The Book 2015 Mississippi Technology Student Association Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION Regions Map 3 Letter from MS TSA State Advisor 4 Online/Affiliation-Membership Process 5 C.M. Brewer FFA Center 6 Calendar 7-8 TSA Patch Order 9 Bylaws 10 – 15 How to Determine a Student’s TSA Identification Numbers 17 Chapter Identification Numbers 18 - 25 Liability Release Form 26 - 27 Conference Dress Code 28 General Rules and Regulations 29 - 30 COMPETITIVE EVENTS Middle School 31 - 65 High School 66 – 102 1 2 Greetings Mississippi TSA, The 2014-15 MS TSA Conference season has arrived. The Book 2015 has been revised. It will be necessary for you to own the national manual for the area in which you compete. The middle and high schools manuals will be available thru National Technology Student Association after you have affiliated your local chapter. Contact information is: National Technology Student Association 1914 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191-1540 Phone: 703-860-9000 Fax: 703-758-4852 E-mail: All Mississippi Chapters should be affiliated nationally by January 19, 2015. If you are not affiliated before district, you will not be able to compete in district competition. There is a 10 member minimum per chapter. Shanta Washington-Villanueva MS TSA State Advisor 3 Online Affiliation/Membership Process To register online go to and click on Join TSA and follow that instructions provided for you. Please note: National dues are Mississippi dues are Total $9.00* per student for the year and 4.00 per student for the year $13.00 per student for the year *If your chapter has 40 or more members, please consider doing CAP members. More detailed information is outline at National and State dues are mailed to National TSA. National TSA will send Mississippi TSA their part of the chapter dues. Please mail your check for dues to: National TSA 1914 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191-1540 4 Directions to the FFA CENTER Open all year round only for Career and Technical student organization members, this fabulous center includes a huge conference area with four breakaway rooms, a cabana for eating, and a huge kitchen. Cabins sleep up to 70 people. Reservations must be made through the Center Director, please call 601-857-9069. Although there is no charge to stay at the FFA Center, you must call for reservations. Please see below for directions to the C.M. Brewer Leadership Center “FFA Center” in Raymond, Mississippi. DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 49 in Florence and Byram-Florence Rd At the traffic light on Hwy. 49 in Florence (going toward Jackson), turn left. Cross RR tracks and go straight through town (do not turn). You are on Byram-Florence Rd. Go by “Cleary” Baptist Church & Fire Station & past a lake on both sides of the road. At stop sign turn left and then “immediate right”: (still on Byram-Florence Rd.). Go across Pearl River, railroad tracks, & I-55 at Byram. Go straight through traffic light to Terry Rd. (by McDonalds). You are now on “Siwell Rd.” which is 4-lane. Just past Country Roads Baptist Church turn left on to “Big Creek Road.” Go to end & turn right on to “Spring Ridge Road.” Go ¼ mile & turn left on to “Seven Springs Road.” Go about 4/5 miles on “Seven Springs Road.” And the C.M. Brewer Leadership Center is on the right (about ¾ miles past “Riggs Manor Retirement Home.” If you get to Highway 18, you have gone too far. RETURNING DIRECTIONS: Go Left out of the C.M. Brewer Leadership Center parking lot. Go till end of Seven Springs Road (5 miles—Cross, but do not turn on Midway Road). Right on Spring Ridge Road for 3/10 mile. Left on Big Creek and go to end. Right on Siwell Road (which becomes 4-lane). Go through Byram, cross I-55. Railroad tracks, Pearl River, until the road ends. There is a small Nursery on the right corner. Go left, then immediately right (zig-zag). You are now on the Byram -Florence Road. You go between 2 lakes, and past “Cleary” Fire Station and Baptist Church on your left. Stay on this road (lots of curves and small hills) to downtown Florence traffic light. Go straight through light ½ mile (or less) to Hwy 49 South, which is your next traffic light. Bear right at traffic light to go South on Hwy 49. DIRECTIONS: I-55 (North or South) / I-20 (East/West) Merge onto I-20 West toward Vicksburg. Merge onto MS-18W via Exit 40 (exit 40A heading east/40B heading west) toward Raymond. You will travel down Hwy 18 for about 10 miles. Once you reach the second red light, get in the left lane. Seven Springs Road is on the left hand side at the 3rd red light. Take a left on Seven Springs Rd (you will see a water tower). Travel down Seven Springs Road for about a 1 mile. You will see a blue gate with the words “FFA Center” written in yellow. The main building is gray and sits on a hill. 5 Mississippi Technology Student Association 2014-2015 Calendar of Events – TENTATIVE THEME: Date(s) Designing Your Dreams Event(s) 2014 Fall Conference Fees $20.00 per student, $10.00 per advisor, chaperons, and guests October 6 - 10, 2014 October 31-November 1, 2014 December 12-13, 2014 National TSA Week Plan some activities to promote your chapter TSA Kick Off – Fall Conference C. M. Brewer Leadership Center, Raymond, MS Deadline: October 17, 2014 Late Fee starts October 17, 2014 October 17, 2014 is the last day to add students. The late fee will be in effect. Officer Training Meeting – C. M. Brewer Center, Raymond District Officers and State Officers 2015 Regional Conference Fees $20.00 per student, $8.00 per advisor, chaperons, and guests January 30, 2015 February 6, 2015 TSA Central District Competition – Vicksburg Convention Center-Vicksburg Deadline: January 20, 2015 Late Fee starts January 21, 2015 January 23, 2015 is the last day to add students. The late fee will be in effect. TSA Northern District Competition – Northeast MS CC Booneville Deadline: January 25, 2015 Late Fee starts January 26, 2015 January 30, 2015 is the last day to add students. The late fee will be in effect. 6 February 13, 2015 March 3, 2015 March 25-27, 2015 May 28-29, 2015 June 28– July 2, 2015 TSA Southern District Competition – Pearl River CC – Woodall Center Deadline: February 2, 2015 Late Fee starts February 3, 2015 February 6, 2015 is the last day to add students. The late fee will be in effect. Career Prep, Career Preparation, Music Production, Promotional Design, Promotional Graphics Webmaster, and Website Design are due in the state office. All entries must be emailed to by 11:59 p.m. Late entries will not be accepted. State Conference Fees $30.00 per student, $20.00 per Advisor, $5.00 TSA chaperons and guest 36th Annual TSA State Conference Jackson Marriott Jackson, Mississippi Deadline: March 2, 2013 Late Fee starts March 3, 2015 March 6, 2015 is the last day to add students. The late fee will be in effect. TSA Executive Board Meeting Tupelo, MS National TSA Conference Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center Dallas, Texas 7 MS TSA Official Patch/ Lapel Pin Order Form TO: Mississippi Department of Education MS TSA P.O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205 FROM: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Email: ______________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ __________ Quantity @ $5.00 each = _________________ - Patch __________ Quantity @ $1.20 each = _________________- Lapel Pin Remit payment to: MS TSA P.O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205 8 MISSISSIPPI TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION BYLAWS ARTICLE I. NAME The official name of this organization shall be the Mississippi Technology Student Association and may be referred to as ''Mississippi TSA." ARTICLE II. PURPOSES Section 1 The purposes of this organization are to: General: To widen and deepen the interest and knowledge of students in this technological age; to motivate regular schoolwork; and to promote technology education in the elementary and secondary schools in Mississippi; assist local delegations in the growth and development of TSA; assist local delegations in the development and leadership in social, economic, educational and community activities; increase the knowledge and understanding of our technological world; assist technology education students in the making of informed and meaningful career goals. Section 2 The specific purposes of this organization are to: Develop, through individual and teamwork, the ability of members to plan, organize, and use a variety of resources to solve problems; explore technology and develop an understanding of technological literacy; promote high standards of learning through curricular resource activities; encourage students in expressing creativity; develop consumer awareness; provide career opportunity information pertaining to a broad range of occupations, including training requisites, working conditions, salaries or wages, and other relevant information; provide exploratory experiences in classrooms and laboratories, and develop partnerships in business or industry to acquaint students with career opportunities; assist in providing guidance and counseling for students enrolled in technology education programs in making informed and meaningful career choices; expose students to the responsibility of representing a large membership; instill desirable work habits and attitudes toward the positive way of life in students and foster a deep respect for the dignity of work; prepare individuals for enrollment in advanced or highly skilled vocational and technical education programs. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION Section 1 The Mississippi Technology Student Association is an organization of affiliated local school chapters operating in accordance with a charter granted by TSA, Inc. under the direction of the TSA State Coordinator acting as State Advisor, or an appointed representative. Section 2 Each local chapter of Mississippi TSA, Inc., will be responsible for all operational activities within that chapter, and be responsible to Mississippi TSA. Bylaws 2 of 7 9 Section 3 Membership in Mississippi TSA shall be through affiliated local chapters. Each chapter will consist of individual members as described below: Active: Active members shall be students who are presently enrolled in or have been previously enrolled in technology education programs. An active member shall pay dues as established by TSA, Inc. and Mississippi TSA; and may be declared eligible to hold a state office, to participate in state competitive events or projects, to serve as a state voting delegate, or to otherwise represent their delegations in State TSA affairs as may be approved by their delegations. Associate: Associate members shall be students who are enrolled in related fields of instruction with emphasis in technology education or who have been previously enrolled in technology education programs. An associate member shall pay dues as established by the TSA, Inc., Board of Directors. Associate members shall not vote or hold office. Alumni: Alumni members shall consist of those individuals who have completed an industrial arts/technology education program (have been former active or associate TSA members) and who have graduated from or left school. Alumni members shall pay dues as established by the TSA, Inc., Board of Directors. Alumni members shall not vote or hold office. Professional: Professional members are those individuals engaged in education, business, and industry that have interest in TSA and in the welfare of technology education. Professional members shall pay dues as established by the TSA, Inc., Board of Directors. Professional members shall not vote or hold office. Honorary/Honorary Life: Honorary/Honorary Life members may be individuals who have made or are making contributions to the advancement of technology education as may be approved by the Mississippi TSA, Inc. Board of Directors and shall be exempt from annual dues. Section 4 Membership dues shall be determined by TSA, Inc., and the Mississippi TSA local chapter voting delegates seated as delegates and in attendance at the annual business meeting of Mississippi TSA. Dues will not be determined annually, but placed on the business meeting agenda as determined by the State Officer Team. Those members who have not paid the current dues prior to the State and National TSA Conferences shall be automatically dropped from active membership in TSA. Section 5 The membership year shall be August 1 to July 31. Section 6 The fiscal year shall be August 1 to July 31. 10 Bylaws 3 of 7 ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS Section 1 The Mississippi TSA officers shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, and reporter. No individual may serve more than one term as a state officer in the same office, unless succeeding to the Presidency due to a vacancy. These officers and the TSA State Officer Advisor(s) will be known collectively as the TSA State Officer Team. Section 2 Duties President: It shall be the duty of the president of Mississippi TSA to preside at all meetings; to make necessary committee appointments including the designation of a committee chairperson; to develop with the State Officer Team, a program of work for the term of office; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA. Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the vice-president to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to accept the responsibility of the president as occasion may demand; to serve as chairperson of the TSA District Officers Council; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to serve in any capacity as directed by the president, to record proceedings of all meetings; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to keep records and membership reports; and to be available, as necessary, promoting the general welfare of TSA. Sergeant-at-Arms: It shall be the duty of the sergeant-at-arms to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to assist in the preparation and control of the meeting place, in the event that a parliamentarian is not appointed by the president; to assist in conducting all meetings according to parliamentary procedure as set forth by the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA. Reporter: It shall be the duty of the reporter to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to accumulate and keep up-to-date information on the history of the association; to prepare articles for TSA publications, professional magazines and journals, newspapers and other news media; to contact other association members concerning news items for publication; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA. 11 Bylaws 4 of 7 Section 3 Parliamentarian: Parliamentarian(s) shall be appointed on the basis of the highest District Chapter Team test score in the State of Mississippi and approved by a majority vote by the elected Mississippi TSA State Officers. Notification of the position shall be left to the State Coordinator and they shall notify the student’s advisor as soon as possible. In the event that the student does not wish to hold this office, the next highest score shall be notified and the office will be offered to them, et cetera. Parliamentarian(s) will not serve as a member of the State Officer Team. Section 4. Qualifications for a State Office Only an active member of TSA will be eligible to run for a state office. Students must have at least one year of high school eligibility remaining to run for state office. A student elected as a national officer at the annual meeting may not hold a state or local TSA office concurrently with the term as national officer. A student must be a member of TSA for at least one year before seeking a state office. A TSA member must have served as an officer of the individual's local association to be qualified as a state officer candidate. No more than two TSA members from the same local school may run for a state office in the same year. Section 5. Nominations The TSA State Coordinator shall review all state officer candidates and their qualifications and will submit to the voting delegates a slate of all candidates declared eligible for each state office. There will be no additional nominations from the floor for a state office. Section 6. Elections State officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting delegates at the annual business meeting. Election of officers shall be by ballot vote. If there are more than two candidates for an office and a majority is not reached on the first ballot, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped, and the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes on each succeeding ballot will be dropped until a majority is reached. Section 7 The State TSA Officer Team may fill by appointment any vacancy occurring among the state officers for the unexpired term except the office of president, which shall be filled by the vicepresident. Section 8 State officers' terms will begin at the close of the state conference at which they are elected, and they will serve until the close of the following state conference. Section 9 Failure to fulfill the obligations of a state office without legitimate cause will result in the removal from office by State Coordinator and/or State Advisor, with approval of a majority of the State Officer Team. Section 10 If no one applies for a particular office by the official deadline date for state officer candidate application, the TSA Coordinator will appoint a qualified TSA member to fill the candidate position. 12 Bylaws 5 of 7 ARTICLE V. MEETINGS Section 1 A State TSA Conference will be held each year with the time, date, and place designated by the Mississippi Department of Education. Section 2 Each affiliated local chapter delegation will be entitled to one vote for each state and national officer in attendance plus two additional votes for each chapter in that local school delegation which has student members in attendance at the conference. Section 3 A majority of the registered voting delegates for the state conference shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI. STATE OFFICER TEAM Section 1 The TSA State Officer Team shall consist of the State TSA Officers, any national officer from Mississippi TSA and the TSA State Officer Advisor(s). The State Advisor and Coordinator may appoint the State Officer Team Advisor(s). Failure to fulfill the obligations of State Officer Advisor without legitimate cause will result in removal from the position by State Coordinator and/or State Advisor with approval of a majority of State Officers. Only active TSA members will vote as State Officer Team Members. Section 2 Meetings can be requested by the president and must be approved by the TSA State Officer Advisor(s) and the TSA Coordinator. Section 3 A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. Section 4 The TSA State Officer Team shall appoint standing and special committees as deemed necessary. ARTICLE VII. THE LOCAL TSA ADVISOR It is recommended that a technology education teacher serve as a chapter TSA advisor; however, in cases where there is no such interested teacher, a state certified/licensed educator may be appointed by the school's principal. The appointed advisor would have all the rights and privileges of a regular advisor as long as that chapter is in good standing. ARTICLE VIII. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1 The Mississippi TSA, Inc., Board of Directors is the policy making body for the administration of Mississippi TSA activities and programs. The Board of Directors shall be made up of the State Technology Education Coordinator, State TSA Coordinator, the advisors of current state officers, 13 Bylaws 6 of 7 and the Board of the Mississippi Technology Education Association, Inc. The State TSA Coordinator and/or State Advisor will carry out the administrative functions of Mississippi TSA, Inc. Section 2 The Mississippi TSA, Inc., Board of Directors will oversee Mississippi TSA's finances and will approve an annual budget and financial report. ARTICLE IX. COUNCIL OF DISTRICT PRESIDENTS The TSA Council of District Presidents shall be a non-voting body of TSA consisting of District presidents. The TSA Council of District Presidents shall be chaired by the State TSA VicePresident. It shall be the duty of the TSA Council of District Presidents to promote the general welfare of TSA through representative interaction between TSA chapters. ARTICLE X. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern TSA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the organization may adopt. ARTICLE Xl. EMBLEM AND COLORS Section 1 The Mississippi TSA emblem is a rectangular shape with three parts. The middle section and largest part of the emblem contains the letters TSA in a very large, bold print. The letters are white on a blue background. Below these letters and about 1/3 the size, is the name of the association-Technology Student Association-in white letters on a red background. The top portion of the emblem is a red, rectangular shape, the same size as the bottom area, with -Mississippi-- in white letters. Section 2 The colors of Mississippi TSA shall be scarlet (red), white, and blue (navy). Scarlet (red) represents the strength and determination of the technology education students and teachers to obtain their goal. White represents high standards, morals, and religious beliefs. Blue (navy) represents the sincerity of the technology education students and teachers in obtaining a greater knowledge of our technological world. ARTICLE Xll. MOTTO AND CREED Section 1 The motto of the Mississippi Technology Student Association will be "Learning to live in a Technical World." 14 Bylaws 7 of 7 Section 2 The creed of the Mississippi Technology Student Association will be periodically revised to match the latest version supplied by the national association. ARTICLE XlIl. AMENDMENTS 1. To amend these bylaws, the proposed amendment(s) must be submitted in writing by the affiliated local chapter to the President and State Advisor of Mississippi TSA at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual meeting. 2. A TSA State Officer Team will review all proposed amendments. All approved amendments will be submitted to the affiliated local chapters and the TSA State Officer Team by the president of Mississippi TSA at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. 3. The proposed amendment must be approved by two-thirds of the voting delegates present and voting at the annual meeting. 4. Each local chapter delegation will be entitled to one vote for each state and national officer in attendance plus two additional votes for each chapter in that local school delegation which has student members in attendance at the conference. 5. The State Advisor or State Coordinator of Mississippi TSA will be responsible for notifying in writing the affiliated local chapters of adopted amendments within sixty (60) days of the annual meeting. 6. Amendments will become effective in sixty (60) days unless a different time period is stipulated in the amendment. Rev. 8-88 Upd. 6-89 Rev. 3-91 Rev. 4-97 Rev. 4-01 Rev. 8-03 (VT) Rev. 8-04 15 HOW TO DETERMINE A STUDENT’S TSA IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Step 1 Middle School chapter numbers begin with a “1” High School chapter numbers begin with a “2” Step 2 Select the chapter numbers (see the following pages) Sept 3 The last three digits come from the TSA Registration Roster you submit to National TSA. Example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Reporter Sergeant-At-Arms Remaining Members 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 Student’s identification numbers example: Franklin County High School Vice President identification number: 02-353-001 Franklin County High School Members identification number: 02-353-007 or 02-353-008 or 02-353-010 16 CHAPTER TSA IDENTIFICATION NUMBER If your school or center is not listed please contact Shanta Villanueva at 601.576.5017 or email at SCHOOL ABERDEEN HIGH ACKERMAN HIGH SCHOOL ALCORN CENTRAL HIGH ALCORN CENTRAL MIDDLE ALCORN CO. VOC. CENTER AMANDA ELZY HIGH SCHOOL AMITE CO. VOC CENTER AMORY HIGH SCHOOL AMORY VOCATIONAL CENTER ATTALA CO. VOC. CENTER BAILEY MAGNET SCHOOL BALDWYN HIGH BATESVILLE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BAXTERVILLE BAY SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL BAYOU VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL BIGGERSVILLE HIGH BILOXI HIGH BILOXI JR. HIGH SCHOOL BLUE MOUNTAIN HIGH BOGUE CHITTO ATTD. BRANDON MIDDLE SCHOOL BRANDON HIGH SCHOOL BROAD STREET HIGH BROOKHAVEN HIGH BROOKHAVEN VOC. CENTER BRUCE HIGH SCHOOL CALEDONIA HIGH SCHOOL CALHOUN COUNTY VOCATIONAL CHAPTER # 195 292 100 105 107 297 300 172 174 210 369 113 201 459 115 102 182 480 481 129 329 114 355 205 309 310 271 121 204 17 CALLAWAY HIGH CANTON CAREER CENTER CARL KEEN VOCATIONAL CENTER CARL LOFTIN CAREER & TECHNOLOGY CENTER CHASTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOCTAW COUNTY CAREER & TECHNOLOGY CENTER CLAIBORNE CO. VOC. CENTER CLARKSDALE ATTENDANCE CTR. CLARKSDALE HIGH SCHOOL CLEVELAND HIGH CLEVELAND VOC. CENTER CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL COAHOMA AHS COFFEEVILLE HIGH COLDWATER HIGH COLLINS HIGH COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL CORINTH HIGH SCHOOL CRYSTAL SPRINGS DENNIS W. FORTENBERRY CAREER CENTER DESOTO COUNTY CAREER & TECH CENTER - WEST D.M. SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL E.H. KEYS VOC. CENTER EAST CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL EAST CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL EAST MARION HIGH EAST UNION MIDDLE SCHOOL EAST UNION ATTD. CENTER(HIGH) EAST WEBSTER HIGH ECCC-PHILADELPHIA-NESHOBA ED MAYO JR. HIGH SCHOOL ENTERPRISE ATTD. CENTER ENTERPRISE HIGH SCHOOL ETHEL ATTD. CENER 307 398 395 232 283 220 386 126 295 225 230 301 212 289 284 467 431 103 131 286 342 453 217 450 405 408 439 267 137 288 206 410 319 560 235 18 EUPORA HIGH SCHOOL FALLIN CAREER & TECHNOLOGY CENTER FLORENCE HIGH SCHOOL FOREST HIGH SCHOOL FOREST HILL HIGH SCHOOL FORREST COUNTY AHS FRANKLIN CO. HIGH SCHOOL FRANKLIN CO. VOC. CENTER GAUTIER HIGH GEORGE COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL GERMANTOWN HIGH SCHOOL GERMANTOWN MIDDLE SCHOOL GREENVILLE TECHNICAL CENTER GREENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL GREENWOOD VOC. CENTER GRENADA HIGH SCHOOL GRENADA VOCATIONAL CENTER GULFPORT HIGH GULFPORT VOCATIONAL CENTER HAMILTON HIGH HANCOCK CO. VOCATIONAL CENTER HANCOCK HIGH HARDY MIDDLE SCHOOL HARRISON CENTRAL 9TH SCHOOL HATLEY HIGH HATTIESBURG HIGH SCHOOL HATTIESBURG JR. MIDDLE HAZLEHURST HIGH SCHOOL HCC-RANKIN CAREER & TECHNICAL CENTER HCC-VICKSBURG CENTER HEIDELBERG HIGH SCHOOL HINDS COUNTY CAREER & TECHNICAL CENTER HOLLY SPRINGS JUNIOR HIGH HOLLY SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL HOULKA ATTENDANCE CENTER 263 130 383 326 382 493 353 350 416 491 489 226 240 245 278 249 250 420 402 142 435 530 304 499 177 433 490 321 331 341 461 360 222 201 162 19 HUMPHREYS COUNTY HIGH INDEPENDENCE HIGH INDIANOLA PENNINGTON JR. HIGH INGOMAR ATTENDANCE CENTER ITAWAMBA CO. VOC. CENTER ITAWAMBA HIGH J.J. MCCLAIN HIGH SCHOOL J.Z. GEORGE HIGH JACKSON CAREER DEV. CENTER JASPER COUNTY CAREER CENTER JEFFERSON CO. HIGH SCHOOL JEFFERSON CO. MIDDLE SCHOOL JIM HILL HIGH JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH JOHN STENNIS VO-TECH COMPLEX KATE GRIFFIN JR. HIGH SCHOOL KOSCIUSKO ATTALA CAREER & TECHNICAL CENTER KOSSUTH HIGH SCHOOL LAFAYETTE COUNTY HIGH LAKE HIGH SCHOOL LAMAR COUNTY TECHNICAL CENTER LARRY SUMNERS VOCATIONAL CENTER LAWRENCE COUNTY CAREER & TECH CENTER LAUREL MIDDLE SCHOOL LEFLORE CO. HIGH SCHOOL LEFLORE CO. MIDDLE SCHOOL LELAND HIGH LLOYD STAR LONG BEACH HIGH SCHOOL LOUISVILLE HIGH SCHOOL LUMBERTON HIGH M.S. PALMER HIGH MADISON CAREER AND TECHNICAL CENTER MADISON MIDDLE SCHOOL MAGNOLIA JR. HIGH 296 294 260 124 145 135 291 231 375 471 370 371 379 227 122 157 266 188 214 393 305 277 380 555 270 268 287 365 449 261 445 202 381 327 457 20 MANTACHIE ATTENDANCE SCHOOL MARGARET GREEN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL MCADAMS HIGH MCCOMB VOCATIONAL CENTER MCKELLAR VOCATIONAL CENTER MCLAURIN ATTENDANCE CENTER MENDENHALL HIGH SCHOOL MGCCC-W. HARRISON VOC. CENTER MILLSAPS CAREER & TECH. CENTER MIZE HIGH MONROE COUNTY VOCATIONAL CENTER MONTGOMERY COUNTY HIGH MOOREVILLE HIGH SCHOOL MOSS POINT VOCATIONAL CENTER MS SCHOOL FOR MATH AND SCIENCE MT. OLIVE ATTENDANCE CENTER MURRAH HIGH SCHOOL N. PANOLA VOCATIONAL CENTER N. PONTOTOC ATTENDANCE CENTER NANIH WAIYA ATTD. CENTER NATCHEZ HIGH SCHOOL NORTHEAST MADISON MIDDLE SCHOOL NESHOBA CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL NETTLETON JR. HIGH SCHOOL NEW ALBANY SCHOOL OF CAREER & TECHNICAL NEW HOPE HIGH NEW HOPE MIDDLE NEW SITE HIGH SCHOOL NEW SITE MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWTON CO. VOCATIONAL CENTER NEWTON MUNICIPAL VO-TECH NORTH FORREST HIGH NORTH PANOLA HIGH SCHOOL NORTHEAST MADISON MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTHWEST RANKIN JR. HIGH SCHOOL 186 428 285 390 108 351 399 525 127 352 150 286 160 334 173 463 311 274 180 299 357 132 239 165 170 110 175 119 501 317 345 400 272 440 306 21 NORTHWEST RANKIN HIGH NOXAPATER ATTD. CENTER NOXUBEE CO. VOCATIONAL CENTER OAK GROVE HIGH SCHOOL OAK GROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL OCEAN SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL OKOLONA HIGH OKOLONA VOCATIONAL CENTER OLDE TOWNE MIDDLE SCHOOL OXFORD HIGH PASCAGOULA HIGH SCHOOL PASCAGOULA VOC. CENTER PEARL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PEARL HIGH SCHOOL PELAHATCHIE ATTD. CENTER PERRY CO. HIGH PETAL HIGH SCHOOL PHILADELPHIA HIGH SCHOOL PICAYNE VOCATIONAL CENTER PICAYUNE MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL PINE GROVE HIGH PLANTERSVILLE SCHOOL PONTOTOC CO. VOC. CENTER POPLARVILLE HIGH SCHOOL-CDC PRENTISS CO. VOC. CENTER PROVINE HIGH SCHOOL PUCKETT ATTD. CENTER PURVIS ATTD. CENTER QUITMAN HIGH SCHOOL R.H. WATKINS VOC. CENTER RALEIGH HIGH RAY BROOKS SCHOOL RICHLAND MIDDLE SCHOOL RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL RIDGELAND HIGH SCHOOL 349 273 134 443 233 497 128 146 218 223 460 455 479 373 339 451 465 209 475 470 190 181 136 437 337 303 314 425 469 485 315 281 387 325 447 22 RIPLEY HIGH SCHOOL RIVERSIDE HIGH ROSA SCOTT SCHOOL ROWAN MIDDLE SCHOOL S. PONTOTOC ATTD. CENTER S.V. MARSHALL HIGH SALEM ATTENDANCE CENTER SATILLO HIGH SCOTT CENTRAL