Undergraduate Biology Lab Courses: Comparing the Impact of Traditionally Based “Cookbook” and Authentic Research-Based Courses on Student Lab Experiences Brownell SE et al. 2012. J. College Science Teaching 41(4): 36-45 Presented by Dr. Walsh Introduction Laboratory courses are the standard method of providing students the opportunity to get practical hands-on experience in any field of science http://www.southseattle.edu/images/virtual-tour/programs/BiologyLabs.jpg Background Traditionally structured science laboratory courses - Common in high school and undergrad (McComas 2005) - Provide step-by-step instructions = “cookbook lab” - Minimum intellectual engagement (Modell and Michael 1993) - Inaccurate model of science inquiry (Cox and Davis 1972) Background Redesign of science lab courses promoted for decades - Must allow active investigation (Holt et al. 1969) - Must encourage independent thinking (AAAS 2010) Although undergrad lab courses have incorporated a wide variety of active learning experiences - Broad range of teaching methods and wide range of outcomes (NRC 2000, Weaver et al. 2008) Objective This study: - Evaluates a biology lab course that is specifically design to incorporate authentic research - Compares affective outcomes to matched-pair students in a concurrent cookbook lab course Methods Experimental Group Biology lab course designed for authentic research - Single project, not pre-designed, outcome unknown - Collaboration and peer review - Results presentation Hypotheses generated from model system schematic MODEL SYSTEM Methods Comparison Group Biology lab course with traditional cookbook design - Manual instructions for four modules, various topics - Predesigned procedures for three modules - One lesson on experimental design - One independent project Methods Demographics of experimental and comparison condition matched pairs and unmatched comparison condition students. Methods Student affective outcomes measured by questionnaires - Specifically designed survey instrument - Pre-course: three blocks of questions - Preference for course structure - Self-confidence in performing lab techniques - Interest in future biology research - Post-course: with two additional blocks of questions - How often certain events occurred in course - Recommendation for their course Results “What is your level of agreement with the following statements related to biology lab courses?” Scale = 1 (strongly disagree) 2 (disagree) 3 (agree) 4 (strongly agree) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.79 * Between group (p < .05) ** Within-group (p < .05) Results “What is your level of agreement with the following statements related to biology lab courses?” Scale = 1 (strongly disagree) 2 (disagree) 3 (agree) 4 (strongly agree) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.77 * Between group (p < .05) ** Within-group (p < .05) Results “In how many of the nine classes (or prelabs) did the following occur in your lab section?” Scale = 1 (0 classes) 2 (1-3 classes) 3 (4-6 classes) 4 (7-8 classes) 5 (9 classes) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.84 * Between group (p < .05) ** Within-group (p < .05) Results “How confident do you feel in your ability to execute the following biology lab-based tasks?” Scale = 1 (not confident) 2 (somewhat confident) 3 (confident) 4 (very confident) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.86 * Between group (p < .05) ** Within-group (p < .05) Results “What is your level of interest for doing the following researchrelated experiences?” Scale = 1 (strong disinterest) 2 (disinterest) 3 (interest) 4 (strong interest) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.77 * Between group (p < .05) ** Within-group (p < .05) Discussion Statistically Significant Results Experimental group compared to cookbook lab group - Increased preference for aspects of course structure - Increased self confidence in performing lab techniques - More positive attitude toward authentic research components - Greater recognition of research components in class - Greater interest in pursuing further biology research Conclusions Provides evidence that authentic research-based biology labs impact student affective outcomes Provides evidence to support recommendations that lab courses should incorporate authentic research Future studies are to include larger, randomly-selected sample size Future studies are to include measurement of student achievement outcomes References American Association for the Advancement of Science. 2010. Vision and change in undergraduate biology education: A call to action. Report. Washington (DC); [cited 2012 Oct 10]. Available from: http://visionandchange.org/files/2010/03/VC_report.pdf Cox DD, Davis LV. 1972. The context of biological education: The case for change. Washington (DC): American Institute of Biological Sciences. Holt CE, Abramoff P, Wilcox LV, Abell DL. 1969. Investigative laboratory programs in biology: A position paper of the commission on undergraduate education in the biological sciences. Bioscience 19: 1104-1107. McComas W. 2005. Laboratory instruction in the service of science teaching and learning. Science Teacher 27(7): 24-29. Modell HI, Michael JA. 1993. Promoting active learning in the life sciences classroom: Defining the issues. Annals of the N.Y. Acad. Of Sciences 701: 1-7. National Research Council. 2003. BIO 2010: Transforming undergraduate education for future research biologists. Washington (DC): National Academies Press. Weaver GC, Russell CB, Wink CJ. 2008. Inquiry-based and research-based laboratory pedagogies in undergraduate science. Nature Chemical Biology 4: 577-580.