1 GSM Security Camera User Manual V2.2 Copy right© reserved 1 2 1 Accessories Note: Pictures are for indication and illustration purposes only. 2 Introduction 2.1 Appearance Note: To Press and hold “reset” button for 3 seconds will reset the device. To plug in the charger or install the battery will turn on the device. 2 3 2.2 Specifications GSM Frequency GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz GPRS Class 12 Image Resolution 640 X 480 Image Sensor COMS 0.3 Mega Pixels External storage SD card, 2G (Maximum 32 G) Battery Capacity 800mAh Power Voltage/Current Input 5V / 2A Dimension 82.5mm(L)×44.3mm(W)×28.7mm(H) Weight 61g 2.3 LED Indicators Status Red LED (Power/Working status) Status Implication Quick flashing(interval 0.1s) Low battery Slow flashing(interval 1s) Normal operating Solid red Battery charging OFF Battery power loss/Internal problem Yellow LED(Arm/disarm status) Status Implication Slow flashing(bright 0.1s,dark2s) Delay arming Slow flashing(bright 1s,dark1s) Taking photo or recording video Solid orange Arming OFF Disarming Quick flashing Arm (10 seconds countdown) Green LED(GSM signal) Status Implication Quick flashing(interval 0.1s) Searching (GSM Initialization) Slow flashing(bright 0.1s dark 2s) Normal operating Solid green GSM conversation/GPRS activation OFF No SIM card installed/No GSM signal Notice: LED indicators have two modes: 1) Hidden Mode: All indictors would turn off automatically after working 5 minutes till user toggling Arm/Disarm switch button. 2) Continuously Bright Mode: Indictors would never turn off if the device is working. For SMS commands to set mode, please refer to 6.17. 3 4 3 Getting Start 3.1 Preparation Please make sure all accessories are complete when open the package. Please make sure the SIM card installed in device and: a. Works with GPRS network b. Works with SMS/MMS function c. Works with Dialing function d. Works with Caller ID function e. PIN code is disabled on SIM card. Please make sure the SD card installed correct. 3.2 Installing the SIM Card, Battery, and Storage Card To remove the back cover: Turn off the device. Firmly hold the device with both hands and the front panel facing down. Push the back cover down with your thumbs until it disengages from the device and then slide it down to remove. SIM Card To install the SIM card: Remove the battery if it is installed. Locate the SIM card slot, then insert the SIM card with its gold contacts facing down and its cut-off corner facing out the card slot. Slide the SIM card completely into the slot. 4 5 Note: Make sure there is enough credit on the SIM card. If you will be using the GPRS function, you should pay attention to the current GPRS charge. Battery To install the battery: Align the battery’s exposed copper contacts with the battery connectors at the bottom part of the battery compartment. Insert the contacts side of the battery first and then gently push the battery into place. Replace the back cover. Storage Card To install a SD card: Make sure the device is turned off. Locate the SD card slot on the upper part of the exposed right panel. Insert the SD card into the slot with its gold contacts facing down until it clicks into place. To remove the SD card, press it to eject it from the slot. 5 6 3.3 Installation Fix the base with the bracket and keep the base rabbet upward. Put the device on the base with the camera lenses facing forward and straightly to ensure that the photos and videos are taken in right direction. Then fix the bracket on the wall or other solid object. Plug in the charger: Connect power, then the device will be turned on automatically. It can work normally with direct power connected, even if there is no battery. PS: To unplug the charger or take out the battery can turn off the device. 4 Easy Set-up 4.1 Set SOS Alarm Number Only preset SOS alarm numbers are authorized to control system. Any phone number can be set as SOS numbers. SMS command: SOS,A,Phone number# For example: SOS,A,688361#----Add the first SOS Alarm number. The device can add 3 SOS alarm number, if you want to add 3 numbers together, SMS command: SOS,A,Phone number,Phone number,Phone number# For example: SOS,A,688361,688362,688363#----Add three SOS Alarm numbers. 