor vehicles, shop trucks, tow trucks, equipment trucks, pickup trucks, security vehicles, etc. ☐Yes ☐No 8. Will a non cash share, such as donations and contributions (in-kind), be counted as local match? ☐Yes ☐No 9. If yes, is the in kind match documented and eligible under the program and is included in the net project costs in the project budget? Click here to enter text. 10. Describe the impact, should you not receive the vehicle award? Click here to enter text. Radios, Computers and Computer Hardware/Software, etc. ***If your application includes the need for radios, computers, software or other eligible equipment, complete the following section. ***Please include detailed project budget for each requested section. Please attach as “Attachment K”. 1. How will this equipment provide critical support to the applicant’s transportation program and/or increase or maintain service to seniors and individuals with disabilities? Click here to enter text. Need for Other Capital and/ or Operating Expenses *** If your application includes the need for other capital and operating expenses, complete the following section. ***Please include detailed project budget for each requested section. Please attach as “Attachment L”. Per the 9070.1G Circular, VIA Metropolitan Transit focuses the administration of the 5310 program in promoting the availability of cost-effective, efficient, and coordinated passenger transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable. 1. Provide a description of evidence of the applicant’s need a) Provide a description of evidence that pertains to the project need; how was the need for the project determined? For example: was the need based on customer input; a request from a local agency that serves the targeted population(s); a gap in service IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 25 that the project would fill; a project that maintains existing service; or a project that is the only public transportation option for the service area? Click here to enter text. The above listed examples are scenarios. The need for projects can go above and beyond these examples per the FTA, 9070.1G Circular. Please include anything that will express your community’s needs. Click here to enter text. 2. Describe the passengers you will serve and their unique travel needs. What changes in service, if any, will be made as a result of this grant? If the project includes new service, indicate why this project is needed in addition to existing services. Click here to enter text. 3. Explain how this project relates to the 5310 key concepts per the FTA, 9070.1G Circular: g) The project is sustainable over time; h) Provides service continuity; i) Demonstrates efficient use of resources; j) Is the only public transportation option for the proposed service area; k) Leverages existing resources; and, l) Promotes innovation. Click here to enter text. 4. Explain how the project is coordinated with other transportation services in the local area? Click here to enter text. 5. What is the projected number of one way trips? *** Per the FTA, 9070.1G Circular, a trip is counted each time a passenger boards a vehicle. ***There may be multiple boarding’s between the origin and ultimate destination. Click here to enter text. 6. What staff will be involved in this project? Click here to enter text. 7. Will this be existing staff or new hire(s)? ☐Existing ☐New 8. What percentage of time will each person spend on project activities? Click here to enter text. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 26 Above and Beyond ADA (Formerly New Freedom) The inclusion of New Freedom in the 5310 program funds presents the opportunity to provide service above FTA standards. ***Please include detailed project budget for each requested section. Please attach as “Attachment M”. 1. How does the project distinguish itself from current or established projects in the geographic area to provide a service that is “above and beyond” ADA requirements? Click here to enter text. Preventive Maintenance ***Please include detailed project budget for each requested section and attach as “Attachment N”. 1. Describe provisions made to assure proper maintenance of vehicles. Identify the person(s) or business responsible for providing vehicle maintenance. Describe your agency’s preventive maintenance program or measures. Attach preventive maintenance plan as “Attachment O”. Click here to enter text. 2. What is the total number of fleet vehicles? Click here to enter text. 3. How many vehicles currently in service provide service to persons over 65 and/or persons with disabilities? Click here to enter text. 4. What is the average number of vehicles used on a daily basis to provide service to seniors or persons with disabilities? Click here to enter text. 5. Number of vehicles for which Preventive Maintenance is requested? Click here to enter text. 6. Please list the specific vehicles with details of year, make, model, seating and how each was funded. Click here to enter text. 7. Percentage of total ridership that is persons over 65 and/or persons with disabilities. If these riders are served as part of a regular fixed route service open to the general population, estimate. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 27 Click here to enter text. Operating Expenses The federal share of the eligible operating costs may not exceed 50 percent of the net operating costs of the activity. ***Please include detailed project budget for each requested section as “Attachment P”. 1. Are operating expenses part of the proposed project description? Click here to enter text. 2. How is the project coordinated with other transportation service in the local area? Click here to enter text. 3. What is the projected number of one way trips per day? Click here to enter text. 4. Please provide a detailed operating expense report as it pertains to this requested project. Click here to enter text. Description of Local Support for the Proposed Project 1. List the sources of funds to be used to match the federal grant. When funds are to be provided by a third party. Attach evidence of their willingness to supply these funds as “Attachment Q”. Click here to enter text. 2. List entities providing non-financial project partnership such as vehicle-sharing, crossmarketing of services, etc., and describe the nature of each partnership. Click here to enter text. 3. Clearly identify how partners and stakeholders will stay involved throughout the project. Click here to enter text. 4. Describe how the community provided input on the proposed project. If selected, describe how the community will provide continuing input on the proposed project. Click here to enter text. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions. 28 5. List which local senior and persons with disabilities communities, local public bodies or local elected officials have provided letters of support below. Include any other supporting documents as “Attachment R”. Click here to enter text. Letters of support for the proposed project should be provided from representatives of the local seniors and persons with disabilities communities, local public bodies or local elected officials. Consider the entire geographic service area when asking for letters. The letters should address why the project specifically benefits the senior and persons with disabilities communities. All letters of support should be original, not based on a template provided by the applicant. IMPORTANT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds require a high degree of dedication to detail and reporting, along with very specific requirements. If you are unfamiliar with FTA regulations and grant management requirements or have not received FTA funds in the past, please review the documents associated with this Call for Projects to determine if your agency is willing, and has the institutional capacity, to comply with the required terms and conditions.