Hidden Heroes Presentation - National Conference on ​Ministry to

Awakening America to the service and struggles of
our nation’s military and veteran caregivers
The Role of Faith in
Military Caregiving
Steve Schwab
Executive Director
The Elizabeth Dole Foundation
A Personal Call to Action
Senator Elizabeth Dole was inspired to launch the
Foundation in early 2012 after she
saw first-hand the struggles of the
spouses, parents, and other loved
ones caring for wounded, ill and
injured warriors at Walter Reed
National Military Medical Center.
Our Philosophy
Five core principles guide the philosophy of
our Foundation:
• Conduct evidence-based research on the
needs of military and veteran caregivers
• Empower caregivers
• Promote collaboration
• Drive innovation
• Raise awareness
Measuring the Crisis
The Foundation commissioned the RAND Corporation
to conduct the first nationwide, comprehensive study of
America’s military and veteran caregivers
The goals of the study were to:
• Describe the magnitude of military caregivers in the U.S.
• Describe current policies, programs, and other initiatives
designed to support military caregivers
• Identify specific recommendations for filling gaps in
Measuring the Crisis
Service and Sacrifice of Caregivers:
• 5.5 million Americans serve as military and veteran caregivers
• Caregivers provide nearly $14 billion worth of voluntary care,
each year
• Military caregivers consistently experience more health
problems, face greater strains in family relationships, and have
more workplace problems than civilian caregivers
• Post-9/11 caregivers are 4 times more likely to suffer
depression than civilian caregivers
• As 37% of post-9/11 caregivers are under the age of 30 years
old, long-term financial and legal planning is critical
Measuring the Crisis
The Complete RAND Study is
available online at:
Preparing a National Response
Armed with the RAND Study results, the Foundation’s next
step was to begin directly impacting the lives of these
hidden heroes:
• Congressional Caucus and
Caregiver Legislation
• Hidden Heroes National Coalition
• Dole Caregiver Fellows Program
• Innovation Grants
• Impact Councils
• Awareness Building
• Hidden Heroes Caregiver Community
Since we last saw you
• Held February 2015 Impact Councils
• Hosted May 2015 Caregiver Summit
• Announced the Hidden Heroes Campaign
• Expanded the Dole Caregiver Fellows program
Dole Caregiver Fellows
• The Foundation’s Dole Caregiver Fellows reflect the
challenges faced by both pre- and post-9/11 caregivers
• Our Fellows are active caregivers—representing all 50
states and Puerto Rico—and serve as key ambassadors
and advisors for the Foundation and its partners.
• The Foundation will be announcing its new class of
Fellows on February 2, 2016
Hidden Heroes Campaign
The Foundation is leading a
national effort to raise awareness
and educate the public on military
and veteran caregiver issues
Actor Tom Hanks has agreed to
chair the Hidden Heroes Campaign
At the 2015 Hidden Heroes Summit, keynoted by First Lady
Michelle Obama, Tom Hanks announced the campaign and
unveiled the Hidden Heroes Campaign logo in a video message
Campaign Partners
Senator Dole and Foundation representatives have
briefed hundreds of high profile leaders, preparing
decision-makers and cultural icons to serve as strong
advocates for military and veteran caregivers:
White House
Cabinet Secretaries
Congressional Members
County Officials
Hidden Heroes National Coalition
The Foundation’s Hidden Heroes National Coalition
includes prominent leaders from the public, private,
nonprofit, labor, government and faith communities
• Over 300 Leaders and organizations
• Members will serve as:
▫ Campaign information dissemination partners
▫ Campaign spokespersons
▫ Campaign sustainability support
▫ Service providers for military and veteran caregivers
February 2015 Impact Councils
Community Support at Home
Education and Training
Employment and Workplace Support
Interfaith Action and Ministry
Financial and Legal Issues
Mental and Physical Health
Respite Care
Interfaith Action and Ministry
• 29% of military caregivers seek support for their caregiving
responsibilities through a spiritual or religious outlet
• Faith-based programs created specifically for military
caregivers are very scarce
• Many faith leaders and communities don’t have adequate
resources in place to effectively support people who are
struggling with such issues such as P.T.S., T.B.I., or
depression as a result of caregiving
Interfaith Action and Ministry
• The Interfaith Action and Ministry Council has been
tasked with identifying the disconnect between the
caregiver and faith communities, and creating
adequate resources to fill this gap
• Council members have collaborated extensively with
Dole Caregiver Fellows and Staff since the February
Impact Forum to create a plan of action
Interfaith Action and Ministry
• The Council has outlined a 4 part plan to address the
gaps in services and support:
1. Create and disseminate a survey to faith and military
caregiver communities
2. Use survey results to determine most critical areas of need
3. Create materials and identify existing programs and
replicable resources
4. Leverage Hidden Heroes National Coalition to distribute
materials to faith and military caregiver communities
Laurel Rodewald
Promising Programs
Chaplain Craig Muehler
CAPT, CHC, USN, (Ret.)
Director, Ministry to the Armed Forces
The Lutheran Church - Operation Barnabas
Diana Dale
CEO & President
Worklife Institute