University Research Grants Committee Program Information and

University Research Grants Committee
University Research Grants Committee
Program Information and Guidebook
All competition dates and documents are subject to change without notice.
All applications are to be submitted to Internal Awards, Research Services.
Revised October 2015
University Research Grants Committee
Table of Contents
1. Description of University Research Grants Committee Programs
2. URGC Competition Dates
3. Faculty Seed Grant
4. Partnership Seed Grant
5. General Application Information
University Research Grants Committee
Description of University Research Grants Committee Programs
The mandate of the University of Calgary’s University Research Grants Committee (URGC) is to promote the
overall research goals of the university through the distribution of special research funds that have been
generated or received by the University.
The following grants are currently being offered:
Faculty Seed Grant
Partnership Seed Grant (Pilot)
University Research Grants Committee
URGC Competition Dates
Faculty Seed Grant:
Partnership Seed Grant (Pilot):
 November 2, 2015
Should the deadline date fall on a weekend or holiday, the next business day will apply.
Two-day extension requests for late application submissions will be considered for extenuating circumstances
only. Extension requests require approval of the Associate Dean (Research). The approval must be emailed
to Denise Ward, Research Grants Officer,, prior to the URGC competition deadline.
University Research Grants Committee
IMPORTANT NOTE: The current Terms of Reference listed below apply only to applicants from the
Science, Engineering and Medicine disciplines. Terms of Reference for applicants from the Social
Sciences and Humanities disciplines are under review and will be posted shortly.
Award amount up to $15,000
Award duration is up to 18 months
Faculty Seed Grants are designed to aid individual researchers and leaders of research teams in the
development of applications for external funding. The assumed target is an application for funding to one of
the three federal granting councils (CIHR, SSHRC, or NSERC) or other, equivalent, external funding agencies
as appropriate to your academic discipline. Recipients of Faculty Seed grants who fail to apply for tri-council
or equivalent funding may be asked to repay funds received in the Faculty Seed Grant competition.
Only one application per person, per competition is eligible.
Individuals holding continuing academic appointments (tenured or tenure-track) with explicit research
expectations are eligible. Individuals holding non-tenured or otherwise contractually limited Board
appointments are eligible provided the terms of the appointment explicitly include the expectation of
independent research and the supervision of graduate students. Specific information regarding
appointments can be found in the APT Manual that is available on the Human Resources website.
An applicant must have completed their active Internal Research Grants (Seed and/or Starter/Short-Term
Projects) and have submitted a final report to Research Services which includes details on the external
grant application submitted, to be eligible for future competitions.
Upon receipt of the award, the recipient agrees to submit a brief final report on how the funds aided and
contributed in the development and strengthening of a new major external grant application. The final report
must make reference to the external grant that you have applied for and the report must be submitted to
Research Services ( within 1 year of the end date of the award. The final report
must include a copy of the external grant application or the external grant application reference number, title
of the submission, the funding agency or foundation, and the submission date. To remain eligible for future
URGC funding as well as other VP (Research) funding, a final report must be submitted to Research
URGC research support is intended for projects that can be completed in 18 months or less. Extension
requests will be considered for extenuating circumstances (Medical, Maternity or Parental Leave etc.) only
and these requests must include supporting documentation which will be forwarded to the Chair of the URGC
Committee for approval. The term may then be extended for an additional 6-month period but the total term
including any extension may not exceed 24 months.
University Research Grants Committee
The terms and conditions of the award are listed in greater detail in the URGC Notice of Award.
Research and travel grants may only be used for the project and purposes described in the application, subject
to any special conditions given in the URGC Notice of Award or correspondence from the Committee.
Grant recipients must abide by all University policies and procedures including, but not limited to, intellectual
property, integrity in scholarly activity, employment of family/relatives, ethics for human study, animal care,
and biosafety.
Awards may be terminated with or without notice if conditions are not observed.
Applicants must adhere to submission instructions listed below and the limit of application form
pages. Additional information and material attached to the submission will be removed from the
Faculty Seed Grant Research Proposal
The project description must be attached and cannot exceed 4 pages in length, including figures. Maximum
of one page can be attached for references. Please use Times New Roman font of no less than 12 pt.
with three-quarter inch margins.
