Chapter 4. Conducting Marketing Research
 The Marketing Research System
Marketing Research System is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and
findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
Companies use either their own marketing research departments or marketing reserch firms.
Marketing research firms
Syndicated – service research firms
Custom marketing research firms
Specialty – line marketing research firms
Small companies have several cheap and affordable ways for conducting research
Engaging students or proferssors to design and carry out projects
Using the internet
Checking out rivals
 The Marketing Research process
Define the problem, the Decision Alternatives, and the Research Objectives
Define the problem(not too broadly or narrowly), spell out decisions, set specific research
objectives( American Airlines (AA)).
Exploratory, descriptive and causal research
Develop the Research Plan
Decide on the data sources, research spproaches, research instruments, sampling plan, and
contact methods.
Data sources
Primary data
Secondary data
Research Approaches
Observational Research(Ogilvy&Mather’s Discovery Group)
Behavioral Data
Focus Group
Experimental Research
Research Instruments
Questionaries(closed – end and open – end questions)
Qualitative measures(shadowing, behavior mapping, consumer journey, camera journals,
extreme user interviews, storytelling, unfocus groups)
Mechanical devices(galvanometer, tachistoscope, eye camera, audiometer, GPS)
Sampling Plan
Sampling unit: Who is to be surveyed?
Sample size: How many people should be surveyed?
Sampling procedure: How should the respondents be chosen? (Probability and Nonprobability
Samples, Table 4.2, 110)
Collect the Information
Analyze the Information
Present the Findings
Make the Decision
Markting decision support system(MDSS) is a coordinated collection of data, systems, tools,
and techniques with supporting software and hardware by wich an organization gathers and
interprets relevant information from business and enviroment and turns it into a basis for
marketing action.
CALLPLAN is example of MDSS
Overcoming Barriers to the Use of Marketing Research
A narrow conception of the research
Uneven caliber of researchers
Poor framing of the problem
Late and occasionaly erroneous findings
Personality and presentational differences
 Measuring Marketing Productivity
70 percent of marketing executives stated that they did not have a handle on the return on their marketing
Approaches to measure marketing productivity:
Marketing metrics
Marketing – mix modeling
Marketing metrics
Marketing metrics is the set of measures that helps firms to quantify, compare, and interpret
their marketing performance.
Marketing metrics relate to costumer – level, brand – level, and internal to the company
Marketing dashboard
Costumer – performance scorecard; records how well the company is doing year after year
Stakeholder – performance scorecard; tracks satisfaction of employees, suppliers, banks,
distributors, retailers, stockholders.
Measuring Marketing Plan Performance
Sales Analysis
Sales – variance analysis measures the relative contribution of different factors to a gap in
sales performance.
Microsales analysis looks at specific products, territories, and so forth that failed to produce
expected sales.
Market share analysis
Overall market share
Served market share
Marketing expense – to – sales analysis; consists of five ratios:
Sales force – to – sales
Advertising – to – sales
Marketing research – to – sales
Relative market share
Sales promotion – to – sales
Sales administration – to – sales
Control chart
Financial analysis
Profitability Analysis
Companies can benifit from deeper financial analysis, and should measure the profitability of
their products, territories, customer groups, segments, trade channels, and other sizes.
Marketing – profitability analysis
Identifying functional expenses
Assigning functional expenses to marketing
Preparing a profit – and – loss statement for each marketing entity
Direct costs
Traceable common costs
Nontraceable common costs
Marketing – Mix Modeling
Marketing – mix models analyze data from a variety of sources, such as retailer scanner data,
company shipment data, pricing, media, and promotion spending data, to understand more
precisely the effects of specific marketing activities.