NAME__________________________ Class_____________________________ Using this book: This topic will take you 3 lessons and 3 homework tasks to complete. There is a checklist on page 2. For each learning objective there are notes, activities and exam hints. There are also quick fire questions for to complete and your teacher to check. You should look over the work after the lesson to recap what you have done. Teacher check: Ask your teacher to check your work. They will tick it and may leave a comment. 1 Learning Objectives I have looked at it I have revised it well I really know it To know how I am marked on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar on all the papers. To know what sustainable means. I can explain the Social, economic and political causes of the growth in tourism. I can identify and describe a variety of physical and human attractions. I can define different types of holiday. I can explain resort development in relation to the butler model. I can explain the impacts of tourism on a LIC I can explain the impacts of tourism on an HIC I can explain how an eco-tourist destination can benefit the local community and protect the environment. LO: To know how I am marked on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar on all the papers. In your exams, you will also be assessed on SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar). These are usually awarded in the longer answers (4-6 marks). In unit 1 there are 4 marks available and units 2+3 there are 3 marks available. This could be the difference between a grade! Make sure you have read and understood the mark scheme below. 2 LO: To know what sustainable means. Sustainable development means meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We can think of it as a stool. A stool needs 3 legs to stay up. Sustainability has three strands. If one of the strands doesn’t exist, the stool falls over. It is not sustainable. The economy should grown and continue to grow in the future. The environment should be protected Should benefit people now and in the future Learn the definition off by heart. Then ask someone to test you. 1) Are the activities below sustainable? Tick yes or no. Yes Chopping down rainforests for toilet roll. Planting a tree for every tree we chop down Burning coal to create electricity. Asking locals to teach tourists their local way of life. 3 No LO: I can explain the Social, economic and political causes of the growth in tourism. Tourism is one of the fasted growing industries in the world. You need to know, and explain, the SOCIAL, ECONOMIC and POLITICAL reasons for this growth. Social = to do with people Economic = to do with money Political = Laws and agreements between countries or the relationship between countries/areas within countries. Social POINT More holiday entitlement from work. People can retire early EVIDENCE Since 2009 = 28 days /year. EXPLAIN More leisure time to go on holiday. 15 million people have retired early this year. Development in IT and communication Websites such as last and easy jet have been created. E.g. Discover Thailand campaign. 1960s = 50 hour week. People can spend time holidaying while they are younger. Easier to book tailored holidays online. Shorter working week Economic Political Now = 9-5pm Mon-Fri = 35-40 hour week. Ageing population 10 million people in the UK are over 65. Customer needs and Development of expectations. package holidays and no thrills airlines e.g. easy jet. People have more E.g. the minimum wage disposable income is now £6.19. The average salary of the UK is £25,500. Family sizes are smaller. Transport The airbus 380 holds improvement 850 people reducing the cost per passenger. E.g. Australia in 24 hours. Border controls Tourists from the EU can move freely within EU countries without a visa. 4 TV and the Internet make places desirable. More leisure time to be a tourist. More retired people who have more time to travel. People want different things so companies develop new ideas to encourage tourism. This means people have more money to spend on luxuries such as holidays. Better technology means that is quicker and cheaper to get to faraway places. By relaxing border controls, people can travel easily and freely. Look at the answers below which was written in response to the question ‘Explain why tourism has increased in the last 50 years’ Choose three colours. 1) Colour 1 = where they have identified a point 2) Colour 2 = Where they have used evidence. 3) Colour 3 = Where they have explained. People have more money because f the minimum wage. They have more leisure time. There is a lot better technology now like the airbus 380. What is the answer above missing? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Now, rewrite the answer to get 4/4. You should cover three points, explain them and use evidence for each. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 1 ) 2 ) 5 Describe the changes shown in the graph. Remember to describe the overall trend, any anomalies to this and to use data! __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ I can identify and describe a variety of physical and human attractions. You need to know that there are a range of physical and human attractions in an area. Physical are things that are there naturally. Human attractions are things that humans have made. Human Cultural Heritage – museums, galleries, temple, festivals, archaeological sites. Accommodation – hotels, lodges, chalets, tents. Local cuisine – food and restaurants Recreational facilities – Parks, golf courses. Access – Transport connections, roads, ferries etc. Physical Climate – snow/sun Wildlife – animals, plants, trees etc. Scenery – Attractive, spectacular. Protected areas – national parks and nature reserves. Beaches – Clean sand, surf, safe swimming. The questions associated with this LO usually involve you looking at a photo and describing the attractions that you can see. Make sure you read the question and only identify those it asks for e.g. physical/human. Just say what you can see! Clear blue skies Beautiful Scenery Accommodation Transport of skiers up the hill slope. Snowy Mountains Forests Town buildings Ski lift The photo above shows the physical and human attractions. Colour the boxes in 2 colours. 1 = Physical attractions 2 = Human attractions 6 Q: Using evidence from the photo only, explain why tourists might be attracted to this location. (4 marks) There are mountains in the background which will provide beautiful scenery for walkers and mountain climbers. There are buildings along the beach at the side of the photo which could provide tourists with cafes and shops. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________________ It’s 4 marks. Aim for at least 3 different points. I have done two for you. Now finish the answer with two more. 1) Explain one economic, one social and one political cause of the growth of tourism. 2) Has tourism globally increased or decreased? 3) Name two physical attractions I might find at a beach. 4) Name two human attractions I would find in a beach area. 5) Name a human attraction at a ski resort. I can define different types of holiday. Holidays can take place within the UK. These are DOMESTIC holidays. Or they can take place abroad (no posh term for that one!) Tour Operators – These are the companies that put package holidays together. You pick up their brochures when you go into a travel agent. Some have their own websites. Travel agent – These are the shops you go into to book your holiday. They sell holidays provided by Tour Operators. 7 There are many different types of package holiday. You Package Holidays Package holidays consist of TRANSPORT and ACOMMODATION included in the price and ADVERTISED together and sold by a TOUR OPERATER e.g. Thomas Cook. They go to POPULAR resorts e.g. Costa Brava or Majorca. They tend to be CHEAP and encourage MASS tourism (lots of tourists flock there). They may also include things like car hire, outings to local attractions and holiday reps to help people on their stay. Mass tourism is where large companies (multinationals) shape developments depending on demand. They often have little regard for the location and its communities. Cruises, and theme parks such as Disney Land are becoming mass tourist destinations. Alternative Holidays These types of holidays are about individuals and small groups. Some are led by guides, some are do-it-yourself. There are many types. Here are some you should know. 1) Adventure Holidays A holiday for the purpose of challenge, exploration, skills development or thrills. Such holidays may involve an element of risk e.g. bungee jumping, white water rafting and abseiling. E.g. kayaking in the Ardeche, France. 8 2) Backpacking holidays Involve low cost, independent travel. These tourists organise their travels themselves and tend to stay in budget accommodation e.g. low cost hotels, hostels and campsites. E.g. Thailand 3) Educational Holidays Holidays that involve learning how to cook, make pottery or wine tasting, e.g. Wine in Bordeaux 4) Wedding holidays Holidays that involve getting married in exotic locations. Many tour operators will arrange a package tour that includes a honey-moon and marriage ceremony. E.g. Getting married in Greece. 5) Conservation holidays Where people give their time to work and explore e.g. working on footpaths in the Lake District. Q: What is a package holiday? (2 marks) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Look at the table below. Read the description of the holiday and put a cross in the box with the correct type of holiday. 