I will destroy the Jedi!

Part one
The beautiful world of Kalee rotated around Iminec, the dazzlingly
white sun of the Kalee system.
Kalee was an emerald green world, jungles across the planet and
many warm oceans weaving through. Moss coloured canyons and
sandy and long beaches filled the landscape.
However the lush and picturesque jungles belied the struggle the
native Kaleesh had.
Recourses were scarce and could only be purchased from the Republic,
whom they mistrusted; or the Intergalactic Banking clan, who also
were rumoured to be plotting.
The Kaleesh had recently purchased a large amount of plasma, yet
the greedy and superior Yam’rii became annoyed. Although the
Kaleesh expected they would invade as they observed their enemy
plunder neighbouring planets they were unprepared for the brutal
force they arrived with.
The Yam’rii enslaved countless Kaleesh and killed the weak,
determined to crack the planet’s remaining strength and morale.
Even worse, the Yam’rii were aided by the Jedi Order.
Qymaen jai Sheelal fired his slugthrower rifle. It echoed a quiet yet
solid vibration in his hands as it fired a large beam of plasma into
the back of a Yam’rii.
Ronderu lij Kumma nodded, her face hidden under a Mummu
hunting mask; as was Qymaen’s.
The mask was white and shaped greatly like a skull, yet with slight
tusks a long gaps from the isosceles eyes.
‘’Huks!’’ They cried in chorus, what the Kaleesh called the Yam’rii,
insectoid bugs with six long bony legs with a large brown exoskeleton.
Ronderu grabbed one by its windpipe and sliced the bug with her
vibroblade. The beast let out a shriek of distress and toppled
Qymaen pulled back the aluminium knob perched at the top of the
rifle and pressed upon the trigger, singeing a Huk in its neck and
then swinging around and beating another with the empty weapon.
The blue innards spilled onto the sandy floor as his enemy’s leg
cracked, and then the Kaleesh simply used his sharp nails to drive
into the back of the slender neck.
Ronderu somersaulted onto its back and decapitated it with a swipe of
the durasteel sword, buzzing with electrical currents. Although cheap,
the vibroblade could easily half an insect.
He smiled underneath his mask as Darwuzaq; the leader of the
Kaleesh military approached with other Kaleesh elites, marching
down from the jungles.
‘’Although that group was a danger,’’ He said in a slurred basic
accent. ‘’ That was just to lure the east and west frontiers from their
lairs. You two are the best soldiers we have, I task you with holding
this position while we prepare an ambush. This battle could be the
end of this war, and this position is vital to hold. Expect maximum
‘’These stupid Huks are more stupid than the Coruscant Granite
slug,’’ Ronderu remarked in her own language. ‘’They will flee from
the wrath of Sheelal and I.’’
Darwuzaq nodded, grabbed his Krath war sword and stabbed the air.
‘’The Huks will run and hide when they see us!’’ He announced
proudly, and raced back into the lush foliage.
Qymaen fiddled with the photoreceptor of his rifle.
‘’Soon the Banking clan will arrive and sign an agreement with
Kalee,’’ He said airily to nobody, in his own language of clicks and
vibrations of the tongue.
‘’We don’t need the Banking clan,’’ Ronderu snarled. ‘’By the time
they arrive to fund us we’ll have finished.’’
‘’Finished at what cost,’’ Qymaen grumbled, slumping himself on a
rock, gazing out at the bright day.
There was a silence, and Ronderu was about to reply when she heard
something and they both stood up straight.
‘’The forest,’’ She whispered. ‘’Hold this position.’’
Qymaen raised his slugthrower rifle and ducked behind the rock, and
watched his companion sneak off into the wood.
The male black haired Kaleesh peered forward, he could faintly see
her pointed elbow poking from behind a tree.
He saw her shadow against the green floor, and saw her head whip
to the left. Qymaen tilted his head to see a hooded figure step
It was not a Huk, because he or she was statured like a humanoid.
Not thinking, Qymaen stood and fired his rifle only to see something
fascinating happen.
The figure seemed to call upon a blue beam of light, whipped it
around and it clashed with the plasma beam, reflecting it backwards
towards the sea.
‘’Jedi!’’ The Kaleesh yelled and Ronderu obviously heard because she
leapt back from her cover and drew a vibroblade and tossed it to the
force-sensitive being.
The Jedi lifted his arms and the Vibroblade hesitated in mid-air and
Qymaen rushed forward at the Order’s member but found himself
being forced back, his feet drifted from the floor and he flew back
and landed in the sand, twenty meters back.
He watched the Jedi pull back his hood to reveal a gaunt face, the
cheekbones carved into a right-angle. He lifted his lightsaber and
slashed it at the stunned female Kaleesh who toppled backwards
Qymaen let out a snarl and fired his slugthrower, caught the Jedi
off-guard and his robes were set alight. The marksman pulled back
the knob and tugged on the trigger again, hitting him in the chest.
Eventually after several moments the burning corpse slipped down to
the floor, dead.
In rage, the soldier raced forward to Ronderu’s carcass.
Tears streaming down his face, Qymaen grabbed her vibroblade and
clipped it onto his leathery belt. He then approached the Jedi and
knelt above him.
Preachers of peace he scoffed. I will destroy the Jedi!
He examined the body more closely and found a silvery long
lightsaber, with perfect black ridges curving around the hilt.
Qymaen lifted it and pressed upon a wooden button, and the
lightsaber sprung to life, glowing sapphire.
He stood and hacked the air with it, letting the wind drift against
his arms as they slipped through the air. He then deactivated it and
added that to his belt, and pulled his grey cape over it.
‘’I will grieve over her death!’’ He yelled. ‘’I am no longer Qymaen! I
am Grievous!’’
San Hill; Chairman of the Intergalactic banking clan sat beside
Grievous inside the temple, watching female Kaleesh perform a ritual
‘’Kalee is in poverty,’’ Grievous explained. ’’We are still yet to pay
massive debt to all those invested in the planet.
San Hill nodded. ‘’The point of my visit is the deal we struck five
years ago, Qymaen.’’
‘’Grievous,’’ The reply corrected.
‘’Grievous,’’ Hill added. ‘’As you know the Kaleesh borrowed tenthousand credits from the banking clan.’’
Grievous feared for the Kaleesh. Other people he owed were
insignificant yet the IBC had the strength to attack Kalee and spark
a war.
‘’But we realise this is a time of need,’’ Hill continued. ‘’We can
postpone the pay-date by five years.’’
Grievous sighed.
‘’I doubt we will have enough credits even then. This war has
destroyed Kalee’s beauty. The war has left our food and banks in
shreds, and I expect I will be marshal ruler for many more years.’’
San Hill did not show any emotion and simply nodded. ‘’The Huks
want revenge and will be back soon. And this time Republic militants
will be dispatched here. And that is why the Muun army is being
dispatched here as we speak.’’
Grievous gasped behind his mask. ‘’The Banking Clan are
‘’Helping,’’ San Hill said. ‘’We are allies in this war, after all.’’
‘’I refuse to engage in another war!’’ Grievous cried.
‘’This is not your choice any longer, Grievous. Muun intelligence has
it that the Yam’rii will be back. If we refuse to fight the Yam’rii
will no doubt capture Kalee. And the date will be postponed for five
The ‘Maytr’ was a large grey ship, with long blunt charcoal-grey
wings at the side. It was open aired and Grievous held tightly the
pole which centred the gunship.
He and several other Kaleesh were on their way to Yamrokov beach,
flying high above the ocean
Flanking them were two dart-like Muun Starfighters, with a single
proton cannon that could obliterate a ship in a single shot.
Grievous poked his head out into the open, wind beating his face. In
the distance he spotted a large peninsula covered with foliage and a
large mountain which served as a base for the Huks.
All of a sudden an alarm started ringing inside the ship and lights
flashed in the dark.
Grievous, reacting swiftly, turned to a datapad slotted into a pouch on
the wall and pressed several buttons with his bony fingers. The noise
and flashing were deactivated and the Gunship’s doors closed, leaving
nothing but a dim red light on.
Grievous marched over to a door perpendicular to both and it opened
automatically, allowing him inside.
‘’What’s going on!’’ He demanded at the pilot.
‘’Somebody has tampered with the power systems. Our engines have
frozen and we are slowly dropping to the sea floor!’’
At that moment the entire ship tilted slightly and Grievous was sent
flying forward, crashing against a console.
He manoeuvred himself so he was in a position to tamper with the
Grievous tapped in an encrypted signal to San Hill that they were
dead men.
He was about to finish the message with a tap of the screen but the
ship unexpectedly jerked to the side again and Grievous was pulled
upside down and his body toppled onto the computer which burst up
in electricity.
He looked down through the window, they were flying directly down
and towards the sea.
He heard the Maytr’s automatic voice ring:
‘’Destroying data banks. A captain always goes down with his…’’
The ship around him exploded and blasts of water sprayed him.
Grievous found himself in agonising pain as the world spun around
him, panicked crewmembers screaming and blood blinding him.
He was truly dead now.
Grievous’ eyes drifted open to reveal himself inside a green bacta
tank, with pipes and wires around him going through everywhere.
Outside the tank there were many men all gathered on a long black
table, and at the opposite head sat a tall man robed in the type they
wear on Serrenno. The cyborg drifted inside the green-liquid filled
tank, his bloodied carcass ebbing in pain and his life-support mask
pumping out oxygen into his dry mouth.
‘’You have awoken,’’ Said a similar voice. The bloodied torso and head
that was Grievous floated around to see San Hill sat beside a
neimodian wearing a wooden tiara upon his head.
‘’Where am I?’’ Grievous asked, his voice projected through a speaker
on the outside.
‘’Geonosis,’’ San Hill replied.
‘’Who are you all?’’
‘’We are the Separatist high council,’’ San said. ‘’We rescued you
from the Jedi.’’
The injured Kaleesh was too weak and in pain to answer.
‘’Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation, Archduke Poggle the Lesser
of Geonosis, Amir Wat Tambor of the Techno Union and several
others. But the leaders of the Seperatists, Count Dooku and Darth
‘’The Jedi killed you,’’ It was the tall and gaunt man from the end
of the table, Dooku. ‘’San Hill found your body.’’
‘’What will you do with me?’’ Grievous croaked.
‘’With funding from Poggle here,’’ Dooku continued. ‘’And of course
blood supplied by the frozen body of a Jedi friend. You will become a
cyborg and Supreme commander of the Confederate army.’’
This new Cyborg was made to look like a skeleton, but his head was
like the mask he wore on Kalee.
Grievous stood up from the medical bench and clenched his robotic
‘’A present,’’ Dooku said, handing Grievous a lightsaber. ‘’From an
old friend.’’
The cyborg grabbed it and found the other lightsaber he had acquired
on Kalee.
He activated them both, both baring blue blades.
‘’I want to learn how to kill Jedi,’’ He scowled.
Dooku laughed. ‘’I don’t train droids.’’
‘’I am not a droid!’’ Grievous yelled.
‘’Yes you are,’’
The Cyborg general launched himself at Dooku, clumsily slashing his
lightsabers at the Confederate leader. To his surprise, Dooku drew a
crimson blade and parried each hopeless stab.
‘’You are a Jedi!’’ Grievous yelled.
‘’I am sith!’’
Dooku raised his hand and Grievous found himself being pulled into
the air and smashed against the wall.
Grievous clattered down to the floor and coughed, his lungs struggling
to exhale. His large feet were durasteel claws, with five long swordlike toes which crunched into the ground.
‘’I do not know if you are good enough,’’ Dooku scoffed, placing one
hand behind his back and drawing his silver polished lightsaber so it
was adjacent to the shiny black floor, patterned with the faces of
Darth Gravid, Darth Zannah, Darth Malak, Darth Revan and most
famously, Darth Bane.
‘’You are from an insignificant species, Qymaen!’’
The cyborg dived at Dooku, hurling his lightsabers over his head in
no particular pattern. The confederate leader blocked every move
with such delicacy single-handed.
He then flicked his crimson blade diagonally and disarmed Grievous.
The two lightsabers were flicked to opposite corners.
‘’Enough of this battle,’’ Gasped the unarmed Kaleesh cyborg. ‘’Where
should I attack first, Count?’’
The Count from Serrenno placed his lightsaber upon his belt.
‘’The Confederacy is ready to attack the Republic,’’ He said. ‘’But the
Republic is not ready, my reliable sources have it. But it is almost
the time. You will protect the Separatist leaders by guarding the
catacombs. Nobody must know of your existence, yet.’’
Grievous scowled. ‘’Your stupid droids will not help! I want Kaleesh
‘’You are vane to command your master, General,’’
‘’You are not my master!’’ The Duranium armoured cyborg snapped
back. ‘’I shall go back to Kalee, where I can command real warriors!
Not your junkpile army!’’
Dooku scowled, showing his shiny white teeth. ‘’I have placed the
mantle of the galaxy’s future army upon your alloy shoulders! You
should no longer worry yourself about the petty world of Kalee and its
tiny feud for conquest. It is IBC funding that is keeping your friends
alive! One wave of my hand the Huks and their allies; the Republic
will blow Kalee into smithereens!’’
‘’I am insulted!’’ The rebellious Kaleesh yelled back. ‘’Give me some
better warriors and then I shall consider it!’’
San Hill and Count Dooku stood above the Petranaki arena, a
glowing orange rock linking to the Spire.
Beside them stood two Geonosians, the insectoid natives with thin
translucent wings and a bearing a Czerka sonic emitter.
‘’Does he know the truth?’’ Hill asked, in his white uniform.
‘’No,’’ Dooku replied. ‘’He needn’t know that we shot down his ship.’’
Hill nodded in agreement. He paused and began.
‘’The Intergalactic banking clan has dissolved Damask holdings,’’ He
‘’Hego Damask?’’ Dooku asked, surprised. He peered over his
shoulder and leaned closer to the Muun. ‘’Have you found any Sith
Holocrons in his possession?’’
San adopted a look of confusion. ‘’How would he acquire them?’’
‘’That does not matter,’’ Dooku explained. ‘’But if he does I would
quite like them.’’
Dooku leaned closer still.
‘’Does the name Rugess Nome mean anything to you?’’
Hill stroked his chin. ‘’He manufactured starships, but was killed on
Bal’demnic, curiously in the presence of Damask.’’
‘’It makes perfect sense,’’ Dooku said, enlightened.
‘’What does?’’
The Count seeped through his nose and sighed. ‘’I believe they are
the Sith Lords before my master. Hego Damask I think was Darth
Sidious’ master and he assassinated Nome on Bal’demnic.’’
Hill laughed with no amusement.
‘’Does it matter?’’ He scoffed.
‘’It gives me access to a whole other arsenal of weapons against the
Jedi. Holocrons, data files, lightsabers, it will help us discover what
the sith have been doing since the fall of Darth Malak.’’
Hill frowned. ‘’The Seperatists look to the future,’’
‘’The Seperatists look to the future, but will fail to learn the mistakes
they made in the past.’’
There was a silence interrupted by Nute Gunray and Rune Haako of
the trade federation entering the balcony.
‘’We are ready to meet sir,’’
Dooku nodded and the four stepped away.
The count summoned Jango Fett from the shadows, a merciless
Mandalorian warrior who played a role in the future.
The bounty hunter stepped out of the shadows.
‘’Master Kenobi has arrived sir,’’ He said.
‘’Did you lead him here?’’
‘’Yes, count,’’
‘’Continue to lead him forward into a trap. And soon the Clone wars
will begin.’’
The Separatist leaders took a place in the hall, sitting at a black
Count Dooku sat at the head and made sure Darth Sidious was
absent. He checked Master Kenobi was watching concealed above
their heads. He was.
‘’I sense the battle is near,’’ He began.
Nute Gunray stood, dressed in fine red robes and his lizard like face
was scrunched up in a ball.
‘’I hope you remember, Count!’’ He cried. ‘’I want Senator Amidala’s
head on my desk before I sign the treaty!’’
‘’All in good time, Viceroy,’’
The Skaon Wat Tambor stood, wearing a golden pressure suit, he
fiddled with the nobs upon his torso and began. ‘’The Techno union
will join with a small loan from the Banking clan,’’
San Hill stood, his face curling in disgust. ‘’You Techno union poodoo
are a waste of money! You already owe us five-thousand credits!’’
Wat Tambor’s voice stimulator croaked out strange sounds and he
pressed a button which silenced it.
‘’The Techno union can barely afford to keep Skao running! Without
this loan we will be dissolved amongst our shareholders!’’
The Count interrupted. ‘’I will supply the credits.’’
The Skaon bowed and sat, along with the other two.
Passel Argente stood, his green face and yellow eyes glowing in the
‘’The Corporate alliance will join, in exchange for a small force to
protect our Mustafar mining operations.’’
‘’Not a problem,’’ The confederate leader replied. ‘’Our factories here
are acting at three-hundred percent capacity.’’
Lastly Poggle the lesser stood, his beard dangling to the table. In a
strange version of basic, he spoke.
‘’I have invested in all of the parties here, and therefore you all must
pay for any damage done to my operations on Geonosis.’’
There was a grumble of annoyance, and the Neimodian Senator stood.
His name was Lott Dod.
‘’This is an outrage!’’ He yelled, and his Trade Federation companions
nodded in agreement.
The Archduke of Geonosis lifted a datapad and placed it on the table
where it emitted a hologram.
The hologram showed a long script of writing, rotating so all could
‘’The contract you all signed which assures any damage that comes to
the investors property for the sake of the chairman, the chairman
shall be charged.’’
Poggle smiled smugly and all the other leaders except Count Dooku
snarled; for all they knew this battle would be destructive to both
But Count Dooku knew the point of this war was to make the Galaxy
weak, so the Sith could rule the Galaxy unopposed.
Grievous examined the droid Count Dooku had brought in. Light grey
in colour, it had purple eye-holes and bared a Magna-staff.
‘’The Magna-Guard,’’ Count Dooku explained. ‘’A fierce fighter in
Melee and Ranged, and can interestingly continue to fight even when
Grievous spoke.
‘’I will have traditional Kaleesh cloaks for them and I to wear.’’
Dooku snarled. ‘’I find you vane, Grievous. But I will equip all of
them as you desire.’’
‘’How many of them?’’
‘’Fifty so far. The Magna is hard to acquire without striking deals
with Hutts, whom I want to avoid at this stage.’’
The two stood in Grievous’ room, the floor marked a vertical view of
Kalee, the lush green homeworld of the Kaleesh.
Dooku stepped away leaving Grievous waiting for the battle of
The Catacombs were a dark network of tunnels underneath the
Spire, the home of the Geonosians. It was only lit by the MagnaGuards Magna staffs which glowed purple. Upon their shoulders lay a
black cape with a red inside, a traditional cape worn by the Kaleesh.
Grievous also was huddled up in one of these, as his feet crunched
against the rock.
He signalled to one of the Geonosians to come closer.
‘’Go to the East Catacombs with your regiment, guard it with your
The Geonosian corresponded with clicks and buzzes, and then it led
the small party of Insectoids off.
The General heard something coming down the steep corridors from
up ahead and he pointed at the Magna-Guard beside him.
The droid ran up and around, there was a scream and the sound of
blaster-fire, and then silence as blood came rolling down the tunnel,
followed by the blood-stained Magna-Guard, untouched.
Grievous let out a maniacal cackle which consequently ended with
him coughing.
‘’Stay here!’’ He ordered, and the General stooped away.
Grievous slowly found himself in sunlight and he peered over the
crates to see millions of Battle droids and Tanks clashing with White
armoured, men with black slits for eyes.
‘’Mandalorians,’’ He croaked.
At that moment a Human Jedi knight dived at him, followed by an
Ithorian padawan.
Both drawing green blades, they were surprised when the General
drew his own blue blades and hacked down the Ithorian.
‘’Gand’ra’caka!’’ He cried, and he landed upon the dusty floor.
‘’Who are you!’’ The Jedi demanded, poising his lightsaber.
‘’Grievous!’’ The opponent cried back.
‘’The one who killed Belwynn!’’
‘’Is that what you call that insufficient being!’’ Grievous cackled back.
‘’You killed me!’’
‘’That is a lie!’’ The Jedi yelled back. ‘’Your ship was shot down
It was at that very moment there was a shake of ground and the
Jedi tumbled over, his head splitting against a sharp rock. The
cyborg Kaleesh picked up the two lightsabers and buckled them to his
‘’A fine collection,’’ He boasted to himself.
Then he saw something silvery in the Knight’s robes, another
lightsaber perhaps?
Upon lifting it he realised it was a datapad with a diary entry
The last entry Grievous read.
‘’Belwynn was a dear friend of mine. And now he is gone. I know
the order forbids attachment but he was my best friend. I know
Phoenix will be devastated at her master’s death, and I feel I will no
longer be able to teach her because of her dear love for him. I told
this to Master Yoda but he said there was hope for her. I swear to
bring that Kaleesh called Grievous to justice; a lifetime in prison. But
Phoenix will kill him, I know she is not powerful enough yet.
Belwynn is one with the force now, and I suppose revenge is not the
Jedi way but I will go to Kaleesh and capture him. I worry for
Master Dragger
Grievous smiled; he was on one Jedi’s radar. A foolish padawan
called Phoenix.
He was approached by a Battle droid.
‘’We have lost the east,’’ He said miserably. ‘’Gunships are heading
to the Spire.’’
‘’Tell the Geonosians to continue fighting, the Seperatists will start
The Droid placed a hologram on the floor and out of it came the
Archduke of Geonosis; Poggle the Lesser.
‘’You cannot just leave us here! The Geonosians demand protecting!’’
’’You foolish Insectoids go look after yourself!’’
The Sphax transport ships slowly ascended into the orange
atmosphere, the ground crumbling around them as they ripped free.
Grievous watched from the Bridge window as one beside his was hit
with a flurry of missiles and plummeted back down into the ground,
smoke exploding into the atmosphere.
He looked down upon the Spire as it slid into the ground with an
almighty explosion, crushing the Catacombs beneath.
San Hill stood beside him, observing the shrinking landscape beneath.
‘’This ship is heading to Muunlist, with the Banking clan agents,’’
He explained. ‘’You can stay there for a while.’’
Grievous nodded. ‘’I will stay there but soon I must go to Serrenno to
see Count Dooku.’’
Hill smiled. ‘’Muunlist is like Coruscant in a sense. The centre of
everything, towering sky-scrapers and the home of blossoming
businesses. And opportunity.’’
Muunlist was deadly bright, the sun reflecting from the Blue skyscraper’s faces. Grievous walked out of the ship with the Banking
clan agents and onto a long docking platform suspended above
darkness where the towers disappeared down.
A human male noticed Grievous peering down and spoke.
‘’It does end, in dark grasslands where nobody lives,’’
He laughed and Grievous turned around revealing himself as a
cyborg. The Human gasped.
‘’Who are you!?’’ Grievous demanded.
The Male smiled, his face marked with yellow tattoos.
‘’Clovis, Rush Clovis,’’ He explained. ‘’Banking clan representative
from Scipio. And who might you be?’’
‘’General Grievous, supreme commander of the Droid army,’’
Clovis was taken aback.
‘’You are Grievous!’’ He cried.
‘’What were you expecting!’’ Grievous yelled, grabbing Clovis around
the neck and pressing his metal fingers down.
He attempted to pull the fingers from his neck yet it was in vain.
Grievous let go and the IBC representative fell to the floor. The
cyborg didn’t pay him a second look and he marched away; flanked
by his Magna-guards.
Clovis felt around his windpipe and found no damage, and was
approached by Muun guard.
‘Would you like us to dispose of Grievous, sir?’’
‘’No, captain,’’ The answer replied back softly. ‘’I fear next time he
won’t be so merciful. Get me off Muunlist and take me to Scipio.’’
The captain nodded and marched away, while Clovis got back to his
feet; ignored by the other Muuns.
Grievous lay upon a med-bed and several medical droids scurried
around him.
He got up, the operation finished and he examined his new pair of
arms. He now had four arms for each lightsaber.
‘’I hope you are satisfied,’’ Hill said, smiling slightly.
Grievous did not answer, instead grabbing a lightsaber in each hand.
He drew them all and spun them around, getting used to this new
‘’Count Dooku is waiting for me on Serrenno,’’ Grievous said. It had
been four months since Geonosis and Dooku had ordered his presence.
‘’Indeed,’’ Hill said simply. ‘’I will supply the Starfighter, I do not
know what type but it is called the Soulless One. Belonged to Rugess
Nome, a dear friend of the IBC who died many years ago on
‘’Thank you, Chairman,’’ Grievous replied. ‘’I must go now. You
should not keep a Sith Lord waiting…’’
Serrenno was a dark yet advanced world, Dooku sat in his throne
room looking out of his green window.
Grievous stepped inside, flanked by two Magna-guards.
‘’It is time the Jedi knew of your existence,’’ Dooku said sharply. ‘’I
am sending you to Hypori, there are seven Jedi there; Daakman
Barrek, Tarr Seirr, Sha’a Gi, Aayla Secura, K’Kruhk, Shaak Ti and
Ki-adi Mundi. It is time to test your capabilities. I am sending you
with the largest army we have available, so minimal casualties.’’
‘’Yes, Count. The Jedi will quiver in my wrath!’’
General Grievous cackled as he surrounded the wavering clone forces.
He spotted an elderly Jedi master speaking through a hologram to
another two Jedi.
‘’All of us are dying! Not too many left! Droid General killing us…’’
Grievous dived at him, spinning his lightsabers and hacked down
Daakman Barrek. The cyborg picked up his sabre and buckled it to
his belt, pulling his cloak over it.
He was approached by a Droid.
‘’The remaining six Jedi have retreated into the crash site! We
cannot follow them, sir!’’
‘’I will go and kill the Jedi, kill the remaining clones,’’
‘’Roger roger,’’
Grievous watched from a gap in the wreckage the six Jedi lying
slumped down.
‘’You will receive a warriors death, Jedi!’’
The Jedi were unable to trace the voice to its source and were left
standing back to back, lightsabers drawn.
‘’Prepare!’’ The General screamed as he pounced down, two
lightsabers drawn and hurling them around. He noticed the Cerean
Jedi Master Mundi and concentrated his efforts upon him, skilfully
dodging the other’s failed attempts to kill him.
Mundi jumped up onto a ledge of wreckage and let out a force push
which Grievous effortlessly dodged as he jumped onto a higher perch.
The droid General leapt down towards Mundi but instead was forced
to engage the Whipid K’Kruhk, whom bared a green blade. Grievous
immediately saw a gap in his technique and slashed him across the
chest with one lightsaber and then kicking him back and
decapitating him with another.
He was attacked by Mundi’s Cerean Padawan; Tarr Seirr but he
found his techniques hopeless and clumsy, not even bothering to
engage him; instead grabbing his head with his foot and crushing it
against the floor; Seirr screaming the whole time.
Ayla Secura; Twi’lek Jedi knight; charged, her face curling in anger
at Grievous, but he grabbed her face with his other foot and
performed a large backflip and he threw the two; one dead and one
alive up to the roof where they clattered down again to the floor,
Aayla Secura struggling to move.
Grievous was now confronted by Ki-adi Mundi and Shaak Ti, one at
both side. The Kaleesh cyborg cackled and rotated both his lightsabers
around his body like a tornado; the rest of his body not moving
The Jedi were taken aback for a moment, so the General kicked
Mundi back against the wall and charged at Shaak Ti, frenzies of
blows raining down upon her. Mundi got to his feet and charged at
Grievous, just as Shaak Ti was disarmed and barely lived as force
pushed Grievous back, however threw the Togruta female against the
The Kaleesh turned on Mundi, who was running towards his dropped
lightsaber, but Grievous leaped onto it and crushed it with his claw.
Not at all panicked, Mundi used the force to summon Belwynn’s
lightsaber from Grievous’ belt and the two were left staring at each
other, waiting for the other to make a move.
At that moment in through the wreckage flew a Republic gunship,
and in hopped Mundi.
Shaak Ti and Aayla Secura aided each other inside, limping with
their bodies dripping blood.
The Gunship started firing at Grievous who skilfully dodged the
missiles and blaster fire, and then the Gunship took off, dodging the
AA turrets the Droids had positioned.
Grievous growled.
‘’Run, Jedi, run! You only have prolonged the inevitable!’’
Grievous collected his three lightsabers, in addition to Daakman
Barrek’s which he had collected.
‘’Four new additions to my collection,’’ He mused. ‘’I think I better
ask Hill for some more arms.’’
The Soulless one was a black Starfighter, with a single cockpit where
Grievous sat.
While steering towards Serrenno a hologram came to life from the
control panel.
‘’What is it, Hill?’’
San Hill looked around urgently.
‘’Two Jedi have seized Muunlist!’’ He cried. ‘’The clones have
surrounded us, the majority of Banking clan agents have already
There was a pause.
