MEETING OF THE NACOLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS DATE: NOVEMBER 12, 2014 BOARD MEMBERS: Brian Buchner, Brian Corr, Ainsley Cromwell, Joyce Hicks, Christian Klossner, Nick Mitchell, Avice Reid, Dawn Reynolds, Ilana Rosenzweig, Mark Smith, Karen Williams Non-Voting Members: Director of Training and Education, Cameron McEllhiney, Director of Operations, Liana Perez P=Present, AE=Absent Excused, R=Recused M=Move, S=Second, P=Pass, Y=Yes, N=No, AB=Abstain ROLL CALL 11-12-14 Board Members: BB BC AC JH CK NM AR DR IR MS KW P A P P P P P P P P E 4:2 1 NON-BOARD MEMBERS Cameron McEllhiney Dir. Training & Education P Liana Perez Dir. of Operations P MINUTES 9-13-2014 NACOLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Discussion: These minutes were of the pre-conference meeting held by the Board in Kansas City. The board was sent out a copy of the corrected minutes. M AR S JH P PassedAs amended 10-242014 Discussion: These minutes related to a special meeting of the Board convened to consider Brian Buchner’s application for a Soros Fellowship. Several email corrections had been made prior to the meeting. M JH BB BC AC JH CK NM AR DR IR MS KW S P AR Passed as amended A Abstain Abstain Abstain Approved by the Board of Directors December 12, 2014 REPORTS Traveled to Ferguson, MO and met with Mayor, representatives from the police department, stakeholders, clergy. BB attended the first meeting of the task force BB seeking to establish an oversight system. The Mayor served as the facilitator; BB provided them with information on models, information on oversight systems in smaller communities such as Ferguson (<20,000 in population). They were receptive and there seemed to be a degree of consensus. They have much to work out in the months to come. His meeting with the Chief was separate as he was not able to attend the meeting of the task force. The Chief was particularly concerned about the need for training for review board members. They also discussed the need for the review board to have access to records. Discussion followed: DR asked whether there was discussion about creating a regional oversight system and sharing resources. BB replied there was some frustration in Ferguson that they had reached out to other jurisdictions in the area but had not heard anything back. SECRETARY Organizational: 59 Student: 6 PRESIDENT BB ON BEHALF OF KW TREASURER AR Regular: 40 Life: 18 Associate: 38 Total 161 members. AR reminded board members to submit requests for reimbursements so she can close the accounts. Checking: $80,020.72 Savings: $86,053.89 Scholarship: $6,531.27 Total: $172,605.88 DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: AR reported she had just received a debit card for the account. DR: Question was asked as to whether there were any outstanding bills. AR responded that we have paid the majority of conference expenses for Kansas City and most of the expense for the regional conference in Austin. CK: Do we have a surplus? CM: There will be some expenses from the upcoming Austin conference. Reminded board members to submit their travel vouchers if they haven’t already done so. CM reported that she and Camme had reviewed Certified Practitioner of Oversight tagged the CPO process after the conference. This involved getting information out to 25 people who obtained the certificate for the first time or renewed. This was taken over from Charlie Reynolds who has retired from the board. IR stated the Training Committee is looking for a volunteer to help with this. All of the board members have Approved by the Board of Directors December 12, 2014 submitted their conflict of interest forms save one-this person was reminded. LP: TRAINING & EDUCATION OLD BUSINESS NACOLE-ILEAA Regional Conference has taken up most of her time. The conference will be covered in under the Training and Education. SONOMA COUNTY: CM: the contact we had with Sonoma County is no longer with the county. Kalua Barnes is now in that role and she and Camme have spoken. They have a group that is putting together some information for the task force will be setting up the and may need further assistance. They have had some time finding a time for discussion. CM suggested that in future any bid quotes we make should have a firm timeline so we if we have to start over with another group the additional work doesn’t fall under the old bid. 26:00 MOTION M: BB BC AC JH CK NM AR DR IR MS KW S: P: NEW BUSINESS KW and LP have been working together on coordinating the Secretary’s responsibilities, including keeping membership up-to-date and corresponding with members. These tasks are separated now and it is working pretty well. LP receives the checks and notifies KW. Discussion: It was reiterated that some of the Secretary’s duties should not be delegated. It is a lot of work for one board officer. They will continue to work on this issue and get back to the board. M: S: P: M: S: P: COMMITTEE REPORTS Conference The conference committee has met twice. The local coordinators are very positive and CK & CM eager to move forward. They would like to add special sessions. It was stressed to them that the board ultimately has to approve the plans. The committee is beginning work on local scholarships and engaging local coordinators in this effort. The deadline for next year’s conference proposals are due December 5, 20014. Approved by the Board of Directors December 12, 2014 Elections BB filling in for AC Finance Committee AR Membership, Development & Engagement BB stated there were some concerns regarding voting cards and proxies. During the annual meeting the question came up as to why Associate Members are not allowed to vote. Discussion