Wood, Communication In Our Lives 6e University of Rhode Island March 30, 2011 Your Cengage Team Meghan Kenney, Sales Representative Wendy Nelson, Digital Solutions Manager Ed Williams, Custom Editor Wendy May, Custom Digital Supervisor Bill Lisowski, District Manager Jane Karpacz, Regional Digital Solutions Manager Greer Lleuad, Developmental Editor-Communication Amy Whitaker, Senior Marketing Manager Monica Eckman, Publisher Lyn Uhl, Senior Publisher 2 Agenda Review strengths of Wood Changes in the new edition of Wood Suggested customization and enrichment modules for the new edition of Wood CourseMate software Suggested customization to CourseMate Wrap-up 3 The URI Decision Site: Your source for Comm 100! http://www.cengagesites.com/academic/?site=5308 4 Recapping what we heard about Wood at URI •Students generally like the Wood text. •The reading level is appropriate for most students. •The book is clear and well-organized; even inexperienced TAs and adjuncts can successfully teach the book without extensive additional work/preparation. •Wood offers clear, thorough presentation of the major research in communication. Research is kept up-to-date. •Social diversity is integrated throughout. •The book is well-tested across the country; there are no unpleasant surprises! •The technology solution has worked very well— • Post-tests make a big improvement in student performance on exams. “Technology has clearly helped the class, helped the students, and has helped the program achieve a consistency it has never had before.” --Adam 5 Updates to the new 6th edition of Wood 6 Streamlined all chapters by deleting dated material and tightening up prose 7 New research and updated information throughout 8 Throughout the book An increased emphasis on active learning, with questions in the margins, prompts students to connect material to their lives. 9 Throughout the book Beyond the Classroom "Beyond the Classroom" appears at the end of chapters in Parts I and II. This feature offers suggestions for taking the material in the chapter beyond the classroom in three ways: •Workplace •Ethics •Engagement 10 Chapter 13 updates, continued 11 Throughout the book Research in Our Lives "Research in Our Lives" appears in selected chapters. Each Research in Our Lives feature highlights communication research that is particularly relevant to issues and contexts of students' lives. The purpose of this feature is to show students that communication research really does make a difference in the "real world.” 12 Other Research In Our Lives contents Chpt 3: Half and Half Article by Stephanie Young in which she considers how identity is expressed and negotiated in relationships between immirgrant and their secondegeneration interracial daughters. Chpt 5: “I” versus “We” in IMs Does it matter whether partners in a relationship use “I” or “we” more often in IMs? Chpt 9: Grieve with me; let me grieve alone We all experience losses in our lives, but the loss of a child is especially devastating to the individual parents and often to marriages. How do parents experience grief and how do they communicate about it with each other? Chpt 15: What counts as evidence? We insist that people support their claims with evidence. But what counts as evidence? There are cultural differences in what is perceived as effective evidence. 13 Presentation title (Edit in View > Header and Footer) Throughout the book Social and Cultural Diversity Coverage of social and cultural diversity is woven into each chapter not only to reflect our contemporary society but also to help students appreciate social diversity and its profound implications for how we communicate with others. 14 Significantly updated Chpt 13: Media and Media Literacy 15 Chapter 13 updates, continued 16 Chapter 13 updates, continued 17 Chapter 13 updates, continued 18 Chapter 13 updates, continued 19 Chapter 13 updates, continued 20 Customizing the new 6th edition of Wood 21 Suggested custom additions to the new edition of Wood New introductory module on CourseMate: how to register, how to use it, what the benefits to URI students are New module on Non-Verbal Communication New module on Mediated Communication New module on Mass Media New module on Conflict 22 New Module: Non-Verbal Communication From Knapp, Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction Chapter 12: Using Nonverbal Behavior in Daily Interaction •Communicating intimacy • Quasi-courtship behavior • Liking behavior, or Immediacy • Being close in close relationships • Mutual Influence •Communicating Dominance and Status •Managing the Interaction •Greeting Behavior •Turn-Taking Behavior •Leave-Taking Behavior •Communicating our Identity •Personal Identity •Social Identity •Deceiving Others •A Perspective for Communicators •Summary 23 New Module: Social Media Mediated Communication David C. DeAndrea & Stephanie Tom Tong, both of Michigan State Mediated Versus Face-To-Face Communication Constructing Mediated Messages Receiving and Reacting to Mediated Messages Interpersonal Relationships and Mediated Communication Making the Grade/Summary Thorough coverage of social networking programs (e.g., Facebook) 24 New Module: Mass Media Straubhaar, Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology, 7th Edition 5. Recorded Music. 6. Radio. 7. Film and Home Video. 8. Television. 9. The Internet. 10. Public Relations. 11. Advertising. 12. The Third Screen: From Bell's Phone to iPhone. 13. Video Games. 1. The Changing Media. 14. Media Uses and Effects. 2. Media and Society. 15. Media Policy and Law. 3. Books and Magazines. 16. Media Ethics. 4. Newspapers. 17. Global Communications Media. 25 New Module: Mass Media (Alternative) Biagi, Media/Impact We included the Biagi text in your binder. You can select chapter(s) from either Biagi or from Straubhaar. 26 New Module: Conflict West/Turner, •Defining Conflict Understanding Interpersonal Communications •Types of Conflict Chapter 9 •Myths about Conflict and Communication • Communication Assessment Test •Factors Influencing Interpersonal Conflict • Gender and Sex • Ethics •Communication Patterns in Conflict •The Dark Side of Interpersonal Conflict •The Bright Side of Interpersonal Conflict •Explaining Conflict •The Relationship of Conflict to Power •Choices for Conflict Management •Summary 27 CourseMate Software http://coursemate.cengage.com/CPReader/View/9781111764593/default.aspx#fd633e60-8dd4-4691-b3fa-0f37f59661cf Research on Coursemate 29 30 31 32 Customizing CourseMate: Add Video Case Studies http://www.cengagesites.com/academic/?site=5308 Add a new video tab: URI Video Activity 33 Customizing CourseMate: Adding videos to the CLebook We can add videos (for example, Adam’s lectures) directly into the CLebook and/or we can add them as a tab on the CourseMate nav bar: 34 Meeting URI’s needs Summary Q: Can we have improved highlighting/note-taking in the ebook? * Yes! Q: Can we send messages/attachments to all instructors and/or all students across the course? * It can be done through Sakai…though it isn’t easy! Q: Can we update the videos? Speeches? Can we add You Tube links? Can we have questions on videos for the students to answer? * Yes! Q: Can we post new links to course somewhere during the semester? * We believe this can be done through Sakai. We can update CourseMate each semester for you. 35 Meeting URI’s needs Q: What can we do to make the book more closely meet our needs? * The 6th edition has been updated! * Include Enrichment Modules. Q: What can we do to improve the analytics? * Use CourseMate; link out to it from Sakai. Q: What can we do to beef up the post-test system? * We can add questions to the existing quizzes * We can add content to the custom textbook to communicate the goals of the post-tests more clearly to students. 36 Meeting URI’s needs Q: Can we fix the problem with the videos playing in Sakai without sound? Yes! Q: Can we add case studies (to the book? The digital component?) Yes! But in the interests of time, we would suggest putting them in the digital component, especially if you are writing your own! Q: Are the questions randomized? Yes! 37 Reminder: It’s all in the URI decision site! http://login.cengage.com/cb/ 38 Continued partnership with URI URI editorial review of PowerPoints & Test Bank Option for URI to write additional Case Studies End-of-Semester Department Dinner Technology Implementation with Sakai (working with Charlene) Faculty Training Student FCIS (First Class In-Service) Instructor Desk Copy Materials http://www.cengagesites.com/academic/?site=5308 39 Cengage + URI in the future: 40 Thank you! We look forward to our continued partnership! 41