‘’The Jedi!’’ The Muun cried, and the hologram went silent.
Grievous growled. San Hill had told Grievous he was safe there, but
no place was safe. He did not care for Hill; he cared for the future
and he was certain San Hill had a place in the future.
Part two
Grievous’ rage
‘’I have built you a perfect flag-ship, with two Ion cannons installed,’’
Dooku explained.
Grievous looked at the ship, docked at Raxus space port, its dark and
ominous shape looking out of place on that beautiful world.
‘’Malevolence is her name,’’ Dooku continued. ‘’And she has the
capabilities to win this war, in the right hands.’’
Grievous nodded. ‘’One-million Jedi will die at its hand!’’
‘’I advise you to not go out of your way for the purpose of adding
others to your collection. But before you become Captain of the
Malevolence I have a job for you, Grievous. There are a group of
Padawans building what they call ‘The New Sith order’ on Korriban.
Go there and kill them all.’’
‘’Padawans!’’ Grievous scoffed. ‘’Easy prey.’’
The Soulless one landed in the Valley of the Dark Lords, adjacent to
the ancient sith academy which was in use at the time of Darth
Malak and Darth Revan
It was a long valley of rock, and every now and again he saw a door
leading into a tomb.
Grievous’ robotic face was hit by dust being lifted up by the harsh
wind on Korriban.
A shyrack flew towards him, screaming at this intruder. Grievous
lifted his foot and crushed its head inside his claws.
He did not even look as the carcass burst and out squirted blood,
spraying his robotic legs and cape with blood.
Grievous crouched down above it, moving his leg so he could see the
disgusting and vile innards of the Shyrack. Drawing the blue
lightsaber that Dooku gave him as a present, he let the blade touch
the corpse and it erupted into flame, smoke funnelling into the sky.
Grievous looked around and swiftly ran way, his claws only softly
crunching against the rock.
Peering from behind a rock, he watched smoke pour into the sky,
and sure enough several aliens all stepped out to examine the source
of their distraction. Squinting to see, Grievous saw a Lightsaber on
all of their belts and he laughed quietly. He had hit the jackpot.
Grievous lifted a droid blaster and aimed for a red female Twi’lek.
The bullet whistled towards her and hit her in the back, and she fell
to the floor. Her body slumped to the floor and all the others drew
clear blue and green lightsabers.
‘’There’s something out there,’’ One said.
Grievous grabbed a Shyrack which had flew towards him and
crushed its windpipe, letting the thing let out a horrendous shriek.
The Padawans ran towards it and turned around the rock to see… a
dead shyrack with blood oozing from it.
‘’Over there!’’ One cried, pointing to a dark figure facing the sunset
so nobody could see him.
The figure was perched upon a tall pillar, and a cloak was flying out
behind him.
‘’Twice as tall as a normal human!’’ A Nautolan Padawan cried.
A brave looking human male stepped towards him.
‘’Who are you!’’ He demanded.
Two lightsabers grew from his arms. And then he lifted his arms
and the limb was split into two, another two arms!
Another two lightsabers illuminated the night and the figure back
flipped from his pillar, lightsabers spinning around him.
The Human male did not even have time to fight back as he was
decapitated three times.
The Padawans gasped at his face, he was a droid!
‘’Come here, you Jedi scum!’’
‘’We are not Jedi!’’ The Nautolan cried. ‘’We follow Darth Phoenix!’’
‘’Phoenix?’’ Grievous said, hesitating. ‘’Belwynn’s padawan?’’
‘’Yes,’’ The Nautolan replied. ‘’But after he was killed she became
Dragger’s Padawan. But he got her banished from the order just
after he died on Geonosis.’’
‘’So she is the one who wants revenge on me!’’ Grievous cackled.
‘’You!’’ A Bith cried. ‘’You are not Kaleesh! You are droid!’’
Grievous beheaded the Bith and grabbed his severed head.
‘’I am Grievous!’’
The others leapt into action, all at once diving at him but the Cyborg
spun all four of his lightsabers around and killed them all, except the
Nautolan; who stopped dead in his tracks, quivering violently.
‘’Bring me to Phoenix.’’
‘’You murdered Belwynn,’’ Phoenix hissed. She was perched upon
her throne dressed in Jedi robes.
‘’And if I did?’’ Grievous cackled back.
‘’The Sith shall kill you!’’
‘’You Jedi scum!’’ Grievous cried back. ‘’The Sith exist!’’
Phoenix gasped. ‘’Who!?’’
‘’Count Dooku!’’ Grievous snapped back.
The fallen Jedi buried her face in her hands.
‘’The force has failed me!’’
‘’The force has failed!?’’ The Cyborg cackled. ‘’You have failed! Enjoy
being one with the force!’’
Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker looked out of the window
above Muunlist. It was a beautiful sunset, the silhouettes of Skyspeeders lined the horizon and towering spires dominated the scape.
Anakin had long dark hair with a scar across his eye, while Kenobi
was Ginger haired and had a short beard upon his chin.
They were approached by Commander Cody, dressed in Orange clone
uniform to show his rank.
‘’We have checked all the archives, and found this,’’
He held out a small transparent cube, lined with silver.
‘’A sith holocron?’’ Kenobi said, quizzically. ‘’What in the Devil’s
name is it doing here?’’
‘’Maybe we should find out,’’ Skywalker said sarcastically.
Obi-wan called upon the force and the Holocron opened, revealing a
hologram of a Bith dressed in a life-support suit and a Muun, in a
dark cloak. The Bith was short and rounded dressed in complete
black armour, while the Muun was tall and thin, dressed in red arm
armour beneath his cloak. Both had deep yellow eyes.
‘’Holocron of Darth Tenebrous and Darth Plagueis,’’ The Holocron
said in a feminine voice. ‘’Detecting two forceful beings. One has
many midi-chlorians the other has… error… too many. Hello chosen
one, you will bring balance to the force and the galaxy.’’
‘’You know me?’’ Anakin said.
‘’Darth Plagueis was experimenting with Darth Venamis when he
created the chosen one.’’
Kenobi eyed Anakin and called upon the force to close it.
‘’The Council should see this before you do,’’ Kenobi said. Anakin was
about to protest when there was a cry from inside the prison block.
The Jedi rushed into the cell to find Hill sitting on a bench.
‘’What is it?’’ Skywalker asked.
‘’The sith lords!’’ He panted. ‘’Rugess Nome and Hego Damask. They
are the sith!’’
‘’Nome was the architect who built Starfighters who was…’’
Kenobi was interrupted by Skywalker.
‘’Killed on Bal’demnic in the presence of Hego Damask! It makes
‘’Damask was a friend of mine,’’ Hill sobbed. ‘’My father was killed
in a meeting of the Canted Circle, and Hego Damask could not
protect him. Hego Damask was killed at the Opera in the presence of
the Senator from Naboo, can’t remember his or her name.’’
‘’Padme!’’ Anakin cried.
‘’She could be the sith lord we’ve been looking for, Anakin!’’ Kenobi
Skywalker was about to protest when his master cut in.
‘’Do not let your personal feelings get in the way, my young
Padawan. Maybe there was sense when Dooku said the Senate was
‘’But Padme never could do anything like that!’’ Anakin announced
in her defence. ‘’She is loved by everyone!’’
‘’As were Nome and Damask, Anakin!’’ Obi-wan replied sternly.
‘’Being likeable is the perfect mask for the Dark side!’’
‘’She is not sith’’ Skywalker cried back. ‘’She can’t even summon
upon the force!’’
‘’Think about what happened with Yoda, nobody could sense he was
forceful except the Grand Master of the Jedi order!’’
Skywalker hung his head in defeat. Was Padme a sith lord? She
couldn’t be. Could she?
Grievous stood in command of the Malevolence, cruising through the
Phu system. Behind him stood Count Dooku, the ruler of the CIS.
They had just tested the weapon against the Republic warship,
Doriana. The ship now was left unharmed, but drifting through space
in the light of Phu prime, an icy world reflecting from its green sun.
‘’That ship is older than both of us put together,’’ Dooku said,
observing it slowly float past. ‘’The Republic will have lost the allclear signal now, so we better leave this system,’’
‘’Yes, my lord,’’ Grievous said. ‘’But first we will destroy the ship, as
there must be no survivors,’’
The Malevolence cruised into the Abregado system, like a shadow on
the deep red sun.
‘’If we laid our tracks right, and if my sources point the Jedi in the
right direction; bringing Master Plo Koon here.’’
The Kel Dor Jedi Master Plo Koon stood at the bridge of the ‘Origin’,
calling upon the force to see the future of this battle, yet the dark
side clouded his vision.
‘’This weapon of mass destruction could be more than we can handle,
Wolfe nodded beneath his clone armour.
‘’This is just a scouting mission, sir,’’ He said suddenly. ‘’Palpatine
could be wrong.’’
‘’If he was wrong that is one more system we would not need to
‘’And if he is?’’
Koon turned around, smiling.
‘’I pray for our sake, Commander,’’
An officer stepped up to them both.
‘’We are coming out of hyperspace, we are detecting an enormous
single object emitting unusually high amounts of energy.
‘’Well I suppose we’re the unlucky ones,’’ Wolfe joked.
‘’Indeed,’’ Koon replied. ‘’But the Republic won’t know of our good
fortune if I’ve heard anything about what happened to the Doriana.’’
‘’Three republic cruisers coming from hyperspace, General,’’
Dooku spoke. ‘’Fire the Ion cannon before they can warn the
‘’Fire the ion cannon!’’ Grievous repeated.
Around the large dome in the centre masses of energy started to
flow, electricity buzzing with power.
‘’An ion cannon!’’ Koon cried, and as he said it a net of lightning
was launched from the Malevolence and it swallowed them all,
leaving the ships powerless.
‘’This is too easy!’’ Grievous cried. ‘’Maximum fire-power!’’
Turbo-engines and plasma-turrets opened fire upon the Colossus,
which immediately cracked in two at the sheer force of this power.
‘’To the escape pods!’’ Koon cried as the Bastion exploded beside
Koon, Wolfe, two other clones and Officer Ponds dived into an escape
pod and ejected as the Origin erupted into flame behind them. Koon’s
pod floated amongst all the debris and corpse of clones.
‘’Well this is a predicament,’’ Wolfe sighed.
‘’I am sure Grievous would be wise to leave this system soon, and
they will find us,’’ Ponds said, hopefully rather than knowingly.
‘’Grievous has been unusually clean about this,’’ Koon said. ‘’He will
check for witnesses.
Grievous examined a large screen on which a map of the system had
‘’We must act swiftly to kill any survivors,’’ He said to Dooku. The
Cyborg pointed to the large field of debris. ‘’Send search parties there
to check escape pods. I want to know that they are all dead.’’
Dooku nodded. ‘’I sense the force moving in this place. Plo Koon is
Grievous stared out the window as if to see him.
San Hill stepped out of the Coruscant prison, the sun’s beams upon
his face. He was flanked by two clone-troopers who handed him over
to two Battle droids stood beside a shuttle.
‘’Take me to Muunlist,’’ He told the droid. Then he turned around to
see Obi-wan Kenobi to step over.
‘’What now, Jedi?’’ Hill sighed. ‘’I want to get off Coruscant before I
sign another autoprint.’’
‘’How did you acquire that holocron, Chairman?’’
‘’I am a free man, Master Kenobi,’’ Hill said with a tone of
solemnness. ‘’Ask me again when I am your prisoner again.’’
Kenobi let out an airy laugh.
‘’May the force be with you, Chairman,’’
‘’And may the profit be with you, Jedi,’’
‘’Perhaps when this war has finished the Banking clan and the Jedi
could be friends once more,’’
‘’That’s if we’re not dead!’’ Laughed Hill and the two shared a
‘’Now I must go, there’s a war to be won,’’
The two shook hands and parted ways.
‘’General, we’ve lost contact with pod hunter seven,’’
Grievous turned around to see a battle droid.
‘’Activate scanners!’’ He ordered.
The screen changed to a slow blue line rotating around, detecting
much asteroids.
Then all of a sudden it found something in the junk field.
‘’What is it?’’ The Count asked.
‘’A freighter ship,’’ Grievous said. ‘’Looks like smugglers.’’
‘’We do not want witnesses, General,’’ Dooku said sternly and the
cyborg gestured to a droid to fire the Ion cannon.
‘’Leave no survivors!’’ He cackled.
Peering from the window, Grievous watched this strange vessel fly by
and he heard the great vibration as the net of lightning fired. He
watched intently as the ship rushed forward, the Ion net only meters
Grievous growled as the freighter launched into hyperspace and into
the distance.
Dooku snarled and looked down upon the angered general, who did
not look at him; staring into space in disbelief.
‘’You have failed me, General,’’ The Count hissed. ‘’Remain here, I
am going to confer with my master.’’
San Hill stepped out into Muunlist and was greeted by cheering
‘’I have been released from prison,’’ Hill announced. ‘’But not from
the Republic. I hereby declare that the Intergalactic Banking clan
will relocate to Scipio!’’
Boos and hisses came from the crowd.
‘’Muunlist will fall to ruins!’’ One cried.
‘’We want a future’’ Another yelled.
San Hill raised his hands to calm the crowd.
‘’The Banking clan will bring all of its members over, along with all
our equipment and resources. The IBC cannot prosper under Republic
rule, it’s for the good of business.’’
‘’And how do you suppose you find the money to transfer
everything!?’’ Demanded a Muun and others nodded in agreement.
‘’A fifty-percent rise in tax,’’
‘’Fifty-percent!’’ A Muun female hooted. ‘’You’re going to tax all of
your worlds in order for you to move your HQ!’’
‘’Be glad you live in Republic rule or you would get it too!’’ Hill
‘’You are driving the galaxy to bankruptcy, Hill!’’ A human
‘’I am driving the Banking clan to success!’’ The Chairman declared.
‘’And that is all I shall say.’’
But still the crowds let out thunderous questions and demands, but
business was business. And business thrives in war.
‘’Set course for Ryndellia!’’ Grievous ordered. ‘’There is a Republic
medical station we can find there.’’
A droid nodded and tapped in the co-ordinates.
‘’I just love easy prey,’’
The Malevolence came out of Hyperspace to find the medical station
launching evacuation ships.
‘’Sir, a squad of Starfighters are approaching, upon closer look we
recognise three of them are Jedi. Plo Koon, Anakin Skywalker and
his padawan Ahsoka Tano.’’
Grievous smiled. ‘’Concentrate all fire on the fighters! Don’t let them
come to the bridge!’’
Anakin spun his Arc-Starfighter around, dodging a flurry of rapidturbo plasma.
‘’Hang in there boys,’’ Ahsoka said through her comm.
‘’Too many on my tail,’’ Jax said. ‘’I just can’t shake…’’
An Arc-Starfighter exploded behind them.
‘’There are too many casualties!’’ Tano cried to her master. ‘’Forget
the Bridge!’’
Skywalker called upon the force.
‘’Turn about,’’ He said at last. The fighters all wheeled around,
maximum power to engines as they raced above the Malevolence.
Anakin turned his ship and dived down so he was almost level with
the surface of the Ion cannon, flying above the small gap between the
ship and the weapon.
‘’Bombs away, snips,’’ He said as a torpedo was dropped and
plummeted down through the gap.
‘’Fire!’’ Grievous yelled. There was a moment of hesitation which was
interrupted by a large rumble as the Ion cannon exploded, smoke
fuming from it.
A droid approached him.
‘’They’ve destroyed the Ion cannon sir,’’
Grievous grabbed the droid by the head and crushed it in his fingers.
‘’Do not destroy your men, General,’’ Count Dooku said from a
hologram behind him. ‘’That is one clone you have let live.’’
‘’If they were better fighters,’’ Grievous insisted. ‘’I would not take
them for granted.’’
‘’This is not a game, Grievous,’’ Dooku said sharply. ‘’It is not
coincidental that the Trade Federation, Banking clan and all the
other factions supply these droids.’’
Grievous snarled. ‘’And it is not coincidental that you have the best
tactician in the Galaxy at your side.’’
‘’I order you to retreat into Separatist space, Grievous.’’
The cyborg nodded as the Malevolence went into hyperspace.
Kenobi stood at the bridge of the Resolute, hailing down fire upon the
Anakin, Ahsoka and Plo stepped in and were greeted by Republic
Admiral; Wulf Yularum.
Kenobi was stopped by an officer.
‘’There is a ship coming out of hyperspace, sir,’’
‘’Friend or foe?’’
‘’Looks like a Naboo yacht, sir,’’
‘’Padme!’’ Anakin cried.
‘’What in blazes is it doing out here?!’’ Obi-wan cried.
‘’Ahh,’’ Grievous said. ‘’Our hostage has arrived. ‘’Activate tractor
A large blue beam of light caught the Naboo yacht and pulled it into
the hangar.
Grievous, flanked by two battle droids, stepped inside the shiny metal
ship. A tiny beep was going off, and one battle droid went over to it.
‘’I wonder what this…’’
Grievous pushed the droid over and jumped out, just as the ship
exploded with the battle droids.
‘’Find the Senator!’’ He demanded.
‘’An authorised communication, you say,’’ Grievous said to his battle
droid. ‘’Tap into the communications and be on maximum guard.’’
‘’There is a transmission we have tapped into, sir,’’ The Droid said
and he pressed into a button.
‘’Okay, Anakin’’ Kenobi’s voice said. ‘’You and the Senator get back
to the Twilight, I’ll go and shut down the Hyperdrive.’’
The transmission ended.
‘’Me and a regiment of Droids will head there and meet him.’’
Grievous watched the famed Jedi Master enter the room.
Droidekas rolled up to the platform followed by many B2 Super
Battle droids.
‘’Good to meet you at last, Grievous,’’ Kenobi said.
I am flattered, Kenobi,’’ Grievous said sarcastically. ‘’Kill him.’’
Kenobi drew his lightsaber and deflected blaster-fire raining down
upon him. He sliced up a battle droid and force-pushed a Droideka
back down his bridge, knocking many others down with him.
Kenobi, gasping for breath, ran off.
‘’Wow!’’ A battle droid said. ‘’I wish I worked for the Republic.’’
Grievous kicked the droid off from the platform and down out into
‘’I shall deal with him myself,’’
The Cyborg stood above the vast network of rail-jet cars, carrying
cargo and transporting troops. When he saw the target he leapt down
and landed beside him.
Grievous drew two lightsabers and locked his with Kenobi’s single
blue blade.
Kenobi back flipped onto a crate, gracefully as an acrobat. Grievous
left out to him, spinning blades like a maniac, but Kenobi jumped
onto an adjacent car, saluted and flew away.
‘’The Hyperdrive is repaired,’’ His comm said, a B1 Battle droid.
‘’Retreat to sector four!’’ Grievous ordered.
‘’Uh oh!’’ He heard a droid say. ‘’Somebody has set the navi-computer
to fly into a moon!’’
‘’Reset the navi-computer!’’ Grievous screamed frantically.
At that moment a hologram burst into the figure of Count Dooku
from the floor.
‘’I am awaiting your…’’
Grievous crushed the hologram under his foot, and raced off.
The Soulless one flew from the Hangar of the flaming Malevolence.
Grievous tapped in the co-ordinates and jumped into hyperspace;
leaving the Malevolence to crash into the moon.
Dooku and Grievous battled on Serrenno their lightsabers clashing.
‘’Stop using the basic forms!’’ Count insisted, swinging his curved hilt
around his wrist while his other hand remained behind his back.
Grievous replied with a burst of swings and slashes at random.
‘’Never swing and slash with no form!’’ Dooku said. ‘’Use your height
and strength to your advantage, Grievous. Find the form which will
help you most!’’
‘’You’re holding your lightsaber too tightly!’’
Grievous loosened his grip to find the Count disarm Grievous’
lightsaber; the blue blade which Dooku had given him.
‘’Tell me,’’ Grievous said. ‘’How did you acquire this, master?’’
They both deactivated their swords and placed them to their belts but
Count kept a grip of the blue lightsaber. ‘’Jedi by the name of SifoDyas,’’ Dooku said, recalling his memories. ‘’Friend of mine until I
left the order. I had his ship exploded above the world of Obadiah,
and him down with it. The weapon is perfectly balanced, he was a
brilliant combatant; however he believed the Republic were always
right. He was such a fool.’’
Grievous snatched the lightsaber back off the Count and fit it into his
Dooku walked over to his tall chair behind his desk; which lay a few
yards from the large green window overlooking Dooku’s dark
homeworld. Because of this there was a slight green taint to the
Dooku tapped in a couple of codes and up beamed a hologram, deep
red in colour. It was a map of a small sector of the Galaxy.
‘’Where is this, my lord?’’
Dooku pointed to a large world which seemed to be changing its
appearance, like water thrashing about.
‘’Kamino,’’ He said airily. ‘’The production of Clones is all based
around Kamino. But as you can see there is a moon fairly far away.’’
The Count gestured to an asteroid like object. ‘’Rishi is its name, and
is operating a sensor relay which is detecting ships in the
surrounding sector. Any ships and the all clear signal goes off and
the entire Republic knows. But the all clear signal is manual, so kill
all the clones and section off the perimeter.’’
Grievous nodded. ‘’Just clones? This is too easy.’’
Grievous sat in his Muunificent class frigate, he opened a hologram to
several commando droids.
‘’have you captured the base?’’
‘’Yes, sir,’’ The droid said. ‘’But there is an inspection coming.’’
Grievous leaned back in his chair, thinking. ‘’Hardwire the all clear
signal and defend the base with your programming!’’
‘’Roger roger.’’
A 00M B1 Battle droid walked up to Grievous. ‘’We have made
contact with our spy on Kamino.’’
‘’Put her through.’’
Assajj Ventress appeared in the hologram, dressed in her robes. She
was the acolyte apprentice to Dooku, and known for her ruthlessness.
‘’What is it, assassin?’’
‘’Kamino is ready for your assault. Jedi General Shaak Ti is there,
but I expect our invasion will deal with her.’’
Grievous nodded. ‘’My invasion! This is my mission, you are merely a
The hologram hummed slightly as it withdrew back into the table.
‘’What of our droids on Kamino?’’ The cyborg asked the droid beside
‘’We’ve lost all contact with…’’
The triangular head of the droid flew across the room, the frame
collapsing to the floor. Grievous clenched the fist which he had
beheaded the droid with. ‘’Send a battalion down there! I want those
Clones dead!’’
Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker stood upon the Resolute,
looking down at the galaxy; trying to find Grievous.
‘’Sir!’’ It was Admiral Yularum. ‘’We have stopped receiving the all
clear signal.’’
‘’Grievous,’’ Anakin said. ‘’Set course for Kamino system!’’
General Grievous’ fleet launched into hyperspace, in cowardice from
the Republic fleet who had just arrived above the moon.
‘’Plan B?’’ Ventress laughed. Grievous snarled. ‘’Plan B.’’
Grievous stood at the head of the fleet above Kamino, battling Obiwan and Admiral Yularum. Anakin and his Padawan flew through
space, their interceptor Jedi Starfighters whistling through the air.
The cyborg pointed to the frigate to his left. ‘’Move forward!’’
‘’That would be suicide, sir!’’ A battle droid cried.
The Kaleesh general laughed. ‘’that’s the point. Keep our assassin
informed that she may begin the assault.’’
He watched as the frigate he told to move plummeted down into the
Ventress stood aboard the Trident; watching through a thick window
Aqua-droids building more Trident-class assault ships; the strange
squid-like submarines designed to board Tipoca city.
She turned and walked over to a map. Grievous appeared in a
Ventress pointed to the barracks. ‘’That is your target.’’
Grievous looked down on Ventress. ‘’Where is yours?’’
‘’The DNA room,’’ Assajj said, gesturing to a large hall in the centre
of the complex and well-defended city.
‘’Are you sure you can do that?’’ Grievous teased.
‘’Count Dooku assigned us to this mission, let’s not get all like that.’’
Obi-wan and Anakin walked through the white corridors to be
greeted by thee prime minister of Kamino; Lama Su and Jedi
Master Shaak Ti.
‘’Me and Anakin will head into space,’’ Kenobi explained. ‘’Prepare
for invasion.’’
‘’I will get my people to safety.’’ Lama Su said.
The four nodded and parted.
Kenobi watched another ship sink to the ocean floor from space.
‘’Grievous is sacrificing his fleet to protect himself,’’ The Jedi master
said. This isn’t right.’’
‘’Master,’’ Anakin’s voice said through the radio. ‘’The battle’s up
here in space.’’
‘’I’m going down there,’’ Kenobi said. ‘’I’m going to have a look at
the debris.’’
Grievous sky-dived down towards the water, followed by millions of
aqua-droids. They all plunged under and swum down to the sea floor.
‘’Begin assembling the assault ships,’’ Ventress ordered as a wet
Grievous stepped into the cockpit.
Kenobi swum deep down. Something was lighting the ocean floor.
Droids! Ships! Invasion! The Jedi master pulled himself onto the
dome of Tipoca city.
He used the force to summon the Aiwha; a large lying fish for aid.
The beast dived under and lifted him, just as the oceans swelled and
the Trident assault ships launched out of the water and stabbed their
beak into the dome, spitting out battle droids.
Kenobi pressed on his comm to Anakin. ‘’Come back down here,
Anakin! The assault’s begun!’’
Grievous and Ventress stood beside each other.
‘’Keep playing with your droids,’’ The latter said. ‘’I’ll get into the
DNA room.’’
‘’Shall I provide you with a droid escort?’’
‘’My dear General,’’ Ventress said, moving her hands across her
ally’s face. ‘’There is nothing you have that I could want.’’
Grievous stepped into the corridors, marching down as several clones
emerged from round the corner.
The General drew a single blue blade and deflected their shots,
charged at them and let his blade slice the air while killing all the
clones around him. Clones limped around the corner, overwhelmed by
the aqua droids at all sides. An unsuspecting Clone made a break for
it, away from the ranks of aqua-droids. He did not see Grievous, who
grabbed his head with his foot and crushed it against the ground.
The corridor opened up into a large bridge overlooking the eggs of
clones, floating around; exactly identical.
A Bith Jedi knight flanked by Clone Commander Cody and several
others charged. Grievous let them get so close before he ordered the
ranks to fire, inflicting great casualties. The Jedi drew a purple
blade and engaged Grievous, who was only baring one.
The cyborg deployed two extra arms, each one grabbing a blade
before swinging like mad at the Jedi’s chest; killing him instantly.
Cody shot several droids and retreated back to defend the barracks;
desperate for reinforcement. Grievous deactivate two of his lightsaber
and placed them in his belt before joining them up again. He leaned
over and picked up the lightsaber adding it to his collection.
It was at that moment Kenobi ran up to him, Grievous lifted his
hands and gestured for the droids to continue the assault.
‘’We meet again,’’
Kenobi smiled and drew his lightsaber. ‘’Lets end this here and
They both charged, engaging in an advanced and complex duel.
Grievous grabbed Kenobi and tossed him to the floor, while he
throttled his foot down towards Kenobi’s head. The Jedi master
skilfully rolled to the side and launched to his feet, summoned upon
the force and pushed Grievous down the corridor into the wall, over
the bridge.
The cyborg got up, winded and ran for it, his feet cracking the floor
and he galloped.
Grievous ran out into the pouring rain and turned to engage Kenobi.
The two circled, just as the Trident ship clambered onto the platform,
rocking the leg and compromising the balance. The Jedi fell back
and slid down into the ocean.
Grievous leaped onto an adjacent platform to find Shaak Ti waiting
She drew a blue blade. ‘’Surrender, Grievous!’’
The cyborg managed a cackle and drew his two lightsabers, spun
them around his hand and poised them beside him.
Ti used the force to pull over an electric podium on the side of the
platform. Grievous stepped several steps forward and let it fall
behind him.
Ti, realising that would not work, charged onto the platform;
swinging her lightsaber to one side of her head.
The General locked swords with the Jedi, but it only lasted for a
moment. Grievous kicked Ti in the leg and pulled his swords back.
Ti used her lightsaber to cut through one side of the bridge
connecting the platform to the main city, and the ford rocked to the
side. Grievous locked his talons into the ground as the bridge tilted,
approaching verticality. The supports snapped and the viaduct fell
down into the water. The Jedi master ran along the vertical span
and jumped onto the main platform. Grievous fired a grappling hook
onto a passing Aiwha, and used it to pull towards the platform. He
let go and dropped onto a pile of cargo.
All of a sudden the very Aiwha Grievous had grappled onto turned
around and flew towards the General; on it mounted Kenobi.
The Cyborg interlocked on of his feet into a crate and swung his leg
up; catapulting the box towards Kenobi. The beast was hit and lost
flight, dropping down onto the dome. Kenobi gripped on as his fellow
animal fell back and slipped down into the sea. The Jedi tried to grip
but slipped and went further towards the ocean.
