Ethnic differences in health: A matter of social class? Bernadette Kumar, MD Research Fellow- University Of Oslo University of Oslo, Norway Outline Relevant Concepts Migration to Norway Material and Methods Some salient findings Valuable Lessons learnt What this means for public policy and programmes Way forward /Concluding thoughts Defining Ethnic Minorities – Heterogenous ? Uniformly disadvantaged? Ethnic Differences in Health Growing Evidence – increased documentation/ attention over the past few decades(Marmot, Bhopal, Nazroo) Underlying factors remain contested (Rogers 1992, Sørlie 1992, Davey Smith 1998, Nazroo 1997) Ethnic Differences in Health Statistical Artefact Consequence of Migration Cultural Differences Racism and Discrimination Poorer Access to Health Care Material Circumstances Genetic or Biological Explanations Nazroo 1997 Økonomisk utvikling og helsetilstand – en ”dobbeltspiral” Velstand Fattigdom Helse Sykdom Role of SEP in explaining ethnic differences of Health Minimal/No contribution(Wild, McKeigue 1997) Other factors – cultural/ genetic elements play larger role (Smaje 1996) Ethnic differences in health are predominately determined by Socioeconomic inequalities(Navarro 1990, Sheldon&Parker 1992) The Role of Socio-Economic position - Determinants of food take Demomographic, Nutritional and Epidemiological transition Socio-demographic characteristics Health/lifestyle Dietary environment Food beliefs Food attitudes Food preferences and taste Food availability Food Costs Adapted from Shatenstein et al 1997 DIET CONSUMED MIGRATION to Norway from developing counrtries a fairly recent phenomenon with its origins in the late sixties. Norway 2004 Multicultural Society ? Population: 4.6 million 7.3 % immigrants Capital: Oslo 520 000 inhabitants 88,000 immigrants from developing countries(17%) 40% of all immigrants in Oslo from the Indian Subcontinent INNVANDRER I NORGE Befolkning i alt: 4 503 436 Innvandrerbefolkningen Førstegenerasjon Barn født i Norge 249 904 47 827 Annen innvandringsbakgrunn Adopert Født i utlandet(en norsk foreldre) Født i Norge(en norsk foreldre) Født i utlandet av to norskfødte Totalt 13 843 23 143 153 006 17 827 505 868 Migration to Norway OSLO IMMIGRANT HEALTH STUDY included five of the major ethnic groups from developing countries living in Oslo (ie.Turkish, Pakistani, Iranian, Sri Lankan and Vietnamese) Reasons for migration vary.. Pakistanis and Turkish have longest duration of stay in Oslo, are the oldest and were primarily labour immigrants. Iranians, Sri Lankans and Vietnamese were primarily asylum seekers and have shorter duration of stay in Oslo. Post migration - Changes in lifestyle, physical and psycho-social changes Family, friends, social network Status/professi on Societal norms/ rules are different DATA SOURCES - The HUBRO Study - Study in GP Clinic - Other in depth studies January 2000/2003 Romsås Study (MORO 1) - All Adults from a district n= 2933 Romsås Study (MORO 2) May 2000 HUBRO All residents Adults n= 18747 age: 30,40,45, 59/60, 75/76 yrs Adolescents n= 7347 age:15/16 yrs April 2002 Immigrant Health Study Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Iran, Turkey & Vietnam N = 3019 Age: 30- 60 yrs HUBRO -Collaboration between NIPH, UiO and Oslo Municipality STUDY DESIGN & METHOD The Oslo Health Study (HUBRO) & The Oslo Immigrant Health Study (Innvandrer-HUBRO) Cross Sectional, population-based studies conducted in 2000-2001 & 2002 Sample in the current analysis: – Persons aged 30-60 years attending one of the two studies and born in » Norway (n=9842) » Turkey (n=465) » Iran (n=649) » Pakistan (n=643) » Sri Lanka (n=1013) » Vietnam (n=567) Overall response rate of 47% in HUBRO and 40% in InnvandrerHUBRO Method – Data Collection Invitation – letter with 2 sided questionnaire sent by post to be completed and delivered at clinic for the check up) Clinical Assessment Non-fasting blood samples drawn Blood pressure(average of three readings) and pulse measured Height and weight measured with an electronic scale Waist and hip measured with a steel tape. If NFBG >=6.1 respondents were requested to come for a fasting sample(immigrant study only) Questionnaire (assistance offered by translators) Self reported health, diseases(diabetes) Lifestyle factors (e.g. physical activity & smoking) Biological factors(number of children) Socio-demographic data (e.g. education) 15- & 16 year olds were required only to complete the questionnaire( they did not undergo