August 13, 2013 Dear Parents, and Guardians, The Child School

August 13, 2013
Dear Parents, and Guardians,
The Child School / Legacy High School would like to warmly welcome all new and continuing families to the 2013-14 school year! We
wish your family, and especially your child, great success during this new school year. Our dedicated staff is ready to motivate,
inspire and help provide the best educational experience for our students.
The first day of school for all students is Monday, September 9 th.
This packet will give you some of the information you will need to help prepare your child for September. Kindly complete all forms
as indicated and return to the School upon your child’s return. Enclosed, please find:
2013-2014 School Calendar
Student Information Form
Emergency Contact Card (Blue Card)
Work Information Form
Permission Slip and Sign-off Form
Confidentiality of Records – Sign off
Medical Packet
o Medical Requirements
o Confidential Medical Record
o Authorization for Administration of Medication
o Special Alerts
School Food Service Program letter and Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals
Dietary Restrictions
Uniform Information
Supply List (Program specific; Elementary lists will be sent separately by classroom teachers)
Parent Association letter
State Testing
Grades 3-8 NYS ELA and Math individual scores are slated to be released later this month. Individual Score Reports (ISR) for parents
will be mailed to us from the NYC Department of Education central office. Immediately upon receipt, we will forward those score
reports to our parents.
August Regents scores will be available in September when the NYS Education Department makes them available.
Please continue to reach out to us should you require any further information.
Regina Wessel, Elementary School Director
Tina Staiano, Middle School Director
Vishu Grover, High School Director
Curtis Newman, Chief Financial Officer
Ethan Kahn, Interim Executive Director
Amanda Pikman, Office Manager
Be safe and enjoy the remainder of your summer!
Warm Regards,
The Executive Management Committee
The Child School / Legacy High School
2013-2014 School Calendar
The Child School / Legacy High School
Tuesday, 3rd
Thursday, 19th
Tuesday, 24th
Teachers, Related Service Providers (staff
only) in attendance; Teacher Assistants,
Paraprofessionals, and Agency Providers
do not attend; No Students.
Teachers, Teacher Assistants, and
Related Service Providers (staff only) in
attendance; Paraprofessionals, and
Agency Providers do not attend; No
Rosh Hashanah – School Closed
Rosh Hashanah – School Closed
First Day of School for All Students and
All Staff
Steering Committee Meeting
Curriculum Night - 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, 10th
Monday, 14th
Thursday, 17th
Wednesday, 30th
Parents Association Meeting
Columbus Day – School Closed
Potluck International Dinner
Octoberfest (rain date 10/31)
Wednesday, 4th
Thursday, 5th
Friday, 6th
Monday, 9th
Tuesday, 5th
Monday, 11th
Tuesday, 12th
Wednesday, 13th
Wednesday, 20th
Thursday, 28th
Friday, 29th
Tuesday, 10th
Tuesday, 17th
Mon., 23rd – Wed., 1st
Thursday, 2nd
Friday, 3rd
Monday, 20th
Thursday, 23rd
Election Day
No school for all Students
Staff Development Day
Veteran’s Day – School Closed
Steering Committee Meeting
11:00 a.m. dismissal for ES / MS
HS will be in session
Progress Report Day for ES / MS
Session 1
11:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Session 2
3:45 – 7:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Talent Show
Time TBA
11:00 a.m. dismissal for HS
ES/MS will be in session
HS Report Card Day
Session 1
11:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Session 2
3:45 – 7:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Recess – School Closed
Thanksgiving Recess – School Closed
Parents Association Meeting
Holiday Night of Music, Art & Dance –
6:00 p.m.
Winter Recess – School Closed
Classes Resume
Picture Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
School Closed
Steering Committee Meeting
Friday, 31st
Chancellor’s HS Conference Day
No school for HS students
ES/MS will be in session
Wednesday, 12th
11:00 a.m. dismissal for HS
ES/MS will be in session
HS Report Card Day
Session 1
11:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Session 2
3:45 – 7:00 p.m.
