Pharmacy of Inorganic Medicinals 6

 The name was taken from the
Greek meaning “stone” because it
was believed to be present only in
 It was also thought that the salts
of litium asssisted in dissolving
stones in kidneys and gall bladder
 Lithium is the lightest of all metals
 It is preserved by coating with
 Lithium has silvery- white and
though harder than Na and K, it is
softer than Pb, Ca, and Sr
 Its toughness permits it to be
drawn into a wire
 All lithium salts are colored
crimson red in the bunsen flame
 It gives a characteristic red line
together with a less brilliant
orange line in the spectrum
 It ignites in air at 2000C and burns
quietly with a very intense white
 Lithium soaps are not watersoluble and are water repellant
 The soaps are used as lubricating
 White ppt is formed with NaOH
and Na2CO3
Pharmacologic Action:
1. Behaves systematically like K
2. It is depressant to the nerve
centers and circulation
3. The ion has diuretic action but has
no advantages over K
4. Li ion is said to be somewhat less
toxic to the heart tha K
5. Stimulates the vagus and a gastro
enteritis may be produced
Therapeutic uses:
 Treatment of mania in mental
Dosages: wt citrate or carbonate
40-60 mg/day –initial dose
reduced by ½ - maintenace dose
 Compared to barbiturates and
tranquilizers, Li has no “drugged”
 LiCl as a subs for salt-free diets in
cardiac patient patients
 Also as seasoning agent in saltfree bread
Symptoms inludes: weakness,
drowsiness, loss of appetite,
nausea, tremors and blurring of
 Lithium Bromide NF
- occurs as a white or pinkishwhite granular powder or in
colorless prismatic cystal
- the salt is very deliquescent,
goes into sol’n in its absorbed
Use: as sedative, it has central
depressant properties
 Discovered by Sir Humphry Davy
thru electrolysis of NaOH
Found in combined form
The sea water is more than 2/3 of
the dissolved NaCl
Na is a soft metal, silvery-white
when freshly cut
At ordinary temp it is like a wax
and can be cut with a knife
 Sodium is a very active metal,
stored under kerosene (inert)
 In the air, rapidly covered with a
dull gray coating which a mixture
of hydroxide, oxide and carbonate
 Produces intense yellow color to
non-luminous flame
 Produces golden-yellow ppt with
cobalt uranyl acetate
 Shipment of Na is in air tight
containers or solid in tank cars
- the metal is allowed to solidify
and remelted in the destination
 It is stored either liquid or solid in
huge tanks
Pharmacologic Action:
 Capable of produc osmotic effect
 Na ion is predominant in the
extracellular fluid
 K is found in the intracellular fluid
 Osmotic gradient results when
the conc of water mole on one
side of the membrane exceeds
the conc on the other
 It is believed that it is the Na ion
which is unable to pass thru the
membrane rather then K
 Osmotic gradient is set up in one
direction or another thru the cell
wall, depending on the conc of
the extracellular fluid to the
electrolyte conc of the cell
3 types of conc outside the cell:
1. Isotonic sol’ns – those that are of
the same conc with the cell
2. Hypertonic sol’ns – those that
are having a greater conc that of
the body fluids or cell
3. Hypotonic sol’n s – those that are
lower in conc than the cell
 If the extracellular sol’n is
hypotonic, water molecules flow
into the cell causing the cell to
 If it is hypertonic, water flows out
of the cell causing the cell to
 If the sodium ion conc is isotonic
with the cell contents no osmotic
gradient exist
 Na ion is impt in the distribution
of body fluids
 Clinical symptoms caused by
abnormal sodium content in the
body fluids: excessive vomiting,
diarrhea or perspiration
Why are cardiac patients with
edematous should be in a low
sodium diet:
 Edematous is a condition of
excess fluid in the tissue
NaCl is a diuretic so it is given to
get rid of the excess fluid
It is contraindicated since it
would cause a hypertonic
condition of the extracellular fluid
It would attract water from the
intracellular fluid aggravating the
I. Sodium Acetate
 A good catalyst for some of the
acetylation reactions of oragnic
 A deep red color is formed with
FeCl3 TS
Pharmacologic Action of the
Acetate ion:
 Introduction of the action into the
body fluids
 It causes a hypertonic condiiton
of the extracellular fluid
 This “salt effect” results in a
diuretic action
 It is used as diuretic in the
treatment of cystitis and disease
of the urinary tract associated
with highly acidic urine
 Sodium Acetate
Uses: diuretic, urinary alkalizer,
systemic antacid or alkalizer
Dose: 1.5 g
II. Sodium Bicarbonate
 When heated, the salt loses water
and CO2 and is converted to
normal carbonate
 Bicarbonate (also carbonate)
salts liberates CO2 when treated
with acids
 The CO2 bubbles through the
liquid which is termed as
Pharmacologic action of HCO3 :
1. As a component of buffer
Most impt buffer system:
a. Sodium Biphosphate
b. Sodium Bicarb-Carbonic Acid
 If an excess acid is liberated in
the body, it is neutralized by
some of the sod bicarb; the
excess carbonic acid
decomposes to water and CO2
 If an excess alkali arises in the
body, it combines with carbonic
acid to form bicarbonate, and
more carbonic acid is formed
from CO2 and water to restore the
2. In mediicne, as acid neutralizer
a. To combat hyperacidity
b. To combat systemic acidoses
Rebound acidity – is the production
of too much acid after
withdrawing sodium bicarbonate
used to treat hyperacidity. The
resulting illness is peptic ulcer.
