A proverb is…

What’s a proverb?
A proverb is…
a brief saying that offers a moral lesson.
a timeless truth about common experience.
a practical word of advice for everyday life.
Can you think of some proverbs from our culture?
East, west, home is best.
Great trees are good for nothing but shade.
A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.
Caution is the parent of safety.
Proverbs from other cultures
----Proverbs give insight into the values of a culture...
Be slow in choosing a friend,
but slower in changing him.
Scottish Proverb
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Spanish Proverb
If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep.
Yiddish Proverb
Don't think there are no crocodiles
because the water is calm.
Malayan Proverb
The eyes believe themselves;
the ears believe other people.
German Proverb
He who wants a rose must respect the thorn.
Persian Proverb
The hammer shatters glass but forges steel.
Russian Proverb
General Outline of the Book of Proverbs
I. Wisdom and Folly Contrasted (Chapters
II. Proverbs of Solomon, Written and Set
in Order by Himself (Chapters 10-24)
III. Proverbs of Solomon, Set in Order by
Men of Hezekiah, (Chapter 25-29)
IV. Sayings of Agur, (Chapter 30)
V. Sayings of King Lemuel (Chapter 31)
Characteristics of the Book of Proverbs
Most proverbs are only two lines long and typically contrast
opposite things or ideas.
Proverbs often overstate or oversimplify in order to make the
intended point.
Proverbs typically use word pictures or images to make their
Parallelism in the Book of Proverbs
proverbs that contrast (the right way from the wrong way).
They emphasize the importance of choosing correctly to avoid
the fate of the fool. (Proverbs 3.33; 10.4 & 12.5)
proverbs that compare. These proverbs make comparisons
using similes. (Proverbs 10.26 & 25.25)
proverbs that complete or clarify the point of the first line.
(1.8 & 18.6)
Why read the Book of Proverbs?
Having “knowledge” is not the same
thing as having “wisdom”.
What’s the difference?
Knowledge= the gathering of facts, figures,
Wisdom= the ability to see people, events, and
situations as God sees them.
In the Book of Proverbs, Solomon reveals the mind of
God in all kinds of everyday matters:
Personal Behavior, Parenting, Friendship, Politics,
Revenge, Discipline, Ambition…
The search for wisdom
Wisdom Personified
‘Wisdom cries out in the street; in the square she raises
her voice’ (1:20)
Wisdom is the main character in the Book of Proverbs.
How do we ‘get’ wisdom (Proverbs 4:7)?
‘The Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come
knowledge and understanding’ (Proverbs 2:6)
The Fear of the LORD is
the beginning of knowledge.
Prov 1:7
Fear of the Lord
The “Fear of the Lord" occurs at least 18 times in Proverbs
(1:7, 29; 2:5; 3:7; 8:13; 9:10; 10:27; 14:2, 26-27; 15:16, 33;
16:6; 19:23; 22:4; 23:17; 24:21; 31:30).
3:7 Fear of the LORD is to depart from evil
8:13 Fear of LORD is to hate evil
9:10 Fear of LORD is beginning of wisdom
10:27 Fear of LORD prolongs your life
14:26-27 Fear of LORD is a fountain of life
19:23 Fear of LORD leads to life
Wisdom regarding…
A. The importance of making the right choice
B. Guidelines for finding a good wife
C. The virtuous wife
A. Ways to learn about a man
B. Men to definitely avoid
C. The virtuous husband
A. The importance of making the right choice
1. Much happiness in life depends upon making the right choice - Pro 12:4
a. A good choice greatly enhances the life of the husband
b. But the wrong choice can destroy a man from the inside out!
A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
2. It is folly to think that a mistake in this area can be easily corrected
a. Many think divorce can be an easy solution
b. But God hates divorce and remarriage may not be a viable option for the disciple
of Christ - cf. Mal 2:16; Mt 19:8-9
-- A man needs wisdom from God in choosing whom to marry!
B. Guidelines for finding a good wife
physical and
mental health
1. Seek help from God - Pro 19:14
Houses and wealth are inherited from parents,
but a prudent wife is from the LORD.
2. Do not place priority on good looks alone - Pro 31:30
a. Beauty is skin-deep, temporary, to which we can easily grow accustomed
b. It is therefore a poor foundation upon which to build a life-long
c. Sadly, many marriages are built on little more than physical attraction
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
3. Instead, look for these characteristics in a woman:
a. The fear of the Lord - Pro 31:30
1) Such a woman possesses the beginning of wisdom - Pro 1:7
2) Having a wife who is a devout Christian should be the primary concern
b. Discretion - Pro 11:22
1) This is the ability to do the right thing at the right time
2) Without this, beauty is worthless, and can even be the object of ridicule
Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout
is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
c. Wisdom - Pro 14:1
1) With this virtue in a woman, a good home can be built
2) Without it, efforts by the husband will be undermined by the wife!
