FROM SILOS TO THE SEMANTIC WEB: as Library Catalogs Open, What Do Students Hope to Find? M e g a n C o d e r, Catalog Librarian M a d e l i n e Ve i t c h , M et a d a t a Cataloger S o j o ur n e r Tr u t h Library S U N Y N ew P a l t z CATALOGS IN TRANSITION LIBRARY CATALOGS AND SEMANTIC FUTURES The semantic web or linked data model will make library catalog data more accessible to web crawlers - creating discoverable library records on the open web, as well as library records that link out to content elsewhere on the web. In linking data environments to create records that are less silo ed and more interconnected, many libraries are having conversations about including commercial data in their OPAC records (Goodreads, IMDb, etc.) RDA, RDF, and the promise of BibFrame are essential to this transition to this “linked” iteration of the catalog . EDS, Summon, and other Discovery tools are bringing in new data, and raising questions about quality control and user preferences in linked data environments to come. LIBRARY CATALOGS AND SEMANTIC FUTURES Library records that look more like the open library, where each record contains multiple links to other databases containing the content itself, or supplemental information about the resource. RESEARCH QUESTIONS What are students’ search habits like for books and films? What is their “go to” strategy? Which parts of a book or movie record do students find most helpful or important to their evaluation of a resource? Do students have a sense of who is responsible for inputting data into library and commercial databases? Do they find some databases to be more credible than others? What changes to library records would make them more useful, or more likely to be a “first stop” in the research process? STUDY DESIGN 35-question Qualtrics survey Pizza and raf fle incentive were of fered; survey was taken in a Library classroom during two evening drop -in sessions. # Answer Response % 1 Undergraduate Firstyear 8 12% 2 Undergraduate Sophomore 7 10% 3 Undergraduate Junior 23 34% 4 Undergraduate Senior 24 36% 5 Graduate Student 5 7% Total 67 100% STUDY DESIGN We asked students to reflect on their search habits (where they go to find books or movies, how often they search, and for what reasons) When you want to find out more about a book where do you go first? When you want to find out more about a movie where do you go first? In the last six months, have you checked out a book from the SUNY New Paltz Library? In the last six months, have you purchased a book from Amazon or another online bookstore? Over the past year, how often have you acquired the following (for rent or purchase) from any retailer (a required book for class [on syllabus], a book for a research assignment, a book to read for fun, a video) Over the past year, how often have you borrowed the following from any library: (a required book for class [on syllabus], a book for a research assignment, a book to read for fun, a video) RESULTS When you want to find out more about a book where do you go first? 3% Other 6% Friends or family 3% A bookstore (physical storefront) 54% Google it and visit pages in result list SUNY New Paltz Library resources (Catalog, Discovery Search, Worldcat) 12% 22% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% RESULTS When you want to find out more about a movie where do you go first? 13% Other 12% Friends or family A bookstore (physical storefront) 0% 66% Google it and visit pages in result list SUNY New Paltz Library resources (Catalog, Discovery Search, Worldcat) 1% 7% Amazon 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% RESULTS In the last six months have you checked out a book from the SUNY New Paltz Library? Purchased one from Amazon or another online bookstore? 39% Library No 13% Amazon + 61% Yes 87% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% A Required Book for Class (on syllabus) 50 45 Library 40 Rent/Purchased Number of Respondents 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Never 1-3 times 4-6 times 7-9 times More than 9 times Book for a Research Assignment 50 45 Library Number of Respondents 40 Rent/Purchased 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Never 1-3 times 4-6 times 7-9 times More than 9 times A Book to Read for Fun Number of Respondents 50 45 Library 40 Rent/Purchased 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Never 1-3 times 4-6 times 7-9 times More than 9 times A Video 50 Library 45 Rent/Purchased Number of Respondents 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Never 1-3 times 4-6 times 7-9 times More than 9 times STUDY DESIGN We also asked students to rank open commercial and noncommercial databases against corresponding records in the SUNY New Paltz Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS). Students were asked to evaluate two books and one movie across three interfaces each EDS catalog view (launched Spring 2014) Amazon IMDb (Independent Movie Database) Library Thing (a non-profit site with user-generated book metadata, reviews, and recommendations) Book Record Comparison: EDS Book Record Comparison: Amazon Book Record Comparison: Library Thing Evaluating Records EDS for Film Record Amazon for Film Record IMDb for Film Record Evaluating Records Summary or Book Description 60% 50% 40% Amazon 30% Library Thing Catalog 20% 10% 0% Very Useful Somewhat Useful Not Useful Student comments about the summary or book description Which record gives you the best sense of the book's quality? Amazon The Library Thing site's layout seemed too weird for me, I had a hard time understanding where things were. The SUNY New Paltz Library Catalog provided a lot of information but was very confusing to read through. It took me a few minutes to understand that the abstract was the summary/book description. Amazon was the