any clinical examination) 2 reminders sent by post and the last round included a mobile van in different parts of the city. Translations of questionnaire availalble at: Selecting Indicators of SEP Classical Class Occupation Income Education Innovative Standard of Living (Nazroo1997) Housing Adults aged 30-60 years In Oslo Women Man 100 100 80 80 Country of Birth 60 Country of Birth 60 Turkey Turkey Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 40 40 Iran Iran Pakistan 20 Vietnam 0 Norw ay <10yrs 10-12 yrs Years of education >12yrs Pakistan 20 Percent Percent Years of Education Vietnam 0 Norw ay <10yrs 10-12 yrs Years of education >12yrs Area of Residence Adults aged 30-60 years In Oslo Men Women 120 120 100 100 Country of birth 80 Country of Birth 80 Turkey Turkey 60 60 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Iran 40 Iran 40 Pakistan 20 Vietnam 0 Norw ay West Area of Residence East Percent Pakistan 20 Vietnam 0 Norw ay West Area of residence East Gainful Employment Adults aged 30-60 years In Oslo Women Men 100 100 80 80 Country of Birth 60 Country of Birth 60 Turkey Turkey Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 40 40 Iran Iran Pakistan Vietnam 0 Norw ay Working Not Working Pakistan 20 Percent 20 Vietnam 0 Norw ay Working Not Working Gainful Employment Gainful Employment Type of Housing Adult Men aged 30-60 years In Oslo 90 80 70 60 50 Villa Apartment 40 30 20 Other 10 0 Turkey Sri Lanka Iran Pakistan Vietnam Norw ay Type of Housing Adult Women aged 30-60 years In Oslo 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Villa Apartment Other Turkey Iran Vietnam Mother’s Education by Ethnicity (Youth 15-16 yrs in Oslo) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 <6yrs 6-14 yrs P<0.001 s un tri e W Co op e EE ur A EN M SS A Su b ian In d Ea st A sia <15yrs Distribution by area of residence in Oslo Outer West 8,8% Inner West 3,3% Inner East 18,7% Outer East 69,2% SOCIAL CLASS BY ETHNICITY (Youth 15-16 yrs in Oslo) Class1&2 Working Ethnic groups P<0.001 s un tri e W Co op e EE ur A SS A M EN ian Su b Not Working In d Ea st As ia 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 God eller svært god vurdering av helse og fødeland / fars fødeland. Menn i Oslo 2000-2001(Helseprofil i Oslo) 100 90 80 Prosent 70 60 Norge 50 Vestlig 40 Ikke-vestlig 30 20 10 0 15-16 år 30 år 40+45 år 59+60 år God eller svært god vurdering av helse og fødeland/ fars fødeland. Kvinner i Oslo 2000-2001(Kilde:Helseprofil i oslo) 100 90 80 70 60 Norge 50 Vestlig 40 Ikke-vestlig 30 20 10 0 15-16 år 30 år 40+45 år 59+60 år Self reported health* by years of education Adult women 30-60 yrs in Oslo 90 80 70 60 <10yrs 50 10-12 yrs 40 >12yrs 30 20 10 0 Turkey Sri Lanka *Age adjusted Iran Pakistan Vietnam Norway Self Reported Health* by years of education Adult Men 30-60 yrs in Oslo 100 90 80 70 <10yrs 60 50 40 10-12 yrs >12yrs 30 20 10 0 Turkey Sri Lanka *Age adjusted Iran Pakistan Vietnam Norway Self Reported Health* by Employment Status 100 90 80 70 WORK 60 50 40 NOTWRK WORK NOTWRK 30 20 10 0 Turkey Sri Lanka Iran Pakistan Vietnam Norway Self Reported Health* by Area of Residence 100 90 80 70 West 60 East 50 West 40 East 30 20 10 0 Turkey Sri Lanka Iran Pakistan Vietnam Norway Ethnic differences in Physical Activity among adolescents 90 80 70 60 <1hr/wk 1-4hr/wk >5hr/wk 50 40 30 20 10 0 EA ISC SSA MENA EE WC Sedentary* during leisure time (%) Western 70 Indian subcontinent 60 Other immigrants 50 40 0,8349 0,8431 0,884 0,8767 30 20 10 0 Men Women * “Yes, mainly sedentary activity (reading, watching TV etc)”, 95% CI Ethnic Differences in Physical Inactivity % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Turkey Women Men % Inactive% Inactive% Sri Lanka Iran Pakistan Vietnam Turkey Sri Lanka Iran Pakistan Vietnam Ethnicity East Asia Indian Subcontinent Sub Saharan Africa North Africa/ MiddleEast Eastern Europe Western Europe 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % 0% Distribution of Body Mass Index among ethnic adolescents in Oslo 8574-84 25-74 -24 Kumar et al 2003 BMI among adults in Oslo BMI of adults fromethnic ethnic minorities 100 % 80 % > 30 60 % 25-29.9 18.6-24.9 40 % < 18.5 20 % East Asia Indian Subcontinent Sub Saharan Africa North Africa/ MiddleEast Eastern Europe Western Europe 0% Kumar et al 2003 Weight gain among 5 immigrant groups 100 % 80 % > 16 kgs 60 % Upto 15 kgs Upto 10 kgs 40 % No w eight gain 20 % m tn a Vi e Pa kis ta n n Ira ka an iL Sr Tr yk ia 0% Kumar et