Increase the alkali reserve of the
blood and replace sodium ion in
cases of clinical dehydration in
cases such as methyl alcohol
 Sodium Bicarbonate- Baking Soda
Use: antacid
Dose: 2 grams 4 X day
III. Sodium Biphosphate – Sodium
Dihydrogen Phosphate, Sodium
Acid Phosphate
Use: internal, to produce acid urine
 When absorbed, it tends to
disrupt the buffer system
 Use to activate certain antiseptic
drugs particularly methenamine
- folmaldehyde is antiseptic and it
is liberated from methenamine in
an acidic media
- formaldehyde is used to treat
cystitis and other urinary tract
Dose: 0.6 g 4 X day
IV. Sodium Borate
 This salt is not used internally
Use: a. eye wash at 1-2%
a. wet dressing for wounds
 Borax – Sodium Tetraborate
Use: softening water
 N.F. Mouth Wash – conains sodium
borate, glycerine and potassium
V. Sodium Bromide
 It is the salt of a strong acid and a
strong base, in solution it is not
Pharmacologic action of Bromides:
- Reduce depression in epilepsy
- With potassium, depressant to the
- Depressant to the central nervous
VI. Sodium Carbonate
 Anhydrous form is known as Soda
 Dekahydrate is known as Sal
Soda, Washing Soda or Soda
 The dekahydrate effloresces
Efflorescence – the loss of water
from a compound at room temp
Pharmacologic Action of Carbonates:
 Active anatcids
2 general groups of anatacids:
1. Systemic Alkalizer
- by absorption from the GIT, they
enter the blood and raise the level
of alkaline reserve
2. Non-systemic alkalizers or
- are those which do not alter the
blood chemistry when
administered orally
a. Calcium and Magnesium
b. Calcium and Magnesium
VII.Sodium Chloride
Solar salt- is the purest known
(99.63%) rae salt
Sodium Chloride – Rock salt, Table
 Exerts the effect of sodium as
well as the chloride ions
 Deficiency of these ions in the
body result in “salt hunger”
 20% NaCl is used as injection for
varicose veins of the lower
 Dilute sol’n of NaCl is effective as
blood plasma used in emergency
treatment of shock from injuries
1 tsp NaCl
½ tsp Na2 CO3
VIII. Sodium Fluoride
 Aqueous sol’ns of the salt tend to
corrode glass bottles and in
should be stored in Pyrex ware
 Acidification of its solution
produces hydrofluoric acid which
is poisonous
 Used to etched glasses
Pharmacology of Fluorides:
 Fluoride ion is toxic with a lethal
dose of 4 grams
- It forms insoluble calcium
fluoride with the blood and is
toxic on the enzymatic activity
 NaF is a protoplasmic poison
- it is also an excellent antiseptic,
preservative and prevents
 Study showed that fluoride may
be a key nutritional factor in the
etiology of osteoporosis
 Another study showed that admin
of NaF to patients with idophatic
osteoporosis or Paget’s diseases
would cause the retention of
calcium together with reduction
of fecal and renal calcium output
 NaF and SnF2 is impt in dentistry
in retarding or preventing dental
 Higher tha 1ppm fluoride content
in drinking water may cause
mottling of the teeth
 Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) is
effective rodenticide
 Sodium silicofluoride (1%) as
spray to mothproof clothing
IX. Sodium Hydroxide
 Very deliquescent that rapidly
absorb moisture and CO2 from air
 Rapidly destroy organic tissue,
hence great care is needed
 It is insoluble in alcohol, ether,
and glycerine
 NaOH is one of the strongest
bases and should be stored in
hard glass bottles
 Sodium Hydroxide ( Caustic Soda)
- it is so caustic, no use in therapy
- used in soap industry
 Soda Lime (Calx Sodica)
- mixture of calcium, sodium or
- used in metabolism tests,
anesthesia, and oxygen therapy
 Sir H Davy – isolated the element
from potash (K2 CO3)
 Thenard & Gay-Lussac- establish
the identity of K as a metal
 A newly cut K is a silvery-white
metal, the color changes rapidly
to a bluish tinge
 At ordinary temp, has a waxy
consistency, kneaded with fingers
and cut with a dull knife
