TRUST ACADEMY In collaboration with MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA IN NETWORKING AND PC ENGINEERING (DNEP) =============================================================== DIPLOMA IN NETWORKING AND PC ENGINEERING (DNEP) PROGRAMME REGULATIONS COURSE STRUCTURE AND SYNOPSIS 1 NETWORKING & PC ENGINEERING PROGRAMME REGULATIONS, COURSE STRUCTURE AND - SYNOPSIS DNEP PROGRAMME REGULATIONS 1.0 PREAMBLE 1.1 Candidates wishing to study for a Diploma in Networking and PC Engineering at Trust Academy are advised to read the Trust Academy regulations. 1.2 The programme shall address introductory theoretical, applied and practical aspects of networking and PC engineering. The theory is treated as a tool to support sound practical aspects of Networking and PC Engineering rather than as an end in itself. This diploma shall be the basis for the progression to the degree programme or the worthwhile careers in ICT industry, commerce and telecommunications. 2.0 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. 2.1 PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES Demonstrate knowledge, techniques, skills, and use of the appropriate tools in computer maintenance and networking applications to include basic electronics, installation, maintenance, selection, and optimization of computer systems, computer networks and associated hardware and software systems. Recognize problems in computer maintenance and networking applications and develop appropriate diagnostic solutions using creativity. Work productively as an individual and as a member of a problem solving team in an engineering environment. Effectively communicate technical ideas and problem solving decisions with others. Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior, and social responsibilities in a diverse and global workplace. Construct, design, install, manage and recommend network designs for organizational needs. Configure, install and manage both command line interface and windows environment. Assess network resources. CAREER PROSPECTS FOR THE DNEP GRADUATES - Network Administrators - Hardware Technicians - Systems Administrators - ICT Technicians - Help Desk Officers - Systems Support Officers 1 3.0 ENTRY QUALIFICATIONS: 3.1 Normal entry In order to qualify for acceptance to the Diploma in Networking and PC Engineering, the candidate must have obtained the following qualifications: Certificate: 5 O level passes including English Language, Mathematics and Science (Integrated or Physical) to be enrolled for the Diploma in Networking and PC Engineering (DNEP). 3.2 Special Entry The following persons may apply for special entry and for permission to proceed studying DNEP qualifications at any level with exemptions from the whole or part of the normal entry requirements. a) A person who has obtained from a University, College or any Learning Institution of similar status, academic qualifications acceptable to MSU Senate. b) Mature Entry: 5 O level passes and a person who has attained 25 years of age for males and 23 years of age for females and has proven work experience of at least 2 years in an IT related field of work. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 GENERAL PROVISIONS Trust Academy shall offer tuition in collaboration with the Midlands State University in the Diploma in Networking and PC Engineering. Examinations shall be written and published at the end of each semester The Midlands State University Faculty of Science and Technology Board of Studies shall publish examinations results upon satisfaction from the work submitted by the candidates. 2 5.0 Key DIPLOMA STRUCTURE Core module * LEVEL ONE - SEMESTER I PMIS111 Introduction to the use of Computers PMIS116 Business Communication Skills DTEL112 Electricity and Magnetism* DTEL113 Linear Mathematics DNEP111 Networking Fundamentals* LEVEL ONE - SEMESTER 2 DTEL115 Electric Circuits PMIS114 Introduction to Computer Programming (C)* DTEL117 Data Communication and Computer Networks* DNEP112 Computer Maintenance a Practical Approach* DNEP113 Linux Administration* LEVEL TWO - SEMESTER 1 DTEL211 Electronics* DMIS316 Computer Architecture* DTEL213 Digital Logic Design* DNEP211 Windows Server Administration* DNEP212 Network Management LEVEL TWO - SEMESTER 2 DTEL215 Work Related Learning Student Report* DTEL216 Work Related Learning Academic Supervision Report* DTEL217 Work Related Learning Employer’s Report* LEVEL THREE - SEMESTER 1 CMIS212 Systems Analysis and Design DTEL311 IT Governance DTEL313 Operating Systems* DTEL314 Micro Computer Technology* DNEP311 Computer Security* LEVEL THREE - SEMESTER 2 DTEL316 Microprocessors* DNEP312 Routing and Switching* DNEP313 Wireless Technology DTEL317 Fibre Optic Technology* DNEP314 Project* 3 6.0 ASSESSMENT 6.1 The assessment of a practical subject shall be based on either written reports submitted during the semester or according to a schedule laid down by the Faculty of Science and Technology Regulations. The assessment of a project module shall be based on either written reports or a project