
Introduction to VLSI Design
Khurram Kazi
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Selecting a Semiconductor vendor
 One of the first things that needs to be done when
designing a chip is to select the semiconductor vendor and
technology one wants to use. The following issues need to
be considered during the selection process
Maximum frequency of operation
Power restrictions
Packageing restrictions
Clock tree implementation
Floor planning
Design support for libraries, megacells, and RAMs
Available cores
Available test methods and scans
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Understanding the library
 Design Compiler (DC) uses these libraries
Technology libraries
Symbol libraries
DesignWare libraries
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Technology libraries
 Contain information about the characteristics and functions of each cell
provided in a semiconductor vendor’s library. The manufacturers
maintain and distribute the technology libraries
Cell characteristics include information such as cell name, pin names,
area, delay arcs and pin loading.
The technology library also defines the conditions that must be met for
a functional design (e.g., the maximum transition time for nets). These
conditions are called design rule constraints.
Also specify the operating conditions and wire load models specific to
that technology
DC requires the technology libraries to be in “.db” format. These
libraries are typically provided by the semiconductor manufacturer
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Symbol libraries
 Symbol libraries contain definitions of the graphic
symbols that represent library cells in the design
schematics. Semiconductor vendors maintain and
distribute the symbol libraries.
 Design Compiler uses symbol libraries to generate
the design schematic. You must use Design Vision
to view the design schematic.
 When you generate the design schematic, Design
Compiler performs a one-to-one mapping of cells
in the netlist to cells in the symbol library.
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
DesignWare Library
 A DesignWare library is a collection of reusable circuit-
design building blocks (components) that are tightly
integrated into the Synopsys synthesis environment.
 DesignWare components that implement many of the builtin HDL operators are provided by Synopsys. These
operators include +, -, *, <, >, <=, >=, and the operations
defined by if and case statements.
 You can develop additional DesignWare libraries at your
site by using DesignWare Developer, or you can license
DesignWare libraries from Synopsys or from third parties.
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Specifying Libraries
 Use dc_shell variables to specify the libraries used by the
Design Compiler as shown in the table below
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Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Target Library
 Design Compiler uses the target library to build a
circuit. During mapping, Design Compiler selects
functionally correct gates from the target library. It
also calculates the timing of the circuit, using the
vendor-supplied timing data for these gates.
 Use the target_library variable to specify the target
The syntax is
set target_library my_tech.db
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Link Library
 Design Compiler uses the link library to resolve
references. For a design to be complete, it must connect to
all the library components and designs it references. This
process is called linking the design or resolving references.
During the linking process, Design Compiler uses the
link_library system variable, the local_link_library
attribute, and the search_path system variable to resolve
The syntax is
set link_library {* my_tech.db}
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Specifying DesignWare Library
 You do not need to specify the standard synthetic
library, standard.sldb, that implements the built-in
HDL operators. The software automatically uses
this library.
 If you are using additional DesignWare libraries,
you must specify these libraries by using the
synthetic_library variable (for optimization
purposes) and the link_library variable (for cell
resolution purposes).
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Describing environmental
Top Level
on the whole design
& set_max_fanout
on Clock
on Inputs and Output
ports or current design
on input signals
on outputs
BIP calc
for each block,
including top level
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Environmental attributes
 Design environment consists of defining the process
parameters, I/O port attributes, and statistical wire load
Set_min_library <max_library filename>
-min_version <min library filename>
dc_shell> set_min_library “ex25_worst.db” \
-min_version “ex25_best.db”
This command allows the users to simultaneously specify the best case
and worst case libraries. Can be used to fix set up and hold violation.
The user should set both the min and the max values for the operating
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Setting operating conditions
 set_operating_conditions
 Specifies the process, voltage and temperature conditions of
the design.
Synopsys library consists of WORST, TYPICAL and BEST
cases. Each vendor has their own naming convention for the
Changing the value of the operating condition command, full
range of process variations are covered.
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Setting operating conditions
 set_operating_conditions
 WORST is generally used during pre-layout synthesis phase to
optimize the maximum set-up time.
BEST is normally used to fix any hold violations.
TYPICAL is generally not used since it is covered when both
WORST and BEST cases are used.
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Setting operating conditions
 set_operating_conditions
 It is possible to optimize the design with both WORST and
BEST cases simultaneously
dc_shell> set_operating_conditions WORST
dc_shell> set_operating_conditions –min BEST
-max WORST
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Operating conditions
% yield
PVT (Process, Voltage and
Temperature curve)
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Modeling wire loads
•DC uses wire loads models to estimate capacitance,
resistance and the area of the nets prior to floor planning or
•The wire load model is based upon a statistically average
length of a net for a given fan out for a given area
“20 x 20”
“10 x 10”
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Wire load command
 DC uses wire load information to model the delay which is
a function of loading
 Synopsys provides wire load models in the technology
library, each representing a particular size.