The Committee must make its judgment on what is presented. Excellent projects may not receive funding
because of careless presentation.
In general terms, the proposal describes the work, proceeding from general theoretical considerations to the
specific project, culminating in the budget. The budget qualifies the work in terms of personnel, materials,
services, and other requirements.
The research proposal must explicitly state how this grant will assist in acquiring a major external grant that
will include graduate student support and the involvement of students as junior colleagues in research.
It is important that there be a link between the proposal and the budget; including what work is required of an
assistant, what basis the applicant used to calculate the time needed for an assistant, and how equipment will
be used. There should also be an emphasis on student salary support, training and involvement in
the study.
The form and order of presentation of the material may vary according to the nature of the project and in the
interests of clarity. However, certain essential elements must be covered. The elements include:
• The problem or topic to be studied (in lay terms whenever possible)
• The hypothesis or theoretical framework which will form the proposal (what will be done – when and how)
• What resources are required
Define the problem or subject to be studied clearly and concisely, providing any background information
University Research Grants Committee
essential to understanding the importance of the work. Include a statement of the potential significance, future
use, relevance, or application of the results. Explain why you believe the success of this research will elevate
the likelihood of funding from a major granting agency.
Define the hypotheses or theoretical framework: the choice of methodology, data to be collected, the structure
and procedure of the experiments, and the theoretical considerations. A statement of these is essential to
understanding the proposal.
Set out and describe the methods and procedures that will be used (how the research will be done), the
sequence of events, the resources required, personnel, facilities, equipment, and materials that are included
in the budget.
Justify the choice of methodology and explain the specific procedures to be used. It is equally important to
explain how the data will be analyzed and why these techniques are appropriate and to illustrate the real
contributions that will be made to the advancement of knowledge.
Include reference in the description, where appropriate, to similar or related work. If the field is largely
untouched, this should be indicated.
Your proposal should relate to other work in the field, making use of references.
Write your proposal in clear, plain language. Not all Committee members will have knowledge of the
subject matter from all proposals, so avoid jargon or highly technical writing when possible. Try to
anticipate (and answer) any questions the Committee members could raise.
Essential research instruments, such as a questionnaire, must be appended if it constitutes the basis of the
proposed research. If an applicant believes there are any special considerations that should be taken into
account, they should be noted for the Committee’s attention.
Appointment Letter
Applicants holding non-tenured academic appointments (tenure-track, limited/contingent term, adjunct) must
attach a copy of their current appointment letter which explicitly includes the expectation of independent
research and the supervision of graduate students. Please black-out any personal information, such as salary,
that is not required.
Budget Justification (maximum 4 pages)
Describe your funding history and current funding situation (including pending grant applications). The
applicant’s current funding will be considered and reviewed by the URGC Committee with respect to funding
of this research study. Need for funding will be an important criteria in evaluating the applications.
A detailed budget justification, as a separate document must be attached. It must justify each budget item
that has been requested in the budget. Please refer to the eligible expenses that have been listed in this
document and the University’s Travel and Expense Reimbursement Handbook:
If travel has been requested, please provide the rationale for why this travel is essential for performing the
research proposed.
University Research Grants Committee
Letter from Faculty Mentor
A letter of support must be attached from a faculty mentor, who will assist in the preparation of an application
for major external funding. The letter must indicate how their experience will assist in the preparation of your
grant for external funding and how they are appropriate to serve as a mentor. A co-applicant cannot write or
submit the mentorship letter for a Faculty Seed Grant application.
Senior full faculty members who are established in their research and Associate Professors with 3 years of
service in their board appointment do not need to include a letter from a faculty mentor with their Faculty Seed
Grant application.
University certifications for research using human subjects, animal subjects, or biohazards are required.
Ethics certifications need not be appended at the time of application submission.
General Principles
Expenditures may be made only for those expenses identified in the application and approved by the
Committee or stated in the URGC Notice of Award. Please quote all expenses in Canadian dollars. It should
be noted that currency exchange rates may fluctuate and this may cause small budget variances.
Transfer of funds from one budget category to another is permitted according to the needs of the research as
it progresses, provided it is not more than a 10% variance. The use of funds for previously unspecified
expenses or new budget items requires Committee approval.
The University expects researchers to adhere to the use of grant funds as outlined by the Tri-Council agencies.
