English Version - atavisme jurnal ilmiah kajian sastra

(All authors in ATAVISME must use: Cambria, font advanced scale 100,
spacing condensed 0,3 pt, normal position)
(Cambria 14 pts, CAPITAL, bold, single space)
Title must be: comprehensive, precise, and concise 20 words max. Title could either be
English or Indonesian, depends on the text.
Title in Indonesian
Translate your TITLE into Indonesian.
(Cambria 11 pts, Capital letter for initial word, Bold, single space)
First Author, Second Author, Third Author
First author’s affiliation
First author’s affiliation address, city, and nation
Second author’s affiliation
Second author’s affiliation address, city, and nation
*e-mail: email address
Abstrak (Cambria 11 pts, bold, single space): Abstrak is written in Indonesian in a short paragraph
describing paper’s content. Abstrak consists of background, research problem(s), purpose of the study,
method(s) and theoretical framework(s), and result of the study. Abstract is written approximately
100—150 words (Cambria size 11, italic, single space)
Kata-Kata Kunci (Cambria 11 pts, bold): Not more than five words or phrases (Cambria 11 pts,
italic, single space)
Abstract (Cambria 11 pts, bold, single space): Abstract is written in a short paragraph describing
paper’s content. Abstract consits of background, research problem(s), purpose of the study, method(s)
and theoretical framework(s), and result of the study. Abstract is written approximately 100—150
words (Cambria size 11, italic, single space)
Key Words (Cambria 11 pts, bold): Not more than five words or phrases (Cambria 11 pts, italic,
single space)
(Body text below the abstract is formatted in two columns with 7 cm width each and
the distance is 1 cm)
(Cambria 12 pts, CAPITAL, Bold)
Introduction consists of background of the
study explaining the actual phenomenon
that has been investigated, supported by
references and previous studies that have
been done individually or in a group or
team. The author must also explain the
existence of this research compared to
those previous studies. Introduction
consists of problem(s) (one problem that
is becoming the focus of the study is even
better), purpose of the study, research
significance, and theory used to solve the
problem(s). All sources that are cited or
paraphrased should be all written in the
references list. Introduction does not allow
subchapter and the first paragraph is
aligned text left, straight with chapter’s
Next and following paragraphs uses
special first line 0,8 cm format. (Cambria
size 12, single space)
Next and following paragraph(s) uses
special first line 0,8 cm format. (Cambria
12 pts, single space).
(Cambria 12 pts, CAPITAL, Bold)
Method of the research consists of
variations or research characteristics, data
source, data collection technique(s), data
collection procedure(s), and data analysis
method. The first paragraph is written in
the form of align text left, straight with the
chapter’s title.
Next and following paragraph(s) uses
special first line 0,8 cm format. (Cambria
12 pts, single space).
Table, Graphic, Picture, and/or Photo
Table, graphic, picture, and/or photo (if
any) must all be numbered, titled, and
noted along with the text’s references.
Table, graphic, picture, and/or picture
suited must be in sequence. Table and
picture must be well-read and well-printed
because the text would be published in
black and white (for writers asking for
printed edition). Table which is more than
a page is forbidden. Additional information
regarding the table uses numbers, not
words “such as”, “as it maintains below”,
and etc. Picture, table, graphic, and photo
must be put as closest as possible to the
text in which it is related. Table should
only be horizontal or minimizing the use of
vertical lines. Every table’s column should
include heading. Such as:
(Cambria 12 pts, CAPITAL, Bold)
Result of the study must answer the
problem(s) and the purpose(s) of the
study. The first paragraph of the result is
written straight with the chapter’s title.
Next and following paragraph(s) uses
special first line 0,8 cm format. (Cambria
12 pts, single space).
Subchapters (Cambria 12 pts, Capital
for The First Word, Bold)
Result of the study is written in the form of
necessary. The title of the subchapter is
written in the form of capital letter for the
initial word. The first paragraph in each
subchapters is written in align text left,
straight with the title of the subchapters.
Next and following paragraph(s) uses
special first line 0,8 cm format. (Cambria
12 pts, single space).
Sub-subchapters (Cambria 12 pts,
Capital for the First Word, Bold, Italic)
If there is another sub-subchapter inside
the subchapter the format writing of the
sub-subchapters is written in Capital letter
for the initial letter and italic. The first
paragraph in each sub-subchapter is
written in align text left straight with subsubchapters.
Table 1
Table’s Title
(Cambria 11, Capital for the First Word,
Reference and citation of the text uses
the APA style format (American
Psychological Association), for example
(Sungkowati, 2009), Sungkowati (2009)
stated that………(pp. 20—22)
Direct citation from the texts that are
more than three lines should be written
in the separated paragraph with Cambria
12 pts format, single space, identitiation
left 0.8 cm, right 0 cm. The source is
written like (Sungkowati, 2009, pp. 20).
Conclusion must answer the problem(s)
and purpose(s) of the study. Conclusion is
not a summary or repetition of findings
and discussion. The first paragraph is align
text left straight with the title of chapter.
Next and following paragraph(s) uses
the special first line 0,8 cm format.
(Cambria 12 pts, single space).
References used should maintain 80% of
primary studies, result of the research,
idea, theory, or concept which is published
in the electronic journal or paper
publication. References must be maximum
ten years old, except for classic references
as historical study.
References and citation use APA
Ali, M. (2013). The Semitization of Itihasa:
Intertextuality of the Mahabharata and
the Ramayana in the Judeo-Islamic
texts. Atavisme: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian
Sastra, 16(1), 1—13.
Hatley, B. (2008). Postkolonialitas dan
perempuan dalam sastra Indonesia
modern. Dalam Foulcher, K. & Day, T.
(Ed.), Sastra Indonesia modern kritik
postkolonial (hlm. 226—259). (Toer,
K.S. & Soesman,M., penerjemah). (Edisi
revisi). Jakarta: Yayasan
Indonesia & KITLV-Jakarta. (karya asli
pertama terbit tahun 2000).
Imanjaya, E & Pratalaharja, E. (2012).
Plagiarism issues in post-1998
Indonesian film posters. Wacana:
Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya,
14(1), 82—98.
Maimunah. (2008). Indonesian queer:
Nonnormative sexualities in Indonesian
master’s thesis). The University of
Saputra, H.S.P. (2009). Gandrung dalam
kemasan kritik sosial bernuansa
parodi (Resensi buku Gandrung:
Kumpulan naskah drama, oleh Ilham
Zoebazary). Atavisme: Jurnal Ilmiah
Kajian Sastra, 12(1), 105—112.
Sungkowati, Y. (2009). Lintasan sejarah
Indonesia dalam novel-novel Suparto
Brata. Lingua, 4(1), 15—35. doi:
lingkungan hidup dan urbanisasi
dalam beberapa cerpen Indonesia.
Prosiding Konferensi Internasional
Kesusasteraan XXI HISKI Sastra dan
Budaya Urban dalam Kajian Lintas
Media, 78—90. Surabaya: Airlangga
University Press.
Swandayani, D., Santoso, I., Nurhayati, A., &
Nurhadi. (2013). Eropa berdasarkan
tiga novel Umberto Eco: Pembelajaran
sejarah bagi pembaca Indonesia.
Atavisme: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Sastra,
16(1), 27—41.
Thwaites, T., Davis, L., & Mules, W. (2009).
Introducing cultural and media studies:
(Rahmana, S., penerjemah). Yogyakarta
& Bandung: Jalasutra. (karya asli
pertama terbit tahun 2002).
(Cambria 12 pts, single space, paragraph is
formated in special hanging 0,8 cm).