6 7 4.2 Set MMS Only MMS APN setting is set successfully, can it send MMS to SOS number. At first, you should get MMS setting details from the sim card operator. SMS commands: MMS,url,ip,port,apn# Or MMS,url,ip,port,apn,user,psd,connecttype# For example: mms,http://mms.vodafone.it/servlets/mms,,80,mms.vodafone.it# Or mms,http://mms.orange.fr,,8080,orange,orange,orange,1# 4.3 Arm/Disarm There are 3 way to arm/disarm the device as follows: (1) Manual Control Toggle the Arm/Disarm switch button; If the device is in disarming status, toggle the ARM switch once to enter delay arming status ----The yellow LED indicator will flash. After 1minutes it enters arming status-----The yellow LED indicator is continually lighting. If the device is in arming status, toggle the ARM switch once to enter disarming status ----The yellow LED indicator off. (2) SMS Command Control Arm by SMS command: “ON#” SMS reply to SOS number as: “Alarm fortification success!” Disarm by sending SMS command: “OFF#” SMS reply to SOS number as: “Alarm disarm success!” (3) Dialing Control When the device is in disarming status, dial the device number from SOS phone and hang up in 10 seconds, device would enter arming status automatically; If not, the device would enter voice monitoring status. When the device is in arming status, dial the device number from SOS phone and hang up in 10 seconds, the device would enter disarming status automatically; If not, the device would enter voice monitoring status. 7 8 4.4 Timing Arm/Disarm If you don’t need to monitor for 24 hours, please send the command to turn the timing arm function as below: (1) Set the arm time period: TIME,PERIOD1,PERIOD2,PERIOD3# Format of Time period: HH:MM-HH:MM; Example: If you want to set timing arm period from 6pm to 6am, the command should be: TIME,00:00-06:00,18:00-24:00# (2) Turn on the timing function via SMS command ”TIMEON#” Note: When entering arming time period, the device would automatically enter arming status from disarming status before. (3) Set device current time, SMS Command: SETTIME,yyyy-mm-dd,hh:mm:ss# Example: SETTIME,2014-11-04,18:30:00# Alarm current time is:2014- 11- 04 18:30: 00 Note: The device would synchronize time once each day with the server via GPRS Thus manually setting time is not needed. 4.5 Infrared Alarm Procedure When device in “Arming” status, if motion detected, device would make alarm process as follows: a. Take 3 pictures ---They are stored in the SD card, user can review the details by connect it with PC. b. Send the first picture to SOS alarm number----If MMS function is on (In default). If not, alarm info would be sent via SMS. c. Record a video----Video is also stored in SD card. d. Auto call to SOS Number----Users can receive the call and hear what happened at scene. e. All pictures would be uploaded to service platform---www.aneasycam.com, if GPRS network works. f. All pictures can also be uploaded to App on smart phone. 8 9 Note: If the storage space of SD card less than 10M, device would auto delete the files of first alarm, including the pictures and video. 5 Functions 5.1 Voice Monitor SOS number can monitor the live voice of device; it would pick up the call after 10s and enter into the voice monitor status. If there is alarm trigger when monitoring the voice, device would hang up the call and handle the alarm information first. 5.2 Photograph SOS number can take the real time picture via SMS command “PHOTO# ” or “333”, pictures would be sent to SOS number via MMS. 5.3 Auto Dialing Notification When the alarm is triggered, device will auto call to SOS alarm number and users can receive the call to monitor the live voice after pick up the call. Factory status is off.---“Callset,0#”; 9 10 5.4 Service Platform & APP www.aneasycam.com is design for device online management; provides multiple functions such like pictures review, Arm/Disarm, SOS number setting, timing alarm setting, etc. Please log in with: Account: IMEI number Password: 123456(Default) * Make sure the APN setting is right to use the GPRS network. Android & IOS APP: For Android & IOS App, please download “GM01” from Google play or APP store. 5.5 Power Disconnect Alert (1) If power is disconnected/failed, SMS Alert would be sent to SOS Number to notify users -----“Main power is interrupted, please pay attention!” (2) If device is ON, when power is connect again, SMS alert will also be sent to SOS numbers. -----“Main power connection has been restored!” 