The forceful Togruta jumped up onto the dome and raced towards
Kenobi. Grievous leapt up behind them and charged. The two used
the force to jump into the air and get onto less-steep ground.
Grievous dug his feet into the ground.
‘’It’s over Grievous,’’ The Male Human Jedi said. ‘’We have the high
Grievous laughed and somersaulted into the air, landing in-between
the two Jedi. The cyborg ignited his blades and locked swords at both
sides, the energy buzzing wildly as opposite forces battled.
The cyborg pushed with all his might, and then split his arm. The
two hands reached down and grabbed a blade, and Grievous swung
his blades about, breaking the lock.
Ti was pushed back in surprise, and she groaned as her foe kicked
her in the stomach. Clasping her lower body, she tripped back and
slid down, barely hanging on upon the edge. Kenobi was forced back,
but quickly retaliated with a force push which sent Grievous flying.
The cyborg dug his claws into the ground and gained his balance as
Ti was helped up by her Jedi friend.
The two walked towards him.
Grievous laughed before they could speak and lifted his talons –
therefore skidding down the dome- sparks erupting from his feet.
Grievous landed upon a small platform; rain pouring from the sky.
At that moment Ventress ran over to him, lightsabers drawn flaked
by Skywalker.
The cyborg kicked the young Jedi in the abdomen; Grievous’ opponent
flying across to the base of the dome.
Ventress grinned, she lifted the DNA capsule and smiled.
‘’Come and get it you cowards!’’ She laughed, and poised her crimson
Skywalker groaned, clutching his bleeding chest. Grievous laughed.
‘’Afraid Jedi?’’
Ventress twisted her smile. ‘’You take Shaak Ti, I’ll take Kenobi.’’
The two Jedi walked down the dome and poised their blades.
Grievous laughed at Shaak Ti. He charged and engaged, lightsabers
shrieking as they clashed. Ti jumped back in surprise, only to find
the general somersaulting after her. Taken by surprise; Ti was
grabbed around the neck and forced down against the ground.
Grievous grabbed her blade from her hand and cuffed it to his belt.
At that moment Kenobi disarmed Ventress and used the force to
retrieve the sample. The acolyte leapt to her feet and charged,
unarmed. Obi-wan used the force to grab her and toss her into the
air where a Kaminoan flight pod whistled past and collected her.
Grievous looked up as Kenobi raced towards him.
‘’Save your friend!’’ Grievous laughed as he tossed her into the sea.
Immediately the male Jedi ran after her, diving in.
The pod turned around and picked up Grievous, who smiled at an
injured Anakin and flew away.
Count Dooku drew his blade and pointed it at the cyborg who drew
‘’You are becoming skilled, Grievous,’’ He said. ‘’But you need
practice. You have not found the secret to killing Jedi. And I think
it is time I told it you. It a Sith technique called Dun Moch.’’
‘’I care little for sith ways,’’ Grievous snarled.
‘’It involves mockery,’’ Dooku continued. ‘’It is causing them to
channel their inner darkness; destroying the Jedi inside them. This
torture; I have found, hurts them more than death. That is the
primary reason why I left. They had weakness, they let the light,
everything they had followed, retract from their body, ripping their
soul apart. Until they exile themselves into the dark side.’’
‘’Then the dark side rules everything?’’ Grievous said.
‘’No, Grievous. The Jedi are slaves of the light, we are masters of
the dark. But it is so easy to mutiny against the light; and even if
you lose you gain the dark side. But often those who work for the
light fail their tasks and even though they lose; you gain the dark
‘’So the force can be used in different ways?’’
‘’Exactly,’’ The Count said. ‘’The force is like a person. You can be
superior to it or not. Those not more powerful cannot harness it. The
Jedi, although more powerful; swore allegiance to the force. The Sith
have the allegiance of the force. Treat the force with cruelty and
your life will be short. Harness it and gain power and victory; the
force will be pleased with its salary. The weakness of the Jedi is
their reliance upon the force, the weakness of the dark side is the
force relies on them.’’
Grievous nodded. ‘’What about non-forceful beings?’’
‘’The people who do not harness the force, as capable and as powerful
as they are is a sign the force refuses to be manipulated by them.
But they are still bonded by the mantle of the force. There are many
strange species who have familiarity with the force. The witches of
Dathomir have the force, but use it to worship strange gods and
preach their religion. They do not believe in the dark or the light;
they say the force is one and it binds everything.
There are
species like Toydarians and Hutts who can resist the force. This is
because they are forceful themselves; but harness it in a way that
they do not know. They are like Jedi in such a subtle way. The force
enslaves them, whether they are superior or not.’’
‘’What happens when you become one with the force?’’ Grievous
Dooku smiled at the cyborg’s curiosity. ‘’Good question. A forceful
being when he or she dies becomes the thing they harnessed. The
followers of the dark side will guide those of its own; but as the force.
The force becomes unbalanced at times, the dark side ruling the force
caused war and famine; death and destruction. The light side ruling
the force causes prosperity and peace; love and harmony. There is a
Jedi prophecy; but if you look into history you will find its roots in
sith empires upon Korriban. It tells of a being who is so forceful he
will bring balance by serving both the light and the dark. But the
Jedi think he will do so by joining the Jedi and destroying all things
intertwined with the dark side and funnel out light. But the
preachers of the dark side can do strange things to the force. There
was once a sith lord called Darth Plagueis. He could do something
which defied the laws of the universe. He could give life by
manipulating the force. Many years ago all force-sensitives felt a
great disturbance. I was only a Padawan then, but even at my young
age I knew the chosen one had been born. From what my master told
me Darth Plagueis was trying to build life when he built the chosen
‘’Who is the chosen one?’’ Grievous asked. ‘’Is it Master Yoda?
Master Windu? Master Kenobi?’’
‘’No,’’ Dooku replied. ‘’It is painful to come too close for the force will
retaliate at you. His name is Anakin Skywalker.’’
‘’Skywalker?’’ The cyborg General scoffed. ‘’He is merely a knight.’’
‘’The reason he is a knight is because the council do not want
Skywalker to be the chosen one. He is arrogant and impatient; the
Jedi cannot believe he is the one who destroys the dark side. But we
sith know he will serve both; and he Jedi do not understand
Grievous laughed. ‘’And you are afraid he will be too kind in the
‘’Indeed. But enough of our babbling, I would train you myself if I
had the time, but I don’t so go to Scipio; San Hill says there’s trouble
over there.
Grievous stepped out onto the landing platform to be greeted by the
Iotran guard.
‘’Welcome to Scipio, name your business.’’
‘’I’m here to see San Hill,’’ Grievous said, growling.
‘’Who are you?’’ The guard said, leaning closer. Grievous snarled.
‘’I am General Grievous.’’ He said.
‘’You!’’ The captain laughed. ‘’You don’t look so…’’
The cyborg lifted his hands and gripped him around the neck,
looking down at the Muun. The guard attempted to breath but failed.
And then from the shuttle behind him emerged two Magna-guards.
Grievous saw them and dropped him. The cyborg’s guards walked
over to the captain and one throttled his staff down into his chest;
blood squirting out. At that moment from the palace ran a frightened
looking Rush Clovis, flanked by two Scipioan guards.
‘’General Grievous,’’ Clovis said, rubbing his hands together
nervously. ‘’I see you met the Iotran guard.’’
Grievous did not reply. ‘’Where is San Hill?’’
Clovis laughed. ‘’Why would you want him.’’
‘’I want to speak to him about the trouble here.’’
‘’Oh,’’ Clovis said. ‘’So he wants you to kill me?’’
‘’Does he?’’
Clovis paused, and fidgeted nervously. ‘’I’ve been elected as new
chairman of the clan. The Separatists don’t like me because I’m
friends with the Republic…’’
Grievous grabbed him around the neck and flung him off the bridge.
‘’Trouble solved,’’ He said, pleased that he had resolved the feud.
The two guards either side of him lifted their guns to find Grievous’
bodyguards grab one each and throw them off too.
Out walked San Hill, whom had observed the fiasco.
‘’You, my creation, have saved me more than once now.’’
Grievous scoffed. ‘’Do not be proud of me, I am not yours. I belong to
Hill laughed. ‘’You belong to me on my planet.’’
Grievous saw a passing IBC Muun agent. The cyborg grabbed him by
the shoulder and flung him to the ground, drawing his blade. The
General easily impaled him.
‘’I could do that to you if you aren’t careful.’’
Hill laughed. ‘’Try it.’’
‘’Don’t tempt me.’’
At that moment a flustered looking Rush Clovis climbed up onto the
bridge. ‘’How about I step down?’’
The cyborg looked upon the small set of droids Dooku had brought
before him on Serrenno. Each one was of different stature and size,
each baring a lightsaber.
‘’What are these?’’ Grievous asked. Dooku smiled from the small box
behind the cyborg, sitting beside Darth Sidious.
‘’These are exact replicas of the most skilled and talented Jedi,’’
Dooku said. ‘’They have been programmed to act exactly in the
patterns their Jedi would use in combat. They have exact replicas of
their lightsabers. The only difference is they cannot use the
telekinetic force. But you can only master that I combat with a
‘’Which one do I duel?’’ Grievous asked.
‘’Whichever,’’ Dooku said.
The General thought for a moment. ‘’I have confronted Shaak Ti
more than once and find her challenging.’’
Dooku waved his hand, the force rippling through the air and
pressing on the activation button of the exact replica of Shaak Ti.
She drew a blue lightsaber and poised it. Grievous pulled out a single
blade, the one belonging to K’Kruhk.
He swung his blade at her, she deflected instantly, and cartwheeled
to the side.
‘’Which form is she using?’’ Dooku asked as Grievous locked swords
with her.
‘’A strange variation of Form IV,’’ The cyborg replied. ‘’She uses
acrobatics to move round, but the attacks themselves are only as
simple as Form II.’’
The droid launched into the air and landed on the roof. She turned
upside down and stood there, poising her blade.
‘’Remember what I told you about the high ground,’’ Dooku said.
‘’Half the battle is in the footwork.’’
Grievous laughed. ‘’Advantages are nothing to me.’’
The droid jumped onto the roof and locked his claws into the ceiling,
now upside down.
Ti charged at Grievous and locked swords. The cyborg pulled his
lightsaber over towards his feet, which were on the roof. In a
powerful push, he throttled his head to hers and temporarily winded
it. Grievous pushed the sabre forward and cut off her left leg, the
droid replica of the Jedi falling off the roof to the floor.
Grievous dropped onto her, his feet landing into her stomach. The
cyborg cut off her hand and lifted the lightsaber, pleased. He then
lifted them both and drove them down into her, electricity sparking
from her.
Dooku and Sidious stood, clapping. The gaunt former Jedi dressed in
brown robes spoke. ‘’Good, good. You saw her technique and used it
against her; using her swiftness as a veil to hide the upcoming blows.
But I am disappointed you did not use all of your arms to your
advantage, you were using the same format of the basic swordsmen.
She could no doubt predict your next move.’’
‘’But I won,’’ Grievous replied. ‘’Through victory my chains are
‘’Your confidence in the sith code clouds your vision,’’ The Count said
sharply. ‘’Victory is not free, there is always a cost. And the cost
comes not from victory but from the journey to it.’’
Darth Sidious smiled. ‘’I am impressed, he knows the code. You are
a good teacher, Tyranus. But I think it is time he duelled another,
more challenging, Jedi droid.’’
Dooku nodded; flattered at his master’s praise. ‘’Try Master Kenobi.’’
The Kenobi droid spring to life, drawing a clear blue blade. It was
exactly shaped like him with his beard; but was completely silver
apart from the eyes which glowed red.
Grievous, heeding his master’s comment, pulled out his two extra
arms and each one grabbed a blade.
Grievous charged and clashed swords with him, locking immediately.
The general withdrew three swords from the lock and attacked
swinging madly. The droid jumped back and dodged to the side,
gaining stature.
‘’What form is he using?’’ Dooku asked encouragingly.
The cyborg charged at Kenobi, engaging in a complex duel.
‘’He uses simple moves, but lets his feet control his stature.’’
Dooku leaned forward. ‘’Where is his weak point?’’
‘’His feet,’’ Grievous replied instantly. Dooku shook his head. ‘’His
hate. I know this a droid, and Dun Moch will not work but every
Jedi will fall eventually.’’
Grievous followed the droid up a flight of steps. The two arrived at a
small elevated walkway leading outside, onto the roof. Kenobi ran out
onto the roof, into the dim light of the green sun, surrounded by
black wildlife and foliage.
Grievous ran across the DuraB surface, his feet making explosionlike sounds which echoed into the distance. Kenobi jumped onto a
domed green roof, and poised his blade.
The cyborg jumped forward, but his sharp claws crashing against the
glass and dropping them both onto the red carpet inside the main
hall. Grievous shook his head just as Kenobi charged, watching the
droid run towards him. The Kaleesh cyborg pulled out a grappling
hook and fired it at Kenobi, catching him in the chest. The General
of the Separatists then pulled his arm up, wrenching the droid from
the ground and hurling him into the air. Grievous brought him down
and spun him around the room once before letting go and letting him
smash against the wall, exploding the droid. Into the hall walked
Sidious; dressed in red robes and hooded alongside Dooku wearing a
tight brown uniform and cape.
‘’You did well,’’ The latter said, pleased yet not smiling. ‘’I think it
is time…’’
Sidious cut in. ‘’I think you could even beat Dooku himself.’’
The Count turned in disbelief. ‘’He is nowhere near as…’’
‘’That was what Darth Bane said about his apprentice; Zannah when
she challenged him.’’
Dooku hesitated, and grinned. He let his cape fall loose and fall to
the ground. He picked up his sabre from his belt; slightly curved and
slivery and drew it unveiling a crimson blade. The count let it spin
around his wrist and caught it, pointing it to the side.
Grievous’ hands each grabbed a lightsaber and moved all four blades
back, pointing them at Dooku.
Dooku jumped into the air and used the force to push his opponent to
the ground. Grievous got back up and saw the count standing on a
tall podium at the corner.
Grievous jumped onto the wall and ran across, striding as he went.
Dooku sliced his lightsaber to the side, cutting in half a long pipe just
beside him. The tube sprayed out deadly green gas at Grievous who
pushed it out of his way. Dooku then used the force to crush the
ropes holding the pipe in place, sending the thing swinging down the
walk and knocking Grievous from it.
The cyborg landed upon the floor, still yet to cross blades with him.
Dooku jumped from his perch into the middle of the room, looking at
Grievous who was coughing and spluttering. The cyborg got back up
and charged, only to find tangles of lightning erupt from the count’s
fingers and hitting his armorplast plates. The cyborg deactivated his
lightsabers. Grievous, yelping in pain tumbled to the floor. Smoke
slowly rose from the plates at the heat.
‘’You use no form,’’ Grievous groaned, still clutching his chest. ‘’You
are a master in the arts. You are the best.’’
Sidious laughed. ‘’You still need a bit of training, General. But
already so many have fell to your blade. You have mastered duelling;
but cannot handle the force.’’
Dooku undid his blade and placed it on his belt. ‘’You have finished
duelling training, Grievous. But not combat. I will teach you the most
prized specialties to overcoming the force.’’
Grievous stood and bowed. ‘’I will cripple them in mind and body.’’
Dooku nodded slightly. ‘’You shall come with me to Korriban; the
home of the sith. There we will unlock the darkest of combat
techniques encrypted into the tablets there by Naga Sadow, Tulak
Hord, Ajunta Pall, Marka Ragnos, Exar Kun, Ulic qel Droma and
all the other great lords of the dark side.’’
Grievous lifted his head and snarled. ‘’The Jedi will die at my hand,
and peace will be brought to the galaxy.’’
Dooku did not twitch. He saw Grievous’ mistake. ‘’Peace is a lie,
there is only passion.’’
Grievous and Dooku both stood, examining a pillar in which was
written a dialogue in a strange form of writing.
‘’This is the sith code,’’ Dooku finalised. ‘’It is only slightly different
to the translation of Darth Bane:
Peace is lying; there is only passion,
Strength comes from passion
Power is maintained by strength,
Victory is the prosper of this and through victory the chains of
weakness are broken,
The force frees me.’’
Grievous leaned over Dooku’s shoulder to see him holding a datapad
containing the means to translate this.
‘’What has this to do with combat?’’
The count turned, disappointed. ‘’Passion fuels our strength in
combat, makes us stronger. Passion is emotion, but not love for
others. That is compassion; yet the Jedi encourage this and deny
attachments. Passion is a love for a feeling; we learn to let our
emotions guide our strength. Therefore it has everything to do with
Grievous nodded not entirely convinced. After a pause he said; ‘’we
should enter a tomb, there will be shelter and knowledge in there.’’
Dooku saw the sand being lifted from the ground and fly past their
ears. ‘’Marka Ragnos was an expert in combat, we should head to his
The count gestured towards the tomb at the top left tomb and the two
walked over. Dooku summoned the force and opened the dark stone,
the stone pulled apart.
Inside there was a long tunnel, opening out into a small chamber.
Upon each wall many translations were laid out.
Grievous’ feet crunched against the stone, while Dooku’s only tapped
slightly. The two entered into the small cuboid room which ascended
as far as they could see, each wall having a piece of writing. The
count of Serrenno stepped forward and examined the wall.
Dooku read the writings out loud. ‘’The Jedi limit themselves to six
‘’Seven,’’ Grievous interrupted. ‘’But the seventh was created by
Master Windu.’’
The Count waited and continued. ‘’The Jedi limit themselves to six
forms of lightsaber combat. Shii-cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien
and Djem so; the two principals of form five and Niman. These are
the standard forms of combat. But the sith concentrate on the
unorthodox, therefore creating a whole new arsenal of moves that the
Jedi restrain from teaching to their Padawans due to the idea that
passion is the fuel. My personal favourite; one of the most dangerous
moves associated with Form VI. The principal idea is appealing for
those who bear two or more blades. The first step is to let the blades
revolve around your hand, not guiding them yourself but letting the
position of your stature control the speed and momentum. The
lightsabers will be a deadly variation of Soresu; blocking blaster fire
yet is useful at the first stages of combat, to drive the enemy back.’’
Dooku stopped reading. ‘’This specific text seems to say nothing about
the force, maybe it would be this one.’’
He turned to another text. ‘’Ahh, this is it. The fighting of Jedi and
their techniques is vital for the survival of the dark side. The
principal of Jedi combat is the force; therefore one must learn how to
fight it. Lightning; an ability rarely used by the Jedi is usually dealt
with by utilising Form V, using the sabre to deflect significant
amounts of energy. But the telekinetic force the Jedi use has a
notable weakness. Take the force crush; as utilised by my predecessor
Tulak Hord. It gives the user the ability to destroy an object through
the force by influencing tightening in the area surrounding. Not too
different to the telekinetic choke. Body movements cannot affect the
force; as it lies in another realm which reflects upon our own actions.
Your emotions; even if not force sensitive have a slight control over
the force more so with the more middichlorians. The best thing to do
is to extend your passion; which gives you strength to battle against
it and power to influence the cosmic force by using the living force.
This is almost guaranteed to protect you from basic choking and
crushing yet will not have the power to deplete stronger abilities.
Another method is to battle against the cosmic force by using the
living force against it; by destroying objects powerful in the force and
therefore creating a small aura of the living force before it is
destroyed and becomes one with the cosmic force after some time.
The more powerful the object in the force the more durable and
stronger your protection will be. This method dates back many years
before time started being measured; when the sith would defend
themselves from the Jedi by sacrificing their own. I cannot judge
which of these is best as they are best utilised for different purposes
at different times and places. If you were being strangled by a Jedi
you would chose the former, if you were battling against an army of
Jedi the latter; for you have a source of the cosmic force swelling in
front of you. These methods can be used by non-force users to some
extent; explaining several isolated cases where non force sensitives
have been able to ‘deflect’ some chokes, crushes and even lightning.’’
Dooku paused. ‘’I find both of these texts useful.’’
‘’I will use the buzzsaw method; and definitely the techniques of
resisting the force.’’ Grievous paused. ‘’Where would we find other
interesting texts?’’
‘’In the old academy,’’ Dooku replied. ‘’There might still be some
working software or datapads that we could examine.’’
The two both sat huddled in cloaks; hoods drawn as they passed
through a small estuary. They approached a fork into the road, the
left passing out towards the sandstone doors of the academy while the
other led off into a long network of caves home to the shyracks: the
reptilian bird-like creatures with black leathery skin and sharp teeth
in addition to their long wings.
Dooku approached the sandstone wall where a clear circle had been
cut using his lightsaber and stepped in, followed by Grievous.
Directly in the centre of the small dimly lit hall was a computer
console, with different red buttons and at the centre a screen. The
Sith apprentice stepped over to it and waved his hand above it; the
force opening up a large screen with some writing on.
‘’This seems to be a log of events of the academy; last edited threethousand nine-hundred and thirty four years before the Battle of
Geonosis. The year which Revan killed Uthar Wynn and his
apprentice Yuthura Ban.’’
‘’Didn’t Revan become master of the academy?’’ Grievous asked.
‘’Take up the mantle which was meant to be his?’’
Dooku shook his head. ‘’Revan was strangely attacked by all the
members, hoping to kill him. But Revan demonstrated his power and
killed them all. From what security footage shows…’’
The count tapped in some numbers and upon the screen an image
appeared of many all dressed in grey uniform drawing blades and
charging at a hooded figure, who drew his own blue blade and
murdered them all.
‘’Maybe we could find out what happened on the console.’’ The cyborg
Dooku moved so the general could get over and tap in some buttons, a
long text appeared. The count read. ‘’The last entry: A promising
student today proved his worth and gained enough prestige to enter
the Tomb of Naga Sadow after driving the students out of the
shyrack caves, destroying the assassin droid in the tomb of Marka
Ragnos, murdering Jorak Uln; the master of Uthar and previous
leader of the academy in the tomb of Tulak Hord, retrieved the
sword of Ajunta Pall from his tomb and successfully reciting the sith
code and answering questions about it. He did not give his name;
though Uthar recognises him as the past Dark lord of the sith,
Revan, though curiously he does not know himself…
Yuthura Ban.’’
‘’It seems that Yuthura liked this Revan,’’ Grievous said.
‘’I sense there is more to this,’ Dooku explained. ‘’We should go to
Uthar’s room, and then Yuthura’s.’’
The room was large, with a stone bed against the wall and a locker
beside it. The General approached the locker and kicked it, smashing
it open. Inside lay a datapad. The General lifted it and read.
‘’It is Revan’s final test today; we shall be entering the tomb of Naga
Sadow. Revan will not be battling another student; instead the
traitorous Yuthura, Revan revealed her plot to me. Now I have had
her poisoned so she is weak for the contest. But I sense something
isn’t right, that Yuthura has something up her sleeve…’’
Dooku examined the bed. ‘’I suspect Yuthura might have left a
surprise for Uthar.’’
The count felt beneath the bed and came across something hard with
many little legs. He pulled it out to reveal a small droid carrying a
large stimulant filled with green toxins. ‘’Indeed. This would make
even the strongest warrior weak.’’
Grievous stepped closer and snatched the thing. He dropped it on the
floor where it smashed; leaving a tiny amount of green liquid to slip
out for a couple of centimetres.
‘We should go to Yuthura’s room and discover the plot behind this.’’
It was a small open room, connecting to a platform overlooking the
main training hall. Dooku approached the console in the corner and
tapped in some number revealing a small diary entry.
‘’’Somehow Uthar found out,’’ Dooku read. ‘’I gave Revan a small
device to plant on the underside of his bed which would make him
weak when me and Revan confront him. But I suspect Revan will
turn on me afterwards; so I am prepared to betray him and become
overall ruler of the academy. But I sense something funny, as if
something is rippling to the surface of a plot. I know Revan his only
in this for himself; but he seems unusually interested in the tomb of
Naga Sadow; maybe the Tenterneraks or the lightsaber. But I know
it has something to do with the star map that Malak found…’’
‘’It seems Revan played both sides and murdered them both,’’
Grievous said.
‘’Do not be so quick to judge circumstances on which you are
ignorant,’’ The count said. ‘’Yuthura had greed, Uthar had cunning
but Revan had passion. He gained strength, he gained power and he
gained victory. I observed that both Uthar and Yuthura were
ignorant as they both thought they were pulling the strings, when in
fact Revan was letting them do the work. The star map is one of
five maps which when linked together, can be used to find the
location of the star forge; a great factory used to mass produce ships.
Revan captured it from Malak and used it; but when he left the
forge deactivated itself above the world of Rakata prime and since
has been destroyed by the Jedi.’’
’’Why didn’t the Jedi use it to help the Republic?’’
‘’The star forge was fuelled by the dark side. And everything that
went against the Jedi code:
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no death, there is the force.’’
‘’The Jedi are scared to draw a blade; as they do not believe in
unnecessary death,’’ Grievous quoted.
‘’The Jedi placed a burden on their own shoulders by being scared to
use strength to gain power, they try to use their strength to make
peace. That is why so many trip and stumble; that is where their
mistakes lie. Strength means power coming from one’s self. The Jedi
believe power comes from the heart, we believe it comes from the
blade. There is some power from the heart; the power that causes
foolishness and love yet the Jedi forbid that. This confuses even the
sith; let alone the Padawans. A Jedi’s power comes from love; yet
they forbid love therefore depleting power. Strength without power is
meaningless; and results in quick death or fall to the true path of
the dark side. But the Jedi do not believe in passion; destroying their
strength and in its place forming foolishness which the Jedi forbid.
They have caused an endless cycle driving their own to the dark
side. This is foolish; the Jedi forbid foolishness. That means the whole
order is corrupt with their own laws tearing apart the Jedi and the
Republic. And the Jedi are relied on to keep the peace; so the peace
is corrupt and now we unveil this time’s darkest secrets. The Jedi
have made peace corrupt, they have brought war where war cannot
go through their own laws that restrict the galaxy to bankruptcy.
The dark side has been driven from hibernation to destroy the order
to bring the justice that the order so short-sightedly pretend to bring
through the force which they so foolishly swear allegiance to;
destroying power and wrecking the light side yet nobody notices as
they brand our name evil.’’
‘’You have learnt well, Grievous,’’ Dooku said. ‘’Shame you were not
sensitive to the force or you would be my apprentice.’’
Grievous examined the galaxy, stored in a hologram on his
Muunificent banking clan frigate. Ventress stood beside him, dressed
in black sith robes while Count Dooku beside her, a blue hologram of
the tall and malevolent count.
Grievous pointed to the mid-rim world of Bothawui, glistening green
with marks of cream sandstone cities; reminding him of his own
‘’The Bothans are expert spies, and work for Republic intelligence,’’
He explained, drawing his hand down. ‘’An attack there would
cripple the entire sector for centuries, and temporarily blind them for
our eventual assaults on Kashyyyk, Belderone and eventually
Coruscant and the core worlds themselves. But the best military
commanders realise that when attacking somewhere which will
puncture and deflate the enemy, will be met with strong resistance.’’
‘’What is your plan then?’’ Dooku asked. ‘’We can only regroup with
two frigates at the fringes of Separatist space.’’
‘’You will attack Faleen, to create a diversion for the fleet,’’ The
cyborg explained. ‘’If I know the Republic they will be drawn in like
Banthas to the fodder. And when they arrive, we will be gone; then
they will realise it is too late and rush forward to Bothawui as I
swiftly seize the planet and Ventress will delay the main fleet as
long as possible.’’
‘’The Bothans will give resistance,’’ Ventress cut in. ‘’And within
seconds the whole galaxy will know. I think we better first attack
the satellites first.’’
‘’I want the galaxy to know,’’ The cyborg general replied back
proudly. ‘’Let them marvel at our move; I want them to know they
are not safe, wherever they are. At the edges of Hutt space to the
core worlds, they shall tremor in the wrath of General Grievous!’’
The fleet, led by the Desolation: Grievous’ flagship. Beside it cruised
Vengeance; the frigate of Assajj Ventress and Eclipse, Dooku’s ship
at the right.
They were surrounded by black oblivion; only lit by the sparkling of
faraway stars. At that moment a fleet of Republic cruiser leapt from
hyperspace to the left, painted red with a stripe down the middle.
‘’Skywalker,’’ Grievous said, examining the fleet from the bridge. He
wheeled on his talons to summon a droid. The battle droid approached
him. ‘’Tell Dooku to set his co-ordinates for Faleen. He and I will
attack. Tell Ventress to engage Skywalker.’’
Faleen was dominated by the Faleen people; green skinned humanoids
dressed in purple mystical gown. The landscape itself was past its
prime. The Corporate alliance had a hand in the factories which
constantly pumped toxins into the atmosphere. The towns were
located under the decaying layer of the ozone; now only covering
about half the planet. Senator Zurros was secretly Dooku’s agent;
meddling with the affairs of Republic senate and had requested the
Separatist invasion long ago, though the leaders first wanted to be at
war with the Republic before they invade and occupy one of their
Zurros stood at the office of his residence, guarded by two Kaleen,
hidden in their purple armour. He stood and pressed a button,
revealing a cloaked tall and gaunt man, with a short white beard
and dressed in brown robes. ‘’Count Dooku, your signal is
transmitting unusually close to our humble world.’’
