Online MAR Student Orientation Module 4 Lesson 4 Assignment

Online MAR Student Orientation
Module 4 Lesson 4 Assignment: Journal Title Search
Answer Key
Access the Journal Title Assignments on the library website. Complete assignments for
online and print journals. As you work through each assignment, type your answers
below each question on this answer sheet. When you are done, save this document and
upload it using the Assignments tool.
If you experience any difficulty completing any part of this assignment please contact the
library using the contact form.
Journal Assignment link:
Contact form link:
Online Journals
1. Conduct an online journal search for the title “Biblical Interpretation.”
For this title how many sources (or providers) display?
What date range is displayed the most?
1993 to present
What is the title of the first article listed, pp. 129 – 142?
Words as Deeds and Deeds as Words
2. Conduct an online journal search for the title “Charisma.”
What date range does the title provide?
2008 to present
What access instructions are provided?
Access Instructions Provided After Log-in
What is the first and last journal listed?
First: Charisma & Christian Life
Last: Tricycle: the Buddhist Review
What is the username and password to log in to Charisma & Christian Life?
Username: goddard
Password: godlib
3. Users can also use this search tool to browse titles.
How many unique journal titles display?
Print Journals
4. Conduct a print journal search for the term “studies.”
How many results display?
Select the result “AAR Studies in Religion.” Who is the author or publisher?
American Academy of Religion
What years does Goddard Library provide under the “Holding Statement”?
1972 – 1995
5. Search for the title “Reflection” from Charlotte’s print periodicals list. What date range does
the library make available?
1988 - 1996
6. Search for the title "Journal of Counseling Psychology". Does the Charlotte library have all
issues of this journal from 1965 - 1992?
No. There are years missing