HEA – 01 Revision 1 UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS BORANG PENAWARAN KURSUS BARU Pusat Pengajian/Pusat : Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bioproses (1) Kod kursus/ Course code: ERT 422 (2) Tajuk kursus/ Course title: Rekabentuk Loji Bioproses / Bioprocess Plant Design (3) Nilai unit/ Number of unit: 4 (4) Jenis kursus/ Course type: Teras/ Core (5) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite: (6) Sinopsis kursus/ Course synopsis: This course is a continuation from ERT 416, Synthesis and Process Design. In this course, students were taught about environmental assessment, economic analysis, costing and profitability analysis. Consultation time was allocated for the discussion with the students regarding to their design tasks. Students were also exposed to the software application by using simulation software to simulate and analyze the designed processes. At the end of the course, every student in a group presented their work in which their understanding towards the project undertaken were evaluated. (7) Senarai eksperimen/ List of experiments: None (8) Pendekatan pembelajaran/ Learning approach: (sbg. contoh – kuliah, seminar, amali, lawatan, tutorial, dll. Sila nyatakan sekali bilangan jam) i. Lecture : 28 jam ii. PBL/Design : 56jam (9) Kali pertama penawaran kursus/ First time course offered: Semester 2, Academic Session 2009/2010 (10) Matriks Hasil Pembelajaran/Course Outcome Matrix PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 Domain Domain and taxonomy levels Course Outcome (CO) C P C CTPS C P P P EM LS A ES EM A TS LS A CS A LL ES CO1: Ability to apply relevant knowledge to design the equipment and understand interrelationship between equipment in the process C5 P5 A5 √ √ √ Possible Assessment Examinations and/or tests, Design project, report (and oral presentation), Quiz, Assignment √ CO2: Ability to evaluate the economic, safety, health and environment constraint to obtain solution. C6 P5 A5 √ √ √ √ CO3: Demonstrate the ability to apply modern computer aided engineering tools to design the process plant C4 P4 A4 √ CO4: Demonstrate the ability to function in assigned role and discussed the work to the specific audience. Note : √ certain CO is relevant to that PO C6 P6 A5 √ √ √ Examinations and/or tests, Design project, report (and oral presentation), Quiz, Assignment Examinations and/or tests, Design project, report (and oral presentation), Quiz, Assignment (11) Panduan Rancangan Mengajar/Teaching Plan Guide Study Week 1-4 Course Content Delivery Mode CONTROL SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION Basic concepts of process dynamics and process control in bioprocess plant system, the needs of control system and the types of controller required in the selected plant processes. A case study as a reference. (8 hours) 1-4 Design Lecture; Prob. Solving; Design Project Prob. Solving; Design Project PBL (no submission) Level of Complexity C4 P2 A3 Possible Assessment Examinations and/or tests, Design project, report (and oral presentation), Quiz, Assignment Design project C6 P5 A5 (8 hours) 5-7 PIPING AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM (P&ID) Piping and instrumentation symbols, piping systems and the specification of the process instrumentation, equipment, piping, valves sizing, fittings; and their arrangement in P&ID for the bioprocess plant design. Lecture; Prob. Solving; Design Project C4 P2 A3 Examinations and/or tests, Design project, report (and oral presentation), Quiz, Assignment (6 hours) 5-7 Design Prob. Solving; Design Project PBL (Submission 1) C6 P5 A5 Design project, report (6 hours) 8 9-11 9-11 CUTI PERTENGAHAN SEMESTER/ MID-TERM BREAK ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IN BIOPROCESS PLANT DESIGN Waste management practice for any visual impact from the process effluent to meet the environmental friendliness of the products and ISO 14000. (6 hours) Design Lecture; Prob. Solving; Design Project Prob. Solving; Design Project PBL (Submission 2) C4 P3 A4 C6 P5 A5 Design project, report (and oral presentation), computer simulation Design project, report (6 hours) 12-13 ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT IN BIOPROCESS PLANT DESIGN Prob. Solving; Design Project C5 P2 A3 Technique/ method used for estimation of plant economics, Calculation of the equipment cost, capital cost and all the cost that involved running the plant. Design project, report (and oral presentation), Quiz, Assignment (4 hours) 12-13 Design PBL Prob. Solving; Design Project