Mr. Cass's Syllabus Highlights Welcome to Edison

Mr. Cass
Florida SouthWestern Collegiate
High School
Syllabus Highlights
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we
chase perfection we can catch excellence.”
Vince Lombardi
This is NOT Middle School!!
• You are not in middle school anymore. You are attending a
COLLEGIATE high school on a COLLEGE campus.
• This is an honors course and you are expected to behave in a
mature manner.
• Please be on time and prepared.
Ron Clark’s Essentials
• Civility (School, Classroom, and LIFE
– Presentation Techniques
– Note taking and Study Habits
– Proper socialization throughout the
• Belief in “potential” and “pride” leads to
– Not just in one’s self
– Potential in one’s school and
• Creating an atmosphere of scholarship and
hard work
– With this atmosphere academics come
Ron Clark Continued
The “Woosification” of America must end!
“Not Thinking is annoying.” Ron Clark
• Continually points out for errors
– Asks why the student made the error and expects a response –
not “I don’t know.”
• Focus is not just horseplay
– Not THINKING and merely responding shows lack of focus
– Pressure is OK. Pressure makes kids think
• Essentials are demanded
– All students are focused on Clark
– All students are focused on classmates responses – especially for
• You MUST focus on your classmates responses
• You may be called on to correct a response
RC’s Class Continued
“It’s easier to teach a child than to repair
an adult.” Frederick Douglas
• Students teaching
students: For ex.
Your Do Now’s will be
student run
– Kids didn’t mind
being corrected by
other students or
admitting WHY they
made a mistake
– Help out for each
Focus, Learn, and BE a Teacher
RC Teaches how to Teach
• Why do this?
–To become stewards of
your own learning – a
– Teaching and
presenting requires
– Articulation and
speaking correctly – A
“Life is NOT fair!” Ken Townsel - Science
Teacher at RCA and former teacher of the year
• Life lessons taught in every
• Working hard to improve
can get you far
– Not working hard keeps you
in the back of the room
where you can’t see what’s
– Ex. V.I.P. section awarded to
those who work hard and
have highest GPA
• Comfy chairs with a great view
Class Philosophy
• “History is now one of the very few GCSE (General
Certificate of Secondary Education) exams where pupils are
faced with a blank sheet of paper and asked to write down
their interpretation of the events that they have studied. In
other words, pupils who study history learn to think for
themselves.” – Paul Lay, Editor, History Today
• Your ability to critically think and connect the events
of the past with the events, people/nations, cultural
landscapes, and global structures of today IN
WRITING is the essence of this class.
• The notebook/binder is your
life raft.
– Provides a study resource of
reading and class/lecture
– Provides an organizational
– This “binder” is your class
• NOTE: Quizzes and tests may
AT ANY TIME be open notes
• Homework: Traditional
homework is rarely given,
although you should have
homework every night
– Guided reading packets for
every chapter will be handed
out and checked for a grade.
• In short, your homework is
to read and annotate your
chapters and supplemental
readings, prepare
presentations, research, and
complete projects.
Course Outline
• Chapters may be added or subtracted depending on time and pace
of the class and year.
• Unit I: Chapters 17, 19, 20 (8 weeks)
• Unit II: Chapters 21, 22, 23 (8 weeks)
• Midterm Review: (1 week)
• Midterm Exam: Chapters 17 and 19-23
• ***************************
• Unit III: Chapters 25, 27, 29 (8 weeks)
• Unit IV: Chapters 32 and 36 (8 weeks)
• Final Review: (1 week)
• Final Exam: Your final exam will consist of one, five-part question
that involves various time periods of study that have affected our
world – even today.
Assignment Policy
• I do not give full credit for late work.
– All work is due on the assigned date. A letter grade - per day
will be deducted until assignment is completed.
– If an assignment is not turned in, a score of 0 will be logged and
a referral written. The grade will be changed accordingly, when
and if the assignment is completed.
• NOTE: If you are present when work is assigned, the work is
due ON THE DAY you return.
– I will allow two days after an excused absence to make up
missed work.
• If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain missed
assignments and information from either me or a trusted
classmate. To get missed work, you may reach me at the
email address.
Tests and Quizzes
• You are expected to read and annotate all chapters
listed above in course outline.
• Your chapter test’s multiple choice questions come
DIRECTLY from the information found within the text.
• Test FRQs (Free Response Questions) will also be
derived from the information and vocabulary within
the chapters you read plus documentaries/video
lectures, and PowerPoint presentations (lectures).
Class Procedures
• Enter the room quietly, professionally, and respectfully.
• Do not come behind my desk unless asked – thank you.
• I do not tolerate cell phone usage, electronic device usage (unless
instructed to do so), or dress code violations.
– Cell phones must be turned off and placed in the crate by the front
door at the start of class. You may take your phone at the end of class.
– If you are out of dress code, I will simply ask that you put something
else on or go see Mrs. Juneau.
• “Do Now” activities will occur daily throughout the year.
– This means you should be answering the question on the screen – not
talking – upon arrival.
• Bathroom breaks are allowed after the first 10 minutes of class and
NOT allowed 10 minutes before the end of class.
– One person may leave at a time.
• Bottled water ONLY. Candy, food, soft drinks, and gum are not allowed in
• Remain seated until the dismissal bell. Please refrain from “packing” up
and huddling at the door.
• The bell does not release you; I release you.
Websites to Favorite and Email
• Mr. Cass’s class site:
• MLA writing format site
• Success is addictive – like your cell phone.
• “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Ben Franklin
• The more you succeed, the more your brain retains
information to help you succeed over and over again.