5.6 Low Battery Alert If the inside battery voltage is under 3.7V, SMS Alert would be sent to SOS numbers-----“Alarm battery voltage is low, please charge in time!” 5.7 SD Card Failure Alert If device cannot detect the SD card, SMS alert would be sent to SOS numbers---“Alarm memory card detection failed, please make sure that the memory card is inserted, or the card space is available!” 10 11 6 Command List Please make sure all commands are without interval. 6.1 Add SOS Number Command SOS,A,P1,P2,P3# (eg)sos,a,688361,688362,688363# Reply SMS Description SOS1:688361 SOS2:688362 SOS3:688363 6.2 Delete SOS Number Command Reply SMS Description SOS1: SOS2: SOS3: Sos,d,1# means delete the first SOS number; Sos,d,688361,688362# means delete SOS number 688361, 688362 (a)SOS,D,1[,2[,3]]# (b)SOS,D,P1,P2,P3# (ega)sos,d,1,2# (egb)sos,d,688361,688362# 6.3 APN Setting Automatically Command Reply SMS ASETAPN,ON# Set Success! ASETAPN,OFF# Set Success! APN,Q# ASETAPN:OFF;cmnet,ad min,123456; Description Turn on APN setting Automatically function (GM01 can set APN by itself.) Turn off APN setting Automatically function Check APN Setting Status. 6.4 Set APN Command (a)APN,apnname# (b)APN,apnname,user,pwd# (ega) apn, mobile.vodafone.it# (egb)apn,orange,orange,orange# Reply SMS Description Set Success 6.5 Set MMS Command (a)MMS,URL,IP,Port,APN# (b)MMS,URL,IP,Port ,APN,user, pwd,ConnectType# Reply SMS Description Set Success Connect Type: 0: HTTP 1: WAP Device reboot after 11 12 (ega)mms,http://mms.vodafone.it/servlet s/mms,,80,mms.vodafone.i t# (egb)mms,http://mms.orange.fr,192.168. 010.200,8080,orange,orange,orange,1# 30seconds 6.6 Arm/Disarm Command Reply SMS Description ON# Alarm fortification success! OFF# Alarm disarm success! 6.7 Set Time Period of Timing Arm Command TIME,S1,S2,S3# (eg)TIME,08:00-12:00,14:0 0-15:20,23:00-24:00# Reply SMS Description Status: Off Timing fortification status: Off Fortification time: S1,S2,S3 Device current time: 2012-10-21;18:20:32 Format of Time period: HH:MM-HH:MM; TIME,08:00-12:00# set the first time period as 8:00 to 12:00 6.8 Set Timing Arm Command Reply SMS Description TIMEON# Timing fortification status: ON Turn on timing alarm TIMEOFF# Timing fortification status: OFF Turn off timing alarm 6.9 Set Time Zone Command (a)GMT, time bearing,time zone# (b)GMT, time bearing, time zone,half time zone# Reply SMS Time zone:E,8,0 Description Timezone:E/W; Standard Timezone:1-12; Half-hour Timezone:15/30/45 (ega)GMT,E,8# (egb)GMT,E,8,30# 6.10 Set MMS Notification Command Reply SMS Description MMSON# MMS alarm: ON Turn on MMS function MMSOFF# MMS alarm: OFF Turn off MMS function 12 13 6.11 Real-time Photograph Command (a)PHOTO# (b)333 Reply SMS Description MMS with pictures 6.12 Photograph Setting Command Reply SMS PHOTOSET,time interval,number of picture# Set Success (eg)PHOTOSET,0,1# Description Time interval:0-60; 0:continuous shooting Number of picture of snapshot: 0-5 Factory status: “PHOTOSET,0,1#” 6.13 Set Resolution Command Reply SMS Description SIZE,1# Photo resolution: 640*480 Set resolution as 640*480 SIZE,0# Photo resolution: 320*240 Set resolution as 320*240 6.14 Set Alarm Capture Command Reply SMS ALARMSET,number of picture,video record time# Set Success (eg)ALARMSET,3,60# Description Number of pictures when alarm : 0-5, video record time:0-300(s), If 0, no photo or no video record; Factory:“ALAEMSET,3,60#”. 6.15 Set Time Interval of IR Alarm Command Reply SMS INTERVAL,time# (eg)INTERVAL,300# Set Success Description Time: 60-3600(s) , Factory:“INTERVAL,300#” 6.16 Set Dialing Notification Command Reply SMS CALLSET,call time# (eg)CALLSET,3# Set Success Description Time: 0-3, 0 means off dialing notification Factory: “CALLSET,0#” 13 14 6.17 LED Indicator Setting Command Reply SMS Description HIDE,1# Set Success LED indicators will be off after 5mins HIDE,0# Set Success LED indictors is always on 6.18 Power Connect Notification Setting Command Reply SMS CHARGERIN,ON# Set Success CHARGERIN,OFF# Set Success Description 6.19 Power Disconnect Notification Setting Command Reply SMS CHARGEROUT,ON# Set Success CHARGEROUT,OFF# Set Success Description 6.20 Server Setting Command Reply SMS Description (a)SERVER,1,domain,port,0# (b)SERVER,0,ip,port,0# (ega)SERVER,1,www.aneasycam.net,8710,0 # (egb)SERVER,0,,8710,0# Set Success 6.21 Server with DNS Service Setting Command Reply SMS (a)DSERVER,MODE1,domain,port,protocol0 # (b)DSERVER,mode0,IP,port,protocol0# (ega)DSERVER,1,coomix.goomegps.net,988 0,0# (egb)DSERVER,0,,9880,0# Description Set Success 6.22 Service Platform Command Reply SMS Description GPRSON,1# Set Success Turn on service platform. GPRSON,0# Set Success Turn off service platform. 