 Designer can create their own wire load models for better
set_wire_load_model –name <wire-load model>
dc_shell>set_wire_load_model –name MEDIUM
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Wire load mode
 There are 3 modes associated with the set_wire_load_mode: top, enclosed and
 top
Defines that all nets in the hierarchy will inherit the same wire load
model as the top level block. Use it if when the plan is to flatten the
design later for layout.
 enclosed
Specifies all the nets (of the sub-blocks) inherit the wire load model
of the block that completely encloses the sub-blocks. For example, if
blocks X and Y are enclosed within block Z, then the blocks X and Y
will inherit the wire load models defined for block Z.
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Wire load mode
Used when wires are crossing hierarchical boundaries. From the previous
example, the sub-blocks X and Y will inherit the wire load models specific to
them, while nets between sub-blocks X and Y(which are contained within Z)
will inherit wire-load model specified for block Z
Not used often, as the wire load models are specific to the net segments
set_wire_load_mode <top|enclosed|segmented>
dc_shell>set_wire_load_mode top
 Accurately using wire load models is highly recommended as this directly
affects the synthesis runs. Wrong model can generate undesired results. Use
slightly pessimistic wire load models. This will provide extra time margin that
may be absorbed later in the test circuit insertion or layout
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Wire load models across hierarchy
mode = top: (ignores
lower level wire loads)
mode = enclosed:
(uses best fitting
wire loads)
mode = segmented: (uses several
wire loads)
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
 set_drive is used at the input ports of the block. It is
used to specify the drive strength at the input port.
Is typically used to model the external drive
resistance to the ports of the block or chip. 0
signifies highest strength and is normally used for
clock or reset ports.
set_drive <value><object list>
dc_shell> set_drive 0 {clk rst}
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
 set_driving_cell is used to model the drive
resistance of the driving cell to the input ports.
set_driving_cell –cell <cell name> -pin <pin name>
<object list>
dc_shell>set_driving_cell –cell BUFF1 –pin Z
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
 set_load sets the capacitive load in the units defined in the
technology library (pf), to the specified ports or nets of the
design. It typically sets capacitive loading on output ports of the
blocks during pre-layout synthesis, and on nets, for back
annotating the extracted post layout capacitive information
set load <value> <object list>
dc_shell>set_load 1.5 [all_outputs]
dc_shell> set_load 0.3 [get_nets blockA/n1234]
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Design rule constraints
 Design rule constraints consist of set_max_transition, set_max_fanout and
set_max_capacitance. These rules are technology dependent and are generally
set in the technology library. The DRC commands are applied to input ports,
output ports or on the current_design. It can be useful if the technology library is
not adequate of is too optimistic, then these commands can be used to control
the buffering in the design
set_max_transition <value> <object list>
set_max_capacitance <value> object list>
set_max_fanout ,value> <object list>
dc_shell –t>set_max_transition 0.3 current_design
dc_shell –t>set_max_capacitance 1.5 [get_ports out1]
dc_shell –t>set_max_fanout 3.0 [all_outputs]
(dc_shell –t> corresponds to DC operating in tcl mode)
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Some more design constraints
dc_shell –t >create_clock –period 40
-waveform [list 0 20] CLK
set_dont_touch_network is a very useful command and is
usually used for clock and reset. It is used to
set_dont_touch property on a port, or a net. This prevents
DC from buffering the net in order to meet DRCs.
dc_shell –t>set_dont_touch_network {clk, rst}
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Some more design constraints
 If a block generates a secondary clock from the
primary, e.g. byte clock from the serial clock, in
this apply set_dont_touch_network on the
generated clock output port of the block. Helps
prevent DC from buffering it up. Clock trees can
later be inserted to balance the clock skew.
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660
Some more design constraints
 set_dont_touch is used to set a dont_touch property on the
current design, cells, references or net. This is frequently
used during hierarchical compilations of the block.
dc_shell –t>set_dont_touch current_design
 Useful in telling DC not to touch the current design if it has
been optimized to designer’s satisfaction. For example, if
some spare gates block is instantiated, DC will not touch it
or optimize it.
New York Institute of Technology
Engineering and Computer Sciences
Kazi Spring 2008
CSCI 660