He curved his lips into a smile of satisfaction. ‘’It is about time you
Dooku pointed his finger at the senator whose smile did not change.
‘’I expect the full support of the Kaleen against the clones; or I shall
hold you accountable.’’
‘’I do not control the people, they control me.’’
The doors hummed slightly as they slid open behind Zurros,
revealing an intimidating and cloaked General Grievous. The two
guards turned to see behind him two Magna-guards, who approached
the Kaleen bodyguards and killed them instantly; giving their
opponent’s no time to act.
‘’I see you have a new enforcer, Count,’’ Zurros said simply, not
intimidated. There was no reply as Grievous stepped forward and
grabbed the senator around the neck, crushing it beneath his hands.
Zurros flailed about helplessly as he was lifted into the air, trying to
ply the claws from his neck.
‘’Release him, General,’’ Dooku commanded, and Zurros was dropped
to the floor. The senator got back up to his feet and felt around his
jawbone, opening and closing it to check if anything appeared wrong.
The two Magna-guards sealed the doors and deactivated their staffs.
‘’Wait here and watch the invasion,’’ The Count ordered. ‘’Kill him if
he misbehaves, there are others who would not take that job for
The hologram turned off, leaving Grievous and Zurros to watch the
invasion. Two Magna-guards brought in a chair each and sat it
beside the window where the two sat. The senator lifted his teacup of
Bothan ale. ‘’Care for a drink?’’
Zurros watched as the Confederate banner was raised up in place of
the tattered Republic one. He sipped his ale from his patterned cup,
observing from the large transparent window. A building a kilometre
in front was the only one in sight in the great rubble, but it had
tumbled into another and remained leaning on it, rocks falling from
the smashed and opened windows.
‘’The king and all his court live there,’’ he explained. Grievous
‘’It will be necessary to send in rescue teams to save the survivors.’’
He continued, but was interrupted by a standing Grievous. ‘’The
Confederacy likes to have direct control over its planets,’’ He said
gleefully at Zurros’ surprised face.
‘’You can’t!’’ The Kaleen hooted. ‘’Dooku promised independence! This
is just another armed occupation!’’
Grievous laughed. ‘’Independence is just a sham for our loyalty,
Republic or Separatist; surely as a leader you would realise as much!’’
‘’I asked for you to come and free us!’’ The senator protested. ‘’Not
kill the leadership! I guarantee you will be killed with the great fury
of the…’’
‘’Enough talk!’’ The cyborg cried, drawing his blue blade. Zurros
tried to pull himself up just as the blade launched forward; plunging
it through his chest as he stood still, silently. There was a moment of
silence before the body slipped from the blade and landed on the floor.
He called over a B1 Battle droid. ‘’Clean this up!’’
‘’But sir,’’ The droid replied. ‘’The corpse disposal companies arrive in
three months.’’
The cyborg grabbed the carcass of Zurros by the collar; dripping deep
red blood and threw it towards the window. The transparent wall
smashed and the corpse flew forward before gaining momentum and
sliding down from the sky.
The droid paid no attention. ‘’Due to the company’s late arrival we
have gathered up all the corpses and piled them up in the abandoned
houses. Our broken droids are being sent off to Raxus Secondus,
where they will be burnt.’’
‘’Sell the still usable parts to the Pikes, Black sun or Jabba. They
pay a lot of money for that sort of junk.’’
‘’We are not…’’
The battle droid’s head was crushed in Grievous’ grip. ‘’Yes you are.’’
He said. ‘’You are just droids.’’
‘’I have lost, but they have been slowed down,’’ Ventress explained
through a hologram who had relocated to the Desolation and now was
cruising towards a field of asteroids. Behind it lay the Republic fleet,
just small beetles in the distance. The Resolute at the head;
Dauntless to the left and Pioneer to the right, the latter two freshly
born from Allanteen Six. Skywalker took the Resolute as his
flagship, and Yularen as his deck officer. Vontifor took Pioneer and
Isibray took Dauntless. Anakin had a brigade of clones; led by CT7567, but called by the alias Rex and padawan Ahsoka Tano; a
Togruta female slightly younger than Shaak Ti.
‘’Navigate through the asteroids!’’ Grievous commanded.
‘’But sir!’’ A pilot droid cried. ‘’That would be suiciiiiidargghh!’’
Grievous lifted his foot and smashed the droid against the ground. ‘’If
we attack from above they will have the upper hand. So we go
through the asteroids!’’
The fleet cruised through the rocks, humming slightly as it passed
through the vacuum towards the gas giant Bothawui prime.
‘’All power to forward shields!’’ Grievous ordered. ‘’We are safe at the
sides and back…’’
‘’Sir we have made it through!’’ A battle droid cried; half worried,
half excited.
‘’Concentrate all fire on those cruisers!’’ The General replied. The
Pioneer’s starboard exploded in smoke, funnelling fire from the great
At that moment; ruining the Separatist’s moment of success gunfire
hailed down from behind them, revealing AT-TE walkers led by
Captain Rex firing at the ships.
The Warlord crippled and exploded; smashing against the asteroids
while fuming smoke from its stern.
Grievous watched as the bridge of another beside him exploded at the
hands of a blue delta Jedi Starfighter. Ignoring it; Grievous ran
down into the hangar and pulled himself into the Soulless one and
lifted up and flew away. The Desolation popped; bursting in sparks
and flame. Grievous, through all that, heard a beep going off. He
looked down to see a Starfighter flying after him.
‘’Skywalker!’’ The cyborg growled, veering his ship to the port. He
lifted the controls; slipping over an asteroid as Skywalker skilfully
dodged it. At that moment a large piece of junk flew past and
Skywalker’s ship smashed straight into it, leaving Grievous to jump
into hyperspace.
Gha Nachkt examined R2-D2, the little blue Astromech. Grievous
stood looming over the small fat Trandoshan, who was hunched over
the droid lying on the droid-bed.
‘’How much does it cost?’’ Grievous mumbled.
‘’One thousand credits,’’ Nachkt said. ‘’It seems the Republic left
some valuable information inside.’’
‘’Let me see!’’ Grievous ordered.
The scavenger turned around. ‘’Not until I get the credits. And I
hope you buy it soon because earlier I had two Jedi come here with
their little Astromech looking for it…’’
Grievous conjured up a thought of R3-S6, the little golden Astromech
whom he had absolute control over.
‘’Load it into my ship,’’ Grievous explained. ‘’We can examine it
‘’As you wish.’’
Skytop station was in fact the very ship which Grievous had
ascended in from Geonosis; the Sphax troop transport San Hill had
once owned. It hung suspended in the cloudy orange mist of Russan
2, listening into everything. It had large antennae protruding both
the top and bottom and a sensor dish had been hooked onto it.
Po Nudo was the head of all monitoring; an Aqualish who brought
many others of his own species on board. He was a cartel leader and
genius in computers and communications, often found hunched over a
console at the centre of the station.
The scavenger examined the droid’s memory banks. ‘’Look! The
banks have never been wiped! This’ll cost you double!’’
Grievous drew a sapphire blade and slashed him across the chest;
letting Gha Nachkt tumble to the floor.
‘’No thank you.’’
At that moment a hologram opened on the console beside him
revealing R3.
‘’How have you done, spy?’’
The Astromech beeped and whistled; informing him that he and the
two Jedi were aboard Skytop station.
‘’Good,’’ Grievous replied. He raised his voice so a droid could here.
‘’Place the area on high lockdown! Move this R2 unit to my ship, I
will confront the intruders!’’
The cyborg stood at the end of the corridor, examining the small
padawan of Skywalker and two clones; Rex and Denal. The two
clones opened fire, but Grievous simply drew to blades and spun them
deflecting each shot and firing them back.
Tano stepped forward. ‘’Sorry to interrupt your playtime, grumpy.
But wouldn’t you prefer a challenge?’’
‘’That wouldn’t be you,’’ Grievous smirked.
‘’C’mon boys,’’ The padawan encouraged. ‘’He’s just another tinny.’’
Tano drew her green blade and held it in the Shiyyo technique.
Grievous charged, readying his blue and green blade. Ahsoka hit the
first, somersaulted over him and swiped at the cyborg’s back, but her
foe turned and locked swords, the two blades whistling. Tano back
flipped into the dark junk room; lined with shelves of battle droid
parts. Grievous charged in and cut down a shelf, the whole thing
came crashing down above her. The cyborg watched her jump out and
onto another shelf; toppling over like dominos. Tano slipped and fell,
but managed to control it and leaped into a small vent, she opened it
and climbed away. Grievous growled in defeat. ‘’Run then, go rescue
the stupid little droid.’’
At that moment the whole station rocked violently.
‘’Time to make my escape,’’ Grievous said to himself. He ran out of
the room and rushed into the large hangar of the Soulless one. He
leaped into the cockpit and raised it, flying out of the doomed station
now slowly pulling itself down towards the moon of Russan two.
Grievous tapped in the coordinates for Serrenno and flew away,
leaving the station to its fate.
The cyborg general sliced the mechanical model of Ki-adi Mundi in
two and wheeled around at Aayla Secura. He was training in exactly
the situation at Hypori; and was left with Aayla Secura, K’Kruhk
and Shaak Ti. Dooku stood watching above him, sat in a box beside
Grievous, using the technique Dooku had used in duelling him; sliced
open a pipe beside him which sprayed the Twi’lek with gas. The
Kaleesh cyborg beheaded her and wheeled around to see the two
advancing Jed. Ti swung her blade at Grievous; attempting to catch
his blade but instead the cyborg charged at K’Kruhk. He swung
underarm and flicked the blade from his hand. Grievous swiftly
impaled him before jumping to the wall to engage the Togruta. He
watched her follow onto the wall, now both their heads pulling at
their feet. The cyborg unleashed a flurry of blows at the torso which
the Jedi master blocked with ease and then unexpectedly cut one of
her feet off; throwing her off balance and leaving her to tumble to
the floor. Grievous somersaulted forward and landed on the stone floor
which was glowing green in the emerald stained-glass of the training
room. He grabbed her around the head with his foot and flung her
against the wall, sparks flying from her. The droid model tumbled to
the floor and made a slight explosion, leaving just a pile of junk.
Dooku stood and clapped, while Ventress remained seated and scolded
in jealousy.
‘’Impressive, most impressive,’’ Dooku said. ‘’I can feel your anger!
Anger is a weakness to Jedi; it is useless to resist. The more they
resist the more the clumsier they get. The dark side opens their
arms to embrace anger, making them powerful, giving them
strength! You are utilising the force in a way even I cannot explain.’’
‘’Am I force-sensitive?’’ Grievous asked hopefully.
‘’No,’’ The count replied. ‘’But the blood I supplied you with keeping
you alive was from a Jedi, Sifo-Dyas in fact. There is not enough
middichlorians in the small amount of blood I gave you, but you are
able to use it in minor ways.’’
‘’What ways?’’ Grievous croaked, sheathing his blades.
Dooku frowned and stroked his beard. ‘’People able to use the force in
a way we count them as force-sensitive are easy to sense. But you,
you’re just a ripple in the cosmic force, so much that nobody even
notices you. But when your passion fuels your strength, the waters of
the cosmic force pulse with the name of Grievous, you have such
power there, but every time strong emotions go over you since you
became a cyborg, you are painful to be by. Although you cannot
control the force, strange things will happen around you with your
surroundings. Glasses may smash, people may fall over, who knows?
I am no expert in that field, I want you to teach me it, Grievous.’’
‘’How can I teach you it if I don’t know how it works?’’ The cyborg
asked. Dooku managed a smile of pitifulness. ‘’You must go and get
two things for me,’’ He explained. ‘’A force-sensitive to supply blood
and a non-force-user to get the blood. I have two suitable targets.
The first is a Mon Cala Jedi called Jar Finn, based on his own
Station above his homeworld, it is his job to oversee that the planet
remains with the Republic; but since Price Lee-Char’s father has
been murdered the Quarren want a king of their own species, and
have called upon the help of the confederacy. The Republic is yet to
intervene, so now is the time to strike. The only problem is we can’t
afford for him to lose any blood, so you will have to capture him
Grievous scowled. ‘’What other life-form must I get?’’
‘’This one also has to be alive,’’ Dooku continued. ‘’Your target is the
Aqualish Hardo Seemo. He resides on Nar Shaddaa the moon of Nal
Hutta. He is the former Majordomo of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the Hutt
crime lord. He was a pirate who lived off spice cargos been carried
through the Kessel run until he stole some from Jabba. He was
arrested immediately, but Jabba took a liking to him, saying he was
‘his kind of scum’, and made him a bounty hunter. Seemo went back
to the Kessel run and continued to hijack spice and ransoming it off
to the highest bidder. Soon he was getting rich, but he suffered a
severe injury on his leg at a run-in with some of Gardulla’s men and
was forced into retirement. Jabba made him his Majordomo and the
two got along well. Now he made slaves do the work of stealing spice
for him, and he would ransom it off to Jabba. Soon the Hutt lord got
annoyed with him after Seemo started to get cocky with the prices
and tried to kill him by feeding him to the Rancor, but he got away.
Even though severely crippled he is still dangerous and there is a
massive bounty on his head, and a dead or alive warrant. But I
suspect you will easily be able to cage him.’’
‘’What do we do after we’ve done with him?’’ Grievous asked.
‘’We’ll use him as an agent in the underworld for a bit, but he if he
gets rebellious we’ll kill him and send his dead body off to Jabba.
Either way we gain.’’
‘’I think I’ll go after Hardo Seemo first,’’ Grievous said.
‘’And don’t forget!’’ The Count of Serrenno replied. ‘’I want them
Nar Shaddaa was the Coruscant of the Hutts, towering buildings
while the sky was lined with air-speeders. The sky glowed a deep
green, much like Serrenno but darker and the large swampland of
Nal Hutta was on the horizon. The moon was filthy, polluted and
overrun with crime everywhere and a haven for criminals. The top of
the city was the newest and like Coruscant and Taris the lower down
you go the more chaos snares the streets. The Hutts controlled most,
but other criminal cartels had bought land from them and the streets
were a constant battle ground for minor skirmishes and fights. Dense
gasses were constantly pumped out from the lowest levels into the
newest areas, clouding the sky. Nothing was illegal on Nar Shaddaa,
so merchants resided there. Also it was a great manufacturing
planet, and the factories lay at the ground levels where pedestrians
were shot on sight by gangs.
Grievous watched as a tattooed Twi’lek, branded with the mark of
Gardulla lifted a pistol and shot a drunken human male, his body fell
back against the rail. He heard another shot, but could not trace it to
its source and presumed it came from one of the lower levels. He
slowly walked over the bridge as cars flew past above his head and
stepped out towards the shady platform where Jekk’Jekk Tar
cantina. He walked in to find some soft jazz music being played by
Bith musicians on a stand in the corner. Grievous stepped in to find
a Klattonian bartender summon him forward. The floor was made of
vents and was slowly wheezing out smoke.
‘’The droid spa is over there,’’ He gestured to a door but Grievous
remained still. ‘’Do you know Hardo Seemo?’’
The Klattonian scratched his chin. ‘’I can’t remember…’’
The cyborg drew a green blade and pointed it to the bartender’s chin,
who jumped back in surprise. ‘’I can remember!’’ He cried. The
General deactivated the blade and placed it into his belt. The
Klattonian managed a smile. ‘’Funny how I just remember like that,’’
He chuckled, though Grievous did not share the humour. ‘’Do you
know Hardo Seemo?’’
The bartender nodded. ‘’On the run from Jabba for some reason. He’s
under the protection of Jabba’s rival, Gardulla. He keeps most of the
small swoop gangs in check, and likes to adventure down to the
lowest levels to go shoot some of Jabba’s men.’’
‘’Does he work solo?’’ Grievous asked.
‘’Mostly,’’ The Klattonian replied airily. ‘’But if he is working in a
team he’s the boss; he’s like that.’’
Grievous nodded slightly. ‘’Where can I find him?’’
The bartender gasped. ‘’You don’t wanna find him!?’’ He cried in
disbelief. He looked at the stern expression of the cyborg’s face and
straightened the collar of his green suit. ‘’I mean, with all due
respect, Hardo isn’t a guy for small talk, if you know what I mean?’’
Grievous glared. ‘’Neither am I. So I’ll ask you again. Where can I
find him?’’
The bartender wiped the sweat of fear from his brow and sighed.
‘’Gardulla’s hangout, not too far away. The place is owned by some
Kaleesh called Darwuzaq. Retired warlord, captured by some bounty
hunter and sold off to Gardulla. He then somehow got his freedom
and became owner, err I dunno.’’
But Grievous had already left, the door swinging behind him.
Darwuzaq polished a glass just as the door opened and in walked a
strange looking droid, but wearing a Mummu mask of sorts. He was
enlightened that this droid had heard of Kalee.
‘’A new face,’’ He said, skidding across the floor to him. ‘’More and
more of you assassin droids keep on…’’
‘’Darwuzaq,’’ The droid said.
‘’You know me?’’ The Kaleesh asked. ‘’You a Kaleesh droid or
‘’I am Grievous,’’ The cyborg said.
He gasped. ‘’I knew there was something funny about that Separatist
General on Holonet earlier on this month. Capture of Faleen, heh? I
thought you were killed on the Maytr.’’
‘’I survived,’’ Grievous replied. ‘’But I’m more interested in what
happened to you.’’
The Kaleesh landlord smiled. ‘’Well, the Republic don’t usually keep
prisoners, but I was a ‘criminal mastermind’ so they kept me and
shipped me off to Coruscant. But some bounty hunters raided the
ship and took us all as slaves. When my master was killed, I became
owner of this canteen. That’s my story, so what can I do for you?’’
Grievous leaned closer. ‘’Could you arrange me a meeting with Hardo
Darwuzaq stroked his small black beard and nodded slightly. ‘’He’s
here, just back there.’’
He gestured his head towards a small door.
The cyborg nodded. ‘’If you here any gunfire, ignore it.’’
The bartender laughed. ‘’I see you haven’t changed a bit.’’
Grievous sat down upon a chair, the other side of a desk where
Seemo sat, dressed in red uniform. Beside the Aqualish stood a
Twi’lek female, completely red but tattooed from head to toe and
dressed in a black robe. Grievous looked at her and she acknowledged
it. ‘’I am Pharaoh Seemo, wife and slave of Hardo. Should I make
Before the cyborg could reply Seemo croaked in his own language.
‘’No, don’t. This will only be quick.’’
‘’I am General Grievous, supreme commander of the Grand
Separatist army…’’
‘’Yes, very important person, good to meet you, now cut to the point.’’
‘’I will talk as I like,’’ The cyborg snapped back. Hardo was taken
aback. He gestured for Pharaoh to leave, and she did after nodding
in agreement.
‘’Do you have any idea who I am?’’ Hardo demanded. ‘’I am Hardo
Seemo, most wanted man on Nar Shaddaa and top agent of Gardulla.
And I don’t care who you are, caus I know you’re General Grievous.
Well, Mr Grievous, your titles are nothing here, so I’m the boss, and
we will get through this quickly and without violence.’’
The cyborg nodded. ‘’My master, Count Dooku has need for someone
like you.’’
‘’I’m retired,’’ Seemo sighed. ‘’That’s way behind me now.’’
‘’This price will make you be a bounty hunter once more,’’ Grievous
replied, leaning forward. ‘And it does not even put a bounty on your
‘’I’m listening. Sceptical, but listening.’’
‘’Dooku and I want to learn more about the force, so we selected you
as a possible experiment to make you force-sensitive, by transferring
blood in a large operation.’’
‘’And the risk?’’
‘’Insurance will be fully supplied by the Separatist alliance,’’ Grievous
replied. ‘’If anything goes wrong you will be richer than Jabba,
Gardulla and the confederacy all put together!’’
‘’I’m afraid that I might not be around to see it,’’ Seemo replied with
a tint of solemnity. ‘’What use is life insurance if you’re dead?’’
‘’It’s nice to know that your death was a death with life insurance,’’
Grievous replied. ‘’And I am terribly afraid if you refuse I will have
to drag you there.’’
Hardo laughed. ‘’You wouldn’t dare!’’
Grievous snarled. ‘’You’re lucky Dooku wants you alive.’’
Hardo pulled out a pistol from under his seat and raised it. He pulled
the trigger at Grievous who ducked and grabbed the desk, flinging it
forward. Seemo jumped from his seat and ran for the alarm on the
wall. Grievous charged at him just as the door opened and Pharaoh
ran in, baring a Czerka rifle. Grievous drew a green blade and
deflected the blast, sending it back to the Twi’lek. It hit her in the
chest and she tumbled to the floor, blood staining her black vest.
Hardo hit the red button and in ran two Weequay guards, dressed
from head to toe in armour and flanked by an Ithorian dressed in
blue. ‘’What in blazes is it…’’
He saw the droid baring a single blade, and beside him the corpse of
the Twi’lek. He let out a howl. ‘’It’s a Jedi! Kill him!’’
The two Weequay charged, drawing a long silver bladed pike, with a
black hilt. Grievous sliced the ends of the staffs both off and cut open
one’s chest. The other skilfully spun the now bladeless staff around
and somersaulted into the air. His attempt was in vane however as
Grievous grabbed him around the head, his claws gripping onto the
helmet and wrestled the staff from his control, then beheaded him.
Hardo fired his pistol, the end flying up into the end with force and
momentum but being harnessed by the rest of the gun and the
Aqualish’s hand. Grievous raised the lightsaber in his right hand and
deflected it against the wall, not even bothering to see his perfect
lightsaber skills as he repetitively throttled the small iron rod against
the Ithorian head bouncer’s throat. Grievous then spun on his heel
and hacked down the alien with his blade, then deactivated it and
charged at Seemo. Blood was smeared all over the cyborg, staining
him and dripping from his armorplast chest and his short metal club.
The professional agent of Gardulla the hutt extended his hand to fire
a shot just as Grievous swung his baton, clasping it in both hands,
and disarmed him. Hardo jumped to the side before Grievous could
swing his stick and grabbed the vibrosword from his belt, humming
softly as tiny blue bolts whistled around the perimeter. Yet this
resilient cyborg was not deterred as he jumped forward and gave the
sword a powerful whack; yet his foe remained clinging to the weapon.
Grievous then gave it one extra push, forcing the blade down and
weakening Hardo’s seeming invincible defences. Grievous then used
his one spare hand to duck down and grab the large rifle lying on
Pharaoh’s body. He took two steps back and set the small knob at the
top to stun before firing and sending out a ring of blue electricity.
The Aqualish, regaining his balance still, was hit by the ring and
stumbled to the side, his grip on the vibrosword faltering. He
slumped onto the floor like a discarded doll.
The cyborg threw away the staff to one side and then the rifle. He
walked over through the darkened room only lit by the small
Venetian blinds where the dim yellow almost green reflective glow of
Nal Hutta beamed through. He lifted the Aqualish and tucked him
beneath his cloak which he pulled over. Only his feet were visible as
they were dragged across the floor. Darwuzaq approached him,
dressed in Gardulla’s green uniform. He examined the large hump in
Grievous’ side and nodded slowly. ‘’Sorry about the bouncers,’’ He
said. ‘’Seemo always uses the public alarm; he likes to make a large
fuss about it.’’
He bartender leaned closer. ‘’You’re getting soft. You never used to
take prisoners.’’
Grievous gave him a cold glare. ‘’Sometimes it is necessary to trap
them in your own void; one which you control, not the void of death
which the force controls. An ancient sith quote concerning the Jedi.’’
‘’You surprise me Grievous, you have changed.’’
Darwuzaq chuckled to himself but Grievous remained serious. ‘’As
have you. I suppose the galaxy beyond Kalee has twisted our very
minds. Made me literate and you; and you what you are now.’’
‘’What am I?’’ Darwuzaq shrugged.
‘’You were the poet telling tales of misery and woe, and now you are
a cantina rat who likes nothing more than the company of those
female Twi’lek dancers.’’
‘’Cantina rat?’’ The Kaleesh said with a fake tone of insult. ‘’Well
the galaxy beyond Kalee has certainly twisted your mind.’’
The two shared a chuckle and when it ended they looked at each
other solemnly, as this was probably be the last time they met.
Darwuzaq laughed and patted Grievous on his shoulder. ‘’See ya in
hell, buddy.’’
Grievous walked out of the cantina, once again his old confederate
self and marched away just as Darwuzaq ran out to him. He made a
small whisper of nothing and summoned him closer. ‘’Meet me on
level twenty three, docking bay 6B.’’
And then he was gone. Grievous thought and immediately decided to
go there, but not in the way Darwuzaq expected, in case of traps he
would go not by lift or ship, but by climbing.
He slotted his grappling hook into the gas emitter at the wing where
it fit nicely. He tightened his grip around the grapple handle and
jumped off the end of the platform, slowly descending down. He felt
the wind in his face as his feet left the platform floor and now he
was only being lowered down by the button his finger was being held
over. Grievous rocked slightly in a gust of wind and stopped, taking
the moment to admire the long network of bridges and lines of air
cars. There was a brief moment of silence before Grievous continued
and was lowered yet another level down, like a spider clinging to his
web. He looked up to find he had passed several levels and was
approaching level twenty three. Consequently he was facing the
blocks of 6Bs; the cyborg considered if it was coincidental or not. His
trail of thought was interrupted as he reached the level and he
stopped his descent, examining the platform like an eagle, yet like a
bat as he dangled upside down, his eyes glowing in the dark. The
platform was normal enough, crates packed at both ends and dark
with no lights. The ship which was docked there was much like the
Martyr, long black pointed wings and a golden tipped point. It was
marked in gold; Stallion.
Grievous dismissed the idea of treachery as he swung onto the
platform and landed there, leaving the grapple swinging slightly. He
looked around, peering cautiously at the ship. At that moment from
behind the crates emerged several guards of varied species all baring
cheap blasters and vibroswords. The gunship’s doors opened and out
stepped Darwuzaq, armed with a silver polished rifle and behind him
out slithered a large fat Hutt with a particularly large chest.
Gardulla’s mouth stretched across her face in a smile. Darwuzaq
hung his head in guilt at Grievous’ punishing look.
‘’General Grievous,’’ She said in Huttese. ‘’If it isn’t the capturer of
Hardo Seemo. I know you are the greatest tactician in the galaxy
and I know you are leader of the galaxy’s largest army, but your
titles mean nothing here.’’
‘’They forced me to do this,’’ Darwuzaq said. ‘’And please listen, for
your own sake.’’
Grievous was about to engage in an argument when Gardulla broke
in. ’’Anybody who kidnaps Hardo Seemo is a worthy warrior, I am
seeing a mutual bond between the Confederacy and humble
‘’I care little for your tiny network of thugs,’’ Grievous snapped back.
Gardulla was taken aback but did not comment. ‘’I have a powerful
influence in the outer rim, the power to mean the future of the clone
Grievous looked around to see if there was a way to get away.
Gardulla saw this. ‘’Jabba has allied himself with the Republic,’’ She
insisted. ‘’I am vital to your success in gaining the influence of the
vast criminal empires!’’
‘’We don’t need the help of criminals,’’ Grievous argued. ‘’Besides the
Republic is weak to engage in an alliance with the underworld. We
crush crime, not promote it.’’
‘’But our enemies are allies, that makes us allies.’’
Grievous laughed at their foolishness. ‘’Will you still be calling us
allies when you are crushed beneath my foot. The Confederacy has
mapped out who will be in the future, and who will not. We have
looked to the past to find the mistakes of great empires, and
discovered that allies in a war will be your enemy after it. We are
trying to make this as short and as quickly as possible.’’
Gardulla curled up her mouth into a snarl. ‘’We promote the lives of
those who have financial difficulties, poverty and other plagues of the
‘’You tempt them into crime,’’ Grievous replied. ‘’And even you know
crime only makes things worse, but you pretend to become masters of
all the insignificant planets and species.’’
‘’We are a charity!’’
‘’A charity and a criminal empire are two different things,’’ Grievous
snapped back forcefully. ‘’Kidnapping, bribery, assassinations, theft;
are these the acts of charity?’’