14 15 6.23 Time Interval of GPRS Upload Command TIMER,Time interval TIMER,5# Reply SMS Description Set Success! GPRS upload interval:3-300(min) 6.24 Device Reboot Notification Command Reply SMS Description REBOOT,ON# Set Success! Turn on reboot notification. REBOOT,OFF# Set Success! Turn off reboot notification. 6.25 Check GPRS Parameters Command GPRSSET# Reply SMS Description GPRS APN SET: APN: mobile.vodafone.it NAME: PWD: SERVICE SET: ISDYIP:0 MOD:1 URL:www.aneasycam.com PORT:8710 PROTOL_TYPE:0 6.26 Check MMS Parameters Command MMSSET# Reply SMS MMS SET: URL: http://mms.orange.fr IP: PORT:8080 APN: orange NAME: orange PWD: orange TYPE:0 Description MMS center address; message center IP; port; MMS access point; user name; password; MMS type. 15 16 6.27 Check SET Parameters Command (a)SET# (b)555 Reply SMS Description Status: OFF SOS1: 123456 SOS2: SOS3: Timing fortification status: OFF Fortification time00:00-23:59,00:00-00:00,00:00 -00:00 Device current time:2012-12-18;8:35:52 IMEI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MI number:1544863 MMS alarm:ON Photo resolution:320*240 6.28 Check Base Parameter SMS Content Reply SMS PARAM# BY:STRONG; GPRS:Link Up; GSM:Normal; GN:1; TR:5; GMT:E,8,0; LG:0; SE:0; AT:3,60; PT:0,1; CT:0; IL:300; CO:ON; CI:OFF; HE:1; MR:ON; ME:ON; RT:ON; Description Battery status: BATTERY:STRONG/NORMAL/LOW GPRS working status: GPRS:LINK UP/LINK DOWN GSM signal strength: GSM: STRONG/NORMAL/WEAK Platform Service Status: GPRS Upload interval: Time zone: GPRSON: 0/1 TIMER: 3-300 MINUTES GMT: GMT,E,8 Language: LANGUAGE: ENGLISH Photo size: PHOTO SIZE: 0/1 Infrared alarm settings: ALARMSET: 0-5/0-60 Camera settings: PHOTOSET: 0-60/0-5 Phone alert settings: Alarm interval: Power alert settings: Charging reminder settings: CALLSET: 0-3 ALARM INTERVAL: 60-3600 SECONDS CHARGER OUT: ON/OFF CHARGER IN: ON/OFF LED hidden settings: LED INDICATOR : 1/0 Monitor function: MONITOR: ON/OFF Information Status: MESSAGE: ON/OFF Reboot remind: REBOOT: ON /OFF 16 17 6.29 Check Device Time Command SETTIME,Q# Reply SMS Description Alarm current time is: 2012-10-21;18:20:32 6.30 Reboot Command RESET# Reply SMS system reboot after 30 seconds Description Device would reboot in 30s 6.31Restore to Factory Command FACTORY# Reply SMS Description Set Success, system reboot after 30 seconds Restore to factory setting. Device would auto reboot in 30s 7 Appendix 7.1 Battery safety Please use the battery provided by the manufacturer of the device. Use of other accessories may lead to void warranty service. The manufacturer is not liable for any damage resulted from using accessories from other channels. New battery should be fully charged (12 hours) and discharged for two or three times to achieve the best performance. Battery can be charged and discharged for hundreds of times and finally get useless. When calling time and standby time is decreased obviously, you need to change new battery. Touching any metal object (key in pocket) would easily cause battery short-circuit. Do not forcibly bend and open battery. Keep the battery away from water and fire. Battery should be charged at room temperature. If temperature is lower than 0℃ or higher than 40℃, the battery may not be charged. 17 18 7.2 Troubleshooting If you are having trouble with your mobile device, try these troubleshooting procedures before contacting a service professional. Common problems Fail to turn on Fail to monitor Fail to connect network Fail to charge Causes Solution Power off Charge battery The called number is not the SOS number Set up SOS number SIM card without caller ID display function Active function of caller ID display Wrong installation of SIM card Check SIM card installation Filth on the SIM card iron surface. Clean it Useless SIM Contact internet service provider Beyond GSM service area Use it in effective GSM service offer area Bad signal Try again in a better signal area The voltage is unsuitable Connect with power with suitable voltage Improper connection Check connection with charger 18