submitted at a date determined by Trust Academy. The assessment of a practical-theory subject shall be based on a formal theory examination. All other subjects shall be assessed by continuous assessment and formal theory examinations. Each formal examination shall normally be held during an examination period at the end of a semester, in which the subject is completed. The formal theory examination for a subject shall normally be of three hours duration. A practical theory subject shall contain a practical component in the continuous assessment. The continuous assessment may be entirely practical or contain theory and practical components. For each subject that contains a theory and a practical component Trust Academy shall determine for each student a theory continuous assessment mark, a practical continuous assessment mark, a formal examination mark, a formal practical examination mark and a final mark for the subject. Students(s) maybe allowed repeating failed subjects valid for a period of three (3) consecutive semesters ONLY, thereafter the student(s) maybe required to repeat the entire level. The final mark will be calculated as follows: Theory subjects: Final Mark = [(70% Examination Mark) + (30% Continuous Assessment)] Projects/ Research/Dissertation: [Final Mark = (60% System Presentation) + (40% Documented report)] The following marking scheme shall be used for all the modules. 80% - 100% Distinction 79% - 60% Credit 50% - 59% Pass 40%- 49% Fail (Supplementable) 39% and below Fail 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 PROVISIONS FOR PROGRESSION In order to proceed from level 1 to level 2 a student must have passed all the core modules To proceed from level 2 to level 3 the student must have passed all the core modules at level 2 To graduate, a student must have satisfied the provisions of progression at each level as well as passed all the modules. 4 7.0 NOTIFICATION OF RESULTS Examinations results slips shall be published in accordance with the provisions of the General regulations of the Midlands State University. 8.0 EXEMPTION POLICY 8.1 Student(s) may apply for exemptions before registration up to the end of the first calendar month of receiving tuition. Exemption application fees are non refundable in all cases. 8.2 Student(s) maybe exempted from studying subjects that have been passed in programmes similar or equivalent to those on offer. However, the student has to apply for a credit transfer. In his/ her application, the following should be attached: A transcript of the subjects to be credit transferred. A synopsis of the subjects from the university/ college where the subjects was studied. A support letter/ document from the registrar’s office of the institution where the credits were attained. 5 9.0 MODULE SYNOPSIS PMIS111 Introduction to the Use of Computers Information Literacy/Hardware, Software, Networks, ICT in everyday life, Environment, Use/managing files(Operating system, File management system, Utilities, Print management), Word processing (Document creation, Formatting Objects, Mail merge, Prepare outputs), Spreadsheets(Managing worksheets, Formulas and functions, Formatting, Charts, Prepare outputs), Databases (Understanding databases, Tables, reports, queries, Retrieving information, Objects, Outputs). PMIS116 Business Communication Skills Definition of communication, Communication barriers – overloading, underloading of messages, solutions to problems of overloading and underloading. Non-verbal communication – kinetics, proximics, time, territoriality, facial expression and paralanguage. Organisational communication – flow of communication/messages in an organization. Small group communication – roles, leadership, conflict in groups. Oral communication, Meetings – Notice of meeting, agenda and minutes. Graphic communication, Written communication – memoranda, notices, business letters, press releases, reports, circulars and instructions. Communication process – medium, encoding, channel, distortion, decoding, sender, receivers and noise. DTEL112 Electricity and Magnetism Electrostatics and electric fields: electric charge, electric displacement, electric potential, Gauss’s law, distribution of charge, capacitance. Steady electric currents: Ohms law, Kirchoff’s law, resistance measurements, bridges and potentiometers, electrolysis. The magnetic field: magnetic force on a moving charge, Lorentz force law, circulating charge and cyclotron, magnetic induction, Ampere’s Biot-Savart laws, charging and discharging RC circuits, Hall effect. ectromagnetic induction: faraday’s and Lenz’s laws, self and mutual inductance, energy. DTEL113 Linear Mathematics Complex numbers: geometric representation, algebra. De Moivres theorem polynomials and roots of polynomial equations. Matrices and determinants: algebra of matrices, inverses, definition and manipulation of determinants, solutions of simultaneous linear equations, applications to geometry and vectors. Differential equations: separable, homogeneous, exact, integrating factors, linear equation with constant coefficients. 