Gardulla grunted with a snarl. She gestured for the guards to kill
him. Grievous grinned and drew two blades; a blue and a green. A
Rodian was the first to charge, holding a stun baton. Grievous
cackled as he seized his lizard-like face within his foot and flung
him off the platform. A Trandoshan and a Weequay attacked from
both sides, both bearing two vibroswords. Grievous simply swung one
blade at the Trandoshan and cut off both his hands which spurted
blood and cut open the other’s chest in an upward motion. The
Trandoshan regained his footing and charged, opening his wide
mouth showing several thousand white teeth. The cyborg kicked him
back with his talons, blood now spurting from his arms and his chest
and he skidded across the floor leaving a trail of blood. Grievous
dodged a volley of blaster bullets fired from the rapid-fire blaster of a
skilled Toydarian marksman. Grievous jumped towards him and cut
the end of the weapon before kicking it upwards into his face where
he winded himself. The General then took that opportunity to swiftly
pierce his blade through the chest and withdraw it out again before
walking on. Gardulla slid back into the gunship followed closely by
Darwuzaq who was holding two Mandalorian heavy pistols. The
cyborg charged at his two remaining foe, spinning his blades. The
gunship slowly started to skim the air out of the tunnel just as
Grievous caught the wing with his sword; rocking the ship violently
to the left where it leaned over the edge of the platform. Gardulla
made a break for her blue air car, followed by an Assassin droid
painted black who had emerged from the doors of the Stallion.
Darwuzaq was about to follow when the cyborg general somersaulted
forward into the gunship deflecting each shot. Darwuzaq tripped over
his own feet, yet regained his footing. ‘’Don’t use your laser-swords, I
challenge you to an honour duel!’’
Grievous hesitate and withdrew his blades. He bared his fists.
Darwuzaq tossed aside his blasters and readied himself. The cyborg
was the first to make a move, jumping and grabbing his previous
friend around the neck and throwing him towards the cockpit door.
The Kaleesh bartender stumbled to his feet and prepared to attack.
The cyborg jumped forward and pinned him against the wall,
readying his fists. At that moment the ship tilted to the side under
their weight and slowly pushed itself off the platform. Grievous did
not have time to react as the whole thing toppled over the edge,
throwing him into the air. The cyborg manoeuvred himself at the
grappling string and grabbed it, clasping at it for dear life as the
Stallion; fuming smoke and burning with its velocity, fell down
beneath him into darkness, catching a glimpse of Darwuzaq’s
horrified face. The blue air car, triangular and open aired, protecting
the Hutt only with a simple bar where the Assassin droid piloted,
took off and hummed into the distance.
Grievous looked around in the new-found silence. The only survivor
was the wriggling Trandoshan thrashing and gnawing at the air in
fury as he struggled without his arms. Grievous looked up and then
let go, dropping down to where the Stallion’s broken flaming hull
resided. He whistled slightly as he plummeted, the world around him
shooting upwards as the light became dim. He landed in a small
yellow pool of water, damp and dark, with a wilting tree beside it.
Above his head were a vast network of bridges all connecting and
silhouetted against Nal Hutta. There was a slight drip everywhere,
from a spilled canister or a broken pipe, somewhere it had been born
and here it had landed forming a marsh of strange waters and
making the grass yellow.
Grievous walked forward, the world seeming to come into view as he
noticed the Stallion, half open and dug into a pool; flames coming
from the pieces in the surrounding radius. The cyborg walked
forward and heard a soft moaning. He walked through the tongues of
inferno into the ship which was filled with water tainted with disease
and bitter liquids. There in it lay Darwuzaq, bleeding deeply and
half submerged. Grievous bent down and lifted the body, leaning it
against the wall. The Kaleesh coughed to life, gasping for breath.
One of his arms was twisted and crippled, dripping blood from the
deep wounds; this must have been what Grievous was like after the
Maytr was shot down by the Jedi.
‘’Darwuzaq?’’ Grievous asked.
The bloodied Kaleesh smiled, showing a red mouth and missing teeth.
‘’You never did find out what happened to the Kaleesh, did you?’’
He coughed blood at Grievous.
‘’What happened?’’ The cyborg asked, shivering. Darwuzaq leaned
closer, feeling the Mummu mask. ‘’We lost.’’
He opened his mouth to speak, yet his head fell back into Grievous’
cold metal arms. Grievous snarled in anger. He let out a large roar
which echoed up into the cities. He felt moisture well up in his
golden eyes, taking deep quavering breaths. He had only felt this
feeling once before; a long time ago. At the death of Ronderu.
Grievous made sure the cargo hold was showing life signs inside the
Soulless one. The screen showed a red humanoid figure crawling
around trying to punch his way out. The cyborg did not tap in the
coordinates not for Serrenno to deposit Seemo, but to somewhere else.
He pressed the coordinates for Kalee in and sent a message for his
private army.
Go to Kalee.
Grievous stood at the foot of his vast army of Super battle droids. His
cloak was pulled out in the wind, they stood at a grassy valley. Trees
were spread against either slope, but the trough was bare of the lush
foliage. The disorganised Huk army charged, the brown insectoids
screaming as they were his with volley after volley of blaster-fire.
Grievous stood silenced as the broken ranks rallied and fled. He
raised his arm and pointed at the end of the valley where the capital
temple lay.
‘’For the Separatists, for the Kalee!’’
Nervous children and women peered from their houses as the droids
marched on. The Kaleesh were soon cheering, however, as they
gunned down the Yam’rii. Some of the soldiers, crippled and injured,
joined in, firing rifles and baring sharp knives. Grievous watched a
Huk charge in a rage at two young children standing alone beside a
large mossy building. The cyborg ran forward and jumped onto its
back, crushing the large insect’s exoskeleton with his talons. The
beast immediately collapsed to the floor and the children smiled,
recognising the Mummu mask on Grievous’ face.
Grievous did not smile however, and led the attack forward. The
droids marched on untouched, Kalee was soon to be under Confederate
The cyborg general sat at a mossy stone table, drinking his green
favourite drink. At the other end sat Obi-wan Kenobi, whom
Palpatine had sent to negotiate peace talks with Grievous.
‘’First I want to clean up there will be no fights,’’ Kenobi said. ‘’I am
a negotiator now, not a Jedi.’’
Grievous grunted yet nodded.
‘’The Kalee-Huk treaty stopped the war, it was too exhausting for all
factions,’’ The Jedi explained. ‘’How do you justify your attack?’’
‘’The Huk rule over the Kaleesh, we were liberating them,’’ Grievous
‘’The Huks are a member of the Galactic Republic,’’ The famed Jedi
master argued. ‘’The Kaleesh unlawfully invaded the Huk
homeworld! We were forced to help them through regulation
‘’The Banking clan’s holdings there were stolen from them by the
Republic, justify that!’’
Kenobi paused. And continued on a new trail of conversation. ‘’I was
sent here to get you to give your word you will not do any further
war against the Huks. So just sign here.’’
The Jedi passed him a datapad. Grievous scanned it and smirked.
‘’And what if I don’t?’’
‘’The Jedi will have to intervene once more.’’
Grievous growled and considered his options. He could sign it and
anger the confederacy. Or he could not sign it and cripple his own
Grievous, reluctantly, raised his hands and tapped in his signature
into the datapad. Kenobi smiled and nodded. ‘’This will hopefully
provide the ceasefire needed in this area.’’
Grievous did not reply as the Jedi master walked away, his feet
tapping against the cold stone floor. At that moment a hologram
burst to life revealing Dooku, towering over Grievous, figuratively and
literally. The cyborg left his chair and knelt, bending his head.
‘’You have captured Kalee without my orders,’’ The count said. ‘’But
you did the Confederacy a favour and I will forgive you.’’
Grievous raised his head in hope. ‘’I will immediately go to the Mon
Calamari space station,’’ He said. ‘’I have Seemo being transported to
Serrenno as we speak. I did get him, after some entanglements with
‘’Yes,’’ The cyborg replied. ‘’She offered her support to the
Confederacy, I declined. The Republic is weak to ally itself with
smugglers and criminals; we will not do the same.’’
‘’Gardulla is vital to the Outer rim, and therefore the clone wars,’’
The count explained, not critically, yet encouragingly. ‘’I will go and
negotiate personally, but it will only be a temporary alliance. She
does not have much to offer, but we will usurp it all then leave her
to her eventual doom. She will die alongside the Pike Syndicate, the
Black Sun, Jabba, Death Watch and all the other criminal empires.
She will also die with the Relief agency, Bothan intelligence, Night
sisters and all the organisations that will oppose our eventual rise to
‘’And the other Hutts?’’
Dooku recalled Arok, Gorga and all the other greedy crime lords
based around Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Ryloth, Hypori, Fondor,
Florrum and even Coruscant who controlled the galaxy’s underworld.
‘’They are all snivelling cowards,’’ He concluded. ‘’And they are
selfish bunch. It depends which outweighs the other. If they are
cowards they will join us, but be no use because they would just as
easily be recruited into a rebellion. And if they were selfish; like
Jabba Desilijic Tiure and Gardulla Besadi the elder they will not join
and suffer consequently. So they will all die.’’
‘’And if they have use?’’
‘’Drain it of them until you don’t need any more and kill them.’’
Grievous chuckled. ‘’Nothing interesting than bisecting a Hutt.’’
‘’There’s nothing interesting to see,’’ Dooku joked, yet not
humorously. ‘’Just endless folds of leathery fat until you get to the
real organs, which actually take up no space whatsoever.’’
The cyborg general stepped through the stone streets, approaching the
Soulless one. It was a cold morning and the streets were mostly
abandoned apart from countless droids moving cargo and looking on
upon their plans for buildings as the native birds tweeted merrily.
A Kaleesh dressed in golden garments and a long chain neckless
approached, two Kaleesh flanking him. His two guards were holding
blaster rifles whereas the man himself was unarmed.
‘’Who might you be?’’ Grievous asked. ‘’The Confederacy did issue a
law for the day saying you best stay inside.’’
‘’I am Lazurak, feared ruler of Kalee and the best warrior in this
Grievous laughed. ‘’You approached me because you know who I am?’’
‘’Qymaen jai Sheelal,’’ Lazurak replied. ‘’You were marshal ruler
here during the war, with you gone the role went to my father
Grievous winced slightly at the name, yet remained silent.
‘’He was kidnapped however,’’ The Kaleesh warrior continued. ‘’And
I became ruler.’’
‘’Blood ruler,’’ Grievous scoffed; for the Kaleesh believe you should be
absolute sovereign by strength not line.
‘’I am still leader here, General and no matter armed occupation
there is here Kalee is a free world!’’
‘’So you signed the peace treaty then?’’ The cyborg general said,
examining him.
‘’Ceasefire,’’ Lazurak insisted. ‘’The Republic were the ones who first
suggested it, the Huks disagreed; the vile and bloodthirsty insects
they are. I was initially going to refuse but soon the Yam’rii had
surrounded the capital and were closing in. We signed quickly but
the Huks still refused, ransacking the town of any use before they
did. We were now slaves. But the Jedi were too busy to intervene,
stretched thin across the galaxy.’’
‘’Get to the point.’’
‘’I want to propose the Kaleesh and Confederacy unite and together
capture Huk, the Yam’rii homeworld and finish what we started.’’
‘’No,’’ Grievous retorted. ‘’We should go to the colony world of
Tovarskl. The Republic will kill us if we go into the Huk system, so
we should head there.’’
‘’It is still a Republic world,’’ Lazurak replied. ‘’Clones and Huks will
be there alike.’’
‘’And we have the Kaleesh and droids,’’ Grievous replied, making it
sound like it was humorous.
The cyborg general gestured for a B1 Battle droid to step forward.
The droid bent down and placed a hologram on the floor, revealing a
map of the planet Tovarskl.
Grievous pointed towards the only colony, a large Huk settlement
based in the centre of miles and miles of crops. It was positioned not
too far away from the large wide fast-flowing river which housed
many different machinery used to power the ray shield the Republic
had installed.
‘’That will be our target,’’ The cyborg said.
‘’How will we disable the shield?’’ Lazurak enquired. ‘’The clones are
protecting the two turbines on the river with two Jedi and Advanced
Recon Commanders.’’
Grievous used his hands to zoom into the end of the river near the
poles. The water was forked many times in the valleys of the snowy
mountains and glaciers.
‘’If we pump acid into the water it will destroy all the machinery.’’
Lazurak scratched his chin. ‘’How will we get some men down there
with the Republic scanners?’’
‘’My navy can supply bombardments to the sensors there.’’
The map zoomed into the city, where a shield generator protected a
city, but the tallest tower peaked through with a satellite dish. A
well-placed bombing run could knock it off.
‘’No communications can get through that shield, from the inside or
out,’’ The cyborg tactical mastermind explained. ‘’Once that shield is
knocked out we have to press our attack before the Republic sends
help and sandwiches us in the middle. Basically we have to bomb the
communications device, pollute the river, destroy the shield, press our
attack and then we will come up with the rest as we go along.’’
‘’You have not lost your Kaleesh touch,’’ Lazurak laughed, yet
Grievous did not join.
‘’Me and my droids will march up the river from the south and
engage the clones and Jedi while you assault the city from the west.
If we get the timing right we should meet straight at the town hall,
and then we will clear up the remnants.’’
‘’Should we begin the invasion?’’
‘’No,’’ The Separatist general replied. ‘’I have some business on Mon
Calamari first, you make the preparations.’’
‘’Mon Calamari?’’ Lazurak asked. ‘’There’s nothing there but ocean.’’
But Grievous had already left.
The station was large and black, silhouetted against the blue surface.
The base was a large cone used for machinery and mechanics. At the
top of the cone sat a large sphere, still black but marked with the
crest of the Republic in red. This was accessible and the hangar was
located there. At the top of this was a large cube, with a blue
circular window looking out; the main deck where the Jedi resided in
peaceful meditation. Above that were several poles and satellite dishes
peering out into space. The Soulless One cruised forward towards the
station, with Grievous curled up inside. The ship entered into the
hangar, turning slightly and humming as it landed. The floor was a
shiny black, yet striped with grey strands to show where ships could
land. The only other ship in the hangar was a long thin Jedi
Starfighter, red but graphitised with splashes of water and seaweed
trimming the edge.
Grievous felt claustrophobic in his fighter, yet free. He was hunched
up enclosed inside, with only a thin sheet of glass protecting him
from the vacuums of oblivion. He pushed up the cockpit window and
jumped out, landing with a thud beside his ship. He heard something
waddle over, and cocked his head to see a rusted bronzium protocol
droid shuffle over, with his arms stuck bent towards each other and
upon his chest was the golden plate that was his vocabulator.
‘’I am D3-PO, how may I be of service to you?’’
‘’What are you designed for?’’
The droid took pride in Grievous’ query. ‘’I am the caretaker here on
Air-Ocean station. I am fluent in over six-million forms of languages
and also can swim four times faster than human beings.’’
‘’What is your model?’’ Grievous enquired.
The droid did not move. ‘’I am the only one of my kind; the Jedi
order created me individually for communications between the Mon
Cala and the Quarren, but since the conflicts have died down I stay
up here with Jedi knight Jar Finn, the guardian of Mon Calamari.’’
Grievous remained quiet, yet you could almost hear the cogs turning
in his brain.
The droid interrupted. ‘’I have noticed that you have not booked an
appointment. What is your reason of visit?’’
Grievous sighed. ‘’Business with Jar Finn.’’
‘’Finn himself has trained me to barter and negotiate business.’’
‘’No,’’ The cyborg replied, frustrated.
‘’Please sir,’’ Deethree replied. ‘’I cannot understand human slang, so
please say it so that I might understand.’’
Grievous rolled his eyes, yet continued. ‘’Republic stuff.’’
‘’Are you referring to cargo administrated by the Republic or is it
you do not wish to tell me your actual meaning of visit?’’
There was a silence, in which the brown droid waited expectantly.
‘’Are you about to reply, or are you waiting for me to say
something?’’ He said anxiously.
‘’I am thinking,’’ Grievous said. There was a brief silence before yet
again Deethree interrupted. ‘’That did not answer my…’’
‘’And I do not intend to answer it!’’ The cyborg snapped back
viciously. Grievous rubbed his eyes with his fingers, trying to think of
what the question was.
‘’Can I see Finn?’’ He asked at last, frustrated.
‘’Yes,’’ Deethree replied. ‘’Are you on the list?’’
Grievous and Deethree walked through the corridor with blue polished
floor and white walls marked with paintings of the Mon Cala and
Quarren. Deethree had finally granted the General permission to see
Finn and now they were heading off towards his meditation chamber.
They reached a curved white door; the lift up to Finn’s chambers.
‘’Your weapons, sir?’’
Grievous paused and wheeled around, lifting his belt with all of his
lightsabers and handed them Deethree who hooked them on a golden
bust of Yoda. The general took a final look at them, pulled hi hood
over his face and stepped into the lift.
The lift door slid open and the cyborg took his first look at the
chamber. There was a polished black floor and a large rectangular
window at the opposite end. Apart from that the room was empty,
yet in the middle sat a cloaked figure in a hazel brown, facing off
into space.
The figure stood, turned around and let his cloak slip down from his
shoulders revealing a blue-faced Mon Cala, with eyes stationed at the
side of his head and dressed in Jedi robes with knee-high brown
leather boots.
‘’Grievous,’’ Finn hissed. ‘’I knew the Confederacy would launch an
invasion sooner or later!’’
The cyborg scoffed. ‘’Invasion? I come alone not as a scout but
because of you.’’
Grievous laughed. ‘’Dooku needs a forceful donor for blood.’’
‘’You can’t take a Jedi hostage!’’
The cyborg only chuckled at his foe’s foolishness. Grievous removed
the cloak from his shoulders and watched Finn draw a blue blade
which he held with both hands. The cyborg charged, the foe started
to waver. Nevertheless he responded with a great demonstration of
form five.
Grievous dodged a flurry of blows and grabbed one arm, twisting it
around and forcing him to take his lightsaber in one hand. Finn
helplessly attempted to veer the cyborg off with is blade but to no
avail. Grievous yanked the arm forward, pulling the Jedi towards
him where the cyborg seized the other arm and gripped it tightly.
Finn, looked away, opening himself to another twist on his arms
which he squealed at. The Kaleesh general then lifted his knee and
shoved it against the Mon Cala’s stomach who groaned slightly.
Grievous twisted one hand and a bine cracked, letting the lightsaber
fall from his fingers in de-activation. The cyborg let go of that hand,
letting it falter to his side and instead used his hand to punch Finn
in the stomach, he groaned slightly but remained conscious. Angered,
the cyborg whacked him again with more throttle and momentum.
The head drooped and the body’s tense muscles loosened. He was
knocked out. The cyborg grabbed the body and pulled it over his
shoulder and walked over to the lightsaber of the Jedi. He lifted it
and held it tightly in his hand. Grievous lifted his cloak and hooked
it around his shoulders and dragged Finn across the floor. The cyborg
walked into the lift and felt the jolt as it plummeted down. The
white doors slid open on the opposite side and there stood D3-PO,
remaining in the same position.
‘’Greetings to you sir,’’ He said. ‘’May I ask why you are dragging
my master across the floor?’’
‘’Can’t you comprehend that?’’
‘’I could,’’ Deethree answered. ‘’But the better answer comes if I ask
‘’I am dragging him on the floor because that was the business had to
do,’’ Grievous sighed, yet Deethree remained confused.
‘’You clearly implied that you were not…’’
‘’Just comprehend it!’’ Grievous snapped.
There was a brief pause. ‘’The chances that you have killed him are
nine-thousand eight-hundred and seventy-six to one.’’
‘’He’s alive,’’ Grievous replied. ‘’I’m just kidnapping your master.’’
Deethree seemed to look around. ‘’I am not trained in self-defence, so
I think I will continue my caretaking duties.’’
And with that waddled off, leaving Grievous to return to Serrenno.
Dooku watched the two tanks leaned against the wall, both filed with
the green liquid Grievous had been placed in, who was standing
beside him. Inside the one on the rights was a naked Aqualish,
banging his fist against the walls of the tank yet to no avail. Beside
him, on the left, was Jar Finn, not trying to fight back yet
swimming gracefully.
Behind both the confederate leaders, examining a console was 4B-87,
the confederate medical droid who had been put in charge of keeping
Grievous alive.
‘’How is Finn’s blood?’’ Dooku asked. ‘’Is it stable?’’
‘’Yes,’’ The droid replied. ‘’He is completely healthy and his
middichlorians are intact.’’
Dooku gestured at the Aqualish. ‘’And Seemo?’’
The droid tapped in some numbers. ‘’They are both ready for the
blood swap.’’
Dooku nodded. ‘’Raise water pressure.’’
The liquid fizzed, bubbles swirling upwards. Seemo panicked and
attempted to swim up, but was pushed down, he kicked frantically
while Finn closed his eyes in meditation.
‘’Inject that one with a heavy dosage of simulant!’’ Grievous ordered,
pointing at Jabba’s former Majordomo.
The droid nodded and tapped in some buttons. The Count and
General watched Hardo twitch and go to sleep.
‘’Begin the transfer!’’ Dooku ordered. 4B-87 raised the pressure
higher still, the console went wild with beeps. Seemo’s blood vessels
popped, turning the liquid red. The droid then immediately lowered
the pressure for him, jolting the sleeping Aqualish upwards.
‘’Keep him stable,’’ Grievous insisted. The droid nodded. ‘’His life
signs are incredibly unpredictable. But that is normal.’’
‘’Raise the other one’s pressure,’’ Dooku commanded. The water yet
again went wild, and then red with bloodshot eyes opening from
inside. The blood thrashed about wildly, beeps went wild from
everywhere. All of a sudden, it stopped and the tanks were paused.
The only sound was the slight tapping of 4B-87’s fingers. ‘’I can now
swap the blood.’’
He did not need an answer; he began the process and the liquid
inside slipped down, digested into the floor. There was a thud as the
two slumped down on the ground. The glass of the bacta tank
revolved back into the wall and two Magna-guards dragged them out.
Finn’s eyes fluttered open, gasping for breaths.
‘’Grievous,’’ He snarled. ‘’I would of thought I could sense your stench
from a mile off.’’
Grievous and the Count exchanged excited looks. ‘’You have been
deprived of the force,’’ The cyborg said.
The Mon Cala Jedi gasped and raised his hand to summon a
lightsaber from the cyborg’s belt, which he had collected before
leaving on the Air-Ocean station.
There was not even a jingle as two blades touched.
‘’But, no! That’s impossible!’’
Dooku raised his hand, clipping his forefinger and middle finger
together, lifting Finn into the air as his windpipe was constricted
‘’Can’t you resist it?’’ Dooku sneered. He clasped his whole hand
together into a fist, rattling Finn’s head as his tongue beat the air
wildly creating a horrendous gargling sound. His eyes bulged, his
head raised, his neck tightened and all the muscles in his body
wrenched together and pushed into the skin. His hands helplessly
tried to rip the invisible hand from around his windpipe, yet failed.
Everything in his body strained tighter and then loosened, the
muscles slipping back in and eyes falling in to the clutches of his
head. The body dropped from the air and slumped upon the floor.
‘’Our experiment was successful,’’ Grievous said.
Dooku shook his head. ‘’We were able to deprive somebody of forcesensitivity, yes, but can we make somebody force sensitive?’’
Grievous looked at the drugged Hardo, slumped upon the floor of the
tank. ‘’Only time will tell…’’
Seemo’s eyes fluttered open. He was enclosed in a cell, with black
walls and no windows and guarded by a red energy shield. Beside
him stood a towering cyborg; Grievous and beside him stood the
confederate leader Count Dooku, who on Nar Shaddaa was like a faroff dream.
‘’Where am I?’’ Hardo stuttered, pushing his torso and head from the
‘’That does not matter,’’ Dooku replied, gesturing his hand just above
Seemo who nodded, almost reluctantly.
Hardo jumped to his feet after a brief silence and charged at
Grievous and he hit his armorplast ribcage. The cyborg kicked him
in the stomach and the aqualish went flying across the cell and
landed against the opposite wall.
‘’Why am I…’’
He paused and rubbed his chest. ‘’…Here?’’
‘’Well, it depends on your attitude really,’’ Dooku replied. ‘’But Jabba
has a handsome fee on you head we could easily…’’
Hardo got back to his feet and screamed as he ran at Dooku, who
lifted one hand and grabbed him around the face; using his
surprising strength he so rarely showed to throw him back to the
wall. Yet again the previous agent of Gardulla got to his feet and
charged, this time to be met by Grievous who grabbed him by the
arm and wrenched him off his feet and hurled him back to his
starting point.
‘’I bet our head would look good next to my other trophies,’’ Grievous
teased. Hardo growled, his head vibrating quickly in rage. All of a
sudden the room shook and the air went stale. Dooku smiled, he had
got what he wanted. The count gained some balance and watched
Grievous lock his talons into the ground. Seemo looked around,
confused and the unnatural movement stopped.
‘’Swear allegiance to me,’’ Dooku said. ‘’And I will teach you to use
the force.’’
Grievous watched as Hardo Seemo knelt before Dooku, bowing his
head in reverence. The Count drew his crimson blade and placed it
on the Aqualish’ shoulder, then on the other.
‘’By Darth Annedu, Darth Sadow and Darth Vitus,’’ Dooku said,
proclaiming the many sith lords. ‘’By Darth Revan, Darth Malak,
Darth Voren, Darth Bandon, Darth Glovoc, Darth Traya, Darth
Nihilus, Darth Sion, Darth Desolous and Darth Phobus. Darth
Acheron, Darth Achelon, Darth Andru, Darth Andal, Darth Actris,
Darth Arho, Darth Malgus, Darth Thanaton and all the many
others. Darth Decimus, Darth Rictus, Darth Qalar, Darth Scabrous,
Darth Severin, Darth Howl, Darth Fastus, Darth Ruin, Darth Rivan
and Darth Malus. Darth Bane, Darth Zannah, Darth Cognus, Darth
Millenial and Darth Vectivus. Darth Guile Darth Gravid, Darth
Gean, Darth Ramage, Darth Tenebrous, Darth Venamis, Darth
Plagueis the wise, Darth Sidious, Darth Maul and myself; Darth
Tyranus. You are now my own acolyte who will work forever for the
extinction of the Jedi order at the agenda of reigning sith lords
Sidious and Tyranus.’’
‘’And if I refuse?’’
‘’Jabba always has a place for you on his wall in carbonite.’’
Seemo looked upon his master in disgust. ‘’You’re not even force
sensitive!’’ He snapped at Grievous.
The cyborg snarled. ‘’I have been taught in the ways of the force and
combat from Dooku himself, and I am more powerful then you’ll ever
Hardo sighed in surrender. ‘’What should I do first?’’
‘’I will first teach you lightsabre combat,’’ Grievous announced. Hardo
nodded. ‘’Where is my blade?’’
Grievous handed him the curved lightsabre of the Bith Jedi who he
had executed on Kamino. Seemo pressed the button and a purple
blade grew from the silver hilt.
‘’Lightsabre combat ha seven forms,’’ Grievous instructed, pacing
back and forth in the training room on Serrenno. ‘’You must find the
one which suits you and your enemies the most.’’
Hardo nodded, his eyes glued to his blade.
‘’The first form is basic and called Shii-Cho,’’ The cyborg said,
drawing a deep blue blade. He made a slow diagonal slash towards
the upper left and made a slow cut to the side. ‘’Every form is based
upon that. The next form is Makashi. This form is used in combat
against other lightsabres, precise moves and sweeps with the
lightsabre guarding the lower points in the body.’’
The General made an underarm slash to the air and hooked it
around to swing down to his left leg.
‘’Soresu is the third form, used to defend yourself from blaster shots.
Your blade remains close to your body and is used only as a last
resort in lightsabre combat.’’
Grievous flicked his blade from the bottom left to the top right and
spun it around his fist as if one million blaster bolts were firing at
him. He then swiped in a clear slash across his chest which would
have deflected any bolts right at Hardo who was watching.
‘’Form four is Ataru. It is always offensive, quick and relies on
strength. Master Yoda uses this, and this form is a powerful ally
when combined with intense acrobatics, throwing your body around in
a focussed way.’’
Seemo watched as Grievous engaged in a flurry of moves; only
spotted as a blue blur and finished with a large backflip before easily
cutting the invisible enemy’s chest open.
‘’Form five is Shien and Djem So. Form three masters wanted a
more offensive approach and created Shien, to direct blaster fire back
into different targets in defensive movements. Djem So is quite
different, however. This involves on turning defensive form three
movements into an offense, using parries to disarm an enemy in
early stages of duelling.’’
Grievous flicked his blade upwards and then diagonally before
releasing a flurry of parries and spins.
‘’Form six, Ninman, involves a combination of all the previous. The
force push, crush and lightning are all used here and is also
beneficial for those with two blades.
It is mostly created by your own styles and therefore not much
practise is needed to master Ninman.’’
Grievous drew a green blade alongside his and swung them both in
random patterns, leaving emerald and sapphire ribbons trailing along
behind them. He ended it with a raise of his foot and a kick into the
before deactivating the green blade and placing it back into his belt.
‘’ Form seven is Juyo and Vaapad. Juyo is boldly offensive, with
vicious and powerful moves used to quickly end the opponent’s life. It
requires great stamina, and I am one of few o have assumed mastery
of it.’’
