Terms of Use and Guidelines for Little Theater v.2 2013-2014 It is the mission of any departmental production, student directed or otherwise, that takes place in the Little Theater to; create, nurture and develop artists, performers, and scholars while striving to advance the arts through a collaborative learning process modeled on current, professional industry methodologies. 1 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 Eric Steggall Managing Director eric.steggall@oberlin.edu (440) 775-8162 office Joe Natt Technical Director joe.natt@oberlin.edu (440) 775-8163 office Jonathan Maag Master Electrician LT Supervisor jonathan.maag@oberlin.edu (440) 775-8182 office Michael Cunningham LTSTA mcunning@oberlin.edu Noah Guthman LTSTA nguthman@oberlin.edu Paul Moser Advisor pmoser@oberlin.edu (440) 775-8159 office Christopher McCollum Scenic Advisor cmccollu@oberlin.edu (440) 775-8131 office Daniel James Warner Center Technical Coordinator daniel.james@oberlin.edu (440) 775-8153 Barb Kessler Central Ticketing Office barbara.kessler@oberlin.edu (440) 775-8169 Julia Perez Publicity julia.perez@oberlin.edu (603) 667-3194 cell Deb Zvosec Book Keeper deb.zvosec@oberlin.edu (440) 775-8547 Costume Shop (440) 775-8164 Scene Shop (440) 775-8163 Publicity Office (440) 775-8171 Key to Abbreviations CTS = Central Ticketing Service, Theater and Dance’s Box Office LD = Lighting Designer (ALD = Assistant) LT = Little Theater LTSTA = Little Theater Student Technical Assistant OMTA = Oberlin Musical Theater Association OSTA = Oberlin Student Theater Association SM = Stage Manager (ASM = Assistant) T&D = Theater and Dance departments TD = Technical Director (ATD = Assistant) 2 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 All groups using Little Theater must adhere to the following guidelines. Failure to do so may result in; the forfeiture of the right to use the space, any future rights to use the space and in any assessment or grade for credit associated with the project. 1. Oversight: 1.1. Faculty Advisors – Student directors of Theater department sponsored productions will meet regularly with their faculty advisors over the course of the semester. Student directors will provide faculty advisors with a comprehensive production and rehearsal schedule, so that they may visit rehearsals as needed. There is an expectation of regular consultation with faculty and departmental production staff. This will be in the form of rehearsal reports, weekly production meetings and, if possible, daily personal check-in’s by the SM or Director. 1.2. Little Theater Supervisor – Jonathan Maag. In consultation with the rest of T&D faculty and staff, Jonathan helps to determine the load in and strike schedules for the groups. In conjunction with Joe Natt, he hires and supervises the LT student technical assistants and is responsible for the upkeep of the equipment in the space. 1.3. These guidelines are intended for ALL PARTICIPANTS of Little Theater productions. 1.4. If you have any questions, please direct them to Jonathan Maag, Joe Natt or either of the LTSTAs. If they can’t answer your question, they can direct you to the appropriate person. 1.5. In case of emergency, Directors, SMs, ASMs and others in a leadership position should familiarize yourself with emergency procedures in case of injury, illness, fire and any other unexpected events. For serious injuries or concerns call 911 or 7-911 from a college phone. Make sure that Safety and Security is informed of any occurrence at x58444. After the situation is under control, please inform the Managing Director and Technical Director as soon as possible as to what happened. 1.6. A first aid kit is located in the control booth and should be checked by the SM and LTSTA often during your time in the space. 1.7. The Little Theater closes at midnight, even during Tech weeks. This rule is enforced and rehearsals will be shut down promptly at midnight. Plan accordingly and use your time wisely. 1.8. When in doubt, ask. Every production is different and while we are attempting to streamline basic operating procedures, it is impossible to encapsulate everything. 1.9. Your group’s proposal was accepted based on the specific details outlined in your proposal. We realize that during the creative process some of those details are bound to change, but it is your responsibility to clear any and all changes from your original proposal with T&D before you execute those changes. 3 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 2. The Rules: 2.1. The Fire Code – The fire code is non-negotiable and is handed down to T&D by the Fire Chief of the City of Oberlin. 2.1.1. NO OPEN FLAME This includes matches, candles, cigarettes, incense, etc. This means that actors CANNOT SMOKE on stage. 2.1.2. NO SMOKE, FOG, HAZE OR MIST or any other atmospherics are allowed. 