Valentine’s Dance-a-thon
Mid-Winter Recess – School Closed
Black History Presentations
Time TBA
11:00 a.m. dismissal for ES / MS
HS will be in session
Progress Report Day for ES / MS
Session 1
11:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Session 2
3:45 – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, 14th
Mon., 17th – Fri., 21st
Wednesday, 26th
Thursday, 27th
Thursday, 13th
Parents Association Meeting
Tues., 1st – Thurs. 3rd
Mon., 14th – Tues., 22nd
Wednesday, 23rd
Tuesday, 29th
Wed., 30th – Fri., 2nd
NYS ELA Testing, Gr. 3-8
Spring Recess – School Closed
Classes Resume
Steering Committee Meeting
NYS Math Testing, Gr. 3-8
Monday, 5th
Tuesday, 6th
Wednesday, 14th
Monday, 26th
Thursday, 29th
Thursday, 5th
Wednesday, 11th
Thursday, 12th
Friday, 13th
Mon., 16th – Wed., 25th
Wednesday, 18th
Thursday, 26th
Friday, 27th
Monday, 30th
11:00 a.m. dismissal for HS
ES/MS will be in session
HS Report Card Day
Session 1
11:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Session 2
3:45 – 7:00 p.m.
Parents Association Meeting
Musical / Art Show – 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Day – School Closed
HS Prom
Staff Development Day
No School for all Students
HS Graduation
MS Prom
Graduation Picnic
HS Regents Examinations
ES / MS Graduation
Last Day for All Students / Classroom
Noon Dismissal for students
Administration / Assistants in
Administration / Assistants in
The Child School/Legacy High School
Child’s Full Name: __________________________
Date: _________________
Date of Birth: ___________________
(Month, Day, Year)
Home Phone #: __________________________
Home Address: __________________________
Parent/Guardian 1
Parent/Guardian 2
Full Name:
Full Name:
Work Telephone Number:
Cell Number:
Work Telephone Number:
Cell Number:
E-mail Address:
E-mail Address:
Please note that your contact information will be shared with the school Parent Association as well.
Please check below:
Yes ___________
EMERGENCY CONTACT CARD (Print information) SCHOOL YEAR 2013 to 2014
Student: Last Name__________________ First__________________ MI ____
DOB______________ Sex____ ID#_______________________
Parent/Guardian (Student resides with): ____________________ Relationship __________________
Parent’s Preferred Language of Communication: Written ______________ Oral__________________
Home Telephone (
)_________________ Work Telephone ( ) __________________
Cell No. ( )____________________ E-mail _____________________
Address ___________________________________________________ Apt. ____________
Borough ___________________ ZIP_______________
Other Parent/Guardian: __________________________________ Relationship _________________
Parent’s Preferred Language of Communication: Written______________ Oral _________________
Home Telephone (
)_________________ Work Telephone ( ) __________________
Cell No. ( )____________________ E-mail _____________________
Address ___________________________________________________ Apt. ____________
Borough ___________________ ZIP_______________
List below names of three (3) persons who may be called in case of emergency or if child is sick in
1. Name_______________________________ Telephone ( )_______________
2. Name_______________________________ Telephone ( )_______________
3. Name_______________________________ Telephone ( )_______________
If there is a person who may NOT HAVE ACCESS to child, please indicate:
Name_______________________________ Relationship_________________________
Order of Protection Exists? Yes______ No_______
Principal will be notified in writing of any changes to information on this card
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Name of Physician/Clinic: __________________________Telephone (
Health Alert
Does child have any health condition that may affect participation in physical activities? Yes____ No____
Limitations __________________________________________ (e.g., stair climbing, participation in gym)
Allergies _____________________________________________________________________________
504 services for the current year? Yes_______ No _______ Previous Year? Yes _______ No__________
My child has (X any that apply): Private health insurance ____ ; Medicaid ___; No health insurance ____
If “No Health Insurance,” are you willing to share contact information from this card to learn about
insurance options? Yes _______ No ________
If none of the named contacts can be reached, what do you wish the school to do if your child is sick or
injured? ____________________________________________________________________________
It is understood that in the final disposition of an emergency case, the judgment of the school
authorities will prevail.
The recommendation of the parent as indicated above will be respected as far as possible.
Last Name ________________ First Name _____________ School of Attendance__________________
Last Name ________________ First Name _____________ School of Attendance__________________
Last Name ________________ First Name _____________ School of Attendance__________________
The Child School/Legacy High School
Your special background, skill, and interest can be of invaluable help to your child’s education.
