Write in Journal

Ethics I and
Personal Morality
Journal Slides
Write in Journal
What is Ethics and Morality
• Morality
– God or religion centered
– Understanding of Right and Wrong
– Ex: Ten Commandments
• Ethics
– Society or people oriented
– Concept of proper or improper
– Ex: etiquette or manners
Write in Journal
Truth and Meaning
• Write a statement about truth
– Truth p. 193
– Objective vs. subjective reality, p. 312
– Moral Subjectivism, p. 70
• What is the meaning (purpose) of life?
• Truth is
• I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. John
Write in Journal
Our Moral Life In Christ
• What does the book say about
– Humanism
– Christianity
– Rules of Morality
– Life of a Christian Believer
– Actions of a Christian Believer
• Hint see chapter one
Write in Journal
Definition of Morality
• To grow in knowledge and love of God
Write in Journal
Christian Morality
Affects the person and then the action
Transforms the soul and then the appearance
Encompasses the attitudes of the person
Accounts for the forbidden yet stresses more
what ought to be done
• Requires not just actions but holiness
Write in of
Christian Morality
• Gives a set of moral laws but not is more than
• Includes both reward and punishment
• Morality for freedom
• Fulfilled on earth but pertains to the next life
• Begins and ends in love
• Nourished by the Mass and the sacraments
Write in Journal
Spirit and Camaraderie
• What does it mean to be A(n)
Serra Man or Woman
African American, Hispanic, Anglo, Asian…
Christian, Muslim, Jew, Atheist…
Girl or Boy
Man or Woman
Write in Journal
Matthew 25: Test for Heaven
• What importance do sins of omission (not
doing something) have in relation to the
understanding that the Christian moral life
is a following of Christ?
• Or how can the scripture passage be
considered an “entrance test” for heaven?
• Or explain how this demonstrates that
faith without works is dead.
• This first test worth 100 points requires you to design
your set of ethical or moral rules or standards for an
organization, religion, association, sport or other
gathering of people.
• You may borrow from other sources. However, you
must identify where you got the source material and
how you applied that material to your rules.
• You must also explain why these rules are needed;
how they will be enforced and the consequences and
rewards that will occur if they are not followed or are
followed. Lastly, you must present your rules to the
class in a presentation.
Write in Journal
Write in Journal
CCC 1692
• The Symbol of the faith God's gifts to man in
– creation
– redemption
– sanctification
• The sacraments communicate: Christians have
children of God,
partakers of the divine nature
To see their new dignity
called to lead a life "worthy of the gospel of Christ
• Capable by
– the grace of Christ
– the gifts of his Spirit
– through the sacraments and prayer
CCC 1692
• The Symbol of the faith God's gifts to man in
– creation
– redemption
– sanctification •Happiness
•Who we are (Human Dignity)
• The sacraments communicate: Christians
have become
children of God,
partakers of the divine nature •Our esteem
•What we are to do
To see their new dignity
called to lead a life "worthy of the gospel of Christ
• Capable by
– the grace of Christ
– the gifts of his Spirit
– through the sacraments and prayer
Write in Journal
CCC 1692
• Write response in Journal
• What does Symbol of the faith God's gifts
to man mean?
• What is sacramental communication?
• How does grace, gifts and sacraments
enable Christians to respond?
Write in Journal
Fulton Sheen on Jesus
• There were three sweet monotonies in
His (Christ’s) life
– three decades obeying
– three years teaching
– three hours redeeming
• Jesus was obedient to the law and to the
Write in Journal
CCC 1693 Obedience
• Write response in Journal
• Why is obedience so important?
• What happens when disobedience is the
normal response to society, family,
community, or church?
Write in Journal
Rules and Commandments
The Golden Rule:
Matt 7:12; Luke 6:31
The Great Commandment:
Deut 6: 4-5 & Lev 19:18b
Mark 12:28-34
Matt 22:34-40
Luke 10:25-28
Write in Journal
Incorporated into Christ
• Write response in Journal
• What does it mean to be incorporated into
• Read Life in Christ, Chap. one pp. 9-10.
• How is following and imitating Christ the
same or not the same as incorporating?