ATTD. CENTER SEBASTOPOL ATTD. CENTER SEMINARY ATTENDANCE CENTER SENATOBIA HIGH SCHOOL SENATOBIA JR. HIGH SCHOOL SENATOBIA-TATE CAREER & TECHNICAL CENTER SHANNON MIDDLE SCHOOL SHANNON HIGH SCHOOL SIMMONS HIGH SCHOOL SMITH CO. VOC. CENTER SMITHVILLE HIGH SOLOMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTHAVEN MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH JONES HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH JONES JR. HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH PANOLA HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH PIKE HIGH SCHOOL SOUTHEAST ATTENDANCE CENTER ST. MARTIN JR. HIGH STONE HIGH SCHOOL STRINGER ATTENDANCE CENTER SUMNER HILL JR. HIGH SCHOOL SUMRALL HIGH SCHOOL TAYLORSVILLE HIGH TERRY HIGH TISHOMINGO COUNTY CAREER & TECHNICAL CENTER TUNICA VOC. CENTER 191 237 241 264 101 246 388 196 335 362 495 211 248 216 221 120 265 312 155 363 320 500 505 200 404 147 477 510 473 333 427 348 377 111 236 23 TUPELO HIGH SCHOOL TUPELO JR. HIGH SCHOOL TUPELO VOCATIONAL CENTER TYLERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL UNION HIGH SCHOOL VANCLEAVE HIGH VELMA JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL VICKSBURG HIGH SCHOOL VICKSBURG JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL W. LAUDERDALE ATTENDANCE CTR/HIGH WALNUT ATTENDANCE CENTER WARREN CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL WARREN CENTRAL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL WAYNE CO. VOCATIONAL CTR. WEIR ATTENDANCE CENTER WESSON ATTENDANCE CENTER WEST BOLIVAR HIGH WEST JONES JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL WEST LINCOLN WEST LOWNDES HIGH WEST MARION HIGH SCHOOL WEST POINT HIGH SCHOOL WEST POINT VOCATIONAL CENTER WEST TALLAHATCHIE HIGH SCHOOL WEST UNION ATTENDANCE CENTER WEST UNION MIDDLE WESTON ST. HIGH SCHOOL WILKINSON CO. HIGH SCHOOL WILLIAMS WINANS MIDDLE SCHOOL WINGFIELD HIGH SCHOOL WINONA HIGH SCHOOL WINONA VOCATIONAL CENTER WINSTON-LOUISVILLE VOCATIONAL CENTER WOOLFOLK MIDDLE SCHOOL YAZOO CITY HIGH SCHOOL 118 117 116 338 322 520 234 347 197 164 156 376 238 441 280 356 244 535 368 262 429 194 192 208 144 163 276 385 251 366 352 269 256 112 367 24 MISSISSIPPI TSA LIABILITY RELEASE, CODE OF CONDUCT AND PHOTO RELEASE FORM DIRECTIONS: Due to legal restrictions, it is necessary that all TSA members, delegates, and guests complete this form to be eligible to attend 2014-2015 TSA meetings, workshops, and conference. This form must be turned into the State office after the local advisor has made his/her copy. This release form covers all meetings from August 6, 2014 through July 6, 2015. If a chapter is particularly unruly, the whole chapter can be sent home. Individuals who are not dressed properly or act out may be sent home. Individuals and chapters can lose awards for bad behavior or dress. Notification of this will be added to the TSA medical release and liability form. A chapter or individual may lose attendance for a year and be banned from competition for a year. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION Member Name: ________________________________________________ School Name: ________________________________________________ Local Advisor: _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________ Telephone HOME: ___________________ WORK: ___________________ Student’s Physician: _________________________ Phone: _________________ Physician’s Address____________________________________________ INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of insured ________________________________________________ Insurance Company_____________________________________________ Group No. ________________________ Policy No. ____________________ Please completely describe any medical condition, which may occur or be a factor in medical treatment: a. Allergy_____________________________ e. Physical Handicap_____________________ b. Convulsions:________________________ f. Medicine Reactions:____________________ c. Blackouts___________________________ g. Disease of any kind:___________________ d. Heart/Lung problems:__________________ h. Other (Be very specific)________________ If currently taking medication, please provide the following information: Name of medication:___________________________________________________________ Prescribing Physician/ Phone No.______________________________________________________________ 25 Page 2 of 2 LIABILITY RELEASE: I certify that the information described above is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that each individual is responsible for his/her own insurance coverage during all TSA trips. I hereby release National, State, Local and designated individuals in charge of TSA from any legal or financial responsibility with respect to my personal or my student/child’s participation in or contact with any known element associated with an activity including competitive events. PARENT/GUARDIAN: Please check and initial one of the following and sign your name. _____I give my permission for immediate medical treatment as required in the judgment of the attending physician. Notify me and/or any persons listed above as soon as possible. _____I do not give permission for medical treatment until I have been contacted. CONDUCT CODE A good reputation enables members to take pride in their organization. TSA members have an excellent reputation. Your conduct at any TSA function should make a positive contribution to the reputation that has been established. Any conduct less than positive will be dealt with in a swift and severe manner, your behavior at all times should be such that it reflects credit to you, your parents, your school, your state, and TSA. Student conduct is the responsibility of the local chapter advisor. Students shall keep their advisors informed of their activities and whereabouts at all times. TSA name badges will be worn at all times during conferences. You are expected to attend all sessions and other scheduled conference activities. Please be prompt and show respect to others. Members are to report any accidents, injuries, or illnesses to their local or state advisor immediately. Members will observe the designated curfew. (Curfew means being in your assigned room by a designated hour.) If a student is responsible for stealing or vandalism, the student and his/her parents will be expected to pay any and all damages. Members/participants attending any TSA conference may not purchase, consume, or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any time. Violators will be dealt stringent disciplinary actions. Tobacco products are prohibited at TSA functions and illegal for minors to possess or use. Students who disregard these rules will be subject to disciplinary actions and sent home at their own expense. The local or state advisor will notify parents. Members will abide by the TSA dress code at all business sessions, competitive events, and other conference activities. My parent/guardian, advisor, and I have read the above Liability Release Code of Conduct and the for TSA conferences and agree to abide by these rules. Permission from Parent to Use Child’s Photo/likeness/video/digital/ on any TSA publication or display. YES_____ NO _____ Parent/Guardian’s signature_________________________________ ALL EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO INSURE STUDENT’S SAFETY AND PRIVACY. Print Name of Parent/Guardian Parent/Guardian Signature Date Print Name of Advisor Advisor Signature Date Print Name of Student Student Signature Date 26 2014- 2015 TSA Conference Dress Code Chapter and state advisors, and parents and chaperones, are responsible for seeing that all TSA student members wear official TSA attire, professional TSA attire, or business casual TSA attire as occasions may require. TSA attire may now be purchased from the TSA Store tab on the TSA website ( Official TSA attire, professional TSA attire, and business casual TSA attire are considered appropriate dress for related conference activities and public appearances. Since adults (advisors, parents, and guests) serve as role models at TSA conferences and activities, they are expected to dress appropriately for all related occasions they attend. Students must adhere to the TSA dress code requirements as listed below. During general sessions at all conferences, student members must wear official TSA attire, professional TSA attire, or business casual attire. Adults must dress appropriately. All state officers and District officers are required to wear official TSA attire at all times during District, State and National conferences. All chapter officers are encouraged to do the same. THERE SHOULD BE NO JEANS WORN PERIOD! Official TSA Attire: Most Formal Blazer: navy blue with official TSA patch Ties: scarlet red imprinted with official TSA logo (for males) Shirt or blouse: white, button-up with turn down collar or blue button up TSA shirt Pants or skirt: light gray (unacceptable: jeans, baggy pants, tights) Dark socks: males only (black or dark blue) Shoes: black dress shoes (unacceptable: athletic shoes, combat, work boots, or flip flops) Sandals: black open toe shoes or sandals—females only (no flip flops) Professional TSA Attire: Less Formal Shirt: males or females, button-up with turn down collar (unacceptable: t-shirt, polo or golf shirt) Blouses: females only Ties: males required, females optional Dress Pants (unacceptable: jeans, baggy pants, exterior pocket pants) Dresses/Skirts: females only (length even with tips of one's fingers) Dark Socks: males only (black or dark blue) Shoes: dress shoes or boots(unacceptable: athletic shoes, combat or work boots) Sandals: black open toe shoes or sandals—females only (no flip flops) Business Casual TSA Attire: Least Formal same as professional attire, however a tie is not required, and the shirt or blouse may be a polo or golf shirt. (Unacceptable: t-shirt, shorts or jeans) 27 Please follow these rules along with the competitive event rules. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS A. It is the intent of TSA, Inc. to involve as many different TSA members as possible in competitive events and provide recognition in a setting of fair play practices using TSA event guidelines. B. TSA members, advisors, and chapters must be currently affiliated with TSA in order to enter any competitive event. C. TSA membership rights extend through the school year of graduation. It is permissible for students who graduate midyear to compete at the national conference that immediately follows the end-of-year graduation. D. Students must be registered and be in attendance at all times at any conference in order to enter and become a finalist in any event. E. It is the individual responsibility of each participant to obtain all rules and guidelines for the events. Lack of knowledge or understanding about a particular event is neither reason nor excuse for an individual to request an adjustment or change. F. The event limit is six (6) per conference participant, individual and team events combined. G. Team members must be affiliated with the same chapter. To enter a team event, the chapter designates only that it is participating; names of the individual team members are not necessary. Unless otherwise designated in a competition’s eligibility guideline, the maximum size of a team is six (6) members. H. Entries (projects and/or products) may be submitted for one (1) year, and one (1) competition, only. Unless otherwise noted, entries should be identified with a student or team ID# only, as applicable. I. Entries must be started and completed during the current school year. All entries must be in English. Unless otherwise specified, no identifying information—other than ID #—should be included on an entry. J. Participants must provide—and bring to the test site—two (2) pencils (sharpened standard #2/HB grade with an eraser, or #2 mechanical with an eraser) for any competition that involves a written test. 28 K. For all events that require a notebook/album, the following applies: the cover page is on the outside of the notebook/album, and the title page is the first page inside the notebook/album. L. Unless otherwise noted, for all events that require a display, the size of the display may not exceed 15" deep x 3' wide x 4' high. M. For all applicable competitive events, written work—including citations or references—must follow MLA (Modern Language Association) style. N. All entries must be the original work of the student participant or student team. All ideas, text, images, and sound from other sources must be cited, including anything that is from the public domain. References and resources should be cited using the most current edition of MLA (Modern Language Association). If copyrighted material is used, proper written permission must be included. Failure to follow this procedure results in disqualification. Advisors: Please see the Student Copyright Checklist at the end of this section. For any applicable competition, your student participant in the competition must complete—and you must verify—the information on the checklist. The checklist MUST be submitted with the competition entry. O. Students must check in and pick up their event entries at the time and place stated in the conference program or announced at the conference. 29 Middle School 2014 PLEASE NOTE: It is essential that students and advisors routinely check the TSA website ( for updated information about TSA competitive events. This information is found on the website under Competitions/Updates and Clarification. When students participate in any TSA competitive event, they are responsible for knowing of updates, changes, or clarification related to that event. 30 AGRICULTURE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY DESIGN Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT CHECK-IN EVENT/ON-SITE INTERVIEW Eligibility: One team per chapter Students will be evaluated on display and documentation at district competition. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students will be evaluated on display, documentation, and interview at state. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 31 CAREER PREP Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/ON-SITE INTERVIEW Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Students will be evaluated on cover letter and resume. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Note: Because these materials are given to the judges and may not be returned, there should be a backup copy available. Should you place 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th at district you will need them for State Competition. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. All resumes must be mailed to the state office by March 3, 2015. They will be prejudged. Students will sign up for an interview onsite. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Note: Because these materials are given to the judges and may not be returned, there should be a backup copy available. Should you place 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th at State you will need them for National Competition. 32 CHALLENGING TECHNOLOGY ISSUES Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements Eligibility: One (1) team of two (2) per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Team presentation Team presentation PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 33 CHAPTER TEAM Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official TSA dress as described in Competitive Events Attire is the minimum requirement for both written and oral portions of the competition. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements WRITTEN EXAM State Competition Requirements PERFORMANCE Eligibility: One (1) team of six (6) individuals per chapter. Team members do not have to be elected officers of the local chapter. Teams are allowed one (1) hour to complete a written parliamentary procedure test. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Test Scores from District Conference will be calculated with your performance score at State Conference. Teams will have fifteen (15) minutes to complete a business meeting including setup time, presentation and secretary’s minutes. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 34 COMMUNICATION CHALLENGE Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Participants design and produce a trifold brochure that promotes the chapter, an effective sponsor support request on chapter letterhead, and a 8 ½ x 11 glossy, two-sided postcard promoting TSA’s current national service project. Participants complete the layout and design problem using their own computer within the one (1) hour time limit. No printer is needed. Participants supply their own computer with power strip/surge protector and software. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 35 COMMUNITY SERVICE VIDEO Middle School 2015 THE TSA BOARD HAS DECIDED THAT THIS EVENT WILL BE A NATIONAL ONLY EVENT. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements NATIONAL ONLY EVENT NATIONAL ONLY EVENT 36 CONSTRUCTION CHALLENGE Middle School 2015 THE TSA BOARD HAS DECIDED THAT THIS EVENT WILL BE A NATIONAL ONLY EVENT. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements NATIONAL ONLY EVENT NATIONAL ONLY EVENT 37 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Participants produce and submit an album of digital photographs on a recordable CD. You must bring their district entries to state conference on their recordable CD. Students will be evaluated on an album of digital photographs that follows the theme for 2015: OUR TOWN Using own laptop/computer, software, printer, power and extension cord, the students will complete an on-site task. Students must complete a written questionnaire PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 38 DRAGSTER Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/PERFORMANCE Four (4) individuals per chapter. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 39 ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements WRITTEN EXAM State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK Eligibility: Four (4) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students will be given one (1) hour to complete a written test. Students will be given one (1) hour to complete an on-site task. Test Scores from District Conference will be calculated with your performance score at State Conference. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 40 ENERGY SOURCES Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements Eligibility: One team per chapter Students will be evaluated on their tri-fold brochure and a promotional video that outlines the benefits of the proposed energy source and how it will be implemented in the region at district competition. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/ONSITE INTERVIEW 1 team of 3 per chapter Students will be evaluated on their tri-fold brochure and a promotional video that outlines the benefits of the proposed energy source and how it will be implemented in the region at state competition. Students will have an on-site interview. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 41 ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/ONSITE INTERVIEW 1 team per chapter Students will be evaluated on multimedia presentation and interview at state. Multimedia presentation and interview – PLEASE READ National Rules! PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 42 ESSAYS ON TECHNOLOGY Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements 1 HOUR WRITTEN ESSAY State Competition Requirements 1 HOUR WRITTEN ESSAY Eligibility: 2 individuals per chapter Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Please see competitive event guidelines for topics. Please see competitive event guidelines for topics PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 43 FLIGHT Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements PARTICIPANTS MUST SUPPLY THEIR OWN MATERIALS (SEE PAGE 151 IN NATIONAL GUIDELINES) Eligibility: Four (4) entries per chapter. Students will construct their gliders before district competition and bring the gliders and notebooks to district competition for flying and evaluation. Students may only use the equipment, supplies, and tools that would be allowed at National Competition. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners and any plane that had a single flight time of over 10 seconds. Students will be responsible for their own safety glasses. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. A tool kit and material to construct flight is required for this competition (PLEASE SEE NATIONAL GUIDLEINES) PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 44 GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT STATE ONLY EVENT 1 team of 2 to 5 members per chapter Participants develop a notebook containing maps, data, and appropriate documentation. Design brief link for this competition is PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 45 GO GREEN MANUFACTURING Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/ONSITE INTERVIEW STATE ONLY EVENT 1 team of at least 3 members per chapter Participants design and manufacture a product using recycled or reused materials Students will be evaluated on display, documentation, and interview at state PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 46 INVENTIONS AND INNOVATIONS Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/PRESENTATION Eligibility: One (1) team of three (3) per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students will be evaluated on model or prototype and documentation at district competition. Students will be evaluated on model or prototype, multimedia presentation, documentation, and oral presentation at state. Students will provide own computer and software for multimedia presentation PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 47 JUNIOR SOLAR SPRINT Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Business Casual TSA attire as described in Competitive Events Attire is the minimum requirement. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/PERFORMANCE STATE ONLY EVENT 2 teams per chapter Participants design, make drawing, build a model from the design and race the solar powered car. Participants will also be judged on their regulations and notebook. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 48 LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements Eligibility: One (1) team of three (3) members per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. The team members are allowed 15 minutes to prepare a presentation to a topic drawn onsite. The team members are allowed 15 minutes to prepare a presentation to a topic drawn onsite. Participants give a 3 to 5 minute presentation after having drawn a topic for their presentation Participants give a 3 to 5 minute presentation after having drawn a topic for their presentation PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 49 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY ISSUES Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT /INTERVIEW Eligibility: One (1) team per chapter Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students will be evaluated on documentation and display at district competition. Students will be evaluated on display, documentation, and interview at state. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 50 PREPARED SPEECH Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. 3-5 minute speech on current year’s theme – Designing your Dreams 3-5 minute speech on current year’s theme – Snapshot of Innovation PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 51 PROBLEM SOLVING Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK Eligibility: One (1) team of two (2) members per chapter Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Tools and supplies will be provided for District competition. Students have 2 hours to complete an on-site task. Tool kits are required for state competition. Please see national guidelines on items to include in your toolbox. Students have 2 hours to complete an on-site task. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 52 PROMOTIONAL DESIGN Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT Eligibility: Four (4) individuals per chapter. Participants will design a color lapel pin that can be used to promote their state TSA association on the state and national level. State Competition Requirements Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Participants will design a color lapel pin that can be used to promote their state TSA association on the state and national level. DESIGNS must be submitted to by If you advance to State Competition, you are allowed to make changes to your pin. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. MARCH 3, 2015. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 53 STEM ANIMATION Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/INTERVIEW 1 team per chapter Animation must not exceed 3 minutes. Animations must be turned in on a CD or DVD in either MPEG or Quick Time File Formats. Participants will be judged on their notebook and interview PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 54 STRUCTURAL MODEL Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements BUILD STRUCTURE/TEST CHECK-IN EVENT/TEST STRUCTURE Eligibility: Two (2) teams of two (2) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students are allowed to select and model any one of the many sub-styles or variations of truss style bridges, however, students should be prepared to show evidence of their chosen style. Students will be given 2 hours to construct bridge. Students will bring their documentation notebooks for judging. Students will be responsible for their own safety glasses. A tool kit is required for this competition. TSA students participating in the Structural Model Event will be allowed to use any one of the many variations of bridge truss designs that have been developed and documented. Students are NOT limited to variations of the Howe, Pratt, or Warren trusses. When checking in for the competition, each team must provide a published picture or illustration of the specific truss design they have chosen to model and construct Students will construct their bridge before district competition and bring the bridge to district competition for testing and evaluation. Students will bring their documentation notebooks for judging. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 55 SYSTEM CONTROL TECHNOLOGY Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT 1 team of 3 members per chapter On-site task PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 56 TECH BOWL Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements WRITTEN EXAM State Competition Requirements ORAL COMPETITION Eligibility: One (1) team of three (3) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students will take a 1 hour exam at district competition. Teams will participate in an oral, head-to-head competition. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 57 TECHNICAL DESIGN Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK STATE ONLY EVENT Eligibility: 1 team of 2 members per chapter Students will be given 24 hours to solve the engineering design problem PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 58 VIDEO GAME DESIGN Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT Two (2) teams per chapter. Participants are required to bring computer/laptop for game demonstration. Game must execute directly from a DVD PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 59 WATER INFRASTRUCTURE Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/INTERVIEW 1 team per chapter Participants conduct research on the posted water infrastructure topic, document their research, and develop a multimedia presentation around the topic. Participants will have an onsite interview. Please check the national TSA website under Competitions/Themes and problems for the topic. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 29 AND 30 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 60 WEBSITE DESIGN Middle School 2015 Follow the national rules found in The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2014 & 2015 The Official TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT 1 team of 3 to 5 per chapter. URL must be submitted to by MARCH 3, 2015. Teams will be interviewed at state competition. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 61 MISSISSIPPI TSA ONLY EVENT CHAPTER SCRAPBOOK Middle School 2015 Overview Chapter Scrapbook recognizes chapters that develop, implement, and document their activities and promote TSA in their community. Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements Eligibility: One (1) team of up to five (5) individuals per chapter. Entries will be evaluated at state competition. Time Limits Scrapbook must be limited to the current school year’s activities. Procedures 1. Check in scrapbook at the appropriate location and time as designated in the conference program. 2. Evaluators review entries. Neither students nor advisors are present at this time. 3. Entries must be picked up at the time designated in the conference program. Regulations 1. Maximum size will be 12” x 12”. 2. Scrapbook should include 1 project identification page, 1 table of contents page, 1 planning process summary page, and maximum of 35 content pages. 3. Project identification page should include participants’ names, chapter name, school, city, state, event title, and project title. 4. Table of contents should follow an outline format. 5. Planning process page should explain how your scrapbook was created. You may use storyboard, flow charts or another method chosen by team. 6. Content pages should document chapter activities and promotions. 62 TSA Scrapbook 2015 Official Rating Form CRITERIA (Chapter Team ID) Originality 15 * unique Presentation 25 *neatness *well-planned *colorful Grammatically Correct *spelling *sentence structure Variety of Information 5 15 *well documented Content Pages *chapter 10 activities and promotion Planning Process Page 10 *how scrapbook was created Content’s Page 5 Roman Numeral outline form Identification 10 *school *city, school *participants names *chapter name Size 12X12 Max 35 pgs. TOTAL POINTS Comments: 5 100 ___________________________________________ I certify these results to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Evaluator’s Signature_________________________________________ Judges Signature_____________________________________________ Judges Signature_____________________________________________ 63 High School 2015 PLEASE NOTE: It is essential that students and advisors routinely check the TSA website ( for updated information about TSA competitive events. This information is found on the website under Competitions/Updates and Clarification. When students participate in any TSA competitive event, they are responsible for knowing of updates, changes, or clarification related to that event. 