2.1.3. NO PYRO of any kind is allowed. 2.1.4. Any use of blank firearms must be cleared with, and you must be trained by, Joe Natt. 2.1.5. Unobstructed paths to exits. You must allow a 4-foot unobstructed path from the audience area to each of the two exits in LT. 2.1.6. The lighted exit signs by each of the two exits out of LT must remain visible to the audience. If your set is going to obstruct the existing permanent signs, there are two movable signs that can be used on the set instead. Please consult with Jonathan Maag and Joe Natt as to their proper placement. 2.1.7. Fire Extinguishers are located; one directly outside the control booth, one directly inside the control booth and one on the lobby wall. These fire extinguishers cannot be covered by any stored scenery or props. Everyone associated with the production should be aware of the location and how to properly use a fire extinguisher. 3. Seating: 3.1. The seating platforms in LT have recently been updated to accommodate flexibility in arrangement. As this is an essential component of the design elements, all students are encouraged to articulate a specific plan for their approach to seating during the application process. There are 4 different seating arrangements that have been approved by the Fire Marshall. 3.2. Joe Natt must approve a floor plan of the set that includes offstage storage, and seating arrangement prior to the installation of any scenery. Neglecting to gain approval may result in forfeiture of design elements and/or budgetary allotment. 3.3. If a Theater Department sponsored event, you must make sure that there are at least 60 seats. 3.4. Changes to seating must be handled by the incoming show. As part of strike all chairs must be stacked. 3.5. Do not use chairs as ladders, tables or workbenches. 4 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 4. Rehearsals: As a Liberal Arts Theater Department, our faculty have the responsibility to set norms for rehearsal scheduling which protect our students from academic failure and burnout. Our rehearsal schedules should not overburden students with unrealistic time demands; nor should students be faced with choosing between participating in a play or maintaining their academic standing. Also, in order to maintain a high level of quality in our productions, rehearsals need to be respected as an artistic process that demands a highly focused and singular commitment. Involvement in too many extra-curricular or co-curricular activities at once, in addition to creating scheduling problems, can limit the quality of a student’s own participation; this, in turn, jeopardizes the overall quality of the group endeavor. Therefore, the following “guidelines” were proposed by the Theater Faculty and accepted unanimously by the entire program in November 1990. All productions operating under T & D auspices, including both faculty and student directed shows, are expected to work within these guidelines. While we have no jurisdiction over extracurricular student theater groups (OSTA, OMTA and G&S), we strongly encourage these organizations to adopt them as well. 4.1. If you need rehearsal space in Warner Center, you must send an email to to the Warner Center Technical Coordinator, Daniel James, as soon as possible but at least 2 weeks before you need to start rehearsing. The earlier you apply the better. You must also alert Daniel of any cancellations so that he can release the space for others to use. 4.2. If your show is a musical, you may be able to rehearse in the Conservatory. Contact the Conservatory’s concert production office for specifics. 4.3. Rehearsals for a production may not span more than 8 weeks. (4 - 6 weeks is recommended) 4.4. No actor is to be called for more than 18 hours in a week. Actors should only be called when needed. 4.5. Student directors and stage / managers may not rehearse more than 24 hours a week. 4.6. The maximum rehearsal length for any given day is 4 consecutive hours (5 hours on a weekend). There will be one complete DAY OFF for the entire company on either Saturday or Sunday of every week. Additionally, efforts should be made to allow each actor at least one additional night off weekly. 4.7. The only exceptions to numbers 1 - 5 is during final tech week, and Winter Term. Winter Term projects are limited to 7 out of 9 consecutive hour rehearsal days, 6 days per week. 4.8. No actor may rehearse (or volunteer to rehearse) during one of his or her scheduled classes. 4.9. Absolutely no rehearsals are to take place after 11 PM or during the dinner hour (6 - 7 PM). 4.10. Actors must receive a 5-minute break after 55 minutes of work or a 10 minute break after 80 minutes. 5 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 4.11. Rehearsal schedules must be posted at least 20 hours in advance. (Actors are expected to keep evenings free of additional commitments until it is posted.) 