C6 P5 A5 Design project, report (4 hours) PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS AND PROCESS OPTIMIZATION 14-15 Prob. Solving; Design Project Economic feasibility study in order to obtain gain/loss estimation for project evaluation and process optimization. C6 P2 A5 Design project, report (and oral presentation), Quiz, Assignment (4 hours) 14-15 Design Prob. Solving; Design Project PBL (Submission 3) (4 hours) DESIGN PROJECT C6 P5 A5 Design project, report Plant Design Project will be allocated to each group (comprised of maximum 5 students) in the beginning of the Semester. The Plant Design Projects will be supervised by the designated lecturers. Students in each group must immediately contact their design project supervisor to know more about the project. Students must make the prior appointment with their respective supervisors to discuss about the doubts and clarifications regarding the project. Students or Group who will be irregular in meeting their supervisors will be heavily penalized in the course. Design project is a group activity therefore every member of the group must contribute in design project exercise. In case of any problem, groups can contact the course coordinator for clarifications and advice. DESIGN PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS Design project shall be carried out throughout the Semester. There will be numbers of Design Project Assignments based on the topics covered in the lecture classes. Design project assignment must be submitted on the Due date. NO late assignments shall be accepted. Group must submit their assignments directly to the respective supervisor on the due date. Final copy of the design project will be submitted based on the corrections made in the project assignments before the presentation and oral examination. ASPEN HYSYS DESIGN SOFTWARE / SUPERPRO SOFTWARE OR OTHER SIMULATION TOOLS Viva Voce During week 14 to 15, there will be oral presentation (VIVA VOICE) of the design project by individual student in a group. Each student will be asked to present a part of design project and followed by question and answer session. Each group will be given 35 minutes for oral presentation followed by question and answer session for 10 minutes. Aspen Hysys/ superPRO software or any other simulation tools can be used in this course throughout the semester. Industrial Talks 16 17-18 During this Semester 2 industrial talks are planned covering the design aspects of an Industrial Plants. Student’s attendance is compulsory during the talk and students are encouraged to ask questions and interact with the speaker from Industries. MINGGU ULANGKAJI / REVISION WEEK PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR SEMESTER / FINAL EXAMINATION (12) Sumbangan penilaian/ Evaluation contribution: (i) Peperiksaan/ Examination: 20 % Mid Term Examinations = 20% (ii) Penilaian Berterusan/ Continual Assessment: 80 % Design Report = 60% VIVA VOCE = 20% (13) Tenaga pengajar untuk kali pertama penawaran kursus/ Teaching staff during the first time course offered: Lecturer Prof. Madya Dr. Kassim Mohammad K. Hashim Dr. Muhammad Syarharbil Bin Ahmad (14) Jumlah pelajar yang dijangkakan untuk kali pertama penawaran kursus/ Number of students expected during the first time course offered: 70 students (15) Senarai buku teks dan rujukan/ List of text books and references : (Dahulukan dengan rujukan yang utama/ list main texts/references first) 1. Gavin Towler, R K Sinnott (2008). Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design, Butterworth-Heinemann 2. Elmar, H., Arno, B. and Charles, C. (2006). Development of Sustainable Bioprocesses Modelling and Assessment. John Wiley& Sons, Inc. 3. Peters, M.S. and Timmerhaus, K.D. (2002). Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers. 5th Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill. 4. Roger, G.H., Paul, T., Scott, R.R., Demetri P.Petrides. (2003). Bioseparations Science and Engineering. Oxford University Press. 5. Pauline, M.D. (2004). Bioprocess Engineering Principles. Elservier Academic Press. (16) Nota/ Notes (Catatkan di sini maklumat lain yang berkenaan mengenai kursus ini, sekiranya ada) (17) Tandatangan & Kelulusan/ Signatures & approvals ____________ (Pencetus) Nama : Farizul Hafiz Kasim ____________________ (Penolong Pendaftar) Pusat Pengajian Wardah Hanim Md Nor __________________ (Dekan/Pengarah) Pusat Pengajian Dr Muhammad Syarhabil Ahmad Tarikh : Tarikh: Cop Rasmi : Tarikh : Cop Rasmi: __________________ (Dekan Pengurusan Akademik) Tarikh : Cop Rasmi: