Background - Website of Professor Po

UEE3504: Introduction to
Communication Systems
Po-Ning Chen, Professor
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng.
National Chiao Tung University
Background and Preview
To give you a basic understanding of
Figure-1 Theory
 The next figure is always the “Figure 1” in
every book regarding communications.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 3
 What is communication (or more specifically,
communication engineering)?
 The transmission of information from one point to
another through a succession of certain processes.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 4
Basic Elements Regard Communications
 Source of information
 Voice, music, picture, or computer data
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 5
Basic Elements Regard Communications
 Transmitter
 Source → Source Symbol (i.e., Source Word)
 Symbolize the information from a source
 Source Symbol → Code Word
 Encode the source symbol so that the other sources (i.e.,
noise and interfering signal) can hardly interfere the
information transmission.
 Code Word → Channel Symbol (i.e., Transmitted Signals)
 Modulate the code word into a form that is suitable for
transmission over the channel, which involves varying some
parameter of a carrier wave in accordance with the message
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 6
Basic Elements Regard Communications
 Noise/Interference
 Unwanted waves that tend to disturb the
transmission and processing of messages.
 Could be internal or external to the system.
 Could be additive or multiplicative (or both) to the
information-bearing signals.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 7
Basic Elements Regard Communications
 Receiver
 Hard Decision
 Channel Symbol → Code Bit
 Decode from Code Bits to Code Word
 Code Word → Source Symbol → Source
 Soft Decision
 Decode from Channel Symbol to Code Word
 Code Word → Source Symbol → Source
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 8
Example: Basic Elements Regard
 Source = An alphabet “A”
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Background 9
Example : Basic Elements Regard
 Transmitter
 Source “A” → Binary Source Symbol (01000001)
 Symbolize the information from a source
 Source Symbol (01000001) → Code Word (000 111 000
000 000 000 000 111)
 Encode the source symbol by the three-times repetition code
so that the other sources (i.e., noise and interfering signals)
can hardly interfere the information transmission.
 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110 are not code words. Hence,
their appearance is possible only when noise is introduced.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 10
Example : Basic Elements Regard
 Code Word (000 111 000 000 000 000 000 111) →
Channel Symbol (000 555 000 000 000 000 000
555 )
 Modulate the code word into some channel-permissible
(physical-medium permissible) symbols.
 Due to Channel Interference, we receive: 010 442
222 033 011 020 032 434
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 11
Example : Basic Elements Regard
 Receiver
 Hard Decision
 Channel Symbol 010 442 222 033 011 020 032 434 →
Code Bit (Threshold 2.5) 000 110 000 011 000 000 010
 Decode from Code Bits to Code Word (Majority Rule)
000 111 000 111 000 000 000 111
 Code Word 000 111 000 111 000 000 000 111 →
Source Symbol 01010001 → Source “Q”
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 12
Example : Basic Elements Regard
 Receiver
 Soft Decision
 Decode from Channel Symbol 010 442 222 033 011
020 032 434 to (channel-symbolized) Code Word 000
555 000 000 000 000 000 555
 By finding the minimum distance to legitimate codewords
000 and 111.
 E.g., d(033, 000) = (0-0)2+(3-0)2+(3-0)2 = 18
d(033, 555) = (0-5)2+(3-5)2+(3-5)2 = 33
 Code Word 000 111 000 000 000 000 000 111 →
Source Symbol 01000001→ Source “A”
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 13
Basic Modes of Communications
 Broadcasting
 Often, uni-directional.
 A single powerful transmitter to numerous
(inexpensive) receivers
 Example. Radio and TV.
 Point-to-point communication
 Often, bi-directional.
 Two entities exchange information.
 Example. Telephone.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 14
Feature of Communications
 Statistics
 The source is statistical in nature.
 The noise and interference are naturally random.
 Principles of Communication Engineering: How to
design a communication system only based on the
knowledge of the statistics of the source and
interferences (without knowing exactly what the
true source and interference are)?