4.12. Fall and Spring Breaks are vacations and not to be used for rehearsal. 4.13. No student may be in rehearsal for more than one production at a time. (No more than one show per semester is recommended.) 4.14. Actors are expected to disclose ALL potential curricular and extracurricular scheduling conflicts at the time of audition. Once a student accepts a role - it is assumed that participation in that show is his or her primary commitment. No additional conflicting non-curricular commitments should be planned. 4.15. If a student takes credit for a faculty-directed production - it has the same status as a regular academic class. Therefore, it is understood that no conflict takes precedent over rehearsal. 4.16. Students on Academic Probation need the written permission of their academic advisor to participate in a T&D show. 5. The Process: 5.1. There must be weekly production meetings for your show that are at a time that allows the LTSTA and another representative of T&D to attend. 5.2. For your load in, either Joe Natt or Jonathan Maag will give you a tour of the space. Please watch and listen carefully, after the tour the SM for the show will be given a set of keys. Once the keys are handed over, responsibility for the space and all that occurs within it, reside with the show. 5.3. Prior to Tech, please make sure to communicate to the LTSTA your requirements and expectations so that they can prepare the space. Below is a general tech schedule that outlines times, dates and expectations that you are to follow. 5.4. It is your responsibility to keep the space clean and safe. Pick up all tools and personal belongings and empty any garbage at the end of every night. Take time prior to opening to ensure the space is clean. 5.5. All evening performances customarily begin at 8:00 PM, and matinees begin at 2:00PM. In recent years it is customary for the run of the production to open on Thursday evening and close on Sunday matinee, though this is negotiable, provided the arrangements are made with appropriate lead time. 5.6. During the performances, the Technical Director and Director are expected to be present to handle any problems that arise in their respective areas. The Box Office Manager is responsible for all front-ofhouse activities including audience safety, ticket sales and housemanagement. 6 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 5.7. Please be considerate of others and that the Green room is a shared space. Do not leave scripts, clothes, food or garbage laying around. 5.8. Do not use Green room sink or bathroom sinks for cleaning paint brushes or putty knives. 5.9. “House Open” must be at half-hour, no matter what, for every performance. 5.10. For Strike, your group must remove ALL materials and belongings from LT, the Green room and from the LT refrigerator and restore the space to neutral by the specific date and time given to you. Be respectful of the production coming into the space after you. 5.11. Make the appropriate arrangements for vehicles and storage areas prior to Strike. 5.12. It is important to let the LTSTA know about any equipment failures or damage to the space if they don’t already know. 5.13. When preparing for Strike, please contact the Prop Loan Assistants to schedule the return of all props that were borrowed. You cannot simply bring them back and leave them in the hallway, they must be put away properly. 5.14. Any costs due to repair or replacement will be charged to the show. 5.15. At the end of the run, the SM will return the key to Joe Natt. 6. General: 6.1. Do not rearrange any of the outputs in the back of the sound board. If your sound designer feels that their design requires a reconfiguration, please consult with Jonathan Maag. 6.2. Please be sure to consider that there is no space offstage in any configuration for LT. Plan your offstage storage appropriately taking into consideration aesthetic looks, traffic patterns and fire codes. 6.3. If you want to borrow costumes, props or scenery, please fill out the appropriate loan request form. Please refer to the form for further instructions. Keep in mind that the form is due 2 weeks before you plan on picking any items up. 6.4. The loan TAs work out of Warner, please make a separate appointment with Joe Natt to look in Hall basement for additional scenic materials and props or with other student theater organizations who may have items also. 6.5. If you are designing a set that needs to be built, you will need to arrange for somewhere to build unless you know that your time slot in LT is long enough to build and assemble pieces directly in the theater. If you need large stationary power tools, you will be able to use those tools during the day when the Hall Scene Shop is open and supervised. 6.6. Little Theater shows cannot store scenery in the Scene Shop. 6.7. Joe Natt must approve all personnel prior to using any tools. 