The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
4. Avoid a woman who is quarrelsome
a. Picturesque descriptions of such a woman (Pro
19:13; 27:15-16)
A foolish son is his father’s ruin,
And a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping
on a rainy day.
Restraining her is like restraining the wind
Or grasping oil with the hand.
b. It is better to be single and alone, than to be
married to the wrong person! Pro 21:9,19
Better to live on a corner of the roof
Than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
Better to live in a desert
Than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.
1. Trustworthy - Pro 31:11
a. The husband can safely entrust her with his income
b. She will not squander what he gives her, but use it in a manner that
benefits them both
2. Filled with an enduring love - Pro 31:12
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
3. Has practical skills - Pro 31:13-15,21-22
a. Such as sewing
b. And cooking
She gets up while it is still dark;
she provides food for her family.
4. Industrious - Pro 31:16,24
a. Makes investments (buys land and plants a vineyard)
She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
b. Provides extra income (makes clothing and sells to merchants)
She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
5. Compassionate - Pro 31:20
a. Helping the poor
b. Reaching out to the needy
She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
6. Strong character - Pro 31:25
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
7. Speaks words of wisdom and kindness - Pro 31:26
She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
8. Diligently sees to her family’s need - Pro 31:27
Makes whatever preparation necessary - cf. Pro 31:15
So that her family does not go in want - cf. Pro 31:21
When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
9. Fears the Lord - Pro 31:29-30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
1. How does he treat animals? This reveals
a lot about his character - Pro 12:10
A righteous man cares for the needs of his
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
2. Does he listen to the advice of others?
That will tell you whether he is a fool, or a
wise person - Pro 12:15
The way of a fool seems right to him,
but a wise man listens to advice.
3. What type of company does he keep? You might be destroyed along
with him - Pro 13:2
4. Is he quick-tempered? That reveals whether he is a person of
understanding - Pro 14:29
A patient man has great understanding,
but a quick-tempered man displays folly.
5. How does he make money? You will suffer the consequences of his
actions - Pro 15:27
A greedy man brings trouble to his family,
but he who hates bribes will live.
6. Does he feel like he always has to put in his “two-cents” worth? If so,
he lacks knowledge and a calm spirit - Pro 17:27-28
A man of knowledge uses words with restraint,
And a man of understanding is even-tempered.
Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent
and discerning if he holds his tongue.
7. Does he have compassion for the poor? If so, his prayers will be
answered - Pro 21:13
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor
He too will cry out and not be answered.
1. A womanizer
a. He will destroy himself and hurt all those involved - Pro 6:27-29
Can a man scoop fire into his lap
without his clothes being burned?
Can a man walk on hot coals
without his feet being scorched?
So is he who sleeps with another man’s wife;
no one who touches her will go unpunished.
b. If he flaunts God’s will before he is married, what assurance is there he
will not flaunt God’s will after he is married?
2. A quick-tempered man
a. You will become like him and destroy yourself as well - Pro 22:24-25
b. Men are usually on their best behavior before marriage, think of what an
angry man be like after marriage!
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man,
Do not associate with one easily angered,
or you may learn his ways,
and get yourself ensnared.
3. A drinker
Alcohol has destroyed many good men - Pro 23:29-30
Who has woe? Who has sorrow?
Who has strife? Who has complaints?
Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes?
Those who linger over wine.
1. Values his wife highly - Pro 18:22; 19:14
a. He realizes that she is a gift from God
b. Especially when she proves to be prudent
He who finds a wife finds what is good
and receives favor from the LORD.
2. Gives his wife her due - Pro 31:31
a. Allows his wife the opportunity to develop her own abilities
b. Lets her reap the benefits of her own labors
Give her reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
3. Praises his wife profusely - Pro 31:28
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.
4. Trusts his wife implicitly - Pro 31:11
a. Demonstrates a willingness to trust her
b. In such areas as her intelligence, her faithfulness, her abilities
c. Is not jealous or suspicious
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
5. Content with his wife’s love - Pro 5:15-21
Drink water from your own cistern,
running water from your own well.
So much of the joy and meaning of life
that God would have us enjoy is lost if
there is not a good marriage!