most user friendly with the book description at the top where it was easy to spot and all of the extra information was condensed. The recommended books come with viewer ratings right there. Amazon Honestly, because it better displays the book. It has a more aesthetic quality which easily allows the user to see the summary. Amazon The format by which they presented the book and its description made it appear as if it was the best. Amazon Amazon is very straight-forward in the display of the product, it requires very little searching in the product itself for reviews or summaries. The website itself is very simple, to put it in the most basic terms. Because it gives a4 out of five star review, description, multiple formats to buy it in and a description of the author Amazon Catalog Amazons link had a poor description and I didn't find any summary for the book at all under Library Thing. All I saw for Library Thing was Review. The Suny catalog at least had the description and other information laid out clearly. Catalog It gave an all around description of everything you needed to know. Catalog This has the most informative summary, and I get the best sence of what the book is about. Catalog Abstract gives the best description. Library Thing This record had the most information up front with the least scrolling and clicking of the three options. Table of Contents 60% 50% 40% Amazon 30% Library Thing Catalog 20% 10% 0% Very Accessible Somewhat Accessible Not Accessible Links to Related Resources 60% 50% 40% Amazon 30% Library Thing Catalog 20% 10% 0% Very Useful Somewhat Useful Not Useful Links to Recommended Resources 60% 50% 40% Amazon 30% Library Thing Catalog 20% 10% 0% Very Useful Somewhat Useful Not Useful Student comments about related resources Which record gives you the best sense of the book's quality? Amazon Once again Amazon proves to be the easiest way to access information about the book and related subjects through its page setup. Amazon It is a very visual website. There are picture of similar reads, a rating system for readers with stars, and a biography of the author. Amazon Same reason as before, as well as a larger focus on customer reviews and related items. Catalog I chose the SUNY New Paltz Library Catalo record because it was more descriptive of the book. It gave the subject/genre for which it fell under Catalog The keywords are large and informative, based off of reader's reviews I assume, rather than the website description. Library Thing Same as before. Also, I tune out the related links and recommended stuff - I do not take random suggestions from the internet. Especially not Amazon. Library Thing Again, the keywords were very useful in that big bubble. Student comments about recommended resources Which record gives you the best sense of the book's quality? Amazon amazon is very user friendly and offers more reviews by other users and customers Amazon I would say amazon gives me the best sense of the book's quality because of the diversity within the reviews. Library thing also has diverse reviews, however I would assume that everyone who participates in the Library Thing reviews are avid readers and somewhat biased, whereas Amazon may give me a more general overview of the book. Amazon I love the reviews from consumers like me Amazon I feel Amazon has the easiest to understand user interface, and the most accesible reviews. Also, it is visually pleasing. Catalog User reviews and a sneak peak at the book are all on the same page. Library Thing Library Thing provides the best balance between community feedback and academic resource catalog, compared to the opposite extremes of Amazon and STL website. Library Thing Library Thing offers ample community feedback without the sense of trying to sell something. Amelie [Film]: Links to Related Resources 60% 50% 40% Amazon 30% IMDb Catalog 20% 10% 0% Very Useful Somewhat Useful Not Useful Student comments about film record Which record gives you the best sense of the movie's quality? Amazon even though i went to the web site of suny new paltz i still would go to amazon because i just figure that people have scratched the disks at suny new paltz making the quality of the movie go down. at least this way i know im not going to have to deal with this. Catalog It gives the most information in the easiest way to see it IMDB IMDb is a more trusted resource in my personal opinion when it comes to movie reviews and gathering information on films in general. IMDB It gave a link to a trailer, as well as other useful information like the actors. Also had interesting facts about the movie. There is also a section that says movies that viewers liked, it had a movie that I love! I really want to see this movie now. IMDB IMDb has the most relevant and abundant information on the film, all of which is easy to access. In addition Amazon simply gives a link to IMDb instead of going into detail about the movie on its own page. IMDb is very comprehensive both as a catalog and film community. IMDB IMDB IMDb gives me the most information about the movie on one simple page that is easy to understand and navigate and it has most of the things that I use to decide on watching a movie or not. IMDB I found it easier to find what I was looking for, and because there were no typos in the page. IMDB IMDb provides an easy to see and understand ranking out of ten. It is extremely easy to see the related movies, and the description is much easier to find. Which record gave you the best sense of the book’s overall quality? Amazon Library Thing Catalog 31.50% 58% 10.50% Who do you think adds content to a SUNY New Paltz library catalog record? (please check all that apply) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Library users Librarians Librarians The Library of Publishers / Amazon and working at working at Congress producers of other retailers SUNY New other libraries books and Paltz movies We've asked you to evaluate records from several different providers. Please rank them according to how credible or trustworthy you find their information to be: 60% Amazon IMDb 50% Library Thing 40% SUNY New Paltz Library Catalog 30% 20% 10% 0% Not trustworthy Somewhat trustworthy Trustworthy Very trustworthy If the SUNY New Paltz Library Catalog records for books and movies came up in a Google search results list, would you look at them more often than you do now? Do you think the SUNY New Paltz Library Catalog should include information from, IMDb, or Library Thing? 