Write in Journal
Incorporated into Christ
• What is the difference between
– a sponge and a font?
– an assembler and an innovator ?
– a manager and a leader?
– following and incorporating?
Write in Journal
• Societies have norms and laws
– Etiquette
– Manners
– Statutes
– Laws
– Rules
• Give an example of each
CCC 1695 Justified in Jesus
Christ and the Spirit
• Christians are
– sanctified
– called to be saints
– temple of the Holy Spirit.
Write in Journal
• Actions of the Holy Spirit
teaches prayer to the Father
prompts action to bear "the fruit of the Spirit "
charity in actions
heals the wounds of sin
renews us interiorly through a spiritual transformation
CCC 1696
Write in Journal
Options and Choices
• The way of Christ leads to life
• The contrary way leads to destruction.
• The Gospel parable of the two ways remains
ever present in the catechesis of the Church
• Shows the importance of moral decisions
• There are two ways,
– the one of life
– the other of death
– between the two, there is a great difference
Write in Journal
Options and Choices
• Society has choices and options
– Success
– Failure
– Popularity
– Anti-social
– Gain
– Loss
Write in Journal
Options and Choices
• Write response in Journal
• List options that are open to you
– Tell how you can choose or attain them
– What are the pitfalls or difficulties?
– How can we be helped to achieve?
Write in Journal
Battle of Lepanto
• Critical Thinking
– Why did Pope Clement XI change the name
from "Our Lady of Victory" to "Our Lady of the
– What was the political climate in 1571?
– What was different in 1716?
– What is the relationship between Christianity
and Islam today?
Place in Journal
Place in Journal
Write in Journal
Obedience Essay
• Use your graphic organizer and the essay
• Write a five paragraph essay on
• Include the work that you did on your
graphic organizer to substantiate your
conclusions. Due Wednesday/Thursday
Write in Journal
CCC 1697
• Catechesis has to reveal in all clarity the joy and
the demands of the way of Christ. Catechesis
for the "newness of life" in him should be:
– a catechesis of the Holy Spirit, the interior Master of
life according to Christ, a gentle guest and friend who
inspires, guides, corrects, and strengthens this life;
– a catechesis of grace, for it is by grace that we are
saved and again it is by grace that our works can
bear fruit for eternal life;
Write in Journal
CCC 1697 cont
– a catechesis of the beatitudes, for the way of
Christ is summed up in the beatitudes, the
only path that leads to the eternal beatitude
for which the human heart longs;
– a catechesis of sin and forgiveness, for unless
man acknowledges that he is a sinner he
cannot know the truth about himself, which is
a condition for acting justly; and without the
offer of forgiveness he would not be able to
bear this truth;
Write in Journal
CCC 1697 cont
– a catechesis of the human virtues which causes
one to grasp the beauty and attraction of right
dispositions towards goodness;
– a catechesis of the Christian virtues of faith,
hope, and charity, generously inspired by the
example of the saints;
– a catechesis of the twofold commandment of
charity set forth in the Decalogue;
– an ecclesial catechesis, for it is through the
manifold exchanges of "spiritual goods" in the
"communion of saints" that Christian life can
grow, develop, and be communicated.
Write in Journal
CCC 1698
• The first and last point of reference of this catechesis
will always be Jesus Christ himself, who is "the way,
and the truth, and the life.“
• It is by looking to him in faith that Christ's faithful can
hope that he himself fulfills his promises in them, and
that, by loving him with the same love with which he has
loved them, they may perform works in keeping with
their dignity:
Write in Journal
Membership in Christ
• Write response in Journal
• Choose one “catechesis” and explain what it means
for a member of Christ’s body
catechesis of the Holy Spirit
catechesis of grace
catechesis of the beatitudes
catechesis of sin and forgiveness
catechesis of the human virtues
catechesis of the Christian virtues
catechesis of the twofold commandment of charity
ecclesial catechesis
Write in Journal
Spirit and Camaraderie
• Recall the exercise on belonging.
• How does society encourage or
discourage behavior of individuals who
desire to belong to a group?
• How does the Catholic Church do the
• Write response in Journal
• Partner share, class share.