French 1 Semesters: 2 Credits: 1 Prerequisites: None Grade: 9-10 Course Description: This high-school level course introduces students to effective strategies for beginning French language learning, and to various aspects of French speaking culture. This course encourages interpersonal communication through speaking and writing, providing opportunities to make and respond to basic requests and questions, understand and use appropriate greetings and forms of address, participate in brief guided conversations on familiar topics, and write short passages with guidance. This course also emphasizes the development of reading and listening comprehension skills, such as reading isolated words and phrases in a situational context and comprehending brief written or oral directions. Additionally, students will examine the practices, products and perspectives of Frenchspeaking culture; recognize basic routine practices of the target culture; and recognize and use situation-appropriate non-verbal communication. This course further emphasizes making connections across content areas and the application of understanding French language and culture outside of the classroom. (The base of this course is “French 1” offered by Georgia Virtual Learning. More activities have been added to it.) *Print out this grading sheet to keep track of all the little grades from quizzes and assignments. OR use the Excel version (attached) -print more as necessary. This is a high school class, so it can be counted on a transcript. And transcripts require grades REMEMBER TO DO PRINT SCREENS OF YOUR QUIZES AND TESTS for your Portfolio as you’re going along. Day 1 -alphabet Learn the French alphabet on page 3. Repeat each letter so you can learn them. Here’s another version, just for fun. Day 2 - numbers Learn numbers and do number activities on page 3. Repeat each number so you can learn them. Practice repeating numbers. Day 3 – my name is (part 1) Click enter course then scroll to page 12. Go through page 18. Watch the videos on page 13 and 16 then click next and try the activities on those pages. Do the exercises. When you are done with the exercises on the page, you may move on to the next page. Greetings song Day 4 – my name is (part 2) Click enter course then scroll to pg 19. Go through page 24 Watch the videos on any pages that have them and remember to then click next and try the activities on those pages. Be sure to complete the activities on every page too. When you are done with the exercises on the page, you may move on to the next page. Day 5 -vocab, greetings, and fun Print this vocab sheet and place it in your notebook. 20list.pdf Print these vocab sheets and place them in your notebook. You’ll probably want to just glue the center down onto a piece of paper. It will work sort of like a lapbook page. Folded%20Vocabulary%20Practice.pdf Watch the greetings video on page 4. You don’t need to do anything else on that page yet. Just watch the greetings video. French videos (29 minutes long). Day 6- Question words Do the rest of the activities on page 4. If you’ve been working hard in all your classes, sit back and enjoy another fun French video. Watch this Muzzy video Day 7 – Bonjour / Salut You will complete mots et expression over the next 2 days (QuickTime player required for some exercises. If you don’t have it installed, ask a parent first. You may skip those parts if your parents want you to.) Today, complete pages 26 through 30. Do the activity on page 30. This will count as a QUIZ grade. There are 7 questions so record your score as x/7, with x being the number you got correct. Day 8 - Je m’appelle… Continue on by completing pages 31 through 37. Day 9 – who is it? Complete the activities and watch the videos on pg 5 Now for some fun. How many sentences can you understand? Click ‘show more’ to see the lyrics. Day 10- Vous / Tu Let's start with another song for you to enjoy today. First, here are the words (words to Ma Petite Soeur). If you scroll down, you’ll see the English translation. You’ll also find Jordy’s other songs. Jordy was 4 years old when this album was made. If Jordy learned French, you can too! Jordy is now about as old as your mom. The song Do the videos and activities on pg 6 How about another silly song? If you have been working hard today, sit back and enjoy a song. Remember the Genie from Aladdin? Do you wonder what he sounds like singing in French? Day 11- structures Click the link below. Remember, you will probably have to