Speech Communication Assessment Day Critical Thinking Introductions Did you like these questions? 2. The speaker creates a thesis and message relevant to the audience. YES ___ NO ___ N/A ___ 3. The speaker reasons logically, providing evidence that supports the thesis. YES ___ NO ___ N/A ___ 4. The speaker provides oral reference to credible sources exposing bias as necessary (e.g., author/authority, title, date, website, data base, journal, book, etc.) YES ___ NO ___ N/A ___ 2014-2015 Results Total Response 3,176!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Speech Faculty are #1 We had more responses than anyone else Best Practices • How many used the Thinker’s Guide to Analytic Thinking? • How many used the wheel? • Who created a new assignment to prepare students for critical thinking assessment? • Share? Please? • What might you do in the future? Supporting materials a. minimal or insufficient use or synthesis of supporting materials. b. partial or nearly sufficient use or synthesis of supporting materials. c. synthesis of appropriate supporting materials. d. synthesis of significant supporting materials. # Answer Response % 1 A. Minimal or insufficient use or synthesis of supporting materials 217 7% 2 B. Partial or nearly sufficient use or synthesis of supporting materials 580 19% 3 C. Synthesis of appropriate supporting materials 1,042 33% 4 D. Synthesis of significant supporting materials 906 29% 0 E. Not Assessed 383 12% Total 3,128 100% The speaker creates a thesis and message relevant to the audience. # Answer Response % 1 Yes 2,439 78% 2 No 211 7% 3 N/A 180 6% 0 Not Assessed 297 9% Total 3,127 100% The speaker reasons logically, providing evidence that supports the thesis # Answer Response % 1 Yes 2,319 74% 2 No 303 10% 3 N/A 209 7% 0 Not Assessed 292 9% Total 3,123 100% The speaker provides oral reference to credible sources exposing bias as necessary # Answer Response % 1 Yes 1,823 58% 2 No 663 21% 3 N/A 260 8% 0 Not Assessed 379 12% Total 3,125 100% Discussion? Break • Eat Drink and Be Merry for 10 minutes and then sober up and get back to work Interpersonal Communication Assessment Plan • Liza Schellpfeffer and Tina Tan Interpersonal Communication Assessment Plan (Liza Schellpfeffer and Tina Tan) 2014 – 2015 • Researched/ reviewed available IC-type Assessment Tools • Contact Kory Floyd for advise on any known IC Assessment Tools • Reviewed 181-statement Spitzberg and Cupach measure • Categorized relevant statement under five areas (Floyd’s Competent Communicator): Adaptability, Cognitive Complexity, Empathy, Ethics, Self Awareness • Feedback from Mayra and Mollie on new categorization • Laura Blasi advised we generate our own version of statements Interpersonal Communication Assessment Plan (Liza Schellpfeffer and Tina Tan) 2015 – 2016 Plan • Work with Laura Blasi’s team to create a Likert-scale tool with statements • Pilot tool in Fall 2015 • Implement tool in all 1017 classes in Spring 2016 Discuss and Revise 5 Year Goals • Year 4: 2015-16 already targeted for Interpersonal Communication • Year 5: 2016-17 • Creating a rubric to measure communication competency from an interpersonal standpoint • College-wide assessment of communication We’re out of here Turning it over to Deidre Holmes DuBois and April Raneri