Minutes - Communities' Council on Ethnic Issues

P O Box 94
Forest Hill VIC 3131
Email: chair.msc@gmail.com
Website: www.ccoei.org.au
Sam Navarria: Mob: 0432 975 558
Cynthia Shaw: Mob: 0434 080 977
Standing Committee of the Communities’ Council on Ethnic Issues (Eastern Region) Inc.
Reg. No. A0017562S
Friday, Sept 5th 2014
The Courtyard Room, City of Whitehorse, 379 Whitehorse Road Nunawading, 9.30-11:30
1. Present
Jessica Bishop
Leonie Burnham
Jeska Chamberlain
Linda Chen
Glenis Crocker
Jane Curry
James Thang Deih
Margot Hennessy
Cindy Kung
Kiri McKendrik
Sam Navarria
Fiona Nicholls
Andree O’Donnell
Madeleine Parker
Sarah Reid
Cynthia Shaw
Bwe Thay
Sui Ting Tse
Clary Verbunt
Fred Warren
Gitta Clayton
Karen Connolly
Maria deMonte
Twanny Farrugia
Leigh Gilmore
Michael Hardie
Jack Intziadis
Teena Lee
Jaya Manchikanti
Railey Orger
Ann Sathasivam
Yu Yu Win
Gerald Thornewell
David Spitteler
MIC, Settlement Community Development Officer
ECLC, Manager Inner East Office
Victoria Police, Multicultural Liaison Officer
CCOEI, ESL Teacher
Swinburne University, AMEP Counsellor/ESL Teacher
Australia Zo Organisation
AMES Youth Coordinator
Louise Multicultural Centre, Program Coordinator
Sheriff Office Ringwood, Sheriff Officer
Acting Chief Executive Officer, Anchor
AMES Settlement
DEECD EMR, School Development Officer ESL
Maurice Blackburn
Swinburne University
CCOEI, Dutch Community
Holmesglen TAFE
AMES Outer East Volunteer Tutor Program Coordinator
Swinburne University, Team Leader CALD
DHS Centrelink Multicultural Services Officer
CCOEI, DonateLife Community Champion
Sheriff Office Ringwood, Sheriff Officer
Dorish Maru College, Rector, International Students
Northern Vic MSO, DHS
Eastern Health Child Youth Mental Health Services, Promotions Officer
City of Knox, Multicultural Community Officer
City of Whitehorse
Community Organiser Coordinator,
The Freedom Partnership to End Modern Slavery, The Salvation Army.
Student in placement with MIC
Glen Waverley Anglican Church – Catalyst, Ministry Leader
Asylum Seekers Centre, Facilitator
2. Minutes August 2014 meeting
Minutes circulated electronically. Moved Sui Ting Tse Seconded: Jeska Chamberlain. Accepted.
MSC minutes September 2014
3. Business Arising
o Issues and Concerns Template - Template developed by Cynthia and will replace the
settlement needs in your area (form see item 4 below).
o Humanitarian Settlement Services (HSS) - school age students not always placed in classes
on arrival. HSS reported that the issue had now eased. HSS need to enrol students within 6
weeks. Madeleine (DEECD) stated that the issue is across Melbourne. Margot (AMES)
reported that young people from 17 years of age can access youth specific AMEP classes.
4. Settlement Needs in your Area
This form has been superseded by the Issues and Concerns Template. This document is draft and all
are welcome to propose changes. When an issue is sent to the VMC/RAC it would be sent with a
covering letter from the CCOEI. At the end of 12 months a summary report should be sent with all the
issues/concerns raised during the year and indicating issues that are outstanding or still require action.
5. Correspondence
Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) – RCOA (Asher Hirsch) has invited leaders of refugee
organisations to participate in the Refugee Communities Advocacy Network. The Invitation has been
emailed to MSC members. Jessica (MIC) noted that refugee groups had been invited, including
community leaders in the Eastern Region, to an information meeting about what they are doing and
their role in advocating for refugees.
6. Meeting focus: Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery – a snapshot of the issues by Ms. Ann
Sathasivam, Community Organiser Coordinator, The Freedom Partnership to End Modern
Slavery, The Salvation Army.
The Freedom Partnership is an extension of the Salvation Army’s existing anti-slavery work in Australia.
They operate the only safe house for victims of slavery in Australia (in Sydney). They have participated
on a Government Round Table in relation to the Slavery Bill 2012. The Salvation Army is a member of
the Government’s National Round Table on Human Trafficking and Slavery coordinated by the Attorney
General’s Department. They received a Freedom Award from the Minister of Justice and Home Affairs.
Slavery still exists today; donations have helped to set up the Freedom Partnership to assist in raising
awareness of the issue of human trafficking and modern slavery. The covert nature of the crime needs
people who are observant and willing to speak out. There are community activities designed to work
towards eliminating the misery of trafficking. Inter-faith resources will also be available soon on the
Salvation Army’s website.
The annual profits are extraordinary and in the billions of dollars. The profits per victim are substantial
and Ann provided data of a victim being trafficked in the EU as US$ 34,800 and in the Asia Pacific
region US$5,000. It is lucrative, high gain/low risk, is facilitated by technology and difficult to expose. It
results in human misery on an unprecedented scale.