6 DNEP111 Networking Fundamentals Networking essentials covers basic networking concepts such as network types, cable types, wireless technologies, local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), the Internet, and network adapters. It discusses network models, including the ISO-OSI reference model and all industry standard network architectures. Both peer-to-peer and server-based systems are introduced. It covers LAN-user concepts and topologies, the basic functions of system administration and operation. DTEL115 Electric Circuits Circuit theory: Kirchff’s law, loop theorem, currents in a multi loop circuits, junction theorem, Thevenin Theorem, Norton Theorem, Maximum power theorem, AC circuit theory: Impedance, reactance, phase diagrams, use of complex numbers in circuit theory, resonance, power factor, half power points, AC bridges, resistance, capacitance and inductance measurements, transformer. Three phase power systems: phase diagrams, star and delta connections, transformers, motors, generators. PMIS114 Introduction to Computer Programming (C) Fundamental concepts of C programming language and basic principles and tools required to develop programs. Sequence of topics provides a straightforward and disciplined way of developing programs which promote good programming habits. Outlining basic structure of a C program, data types and data representation and storage. Mastering of C keywords, operators and programming constructs. Creating advanced storage methods (such as arrays and structures). DTEL117 Data Communication and Computer Networks Introduction to computer-based communications and networks: underlying concepts, basic hardware components and operating systems, network architectures, topology and protocols, layers, data integrity and security, transmission, switching, message routing, broadcast, remote access, network management. DNEP112 Computer Maintenance a Practical Approach This course emphasizes practical application of theories covered. The laboratory sessions should be conducted in a well equipped manner to develop and enhance the student’s skills necessary to install, maintain, and diagnose computer systems and network as well as diagnose and troubleshoot computer systems. Students will learn to install and replace the major hardware components of the system, maintain and repair those components, as well as build a complete system. DNEP113 Linux Administration Linux operating system, core skills in configuration and installation of the operating system on an Intel-based computer. Effectively using, customizing, and scripting common command line utilities. File systems, users and groups, the Bash shell, process management, text editors, searching and organizing data, and various applications. Hardware and device configuration, file system management, user and group administration, network configurations, kernel services, attaching new Linux systems to a corporate network, configuring the new systems for end-users, and troubleshooting. 7 DTEL211 Electronics Electronic devices: Semiconductor diodes, transistors, FET, UJT, BJT, MOSFETs, Rectifier circuits, power supplies, Half and full wave rectifiers, filter circuits, series and shunt voltage regulators, Amplifiers, Transistor biasing, stability factors. Dinary, Octal, Hexadecimal and binary numbers: Associate codes; Binary: Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. DMIS316 Computer Architecture Number arithmetic. Components of a micro computer based system. Peripheral devices (input, output, memory). Logic devices (gates types and truth tables). Logical devices (flip-flops; types and truth tables (SR, D, JK)), application / use of flip-flops. The microprocessor unit: 8086/88 (architecture, registers, flags, machine cycles/states). 8086/88 assembly programming (instruction set, data transfer, rotate/shift, arithmetic operations, logic operations, BIT operations). Memory devices (SRAM, DRAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, cache memory, volatile, non-volatile). DTEL213 Digital Logic Design Number systems and codes, Boolean Algebra. Karnaugh maps. Combination Logic Design. Sequential Logic Design. Single Bit memory elements. Circuits. DNEP 211 Windows Server Administration The course provide the knowledge required by system administrators, network administrators, and IT (Information Technology) professionals who implement, manage and troubleshoot network and server environments based on the Microsoft Windows Dot Net platform. Up-to-date information on core system administration topics: Active Directory services, security, disaster planning and recover, and interoperability with NetWare and UNIX. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server and scripting. Prepares students for one of following Microsoft certifications: Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA), Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), and Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP). DNEP212 Network Management This course teaches students how to plan, configure, maintain, and scale a routed network. It focuses on using Cisco routers connected in LANs and WANs typically found at medium-tolarge network sites. IP routing concepts and routing protocols are explored in depth. Students spend considerable time implementing laboratory networks that utilize IP routing on Cisco routers. Topics include OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS, BGPv4, route summarization, route redistribution, route filtering, VLSM, NAT, and advanced Access Control Lists. After completing this course, students will be able to select and implement the appropriate Cisco IOS services required to build a scalable, routed network. 8 CMIS212 Systems Analysis and Design Introduction to systems analysis (Problem identification/ preliminary survey). Main functions of the systems analyst (and roles played by the analyst). Feasibility study (economic, social, technical, operational, -Contents of the feasibility study report). Investigation and fact finding (interviews, questionnaire, observation, record inspection). Systems analysis (DFDs, ERDs, decision trees and tables, prototyping). Systems design (logical and physical design). Implementation (system testing, changeover methods- direct, phased, parallel, pilot). Maintenance and review. DTEL311 IT Governance IT investment decisions, procurement & implementation of new assets, value services delivery, risk assessment and performance measurement and aligning IT with business. IT auditing to ensure fiduciary, compliance and security. IT Policy formulation. IT frameworks: e.g. CobiT, ITIL. DTEL313 Operating Systems* Operating systems evolution and functions. Process management, system management file system, UNIX, Windows, Linux operating systems. DTEL314 Micro Computer Technology Operating systems Memory management. Programming languages and techniques Application software. Software systems security and maintenance DNEP 311 Computer Security The need, history and current trends, challenges, Accidental /malicious damage, viruses, hacking, fraud, physical security, authentication procedures, backup and recovery regimes, encryption decryption, privileges and access control. DTEL316 Microprocessors Designing and interfacing micro controller-based systems. Architectures of microprocessors/ micro controller hardware interfacing and programming and current development and market trends. DNEP312 Routing and Switching This course introduces routing and router configuration, explores networking protocols, and applies routing concepts within a lab environment. Topics covered include routing concepts and theory, Cisco operating system management, variable length subnet masking (VLSM), classless inter-domain routing (CIDR), routing protocols, and access control lists (ACLs). Routing protocols: Routing Information Protocol (RIPv1, RIPv2), Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). Configure routers, interpret routing tables and troubleshoot connectivity issues. 9 DNEP313 Wireless Technology The scope of the course includes medium-sized business and enterprise solutions. Fundamentals of wireless communications, operation of stand-alone wireless access points (APs), wireless security concepts, controller based operations. Design, install, configure, monitor and troubleshoot wireless local area networks (WLANs). Controller based: WLAN controllers, authentication-authorization and accounting (AAA) servers, light-weight access points, and wireless network management software. Security: open and web authentication, 802.1 X/EAP (extensible authentication protocol) authentications, and 802.11i/WPA/WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) encryption for the client, access point, and the WLAN controllers and the underlying protocols for secure client support including EAP-FAST, EAP-PEAP, and EAP-TLS. DTEL317 Fibre Optic Technology Totally Internally Reflected, parameters of an optical fibre, dispersion, fibre types - step index and graded index monomode and multimode, mode of transmission, waveguide equations, modes in optical fibres, power flow, fibre material:- glass and plastic, fibre fabrication - fibre drawing machine, VPO, VAD, MCVD, PCVD, double crucible method:-mechanical properties of fibres- strength, fatigue, proof testing: cables, signal degradation and attenuation, scattering losses, dispersion, radiation losses at bends, signal distortion in optical waveguides, information capacity determination, optical sources and detectors - their characteristics and response time, optical wave communication - FDM,PAM - sampling theory. DNEP314 Project Students will work on a systems analysis and design project, with a bias towards telecommunications or data communications under the supervision of a department member up to implementation stage, defend their project and submit a suitable report on the work carried out. 10 CONSULTATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Econet Wireless Telecel Wireless Powertel Yo!Africa Compulink Trust Academy Academic Quality Assurance Committee 11