MY CHILD’S NAME IS: ____________________________________
HOME #: _______________________
Parent/Guardian #1
Name: ___________________________
Occupation/Skill __________________________
Work Tel. #: _________________________
Cell #: _________________________
Name of Company: __________________________________________
Parent/Guardian #2
Name: ____________________________
Occupation/Skill __________________________
Work Tel #: ______________________
Cell #: __________________________
Name of Company: _________________________________________
The Child School/Legacy High School
1. My child’s name is: ___________________________. Date: _______________
2. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the school in writing of any changes in medication,
address, telephone number or in arrival/dismissal arrangements.
(Parent/Guardian Signature)
3. I give permission for my child to participate in school arranged field trips and supervised athletic events
(during and after school)
(Parent/Guardian Signature)
4. I hereby give permission for my child to be taken to a nearby hospital by The Child School/Legacy High
School staff if an Emergency Occurs.
(Parent/Guardian Signature)
5. I give permission for my child to be videotaped or photographed at The Child School/Legacy High School
and understand that these videotapes and photographs may be used for fundraising, educational and
TCS Website purposes.
(Parent/Guardian Signature)
6. I understand that if I wish to change or modify this permission slip I may do so at
any time by notifying the program administrative assistant.
The Child School/Legacy High School
To assure the confidentiality of children’s records, The Child School/Legacy High School adheres to the
following procedures.
1. All children’s files are kept in locked file cabinets. These records include but are not limited to:
 All Child School/Legacy High School clinical and educational data
 All CSE reports
 Copies of IEP’s
 Medical reports
2. The following persons may have access to the files:
 Child’s parent/guardian
 Current administrative staff, teachers, and specialists
 Authorized persons from the D.O.E.
3. To view a file, the above-listed persons must request the file from: The Administrative Assistant,
Office Assistant, or Receptionist (parent/guardians are advised of their right to access their child’s
files on an annual basis)
4. Files may only be viewed within the confines of the Administrative Office Area
You have the right to review your child’s records.
Please call the school if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment to
review records.
I have read the above notice and understand that I have the right to review my child’s records.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
The Child School / Legacy High School
The following forms are included in the Medical Information Packet:
School Confidential Medical Record
The Child School / Legacy High School strongly encourages ALL students have YEARLY medical
evaluations. It is important that we have the most updated medical information on file for each child.
To facilitate this, the school nurse will send home a reminder letter along with a blank medical form
each year a month before your child’s last yearly examination expires.
All newly enrolled students will need to return the attached Medical Form (both sides) documenting a
comprehensive medical examination and all required immunizations by a licensed medical provider as
soon after enrollment as possible. Students are not permitted to attend school if they do not meet
immunization requirements.
Make certain that your child’s physician signs the lower box on the first page of the Medical Record
authorizing over-the counter-medications for your child and signs and stamps page two of the Medical
Please note that students must present proof of a comprehensive physical examination prior to
participation in any after-school sport activity.
Authorization for Administration of Medication
It is imperative that your child’s physician completes this form if your child takes medication at HOME or
at SCHOOL. This form must be complete in order to administer any prescription medications to your
child during the school day. This must be updated yearly or whenever your child’s medication regimen
changes. Please inform the school immediately whenever your child’s medication changes.
Special Alerts
Complete and sign-off even if your child has no special alerts. This must be updated yearly.
Please inform the school whenever your child is absent. It is particularly important for us to know if
your child is out due to a medical reason.
Please contact the School Nurse with any questions or concerns @ 212-223-5055.