Vulnerability Factors: Ann stated that physical or linguistic isolation from the broader community,
financial pressures, payment of bonds or loans back in the home country and migration status with
fears/threats of being deported are major factors.
Trafficking in Australia: There are highly organised criminal groups, and women play a dominant role.
As at 30 June 2012, 13 matters resulted in convictions of 7 females. 4 defendants are currently facing
charges before the courts. Source countries and Industries include: Thailand (Sex) Korea (Construction)
Philippines (Agriculture) Malaysia (Hospitality). Most victims enter on a valid visa such as a student visa
but also 457 visas and spouse visas. Examples of exploitation/poor conditions are long hours; little or
no pay; low-skilled occupations and little or no health and safety considerations with people sleeping on
floors in kitchens without shower facilities as one example.
MSC Minutes Sept. 2014
Forced marriages are also used in slavery. Legal Definition of a Forced Marriage: Section 270.7A of the
Slavery Act states that “a marriage is a forced marriage if, because of the use of coercion, threat or
deception, one party to the marriage (the victim) entered into the marriage without freely and fully
There are 2 offences:
i. The person(s) who engage in conduct that causes another person to become a victim
of forced marriage (family member or marriage celebrant)
ii. Being a party to a forced marriage (applies to the spouse who is the perpetrator)
The AFP has received 10 complaints since March 2013 as a result of the new legislation. All are
female, mostly under 18 years old, Australian citizens with an ethnic background, most have been
removed off shore to be married in the family’s country of origin.
Apart from the Salvation Army there are also other organizations supporting victims, including Australian
Catholics Against Human Trafficking, and Project Perspective.
The Salvation Army has a safe house in Sydney, and provides case management and counseling.
Important contacts: AFP 137237 and 131444 and also humantraffickinggroup@afp.gov.au
Ways to assess if a situation is suspect: Ann said that as workers if they feel that a situation is a bit
strange they should ask questions such as “How are you paid?” and “Can you leave this job if you want
to?” Fairwork Australia is also a good place to go if clients need someone to advocate for them in terms
of low pay (or no pay), exploitative work hours and conditions, etc.
Please note: A copy of the presentation will be made available on the CCOEI website.
7. MSC Calendar 2014 - The calendar is flexible and developed in consultation with MSC members.
MSC 2014 Calendar
MSC Meeting focus
07 Feb
No meeting
Refugee Council of Australia – Australian
Government policy on Asylum seekers and
refugees and its impact on the ground
(Louise Olliff, Settlement Policy Coordinator,
Brooke Collins - Coranderrk and community
involvement: Keeping Barak’s dream alive
Multicultural Affairs & Settlement Grants
Program, Department of Social Services: an
update on the changes from the Department
of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)
to the Department of Social Services
(DSS).(Multicultural Affairs &Settlement
Grants Program, DSS – Manager Anna
Foundation House – its work with Refugees
and Asylum Seekers in 2014, (Jasmina
Mulugeta, Eastern Region Team
Coordinator, Foundation House)
"Equality is not the same...". Leanne
Sargent will speak to the outcomes of the
07 March
04 April
02 May
MSC Minutes Sept. 2014
dates and working groups
International events in 2014
(multicultural calendar events of note)
February 1-7 United Nations Interfaith
Harmony Week
Harmony Day – support
activities including soccer
harmony events (Australia
Burma Society and others).
Sat March 15th Coranderrk (Aboriginal
Station) Festival Healesville
March 21: Harmony Day
April 7 – World Health Organisation
World Health Day
May 6: Building cultural
competence: Mind Your
May 21 - World Day for Cultural
Community Consultations undertaken by
Victoria Police in 2013 and the way forward
for Victoria Police. Leanne will also provide
a brief overview of the newly created Priority
Communities Division which has been
established in recognition that Victoria Police
must do more to engage effectively and
purposively with the diverse communities of
MSC - .30 minutes with a focus on Forums
and Agency Reports, followed by Refugee
Week event – see forums/events and
function column
06 June
01 Aug
No meeting
VMC and RACs – achievements and
challenges. Speaker, Rudy Monteleone,
Director VMC
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery – A
snapshot. Speaker – Ann Sathasivam,
Community Organiser Coordinator, The
Freedom Partnership to End Modern
Slavery, The Salvation Army
CAV - focus on key areas of activity and
concerns, Suzie Su, Consumer Affairs
05 Sept
03 Oct
07 Nov
05 Dec
Amnesty International – its work locally and
Review MSC 2014 program; plan MSC
2015 program; Ethnic Communities
Council of Victoria – the multicultural
landscape: ECCV’s place in it;
OR Holistic support for youth (e.g. Anchor
services and programs; specific programs
and services provided by JEM, NAPCAN;
CMY, Life Without Barriers); OR Domestic
Violence Victoria OR Human Rights Law
Centre or RILC. (Leonie to contact Human
Rights Law Centre) OR Red Cross and its
work with asylum seekers and refugees in
Meeting to be advised.