These policies are available here:
If you have received funding for a similar project from another source, the budget page and proposal summary
for that project must be attached. The link between this proposal and other sources of funding must be
It is advisable to refer to the University’s Travel and Expense Reimbursement Handbook and those of the TriCouncil. The general principles outlined in this guidebook serve as the basis for eligible and ineligible
University Research Grants Committee
Eligible Expenses
Research Assistants should not be expected to perform work that appropriately belongs to the principal
Graduate students may be paid from URGC funds. Contribution to the training of or enhancement of future
researchers, especially graduate students, is important to the Committee.
Foreign students or visiting scholars: Grantees are responsible for ensuring that the individual is eligible
and properly documented for employment in Canada.
Rates of Pay: Please refer to Tri-Council websites for student stipend guidelines. Please ensure that you
have calculated 22% for mandatory employee benefit costs including Employment Insurance, Workers’
Compensation, and Canada Pension Plan.
Please describe the responsibilities and tasks to be carried out by the employee and their relationship to the
applicant’s activities on the project.
If the research assistance is provided by a student, specify what skills or training will be gained or developed
by the student.
These costs may include travel and accommodation costs to conduct field research work, travel costs for
visiting researchers, or travel costs to collaborate with peers. The purpose of the trip, destination, method of
travel, persons or organizations visited, and cost must be specified in your application.
Travel is eligible for Faculty Seed Grants, provided it is to support travel to another institution or
to support the travel of a collaborator to the University of Calgary.
Air travel may be ticketed by a travel agency, air carrier, or travel website.
Vehicle use is an eligible expense. Please detail kilometers and destination. Standard university rates apply.
Please consult the University’s Travel & Expense Reimbursement Handbook for additional information on
vehicle use:
Other travel expenses such as shared vehicle use (i.e. a van rented between multiple individuals), taxis,
bus, or other similar expenses are eligible. In your budget preparation please estimate these expenses to the
best of your ability.
Living expenses can either be claimed at the University’s standard per diem rates or official receipts for
meals can be submitted.
Accommodations require an invoice to be submitted when expenses are claimed.
Equipment purchases, materials, or supplies: An original invoice will need to be included with the expense
University Research Grants Committee
Items acquired with grant funds are the property of the University. Upon completion of the project, items are
to be transferred to the control of the applicant’s department, the University library, or at the Committee’s
request to some other department or unit within the University.
Supplies must be directly used in the research project.
Books must be directly used in the research project. These must be itemized and the basis for the costs
Ineligible Expenses
Conference travel and related expenses are ineligible expenses for Faculty Seed Grants.
Retroactive expenses are ineligible.
Office furnishings are ineligible.
Tuition and course fees, entertainment, page charges, publication subventions, report writing and copying
expenses, subscriptions, and retroactive expenses.
Electronic communications, such as telephone lines, equipment, voice mail, and internet charges.
The process for claiming or reimbursement of expenses is contained in the URGC Notice of Award. Only
those expenses that have been presented in your approved budget are eligible. When submitting claims
for expenses, original receipts and/or invoices will be required. It is advisable to reference the
University’s Travel and Expense Reimbursement Handbook when submitting expenses:
The awards administered by the URGC are not automatic. The onus is on the applicant to ensure that
their application provides as much detail as possible, and is presented clearly in simple language as the
URGC is comprised of faculty members from across disciplines.
The quality of the proposal will be the primary criterion for successful awards. The need for funding is also
an important factor. The proposal must be well justified and fit within the context of the budget that has been
Applications should be prepared as if they are going to be evaluated by a major external funding agency. It
must be explicitly stated how this project will serve as a stepping stone towards a major external grant.
University Research Grants Committee
Award amount up to $5,000
Award duration is up to 12 months (successful 2015 applications will have a start date of December 1, 2015)
Partnership Seed Grants provide support for the development of partnership arrangements and research
activities that will be suitable for future SSHRC Partnership Grant or Partnership Development Grant funding
opportunities. In recognition of the challenges in developing relationships with external partner organizations
for the purpose of knowledge engagement and/or research related activities, the Vice-President (Research)
is piloting the Partnership Seed Grant program to support preliminary small-scale initiatives and activities that
will foster these relationships, with the desired outcome of partner organizations committed to work
collaboratively to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.