64 ANIMATRONICS High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN/DISPLAYPORTFOLIO 1 team per chapter PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 65 ARCHITECTURAL RENOVATION High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/INTERVIEW Individual or 1 team per chapter The problem is on the national TSA website, please visit and look under competitions and click on Themes and Problems. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 66 BIOTECHNOLOGY DESIGN High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN State Competition Requirements CHECKIN/INTERVIEW/PORTFOLIO Eligibility: Two (2) teams of two (2) or more members per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students will be evaluated on display and documentation at district competition. Students will be evaluated on display, documentation, multimedia presentation and interview at state. The problem will be posted on the national website at Click on competitions and then click on Themes and Problems. Bring laptop to show multimedia presentation. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 67 CAREER PREPARATION High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT CHECK-IN EVENT/INTERVIEW Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Students will be evaluated on their resume and cover letter at District competition. District Competition Requirements Participants must research the 3 careers and prepare a resume and cover letter for each career. Each resume and cover letter must be in its own envelope. Students must turn in 2 sets of each resume and cover letter. Retain a back-up copy of your resume and cover letter. They will be needed for state competition if you place 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th at District. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students will be evaluated on their resume and cover letter at State competition. Participants must research the 3 careers and prepare a resume and cover letter for each career. Each resume and cover must be in its own envelope. Students must turn in 2 sets of each resume and cover letter. All resumes must be mailed to the state office by March 3, 2015. They will be prejudged. Students will sign up for an interview onsite. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 68 CHAPTER TEAM High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official TSA dress as described in Competitive Events Attire is the minimum requirement for both written and oral portions of the competition. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements WRITTEN EXAM Eligibility: One (1) team of six (6) members per chapter. Team members do not have to be elected officers of the local chapter. Students will be tested at District competition. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK/PERFORMANCE Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Test Scores from District Conference will be calculated with your performance score at State Conference. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 69 CHILDREN’S STORIES High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements Check-in Event/No Interview State Competition Requirements Presentation/Interview Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners Individual or 1 team per chapter The story must have a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) focus. The story must have a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) focus Story must not contain more than 1500 words. Story must not contain more than 1500 words. Students will check-in stories and judges will read stories, judge them according to the rubric. Students will not be present at the time of judging. Participants have up to 12 minutes to read their story and 5 minutes for judge’s interview. Total of 17 minutes. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 70 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN (CAD) 2D, ARCHITECTURE High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Problems will be posted to website by October 15, 2014. Entries are evaluated on hard copy developed prior to the district conference. Students will be presented with a problem to draw at state conference. Entries are evaluated on screen according to the criteria on the official rating form. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 71 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN (CAD) 3D, ENGINEERING High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Problems will be posted to website by October 15, 2014. Entries are evaluated on hard copy developed prior to the District conference. Students will be presented with a problem to draw at state conference. Entries are evaluated on screen according to the criteria on the official rating form. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 72 COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL (CNC) PRODUCTION High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements PORTFOLIO/TOOLBOX 1 team of 2 The problem will be posted on the national website at Click on competitions and then click on Themes and Problems. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 73 DEBATING TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements Eligibility: 1 team of 2 per chapter We will follow Quick Debate for District Competition. Order of Quick Debate Pro Speaker, maximum of two (2) minutes. State Competition Requirements Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Teams will do full debate according to national rules. Pro Speaker, maximum of three (3) minutes. Con Speaker, maximum of two (2) minutes. Con Speaker, maximum of three (3) minutes. Conference breaks, one (1) minute. Conference break, two (2 minute) Pro rebuttal, maximum of two (2) minutes. Pro rebuttal, maximum of three (3) minutes. Con rebuttal, maximum of two (2) minutes. Con rebuttal, maximum of three (3) minutes. Total = 9 minutes Total = 14 minutes Please see page 132, letter N in the national guidelines. Participants must bring to district. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Please see page 132, letter N in the national guidelines. Participants must bring to state. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 74 DESKTOP PUBLISHING High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/PORTFOLIO State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK/PORTFOLIO Eligibility: Four (4) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Participants produce a portfolio containing a news release, three column newsletter and a poster. All items must be in the portfolio. Please bring your PORTFOLIO from district to state competition. It will be judged along with your onsite task. Participants must save their work as a PDF file and turn in the finish product on a USB drive. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 75 DIGITAL VIDEO PRODUCTION High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT 2 teams per chapter Videos must be submitted on a DVD, playable from a stand-alone DVD player. Participants should have a back-up copy of their portfolio and DVD. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Videos must be submitted on DVD playable from a stand-alone DVD player. Please bring your portfolio from District Conference with you to State Conference. It will be judged along with your DVD. If you would like to make improvements to your portfolio, please do so before state competition. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 76 DRAGSTER DESIGN High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2014 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT Eligibility: Four (4) individuals per chapter. Must have drawing as well as dragster. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 77 ENGINEERING DESIGN High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/INTERVIEW Eligibility: Two (2) teams of 3-5 members per chapter. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 78 ESSAYS ON TECHNOLOGY High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements WRITE ESSAY – 1 HOUR State Competition Requirements WRITE ESSAY – 1.5 HOURS Eligibility: One (1) individual per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Regulations page 186 letter (B): Participants are responsible for bringing a blue or black ink pen to the event site. The pen may be erasable. The participant may also bring correcting fluid or correction tape to the site. Regulations page 186 letter (B): Participants are responsible for bringing a blue or black ink pen to the event site. The pen may be erasable. The participant may also bring correcting fluid or correction tape to the site. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 79 EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements Eligibility: One (1) individual per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. 10 minute preparation 15 minute preparation 3 minute speech 3 – 5 minute speech PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 80 FASHION DESIGN High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECKIN/MODEL/PRESENTATION Eligibility: One (1) team of 2 to 4 members Students will check in their portfolio. For District, participants will only need their portfolio and patterns/mock-ups. Please see page 204 letters B & C. The theme for the current year will be published on the TSA website at under competitions/themes and problems. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Students check in storage box and sign up for presentation. Storage box must be picked up from the judging room at least 20 minutes prior to presentation. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 81 FLIGHT ENDURANCE High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements Portfolio/Flight time Eligibility: Four (4) individuals per chapter. Note: Don’t forget the documentation and correct size box! The box is required and is intended to protect the plane in transit. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. State Competition Requirements Portfolio/Flight time Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Also any plane that had a single flight time of over 1 minute in District competition. Note: Don’t forget the documentation and correct size box! The box is required and is intended to protect the plane in transit. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 82 FUTURE TECHNOLOGY TEACHER High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/PORTFOLIO State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/PORTFOLIO Eligibility: 3 individual members per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Participants check in portfolio. Participants check in portfolio. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 83 MANUFACTURING PROTOTYPE High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/PORTFOLIO State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/PORTFOLIO Eligibility: Two (2) teams per chapter. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 84 MUSIC PRODUCTION High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements MAIL IN ENTRY/ONSITE INTERVIEW STATE ONLY EVENT 1 Team of up to 5 members per chapter is strongly encouraged, but a team of one (1) is permitted. Participants’ portfolio and audio CD must be mailed to the state office. Teams will be interview at state conference. All Music Production entries must be mailed to P.O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205 by March 3, 2015. Entries have to be postmarked by March 3, 2015. Late entries will not be accepted. All entries will be judged before conference. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 85 ON DEMAND VIDEO High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements PORTFOLIO/DVD 1 team of 2 – 6 members per chapter. Video must play on a stand-alone DVD player. Participants have 48 hours to complete the entire production. Advisors/Students will receive two picture props and a line of dialogue via email on Wednesday, March 25 at 8:00 a.m. Entries will be turned in on Friday, March 27 at 8:00 a.m. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 86 PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN PORTFOLIO State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK Eligibility: Four (4) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. This year’s theme “Innovation” Portfolio only at district. Evaluation is based on documentation, display, and interview. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Please bring your portfolio to state conference. They will be judged along with your onsite problem. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 87 PREPARED PRESENTATION High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. This year’s theme “Designing Your Dreams”. This year’s theme “Designing Your Dreams”. 3 – 5 minute speech. 3 – 5 minute speech. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 88 PROMOTIONAL GRAPHICS High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT Eligibility: Four (4) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Must print out design and bring to district competition in a sheet protector. All entries must be in PDF File. All Promotional Graphics entries must be emailed to by March 3, 2015. Late entries will not be accepted. All entries will be judged before conference. State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT You can update/change your entry for state competition PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 89 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL VISUALIZATION (SciVis) High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements CHECK-IN/PORTFOLIO 1 team per chapter Visualizations must be turned in on a CD, DVD, or USB drive in either MPEG or Quick Time File Format. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 90 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements PORTFOLIO/CD/DVD/INTERVIEW 1 team per chapter PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 91 STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements CHECK-IN EVENT/TEST Eligibility: Two (2) teams of two (2) members per chapter. Details about the designated structure and any necessary information related to the structure will be published on the TSA website at under competitions/themes and problems. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. State Competition Requirements BUILD/TEST Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. Onsite structure task will be provided at state competition. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 92 SYSTEM CONTROL TECHNOLOGY High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements ONSITE-TASK 1 team of 3 members per chapter PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 93 TECHNICAL SKETCHING AND APPLICATION High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements WRITTEN EXAM State Competition Requirements ONSITE-TASK Eligibility: Two (2) individuals per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. Competitors report to the event area at the time stated in the conference program for the onsite activity. DISTRICT TEST SCORES WILL ADVANCE WITH SEMIFINALISTS. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 94 TECHNOLOGY BOWL High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements WRITTEN EXAM Eligibility: One (1) team of three (3) members per chapter. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. State Competition Requirements ORAL PERFORMANCE Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners will compete in the oral performance at state conference. DISTRICT TEST SCORES WILL ADVANCE WITH SEMIFINALISTS. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 95 TECHNOLOGY PROBLEM SOLVING High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for District and State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK State Competition Requirements ON-SITE TASK Eligibility: 1 team of 2 members per chapter. Eligibility: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place district winners. No tool box needed Toolbox needed PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 96 TRANSPORTATION MODELING High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements PORTFOLIO Two (2) individuals per chapter PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 97 VIDEO GAME DESIGN High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements STATE ONLY EVENT State Competition Requirements DVD/INTERVIEW Two (2) teams per chapter PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 98 WEBMASTER High School 2015 Follow national rules found in The High School Technology Activities National TSA Conference Competitive Events Guide with the following changes for State Competition for the 2015 school year: Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. Special Note: Refer only to the 2015 & 2016 National TSA Competitive Events Guide. Earlier Competitive Guides and State Supplements are no longer valid. District Competition Requirements State Competition Requirements INTERVIEW STATE ONLY EVENT 1 team of 3 to 5 members per chapter. URL must be submitted to by MARCH 3, 2015. Late entries will not be accepted. All entries will be judged before conference. Participants are required to design, build and launch a World Wide Web site that features the school’s career and technology education program, TSA chapter, and the chapter’s ability to research topics pertaining to technology. PLEASE FOLLOW GENERAL RULES ON PAGE 28 AND 29 OF THIS BOOK AND NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENT GUIDELINES OF THE EVENT IN WHICH YOU ARE ENTERED. 99 MISSISSIPPI TSA ONLY EVENT CHAPTER SCRAPBOOK High School 2015 Overview Chapter Scrapbook recognizes chapters that develop, implement, and document their activities and promote TSA in their community. Attire Official or Professional dress is required for this event. District Competition Requirements Mississippi ONLY State event State Competition Requirements Eligibility: One (1) team of up to five (5) individuals per chapter. Entries will be checked in and evaluated at state competition. Time Limits Scrapbook must be limited to the current school year’s activities. Procedures 1. Check in scrapbook at the appropriate location and time as designated in the conference program. 2. Entries are reviewed by evaluators. Neither students nor advisors are present at this time. 3. Entries must be picked up at the time designated in the conference program. Regulations 1. Maximum size will be 12” x 12”. 2. Scrapbook should include 1 project identification page, 1 table of contents page, 1 planning process summary page, and maximum of 35 content pages. 3. Project identification page should include participants’ names, chapter name, school, city, state, event title, and project title. 4. Table of contents should follow an outline format. 5. Planning process page should explain how your scrapbook was created. You may use storyboard, flow charts or another method chosen by team. Content pages should document chapter activities and promotions. 100 TSA Scrapbook 2015 Official Rating Form CRITERIA (Chapter Team ID) Originality 15 * unique Presentation 25 *neatness *well-planned *colorful Grammatically Correct *spelling *sentence structure Variety of Information 5 15 *well documented Content Pages *chapter 10 activities and promotion Planning Process Page 10 *how scrapbook was created Content’s Page 5 Roman Numeral outline form Identification 10 *school *city, school *participants names *chapter name Size 12X12 Max 35 pgs. TOTAL POINTS Comments: 5 100 ___________________________________________ I certify these results to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Evaluator’s Signature_________________________________________ Judges Signature_____________________________________________ Judges Signature_____________________________________________ 101