followed. The limitation on voting was instituted by the founding members of NACOLE along with the traditional concerns as to whether interest groupssuch as civil rights groups or law enforcement advocates, would steer the organization away from its mission or advocate for standards that are less objective. We should continue this discussion and keep membership informed. The Finance committee met and reviewed the auditor’s suggestion as to separating the duties of collecting funds and making deposits. One possible solution is to subscribe to a service offered by Chase called a Lockbox. The monthly fee is $150. We will continue to look at options. We currently do not have a way to separate income from donations as we receive them. LP worked diligently and successfully during the conference to keep scholarship donations recorded while money was also coming in for purchases. We would have to pay a separate fee for another swipe card. CM: We also have to have petty cash available, particularly during the conference. One conference attendee complained about the $9.95 added by Event Brite as a fee for online conference registration and making the actual cost to the attendee $409.95. We went with Event Brite so we wouldn’t have to pay a web master to create a portal for registration on our website. The question was raised as to whether we should simply raise the conference registration fee to cover that cost. LP stated that in her bookkeeping she separates and tracks the income and the fees that are paid to Event Brite. It was noted that it is a common practice to have to pay a processing fee when registering on-line for events. MS stated the group had not yet met but planned to do so early in December. He thought the people selected to serve on the committee had a lot to offer. JH & MS Newsletter BB Outreach & Public Relations BC KW is in route to Austin for the regional conference so BB gave the report. They have set a publication schedule and have almost everything written up on the conference in Kansas City. They are waiting for the Austin conference to be concluded so an article can be included about it. An email has gone out asking for contributions for the next edition. Discussion: It was suggested that something on Eric Holder’s impact on oversight might be of interest. BB stated that Anita Gupta, the Acting Director of the DOJ Civil Rights Division has agreed to attend the conference in Riverside. No report Pres Advisory BB Training Standards & Education IR Met and has established a schedule to meet monthly; they have also formed subgroups to work on individual tasks. As to regional conferences they seem themselves as more of a support group with local agencies and volunteers taking the lead. They will work to Approved by the Board of Directors December 12, 2014 ensure that training programs meet NACOLE standards. Kelvyn Anderson in Philadelphia is interested in hosting a regional training event. A group in Florida is also interested. Discussion: Tim Burns and Pierce Murphy have expressed an interest in doing something in Washington. Sometimes get-togethers can simply be for the purpose of networking. CM: There have been some structural issues in working with ILEAA on the first joint conference so this has been a learning experience. The Seattle Symposium is on schedule for February. Sam Walker has expressed interest in helping with another symposium. MS stated he has been discussing a possible training event at Berkeley; his contact is Byron Norris. Scholarship Committee Strategic Planning DR & AR Website NM President’s Comments ADJOURN IR has spoken twice with the local scholarship committee. They are exploring the best way to fund raise and trying to ascertain whether they can legally do a fundraiser. The question was asked as to whether Riverside has a foundation that would take it on. They will repeat the fundraising dinner and try to keep the cost of the dinner close to per diem so they will still feel inspired to write a check. The committee wants to know whether the awarded scholarships could be set up to cover the actual cost of registration. LP and CM are working to verify what these actual costs are. The committee met and has set up a regular scheduled meeting for each month. They are continuing to wrap up projects from last year. A sub-committee will be working on finalizing a basic set of FAQs—identifying the initial set of questions most commonly asked. They will move on from there. They are continuing to work on and add to the list of Definitions. And editing and re-editing the policies and procedures. It is a moving target as the organization continues to change and grow with each passing month. The new committee members are keen. We also want to continue to explore new working agreements with other non-profit groups and educational institutions. The committee has met once and is establishing monthly meetings. It is a small but dedicated group. They focused on expanding the website particularly with regard to members only. They are exploring how to go about putting some of the seminar sessions on the website. This will probably involve asking our pro bono attorney for some advice on what content can reasonably be posted on-line and what releases we would need to obtain. They are also interested in a searchable archive of reports and studies. The need to expand NACOLE’s social media platforms, BB has taken a lot of this on. They discussed whether the list-serve would be better somewhere other than Yahoo. M DR NM S: P MATERIALS P Minutes: 9-13-2014 -Approved Minutes: 10-18-2014 – Approved as amended Respectfully submitted: Dawn Reynolds, Acting Secretary Approved by the Board of Directors December 12, 2014