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 15
Feature of Communications
 Example
 Source
 We do not know if the next source symbol is 0 or 1.
 But, we do know the probability of the next source
symbol being 0, and also, the probability of the next
source symbol being 1.
 Noise/Interference
 We do not know what value the noise/interference will
 But, we do know the noise is, say, Gaussian distributed.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 16
Feature of Communications
 This is the reason why “Probabilities” (Chapter
1) is considered an important background to
communication study.
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Background 17
Primary Communication Resources
 Primary Communication Resources are
something “known” at the design stage.
 As aforementioned, source and noise/interference
are (often) something “unknown” at the design
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 18
Primary Communication Resources
 Examples of Primary Communication
 Transmitted Power
 Specifically, averaged power of the transmitted signals.
 A more useful measure than the absolute transmitted
power is the signal-to noise power ratio (SNR),
defined as the ratio of the average signal power to the
average noise power. This quantity is often expressed
in dB, 10 log10(SNR).
 Channel Bandwidth
 The band of frequencies for use of transmitting
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 19
Primary Communication Resources
 Design principle of a communication system
 How to efficiently use (usually in a tradeoff fashion)
the communication resources!
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 20
Sources of Information
 “Sources” can sometimes be viewed as one
kind of Communication Resources.
 For example, there are systems designed
specifically for “exchanging voices.”
 Such a system may not be apt to transmit computer
 This introduces the subjects of “Source-Specific
 Next, we brief several sources commonly seen in
the literature.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 21
Sources of Information: (1) Speech
 Features
 Voice spectrum extends well beyond 10kHz.
 Most of the average power is concentrated in the
range of 100 to 600 Hz.
Pitch Name
Freq (Hz)
261.6 293.7 329.6 349.2 392.0
 A band of 300 to 3100 Hz gives good articulation.
 The sound wave propagates through the air at a
speed of 300 meter/second.
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Background 22
Schematic representation of the vocal system
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Background 23
Sources of Information: (1) Speech
 The speech-production process may be viewed
as a form of filtering:
 A sound source excites a vocal tract filter.
Glottal Volume
Vocal Tract
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Background 24
Sources of Information: Speech
 As the sound propagates along the vocal tract,
the spectrum (i.e., frequency content) is shaped
by the frequency selectivity of the vocal tract —
a resonance phenomenon observed in organ
 So the hearing mechanism is (and should be)
sensitive to frequency.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 25
Source of Information: Music
 Originate from musical instruments, such as
piano, violin, and flute.
 It consists of:
 Melody: A time sequence of sounds.
 Harmony: A set of simultaneous sounds.
 Different from speech, the spectrum of a music
source may extend up to about 15 KHz.
 Accordingly, a much wider bandwidth resource is
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 26
Source of Information: Pictures
 Two dimensional information.
 Classifications
 Dynamic pictures – Video, such as North American
Audio TV (NAA-TV)
 Still pictures – Facsimile.
 To transmit still picture over a telephone channel.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 27
Source of Information: NAA-TV
 North American Analog TV
 525 horizontal lines, decomposed into two 262.5
line interlaced fields (See the next slide.)
 Completion of each interlaced field takes 1/60
 Horizontal line-scanning frequency is 262.5/(1/60) =
15.75 KHz.
 Hence, 30 still pictures are shown per second.
 The human “persistence of vision” phenomenon
will perceive these still pictures to be moving
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 28
Source of Information: NAA-TV
raster scan.
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Background 29
Source of Information: NAA-TV
 In the NTSC (National Television System
Committee) system, a total of 4.2 MHz bandwidth
is demanded for TV transmission.
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Background 30
Source of Information: Computer Data
 The first code developed specifically for computer
communication (1967) – ASCII (American
Standard Code for Information Interchange).
