france - GoclanWC

France is the largest and one of the most modern countries in Europe. It
is bordered by the English Channel, the Mediterranean Sea, Spain,
Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, and Luxemburg. It is home to the tallest
mountain in Europe, Mont Blanc.
Comparing France to Texas
Size: France and Texas are about
the same size in square miles.
Population: France has 65 million
people, Texas, 24 million.
Climate: France has cool winters,
warm summers in the north,
tropical along the Mediterranean
coast. Texas’ climate is varied
according to location…snow and
cold can be brutal in the north,
nearly tropical in the south. Texas
has a desert…Europe is the only
continent that has no desert!
French flag
• The colors of the
French flag stand for
Liberty, Equality, and
Fraternity. These
words were a slogan
from the French
Natural Resources
France has several natural
– coal
– iron ore
– bauxite (aluminum)
– zinc
– uranium (nuclear power)
– antimony (fire retardant)
– arsenic (semi-conductors)
– potash (soap)
– timber
– fish
Major French Cities
Information that all French kids know about
French History!!!
• Clovis: 1st king of France
• Charlemagne (Charles Martel) crowned Emperor in Rome (732)
• France was ruled by kings from about 732AD until the French
• French Revolution (1789) Bastille is over-run…the play Les
Miserables is set during this time period.
• Napoleon, a war hero of the French Revolution and other campaigns
becomes dictator of France, off and on until 1815.
• Franco-Prussian War 1870 (loss of Alsace-Lorraine, now Germany)
• WW1 1914-1918
• Front Populaire (France had a Socialist government)
• WW2 1939-1945: Germany defeated and occupied France for
more than 4 years.
Clovis I, King of France
• United most of
northern and central
France under his rule
• Baptisted in the
Roman Catholic faith,
bringing Christianity
to France.
• Expanded French
• Prevented Muslims
from coming into
France (as they had
done in Spain)
Napoleon Bonaparte
• Ruled France, 1804-1814 and
for 94 days in 1815
• Brilliant military leader
• Invaded much of Europe
during what was called the
Napoleonic Wars.
• He invaded Russia in 1812, a
turning point in his career. His
army reached Moscow, but
were trapped by the extreme
cold of the Russian winter.
Historians say he was
defeated by Generals
December, January and
World War I
• France was involved
in WWI from 19141918.
• WWI was a victory for
France, but many
lives were lost.
• It took 10 years to
rebuild the country
after the war.
Socialism in France, 1936
• The Front Populaire,
France elects a
socialist government.
World War II
• France was defeated
by Germany in 1940.
• Germany occupied
France for 4 years.
• Life was difficult
during the occupation,
with food being a
major concern.
France Today
• Les Trentes
Glorieuses or 30
years of prosperity
• Charles de Gaulle
was president during
this time.
• Present day:
Nicholas Sarkozy is