YEAR: 2013-2014
The Child School /Legacy High School Confidential Medical Record
Social Security #:
(No.) (Street)
AGE: _________
Mother’s Name:
Work Number:
Cell Number:
Other Contact Number:
Father’s Name:
Work Number:
Cell Number:
Other Contact Number:
Parent Address (if different from child)
□ Mother
□ Father
Student’s Health Insurance Carrier:
ID #:
Policy #:
Emergency Contact(s) if Parent(s) Unavailable:
Name / Relation:
Name / Relation: _____
Home Number:
Home Number:
Work Number:
Work Number:
Cell Number:
Cell Number:
The School Nurse, or other authorized representative in the case of nurse’s absence, has permission to administer the following medications (check
all for which you give permission):
 □ Tylenol
 □ Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
 □ Benadryl (Allergic Reaction, Allergy)
 □ Antacid (Tums, Maalox, Pepto Bismol)
 □ Cough Drop / Throat Lozenge
 □ Antibiotic Ointment
 □ Cold Medication (Advil Cold & Sinus)

(Parent Signature)
(Physician Signature)
Child’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Allergies: □ None □ Epi pen prescribed
□ Food
□ Medicine
□ Other
Immunization History
Date Immunization(s) Given
Is this child currently seen by an outside:
Counselor / Therapist? □ Yes □ No
(Name & Phone Number)
Psychologist? □ Yes □ No
Hep B
(Name & Phone Number)
Psychiatrist? □ Yes □ No
(Name & Phone Number)
NEW Effective September 1, 2007 (for students born
after January 1, 1994 upon entering 6th or 7th grade):
 Tdap
To be filled out by Physician
Date of Examination:
Physical Examination: □ Normal
□ Abnormal – Please specify:
Date of last TB Test:
Scoliosis Screening: □ Present
□ Absent
Current Medical Problems: □ None
□ Present:
Asthma: □ None □ Occasional □ Severe
Treatment Plan:
Past Illnesses (including contagious diseases):
□ None □
Is the student on any medication(s)? □ None
□ Medication(s), Amount, Time to be given:
Physician Recommendations
Please specify limitations and/or special alerts:
□ Full Physical Activity □ Restrictions (specify):
(Physician Signature)
(Address & Phone # and Stamp)
(Physician: Please Print Name)
YEAR: 2013-2014
Child’s Name:
Date of Birth: /
Authorization for Administration of Medication
Both the parent/guardian and the doctor of the child who is taking the medication in school must complete this
form. According to New York State Education Department regulation, we must have this form in order to
administer any prescription medications to your child.
To be Completed by Parent/Guardian
I request that my child
receive the medication as
prescribed below by our licensed health provider. The medication is to be furnished by me in a properly labeled
container from the pharmacy. I understand that the school nurse will administer my child his/her medication.
To be Completed by Licensed Health Care Provider
Name of student:
Date of birth:
Name of 1st medication:
Prescribed dosage/frequency/route of administration:
Time of day to be given:
Duration of treatment:
Possible side effects and adverse reactions (if any):
Name of 2nd medication:
Prescribed dosage/frequency/route of administration:
Time of day to be given:
Duration of treatment:
Possible side effects and adverse reactions (if any):
Name of Licensed Prescriber and Title (please print):
Signature of Provider:
Please stamp here:
Today’s date: ____________________
Child’s Name:
Date of Birth: /
Special Alerts
This form must be filled in by all parents even if your child has no special alerts.
By SPECIAL ALERTS we mean any physical or emotional condition that the school should be aware of in order to
keep your child safe and healthy. For example: has seizures, wears glasses, has allergies to…, is fearful of…
My child’s name is:
My child has no special alerts that the school needs to be aware of.
My child’s special alerts are listed below:
(Please list all special alerts with details. For example, if allergic, what is he/she allergic to? What is the reaction
if exposed? What treatment would be needed?)
Special Alert
If necessary, please attach another page.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
August 2013
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Child School participates in the NYC Department of Education’s school food service program. All students receive
breakfast daily in school at no charge. Additionally, lunch is provided at no charge during the summer months. During the
10-month program, if you would like your child to receive lunch at school each day, please complete the Schools Meals
Application provided. Completed applications allow students from eligible households to receive free or reduced price
meals throughout the year. D.O.E. applications for free and reduced meals can also be completed online: or
Billing procedure – High School: Students will “pay as they go.” Meals will be provided to students only upon payment.
Billing procedure - Elementary and Middle School: For 2013-2014 school year, we are collecting one payment for the entire
year in September 2013 for each child receiving lunch from the NYC Department of Education. Please consult the
information on the reverse side of this notice labeled “Income Eligibility Guidelines For Reduced-Price Meals” to
determine your eligibility for Reduced Price Meals / Free Meals.
For Full Price lunch @ $1.50 each
For Reduced Price lunch @ $.25 each
For 2013-2014
For 2013-2014
For all programs: please return the bottom portion of this letter along with your D.O.E. Lunch Application Form by
10/18/2013 otherwise you will be charged full price. Please do not delay.
Even if you do not qualify for free or reduced price meals, you still need to complete parts 1, 2 and 5 of the application. The
application is also used to determine the amount of Title I Federal Funding our school will receive for supplies such as
books, and other classroom resources. If you feel that you are not eligible for free or reduced-price meals then check the
box next to the statement I do not qualify for free or reduced-price meals at the top of the form and return it to help
ensure adequate funding to your school!