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Background 31
Source of Information: Computer Data
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 32
Source of Information: Computer Data
 ASCII (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange)
Bit originates
from “Binary
 7-bit code for alphabetic numerical characters
 Bit 8 is sometimes used as parity-check bit or used
to form the extended ASCII code
 Even parity: Total number of 1’s is even.
 Odd parity: Total number of 1’s is odd.
 Extended ASCII code can be displayed but cannot
necessarily be printed out.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 33
Source of Information: Computer Data
 Since ASCII is defined for communication, it
also includes some symbols for communication
purpose such as
 ENQ (enquiry) – 05X
 ETB (end of transmission block) – 17X
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 34
Source of Information: Computer Data
 RS (Recommended Standard) -232
 Synchronous
 Asynchronous
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Background 35
Source of Information: Computer Data
 Asynchronous Serial Data
No clock or timing signal required.
ST : start bit
S : stop bit
P : parity bit
D6~D0 : data bits (often, exact one ASCII character)
Usually, 10 bit frame with even-parity/7-data-bit or
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 36
Source of Information: Computer Data
 Synchronous Serial Data
No start and stop bits required.
P : parity bit
D6~D0 : data bits (ASCII)
Clock : Timing signal.
Note that it requires sync character (after a certain
number of frames) to avoid losing synchronization.
If two sync characters are used. it is called bi-sync.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 37
Source of Information:
Computer Data
 Windows 98
 Baud rate : 110 baud~921600
baud (The # is different for
different computers)
 (E)ven parity, (O)dd parity,
(N)one-parity, Mark, Space
 4~8 Data-bit
 1, 1.5, 2 Stop-bit
The name of “mark” and
“space” for 1 and 0
comes from the days of
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Background 38
Source of Information: Computer Data
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Background 39
Source of Information: Computer Data
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Background 40
Source of Information: Computer Data
 The computer data stream so formed is then
applied to a device called a modem (modulatordemodulator).
 Unlike source traffic from speech or video, the
computer data is often bursty rather than
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 41
Missed Part of Figure-1 in Textbook
 Source before entering the transmitter is often
compressed (in order to save time or space).
 This part is missed in Figure 1 of the textbook.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 42
With a source encoder, a digital communication system
(rather an analog communication system) is formed.
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Background 43
Data Compression
 Lossless Data Compression (or Data
 Completely reversible (or asymptotically
 E.g., Lempel-Ziv algorithm (PKZIP, compress, etc),
which will be introduced in Chapter 9.
 Lossy Data Compression
 Non-reversible with loss of information in a
controlled manner.
 E.g., JPEG, MPEG, etc.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 44
Lossy Data Compression for Images
 JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
 An image coding standard
 Pixels are grouped in 8-by-8 block.
 DCT (discrete cosine transform) is then applied to
each block.
 Quantize each of the 64 DCT coefficients according
to a pre-specified table.
 Huffman-encode (introduced in Chapter 9) the
quantization results.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 45
Lossy Data Compression for Images
 (2 x  1)u
F (u, v )  C (u )C ( v ) f ( x, y ) cos
x 0 y 0
  ( 2 y  1)v 
 cos
 
1 7 7
 (2 x  1)u
f ( x, y )   C (u )C (v ) F (u, v ) cos
4 u 0 v 0
  ( 2 y  1)v 
 cos
 
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
 1
, for u  0
C (u )   2
 1
Background 46
Lossy Data Compression for Video
 MPEG-1 (Motion Photographic Experts Group)
video coding standard
 A video coding standard primarily for 30 fps
(frames per second) video
 Result in a bit-stream rate of 1.5 megabits per
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 47
Lossy Data Compression for Video
 Design objective : To reduce four kinds of
 Interframe (temporal) redundancy
 Its reduction is achieved through the use of prediction to
estimate each frame from its neighbors.
 The resulting prediction error is transmitted for motion
estimation and compensation.