Partnerships may be between academic institutions, or between one or more academic institutions and one
or more non-academic partner organizations.
Recipients of Partnership Seed Grants will be expected to apply for SSHRC funding within one year of the
completion of this grant. Recipients who fail to apply for SSHRC funding may be asked to repay funds
The Partnership Seed Grant pilot is a special initiative of the Office of the Vice-President (Research), funded
by the SSHRC Institutional Grant to the University of Calgary. The annual value of this grant is based on the
University’s performance in recent SSHRC research grant programs and the number of faculty members in
SSHRC-eligible disciplines. Funding priority may be given to projects that align with the University’s six priority
research themes, as described in the Strategic Research Plan.
An applicant may only submit one application per competition. An applicant may serve as co-applicant
on other applications, provided that project objectives are distinct.
Individuals holding continuing academic appointments (tenured or tenure-track) with explicit research
expectations are eligible. Individuals holding non-tenured or otherwise contractually limited Board
appointments are eligible provided the terms of the appointment explicitly include the expectation of
independent research and the supervision of graduate students. Specific information regarding
appointments can be found in the APT Manual that is available on the Human Resources website.
The proposed project must fall within SSHRC subject matter eligibility guidelines. Applications in the areas of
health, natural sciences, and engineering are not eligible for this funding opportunity.
An applicant who has previously received Internal Research Grants from URGC (Seed and/or Partnership
Seed) must have submitted a final report to Research Services which includes details on the external grant
application submitted, in order to be eligible for future competitions.
University Research Grants Committee
Upon receipt of the award, the recipient agrees to submit a brief final report on how the funds aided and
contributed in the development of the partnership, and have strengthened a new major SSHRC grant
application. The final report must include a copy of the external grant application, or clearly indicate the
external grant application reference number, title of the submission, SSHRC program, and the submission
date. In cases where a partnership has failed to develop, the report must detail the steps taken to establish
the partnership, reasons for its failure, and any plans to establish a new partnership for related activities. The
report must be submitted to Research Services ( within 1 year of the end date
of the award in order to remain eligible for future URGC funding as well as other Vice-President
(Research) funding.
Partnership Seed Grant support is intended for projects that can be completed in 12 months or less. Extension
requests will be considered for extenuating circumstances (Medical, Maternity or Parental Leave etc.) only
and these requests must include supporting documentation which will be forwarded to the Chair of the URGC
Committee for approval. The term may then be extended for an additional 6-month period but the total term
including any extension may not exceed 18 months.
The terms and conditions of the award are listed in greater detail in the URGC Notice of Award.
Grants may only be used for the project and purposes described in the application, subject to any special
conditions given in the URGC Notice of Award or correspondence from the Committee.
Grant recipients must abide by all University policies and procedures including, but not limited to, intellectual
property, integrity in scholarly activity, employment of family/relatives, ethics for human study, animal care,
and biosafety.
Awards may be terminated with or without notice if conditions are not observed.
Partnership Seed Grant applications are adjudicated, and available funds are awarded, through a competitive
merit review process.
The following criteria and scoring schemes are used by the URGC Social Sciences and Humanities subcommittee to evaluate Partnership Seed Grant applications:
1. Challenge—The aim and importance of the endeavour (50%):
originality, significance and expected contribution to knowledge;
appropriateness of the approach and proposed activities for the development of a partnership;
quality of training to be provided to students and/or other highly qualified personnel, and opportunities
for them to contribute; and
potential for the proposed partnership and related activities to have influence and impact within
and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community.
University Research Grants Committee
2. Feasibility—The plan to achieve excellence (20%):
probability that the proposed activities will result in a viable and formal partnership for the purpose
of addressing an issue of mutual interest;
appropriateness of the requested budget and justification of proposed costs.
3. Capability—The expertise to succeed (30%):
quality, quantity and significance of past experience and published and/or creative outputs of the
applicant relative to their roles in the development of the partnership and to their respective stages
of career;
experience in formal partnerships; and
potential of the applicant to make future contributions.
Applicants must adhere to submission instructions listed below and the limit of application form
pages. Additional information and material attached to the submission will be removed from the
Application Information
The applicant and each co-applicant must complete the form, providing the requested information.