Grievous let out a roar as he jumped forward into the air, swinging
his blade wildly and jumping onto his hand before jumping back to
his feet and impaling the invisible foe.
‘’Vaapad is dangerous and associated with the dark side. It allows the
user to relish the fight and utilising power and passion to apply
strength into your blade. Mace Windu is the only current Jedi user
who has not fallen to the dark side.’’
Grievous adopted a two-handed grip and swung upwards, his
lightsabre a blur as it circled around the general and created a ball
of blue energy around him, buzzing with energy.
He deactivated his blade and placed it into his belt. ‘’The first few
will delicately evade your defences, while the last batter and severe
the blade until it stops working.’’
Hardo took a moment to conceive this. He was wearing an orange
jacket and black trousers, and still holding the violet blade. He swung
it slightly and became aware of the momentum and strength the
particular sabre could deliver.
‘’Now,’’ Grievous said. ‘’Get to your studies, I have matters to attend
Jabba sat on Tatooine in his palace, laughing drunkenly at the
Twi’lek dancers and the singers from the Max Rebo band. He
wiggled his leathery tail in happiness, and beside him stood the paleskinned Twi’lek Bib Fortuna, Jabba’s new Majordomo with his
headtails wrapped around his neck which stood at the top of his black
robes. He smiled, showing his sharp teeth. Sy Snootles the Pa’lowick
and Joh Yowza the Yuzzum engaged in a fiery duet while Droopy
McCool played his pipe and Barquin D’an played a complex piece on
his steel flute.
Jabba heard somebody whisper something in his ear, it was the
bloodthirsty Fortuna.‘’You have a visitor, sir,’’ He said, grinning.
Jabba growled. ‘’Does it matter?’’
They both were talking Huttese. ‘’I think you will like this,’’ Fortuna
said. ‘’That boy called Boba has brought back a valuable prize.’’
Jabba, too mesmerised by Oola the dancer gestured airily to let him
in. Fortuna nodded to a Gammorrean guard and in walked a ruffled
haired boy dressed in green Mandalorian armour. Behind him a
Weequay held onto a rope and at the other end, with the rope tied
around his neck was a face which Jabba was pleased to see.
‘’Hardo Seemo,’’ Jabba said, a long smile stretching across his round
face. His eyes turned to Boba Fett, the young boy.
‘’How did you get this bantha fodder?’’
Fett didn’t smile. ‘’I followed the tracks on Nar Shaddaa and
discovered he was an agent of Gardulla Besadi the elder. I found he
was kidnapped by infamous General Grievous, so I went to Serrenno
and snatched him. He was only holding this.’’
The young clone handed Bib Fortuna the silver curved hilt of Hardo
Seemo. Fortuna rubbed his fingers against it and pressed a button,
emitting a violet blade which lit the dark room.
‘’First a smuggler, then a bounty hunter and now a Jedi, eh
Seemo?’’ Jabba mocked. ‘’This is the transformation of scum to
The people all clapped and cheered drunkenly, howling in laughter.
Seemo growled in annoyance at this mockery.
‘’Yeah, yeah,’’ Boba hurried. ‘’Now about my payment.’’
Fortuna nodded at the Weequay holding Seemo’s chain, and the
Aqualish was handed to Jabba, who toyed with the chain like a dog
yanking at a rope. Hardo stumbled onto the floor and lay there.
Jabba examined him, and gestured airily at Fortuna who walked
over to the young bounty hunter and handed him a case of credits.
‘’Aren’t you too young to be doing this sort of work?’’ Bib asked,
smiling. Boba snarled.
‘’I’m not young!’’
Fortuna frowned. He was disliked in the Desilijic court, merely a
servant. Nobody ever paid him much attention and Jabba only kept
him around as a butler. He was not dangerous or violent, yet he
hated the Desilijic kingdom and the Desilijic kingdom hated him.
‘’This is only a place for big boys,’’ He said, not teasing but warning.
‘’I got attracted to this plant and it swallowed me! And how I wish I
could live again.’’
Fett drew a pistol from his belt, clicked the trigger from safety mode
and poised it under the Twi’lek Majordomo’s chin. Some people
noticed and there was an applause for the young bounty hunter and a
slight ‘ooh’, the people wanting a fight to break out. Jabba noticed
and smiled. ‘’That bounty hunter is my kind of scum!’’ He laughed
and some others joined him. Fortuna turned and took a step forward,
then wheeled around and punched at Boba, to find the child grabbing
his knuckles and wrenching them over his shoulders. There was a
cackle of humour as Fett raised his knee and repetitively launched it
into his opponent’s stomach. Fortuna groaned and slammed himself
onto the boy, only to find the young scion twisting the Twi’lek’s hand
upwards and throwing him over the shoulder. There was a crack of
bones as Bib landed on the floor. Fortuna lay there in humiliation for
a second, enduring Boba raising his hands and smiling as the room
went wild.
‘’To Boba!’’ A scarred drunken male said raising his glass. All the
other joined in. Some came up to Fett and slapped their hands on his
back while others jeered at Fortuna.
Boba got up and retreated to the corner of the cantina as the praise
died down. A Rodian approached him, dressed in yellow and green
uniform and holding a blaster pistol in its place on his hip.
‘’Greedo,’’ Fett said, placing his green helmet over his head and his
voice becoming lower.
‘’If it isn’t little Jango’s son?’’ The green faced reptilian said in
Rodian. ‘’Your father was a great friend of mine.’’
‘’Get to the point, bug-face,’’ Boba growled. Greedo’s wide eyes
sharpened and the small end of his mouth was twisted.
‘’I just want you to know you’re not top-dog yet,’’ He said calmly.
‘’You wish.’’
‘’On my dead body.’’
Fett paused. He wasn’t ready to take on Jabba’s best bounty hunter
yet. He threw Greedo a credit chip. ‘’Buy yourself something to
Grievous and Lazurak stood on the bridge of his newly dubbed
flagship ‘The invisible hand’. They both examined Torvarskl, an icy
north and green fields.
‘’Send in the Hyena bombers,’’ Grievous ordered. Seven Vulture
droid-like ships launched from the Invisible hand and flew towards
the surface. Fields of crops swayed in the wind as they throttled
towards the large blue shield, with a satellite dish peaking above.
They all whistled forward, only a black blur in the daylight. The
droid’s head extended and looked around, then made a sharp turn
upwards, skimming the edge of the shield which rippled as they flew
up it like water. They all launched a bomb tube just as they were
yards away and an almighty explosion consumed them all, the dish
being tossed from its stand and up into the air, then plummeting
down towards the city.
‘’Sensors are down,’’ Lazurak said, looking down. ‘’Ready the acidic
Grievous looked at a screen a droid beside him was examining,
showing an aerial view of the large turbines just south east of the
city feeding from the water and powering the shield generator. Using
his fingers, he dragged the view upwards to the glaciers in the north
where the river emerged from the white mountains.
A large spherical brown ball flew down from the fleet, slipping into
the atmosphere and letting drag slide from it. The icy plains soon
became real mountains with grey and white streaks, and a large
silvery ribbon stretched from it. The bomb hit the ground, spraying
snow everywhere and green liquids flurrying in cascades out,
sprinkling the river. Smoke started to tongue from the river into the
air as the warmth of acid hit the cold of water, yet not visible in the
The Trade federation invasion ships landed in the fields, the crops
wavering in the turbolifting technology. The doors slid open and out
emerged the Kaleesh warriors, facing the east and charging from the
west. To the left of the ominous shield generator lied the white tubes
that were the turbines, spinning at incredible speeds as the water
sped by. Just beside it an attack was happening, blaster fire
peppering on both sides. Lazurak and his men all on one arm had a
black shield, while the other had a blaster pistol. Lazurak peered
from above and fired at several charging Huks, screaming as they
He ducked into the fields as the huge turrets from inside the city,
single barrelled black tubes with a long end where green blasts
emerged. The plasma hit the field and set it alight, soil being flung
into the air. Lazurak looked up at the shield. ‘’The acid should arrive
soon!’’ He cried at the ranks of Kaleesh all ducking in the fields and
firing at the Yam’rii. ‘’Until then we need to hold our position!’’
He jumped upwards and fired a volley of blaster bolts at two Huks,
who screamed as they collapsed. Another turret fired, hitting the
ground ten meters in front of Lazurak and dirt flew into the air.
The ground beneath his feet rumbled and upturned, throwing the
unsuspecting ‘ruler’ of Kalee off his feet as the crops around him
were lit with fire. He got back to his feet and jumped into a large
pit, lined with fire.
‘’Hold your position!’’
Grievous and his droids fired at the ARC troopers. The general was
bearing two blades, one blue one green and battled the two human
males, both holding green blades. The master had a long brown beard
while the apprentice was young and bald, snarling as he fought.
Grievous grabbed the later with his foot around the head and tossed
him aside into the turbine, the spinning blades killing him and
turning the water red. The cyborg general seized his blade with his
foot and jumped forward at the short and fat bearded man with a
long thin moustache who used bold strikes to hold his position. Ranks
of AATs loomed forward from behind Grievous and pushed the clones
back, and Single Troop Aerial Platforms; STAPs flew forward.
Grievous saw the master become distracted, flicked the blade from
his hand and impaled him. Grievous reached down and collected his
lightsabre, placing it into his belt and the one his foot was holding
along with it. At that moment the turbine stopped as if it had hit a
stone, making a large jolt as water sprayed the sky. The clones all
turned around and looked as the shield flickered off, fading into the
sky. Grievous laughed as the droids opened fire and killed them all.
‘’Those turrets are still operational,’’ Lazurak said via hologram to
Grievous. The cyborg frowned. ‘’They must be powered by an
individual source.’’
‘’Then we’ll have to go in alone,’’ The Kaleesh said. Droids and
Kaleesh were now hidden in the fields, and the tanks taking shelter
at a range. He looked at them. ‘’We can’t bring in any heavy
vehicles or mobile artillery.’’
‘’Our armies have lost the punch,’’ Grievous said, grunting slightly in
anger. ‘’The only way to get past those turrets is guile,’’
Lazurak sighed. ‘’Me and my men will go in first and clear a way.
You go next.’’
Grievous nodded and at that moment another holographic figure
pixelated beside Lazurak. It was the Viceroy of the Trade Federation;
Nute Gunray wearing his wooden tiara.
‘’The Republic is holding an emergency meeting on the battle,’’
Gunray said. ‘’Palpatine’s eyes are set on the Jedi going, but I don’t
see it happening.’’
‘’Why not?’’ Lazurak enquired.
‘’The Jedi are stretched thin across the galaxy, and the Yam’rii are
not members of the Republic. The only way they got in touch with
the Republic before was via the Trade Federation, but they no longer
have the importance that the Federation standards now.’’
Grievous nodded. The Republic were stepping in, and the Kaleesh
were going to be caught in the middle.
The cyborg General stood at the toes of the AATs. With a single
turbo battery and two turrets either side it could easily punch their
way through enemy lines. Only now they were hiding behind the
range of the Republic turrets guarding the city which could devour
six in one single blast. And in total there was twenty. Yet they were
not completely idle; the All-Terrain Tactical Enforcers, AT-TE, the
Republics six legged beetle-like tanks with a turret at the top, four
blaster turrets and the bow and two at the stern. They slowly plodded
forward as they were hammered with fire from the CIS army. At
that moment several of the enemy tanks released two AT-RTs each,
the two-legged light vehicles capable at housing a single clone and
mortar launcher. They ran at incredibly unmatched speeds, yet still
several were blown to smithereens by the Separatist’s tanks. Grievous
noticed that these new additions to the flaming battle were agile
enough to dodge the fire from tanks and were coming closer towards
them, their feet slamming against the soil as they ran. He threw the
Electro-magnetic grenade in his hand out into the open just in front
of them. Electric bolts crackled towards the tanks as they ran past,
fairly close together. The lightning hit the tanks and buzzed with
energy as the legs all bent and the platform lowered to the ground,
folding up in inactivity. The ARF troopers inside, following
regulations, all jumped from the tanks just as a bolt hit beside them,
killing two and blowing up three tanks. The remaining troops all
grabbed their weapons and ducked behind the tanks, firing. Yet their
simple bolts could not penetrate the heavy armour of the AATs.
Grievous pointed at them and they were all swallowed in fumes of
smoke and flames as a tank fired at them. At that moment an
AAT’s turbolift technology was blown up by firing volleys and the
tank fell down; immobile. He realised the pressing Republic garrison’s
small force was pushing forward and tapped into his comm-link a
signal to the Vulture droids in orbit.
He watched as five, in geese-like formation, black dots became larger
and flew directly down towards the enemy tanks. They were just a
blur as they hit the tanks or the ground around them, letting out
explosions which swallowed the foe’s ground in smoke. He summoned
forward the droid commander who was behind him.
‘’Tell the grenadiers to open fire.’’
‘’But sir,’’ The droid protested. ‘’We don’t even know if they’re in
At that moment many red blaster bolts came flying from the smoke,
peppering the tanks with fire.
‘’Fire!’’ Grievous screamed. The droid immediately obeyed and soon
several Commando droids were running out from behind the tank,
chucking thermal detonators into the invisible enemy’s cover. There
were several screams in response as the smoke turned red, funnelling
more into the area and revealing the grey silhouettes of enemy
soldiers. And then, all of a sudden, the blaster fire stopped.
‘’Hold your fire!’’ Grievous commanded. He walked slightly closer, his
legs and hips bristling against the endless fields of crops. The smoke
slowly started to die, and soon there was nothing. The ground there
was dead black and dotted with flaming debris. The skeletal corpses
of the AT-TEs lay there, only hissing smoke into the air. The cyborg
inhaled and exhaled heavily in the smoke, his eyes scanning the
wreckage which supplied the needed cover for the clones. He was
standing directly in the centre of the debris; and possibly the clones.
He squinted closer and listened intently, clocking every bristle of
wind. He used a hand signal without turning around and caught the
Permacrete detonator he had demanded; a large cube with several
red and blue buttons and a small grey screen. He placed it on the
floor and made the scan for life signs with a dial of a few buttons.
The grey screen flickered to life, revealing a map of the vicinity with
Grievous marked standing directly beside the detonator; a red dot.
And then, in the wreckage, it revealed several clones all standing at
different posts hidden in darkness. The cyborg didn’t even look up to
spot them, he extended the radius to kill all in the area and set the
mode to ‘ALF’; Anti Life forms. He then set the time limit to thirty
seconds and started it, galloping back to the safety of his tanks.
He turned around just to see the immense explosion, the air around
him pulsing with a single blast. The crops around his legs all pulled
back in the wind and for a moment even the tanks were pushed
back. And then the explosion died and the garrison was no more.
The Huks were on there own.
Padme Amidala’s turbolift slowly hovered through the Rotunda,
announcing her heart-stirring speech to the other Senators of the
Galaxy. She was a young and capable woman, the senator of Naboo
and the successor of Sheev Palpatine after he became supreme
chancellor of the Republic. He, also, had the grasp of many senator’s
‘’The Huks and the Kaleesh have always been bitter enemies,’’ She
cried in desperation. ‘’They were at equal footing until the incident
at Torvarskl! We cannot let the principals of the Republic die in this
bloody conflict!’’
There was an applause, silenced by Lott Dod flying out into the open.
‘’Senators, have you lost your minds! The Yam’rii are not with the
Republic, and the Jedi are already stretched thin across the galaxy!
We cannot afford to engage the Confederacy at another front!’’
There was a thunderous applause, which died out in awe at the tall
and sturdy Bail Organa, senator of Alderaan and close friends with
Senator Amidala. All the Senators leaned closer, anxious to hear
what the legendary anti-Palpatine senator had to say next.
‘’Jedi and clones were killed there,’’ He said, for he had done work
as a lawyer. ‘’It is a Republic affair; Huks or no Huks.’’
Several senators nodded in agreement, chatting to those near. Out
flew the Senator of Tibrin; Gume Saam, who was often noticed for
his extremist ways of getting what he wanted. He banged his fists
against the table in front of him. ‘’The Kaleesh have illegally and
ruthlessly launched an invasion, with the aid of the insidious General
Grievous designed to preoccupy the Republic even more! We cannot
let Grievous escape this time, can we!? I move for the eradication of
the Separatist and Kaleesh presence in that sector and we will bring
Grievous to justice!’’
His rather rash moves however attracted those senators who had
grown a desire for the destruction of the Confederacy and those who
had lost hope in negotiations.
‘’And how, senator?’’ Lott Dod asked. ‘’Let the Yam’rii and Kaleesh
engage in their quarrel; it is obvious that Grievous is attracting us
there with his promising aroma and then deceit will come in and
snap the head from our armies.’’
The Rotunda erupted in argument, all shouting and waving their
hands, trying to negotiate with the senator beside them.
‘’Order, order!’’ Mas Amedda cried. He was the vice-Chancellor, and
loyal friend of Palpatine who sat beside him directly at the centre.
The Chancellor leaned over to him and whispered into his ear. ‘’The
Supreme Chancellor of the Republic wishes to speak,’’ He boomed.
The elderly chancellor stood, dressed in blue robes. The Senate fell
silent, all of them even more perplexed than Senator Organa’s slight
words, who groaned in jealousy.
‘’I do believe strongly in the capture of the notorious General
Grievous,’’ He said. ‘’And I believe this is our best opportunity yet.
But I do not sympathise with an invasion of Torvarskl, we do not
have the time or means to keep our troops there. But I believe that a
skirmish is necessary, and I wish to nominate General Skywalker; I
think he will manage the job just fine with Padawan Tano.’’
All in the rotunda cheered and whooped, clapping and smiling that
they had such a capable chancellor in office; unlike Finis Valorum in
some’s view.
‘’What about the Huks and the Kaleesh?’’ Amidala asked. Palpatine
nodded. ‘’If we pass the skirmish I will make sure that we will only
fight the Kaleesh if provoked.’’
Amidala immediately clapped, her only desire was peace and she was
certain it was the senates too. After Palpatine’s speech everyone
knew too well that soon the Kalee sector would be a battleground once
Grievous and Lazurak watched as the last of the Huks were
executed in the town centre. Both of them were looking down at a
map on a hologram, showing the city as it was. Lazurak looked up,
with a different look in his eyes. ‘’What happened to my father?’’
Grievous scratched his chin, recalling the events. ‘’He was caught
and enslaved into the service of Gardulla. There he met an
unfortunate end.’’
‘’What?’’ The Kaleesh asked, realising there was more to it. The
cyborg exhaled heavily. ‘’He betrayed me.’’
Lazurak looked down, something swelling inside him. Anger, respect
and revenge all were combing into one enormous feeling. He felt his
heart pound against his chest. ‘’You killed him.’’
Grievous’ anger welled from his guilt. He wheeled around and
grabbed Lazurak around the throat, his claws pushing down on the
windpipe. ‘’I don’t know what I’ve become,’’ He growled. ‘’But I know
I was a proud warrior once, but now I am somebody who hides
emotion under my hatred for those who try and see it!’’
Lazurak did not fight back, only endured the punishment. He could
understand anger; he had been there. Grievous didn’t really know
what he was doing. The cyborg was in a trance of rage, something
had sparked inside him. He regretted he had killed Darwuzaq, and
perhaps he even felt some guilt for all his other victims. But he
would not be held to justice, he had initiated his murderous lifestyle
and now was running away from his destiny. Grievous could not
consider his options now; his first decision was the wrong one and he
was not going to turn away now. Dooku, Ventress and all the
Separatists would have him murdered. Grievous’ hands loosened and
Lazurak fell. Grievous felt moisture well up in his golden eyes, yet
hid it. ‘’I did.’’
‘’We have to be ready to face the consequences of our invasion,’’ The
Kaleesh warlord said, completely changing the subject. Grievous
nodded, he transfigured into his normal genius mastermind. ‘’And I
have an idea.’’
Anakin Skywalker stood in the dark LAAT gunship, standing beside
the brave and famous men of the five-o-first Legion. Rex, his
commander stood beside him, waiting anxiously as they swooped down
towards Torvarskl. His Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, was leading the
northern assault on the Oil refineries, the bait which would
ultimately tighten the guile around Grievous’ neck; for bait was
something he couldn’t resist.
The small gunship rocked as it bumped against the ground and the
doors swung open, blinding the Republic soldiers with light. Anakin
jumped out, drawing his blue blade as the pilot wished them luck. He
immediately found himself up to his hips in crops, which seemed to
cover the landscape for miles.
Anakin opened his hand and activated his hologram, revealing his
female Togruta apprentice, standing idol.
‘’Have you captured the refineries?’’
‘’Yes, but, something’s weird.’’
Skywalker looked on at Tano, unconvinced.
‘’There is nobody here,’’ Ahsoka said, looking around with a queer
look. ‘’No resistance, no corpses and the computers here are all off.’’
Skywalker, with a sense of urgency about him, lifted his visualizer
goggles and examined the city from a distance. The streets were all
empty, no garrisons and no citizens. He deactivated his lightsabre,
realising that Grievous was plotting a trap. He always seemed one
step ahead of them, almost as if he had anticipated every move and
devised a plan to counter it; a plan which looked so queer and
meaningless until the standard of the Confederacy was apparent in
the distance. Then, and only then you would figure the calculations
that Grievous had made, the predictions he had risked and how it
had paid off.
‘’There’s nobody here either,’’ Skywalker said, not looking away from
the city. Rex looked around. ‘’I don’t understand, where are they?’’
At that moment Anakin spotted something, he ran over to it still
clasping the hologram in his hand. It was a blurred speck of white
hidden amongst the reeds, and as they grew closer they realised that
these were clones.
One, with a purple painted helmet stood and turned.
‘’What are you doing here, trooper?’’ Rex demanded, raising his twin
pistols. The men raised their hands in surrender.
‘’We’re just simple clones,’’ The captain said. Rex lowered his pistols,
realising that they were not a threat. Skywalker walked up behind
him, lagging behind. ‘’What are you doing here?’’ Rex repeated. The
captain sighed. ‘’I’m Barrage. We’ve been hiding since the invasion.
Our Jedi generals are dead, and we only can supply on the rations
we salvaged from the wreckage of the AT-TEs.’’
He gestured towards a large black rectangular box. Skywalker
stepped towards it and summoned Rex to help him lift the lid. The
two men grunted slightly as they lifted it. At that moment from out
of the box sprung something, a blur of black and white. He landed
with a thud, his claws splatting into the wet soil. Barrage lifted his
blaster rifle and the other clones of his legion followed, Rex wheeled
around and raised his gun at the captain.
‘’Grievous,’’ Anakin growled, his eyes targeted on the cyborg. His
blade slowly ignited, humming in the silence. At that moment
hundreds of B1 Battle droids stood in the fields from their hiding
points, each hidden an equal distance away from each other in neat
arrangement, all painted brown in camouflage and holding their
blaster. Barrage took off his helmet, revealing a commando droid
tattooed white.
‘’This can be a bloodless meeting,’’ Grievous said. ‘’I do not wish to
kill you, only negotiate a resolution. First you must hand in your
comlinks to my droid here.’’
The disguised droids covered in clone armour walker around them,
confiscating everything that was a danger.
‘’And I can assure you,’’ The cyborg continued with a tint of
exaggeration. ‘’That you will be well cared for…’’
Anakin’s body lay stretched vertical, his hands forced up to the
ceiling in cuffs while his legs dangled above a pit of dangerously
warm acid. He snarled at Grievous, who sat at his table just across
the interrogation room with the controls to the torturing panel at his
side. He looked dapper for the murderer he actually was; his cape
hooked over both shoulders and his enormous hands holding a tiny
cup. He couldn’t drink, but it put an emphasis on how he was in
‘’What type of negotiation is this!?’’ Skywalker demanded, wriggling
uncomfortably as the heated gas from the boiling liquid beneath him
rose up to his nose.
Grievous smiled. ‘’I like negotiations like this. It makes my points
The cyborg droid to conceive the word, but couldn’t.
‘’Clear?’’ Skywalker asked sarcastically. Grievous stretched his
muscles into a smile beneath his mask. ‘’That’s the word.’’
‘’Your offer?’’
Grievous nodded. ‘’I will leave this system, with the droid army,
return Torvarskl for the Huks on three conditions: the first is the
Yam’rii will not invade Kalee; if they do we will return and conquer
the entire system. The second is the Huks must join the Separatists
or we will conquer the entire system. And the third is ten Jedi
hostages; with their lightsabres and robes delivered separately.’’
‘’I cannot agree to any of those,’’ Anakin replied, in his own defence.
‘’The first two are completely the Yam’rii’s decision and the last can
only be done with the agreement of the council.’’
‘’I just thought I’d tell you because if they refuse you will be lowered
into the acid and die a horrible and slow death.’’
Skywalker grimaced. ‘’That’s the seventh time my life completely
depends on others who probably have never heard of me.’’
Grievous cackled, and pressed a button on the table, sending electric
currents through the cuffs and into Skywalker’s hands, his body
vibrating with electric charges.
The Jedi council sat in a circle in the main tower of the Jedi temple,
some present in holograms. Sitting near the door was Palpatine; the
first ever non-Jedi to participate in a meeting.
‘’The Senate is very encouraging that you send your ten weakest
warriors,’’ He said, his long fingers gesturing slightly.
‘’With all due respect, chancellor,’’ Windu said. ‘’You are only here
as an observer; the senate have no say here.’’
‘’The Republic has every say here,’’ The Chancellor replied. Mace
could only remain silent.
‘’Trust Grievous, we do not,’’ Said the eldest, wisest and most
venerable Jedi, Yoda; the head of the order. ‘’I feel like, nothing we
can do, there is.’’
Kenobi, stroked his beard. ‘’I am curious as to what Grievous needs
with these Jedi; and I think we should find out.’’
‘’We’re in no position to bargain,’’ Master Mundi countered. ‘’We take
his offer or leave it.’’
‘’I meant espionage,’’ Obi-wan replied. Yoda realised as Skywalker
had learned from him. He had learned from Skywalker.
Windu grunted; although harsh and critical he was the most skilled
swordsman in the temple, mastering all seven forms and the creator
of Vaapad. ‘’I don’t like Grievous as much as you do, but I’m afraid
if we get too big for our boots it will be consequential for the
‘’Agree, I do,’’ Yoda said, holding his gimer stick. ‘’But no harm,
investigation will do.’’
Palpatine nodded. ‘’Master Windu and Master Kenobi would fit the
job just fine.’’
Yoda nodded before Windu could reply. ‘’Send them, we shall. To
Separatist databanks on Muunlist, you will go.’’
The two Jedi walked across the platforms and sidewalks of Muunlist,
walking past Muuns and Humans muttering about the financial state
their planet was in since the Republic invaded and since the IBC left
for Scipio.
‘’You seem troubled,’’ Kenobi said, looking at Windu who was staring
out across the cities.
‘’I don’t trust Palpatine any more,’’ He said coldly. ‘’He’s extended
his time in office, received emergency powers and now has started
manipulating the Jedi order.’’
‘’Aren’t all politicians?’’ The ginger bearded man joked.
Mace didn’t laugh, or consider the fact of acknowledging the fact he
attempted to draw humour. ‘’I remember Finis Valorum, he was so
corrupted by war that he became foolish. But he was friendly with
the Jedi, and I would exchange our chancellor for him in a
Kenobi looked at him, surprised at his Jedi friend’s hatred.
‘’Palpatine is like Dooku in some senses, he’s just a political idealist,
and nothing else; he has no secrets.’’
‘’Dooku kept his doubt of the Republic pretty hidden,’’ Windu replied.
‘’I’m beginning to sense some opening of deceit in Palpatine,
something which leads to something so large and ominous it would
kill us if we knew about it. A man called Tyranus ordered the clone
army, I’m beginning to wonder if it was just a pen name for
somebody being manipulated by Palpatine within the order.’’
Kenobi thought about it, and sighed. He looked up. ‘’But it couldn’t be
Dooku, could it? He had no reason to create an army for his future
dreaded enemies.’’
The two both closed their eyes and called upon the force for guidance.
Even with their combined power the force remained silent, or its
voice shrouded by the shrieks of the dark side.
Kenobi then felt something, a vision entered his mind, clouded by
blue and red light. Dooku, duelling against a shadow. Their blades
clashed, one blue and one red. The hooded figure killed Dooku with a
swift swipe and a red spirit flew from his chest and entered the
mysterious figure’s chest. The screen swirled into another scene, the
figure was running across a room cutting down Muuns, Geonosians
and Neimodians. Then the figure was kissing a fair maiden. Then he
was in a swampy word battling droids. Then a mountainous region.
Then flying through space. Then Kenobi saw himself, in a corridor,
looking on at the hooded figure. The figure drew a red blade and
swung forward, watching helplessly as he did not defend himself. He
heard his own menacing scream, the scream of a woman, then the
scream of a deep voiced man, long and mournful as if his heart had
been broken. Then all was silent as he found himself on a desert
world, with rolling sands. It was empty, only dust floating across the
dunes. Then the vision faded away as Kenobi opened his eyes. He
looked around; Mace still had his eyes closed and the sun was still
lighting the sky.
‘’Let’s get going,’’ He said. ‘’We didn’t come here to daydream.’’
Windu and Kenobi walked through the aisles of Banking Clan
archives. Each shelf was glowing different colours; painted in the
shape of the logo. Clones stood guarding the end of each row,
admitting authorised Republic personnel only. Mace set his eyes upon
a certain file, and drew closer, pulling the thick disk out.
‘’Experiments of the sith,’’ He said, examining the encrypted
Republic codes overwriting the Separatist one.
He took it over to a large holoscreen emitter and slotted it in,
revealing a large set of writing. Kenobi scanned it, each sentence a
hidden code still camouflaged in unknown codes.
‘’This’ll take days to crack,’’ Kenobi said, estimating with his call
upon the force. ‘’But I’ve seen these codes before and I can work out
the names of planets.’’
The skilled master leaned closer and looked carefully at the digits.
‘’Geonosis, Serrenno… these all seem to be registered in Republic
archives too. Ah, Korriban, he tapped twice on the digits and opened
it; revealing another set of incomprehensible codes.
‘’Looks like it was two people who visited in theory,’’ Windu said, his
eyes not moving. He pointed towards two different words, written in
strange characters. ‘’I can vaguely recognise one from an older code,
he said, pointing to the latter. Grievous, it seems. Both the Jedi’s
eyes moved to the other word.
Kenobi punched in a message and sent the mysterious code to
Coruscant where the enigma would be solved. The holoscreen hummed
as it slipped back into the emitter. Windu stroked his hairless chin.
‘’I think our next stop is Korriban.’’
Kenobi twitched. ‘’The burial grounds of the dark lords of the sith.’’
‘’It seems that Grievous and his crony visited there looking for
something to do with the ancient order there,’’ Windu said. ‘’And I
bet you my lightsaber that they’ll have visited the valley of the dark
Dooku stood in his brown tight clothes, wrapped around him and
pinned with silver buttons with a black cape pulled around his
shoulder and buckled with a gold medallion at his collarbone. He
stared out of the circular emerald glass dome of a window, hiding the
dark atmosphere behind it. He closed his eyes slowly and reached out
with the force. Dooku felt a hulk of dark side power approaching,
seeming ominous even to his bastion size. He heard him walk into
the room as his feet tapped against the unsullied floor. Dooku turned
and knelt, bowing his head in reverence for his master. Sidious
leaned over him. ‘’Arise Darth Tyranus,’’ He said, and Dooku looked
up seeing the face beneath the hood. A small chin pinched slightly at
his chin and his yellow eyes glowing. Beyond that there were slightly
drooped cheeks and a sharp nose, and a clear stretch of white hair
circling around the back of his head and ending as it reached the
edge of the skull just above the ears. The eyes looked down, revealing
eyes flaming gold and remained staring at Dooku, examining the
visible cheekbone and his brown eyes. The Count of Serrenno stood
and walked alongside his master, both of their feet brushing against
the clear almost transparent floor.
‘’You have done well, Darth Tyranus,’’ Sidious said. ‘’Soon the Jedi
order will have been brought to its knees.’’
The Master said the last line with hatred, barring his discoloured
teeth. Dooku nodded.
‘’What will become of Grievous?’’ He asked after a pause. Sidious
turned, both of them stopping. ‘’You care for that insignificant
Dooku cocked his head and shook in desperation. ‘’No, of course not,
master. I care nothing for him… just curious on how he works out in
the grand scheme. ‘’
Darth Sidious smirked, twisting his lip upwards. ‘’He and all the
other Separatist leaders thing that we think of them so highly, so
The apprentice twitched slightly, but remained silent.
‘’They will be killed when the war ends and when we rule the
galaxy.’’ His master continued, either not seeing or not remarking on
the other sith lord’s fondness for the ruthless military commander.
‘’And what of Hardo Seemo’s kidnapping?’’
Sidious grinned. ‘’He is of no concern.’’
There was a brief pause. ‘’There is a disturbance in the force, your
assassin. She has become very powerful.’’
Dooku stretched out with the force and felt her at Sullust, ravenously
engaging the Republic there.
‘’Yes my lord,’’ He said. ‘’She is very important to me…’’
‘’Too important,’’ His master snarled back. ‘’You must dispose of her;
she is a danger to us all.’’
Dooku shuffled awkwardly. ‘’Yes my lord, but I beg you to…’’
‘’There will be no reconsidering this time, my young apprentice.
Ventress’ prowess will reveal all of our secrets, and that is why she
will destroy us if we do not destroy her…’’
Windu and Kenobi stood in the council chamber, reporting the recent
revelations. ‘’There was nothing on Korriban,’’ The former explained.
‘’We can only presume Grievous wants the lightsabers.’’
Yoda stroked his furry chin. ‘’On this matter, what do the Yam’rii
The Kel Dor master Plo Koon stood, the ambassador who had
negotiated with the Huks. ‘’They seem insistent on a full scale
Republic occupation of Kalee, Torvarskl and Huk. They have not even
considered negotiation.’’
‘’Have they amassed an army?’’ Cerean Jedi master Mundi asked.
Koon nodded gravely. ‘’We cannot afford to lose our allies, the
‘’You actually think we should invade!?’’ Stass Allie, the Tholotian
female Jedi cried.
‘’War is inevitable,’’ The Kel Dor master replied. ‘’And we don’t
want to find ourselves enemies with both sides.’’
Master Rancisis’ tail moved around the floor, wiggling in
uncomfortable gestures as it did as a crisis came along; which seemed
to be regular since the Separatist crisis had begun. In fact, all the
other Jedi could barely remember the Yinchorri conflicts, Naboo
blockade and the Eradu Trade Summit which occurred only decades
before the Battle of Geonosis. He talked through his white beard. ‘’I
think we should invade as a deterrent for them never to attack…’’
‘’Never been deterred, Grievous has,’’ Yoda interrupted. Since the
war had begun Yoda and Oppo Rancisis were on short terms.
Although once the latter was the apprentice they did not share views
on how the clone wars should be dealt and often debated. Rancisis
believed in a quicker end to the war through hitting weak points as
a show of strength and then bringing the battle straight to the
centres of the Confederacy whilst Yoda waited upon guidance from
the force, sacrificing time to consider the peaceful way.
‘’Master Yoda, I understand your point,’’ Kenobi chimed in. ‘’But we
cannot let this opportunity pass; they’ve asked for bait and itching for
a fight, they’re no longer fleeing.’’
Windu turned to his fellow Jedi. ‘’They are no longer running
because they believe they can win.’’
At that moment the doors swung open and in stepped the delicate
figure of Palpatine, dressed in a blue hose and doublet and flanked
by vice Chancellor Mas Amedda, with his blue horned face staring at
all the faces of the order.
‘’The Senate demands the Jedi invade,’’ Palpatine cried.
‘’They don’t have any power over the order,’’ Rancisis snapped back.
‘’Even if they…’’
‘’Trade Federation Senator Lott Dod has started the bill for
Senatorial powers over the Jedi,’’ Amedda said, with a sense of
urgency in his voice. ‘’Already hundreds of Senators are promising
their vote!’’
‘’Only the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor have those powers,’’ Windu
said. ‘’Now all the corrupt senators will pollute us. And if the sith do
have power over all the senate, they now control the Jedi.’’
‘’Independent, the Jedi are,’’ Yoda said. ‘’The order, sense a storm
overhead I do. The dark side, clouds are vision it does. To the senate,
we will go.’’
Yoda, Windu and Kenobi stood at their small stand in the senate,
watching the session intently. Kenobi’s eyes moved over the smiling
Senator Dod, with scarlet red eyes and looking anxiously at the
senators who were in unison with him.
‘’This session is for the bill for senatorial powers over the Jedi,’’ Mas
Amedda boomed. ‘’First the leader of against Bail Prestor Organa of
Alderaan will speak.’’
Senator Organa flew out, his broad build looking slightly unusual in
the Rotunda. ‘’The Jedi is an independent party,’’ Organa began.
‘’We have no such right over them, and say corruption is in the
senate corruption will filter into peace! The Jedi cannot afford to take
orders from us; it will make them slaves and we will be the slavers
of peace. The Jedi are peacekeepers, and therefore we must be
peacekeepers and slavery is not a peaceful resolution. So I beg the
senate that they will listen to my…’’
The Rotunda burst into a hiss, sneering and jeering at him. Organa
turned towards Yoda sympathetically and shook his head as his
turbolift slipped back into the neighbourhood of others. The
displeasure at Bail’s speech ended as Lott Dod flew out, and
transformed into thunderous applause. He shot a smirk at Alderaan’s
senator, confident now that he would win.
‘’Now we’ve eliminated the intergalactic hippy,’’ He said, pausing as
the Rotunda burst out laughing. He nodded his head smiling. ‘’Don’t
you think we masters of the galaxy should be able to lay our fat bum
in another place?’’
Some laughed while others looked at each other nervously.
‘’Shouldn’t Senator Orn Free Taa have another banquet to eat at?’’
The Twi’lek senator went into hysterics, spitting as he howled with
laughter along with his fellow senators.
‘’Aren’t we, masters of the galaxy so rude and unpleasant that we
may now take hold of the Jedi,’’ The Neimodian senator continued,
yet again met with a thunderous chuckle. ‘’And these hippies have
laser swords!’’ The largest most obnoxious wave of laughter overcame
the Rotunda, senators falling backwards howling in laughter. Organa
scowled in anger.
‘’Out with honour!’’ Senator Gume Saam said drunkenly. ‘’Let us
exploit the Twi’lek dancers of all their worth!’’
The Rotunda broke into an ‘ooh’. It was more like a pub of drunken
citizens than the grand senate of the Republic.
‘’You may now enter your vote,’’ Amedda announced. All of the
Senators leaned over their controls, either pressing yes or no. Yoda
shook his head in dismay as he watched millions of the lights on
turbolifts go green.
Amedda handed Palpatine a chip, who looked at it and nodded
slightly. He stepped forward and all the spotlight flashed onto him,
leaving the rest of the hall in absolute darkness.
‘’With great dismay I must use my emergency powers to reverse the
The Senators all looked around, confused. Organa was gobsmacked.
‘’For the good of the order only the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor
may have access to the order’s meetings. There will be no power
Senators shook their fists in anger, growling and jeering. Yoda
breathed a sigh of relief, it was over for now. But that session had
proved something. Palpatine too, was afraid of letting his power fall
to others.
Kenobi and Shaak Ti stood at the head of a massive invasion force,
the wind heaving towards them. The crops of Torvarskl wavered in
the breeze, and in the distance was the citadel of Grievous, like an
ominous cloud. Beside the ginger-bearded Jedi master stood
Commander Cody, standing beside ‘Jaz’; the clone trooper who was
examining a datapad and tapping it curiously.
‘’Have they spotted us?’’ Cody asked him. Jaz looked up. ‘’Well our
radar tapping audio input devices indicate…’’
‘’I think they’ve seen us,’’ Obi-wan said sarcastically. ‘’We have the
third largest army in the entire galaxy, the second largest Republic
one and we are trying to get them to notice us; oh I think they’ve
spotted us.’’
‘’But it seems that they don’t intend on coming out,’’ Shaak Ti said,
looking out onto the horizon.
‘’All our scans prove you are right, General Ti,’’ Jaz said. ‘’No
unusual amount of electronic activity outside of the blurfield and our
scouts cannot visualise any troop changes or movement.’’
‘’What of the Separatist fleet?’’ Kenobi asked. Cody shook his head.
‘’Admiral Yularun says he is losing miserably. He doesn’t think he
can hold out.’’
Kenobi and Ti took the call and stepped into their speeders, marked
red on white with the emblem of the Republic engraved onto it.
‘’Where are you going?’’ Jaz asked.
‘’To provoke an attack,’’ Kenobi replied. ‘’It seems to be what I do
best nowadays.’’
Ti laughed as both speeder’s permaglass cockpit window curved
around and over them. Obi-wan examined the controls, and placed
one hand on the yoke and activated the radio.
‘’Come in, Shaak Ti,’’ He said.
‘’Roger that,’’ Ti replied, her voice emitting from the speaker. Kenobi
smiled. ‘’Operation provoke an attack is go.’’
Two speeders throttled through the fields, side-by-side as they swung
around the citadel in a radius of three kilometres. In the distance
was a large satellite dish, surrounded by a glinting grey wall. As
they neared Kenobi pressed harder with his foot on the accelerator
and engaged the turbolift repulsors. As the world zoomed by his
speeder slowly was raised up into the air; now engaging further
speed. The wall was becoming bigger, and suddenly he was only one
tenth of a kilometre away. Yanking the yoke upwards, the vehicle
sharply turned into the air and flew past; looking at the dwarf spider
droids look up as he flew metres above their head. There was a slight
repetitive beep inside as the console warned him of high levels of
drag, smoke streaming from all the sides as it shrieked wildly.
Strangely, the droids did not fire even though their gaze followed the
‘’It seems that Grievous has given them orders to not fire,’’ Kenobi
said down the radio.
‘’Indeed,’’ Ti replied. ‘’I cannot anticipate why…’’
At that moment an enormous ball of flaming matter trailing grey
smoke billowed into the ground, rocking the speeders in the sudden
change of stability. Debris flew into the air, flaming red tongues of
inferno. The permaglass in front of Kenobi’s face smashed as soil hit
it, blasting him with bitter air. Another large piece of debris hit the
speeder, rocking it to starboard and throwing the Jedi to his side,
held only by his belt. Kenobi choked out blood and burning air as he
was turned upside down, his head smashing against a splintered
piece of his chair, cracking it open. As he was rocked once again his
hand faltered from the turbolift repulsors controls. Gravity kicked in
and the burning speeder flew towards the ground; Kenobi’s foot still
pressed against the accelerator. Smoke fuelled into the open-aired
cockpit, choking a breathless Jedi master. Kenobi manoeuvred himself
upwards, his eyes tightly closed, and slammed against the turbolift
repulsors jolting the vehicle upwards and once again smashing his
head against a broken piece of the speeder. For a brief moment the
black gasses raised from the cockpit, unveiling a small amount of
oxygen hidden in the dark. Kenobi took a deep breath and jerked
down to land, once again filling his mouth with unwanted fumes. The
speeder hit the ground earlier than expected, slamming into the wet
mud and skidding forward through the small layer of air which lay
beneath the toxic gasses. The vehicle hit a buried piece of large
debris, slamming the speeder to a sudden halt. Kenobi leaped from
the cockpit and landed in the mud; lucky to be wearing knee-high
boots. He once more found he could vaguely breathe; but this new
world was only dimly lit by several flames; banished from sunlight.
Kenobi looked at himself, his robes ripped and torn and smeared in
blood which dripped from his face. He lifted his lightsabre from his
belt, it was no longer silvery but stained with mud and dried blood.
He activated it, but it clicked slightly in failure.
‘’Damn,’’ He whispered, as if someone else was there and hooked it
back onto his belt. He walked forward, his boots squelching as they
struggled to pull from the mud. He calculated the possibilities of
where that burning material had come from. Kenobi came to the
conclusion it was an aerial bombardment, sent by Grievous to destroy
the entire army. As his mind wondered he remembered Shaak Ti,
whom he had lost as soon as they were consumed in smoke. Kenobi
closed his eyes, summoning the force. He felt a forceful being here,
alive, but barely. He tried to, but could not trace the howls of agony
through the force to its source. Kenobi straightened his hard and
knotted hair; his hands delving into fresh blood pumping from his
head. At that moment he spotted a flaming white object, almost
completely submerged. Kenobi limped towards it, groaning in pain as
all of his muscles moved in his body. As he drew closer he realised it
was the speeder of Shaak Ti, he leaned over into the cockpit which
was filling with liquidised soil. There, inside it, was the body of the
famed female Jedi master, her face more stained with blood than
Kenobi’s. The ginger-haired Jedi fell against the speeder, exhausted.
His comlink went off and Obi-wan found the strength to lift his arm
and open the transmission.
‘’Master Kenobi,’’ Cody’s voice said. He too, sounded injured and
crippled. There was a crackle of interference. ‘’Come in, master
‘’I’m here, Cody,’’ The voice groaned back. ‘’Grievous is bombarding
the planet.’’
‘’Yeah,’’ The clone said back. ‘’Our army’s been hit pretty badly. We
found Skywalker’s Padawan, but then the blast hit and I’ve lost
‘’We’re in sector B6,’’ The Jedi replied. ‘’Found Shaak Ti, she’s
alive; but barely. There’s not much oxygen down here.’’
He coughed. ‘’We need to somehow get off this planet.’’
There was a bigger buzz of interference, the signal struggling to pass
through the smoke.
‘’We’ve still got Jaz here, but he’s not gonna make it without urgent
medical care,’’ Cody said. ‘’There’s one Jedi craft still here. I’ll come
and get you, just after I put Jaz in and find Padawan Tano. Cody
Grievous watched the bombardment from the viewing deck of the
Invisible hand. Turbolaser fire spat from the cannons of the
Separatist fleet towards the surface, wreaking havoc and killing
Kaleesh. He no longer cared about what happened to Lazurak, they
would not get in his way of killing three Jedi and the second largest
army of the Republic in one swift move. Yes, the Kaleesh army
would be destroyed; the army he had once worked so hard to build up
and armour, but they were no match for him now. Lazurak would
die like he deserved, a pretender blood-monarch who won not by
strength but by things his mother and father put in his veins.
Grievous would once again rule Kalee, not as a fair peacekeeper but
as a slaver; executing those of his own species who were weak and
cracking the strong’s morale.
‘’You murderer,’’ Skywalker said from behind him. The cyborg
turned and looked at the Jedi knight; hanging suspended in cuffs
above a pool of acid. Grievous exhaled through the ship’s recycled air.
‘’You refuse to accept your doom.’’
Skywalker frowned, not scared. ‘’Obi-wan, Ahsoka and Shaak Ti will
be here and when they do you will be in deep trouble.’’
‘’Such a shame their on the surface being bombed to death,’’ The
cyborg said calmly, infuriating his opponent. Skywalker tried to use
the force, wrenching his blade from his foe’s belt. But Grievous dived
for the controls and pressed a single button, sending an electric pulse
down through the cuffs into his blood, shaking the Jedi violently. The
lightsaber flew past his head and landed on the floor on the other
side, spinning wildly as it skidded forward. The electric charge
stopped. Skywalker rock slightly as his eyes flickered open while he
frothed at the mouth.
‘’Poor, poor Jedi,’’ Grievous said. ‘’You will learn your place in time;
as my prisoner!’’
Cody and Ahsoka Tano sat at the cockpit of a Jedi shuttle, dodging
black clouds as green bolts poured from the sky. The clone had took a
battering, his plastoid armour dented and muddy; and with several
bruises along his body but nevertheless he still flied quite well. Tano
was only marked with minor cuts, pumping out blood and her face
smeared with dried dirt but she was still quite capable.
Cody steered to the starboard, gently rocking them to the side. He
manoeuvred the ship down and pulled it into the smoke; blinding
everything inside.
‘’We should be coming in,’’ Ahsoka said. ‘’Land now.’’
The ship delved beneath the smoke into a dim world; with the fires
burning out. Tano placed a breather mask on her face and her clone
companion clipped an oxygen tank to his back; the pipe going to his
The two stepped into the mud, air being pumped in and out through
the pipe. Ahsoka pointed to a wreckage of a speeder fifty metres
away. Cody nodded and the two plodded over. Sure enough Kenobi
was slumped up against the side, breathing in lifeless air while Ti
lay inside the cockpit breathing softy. Cody leaned over and grabbed
them both, pulling them over his shoulders. Then they walked back
into the ship, closing the door behind them. Both immediately woke
up, gasping for air. The clone placed them onto the floor, where they
sat for a moment before standing up, wiping sweat from their brows.
‘’Nice to see you two,’’ Kenobi said. ‘’I tell you I must stop getting
myself into such sticky situations.’’
Tano laughed. ‘’You’ve seen better days.’’
The four all walked into the cockpit. Tano sat in the pilot’s seat
while Kenobi took the role of co-pilot. Ti and Cody sat down at the
passenger seats, all looking out of the window.
‘’Jaz is in the medical room,’’ Tano said as she raised the ship up.
Once again all sensors were blinded with black smoke, not even
eyesight passing through. Kenobi leaned back and watched as they
appeared from the smoke into the sky. The ship was now hovering
over an infinite plain of smoke, cracked slightly with estuaries of
clean air. Another green ball of turbolaser plummeted down not too
far away, delving into the smoke for a moment before billowing out
dirty gasses and debris; lighting the fumes lava-red. In the distance,
just peaked above the shield of dangerous gasses, was Grievous’
citadel, the only remaining visible building from the city; burning
slightly but it was plausible that some might be still inside. Tano
steered towards it, gently landing the vehicle down on the landing
‘’I’ll stay here,’’ Cody said. ‘’You three go try and scavenge for
And Ti, Kenobi and Tano raced off, into the heart of the fire…
‘’The fumes have destroyed the majority of the Ozone layer,’’ A droid
said to Grievous. ‘’Radiation levels are rapidly rising in the
Grievous laughed. ‘’We have them where we want them, on a planet
with a torn economic system. The planet is destroying itself.’’
He let out a maniacal cackle at his own witty murder.
‘’The air above the gasses is now being baked,’’ The droid continued.
‘’And the small amount of air below is freezing. And the gasses
themselves are deadly. Soon this planet will be uninhabitable.’’
‘’Fire the nuclear weapons,’’ Grievous ordered. ‘’Direct them at the
northern pole, I want a nice big flash flood to add into the mix.’’
The droid only acknowledged the order by gesturing to a fellow OOM
droid who tapped in some buttons. Grievous laughed. ‘’I want to make
slow work of this, let the planet be destroyed, slowly.’’
Lazurak ran down the top floor of the citadel, Kaleesh crowded
around him. Women were screaming, Men were shouting and
children crying. He felt useless, standing there as gaseous fumes
poured up towards them and as fires burned all around him in the
unmatched temperature. He couldn’t touch anything metal, it would
burn him. His feet could only tap against the floor otherwise they
would be set alight.
Sweat covered his brow from the trepidation and heat, his hands
shining red, the burning light revealing his illuminated veins. He
would be baked to death, him and around of a quarter of his army
all huddled up; making more and more heat. People were fainting in
the heat, their bodies slumped down against the floor and set alight;
killing them instantly. Lazurak ran forward, pushing aside others
and raced to the melted window. He looked out urgently, being
blasted with an array of heat.
‘’Argghh!’’ He groaned, as he stood only a yard away from the edge.
Then he noticed a ship, docked out on the landing platform and out
walked three figures all wearing environmental suits.
‘’We’re saved!’’ He cried, and instantly everyone ran out to greet
them, mindless of the sun’s rays on their backs. One person was set
on fire, he screamed as he ran around and eventually decided to
jump from the edge and through the deep layer of gas, suffocating
him before he could reach the bottom. Some tried to push their way
back inside, but failed as more came heaving out. Lazurak was
pushed off his feet and landed on the floor, stampeded by others.
‘’Well it looks like we’ve got a welcoming committee,’’ Kenobi said.
Tano shook her head. ‘’I think we should leave.’’
‘’Defend the ship!’’ Ti cried, drawing her lightsaber. She had reduced
flexibility in her thick suit, but nevertheless she was daunting to
them as they all backed away. Two women, one clasping her baby,
made a break for it, but Ti used the force to push them back.
‘’They’ll be baked alive!’’ Tano cried. Ti nodded and looked up,
summoning the force to pull over a large chunk of the tower several
levels higher, rocking it downwards but being stopped suddenly by its
own supports, still attached to the side. Suddenly they had some
shade, but it was still frighteningly warm.
‘’What now?’’ Kenobi asked as they all the Kaleesh stared, realising
that they were Jedi. One ran forward, but not to the ship but to
greet them.
‘’I am Lazurak,’’ He said. ‘’My people are dying, we need immediate
‘’We don’t have anything,’’ Kenobi said. ‘’We only came here to see
where Grievous and Anakin were.’’
‘’Grievous went up to the Invisible hand,’’ The Kaleesh ruler replied.
‘’He only took a single prisoner with him, though we managed to
capture the prison and rescue this man here.’’
Lazurak summoned from the crowd somebody, and out walked a
bruised and battered Rex, holding his helmet with his hand and
limping slightly. Tano ran up to him and helped him into the ship,
leaving just Ti and Kenobi staring at all these many Kaleesh
citizens, all shaded but still sweating badly and panting like dogs for
‘’You have to get help for us!’’ Lazurak cried. ‘’We’re dying, send
another ship!’’
Kenobi sighed. ‘’I’m afraid we’re stranded here as much as you are.’’
The Kaleesh ruler shook his head in despair. ‘’Grievous betrayed us,
he is obliterating an entire planet’s population! I was wrong to ever
trust that scum!’’
‘’No use crying over spilt Bantha milk,’’ Ti said, not comfortingly but
sharply as if she was scolding him. ‘’We cannot save you all, there is
only so much space on board…’’
At that moment the large bent tower above them creaked, spitting
sparks. All the Kaleesh looked up as it rocked again, the supports
clipping the horizontal penthouse to the vertical higher floors
snapping. As the whole tip of the citadel collapsed down the Kaleesh
ran towards the ship in desperation, pushing each other from the
bridge to the circular platform in desperation. Ti and Kenobi
summoned the force, running quicker and jumping into the ship. But
however when the two arrived they didn’t close the door, only let the
ship raise itself so Kenobi and Ti could decide whom they would save.
But it was at that moment the penthouse landed onto the viaduct,
smashing the entire thing into threads. Dozens of Kaleesh jumped too
late, their timing costing them their lives as they all fell like
flightless insects through the sky; their bodies being consumed into
the toxic pollutions.
Lazurak fell, the metal beneath his feet shattering as he as crushed
beneath a large chunk of the building. For the moment he was
wriggling inside the two materials he boiled, screaming as he was
fried. But it wasn’t long, until he was free of the heat, but now
dropping. Lazurak flailed helplessly as millions of others followed like
he did, some clinging to the piping metal, letting their hands burn
rather than be suffocated. But Lazurak had not even considered it,
he took a final breath as he was delved beneath, never to take
another breath again.
As he landed onto the ground he suspected more of an impact; yet
Lazurak’s fall was cushioned by the soft mud. He was in darkness,
absolute darkness. He rasped for breath but found none; only
exhaling his last supply of oxygen. At that moment there was a
rumbling in the ground, throwing wet damp material into the air.
Lazurak looked around but saw nothing. But he felt everything. As
the rumbling noise reached the maximum volume it was drowned
out. A blast hit him, not of fire but of dirty polluted water. Lazurak
was thrown from his feet, his ears popped and was still yet to have
any sight on the scenery. Grievous must have hit the glaciers, the
bank of ice which held enough water to drown out all life on the
planet; which was clearly what that power crazed cyborg intended on
doing. He did not struggle, nor resist; only swimming gracefully in
deep meditation as his breaths ran out and his chest compressed.
This was his final hour.
Grievous watched the planet from the viewport. It was no longer the
fresh green planet marked yellow with fields and with large poles,
making the planet notifiable and nameable to all through its
distinctions. But now it was almost completely grey, and in the small
patches where it wasn’t fields were brown, the north was a tainted
green and the entire surface seemed to be stirring; the grey fumes
pumping outwards and higher as the bombardment continued.
‘’There is an unidentified ship approaching,’’ A droid said from beside
him. Grievous wheeled around to see the OOM droid sat down,
looking at a screen of a distinct Jedi shuttle.
‘’They escaped,’’ Grievous rasped. ‘’But they will not pass through my
‘’They seem to intend on landing in our ship,’’ The droid replied.
Grievous laughed. ‘’What a pathetic attempt to save their friend.’’
He turned, looking at the Jedi hanging above the pool of green liquid,
piping small streams of smoke from its depths. Anakin caught his
gaze and glared. ‘’Obi-wan will be here, and when he is you will be
sorry, very sorry.’’
‘’I doubt,’’ Grievous replied. ‘’I don’t give very good apologies, and
prefer combat to talking.’’
Skywalker laughed. ‘’Then why don’t you stop bickering with me and
fight me!’’
‘’All in good time, Skywalker,’’ Grievous replied. ‘’But if it annoys
you I shall keep you up there.’’
‘’They have docked in airlock seven-B,’’ The droid announced. ‘’Three
Jedi have walked out, three clones; one severely injured, have been
seen inside.’’