hit Enter Course. Go to page 38. You will complete this section over the next 3 days. On page 39 and 40, listen to the brief conversations and repeat them. Yes, you’ll be talking to yourself. On page 42, if you put all the answers in order correctly, give yourself 3 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS. Stop today at page 42. Day 12 – subject Pronouns, parler (to talk), aller (to go) Click the link below. Remember, you will probably have to hit Enter Course. Begin on page page 43. When you get to pages 44 and 45, click on anything that has a little speaker icon and repeat after the speaker. Page 46 is a QUIZ. Here are some silly songs to help you prepare for your quiz. Can you sing the words to this one? When you think you have it figured out, return to page 46 and do the exercises twice and record your best score. If you didn’t do too well the first time, go back and review the material on pages 44 and 45 and then try again. Record your best score out of 8 possible points. Good luck! That was a lot of work today. Let’s have some fun. Can you sing the chorus? The title of the song is I Love to Speak French. Get up and dance if you feel inspired to do so. Day 13 - Conjugation Look first at page 50 to review what you learned yesterday. Then, Return to pages 44 and 45. Be sure to review the parler verb. On page 47, you will have another QUIZ. Again, you can have 2 tries and take your best score. Another QUIZ on page 48 and another QUIZ on page 49. On each one, you can have 2 tries and record your best score. Then, PICK ONE OF THE QUIZZES AND RECORD ONLY THAT SCORE. You don’t need to record all 3 quizzes, just the best one. You should try the exercises on pages 51 and 52. You don’t need to record your score. Finish this section, through page 54. Day 14 – more Tu / Vous Today you will have another QUIZ. Go to page 6 and review the items in the top box (Je, Tu, Vous, Il, Elle, and so on). Then, without looking at the top box, complete the self-check. If you need to put a sticky note on the box so you don’t look at the answers, then do it. Be honest. Honesty is important. When you are ready, complete the self-check and record your score. If you did not do well, continue to practice for a few minutes before moving on. If you did well, then let’s have some fun. Would you like to go to the movies? Can you ask someone in French? Do the videos and activities on page 8. If you want to do the Self-Check, you can. If you get a good score, then replace your poorest score on your grade sheet with this grade. This is optional. Day 15 - Professions Do the activities and videos on page 9. Be sure to click on ‘QUIZ Group’ and complete the exercises. You can try twice and record your best score. Day 16 – Unit Project day 1 Over the next 5 days you will be working on your UNIT PROJECT. You will choose to complete project A or B or C on page 11. This project is worth 21 points. You will probably want to keep your vocab sheet handy when doing this project. Review the rubric so you know how you will be graded. Click on the options under More Resources so you know how to complete your project. (Parents, for help with grading this project, please refer to the VOCAB sheet) Here is a copy of the rubric. You may want to review your vocab sheet 20list.pdf The folded vocab sheet that you should have in your notebook. Here's a copy just in case. Folded%20Vocabulary%20Practice.pdf Day 17 – Unit Project day 2 You have 4 more days to finish your UNIT PROJECT. You will choose to complete project A or B or C on page 11. This project is worth 21 points. You will probably want to keep your vocab sheet handy when doing this project. Review the rubric so you know how you will be graded. (Parents, for help with grading this project, please refer to the VOCAB sheet) Here is a copy of the rubric. Day 18 – Unit Project day 3 You have 3 more days to finish your UNIT PROJECT. Day 19 – Unit Project day 4 You have 2 more days to complete your UNIT PROJECT Day 20 – Unit Project day 5 One more day. Your UNIT PROJECT IS DUE TOMORROW. Day 21 – Unit Project DUE Today is the day! Have a parent review your unit project and together record an accurate and honest score. If your project is completed today, give yourself 2 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS. So, if you did an exceptional job then it is possible to get a total score of 23 out of 21. Neat huh? Day 22 Take the day off and review your favorite songs from this unit. Have fun! UNIT 2 – Begin