16% 21% Yes No 84% 79% “As shallow as this may be, star ratings are widely used and give people an immediate sense for the content. It may not always be truthful but if generated by the users than the reviews will most always be written by only those who are passionate about the content and ignored by those who don’t care much for it and don't have an opinion they deem worth voicing.” “I think it would be a wasteful use of space, effort, and money. Why spend time and money imitating information that can be found elsewhere?” “Compile as much information as possibly available.” “I'm not sure if user-generated content and opinions should appear in a scholarly website. Perhaps, students leaving reviews would be useful. But, I feel that content from the other sources would flood the page with false and useless information.” “I think that the more information, the better. BUT ABOVE ALL MAKE THE PAGES LOOK BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!” What additional features (if any) would you like to find on SUNY New Paltz Library Catalog records? 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% User Reviews Trailers User-generated Sample Chapter Tags Additional Don't think Related / additional Recommended features should Titles be added SUMMING UP Though more students used Amazon regularly to find books and movies, AND they found Amazon records twice as useful as library records, they also trusted library catalog data more than Amazon’s - again at a twofold proportion. Students really preferred to do a Google search for a book / movie and select a page from the results list; majority (84%) said they would be more likely to use Library data if it appeared in these searches. User reviews, sample chapters, and trailers emerged as features students would most like to see more of; these are all elements best achieved with a linked data model. Certain cataloging practices affirmed. Students were more likely to check out books for a research paper from the library than say a textbook or leisure read. When we build high quality records for more obscure titles that might aid in research, we provide data that Amazon might not. Takeaway: to think about how we might make records that would appear high on a Google results list. QUESTIONS FOR TODAY, AND TOMORROW Questions about credibility of data being pulled into Library records (e.g. Goodreads, Google books) Do students understand how metadata gets into a Library record as opposed to a commercial space? Does it matter? How can the catalog adapt to user expectations and remain relevant in a linked data environment? Our EDS was implemented only a few short months before the study; for some students, the study may have been their introduction to that interface. How would our results have been different if we had used the classic OPAC? Part of our reason for choosing Library Thing over Goodreads was a hope that we might be able to customize our EDS to pull in what we had felt was better data from Library Thing. However, a discrete evaluation of the source we already had in our EDS might have been useful. SELECTED SOURCES C a l h o un , K . ( 2 0 0 6 ) , T h e C h a n g i n g N a t u r e o f t h e C a t a l o g a n d i t s I n te g r a t i o n w i t h O t h e r D i s c ove r y To o l s , f i n a l r e p o r t , L i b r a r y o f C o n g r e s s , av a i l a b l e a t : w w w. l o c. g ov / c a t di r /c a l h o un - r e p o r t - fi n al . p d f C a m p b el l , D . G r a n t , a n d Fa s t , K . V. " A c a d em i c L i b r a r i e s A n d T h e S e m a n t i c We b : W h a t T h e Fu t u r e M ay H o l d Fo r Re s e a r c h - S up p o r t i n g L i b r a r y C a t a l o g ue s . " J o u r n a l O f Ac a d e m i c L i b r a r i a n sh i p 3 0 . 5 ( 2 0 0 4 ) : 3 8 2 - 3 9 0 . G r e e n b e r g , J . , & M é n d e z , E . ( E d s . ) ( 2 0 07 ) . K n i t t i n g t h e S e m a n t i c We b . B i n g h am to n , N Y: H aw o r t h I n f o r m a t i o n P r e s s . M e r c un , T. , & Z u m e r, M . ( 2 0 0 8 ) . N ew G e n e r a t i o n o f C a t a l o g ue s f o r t h e N ew G e n e r a t i o n o f U s e r s : A C o m p a r i s o n o f S i x L i b r a r y C a t a l o g ue s . P r o g r a m : E l e c t r o n i c L i b r a r y A n d I n f o r ma t i o n S y s te ms , 4 2 ( 3 ) , 24 3 - 2 61 . N o v o t ny, E . ( 2 0 0 4 ). I D o n ' t T h i n k I C l i c k : A P r o to c o l A n a l y s i s S t u d y o f U s e o f a L i b r a r y O n l i n e C a t a l o g i n t h e I n te r n et A g e . C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s , 6 5 ( 6 ) , 5 2 5 - 5 37. Ro l l a , P. J . " U s e r Ta g s Ve r s u s S u b j e c t H e a d i n g s : C a n U s e r - S up p li e d D a t a I m p rov e S u b j ec t A c c e s s To L i b r a r y C o l l ec t i o n s ? . " L i b r a r y R e s o u r c e s & Te c h n i c a l S e r vi c e s 5 3 . 3 ( 2 0 0 9 ) : 174 - 1 8 4 . S z eto , K . ( 2 01 3 ) . Po s i t i o n i n g L i b r a r y D a t a Fo r T h e S e m a n t i c We b : Re c e n t D ev e l o p m e n t s I n Re s o u rc e D e s c r ip t i o n . J o u r n a l O f We b L i b r a r i a n s h i p 7 ( 3 ) , 3 0 5 - 3 21 . QUESTIONS?