Application Details
Provide a title for the project.
Indicate the proposed date for submission of an external grant application. Recipients of a Partnership Seed
Grant should apply for a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant or SSHRC Partnership Grant within one
year after completing the Partnership Seed Grant.
Provide a summary of the budget using the categories provided and then calculate the total budget. A
maximum of $5,000 may be requested. Note that conference-related expenses are ineligible, although if
research collaboration meetings are planned pre- or post-conference for convenience these travel costs are
acceptable with justification; see Appendix: Use of Funds for details on eligible expenses. A Budget
Justification attachment as described below is also required.
Indicate whether human subjects, animal subjects, or biohazardous materials will be used in the project, and
whether the required certifications or permits are available or will follow if the project is awarded. If relevant
certifications or permits are available, attach them to the application.
University Research Grants Committee
Project Summary (maximum 1/2 page)
Provide a summary of your proposal written in clear, plain language. It should be written in non-technical
terms and be clearly understood by a range of audiences with varied areas of expertise. Clearly indicate the
the challenges or issues to be addressed through the proposed partnership;
the overall goal of the proposed partnership and specific objectives for realizing that partnership; and
the breadth of the partnership, and the meaningful engagement of the partner organizations involved.
If funded, this summary may be published by the University or otherwise made publicly available.
Expected Outcomes (maximum 1/2 page)
Explain the specific expected outcomes with respect to the development of a partnership suitable for either a
SSHRC Partnership Grant or a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant. The objectives of these programs
are to:
develop research and related activities in the social sciences and humanities, including
knowledge mobilization and the meaningful involvement of students and new scholars, by fostering
new partnerships for research and related activities involving existing and/or potential partners; or
design and test new partnership approaches for research and/or related activities that may result
in best practices or models that either can be adapted by others or have the potential to be scaled
up to a regional, national or international level.
Expected outcomes could include, but are not limited to, an agreed-upon governance structure for the
partnership or plans for formalizing the partnership.
Also describe how this Partnership Seed Grant will lead towards an application for external SSHRC funding.
Explain how this Partnership Seed Grant will improve the likelihood of a successful application.
Student Training Plan (maximum 1/2 page)
Students and/or other highly qualified personnel are expected to meaningfully participate in the proposed
initiatives. Clearly describe the specific roles and responsibilities of students and/or other highly qualified
personnel, indicating the work they will be undertaking. Include the nature and extent of training, the capacity
of the applicant and/or team members to provide the proposed training, the anticipated number of students
and/or other highly qualified personnel and their level of study or qualifications, the nature and level of
specialized skills that they will develop as a result of their participation, and the career development
opportunities that will arise from their participation.
See SSHRC Guidelines for Effective Research Training.
Relationship to Other Research Support (maximum 1 page)
Describe your current funding situation (including pending grant applications). Describe any conceptual or
financial overlap with the proposed Partnership Seed Grant. The application may receive lower priority if
University Research Grants Committee
current funding would provide support for the same opportunity; however, it is noted that a record of successful
funding that leads up to a larger initiative involving additional partners would be considered an asset.
Alignment with University of Calgary Strategic Research Themes (maximum 1/2 page)
If applicable, describe the alignment of your project with one of the University of Calgary’s six strategic
research priority themes:
Energy Innovations for Today and Tomorrow;
Brian and Mental Health;
New Earth Space Technologies;
Engineering Solutions for Health: Biomedical Engineering;
Infections, Inflammation and Chronic Diseases;
Human Dynamics in a Changing World.
Funding priority may be given to projects that align with one of these themes.
Note that the subject matter of the project must fall within SSHRC subject matter eligibility guidelines.
Research Contributions (maximum 1 page)
Provide a list of your last six (6) years of publications and other research contributions relevant to the
proposed project. Use the standard bibliographic form of your discipline. Also list any research funding
related to the proposed project that you have held in the last six (6) years.
Required Signatures
The applicant and any co-applicants must provide their names, sign, and date the application in the
appropriate boxes.
The applicant’s Department Head and Dean or Associate Dean (Research) must also sign and date the
For more information on the collection of these signatures, see the Meaning of Grant Signatures policy.
Applications that are missing any required signature will be considered incomplete and returned to
the applicants.