Day 23 - pronunciation Print out the vocabulary words page and put it in your notebook. abulary%20list.pdf Do the activities on page 57 (Intonation). What do you notice about the way French is spoken? Go tell someone how French is spoken. Then, try the activities on Page 58. Practice your pronunciation on Page 59. Repeat the words until you get it right. Practice your accent on Page 60. Work on your listening skills on page 61. Can you get the activity correct? Complete the activity on Page 62. Record your score as X/7, with X being how many you got right. If you did not get them all right, do it again until you have all 7 correct. Skip page 63. Read through Page 64. Day 24 - Accent Continue working on your accent on Page 66-68. Let’s do some fun stuff with our French accent. Let’s pretend you’re an actor and you’re going to play the part of a French person in a play. Watch zis vid E O. Day 25 - spelling Review French letters here. Learn the French alphabet on page 3. Here’s another version, just for fun. Practice your letters here, on pg. 73. Day 26 – cognates and accent marks Learn about cognates and accent marks on pg. 2. Complete the spelling activity. Write the answers on a piece of paper so you don’t have to try to figure out how to get your computer to do the accent marks. If you have trouble with the letters, go back and review your letters. You do not need to record your score. This is just for practice. If you need more practice on accents, go to pg. 75. Day 27 – calendar words Over the next 2 days we will learn the days of the week, months of the year, and other calendar words. Here’s a video to get you started. Watch the videos and do the activities on pg. 3 Practice the Self-check if you’d like. Tomorrow it will be a quiz. Click here to watch a days of the week song (tune to Flintstones – ask your parent if you don’t know who the Flintstones are. ) Day 28 – months of the year / days of the week continued Click here to watch a months of the year song. When you think you got it, try this game. On pg. 3, do the Self-Check and record your score as a quiz grade. Day 29- telling time Today we are going to learn how to tell time in French. Click the first link here and watch the video. This is pg. 4. Do the activities as well. Yes, you can play the games, but only once. When you have finished all the activities today, you may go back and play the games again. Here’s a game so you can practice your numbers when you’re done with your lesson. Day 30- The Re-entry to school (Back to School) Today you’re going to learn about school subjects and words that you would need to know when enrolling in school and talking about yourself. Start with the video and then work your way down the page. You should be on pg. 5 and continue on to pg. 6. Here is a game to practice your verbs. Here is a song for you to review words from Unit 1. Day 31 – Negation or ne___pas Start on page 7. Be sure to watch the video. That’s the lesson. Complete the whole page. Go to page 8 and watch the lesson. Print out this list of 100 French Adjectives and put it in your notebook. Select just the adjectives to print. You don’t have to print the whole webpage. Day 32- Colors Learn your colors. Do page 9. Be sure to repeat after the speaker. That’s how your accent will improve. Here is another color presentation for you. Watch this video and notice that the color is spelled slightly different depending on if the object is masculine or feminine. If you feel like coloring and learning at the same time, print pg. 1 of the color page and color the rainbow correctly. Here’s a song for you to listen to while you color. Day 33 – Colors continued You will have a quiz today. You may want to review the content from Day 32. Or, listen to the song again. Good luck. Use this website to help you study. Scroll over the colors to hear their names. Return to page 9 and do the QUIZ. You can have 2 tries again. Record your best score. Here is a silly song for you to enjoy after your quiz. Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds (Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes) Day 34 –Practice Complete the 2 exercises in the Quiz Group on page 12. You don’t need to record your score. This is just for practice and to prepare you for your End of Unit Project. Then, do the crossword puzzle also on page 12. UNIT 3 Day 35 - family Print out these vocab lists and put them in your notebook. sentation.pdf Print this one out too. vocabulary%20list.pdf Today we will learn family words. Watch the videos and do the exercises on page 2. Try some activities on this page. Try your accent. Repeat after the speaker. Listen to ”La Lamille Tortue” (The Turtle Family) Day 36-adjectives Do page 3 activities. Do the QUIZ and record your score out of 8 possible points. Watch this video Day 37 likes and dislikes Do page 4 and try the self-check at the bottom. Remember to repeat after the speaker so that your accent will improve. Watch this video Day 38 As you read through this page, click on the links and listen to the speaker. Repeat after the speaker. I know, that was long. Are you sleeping? Frère Jacques Day 39 end of quarter test Make sure the little box at the right says matching, multiple choice, true/false. Write in will be too hard to grade so uncheck that box. Question Limit should be 18. RECORD your TEST SCORE OUT OF 18 possible points. Day 40 – End of Quarter Project Today you will select and begin planning your end of quarter project. You will choose 1 of the following 3 options. Option 1 – An Interactive Newsletter Here is a sample – pdf For this project, you will need to include at least 3 links to things you find interesting about France, Quebec, or the history of the French language. Go to page 90, 93, 95 for some things you might find interesting about French culture. Yes, that requires research. You will also include themed pictures pertaining to a subject you have learned this quarter. In this newsletter, they chose colors. In the body of the newsletter, you will introduce yourself and a friend in dialog format (like a skit). This might help you get started with your dialog Use the sample as your guide. Here is a link to your other 2 options for your project – ct.rtf You will have 5 more days to complete this project. We will use the same rubric we used at the end of Unit 1. Here is a copy. Here is a copy of the vocabulary from Unit 2. abulary%20list.pdf Here is a copy of the vocabulary from Unit 1. Folded%20Vocabulary%20Practice.pdf Day 41 – End of Quarter Project 4 more days left. Look at Day 40 for details. Day 42 – End of Quarter Project 3 more days left. Look at day 40 for details. Day 43 – End of Quarter Project 2 more days left. Look at day 40 for details. Day 44 – End of Quarter Project 1 more day left. Look at day 40 for details. Today is the day to clean the project up and add the finishing touches. Day 45 – End of Quarter Project DUE Here is a copy of the rubric. Give yourself an honest grade. If you think you could have done better, then you should not get all the points. If you did an exceptional job, add 2 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS. If your project is not done yet, TAKE 2 POINTS AWAY for being late. STOP Time for a report card and portfolio/records updating. Portfolio/records: In your portfolio you should include one of your writing assignments from this quarter. You can also take a screen shot of one of the online quizzes. You could save any other assignment that’s different–like a printout of a powerpoint. Choose things that are neat and well kept. NOTE! If you are turning your portfolio into the school district, keep a separate records binder for yourself at home. Include the best writing assignment and maybe one other assignment that you think highlights the course or your child. This is for your high school records. You will hold onto these records until your child is in college! You don’t want to save too much, but you want to have enough, just in case. Report Card: In public school you get your grade for your class every quarter of the school year. That’s about now. This isn’t your final grade for your course. It just lets you know how you are doing. This is how you find your grade: add up all the grades you have been recordings. Add up the top numbers (your scores) and write that number down. Add up the bottom numbers (the total possible points) and write that number down. Add a new line on your grading sheet. At the beginning of the line write, “FIRST QUARTER GRADE.” Next to it somewhere in another block write your two totals (your total score/total possible). Divide those numbers. Your score divided by total possible. Move the decimal point over two places to the right. In the next box over, write the number in front of the decimal (something between 1 and 100). This is your percent grade. In the next box over write your letter grade. Anything starting with a 9 is an A. Anything starting with a 8 is a B. Anything starting