 Interpixel redundancy within a frame
 Psychovisual redundancy
 Entropic coding redundancy
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 48
Lossy Data Compression for Video
 As with JPEG, the last three redundancies are
reduced through the combined use of DCT,
quantization and lossless entropic coding.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 49
Lossy Data Compression for Audio
 MPEG-1 audio coding standard
 A perceptual (waveform) coder, as contrary to a
 The amplitude-time waveform of the decoded audio
signal closely approximates that of the original audio
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 50
Lossy Data Compression for Audio
 Encoding process
 Time-Frequency Mapping (sub-band decomposition)
 Psychoacoustic modeling (operates according to the
psychoacoustic behavior of the human auditory system)
 Quantization and coding
 Frame-packing (format the quantized audio samples
into a decodable bit stream)
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 51
Lossy Data Compression for Audio
 Why Psychoacoustic modeling?
 Human ears have a perceptual phenomenon known as
auditory masking.
 Specifically, the human ear does not perceive
quantization noise in a given frequency band if the
average noise power lies below the masking threshold
 The masking threshold varies with frequency across
the band.
 Hence, a perceptual weighting filter is applied to
waveforms before quantization.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 52
OSI (Open System Interconnection) model; the acronym DLC in the
middle of the figure stands for data link control.
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Background 53
Communication Networks
 OSI reference model was developed by ISO
(International Organization for Standardization)
in 1977.
 Figure 1 only concerns PHY layer.
 Now we take a quick look of its relation with
higher layers, such as Network layers.
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Background 54
Communication Networks
Network Layer : Routers
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Background 55
Communication Networks
 Routing mechanisms
 Circuit Switching
 Uninterrupted, exclusively use of links
 E.g., Telephone.
 Packet Switching
 Shared-on-demand links
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 56
Communication Networks
 Why OSI reference model?
 Each layer can perform its related subset of
primitive functions without knowing the
implementation details of the next lower layer.
 The adjacent layers communicate through welldefined interfaces, which defines the services
offered by the lower layer to the upper layer.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 57
Communication Networks
 The entities that comprise the corresponding
layers on different systems are referred to as
peer processes.
 Two peer entities then communicate through a
well-defined set of rules of procedures, named
 Again, this text/course primarily considers PHY
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 58
 Internet – A special communication network, as
contrary to an Intranet.
 Features of Internet
 Applications are carried out independently of the
technology employed to construct the network.
 The network technology is capable of evolving
without affecting the applications.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 59
 Architecture of
Cross-Router Data Exchange
Direct Data Exchange
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Background 60
Internet Protocol (IP)
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Background 61
Internet Service
 Internet Service is “Best Effort” in nature.
 As a consequence, no guarantees of timely
transmission, and even delivery.
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Background 62
Communication Channels
 Channels, where the noise/interference resides,
can be roughly divided into two groups:
 Guided propagation channels
 E.g., telephone channels, coaxial cables, and optical
 Free propagation channels
 E.g., broadcast channels, mobile radio channels, and
satellite channels
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 63
Communication Channels: (i) Telephone
 Features of telephone channel
 A channel performs “voice → electrical signal →
 Band-limited channel
 A speech signal (male or female) is essentially limited
to a band from 300 to 3100 Hz.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 64
Communication Channels: (i) Telephone
 Measures used in characterizing channel
 Insertion loss = 10 log10 (P0/PL)
 PL = power delivered to a load from a source via the
 P0 = power delivered to the same source not via the channel
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 65
Communication Channels: (i) Telephone
 Envelope delay
 The negative of the derivative of the phase response with
respect to the angular frequency w = 2f.
 Example. Envelope delay = a for the next channel.
g (t )
H ( f )  e - j 2fa
g (t - a )
The phase response of a channel filter H(f) is (f), where
H ( f ) | H ( f ) | exp[ j ( f )].
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Background 66
Communication Channels: (i) Telephone
Insertion Loss
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Envelope Delay
Background 67
Communication Channels: (ii) Coaxial
 A coaxial cable offers a greater degree of
immunity to EMI, and a much higher
bandwidth than twisted pair telephone lines.
 Example of its applications
 Local area network in an office environment.
 Cable television
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 68
Communication Channels: (iii) Optical Fiber
 Features
 Enormous potential bandwidth
 The bandwidth is roughly equal to 10% of the carrier
frequency (2  1014 Hz).
 Notably, the transmission attainable limit (for additive
white Gaussian noise with SNR=10dB) is around
C  B log 2 (1  SNR)
 (2  1013 ) log 2 (1  1010 dB /10 )
 6.91886  1013 bit per second
 6918 .86 Gigabit per second
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 69
Communication Channels: (iii) Optical Fiber
 Low transmission loss
 0.1dB/km
 Immunity to electromagnetic interference
 Small size and weight (thinner than human hair)
 Ruggedness and flexibility
 Possibility of being bent or twisted without damage.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 70
Communication Channels: (iv) Wireless
Broadcast Channels
 Transmission
 Up-convert the modulated baseband informationbearing signal to Radio Frequency (RF) passband
 Transmit the RF passband signal via antenna
 Reception
 Pick up the radiated waves by an antenna.
 Down-convert the received passband signal to
baseband signal (perhaps through an intermediate
step called the intermediate frequency (IF) band).
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 71
Communication Channels: (v) Mobile Radio
 The main difference between this channel and
the previous channel is the consideration of
 Due to mobility, there is no “line-of-sight” path for
 rather, radio propagation takes place mainly by way
of scattering from the surfaces of the surrounding
buildings and by diffraction over and around them.
 This results in a multipath fading transmission.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 72
Communication Channels: (v) Mobile Radio
(1 , 1 )
s (t )
( 2 , 2 )
1 s ( t -  1 )
  2 s (t -  2 )
  3 s(t -  3 )
 n(t )
( 3 , 3 )
Notably, j and j
can also be
functions of time.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 73
Communication Channels: (vi) Satellite
 Satellite communications
 The satellite is placed in geostationary orbit.
 Geostationary orbit
1. The satellite orbits the Earth in exactly 24 hours
2. The satellite is placed in orbit directly above the equator on
an eastward heading.
 It acts as a powerful repeater in the sky.
 It often uses 6 GHz for the uplink and 4 GHz for
the downlink.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 74
Communication Channels: (vi) Satellite
 The 6/4-GHz band offers the following attributes:
1. Relatively inexpensive microwave equipment.
2. Low attenuation due to rainfall
 Rainfall is a primary atmospheric cause of signal loss.
3. Insignificant sky background noise
 The sky background noise due to random noise emissions
from galactic, solar and terrestrial sources reaches its lowest
level between 1 and 10 GHz.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 75
Communication Channels: (vi) Satellite
 A typical satellite in the 6/4-GHz band is assigned a
500 MHz bandwidth, which is divided among 12
 Each transponder can carry at least one color television
signal, 1200 voice circuits, or digital data at a rate of
50 Mb/s.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 76
Classifications of Communication Channels
(according to the natures or resources)
 Linear or non-linear
 A wireless radio channel is linear whereas a satellite
channel is usually non-linear
 Time invariant or time varying
 An optical fiber is time invariant, whereas a mobile
radio channel is typically time varying.
 Band limited or power limited
 A telephone channel is band limited, whereas an
optical fiber link and a satellite channel are both
power limited.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 77
Classification of Modulation Process
 Continuous-wave modulation
 A sinusoidal wave is used as the carrier.
 It can be further classified as:
 Amplitude modulation (AM) : Amplitude of the carrier
is varied in accordance with the message.
 Frequency modulation (FM) : Frequency of the carrier
is varied in accordance with the message.
 Phase modulation (PM) : Phase of the carrier is varied
in accordance with the message.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 78
Classification of Modulation Process
 Pulse modulation
 The carrier consists of a sequence of rectangular
 It can be sub-divided to:
 Analog pulse modulation
 Digital pulse modulation
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 79
Classification of Modulation Process
 Analog pulse modulation
 Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), pulse-duration
modulation (PDM), pulse-position modulation (PPM)
 The amplitude, duration, position of the pulses varies
in accordance with the message signals.
 Digital pulse modulation
 Pulse-code modulation (PCM)
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 80
Example of PAM (Telephone System)
Sampling the
voice according
to some clocks.
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Background 81
Example of PCM
 Originate from PAM, but with the following
 Convert the (sampled) pulse into bits, e.g., 8 bits.
 All 8 bits of the input PCM signal are gated to the
output port in parallel.
 The gate can now be designed using “truth table”
which facilitates system integration or multiplexing.
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 82
What is multiplexing?
 To combine (several modulated) signals for
their simultaneous (or concurrent) transmission.
Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM)
Time-division multiplexing (TDM)
Code-division multiplexing (CDM)
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM),
specifically for use of optical fibers.
 Some treats WDM as a special case of FDM, since c =
f l.
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Background 83
Shannon’s Information Capacity Theorem
 The underlying limit for digital
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Background 84
Transmission Rate = Source code bit per second (Information bit
per second)
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Background 85
Shannon’s Information Capacity Theorem
 Reliable transmission rate (for pre-specified
modulator, channel and demodulator).
 The rate for which a proper design of channel
encoder-decode pair can fulfill arbitrarily small
error requirement.
 Shannon finds the general formula for the
largest reliable transmission rate, which he
baptized as “(coding) channel capacity.”
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 86
Shannon’s Information Capacity Theorem
 For additive white Gaussian noise as
demodulator output = modulator input + Gaussian
the channel capacity is equal to
C = B log2(1+SNR) bit/second, where B is the bandwidth.
 It took 45 years (1948~1993) of research to
reach this “capacity!”
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 87
An Exemplified Ideal Digital Communication
Problem – Phase Shift Keying
…,-m(t), m(t), m(t), -m(t)
No IF here because
this is an ideal
Local carrier
Carrier wave
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 88
An Exemplified Ideal Digital Communication
Problem – Phase Shift Keying
 Assume that the local carrier (at the receiver
end) is exactly the same as the transmitter
 Assume that the correlator is completely
synchronized with the transmitter.
 So the integration inside correlator covers a
complete message signal m(t). In other words, it
will not happen that the integration inside correlator
covers 80% of the current m(t) but 20% of the
previous m(t).
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 89
yT   x (t ) cos(2f c t )dt
  [ s(t )  w(t )] cos(2f c t )dt
  [  Ac cos(2f c t )  w(t )] cos(2f c t )dt
  Ac  cos ( 2f c t )dt   w(t ) cos(2f c t )dt
1 - cos(4f c t )
dt   w(t ) cos(2f c t )dt
  Ac 
  AcT  Ac  cos(4f c t )dt   w(t ) cos(2f c t )dt
  AcT   w(t ) cos(2f c t )dt (By assuming that fc is a
multiple of 1/T.)
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 90
An Exemplified Ideal Digital Communication
Problem – Phase Shift Keying
 Some interesting issues to consider:
 What if the local carrier does not equal the
transmitter carrier.
yT   [  Ac cos(2f rc t )  w(t )] cos(2f tc t )dt
 What if fc is not a multiple of 1/T.
 What if the receiver does not synchronize with the
 What is the BER of this system?
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 91
An Exemplified Ideal Digital Communication
Problem – Phase Shift Keying
 Is the correlator receiver optimal in the sense of
 Is the “sign-decision” optimal in the sense of BER?
 Is the above combination optimal in the sense of
 Is the BER robust for imperfect system, such as
timing and carrier mismatch?
 Is the rectangular m(t) a fine choice? Moreover, is
PSK a fine choice? If affirmative, in what sense?
 ….
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 92
An Exemplified Ideal Digital Communication
Problem – Phase Shift Keying
 All these problems will be hopefully answered
in this course (and subsequent courses).
© Po-Ning Chen@ece.nctu
Background 93