For all attachments, please use Times New Roman font of no less than 12 pt. with three-quarter inch
Project Goal and Description (maximum 2 pages, including figures)
The Committee must make its judgment on what is presented. Excellent projects may not receive funding
because of careless presentation.
University Research Grants Committee
Write your proposal in clear, plain language. Not all Committee members will have knowledge of the
subject matter from all proposals, so avoid jargon or highly technical writing when possible. Try to
anticipate (and answer) any questions the Committee members could raise.
Clearly justify your proposal within the stated objectives of the Partnership Seed Grant, and use the following
section headings to structure your proposal:
Goals and Objectives: State the overall goal of the planned partnership, as well as specific
objectives for the development of the partnership over the twelve month period of the grant.
Need for Partnership: Explain why a partnership approach is needed to accomplish the overall goal,
and demonstrate how such a partnership adds value beyond what could be achieved through other
approaches. Provide any background information essential to understanding the importance of the
Significance of Partnership: Describe the originality, significance (social, economic, cultural,
intellectual) and expected contribution to knowledge in the social sciences and/or humanities of the
proposed partnership. Demonstrate the relevance and significance of these objectives for the
partner(s) that will be involved.
Proposed Activities and Timeline: Describe the activities proposed to meet the specific objectives
for the development of the partnership. Indicate the role of the partner(s) and any students or other
highly qualified personnel in these activities. Provide a timeline for the activities in relation to the
specific objectives.
References (1 page maximum)
Provide a list of references for any citations in the Project Goal and Description attached.
Description of Team and Potential Partner Organizations (1 page maximum)
Describe all personnel involved in the project, including the principal applicant, co-applicant(s), and
collaborators. Explain the role of each in the project.
Describe each partner organization. Partnerships may be between academic institutions, or between one or
more academic institutions and one or more non-academic partner organizations. Describe the nature of the
organization (e.g., public or private, academic or non-academic, for-profit or not-for-profit, etc.), size, location,
mission or objectives, products or services it provides, if applicable, and activities in which the organization
engages in order to accomplish its mission or objectives.
Budget Justification (maximum 1 page)
A detailed budget justification must be attached as a separate document. Justify each budget item that has
been requested in the budget in relation to the proposed activities and the objectives of the Partnership Seed
Grant program.
Eligibility of expenses are determined by the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide (as it applies to
SSHRC-funded projects) and any stipulations listed in this document (see Appendix: Use of Funds).
University Research Grants Committee
If travel has been requested, please provide the rationale for why this travel is essential for performing the
activities proposed. Note that travel expenses for conference attendance are ineligible unless also used for
the purpose of partnership development activities pre- or post-conference. Justify the need for travel to a
conference to conduct such activities. Other conference-related expenses are ineligible.
Relevant Experience (maximum 1 page)
Describe your experience in engaging in and/or leading formal partnerships, and any previous experience
related to the objectives of the URGC Partnership Seed Grant program. Justify how this experience will
aid you in developing the proposed partnership. Examples of relevant experience include: working within
or with communities and/or organizations (e.g., not-for-profit organizations, philanthropic foundations, think
tanks, private sector organizations), non-academic career information, or voluntary work. Include:
your experience in engaging in and/or leading formal partnerships;
a brief description of the nature of the work you performed;
an explanation of how this work has prepared you for your role in the project; and
a description of the skills you developed (e.g., training, mentoring, analysis, networking).
University certifications or permits for research using human subjects, animal subjects, or biohazards are
required if applicable to the research. Certifications or permits need not be appended at the time of application
submission, but their inclusion will expedite the set-up of the project account, if awarded.
Submit the completed Partnership Seed Grant application form and all required attachments as a single PDF
document to Denise Ward, Research Grants Officer, at
General Principles
Expenditures may be made only for those expenses identified in the application and approved by the
Committee or stated in the URGC Notice of Award. Please quote all expenses in Canadian dollars. It should
be noted that currency exchange rates may fluctuate and this may cause small budget variances.
Transfer of funds from one budget category to another is permitted according to the needs of the research as
it progresses, provided it is not more than a 25% variance. The use of funds for previously unspecified
expenses or new budget items requires Committee approval.
