How to Write a Thesis Seminar on Expression What is expected from the Thesis • PROCESS AND RESULT • Evidence of the candidate’s capacity to carry out independent research under the guidance of supervisor and demonstrate the result of that work. Process • Find and watch films - films to be discussed and films related to those • Analyse them and discover the possible issues that you can take up for your thesis - MAKE A LIST • Find and read articles and books - those directly on the subject of your thesis and those related to it. • TAKE NOTES and discover what is discussed, particularly, what is the matter of critical debate. • Do you agree or disagree the discussion: What you disagree to will help you find your own argument. Process • What should you do with the information on the internet? • Extremely useful to search the source of information and database •,,,,, JSTOR • On line information and database will send you to written sources. • You should use internet sources, only when they are not available in written forms. Process • Keep clearly what you gathered - everything that you want to keep - in ‘CLIPS Research Record Files’ - detachable cards which can be reassembled. • Can be lengthy or repetitive • Keep records where appears the scene which we take note of. Hour, Minute, Second with comments Result • THINK - PLAN - WRITE - REVISE • Think about what you watched and read; go through your cards and records • Reassemble and group the cards according to themes • ex. Lighting: Card A, Card D, Card N, Card Q … Pan: Card B, Card H, Card J, Card Z Race (West Indians) Card E, Card F, Card N, Card L Result • • • • • • • • • • PLAN Plan what you are going to write Plan what method and approach you are using Plan what conclusion you want to draw Plan what structure you will give 1 Introduction (incl. materials and methods) 2 Hypothesis 3 Observation and analysis (narrative and style) 4 Case Studies (2 and 3 can be combined) 5 Conclusion 6 Bibliography and References Result • Write with the reader in mind - me: avoid writing too much obvious facts and lengthy summary of stories • Write following academic writing conventions • Italicize the title of the film, Godfather; For titles (book, article, film, thesis, chapter etc), capitalize words except articles and prepositions ‘One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’; Footnote at the bottom of the page if there are many, but place footnotes at the end of the chapter, if there are a few. • Follow MLA Style Sheet Film Studies Thesis Studies • Film Analysis • Genre studies • Director studies • Film History • Film Theory • Technical Analysis • Sociology of (through) Film • Star Studies • Studies on an individual aspect of filmmaking