with a 7 is a C and so forth. If you have everything perfect, then your grade is 100. That’s an A too. Your goal is to get an A for the course at the end of the year. Go back and look at where you lost points. What can you do to avoid losing those points in the next quarter? Draw a line across your grade report, or maybe print out a new sheet and start fresh for the new quarter. BEGIN QUARTER 2 Day 46 - Celebrations Read through page 5. Follow the links and read what they say. To learn more about Bastille Day. Read here. DO NOT click on anything that says download, I’m not sure what it will do. Reading the page is good enough. You can click the links, just stay away from download. Here are some activities for you. Pick one (or more) to do today or tomorrow. Watch the video about Bastille Day Fireworks Show (you will need a discovery education login and password for this link) Watch the video ‘Introduction to France’ (you will need a discovery education login and password for this link) Make some Crepes in honor of Fête de Chandeleur. Here’s a recipe with a video showing 3 different ways to make crepes. Click on the tab that says Videos. Then, click Crepes Three Ways. Or, if you’d prefer to learn from a French Master Chef, here is how Julia Child made Crepes. Make a mask in honor of Mardi Gras. Make a French Flag and put it up in your home in honor of Fête de la Victoire. Listen to the French National Anthem. Day 47 – French Celebration Activities Here are some activities for you. Pick one (or more) to do today or tomorrow. Watch the video about Bastille Day Fireworks Show (you will need a discovery education login and password for this link) Watch the video ‘Introduction to France’ (you will need a discovery education login and password for this link) Make some Crepes in honor of Fête de Chandeleur. Here’s a recipe with a video showing 3 different ways to make crepes. Click on the tab that says Videos. Then, click Crepes Three Ways. Or, if you’d prefer to learn from a French Master Chef, here is how Julia Child made Crepes. Make a mask in honor of Mardi Gras. Make a French Flag and put it up in your home in honor of Fête de la Victoire. Listen to the French National Anthem. Day 48 – Unit Wrap up Print out the vocabulary on page 9. Place it in your notebook. 3%20vocabulary%20list.pdf Complete the quiz group on page 7. You don’t need to record your score. Just keep doing it until you get all of them right. Day 49 - Unit Project Day 1 – Birthday Celebration You will complete a Unit Project. You will have 5 days to complete it. Choose option A or B. You can use any format/program you’re familiar with. You don’t have to use the programs they suggest. ed.pdf We will use the same rubric we used at the end of Unit 1. Here is a copy. Here’s some inspiration for you Day 50 – Unit Project Day 2 You have 4 more days to complete your unit project. Day 51 – Unit Project Day 3 You have 3 more days to complete your unit project. Day 52 – Unit Project Day 4 You have 2 more days to complete your unit project. Day 53 – UNIT PROJECT DUE TODAY Your Unit Project is due today and is worth 21 points. You will grade your project today. Use the same rubric we used at the end of Unit 1. Here is a copy. How did you do? view=inside Day 54 – La Maison (the home/house) Introduction to this Unit Print out this vocabulary page and put it in your notebook. Watch this video- Rooms in a house What happens in each room in a house? Day 55 – La Maison (the home/house) continued Read and do the activities on page 2 and 3. What happens in Leroy’s house? Day 56 - Possession and vocabulary La Maison Vocabulary. Print this out, if you can, and add it to your notebook. Do the activities on pages 4, 5, and 6. Day 57 – Possession and vocabulary continued Pick one of the activities and try it. Can you sing the words? (Sung to Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face”). If you prefer, here is another option. Here are the words. Click the play button to hear the Chez Moi song. It is on page 4. Day 58 – Do the activities again on page 3 and record them as QUIZ grades. No peeking at the words above while you are trying to answer the questions! But, you may try each one twice and record your best scores. The first 3 are 10 points each. The last one is 8 points total. That’s a total of 38 points to earn today. Good luck! That was a lot. How about a song? Celine Dion is a famous French Canadian singer. Celine Dion sings Brahms Lullaby Day 59 Read page 7. Complete