Language Forum Leonie
(convenor), Railey – City of
Whitehorse, Maria DHS Centrelink, Teena-Eastern
Health and Linda
Refugee Week forum/event –
working group: Cynthia
(convenor), Michael, Maria.
Jeska, Gitta, Jasmina. Event
title: Refugee Celebration.
June 20 – UN World Refugee Day,
June 26 – UN Day - Support of
Victims of Torture
Jasmina, Judy (MIC) Jeska.
Event title: Breaking the
cycle. More information to be
Spring Festival City of
Whitehorse 19th October
(cultural perspectives on
mental health?)
October 17- International Day for the
Eradication of Poverty, UN recognized
November 16 - International Day for
November 25 - International Day for
the Elimination of Violence against
Dec 3rd: International Day for People
with a disability.
Other areas of interest for future meetings:
1. How LGAs in the Eastern Metropolitan Region address the needs of cultural minorities in their area
2. The law – magistrates court/Sheriff office
3. Human rights and culture (could be part of the MSC August meeting)
4. Refugee Minors Program: – changes to support clients turning 18
MSC Minutes Sept. 2014
8. Forum and Agency Reports
Domestic Violence Forum (Jeska Chamberlain& Leonie Burnham): The working party met on the 28th August.
The forum will be entitled “But I didn’t know” and will be held in the Box Hill Town Hall on the 30 th of October. A
forum feature will be scenarios exploring the realisation of not knowing and its consequences.
Refugee Celebration 2015 (Cynthia Shaw/Kirsten Reedy) This event will be held in partnership with the City of
Manningham. An initial planning meeting is to take place shortly.
Seeking the Answers – Speaker Series
o 1st event was held on the 31st July at the Blackburn English Language School Croydon campus. The
conversation focused on the participation of young males in education and employment. A report will be
made available (Glenis Crocker and Jane Curry).
2nd Event with a focus on Refugee Girls will occur next year.
Agency and individual reports
ECLC (Leonie Burnham) – talked about the Elder Abuse grant received. Noted a new resource “The Ghost
Train, an extraordinary short film highlighting issues of ageism and relationships that has premiered across
Australia and will now feature on the global stage. ECLC was delighted to partner with producer/directors James
Fleming and Kelly Hucker as they developed the gripping documentary. The project began with a small grant
from the Victorian Law Foundation auspiced by ECLC. The Ghost Train is a documentary about an elderly man
and his wife’s decline into dementia. The film challenges assumptions and expectations about the role of older
people in the community”.
City of Whitehorse Spring Festival (Clary Verbunt) informed the
MSC that the New Holland Dutch Club and the CCOEI would be
jointly participating in the Whitehorse Spring Festival on Sunday
19th October with an information stall. “The Spring Festival is a
free, fun-filled day that celebrates our vibrant community! It offers a
perfect day out for all the family; this year’s festival will celebrate
the 20th anniversary of the City of Whitehorse”.
Centrelink (Maria deMonte via email communication). Asylum Seeker Payment – SRSS (Status Resolution
Support Services) Payment. This payment to all asylum seekers is transitioning over and Centrelink hope to have
all transitioned by the end of 2014.
DHS – Eastern Region are running a number of Digital Information Sessions across the following Service
Centres for all service providers in the region. The sessions are from 5-6.30pm: Boronia 14 Oct; Lilydale 21 Oct;
Ringwood 11 Nov.
Louise Centre – (Cindy Kung). The art festival still planned for delivery this year. Art from refugees for the arts
festival is most welcome. Contact Cindy at Louise.
Humanitarian Settlement Services - HSS (Andree O’Donnell). August arrivals in the area are 25 Chin and
Karen and a 201 visa entrant (in country refugee). Settlement volunteers are supporting HSS clients.
AMES Youth program (Margot Hennessy). Outer Eastern LLEN forum on 14 October from 4.30-6.30. Flyer to
be sent to Sam for circulation. Noted the publication of a report on AMES youth: findings that youth want to study
with youth. The report is available on the AMES website. Program is seeking increased funding.
Victoria Police (Jeska Chamberlain). Met with Swinburne University teaching staff in trades to develop
programs in trades suitable for refugee – this was a result of the participation of Victoria Police and Swinburne
staff at recent refugee youth participation in education training and employment conversation.
MSC Minutes Sept. 2014
Migrant Information Centre (Jessica Bishop). Noted parenting program for Hakka Chin community – a family
relationships program. Also noted session in various languages with electoral commission on voting.
Asylum Seekers Centre – (David Spitteler)
Newsletter about activities of the centre circulated at the meeting. The centre is a voluntary organisation.
Next MSC Meeting: Friday 3rd October 2014, 9.30– 12.00
Focus: Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) – an overview of services, alerts, campaigns and multilingual resources
Speaker – Suzie Su, CAV
Venue: Conference Room, Level 1, Whitehorse Community Centre, 79 Mahoneys Road, Forest Hill
(1) For past and current CCOEI and MSC documents, including meeting papers and guest presentations, visit
www.CCOEI.org.au ;
(2) To contact Cynthia Shaw or Sam Navarria on matters relating to the MSC please use
MSC Minutes Sept. 2014