Ethical Review Feedback Sheet Applicant Name: Supervisor: Project Title: Name(s) of Reviewer(s): Yes No Comments Section 1 – General Information Is all the required information provided? Check that Supervisor and Independent Adviser are named, that dates are given etc. Section 2 – Consent & Care of Participants Are there any areas of concern identified in questions 1-10 (i.e. researcher has selected “No” to any of these items)? Are there any areas of concern identified in questions 11-14 (i.e. researcher has selected “Yes” to any of these items)? Has the researcher ticked the correct box A or B? 1. Background Information Is adequate background information provided for the research? 2. Aims & Research Questions Are the aims & research questions clear? 3. Participants Are there any concerns about the nature and size of the sample? Are there any concerns about the inclusion/exclusion criteria? Are there any concerns about the recruitment strategy? Self-explanatory. Self-explanatory. If the researcher selects “No” to any of questions 1-10 and/or “Yes” to questions 11-14, they should complete Box B; otherwise, they should complete Box A. Section 3 – Box A/B The research should be justified and have a literature base. References should be provided. Self-explanatory. The nature of sample and the expected number of participants should be clearly stated and appropriate to the methodology. These should be clearly stated. Check for details such as: age range, gender, health status. Also any factors that would exclude participants from the study such as currently taking medication or supplements that may impact on the results of the study. The recruitment strategy should be clearly stated and appropriate. NB – some students will be accessing participants through the psychology participation panel. This is a group of psychology students who were approached in week 1 meetings and who indicated that they were happy to be contacted by email about research opportunities. The data were collected by the psychology technician, Maria Shaw, and are held securely by her. Researchers will contact Maria directly to access members of the panel who meet their inclusion/exclusion criteria. 4. Research Methods & Measurements Is the project outline sufficiently detailed to allow a decision about ethical aspects? Need to provide a detailed account of the research methods including information on all data collection protocols/procedures, including how long the study will take, where it will take place, and data storage. 5. Risks to Participants and Researchers Are there any concerns about potential risks to participants? Where there is a potential risk to participants, the researcher should identify this risk and indicate how they will deal with this. 6. Consent and participant information arrangements, debriefing Are there any concerns about the Researchers should provide details on consent, participant information or how they will provide participant debriefing arrangements? information, how participants will indicate their consent, and how participants will be debriefed. 7. Ethical Considerations (Box B only) Are there any ethical issues that have not been addressed adequately? Any ethical issues identified in questions 1-14 (“Yes” to 1-10, “No” to 11-14) should be justified, and a statement given of how the researcher will deal with these potential issues. Section 4 – Additional Information & Declaration Are all the required additional The Participant Information sheet, the materials supplied? consent form, debrief sheet should be attached, as well as any questionnaires, interview schedules, recruitment information (poster, email text), evidence of permission from outside organisations, any other materials given to participants. Where applicable, are additional Participant Information sheets, consent materials on headed paper? forms and debrief sheets should be printed on headed paper. Is the language on any additional The language used should be appropriate materials appropriate? to the potential sample (non-academic). Are the contact details for the Contact details (address, email, researcher, the supervisor and the telephone) should be provided for the independent advisor provided on the research, their supervisor and the Participant Information and debrief independent advisor. Students should only sheets? give their university contact details. Has the declaration been signed? The student and supervisor should sign the paper copy of the application. Recommendation of Reviewers: [Reviewers using the email version should leave this question blank.] Participant Information Sheet Is there sufficient information provided to enable the participant to give informed consent? Is there information about the maintenance of privacy and confidentiality for the participant’s personal details? Consent Form Is the form structured appropriately, providing clear evidence of informed consent? Debrief Sheet Are there any concerns about the debrief sheet? Potential participants should be told what will happen to them during the research, where the research will be carried out and how much time it will take. All procedures/protocols should be explained fully so there is little, if any, doubt in the participants mind about what the research involves Participants should be informed that their information will be anonymous, that all data will be stored on a password protected device that only the researcher has access to and that all data will be destroyed upon completion of the study. Self-explanatory. Students are given a template to use. The debrief sheet should thank participants, provide an overview of the study, explain any deception, provide contact details for any appropriate support organisations etc. Other additional materials (e.g. questionnaires, interview schedules, stimuli, evidence of permission, recruitment posters/text) Are there any concerns about any Self-explanatory. other additional materials? Approved Points to be addressed: Referred Rationale for this and action(s) Rejected