9 Now go back to the 1st have a go task ‘What is a package holiday? Mark your answer using the mark scheme below. If you didn’t get 2/2, re-write it. I can explain resort development in relation to the butler model. All tourist resorts started as a normal village or town. To become popular, they went through something called a life cycle. This was made into model by a man called Butler. It is called the Butler model. It has SIX stages. A different Butler, but it might help you remember! Rejuvenation Development Remembering the stages: Everyone in Devon Can Swallow Red Dragons Exploration Everyone Involvement In Development Devon Consolidation Can Stagnation Swallow Rejuvenation or Decline Red Dragons! 10 You need to know a case study of a resort in relation to the Butler Model. We will look at BLACKPOOL What happens at each stage? Stage 1: Exploration Description Few tourists Few facilities Interaction with locals Adventure or discovery holiday. 2: Involvement Tourism numbers increase steadily. Facilities begin to be provided. 3: Numbers of tourists rise rapidly. Development Up-to-date facilities provided but not run by local people. 4: Maximum tourist numbers Consolidation Peak number of facilities. 5: stagnation Resort loses popularity. Attractions become old. 6: Rejuvenation Resort rebrands itself. OR Tourist numbers increase. 6: Decline People stop coming to the area. Property is sold Tourism buildings such as hotels close. And in Blackpool? 11 This topic is more often than not one of the big questions (either 4 or 6 marks). Sometimes it asks you to talk about a certain stage, other times the development of the resort over time. Here are some past questions. 1) Choose a study you have made of a holiday resort in the European Union. Use the Butler model of resort development to explain how the resort has developed. 2) Describe what happens to a resort when it is at the stagnation stage (Stage 5) of the Butler model. 3) Choose a study you have made of an EU holiday resort. Explain how the resort has developed. 4) Choose a study of the development of an EU resort. Describe how this resort developed during the rejuvenation stage of the Butler model. In these questions, the examiner will presume that you do the following. (Even if it doesn’t ask!) Use a case study (Blackpool) Say what is happening in Blackpool Link it to the stage(s) of the Butler model. So in Q1: It says holiday resort in the EU – this is Blackpool Q2: It doesn’t say use a case study – but you should Q3: It doesn’t mention the Butler model – but they want you to explain the development using it. Q4: This question gives you all the hints – our friend the EU - Blackpool 12 1) Build an answer. Let’s take Q3 - Choose a study you have made of an EU holiday resort. Explain how the resort has developed. (6marks). To build your answer use PEE. You should end up with 7 paragraphs. I have done the first paragraph for you. Task 1: Colour 1: where I have made a point. Colour 2: where I have used evidence. Colour 3: where I have explained/linked. Task 2: Complete the question so you end up with 7 paragraphs in total. Paragraph 1: Blackpool in Lancashire started life as a small hamlet. It has developed through the stages of the Butler model. Blackpool developed in the exploration stage. This is the stage of the model where very few tourists visit. This was the case in Blackpool in the 18th century when only rich people would visit to sea bath in the sea. They thought that the sea would cure diseases. Paragraph 2: Blackpool then entered into the Involvement stage. At this stage.._______________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 13 Mark scheme check: Do you think you have reached the top mark band for the question you have just answered? Q1: What is a package holiday? Q2: What is mass tourism? Q3: What kind of holiday would I would be most likely to stay in a hostel? Q4: Name the 6 stages of the Butler model Q5: What happens to Blackpool in the consolidation stage? I can explain the impacts of tourism on a LIC Impacts can be: POSITIVE or NEGATIVE SOCIAL, ECONOMIC or ENVIRONMENTAL 14 LIC case study: MACHU PICCHU, PERU (S. America) Machu Picchu is a 15th century Inca site. People visit the ancient site. Many people trek there. NEGATIVE: ECONOMIC POSITIVE: ECONOMIC Much of today’s tourism is in the hands of large companies. The Sanctuary Lodge hotel at the entrance of Machu Picchu is owned by the Orient-Express hotels group. This means that profit leaves the country and doesn’t benefit local people. Many of the jobs are taken by foreigners. The multiplier effect takes place. At the local