al 2004 Prevalece of abdominal obesity HUBRO + Innvandrer-HUBRO. Age-adjusted (Waist/hip ratio ≥ 0,85 in women) 0% 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % Norway Turkey Iran Pakistan Sri Lanka Vietnam Women 60 % Obesity by employment status Adults 30-60 yrs olds 60 50 40 Work Nwork 30 Work 20 NWork 10 0 Turkey Sri Lanka Iran Pakistan Vietnam Norway Prevalence of smoking in different ethnic groups (%) % 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Men Women W Jenum 2002 M I EA Prevalence of Self reported Diabetes among ethnic groups(30-60 years) Western East Europe MENA SSA Self reported diabetes ISC East Asia 0 2 Percent N= 2740 4 6 8 10 12 Kumar et al 2003 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - A study from a GP Clinic in Oslo N =167 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 GDM (IGT values) GDM (diabetic values) Known T2D Norwegian Indian Sub - Indian Sub - Pakistani/Indian - GDM detected by 2hr OGTT Others Basharat F et al 2004 BRUK AV HELSETJENESTEN Hyppig bruk av allemennlegen 29.3% menn i 40/45 aldersgruppen brukt allemennlegen og 37.9% i 59/60 aldersgruppen i motsetning til de norske 9.6% og 19.7% i tilsvarende grupper. Data Collection/Methods Increasing Participation Personal Communication- face to face is best. Translation is a must but is not the solution to all problems Errors and misunderstandings Language- use of words(cheese/paneer) Differing concepts – sandwich spreads Role of food items in the diet –potatoes, beverages Terminology- fatty fish Variation- fruits, weekends Fig 1. Distribution of the Score of Fruit and Vegetable Index among Norwegians and Pakistanis Percent of the 80 sample 70 60 50 40 30 Pakistanis 20 Norwegians 10 0 Low Moderate High Fruit and Vegetable Index Kumar BN, Holmboe-Ottesen G, Wandel M 2002 Fig 2. Percentage of reported daily Fruit & Vegetable intake using two methods among Pakistanis 50 40 30 20 FFQ 10 24 hours recall 0 Fruit juice Fruits Cooked Veg. Raw Veg. Kumar BN, Holmboe-Ottesen G, Wandel M 2002 Limitations/ Issues of Concern Serious problems with crude attempts to adjust for SEP using conventional indicators Socio-economic differentials alone cannot explain ethnic differences Neither cultural practices nor biology is static Lifetime perspective – cummulative effect? Intergenerational effect? Measuring Multiple Jeopardy( Balarajan) Measuring Area Effect – Adds to Indiviudual SE disadvantage WHAT IS DIFFERENT? Lessons Learnt Reaching the persons Information via:Ethnic shops,radio channels, newspapers Key persons Letter/ Personal contact/ Phone Contact with immigrant groups is important, involvement of resource persons from minority groups is essential. Monitor and Evaluate instruments based on feedback from participants and change them accordingly. Numerous sources for error and misunderstandings TING TAR TID!! What can be done, and what should be done By whom? that’s the question…… STRATEGY AND POLICY • • Reduction of unnecessary, unjust and potentially changeable socio-economic gradients in health is now identified as a goal. White paper on Health promotion: Prescriptions for a Healthier Norway.A broad policy for public health. 16 (2002-2003). • • A campaign against smoking and the tobacco industry. Green prescription (life-style counselling by GPs). STRATEGY/POLICY • • • The existence of great inequalities in health, particularly within Oslo - “the East – West Divide”: • Differences in life expectancy between the districts: Men: 12 years, Women: 7 years • Strong associations between mortality and social class • Strong associations between mortality and district SES and unhealthy behaviour (Rognerud M The Oslo health report Oslo 1998, Claussen B, Norsk Edidemiologi 2002, Jenum AK, Int J of Edpidem. 2001) Media and political awareness on social inequalities heightened Political will has been strengthened - the previous minister of health actively promoted prevention. CONCLUDING THOUGHTS Multicultural societies are here to stay!! Comparative studies that provide valuable empirical information must be pursued The quest for SEP indicators for across group comparisons is far from over. A need to increase the understanding of the interwoven influences of cultural attributes to health related behaviours Raise the potential for improving health through culturally appropriate interventions that are effective. FINALLY… The genes only load the gun but it is the environment that pulls the trigger!! TAKK FOR OPPMERKSOMHET