
Name_________________________ Date_________________________ Period___
Overcoming Societal Challenges Research Project
You have read The Diary of Anne Frank. In this play, a group of people, the
Jews, faced a societal challenge due to their religious beliefs. Now, you will
choose another person or group of people who have faced societal challenges
and research that person or group of people in order to answer the essential
question, “How do people overcome societal challenges and what effect does
overcoming these challenges have on societies?”
A person or family who
lived during the
Dutch citizens during the
People/ Groups
Immigrants to the United Suffragettes
States in the early 1900s
Americans during the
Great Depression
Native Americans in the
Trail of Tears
Slaves in the Colonies
Japanese Americans
during World War II
Women in STEM careers
The Homeless
The Amish and
Korematsu v. United States,
323 U.S. 214 (1944)
Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S.
205 (1972)
The physically and/or
mentally disabled in the
Americans with Disabilities
If you have another person or group of people you would like to research, see
Mrs. Wishart for approval.
Now you will research the person/group of people you have chosen. You will use
the essential question to guide your research and present your information in a
Google Slide presentation.
Project Requirements:
3 sourceso 2 internet sources- The Internet has a multitude of multimedia
resources including online broadcasts and news, images, audio files,
and websites.
o 1 traditional print source (books, newspapers, pamphlets, journals,
magazines, government reports, legal documents)
o The last slide of your presentation will include a bibliography. (Use
Noodles Tools.)
A completed note-taking organizer (FORMATIVE GRADE)
Google Slide Presentation (5-10 slides) that includes the following
information(SUMMATIVE GRADE)o Name of the person/people who faced a societal challenge
o Background information about the person/people
o Detailed information about the societal challenge that was faced
o Description of how the societal challenge was overcome or how
people are working to overcome the challenge
o Outcome of the societal challenge (positive and/or negative) and the
effect it had on society or a prediction of how the outcome will affect
society based on text evidence
o Bibliography in MLA format (Use Noodle Tools.)
Scoring Rubric:
Included required information (listed above)
Information is specific, detailed and examples are included
Information is well organized (titles, heading, bold print, italics, bullets, etc.)
Capitalization, Grammar, Spelling Punctuation
Student spoke at an appropriate volume and pace, made eye contact with the
audience, and was prepared for the presentation.
______/50 points
Name_______________________ Date___________________ Period_____________
Note-taking Organizer
Source 1 (Use MLA format.)
Text Evidence from Source 1
Source 2 (Use MLA format.)
Text Evidence from Source 2
Source 3 (Use MLA format.)
Text Evidence from Source 3