___ (All Programs) My son/daughter qualifies for free D.O.E. lunch.
___ (High School) My child qualifies for reduced price D.O.E. lunch. My child will pay for lunch daily.
___ (High School) My child does not qualify for free / reduced D.O.E. lunch. My child will pay full price for lunch daily.
___ (Elementary / Middle School) My child does not qualify for D.O.E. free or reduced price lunch.
Attached please find $270.00 check/cash for full price lunch meals.
___ (Elementary / Middle School) My child qualifies for D.O.E. reduced price lunch.
Attached please find $45.00 check/cash for reduced price lunch.
___ (All Programs) I do not wish for my child to receive D.O.E. lunch. Parts 1,2 and 5 of the application are complete.
Checks payable to: The Child School / Attention: Lalig Vartanian
(Parent Name)
(Student Name)
(Today’s Date)
Food and Nutrition Service Child Nutrition Programs; Income Eligibility Guidelines
The Child School / Legacy High School
Dietary Restrictions
We are a Peanut and Nut Free School
The Child School / Legacy High School has numerous students with severe peanut allergies. We require that no
food / snacks / drinks with peanuts or nuts or traces of peanuts or nuts, peanut oil, or peanut or nut by-products
are allowed on the Child School/Legacy High School campus.
Therefore, for lunch and snacks we do not permit peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, granola
bars, and any cookies that contain nuts.
Under federal law, peanuts and tree nuts have to be clearly identified in a food label if they're used as an
ingredient. Look for the word "peanuts" or a particular type of tree nut -- macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, cashews,
almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, chestnuts, beechnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts (pignoli or pinon), gingko nuts
or hickory nuts -- in the list of ingredients, or following the word "Contains."
Foods that pose a possibility of manufacturing cross-contamination -- that is, where nuts were processed on one
line and then another nut-free food was made on the same line, where it could potentially have been
contaminated with nuts -- are not allowed in nut-free schools as ours. Look for warnings like "may include
traces of peanuts" or "manufactured on a shared line with tree nuts." Package notices to the effect of "made in
a nut-free facility" indicate safe snacks.
It is the responsibility of each parent to READ the LABEL on all food/snacks before they are brought on
Please visit to learn more
about Peanut and Nut Allergies.
Junk Food
The Child School / Legacy High School encourages student to make healthy choices concerning food. For
optimal functioning, we encourage a diet that is adequate in protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber,
without excessive amounts of calories, saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars. Sugary foods, chips, and soda
are not permitted on campus. Please do not send these products in with your child’s lunch/snack. Chewing gum
is also not permitted in school.
Heating up food
Students are not permitted to heat up food in the microwave unless there is a medical reason. In this case, a
note from your child’s doctor is required.
Warm Weather:
Uniform polo shirts (colors indicated below) with khaki, navy blue, or black shorts or pants
Uniform polo shirts (colors indicated below) with khaki, navy blue, or black skirts, shorts, or pants
Cold Weather:
Uniform polo shirts (colors indicated below) with navy blue or black pants
Uniform polo shirts (colors indicated below) with navy blue or black skirts or pants
Please note:
Students may wear sneaker of their choice. If they choose to wear shoes, they must be black flats.
Students in all programs have the option of wearing a solid color, button down shirt with a tie.
Information regarding long-sleeve shirts, sweaters, and gym uniforms will follow.
Please support the school dress code by not allowing your children to wear jeans, cargo pants/shorts, or hoodies. Skirt lengths
cannot be more than one inch above the knee.
Please acknowledge receipt of this notice by signing and returning to school with your child.
Student Name:____________________________
Parent/Guardian: ______________________________
Short-Sleeve Shirts Only
Youth sizes, S – XL:
Regular sizes, S- XL:
Plus sizes, 2XL and 4XL:
Student Name: ___________________________________________________________
Grade of Student: _________________________________________________________
Size: ____________
Ladies or Men (Regular and plus sizes only):_____________
Indicate number of shirts desired next to color:
Elementary School:
Light Blue ________ Royal Blue ________
Middle School:
Light Blue ________ Navy Blue ________ Maroon ________
High School:
Black ________ Navy Blue ________ Dark Green ________
Gray ________ White ________
Please enclose a check or complete the information below for credit card purchases and return this order form to the school
in an envelope addressed “Shirt Sale”.