The University expects researchers to adhere to the use of grant funds as outlined by the Tri-Council agencies.
These policies are available here:
University Research Grants Committee
It is advisable to refer to the University’s Travel and Expense Reimbursement Handbook. The general
principles outlined in this guidebook serve as the basis for eligible and ineligible expenses.
Eligible Expenses
Stipends or hourly wages for students and postdoctoral fellows are eligible.
Stipends must be justified in terms of the research project objectives. The work performed by stipend
recipients should be an integral part of the applicant's proposed research. When personnel are paid by
stipend, quote the annual stipend, as well as the amount pro-rated for their level of participation on the project.
Salaries: when students are paid by wage, the amounts should be determined in accordance with the
university's collective agreement or policy. Please consult your Department/Faculty or HR advisor for
appropriate salary rates.
Graduate students who are hired as Research Assistants must be paid a minimum hourly rate of $17.50/hour,
according to U of C Graduate Student Association collective agreement. You may pay higher rates as justified
by skill requirements or department/faculty or discipline standards. Budget for 7.5% on top of wage for
employer-paid benefits.
Postdoctoral fellows: the UofC recommends a minimum rate of $45,000 per year minimum for postdoctoral
fellows, plus $2K for Plan C benefits.
Support staff: ensure that you have calculated 22% for mandatory AUPE benefit costs, which include
Employment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, and Canada Pension Plan. Quote the annual salary and
relevant benefits, as well as the amount pro-rated for their level of participation on the project.
Please describe the responsibilities and tasks to be carried out by the employee and their relationship to the
applicant’s activities on the project.
These costs may include travel and accommodation costs to conduct field research work or travel costs to
collaborate with partners and team members at other institutions. Travel to a conference is eligible if
partnership development activities will occur pre- or post- conference. The purpose of the trip, destination,
method of travel, persons or organizations visited, and cost must be specified in your Budget Justification.
Travel is eligible for Partnership Seed Grants, provided it is to support travel for research
planning and collaboration purposes among the partners and team members.
Air travel may be ticketed by a travel agency, air carrier, or travel website.
Vehicle use is an eligible expense. Please detail kilometers and destination. Standard university rates apply.
Please consult the University’s Travel & Expense Reimbursement Handbook for additional information on
vehicle use:
University Research Grants Committee
Other travel expenses such as shared vehicle use (i.e. a van rented between multiple individuals), taxis,
bus, or other similar expenses are eligible. In your budget preparation please estimate these expenses to the
best of your ability.
Accommodations require an invoice to be submitted when expenses are claimed. Accommodation for the
purpose of attending a conference is ineligible, except for the day(s) when partnership development activities
occur. Provide justification in the Budget Justification.
Equipment purchases, materials, or supplies:
An original invoice will need to be included with the expense reimbursement.
Items acquired with grant funds are the property of the University. Upon completion of the project, items are
to be transferred to the control of the applicant’s department, the University library, or at the Committee’s
request to some other department or unit within the University.
Supplies must be directly used in the research project.
Books must be directly used in the research project. These must be itemized and the basis for the costs
Ineligible Expenses
Conference travel expenses are ineligible if the travel is not also used for partnership development
activities. Other conference-related expenses are ineligible expenses for Partnership Seed Grants.
Retroactive expenses are ineligible.
Office furnishings are ineligible.
Tuition and course fees, entertainment, page charges, publication subventions, report writing and copying
expenses, and subscriptions are ineligible.
Electronic communications, such as telephone lines, equipment, voice mail, and internet charges are
The process for claiming or reimbursement of expenses is contained in the URGC Notice of Award. Only
those expenses that have been presented in your approved budget are eligible. When submitting claims
for expenses, original receipts and/or invoices will be required. It is advisable to reference the
University’s Travel and Expense Reimbursement Handbook when submitting expenses:
University Research Grants Committee
Email an electronic version of the complete application submission as a single pdf document (which
includes the attachments etc.) to Denise Ward, Research Grants Officer,
Two-day extension requests for late application submissions will be considered for extenuating circumstances
only. Extension requests require approval of the Associate Dean (Research). The approval must be emailed
to Denise Ward, Research Grants Officer,, prior to the URGC competition deadline.
Additional information, even though not specified in the guide may be requested from applicants.