market in Pisac, stalls have been set up for the tourists. Porters are paid $10 a day and tipped by richer clients. As tourist numbers increase, more money is spent locally in amenities such as shops. This generates more opportunities to make money. NEGATIVE ENVIRONEMTNAL: POSITIVE ENVIRONEMTNAL: - - - Erosion is occurring on the Inca trail with the 500 tourists walking it a day. People pick Orchids Bins on the trail are emptied by wardens and then dumped just off the trail. Visual pollution (tourists at the site) - No plastic bottles are allowed. Tourists pay $50 each to walk the Inca trail which contributes to its upkeep. The number of people are limited to 500/day. The area is a world heritage site which protects it. POSITIVE: Social Negative: Social - - - Extra income in the area as tourism provides jobs and opportunities to sell souvenirs on the trail. Porters are limited to 25 KG and earn a set wage. 15 - Breakdown in culture as local people become more westernised in their clothes and culture. Some porters are treated badly by the companies. I can explain the impacts of tourism on an HIC NEGATIVE: ECONOMIC - - House prices are pushed up. Many houses are holiday homes. In 1991, 55% of houses in Malham were holiday homes. House prices are 15% higher. Tourism jobs are seasonal and can be poorly paid. POSITIVE: ECONOMIC Malham is in the Yorkshire Dales, UK - Employment – farmer at Town Head farm charges £10 a night at his campsite. Offers parking for £3 a day. Extra income Attractions/cafes provide jobs for local people e.g. The Cove Centre. NEGATIVE ENVIRONEMTNAL: POSITIVE ENVIRONEMTNAL: - - - Footpath erosion, especially to Janet’s Foss waterfall. Climb on stone walls Dogs worry sheep. - More footpaths created through the creation of open access land which is good for locals and tourists. It is in the National Park so laws mean that new developments are regulated. POSITIVE: Social Negative: Social - - - Tourism is beneficial to local services e.g. banks/public transport. E.g. The bus to Skipton is more frequent in the summer months which is also good for the locals. Residents benefit from The Buck Inn extending its opening hours. 16 - Visitors cause congestion in Malham. The Buck Inn has lost its local culture as it provides for tourists. Impacts summary (learn these first, then begin to use examples) Environmental Social Positive - Popular areas become protected and improved. - Money from tourism goes back into the environment. Negative - Littler - Disturbance to wildlife - Footpath erosion - Visual pollution. - - Money and jobs for local people Economic - Local economy improves. - Tourism incoe could be taken away from area if owned by large companies. Disturbance of normal life (congestion, noise) House prices increase for local people. Outline the ways in which tourism can have a negative impact on the environment. (4 marks) (Remember, outline means explain) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ I can explain how an eco-tourist destination can benefit the local community and protect the environment. Eco-tourism is a form of sustainable tourism so it has to do two things. (Look back to page 2. 1) Protect the environment 2) Benefit local people. 17 Benefitting People Protecting the Environment. 1) Furniture is made from local craftsman in GUNJAR = money staying in the area. 2) Local women create tie dye sharing their culture with tourists and generating money. 3) 20% of profit from Footsteps goes to local people. 4) A gift shop sells products made by local people. 5) All 22 staff come from the local village of Gunjar. 6) Staff are paid for the whole year, not just in season. 7) Staff are given medical and dental care. 8) Staff have the opportunity to get promoted within Footsteps or in the wider tourism industry. 1) Wind and sun used to produce electricity = clean. 2) Everything at the lodge is recycled if it can be. 3) The lodge grows its own vegetables which is greener than importing them. 4) Toilets are composting toilets. 5) Water is recycled (grey water). 6) Hot water is heated by the sun. 18 Footsteps. Gambia Needs a balanced answer. 3 explained points for each. Choose a study you have made of an eco-tourist destination. Explain how eco-tourism can protect the environment and benefit the local community. (6) Chosen eco-tourist destination ........................................................................................................................... _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 19 1) What must sustainable development do? 2) Explain 3 positive impacts of tourism. 3) Identify three ways that Footsteps is sustainable. 4) Explain the process of footpath erosion. 5) Identify three impacts of tourism on the environment.