page 8. Try this. La Maison QUIZ 12 possible points Day 60 – Ou allez vous? (Where do you go?) Do the activities on page 9. Complete the QUIZ on page 9 and record your score out of 8 possible points. Skim through pages 10 and 11, just to become familiar and aware of the differences. Here is a game for you today. Day 61 –Unit Project For this project, you will describe your own home or a dream home. The directions here say to describe your dream home, but you may choose to describe your own home. You will need to include a written transcript as best you can. This will be difficult to grade, unless someone in your home is a native speaker of French, so do your very best. You will have 5 days to complete this project. See page 13 for directions. Here is a very good Unit Project Sample: Ma Maison Here is the rubric for this project. Day 62 – Unit Project day 2 Day 63 – Unit Project day 3 Day 64 – Unit Project day 4 Day 65 – Unit Project DUE TODAY Here is the rubric for this project. This project is worth 21 points, just like all the other unit projects. Day 66 - Let’s Eat! UNIT 4 Print out this vocabulary page and put it in your notebook. Read and do the activities on page 2 Do you like fruit? Day 67 - Expressing Needs and Wants Read and do the activities on page 3 I want mousse au chocolat. How about you? (28 minute video – making chocolate mouse with Julia Child- optional) Day 68 - French bread and cheese Read and do the activities on pages 4 and 5. Optional video for you todayHow to make French Bread, from Julia Child- The French Chef Day 69 - Food Play this game to learn about French food. Watch the video on page 6. Can you sort the cards correctly? Day 70 – Food continued Here is another game to test your skills. Finally, try these QUIZES on French food words. How did you do? Can you do better? Try again. Then, record your scores. Out of 12, Out of 10. Day 71- Les cartes aux restaurants (Restaurant Menus) Try the activities on page 7, 8, and 9. Make sure you learn your French well enough so you don’t have an experience like Mr. Bean at a restaurant. Day 72 – Resturants Here are a few videos today about French restaurants in France. If you go out to eat in France, you will have to pay for your meal. Here’s a guide for you. Day 73 - Numbers review and dates Do the QUIZ on page 3, 19 possible points Play this game to review your numbers. And this one for higher numbers Read page 10 and do the activities. Day 74 – Cooking Print this cooking vocabulary sheet out and place it in your notebook. Here is a video on how to make brownies. Just watch. Can you understand it? Day 74- Invitations Read page 11 and do the activities. Choose a game to play here. Allouette – A fun Thankgiving song for you today. Day 75- Unit Project Day 1 You will have 5 days to complete your unit project. Your project will be worth 21 points, as usual. Click here and select option A or B for your project. Here is the rubric for your grading. Day 76 – Unit Project Day 2 Day 77 – Unit Project Day 3 Day 78 – Unit Project Day 4 Day 79 – Unit Project DUE TODAY Your Unit Project should be done today. Here is the rubric for your grading. That was a lot. Would you like to get up and dance a little? The first 5 minutes is a song in French that French foreign exchange students put their pictures to thank their host families at the end of the semester. Day 80 – 10 more days left until the semester is over!! Yay!!! There are 10 more days until the end of the semester and it will be packed full of fun facts and entertainment. If you follow a traditional school schedule, it is likely close to the holidays for you. Your thoughts are probably focused more on the festivities going on around you. So, we will start with the unit on Seasons and explore some French Christmas traditions and songs. Ready? Let’s have some festive educational fun! Let’s start with Christmas stories in French Print out this vocabulary sheet and put it in your notebook. I’m not sure if it works because I have to check it around December, but here is a French Christmas song radio station 7_514&f=11&tt=14&bt=9&bts=9&zu=http%3A// Day 81 – Temperature Here is a video for you. Do the activities on page 4. Apparently Dora speaks French as well as Spanish and English. Here’s a Merry Christmas song for you. Featuring Dora, Boots, and Santa. Day 82 - Weather What does the weather feel like? Here is a game. Click scatter for the easier game. Click space race if you’re feeling brave today. Read about Christmas in France Day 83- Going on vacation Do the activities on day 5. A video about the French Christmas market. See what Paris looks like at Christmastime. There are a lot of people! You only need to watch a few seconds to get the idea. Here’s another video of what Christmastime is like in France. Day 84- Review Weather QUIZ 13 possible points Let’s review. Choose a game. Day 85- Trains and Subway Eiffel Tower light show in December Do the activities on page 6. Try this worksheet. Record 1 point for each one you got right. 