Name on Card: ______________________________
Visa/Master Card/Discover
Billing Address: __________________________________________________________
Card Number: ____________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: _________ Security Code: _________ Zip Code: _________________
Telephone Number: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________
I hereby authorize The Child School/Legacy High School to charge my credit card for the total amount of $____________.
Cardholder Signature: _____________________________________
Middle School Supply List
September 2013
3 Ring Binder, 2 inch, hard cover
3 Ring Pencil Case (to be used with Binder)
3 Ring Folders: 2 Blue, 2 Red, 2 Green, 2 Yellow, 2 Black
3 packages: Loose Leaf Paper (lined, wide-ruled)
2 packages: Color-coded Dividers
4 packages: No. 2 pencils (for school)
4 packages: No. 2 pencils (for home)
2 Bic four-color Ball Point Pens: medium point / black, blue, red, green (for school)
4 Bic four-color Ball Point Pens: medium point / black, blue, red, green (for home)
1 package: Graph Paper
2 reams: Copy Paper – letter size 8 ½ x 11 (500 pages each)
1 package: Construction Paper
1 package: small index cards
1 package: lager index cards
1 package: 10 Magic Markers or Color Pencils
1 package: Highlighters (Assorted Colors)
2 packages: Expo Dry Erase Markers
1 Scientific Calculator – Casio FX – 260 Solar
1 Protractor
1 Ruler, 6 inch
1 Eraser
1 pair of Scissors (child size)
1 Combination Pad Lock (Master Lock® brand only; keyless only)
Note: combinations will be recorded by Homeroom teacher
2 containers: Clorox Disinfectant Wipes
2 boxes: Kleenex Tissue
2 rolls: Paper Towels
2 bottles: Hand Sanitizer
Please make certain your child brings in these supplies by the first week of September.
Note to Parents: Please ensure that your child comes to school each day with the following in their
Pencil Case:
 2 Pencils - sharpened
 2 Pens
 Small Ruler / protractor
 Eraser
Thank you!
Legacy High School Supply List 2013-2014
Homeroom Supplies:
 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
 4 rolls of paper towels
 4 boxes of tissues
 4 containers of Clorox disinfectant wipes
 2 reams of white copy paper
 4 packs of 8 ½ X 11 of reinforced filler paper (loose leaf) from Staples
 1 pair of scissors
 1 pack of multi-colored Construction paper
 4 boxes of pencils (Dixon Ticonderoga Brand)
 2 packages of erasers, white and latex free
 1 box of black ink pens
 1 box of blue ink pens
 1 pack of fine point sharpies (not ultra fine)
 1 pack of highlighters
 1 pack of dry erase markers (multi-colored)
 4 packs of colored index cards
 1 pack of colored pencils (36 count)
 1 pack of markers (8 or 10 count)
Individual Supplies:
 Flash drive
 Personal pencil sharper (not electric)
 12 inch ruler
 Presentation File: Cardinal custom show file presentation book (24 pockets)- only
for 9th grade
 Carrying case for pencils, etc.
 Scientific calculator (Casio fx 115 Ms is recommended)
 5 sets of 5 item dividers
 5 three ring-one inch binders ( For 9th,10th and 11th grade)
o Red-Math
o Blue-English
o White-Spanish
o Green-Science
o Black-Global
 One notebook in each one of the colors: red, blue, green, black.
The Child School/Legacy High School
Parents Association
August 13, 2013
Dear Parents,
Welcome to another school year. We’d like to remind you that all parents are members of the Parents
Association and you’re all welcome to become active on the steering committee, which runs our
activities and events.
This year, we’re starting an ambitious new plan to help supplement programs and services at the school.
The plan involves the creation of an Annual Fund that will raise funds for every classroom. You will be
hearing more about this critically important endeavor in September so please stay tuned.
Meanwhile, please watch the school calendar for the many events that the steering committee is
planning for this year, including the following:
PA MEETINGS. We host four meetings during the school year. For each meeting, we invite
special guests who are experts in their fields to speak on topics important to all parents.
FUNDRAISING. We operate several fundraising activities, including the student-centered Dancea-thon in the winter and a silent auction during the Founder’s Award Benefit in the spring. The
proceeds of these activities are donated to the school to enrich our children’s educational
SOCIAL EVENTS. We’re planning to host several social events that bring parents and students
together, including a pot-luck international dinner and a bowling night for families and a cocktail
party for parents.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at these events and we hope that you will join us to help make this
a terrific year at the school.
The Parents Association’s Steering Committee