WBC Week 6

SUBJECT (Week 6)
Date: 21 - 25 Sept 2015
Room 45 – W. Martin
MATH 6A – PER 2 & 5
B-Read Math Triumphs
Math Intervention
Period 3
Draw a number line from -10 to +10
and put some negative and positive
integers on it to include fractions
and decimals. Use Base Ten Blocks
to form fractions.
Make your foldable on page 121 and
copy the Target Your Reading chart on
page 123. Copy the vocabulary on page
124 and place on your foldable. Make
flash cards and quiz shoulder partner.
Make the equivalent fractions
chart on page 34 and test your
partner with each piece.
Students will use the meaning of
fractions to explain by writing or
speaking as to why the procedures
for adding and subtracting fractions
and placing them on a number line.
Students will know energy can be carried
from one place to another by heat flow
or by waves using academic vocabulary:
energy, kinetic energy, potential energy,
elastic potential energy, thermal energy.
Students will compare fractions
represented by drawings or
concrete materials to show
equivalency using academic
vocabulary: equivalent fractions.
Students will understand several
ways to measure data using the
number line, rulers, scales, graphs
using vocabulary number line,
percent, ratio, and histogram.
Students will explore forms of energy
and know that it is the cause of all the
changes that they observe in their world.
Students will know that when all
fractional parts are included, such
as four-fourths, the result is equal
to the whole and to one.
What does the data displayed in
your work tell you?
Why is it important to know where
energy comes from?
How do you model fractions in a
drawing to show equivalent form
of one?
Copy and Answer questions in CPM
Section 3.1.3 and 3.1.6 from pages
111-117 and 129-135. Use Base Ten
blocks to assist your understanding
in Percent, Decimal, and Fractions.
Copy and answer all the questions 1 to 8
on page 108. See if you can make flash
cards about the different types of energy
using pictures or diagrams.
Copy and answer questions 1 to
37, pages 36 to 40.
You will have ten questions on a
“Number Line” test.
Your test will be on Brain Pop, “Forms of
Energy”. There are 10 questions.
Your test will be questions 1 to 10
on page 36 to 38.
There is no school on 23 September
2015. Unassigned Day.
See if you can demonstrate on form of
energy to the class.
Get flash cards from 99 cent store
to make your fraction flash cards.