Polarization and Diffraction A Presentation by: Dan Stark Isaac Childres Tim Wofford Patrick Zabawa Experimental Setup for Diffraction Light Sensor Light sensor is mounted on rotary motion sensor Laser and Slit Rotary motion sensor mounted on linear motion accessory which is mounted at other end of track Rotary Motion Sensor Laser and slit mounted 3 cm apart at one end of track Track Linear Motion Accessory Procedure: • Assemble track, placing neutral density filter(s) between laser and slit in order to prevent saturation of light sensor • Connected sensors to the computer using a breakout box • Took data using Data Studio and passing the light sensor across the linear motion accessory Single Slit Diffraction Theory dE L R sin( t kr) dx dE Electric field at a point due L R to a slit segment dx Amplitude of incident wave Fraunhofer Approximation: r R x sin E L R d / 2 d / 2 sin[ t k ( R x sin )] dx L d sin E sin( t kR) R Where I ( ) E 2 (k d / 2) sin ( d / ) sin 1 Ld 2 R 2 sin sin I (0) 2 2 Full-Width at Half Max (FWHM) sin 1 Solve 2 2 numerically. Full width at half max of the envelope is β 2.783114. So as d increases, the peak sharpens. 1 I(0) 0.8 0.6 FWHM – 2.78 β 0.4 0.2 β -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 Results: Single Slit Diffraction Patterns (Plastic) Normalized Light Intensity (%) 100 90 0.02 mm 80 0.04 mm 0.08 mm 0.16 mm 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 Position (m) 0.11 0.13 0.15 Results: Single Slit Diffraction Patterns (Razor) 100 90 0.2 mm 0.1 mm Light Intensity (%) Normalized intensity 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 position Position (m) 0.09 0.095 0.1 0.105 A study of the slight interference pattern observed at the peak of single slit diffraction The Problem: When sending light through a medium in order to accomplish single slit diffraction, we find a slight aberration at the peak Plastic medium (Pasco instrument) No medium (razor blades) 100 Normalized Light Intensity (%) Normalized Light Intensity (%) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 0.095 0.096 0.097 0.098 Position (m) 0.099 0.1 95 90 85 80 75 70 0.085 0.086 0.087 Position (m) 0.088 0.089 What’s going on? Given that this only happens when the light travels through a medium, we can only assume the aberration has something to do with the reflection that occurs when light moves from one medium to another. Light comes in at an angle slightly different than zero Note: Rays after the slit represent diffraction patterns, which will have some interference with each other As it passes through the medium, some transmits and some reflects The reflected light will reflect again and eventually come out at some different point, resembling a double slit experiment Exploratory Experiment We performed similar single slit experiments with a piece of glass 2.33mm thick and two pieces of black tape We find “a” to be 0.03m, a slit separation comparable to our other experiments We can find the slit separation, a, based on this equation. If m=1, then y=0.25m, wavelength=670nm and D=1.024m Experimental Results At some minute angle, say 1 degree, given a width of 2.33mm, which must be traveled twice by the reflected light, we would have an effective double slit separation of 0.08mm, which is on the same order of magnitude as our double slit experiments. Normalized Light Intensity (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 Position (m) Given these conditions, a dip can be observed 0.13 0.14 Experimental Results, cont. Given a larger angle, say 15 degrees, the effective double slit separation would increase to 1.25mm and the dip would disappear due to the overly large separation. 100 Normalized Light Intensity (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 Position (m) Given these conditions, less of a dip can be observed 0.12 0.13 Multiple Slit Diffraction Theory Consider A system with N slits of width d separated by a distance a, E can be written as: b / 2 a b / 2 b / 2 a b / 2 E C F ( x) dx C C ( N 1) a b / 2 ( N 1) a b / 2 F ( x) dx F ( x) dx Where F ( x) sin[ t k (r x sin )] 1 2 sin sin N I ( ) I 0 sin 2 I(0) 0.8 • Envelope 0.6 • High Frequency • Wave group 0.4 Where (a / ) sin and (d / ) sin . Note: N = 2, α = β 0.2 β -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 Results: Double Slit Diffraction Patterns 0.04 mm slit size – 0.25 and 0.5 slit separations Double Slit 0.04mm d with 0.5mm Separation, First Run 100 Light Intensity (%) NormalizedIntensity 90 0.04 mm/0.5 mm 0.04 mm/0.25 mm 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Distance(m) (in m) Position 0.11 0.12 0.13 Results: Double Slit Diffraction Patterns 0.04 mm slit size – 0.25 mm slit separation 0.08 mm slit size – 0.25 mm slit separation 100 90 Normalized Light Intensity (%) Normalized Light Intensity (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.07 0.09 0.11 Position (m) 0.13 Position (m) Results: Multiple Slit Diffraction Patterns 0.04 mm slit size – 0.125 slit separation 100 Normalized Light Intensity (%) 90 5 slits 3 slits 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Position (m) 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 Experimental Setup for Polarization Aperture Disk Light Sensor Polarizers Laser Rotary Motion Sensor Optics Bench Procedure: • Assemble track, placing neutral density filter(s) between laser and 1st polarizer in order to prevent saturation of light sensor • Connected sensors to the computer using a breakout box • Took data using Data Studio and rotating the 2nd polarizer connected to the rotary motion sensor Polarization Theory Ax J Ay Jones vector with I Ax A y 2 2 2 Where impedance of the medium. T T 11 T 21 T T 12 12 Jones matrix, characterizes polarization device 1 0 T 0 0 Transmits only xcomponent of wave, a linear polarizer cos 2 sin cos T 2 sin cos sin Jones matrix for linear polarizer with a transmission axis making an angle θ with x-axis T R TR Where R(θ) is the rotation matrix 1 cos 2 J T 0 sin cos 2 I Jx Jy 2 2 cos 2 2 Experimental Results of Malus’ Law This experiment uses two polarizers, one that polarizes the light initially and one that varies to show angular dependence. 100 Normalized Light Intensity (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Angular Position (Degrees ) 300 350 400 Polarization of the Laser This data was taken with one polarizer to show that the laser light is already almost linearly polarized. (Basically we did not need the first polarizer) 100 Normalized Light Intensity (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 60 120 180 240 Angular Position (Degrees ) 300 360 Resources http://www.pa.msu.edu/courses/1997spring/PHY232/lectures/interference/oneslit.html http://rhs.rocklin.k12.ca.us/gclarion/physics2/chapter19/singleslit.htm http://www.mu.edu/courses/phys/matthysd/Lab0122.htm http://bednorzmuller87.phys.cmu.edu/demonstrations/optics/interference/demo321.html http://www.colorado.edu/physics/phys2020/phys2020_f98/lab_manual/Lab5/lab5.html http://rhs.rocklin.k12.ca.us/gclarion/apphysics/chapter27/diffractioninterference.htm http://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/~muchomas/P214/Notes/Interference/node19.html http://www3.ltu.edu/~s_schneider/physlets/main/doubleslitintensity.shtml http://electron9.phys.utk.edu/optics421/modules/m5/Diffraction.htm http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/phyopt/mulslid.html Saleh, B. E. A. and Teich, M. C. Fundamentals of Photonics. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.: New York: New York. 1991.