19 possible points QUIZ ATTACHED BELOW Answers also below Day 86- More verbs Do the activities on page 7 Read through this just to get a general idea of French verbs. You won’t remember it all at this point, and that’s okay. It’s only here to give you a general idea for your later studies in French. Here’s a really cool link you can use to conjugate any French verb correctly. Stick in any French word and it conjugates it for you. You might want to save this link for when you have to do a project and can’t remember how to conjugate the verb right. Just a thought. If you can’t remember how to spell the verb you want, you might find this site useful. Day 87- I am going to… do something Do the activities on page 8 Here’s a story for you. Christmas in France. Don’t worry if you can’t read all the words. Just give it a good little try. If you get totally frustrated, just enjoy the pictures and songs. Day 88- Christmas in France What is Christmas like for a family in France? Read this about Christmas traditions in France. Christmas QUIZ 21 possible points Choose an activity and see if you can follow the directions in French. You can change them on the left if table decorations don’t interest you. Day 89- Christmas in Quebec Quebec is a French Speaking part of eastern Canada. Click here to see a map. Print this and put it in your notebook. Christmas in Quebec is quite a bit different than France. Click here to read a blog about traditions in Quebec. Quebec City Christmas tree light show Christmas story in French Day 90Silent Night The First Christmas in French Read about Boxing Day. Boxing Day – The day after Christmas DAY 90 END OF SEMESTER STOP Time for a report card and portfolio/records updating. Portfolio/records: In your portfolio you should include one of your writing assignments from this quarter. You can also take a screen shot of one of the online quizzes. You could save any other assignment that’s different–like a cartoon. Choose things that are neat and well kept. This is how you find your grade: add up all the grades you have been recording for this quarter. Add up the top numbers (your scores) and write that number down. Add up the bottom numbers (the total possible points) and write that number down. Add a new line on your grading sheet. At the beginning of the line write, “SECOND QUARTER GRADE.” Next to it somewhere in another block write your two totals (your total score/total possible). Divide your score by total possible. Move the decimal point over two places to the right. In the next box over, write the number in front of the decimal (something between 1 and 100). This is your percent grade. In the next box over write your letter grade. Anything starting with a 9 is an A. Anything starting with an 8 is a B. Anything starting with a 7 is a C and so forth. If you have everything perfect, then your grade is 100. That’s an A too. Your goal is to get an A for the course at the end of the year. Go back and look at where you lost points. What can you do to avoid losing those points in the next quarter? Draw a line across your grade report, or maybe print out a new sheet and start fresh for the new quarter. MY NOTES FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER BEGIN SECOND SEMESTER Day 91 Welcome back to the second half of French 1. To get us started, we will be exploring what New Year’s looks like for the major French speaking parts of the world. Here’s the 2013 New Year’s celebration in Quebec. Click here and read page 2. Next, we will be using videos to explore tourism and the geography of France and French Canada and then we will return to our unit on Seasons. Day 92 – Faire Faire is kind of a funny word. It’s a type of idiom, or sort of like a type of slang- but not really. It’s one of those words that you just have to be exposed to in order to understand which phrases you would use it with. Here’s a better explanation of what I’m trying to say. Here’s a story in English. Imagine you were