Biology Exam Paper: Adaptations, Respiration, Osmosis

Emperor penguins live in the southern Polar Regions. The temperature here can be
as low as −30 °C.
They have a number of adaptations that enable them to survive in such a cold climate.
(a) Fully grown penguins are large, often weighing up to 30 kg. Most other birds are
much smaller.
Explain how being large helps the penguin to survive at very low temperatures.
(b) Penguins also have soft downy feathers and a thick layer of fat just below the skin.
Suggest how these features help penguins to survive.
(c) One part of the penguin that is especially exposed to the cold is their feet. The
muscles that operate the feet are located in the penguin's body rather than in the
feet themselves.
(i) Suggest how this benefits the penguin.
(ii) The penguin's feet move when the muscles pull on string-like structures called tendons.
Suggest a property that these tendons should have.
(d) Penguins huddle together to maintain their body temperature.
Explain how this behaviour is an advantage to penguins.
(Total for question = 10 marks)
One of the characteristics of living organisms is the ability to respond to a change in
their surroundings.
In mammals, such as humans, responses are controlled by nervous or hormonal communication.
(a) ADH is an example of a hormone.
(i) Where is ADH produced?
(ii) Describe the effects of ADH in the body.
(b) Describe two ways in which nervous communication differs from hormonal communication.
(Total for question = 6 marks)
Yeast can respire anaerobically and is used to produce beer.
(a) Write the word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast.
(b) Describe a test you could use to identify the gas produced when yeast respires anaerobically.
(Total for question = 5 marks)
The drawing shows an elephant. Elephants live in Africa where it is hot.
(a) The elephant is adapted to live in a hot environment by having large ears.
Suggest how having large ears helps prevent the body temperature of the elephant from rising too
(b) Explain why the elephant may die if its body temperature rises too high.
(Total for question = 5 marks)
Describe an experiment you could do to find out the effect of pH on the growth of
(Total for question = 6 marks)
The diagram shows a section through the human eye. Different parts of the eye have
been labelled A to G.
The table lists some health problems that affect the eye and describes how they are caused.
Complete the table by choosing the correct label letter for the part of the eye linked
with each health problem. The first one has been done for you.
This apparatus can be used to determine the energy value of food such as dried bread.
(a) John suggested that a more accurate value could be obtained if a larger volume
of water was used.
Explain why John's suggestion might be correct.
(b) Suggest one other modification and explain how it would improve the accuracy
of the result.
(Total for question = 4 marks)
A student wants to investigate osmosis using potato tissue.
(a) What is meant by the term osmosis?
(b) The student puts 90 cm3 of glucose solution of different concentrations into six different plastic cups.
He then puts one raw potato chip into each cup. The diagram shows one of the plastic cups.
The potato chips were all the same mass and shape at the start of the investigation. After 12 hours the
chips are removed and the volume of solution in the plastic cups is measured. The table shows the
(i) Use the information in the table to plot a graph on the grid to show the volume of solution
remaining in the cup after 12 hours in each concentration of glucose. Use a ruler to join your points
with straight lines.
(ii) Use your graph to estimate the concentration of the cytoplasm in the potato cells.
concentration ........................................................... mol/dm3
(iii) Complete the table by ticking the boxes to show the cups in which the potato chips lost water.
(c) (i) Name the independent variable in this investigation.
(ii) Name a controlled variable in this investigation.
(iii) Suggest two reasons why the volume of solution measured by the student may not be accurate.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................
(iv) Suggest a piece of apparatus that could be used to give a precise measurement of the volume of
the solution left in each cup.
(Total for question = 15 marks)
A student investigated the effect of size on the movement of molecules.
He cut three different sized cubes from a block of clear agar jelly.
Cube A was 2 × 2 × 2 cm. Cube B was 1 × 1 × 1 cm and cube C was 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 cm.
The student wore safety glasses and placed the cubes in a beaker of red dye solution for five minutes.
He then poured the solution into another beaker, washed the surface of the cubes and dried them with
blotting paper.
He then cut each cube in half and examined the newly cut surfaces.
Diagram 1 shows what the cubes looked like.
(a) Why did he wear safety glasses?
(b) Explain how the red dye molecules entered the jelly.
(c) Use a ruler to measure the distance the red dye has entered each cube in diagram 1.
......................................................... mm
(d) (i)
Calculate the surface area of cube A.
surface area = ................................................. unit .................................
Calculate the volume of cube A.
volume = ................................................. unit .................................
(e) The student was told by his teacher that the cubes have different surface area to volume ratios.
Complete the table by putting one tick ( ) in each row to show whether the statement applies to
cube A, B or C.
(f) Explain how this experiment can be used to understand the need for transport systems in larger
organisms such as humans.
(Total for question = 14 marks)
The diagram shows the difference in the pupil diameter of the eye in bright light and
after moving into dim light. The difference is caused by a reflex action.
(a) The table gives descriptions of parts of the reflex arc involved with the reflex action.
Complete the table by naming each part.
One has been done for you.
(b) Explain how the lens changes when you view a near object.
(Total for question = 7 marks)
Doctors sometimes give antibiotics to very ill patients.
The passage below describes the treatment.
Complete the sentences in the passage by writing a suitable word or words on each
dotted line.
Antibiotic solution is given to the patient through a tube. The tube is connected to
a vein in the arm of the patient, using a needle. It is connected to a vein rather than an
artery because veins have a lower .............................................................. than arteries.
The antibiotic travels to the heart in the largest vein in the body called the
.............................................................. .
It enters a chamber called the right atrium, and passes to the right
.............................................................. .
before being pumped to the lungs in the .............................................................. artery.
The antibiotic returns to the heart and eventually leaves the heart in the aorta,
the largest .............................................................. in the body. The antibiotic is then carried to
the tissues where it leaves the smallest blood vessels called
.............................................................. .
The antibiotic then kills pathogens called .............................................................. that were
responsible for the patient being very ill.
(Total for question = 7 marks)
The diagram shows the human digestive system.
(a) Use letters from the diagram to answer these questions.
Each answer may be one letter or more than one letter.
(i) Where is amylase made? ...........................................................
(ii) Where are faeces stored? ...........................................................
(iii) Where is protein digested? ...........................................................
(b) Describe and explain how the structure of the small intestine is adapted for absorbing digested food.
(c) A balanced diet is important to maintain good health.
(i) Suggest the consequences of having a diet that lacks fresh fruit and fibre.
(ii) Suggest the consequences of having a diet that contains too much fat.
(Total for question = 13 marks)
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