 K ignites at high temp and
vaporizes giving a violet flame
 The metal is kept under kerosene,
benzene, liquid petrolatum or
those that dissolved in water and
are free of O2
 K has shown to be slightly
radioactive and is photosensitive
 K imparts a violet color in the
Pharmacologic Action of K ion:
 Ion in the intra cellular fluid
 K deficiency (less than
14mg/100mL) may occur by:
diarrhea, IV infusion lacking in K,
burns, hemorrhage, diabetic
coma, vomiting
Hypopotassemia – arisen as a
consequence of using thiazide
 Symptoms: gen weakness,
depression of the heart, flaccid
and feeble muscles, low blood
pressure, pounding pulse, loud
systolic precordial murmurs in th
heart beat
 Treated with pot chloride or
acetate given orally that is,
Darrow’s sol’n (chlorides of K and
Na with sodium acetate)
 Potassium salts was introduced
by Thomas Wllis in 1079 and
among the best and effective of
the osmotic diuretics
 The larger the dose, the greater
the response
 The order of diuretic efficiency of
pot salts: nitrate chloride
bicarbonate = acetate = citrate
Impt Compds of K:
I. Potassium Acetate N.F.
 Used mainly as diuretic and
urinary alkalizer
 The acetate ion functions as an
antacid in the stomach
 Acetates, same as carbonates
and bicarbonates are systemic
II. Potassium Bicarbonate USP
a. Antacid for gastric hyperacidity
b. Diuretic
c. Electrolyte replenisher
III. Potassium Bitartrate
 It chars when heated and gives
off inflammable vapors having the
odor of burning sugar
 A silver mirror is formed with
silver nitrate and ammonia
 Obtained from the juice of grapes
 Argol or crude tartar is collected
when grape juice is allowed to
- This is composed of pot
bitartrate and calcium tartrate
III. Potassium Bitartrate
Common Names: Cream of Tartar,
Acid Potassium Tartrate
Use: cathartic
Dose: 2 Gm
 Replace talc as a dusting powder in
 It is more bacteriostatic and is more
absorbed than talc
Pharmac Action of Tartrate ion:
 The ion when retained in the
intestines create a hypertonic
 Osmosis increases the water
content of the bowel and laxative
action results
 Tartar ion-containing salts are
members of the group of saline
IV. Potassium Bromide NF
 Employed central depressant
because of the bromide ion
 In cases of mental excitement
and all conditions arising:
insomia, nervousness, etc
 A good sedative but no anodyne
V. Potassium Chloride USP
 Known for a long time as
effective diuretic
 It has been used successfully in
the treatment of Meniere’s
disease, myasthenia gravis and
familial periodic paralysis
 As electrolyte replenisher
(Ringers Injection and Sol’n)
Dose: 1-3 Gm/ 1-6 Gm
VI. Potassium Citrate NF
1. The diuretic, expectorant and
diaphorteic actions are greater
than those of other alkalis
2. Has a slight laxative action
3. As systemic alkalizer
Dose: 1 Gm
VII. Potassium Hydroxide USP
Common Name: Caustic Potash
Use: as saponifying agent,
cauterizing agent
 It is used in Aromatic Eriodictyon
Syrup to solubilize the bitter taste
Caution: Exercise great care in
handling KOH as it rapidly
destroys tissue.
VIII.Potassium Iodide USP
 This salt is added to NaCl and
community water supply to
supplement the diet
IX. Potassium Permanganate USP
Uses: Treatment of uritis,
gonorrhea, Vincent’s infection,
snake bite epidermophytosis,
athlete’s foot, snake bite, poison
ivy, chemical antidote
X. Potassium Sodium Tartrate
Common Names: Rochelle Salt;
Seidlitz powder
Uses: mild laxative to an active
hydragogue; saline laxative
Dose: 10 Gms
XI. Potassium Carbonate
Common Names: Potash, Pearl Ash,
Salt of Tartar, Salt of Wormwood
 This salt has been used in the
past as systemic antacid, its
excessive alkalinity has caused it
to fall into disfavor
XII. Sulfurated Potash ( mix of
polysulfides and pot thiosulfate)
Common Names: Potassa sulfurata,
Liver of sulfur, Hepasulfuris
Uses: parasitic disease of the skin