6.8. While your group is loading or unloading cars or vans, you may park the vehicles on the sidewalk directly outside of LT. You must move them as soon as you are done. 7 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 6.9. Please talk to Joe Natt about purchasing any materials needed for your show. 6.10. Any expenses MUST be approved in advance by Joe Natt or Eric Steggall. 6.11. Any receipts that require reimbursement from the department must be turned in to Eric Steggall no later than 2 weeks after strike. Once this has passed, no receipts will be accepted. 6.12. Several weeks before your show please make an appointment with Chris Flaharty for a tour of the dressing rooms and make arrangements for any necessary racks. 6.13. In the final weeks of the production process, please remember that the space needs to be allocated to the necessary load in of scenery, lights and other aspects of the show that may negate your ability to rehearse in the space. Communication among the production team and a detailed rehearsal/production schedule will help to minimize confusion. 7. General Procedures, taken from Department of Theatre Official Handbook: 7.1. No food or uncovered drinks in the Dressing Rooms 7.2. No food in the Green room or anywhere in Hall Annex 7.3. Please arrive clean; wear deodorant 7.4. Your costume pieces will always hang to the RIGHT of your name card 7.5. If there is any question about HOW to wear a particular piece of clothing, see the Designer 7.6. No Guests (non-show personnel) in the Dressing Rooms, Greenroom or Backstage during the show 7.7. Do NOT leave the building during the run of the show. If you smoke outside, please CLOSE the door while doing so 7.8. Do not bring to the theater any items that are not necessary to your function here: please don’t clutter the Dressing Rooms. Wet shoes, umbrellas, jackets and the like must be placed on/at the Coat Rack outside the Costume Shop attached: deadlines & expectations general tech schedule Little Theater groundplans 8 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 EXAMPLE - General Tech Schedule Dead Man’s Cell Phone directed by Taylor Greenthal Little Theater Performances November 21-24 2013 SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE AND VENUE NEEDS AS DETERMINED BY MANAGING DIRECTOR. Week prior to Tech: Day Date Call Time Friday Tuesday 11.8 11.12 6:00pm 6:00pm Wednesday 11.13 6:00pm Thursday 11.14 6:00pm Tech Week: Friday Friday Saturday 11.15 11.15 11.16 Day, prior to Tech 6:00pm 1:00-5:00pm “Look at Lights” Tech Rehearsal Tech Rehearsal 7:00-11:00pm (if necessary) Tech Rehearsal Sunday Performance Week: Monday 11.17 11.19 Wednesday 11.20 Thursday 11.21 Friday 11.22 Saturday 11.23 Saturday 11.23 Sunday 11.24 Sunday 11.24 Faculty Run thru Rehearsal w/ Cue Over (play with lights) Rehearsal w/ Cue Over (play with lights) Rehearsal w/ Cue Over (play with lights) DARK 11.18 Tuesday Rehearsal Type 6:30pm 8:00pm GO 6:30pm 8:00pm GO 6:30pm 8:00pm GO 6:30pm 8:00pm GO 6:30pm 8:00pm GO 12:30pm 2:00pm GO 6:30pm 8:00pm GO 12:30pm 2:00pm GO 5:00pm 9 Dress Rehearsal Dress Rehearsal Dress Rehearsal Performance #1 Performance #2 Performance #3 Performance #4 Performance #5 Strike Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 EXAMPLE - Production Expectation Outline Dead Man’s Cell Phone directed by Taylor Greenthal Little Theater Performances November 21-24 2013 SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE AND VENUE NEEDS AS DETERMINED BY MANAGING DIRECTOR. If it’s possible to achieve any of the following expectations earlier then designated – please do so. Auditions Set date Preliminary Concept Meeting / Rehearsal schedule due Set date Performance Venue Available Production Meetings 10.14 Please be prepared to have open auditions with other Little Theater directors. Initial meeting between Department and Production to talk over show. Seating arrangement should be chosen and house count sent to CTS. Time in space = 6 weeks Various reps from Department will need to attend your meetings. Please send all reports and minutes to personnel on contact sheet. Set date Drawings and finished model due Production estimate and calendar due Set date Paper Tech Faculty Run Thru Set date Set date Technical Rehearsals DARK Performances Strike 11.15-20 11.17 11.21-24 11.24 7-10 days post auditions Dictated by previous show 4 weeks from Tech Set date From TD - a breakdown of cost, time in space and build schedule. A complete, polished run thru must be scheduled for the week prior to tech for faculty and designers 10 3 weeks from Tech 1 week from Tech 1 week from Tech Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 11 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13 12 Prepared by Eric Steggall Managing Director Last Updated 10.23.13