just learning English. Skim through the underlined words and picture them in your head. As you read, remember those pictures. I bet you can’t get half way through the story without falling out of your chair laughing. Choose a story here. Faire is sort of like that. You need to understand the culture of the word. ;) Now click on page 3 and just flip through the flip books on this page. You don’t need to do anything else. Day 93- Faire Continued Today we will continue with page 3. Do everything on page 3. Some will be review. Here’s a song to help you remember how to conjugate the verb faire. Day 160 – Day 180 Thinking about traveling to France, here is a wonderful video by a travel company. You can probably skip the first few minutes where he’s trying to get people to buy his books. The pictures of France and his ‘insider’ information will be helpful if you ever get to go to France. Start the video at 2 minutes. Me voilà! (All About Me) View La rentrée scolaire (Returning to School) View Les fêtes et ma famille (Celebrations and Family) View Chez moi (At home) View Mangeons! (Let’s eat) View Les Saisons (The Seasons) View En Ville (In the city) View Les Passe-Temps (Pastimes) View La Mode (Fashion) View En Voyage (Travel) View RESOURCES HOLIDAY SONGS Around day 75 Allouette Children of the World song Easter – House of Mouse Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 49 minutes long. Celine Dion sings Brahms Lullaby Scroll to Celine Dion "L'amour existe encore" How old are you game BBC French games BBC French songs BBC French videos BBC Ma France Interactive video course Link to French games Christmas stories in French The First Christmas in French Choose a story from the right French Christmas song radio station 7_514&f=11&tt=14&bt=9&bts=9&zu=http%3A// French Christmas carols Silent Night French Christmas Carols Christmas Traditions 12 days of Christmas Quebec Christmas traditions blog Boxing Day – The day after Christmas French links Stick in any French word and it conjugates it for you. Can you sing the words? Aller – to go Find a song and conjugate a verb to it. AS A PROJECT. Here’s a sample! Rosa goes to the city. French story with French subtitles Common phrases when traveling in France Map of France coloring page Snow White French quizes Euro School FRANCE – tons of cool stuff Le métro à Paris Starter: Trouve les mots dans le dictionnaire: a. La ligne de metro: c. La station de metro: b. La gare: d. La direction: 1. -aller 2. - 3. - Remplis les trous et utilise les mots de la boite: Pardon Madame, je voudrais aller a ______________s’il vous plait. Pour ______à la Tour Eiffel, il faut prendre____________. C’est quelle couleur? C’est ________. Et c’est quelle ____________? C’est la direction___________et _____________. C’est quelle station ? C’est ____________ Champs de Mars. Merci Madame, au revoir! ___________ Monsieur. Fais le dialogue pour aller a la Cathedrale Notre Dame: Pardon Madame, je___________________________________ s’il vous plait. Pour aller______________, il faut prendre____________________. C’est quelle ______________? C’est___________. Et c’est quelle direction? C’est la__________ __________________________________. C’est quelle station? C’est la station______________________________. Merci Madame, au revoir! -direction -la station -à la Tour Eiffel -vert -la ligne 6 -au revoir -Charles de Gaulle Nation et Le métro à Paris 4. c. d. e. f. Starter: Trouve les mots dans le dictionnaire: La ligne de metro: subway/metro line La gare: train station La station de metro : subway/metro line La direction: the direction Remplis les trous et utilise les mots de la boite: - Pardon Madame, je voudrais aller à la Tour Eiffel s’il vous plait. - Pour aller à la Tour Eiffel, il faut prendre la ligne 6. - C’est quelle couleur? - C’est vert. - Et c’est quelle direction? - C’est la direction Charles de Gaulle et Nation. - C’est quelle station ? - C’est la station Champs de Mars. - Merci Madame, au revoir! - Au revoir Monsieur. 5. - Fais le dialogue pour aller a la Cathedrale Notre Dame: Pardon Madame, je voudrais aller à la Cathédrale Notre Dame s’il vous plait. Pour aller à la Cathédrale Notre Dame, il faut prendre la ligne 6. C’est quelle couleur? C’est vert. Et c’est quelle direction? C’est la direction Charles de Gaulle et Nation. C’est quelle station? C’est la station Champs de Mars. Merci Madame, au revoir! -aller -direction -la station -à la Tour Eiffel -vert -la ligne 6 -au revoir -Charles de Gaulle Nation et