Grievous laughed. ‘’Cowards! They’re walking through the ventilation
tunnels. Push toxic gasses through and send my bodyguards after
them. Seal off the area.’’
The droid nodded, tapped in some buttons and the Jedi were trapped.
Ti, Kenobi and Tano held their noses as green gas flew from the
floor. The corridors were red, and all the wars were vents pumping
out oxygen, but now deadly gasses. The door snapped shut behind
them, petrifying the two masters and one Padawan.
‘’Well, they now we’re here,’’ Kenobi said. He lifted the small piece
of rope tipped with metal and clipped it around his mouth; allowing
him to breath once more. The Jedi took his idea and followed.
They all listened as a faint march approached, growing louder with
each step. They all drew their single blade, staring out in the tunnel
ahead. Then, from the dark, walked six Magna guards, with cloaks
pulled over their shoulders and with their staffs pulsing regularly
with electricity. Ti charged, leaping onto a wall and engaging three,
hacking and slashing the air. The Magna guards were not flawed,
every move completely precise and accurate, their unmoving face
staring down the enemy. One jumped up to the wall beside Shaak Ti
and locked weapons with her, the Jedi master forced to jump to the
roof to avoid the other guards. Ti cut off the one on the wall’s head,
but he didn’t stop; only stepped up to the ceiling and engaging once
more. Kenobi battled his two, slicing down the middle the Magnastaff of one. But the droid simply seized both end and used them as
dual weapons, cutting and slicing with ambitious moves. Obi-wan
ducked to the floor, doggedly evading a slash and cut down the other
from below; letting him fall to the floor. Kenobi then quickly
disarmed him of one staff, letting it fly towards Ahsoka and her
opponent. Obi-wan swiftly cut off both arms and impaled the droid,
walking over to help Ti against her three opponents. Meanwhile Tano
had grabbed the idol one half of Kenobi’s dead opponents Magna-staff,
she switched to Shiyo technique, bearing her lightsaber backwards.
Tano somersaulted over the droid, confusing him, and swung around
slicing the droid’s leg off. The guard tumbled to the floor in
unbalance, but continued to swing viciously; crawling along using her
hands as her foot clung on to the staff. The guard leaped to his
hands, rotating his head to see his opponent and using his last foot to
engage the female Jedi. Tano swung her haled staff forward, locking
with the foe. She then simply swung her lightsaber and cut him
through several times. She then rushed over to one of the three
guards Shaak Ti was still yet to defeat. Ti jumped onto the headless
one, driving her blade through the hole where the head was meant to
be; letting the carefully manufactured mechanics fall to the floor; now
just a pile of junk. Kenobi’s was quickly halved by Ti as she leapt
down from the ceiling and all three surrounded the final one. They
all together impaled him straight through, tearing apart all his wires
and programming.
They all looked around, anxious to see where they should go next.
Grievous watched the screen helplessly as all his Magna-guards were
cut down. He growled, swiping the head from the droid beside him.
‘’Our sealed doors should hold them for a while,’’ A droid said from
the opposite side of the aisle, also staring at a screen. ‘’Should I send
a Squadron after them?’’
Grievous shook his head. ‘’Move our prisoner and his tank of acid into
the detention block. Send him with an escort of Commando droids. I
suspect Kenobi and Tano will go after him, Ti will come to me!’’
Cody and Rex sat in the shuttle medical room beside the Medical
droid, all looking on Jaz lying on a bed, wearing only a thin
tightened black onesie; marked with the crest of the Republic in
‘’He may survive for a while,’’ The Medical droid TK-7G explained.
‘’But the medical care he needs is not available on the RHS, we will
need to get him to an independent drug provider if we want him to
Cody nodded. He examined his blaster and sighed. ‘’I’m gonna get
back into the cockpit, check everything’s alright.’’
Rex nodded, watching his fellow clone walk off. Cody stepped into the
cockpit and sat down in the pilot’s seat, examining all the dials and
screens checking the standard safety regulations. From the window
he could see the completely grey planet of Torvarskl, only lit on one
side by the yellow sun. He looked back down to the monitors,
scanning the schematics of the large Separatist capital ship. The
large Invisible hand was a cylinder in shape, but with a large point
at the end. Two main hangars were positioned at each side in the
centre, and directly above was a towering fin which was used to
plough through space. Just beneath the hangar was a large rudder,
identical in shape to the one just above but considerably smaller and
could be adjusted to the benefit of speed and position. The engines
were positioned at the back, capped by a large protective barrier
above and below. The command deck and bridge were all compounded
into a small semi-circular green window, branching from a large set
of elevators all leading down into the hull. He then zoomed closer into
the place where he was, towards the bow just fore of the hangar and
bridge; directly where the oxygen recycling systems resided; venting
fresh air in circulation around the ship. At that moment a siren
inside the ship went off, Cody heard Rex run up behind him as he
spun his chair towards the screen sourcing the loud noise. The two
hunched over the console, showing a group of Tri-fighters hurtling
towards them. They both looked up in unison out of the window,
watching three of the three-finned spherical droid-craft thrusting
closer; trailing a ribbon of blue sprouting from the engines behind
‘’They’re fast approaching,’’ Rex said. ‘’If they fired they would done
so by now.’’
‘’Kamikaze bombers,’’ Cody said. ‘’Ready turrets!’’
Rex rushed back, pulling down a periscope screen onto his face where
he looked around, his thumbs touching the fire button. He moved it
around, locking onto them. His fingers pressed onto the button, firing
a volley of blasters forward, but the skilled droid fighters dodged
‘’Coming in fast,’’ Cody said. ‘’All power to shields!’’
As he tapped a button everything inside went black; the lights
turned off switching to emergency red brightness. Rex fired again,
this time a single more-powerful shot which hurtled towards them,
catching one fin and exploding the whole ship.
‘’Good shot,’’ Cody remarked. Rex looked around. ‘’Coming in close…
still reloading!’’
‘’Brace for impact!’’
They both put their hands over their heads and dropped to the floor,
preparing for what would certainly explode the entire ship. There
was a silence for a moment. Cody looked around before standing,
looking in the dials.
‘’Did they miss?’’ Rex asked, standing slowly. Cody’s eyes were glued
to the screen. ‘’No. No they didn’t.’’
The three Jedi stopped in a corridor with another long branch leading
‘’You two go get Anakin, I’ll get Grievous,’’ Ti explained. Kenobi
shook his head. ‘’It’s not the time for heroics, we need to get off this
flying junkyard sooner or later.’’
Tano nodded. ‘’Grievous wants us to go after him, he surely has a
trap for us.’’
‘’I have a score to settle with him, anyway,’’ The female Togruta
Jedi master replied. ‘’Trust me, give me the signal and I’ll get back
‘’No,’’ Obi-wan argued angrily. ‘’There isn’t any time for bickering,
we need your help!’’
Ti shook her head in defiance and stepped back through the doorway
and into the long corridor perpendicular to the route to the detention
level. At that moment at the end of the central corridor where it
branched off into a ‘T’, two-dozen commando droids ran past, while
behind them, hanging above a large basin of acid, was Skywalker;
cuffed to a large horizontal pole, connecting to another which was
attached to the large pool of boiling green liquid. Two stopped and
acknowledged Kenobi and Tano before placing an auto-turret down
and continued their journey. Obi-wan wheeled around in desperation
to negotiate with the stubborn Jedi master when she drew her blue
blade, slashing through the door console and a thick iron barrier slid
down the middle, separating Kenobi and Tano from Ti.
‘’I hate her,’’ Obi-wan groaned as the two turned around, drawing
their blades. The turret activated, peppering the tunnel with blaster
bolts as the large barrel skipped between firing at the two. Kenobi
used his expert manoeuvres in Soresu to deflect several shots; his
lightsaber becoming a large ball of blue energy. Tano meanwhile used
her size and skill to leap around gracefully, dodging each shot as she
ran closer. Kenobi finished his flurry with a bold Form five poise,
sending a bolt flying straight back to the turret; back into the barrel
and destroying it with a pop and explosion. The two did not even
speak as they continued to run, turning left towards the lift down to
the detention level.
Cody and Rex switched to night-vision as the lights flickered off.
Something was inside the ship, gnawing at the wires inside on the
order of Grievous.
‘’See anything?’’ Cody asked. Rex shook his head. They reached the
small room leading to the airlock and at the other side the Medical
room. Rex stepped into the latter and froze. ‘’Cody, come and see
The clone Commander stepped over and looked inside; his night-vision
visor supplying an image of everything in black and white. There in
the centre lay TK-7G, all dismantled and in pieces, the bonding
alloys spraying the air with sparks. Cody stepped closer and leaned
down, touching the droid. He stroked it with two fingers and lifted it,
examining them. ‘’This was done by a clanker,’’ He said. Rex did
not reply as he stepped over to Jaz. ‘’He’s intact,’’ He said. ‘’All the
wires and breathing pipes are inactive, but he’s intact.’’
‘’What?’’ Cody asked. ‘’I don’t get it.’’
‘’A normal droid would’ve killed him and not bothered with all these
wires, which means…’’
He stood suddenly and raced down the corridor into the cockpit,
opened a locked door and stepped into the power room. Cody followed
and the two stood staring in awe at what lay there. Millions and
millions of the Separatist buzz droids crawled around, cutting open
wires and climbing into consoles. The small droids were only the size
of a human adult’s hand, with five legs, a miniature saw used to
slice into electronics and two large yellow semi-spheres branching off
like ears either side of the single red eye; used when launched by
droid Tri-fighters to protect the whole body, then disconnecting and
revealing the droid. Several spotted the Clones and bared their
buzzing saw viciously. Rex fired his dual pistols, hitting a few at
once and sending them flying backwards. Cody fired, taking Rex’s
lead but was assaulted by several all climbing up him and into his
helmet, knocking it and the night-vision visor off leaving him in
pitch black with only his senses. He could only see Red blaster bolts
being fired by Rex and felt one crawl onto his face, preparing to cut
in. He saw a blaster bolt whizz past his face, knocking the droid off.
Blind, Cody pull and electro-magnetic pulse detonator, throwing it
into the centre of the room, letting lightning erupt from it; lighting
the entire room for a moment in a silvery glow. The electricity was
attracted the Sabotage droids, hitting them and causing them to
deploy back into their yellow shell. The lightning went on for a few
seconds before dying down, leaving Cody once again in darkness. He
leaned down and felt his helmet, placing it back onto his head and
again seeing in night vision. Rex looked around. ‘’I’ll check the rest
of the ship. There might be some critters here. You go fix everything
before the Jedi arrive; and watch out for any more of those little
Shaak Ti walked down the command deck corridor, her blade drew
and at her side. Her feet tapped against the ground, echoing through
the long passages of the Invisible hand. She swung her blade
upwards as Grievous walked around the corner, stopping and staring
at her menacingly.
‘’We meet again,’’ Grievous said. He grabbed two blue blades from his
belt and activated them, facing directly up and parallel to each other;
Grievous’ face directly in between. Ti charged, not making a noise.
Grievous burst into a flurry of attacks, his hands spinning wildly
while the rest of his body didn’t move; his eyes locked onto Ti. He
towered over her, pushing her back with strong bold offensive moves,
going for each spot she left vulnerable. Ti poised her blade, preparing
to lock blades but instead Grievous hacked at her blade with force,
hurtling both blades in unison at it with anger and hate. While using
his blades in a flurry of moves; hard to follow the complex plans
Grievous had in this battle, he deployed two extra arms and each one
grabbed a green blade, drawing it as his other hands continued to
ruthlessly hail down upon Ti and her blade. The green blades joined
in, unleashing dangerous moves which confused even Shaak Ti,
completing their hidden objective in seconds before the Togruta could
fight back. Ti’s blade faltered, letting her guar slip fatally. The
cyborg genius swordsman jumped forward at her, swinging his blade
madly and ravenously. With no other option, the legendary Jedi
master ran, summoning on the force to speed away. Even with
superhuman leg power, Grievous could not catch up and stopped
running. He placed each blade in his belt before clicking his two
hands together, merging them into one. He activated his comlink and
spoke down it. ‘’Launch all fighters and prepare to destroy the
shuttle!’’ He ordered. ‘’Prime the targeting systems and prepare for
rapid-fire; I want those Jedi dead!’’
Tano and Kenobi cut down Commando droids as they jumped and
rolled across corridors; new enemies around every corner. Kenobi
decapitated two in one swing and charged at Anakin; using the force
to swing Anakin towards him on his cuffs and his lightsaber to cut
straight through the rope hanging him by his hands. Anakin landed
on the floor, his master cutting through the cuffs with his blue blade
while Tano approached and threw him his lightsaber. Skywalker
grabbed it, glad to have it back and swung in an elegant yet
dazzling display, destroying seven droids in one move.
‘’Where’ve you been all this time?’’ He asked. Kenobi laughed. ‘’The
usual; attempting to conquer planets, utterly failing, displeasuring the
‘’And wrecking an entire planet’s eco-system,’’ Tano added.
Skywalker grinned. ‘’The usual then? Where’s Shaak Ti?’’
Obi-wan was about to reply when his comm activated. ‘’I’m here in
the ship,’’ Ti’s voice announced. ‘’Hurry up, already, I suspect
Grievous will destroy our ship while it docks here if we don’t just get
Kenobi laughed. ‘’We’re on our way.’’
Kenobi, Skywalker and Tano; three generations of master and
Padawan jumped into their seats. Anakin sat in the pilot’s, Kenobi
co-pilot and the rest all gathered behind. Anakin pressed in some
buttons and lifted the ship, swinging it around and towards outer
‘’Any trouble?’’ Kenobi asked the passengers.
‘’Buzz droids,’’ Rex said.
‘’Dangling suspended over a pool of acid,’’ Anakin said.
‘’A death machine of doom holding four lightsabers and set on killing
me,’’ Shaak Ti said.
‘’How’s Jaz?’’ Tano enquired.
‘’His life-support systems were damaged by the Buzz droids,’’ Cody
explained. ‘’We’ll need to be quick if he’s gonna make it.’’
Skywalker watched as millions of Buzz droids poured from the main
hangar from behind them. Rex jumped up and ran to the turrets.
The Jedi pilot hurtled the ship forward, then letting it drift slightly
to port and then swinging it to starboard. Kenobi shook his head in
displeasure. ‘’Why does every mission I go on with you end in us
running away from Separatist ships.’’
Skywalker ignored the comment, pulling the ship upwards and half
way up he spun the ship around before catapulting to the left, the
turret spraying the enemy droids with fire. Blaster bolts fired past as
Anakin skilfully avoided them, swinging around to the right and
then to the left again before pulling downwards in a loop-the-loop and
then driving off on the normal route.
‘’It’s very hard to aim with this pilot,’’ Rex remarked.
‘’And it’s very hard not to be killed with this million Vulture droids
all firing at us,’’ Skywalker snapped back, rocking the ship to the
side deliberately to anger the crew.
‘’Prepare hyperspace calculations,’’ Skywalker said to his master who
dialled in several codes. The ship jerked upside down to evade fire
before swinging to the side and coming back around in a circle. ‘’Any
time now,’’ Anakin said hurriedly.
‘’Done,’’ Obi-wan said after several moments. ‘’Jump to light speed!’’
And the ship vanished into the oblivion.
Grievous walked along the surface of Torvarskl, his large mechanical
talons splashing in the dirty water. The smoke in the sky had all
gone, and the pounding heat caused constant tropical rain upon the
marshes and swamps. The heat was scorching, but the cyborg was
cooled by his robotic coolant system installed into him. The torrential
rain pattered down onto his hood, under which his mask was laid.
Although he had allowed four Jedi to escape, he had destroyed the
second largest army in the Republic and the third in the Galaxy; an
ultimate success. Did he have guilt over being the murderer of a
quarter of his own species and its king? Maybe. But that day had
proved that Grievous was a weapon of mass-destruction, capable of
making a populated and beautiful world a battle-ground; and turning
the battle-ground into an ugly deformed world with a wrecked
economic system and shredded life. What was stopping him from
doing that to Coruscant? Nothing. But Grievous felt a feeling of
apology, to himself. Although it had been his greatest victory, it had
been the ultimate defeat of everything he had once stood for.
Grievous now felt contempt, before the entire fiasco he was certain he
would do the same thing to Huk; the homeworld of the Yam’rii, but
now he didn’t want to. By doing what he did that day he had finally
drilled Dooku’s message in. That tiny pathetic little conflict was
nothing, he had wasted his time resolving the conflict by slaughtering
countless civilians unnecessarily, but Count Dooku was proud. He said
he had the body of a superweapon, the mind of a superweapon and
the passion of a superweapon. Grievous had proved himself worthy of
General that day, the Republic was scared now. And it was him who
struck the punch; demonstrating the most powerful blow the Republic
had been dealt since the Russan Reformation. But he wanted to
think about Lazurak. Yes, he was a foolish weakling who had
thought the Confederacy his ally, but Grievous had killed him. Even
the cyborg couldn’t quite calculate why he had not brought him to the
Invisible hand, him and all his people. There was the space for them
all, but Grievous would not show weakness. He would not evacuate a
planet which would warn the enemy, which was why he did it! Or at
least he thought that was why he did it. Grievous, as much as he
tried, could not justify his actions. But he didn’t need to, he was a
free cyborg, or was he just another pawn in a larger game?
Palpatine sat in his office, sat at the end of a curved desk and
directly behind him a curved wall of permaglass showing the
beautiful daylight of Coruscant. The other side of the table sat three
men, a bald brown-skinned Windu to the Chancellor’s right, in the
centre sat Yoda, as wise and knowing as he was old and venerable
and finally on the right sat Kenobi, ginger-haired and bearded and
freshly arrived from the disaster at Torvarskl.
‘’Going off subject,’’ Palpatine said. ‘’Did you find out with whom
Grievous ventured to Korriban?’’
Windu nodded. ‘’Once again the name Tyranus is the only trail the
sith have left behind.’’
Palpatine stroked his chin using his long elongated fingers. ‘’So
Grievous knows Tyranus, most strange. Is it possible that Tyranus
may be sith?’’
‘’Possible but not plausible,’’ Kenobi replied. The Supreme Chancellor
nodded slowly, his brain processing thoughts. ‘’Back to the disaster at
Torvarskl,’’ He said at last. ‘’Grievous has proved that he can inflict
great damage on the Republic; destroying one of our largest and best
equipped army at that with only seven survivors, is this a sign that
we can no longer fight against the Separatists?’’
Kenobi leaned closer. ‘’Are you actually suggesting that we should
‘’Even if we did I doubt the Confederacy would stop their conquest
now,’’ Windu broke in.
‘’Surrender is a last resort,’’ Palpatine said slowly. ‘’But it is always
an option.’’
‘’With every victory,’’ Yoda said. ‘’A defeat, we find. Weak we are,
exhausted, the Jedi are becoming. Neither side, fight for much
longer, it can; yet a ceasefire, happen it will not.’’
‘’I agree with Master Yoda,’’ Palpatine said immediately. ‘’Even with
the utter tragedy which Grievous inflicted on Torvarskl we are still
on the higher ground, and I suspect we will win. And when we do I
want to find this Tyranus and find out what his intentions were and
if he’s good make him a Republic agent, and if he’s evil he will face
the full fury of justice!’’
Sidious, Dooku and Grievous all walked down a corridor of Serrenno.
The latter’s feet thudded as they pushed and retracted in steps.
Dooku’s feet tapped elegantly against the floor while Sidious’ were
‘’We are extremely impressed with your victory, General,’’ The
master of the sith explained. Dooku nodded. ‘’It is time to attack
another world,’’ He said. ‘’And this attack will surely divide the
Republic straight down the middle. We have brought the battle to the
Outer rim, and now as a show of absolute dominance we will attack
the Expansion region; the next step to our final assaults on the Core
Grievous nodded. ‘’Where should I strike?’’
‘’Kashyyyk,’’ Dooku replied. ‘’You will help with the early stages of
battle there. We have already managed to gain control of the sky,
but the Wookiees are formidable opponents. I advise you to be careful,
the Wookiees have strong allegiance and friendship with the Jedi and
will immediately recognise you for the murderer of Jedi you are.’’
‘’I understand,’’ Grievous replied.
‘’But first,’’ The Count said. ‘’Something a little more personal.’’
‘’What is it, master?’’
‘’Assajj Ventress, my apprentice has recently betrayed me. We set a
trap for her on Sullust but she escaped back to her homeworld of
Dathomir. The nightsisters there will not be a challenge, go and kill
her and the leader of the clan; Mother Talzin. I want you to teach
them a lesson in the force; I want them to realise that the dark side
is the true path; and those who linger on the border will inevitably be
shot by both sides. Those who play both teams will get beaten by both
sides. And I want them to also know that I am more powerful than
Ventress will ever be, I want her dead.’’
Grievous landed on the forest world of Dathomir, with mysterious airs
about it and a misty fog streaming through the tangled trees. Behind
him marched the now notorious droid army, their feet all splashing
down into the murky water. He loved the expressionless faces of his
droids; as incapable warriors as they were. They didn’t show fear,
only daunting stares as they gunned down the compromised clone
army. His cape trailed along behind him, dipping into dirty water.
Although confident in his abilities to command and outmanoeuvre the
witches before smashing through their unorganised ranks and
defences he was cautious. The Dathomirian witches were crafty, and
were known for their tendency to use their force magic to completely
transform the formats and tactics of the battle to their advantage.
Grievous had already issued the order for his bombers to complete a
run above the village ran by ‘Mother Talzin’, a stubborn yet powerful
witch who thought she moved the pieces everywhere and
overestimated her influence. But the one part the cyborg military
commander was pleased with was the pesky Republic had absolutely
no control of Dathomir being it closely packed in just above the top
reaches of the Hydian way neighbouring Separatist hubs such as
Muunlist. Even more beneficial, the Confederacy had full alliance
with the witches, and the invasion; although inevitable, would strike
the entire Hydian way past Mandalore and Bandomeer to the
Perlemian trade routes through Carida, Esseles and Chandrila and
eventually to Anaxes and Coruscant themselves dumbfounded. And
when word of Grievous’ exploits underneath Agamar, Vinsoth and
Dantooine reached Brentaal it would be shot off down the Correlian
Run, Correlian Trade Spine and the Rimma Trade Route down to
Abregado, Bespin, Ryloth and from there slowly infecting its way
into the wide area of the galaxy dominated by the Hutts and other
notorious crime lords who refused to let any of the routes go near
their small space they had dominated on the brink of wild space.
Grievous could imagine it, the galaxy afraid to whisper his name as
he swiftly stormed across the galaxy, cracking the backbones of
planets as his army from the remote areas of Utapau and Malastare,
the poor crime-lord beaten worlds of Honoghr, Saleucami and Iego
and the largest of all Confederate armies, the one coming from
Muunlist, Mygeeto and Rhen Var. He had almost complete control
over the Outer Rim and was closing into the Mid Rim. Soon the
Confederacy would have mustered complete control with the Core
Worlds’ perimeter established by such hailed Chancellors Tarsus
Valorum, Contispex and Leontyne Saresh ripped apart. It comforted
him to realise that he could now once again fight an easy battle
without the foolish talk of retaliation by the Senate; he could conquer
in peace. Grievous looked into the east where the looming fortress
stood, flames blossoming from the windows and into the night sky. At
that moment from the trees jumped several nightsisters, dressed in
red with their face and mouth covered completely except the eyes.
They raised their energy bows and fired purple blasts at the droids,
who in turn fired back. He saw one witch, dressed in a long red
gown and tall hood spot Grievous.
‘’Talzin,’’ The General said. The mother of the nightsisters raised her
hands, unleashing a net of force lightning at her opponent who easily
drew a single blade and consumed the crackling energy within his
own green weapon. The lightsaber’s long blade turned white as it
drank in all the lightning, Grievous holding it tightly with both
hands to prevent it from flying from his clutches. The hilt started to
shake, rattling its crystal inside as Mother Talzin strained to
continue the long brand of dark side lightning. The blade of Tarr
Sierr popped inside Grievous’ hand, who dived to the floor and ran at
Talzin. The witch whipped the entangled white streaks to the side
where Grievous stood, but he simply remembered what he had
discovered in the tomb of Marka Ragnos and grabbed a nightsister
with his foot and smashed her against the ground. As the invisible
living force exploded from the soul Talzin’s lightning was once again
turned to Grievous. But the dark side energy stopped suddenly and
grew around the cyborg, hiding him in a ball of white light. Grievous
then deliberately unleashed anger by imagining Belwynn hacking
down Ronderu. He breathed heavier clenched his fists and… the
lightning around him thrummed the air quicker in reference to his
attempt. Grievous unleashed his anger more and more, screaming in
hatred of the Jedi. The ball of energy surrounding him slowly
disappeared, the lightning shrinking back into Talzin’s hand. The
end of the bolt slipped into the palm, letting out an almighty
vibration of the ground around the fortress. Then the witch mother
burst into lightning, hissing as it cut through the air. Grievous felt
an uncontrollable pain in his head, he placed his hand on it. But it
was in the mind, the force slapping in power against his
consciousness in a whirlwind of abnormal thoughts and feelings. He
supposed that the force did not like him using it as he was less
powerful than it, but he had done it. Grievous had just defied the
rules of the force, but the consequences were dire, he was being
tortured in uncontrollable pain. The force was getting into his brain,
searching through his feelings and re-writing his thoughts. Grievous
was staring at a roaring giant, then it transformed into himself, but
before he was a cyborg. He was being taunted by men, all dressed in
strange robes. Then the vision exploded into a woman, crying. Then
the Jedi, viciously duelling a tired Dooku. The cyborg general fought
back, clinging onto his thoughts and kicking away faked ones.
Grievous tumbled to the floor, clasping his head as his eyes no longer
delivered what it saw to the brain; only being tapped into by the
force and moulded into another horror. Endless visions of people
scrolled through his head at incredible speeds, yet he could see clearly
them all. Hill. Kenobi. Yoda. Windu. Darwuzaq. Palpatine. Lazurak.
Ti. Seemo. Ventress. Dooku. Sidious. Skywalker.
Grievous’ eyes slowly flickered open. He was inside a large structure
sat at the end of a circular table with the holograms of Dooku and
Sidious and the real-life Kalino tactical droid who had appeared for
the first time to Grievous other than holograms stretching across the
length of the galaxy. In the centre of the table was yet another
holographic 3D image of the galaxy, red for Republic held space and
Blue for Separatist. Dooku’s gaze went over to him. ‘’So you have
awoken, General,’’ he said slowly. ‘’I hope you are willing to explain
your utter failure.’’
Grievous looked around the room. It was a long hall at one end a
large patterned doorway and at the other a large glass window
overlooking Dathomir. At the door stood waiting two formidable
looking Commando droids, slightly taller than the original model.
They were both holding onto their blasters, both loaded and aimed at
Grievous. Kalino looked at him, almost smirking; but he wasn’t
because droids can’t smirk.
‘’There is no escape, Grievous,’’ Dooku said. ‘’Explain your loss.’’
‘’Ventress did not come out to fight like I expected, Talzin held us
‘’And what became of her?’’ Sidious asked. ‘’She is perhaps more
vital to the success than the elimination of Ventress was.’’
‘’I killed her,’’ Grievous said. Dooku looked at him curiously. ‘’I sense
that you are thinking about something you have not yet informed us
‘’I used the teachings from the tomb of Marka Ragnos to protect
myself from lightning,’’ He explained. ‘’But the force it… it tortured
While Dooku and Sidious exchanged glances Kalino cut in. ‘’I
calculate that Ventress will most certainly go off to find the aide of
the Senate, and they will use her against us.’’
‘’Not lightly,’’ Dooku cut-in. ‘’Ventress hates the Republic, but she
will want revenge on me for the massacre of her sisters and her
The droid tactical commander pointed to the galaxy with one of his
stubby cuboid fingers. ‘’We should use army group C to move in
underneath the Permelian trade route. If we capture Kashyyyk it
will secure a route to Coruscant. Only we need a capable…’’
Grievous stood and drew a blue blade, swinging it around and
pointing it to Kalino’s neck. The commando droids behind stepped
aside as the large door slid open and six Droidekas rolled in and
deployed into their form with cannons and blasters all pointed on the
General of the entire Confederate military. Grievous looked at them
without moving his head and his eyes moved back to Kalino who was
completely motionless. Dooku watched on in shock and frustration
while Sidious was grinning broadly. ‘’He seems quite capable,’’ the
sith lord mused. ‘’In fact I am pleased that when he finds something
in his way he doesn’t walk around it, he just smashed through it. He
reminds me of my former apprentice, Darth Maul.’’
‘’What became of him?’’ Kalino asked, still staring at Grievous with
a sense of intimidation and fear.
Sidious laughed. ‘’He met an unfortunate end on Naboo, he was left
in pieces there by Kenobi, and he was just a Padawan.’’
Dooku squirmed uncomfortably. His apprentice was threatening a
priceless Tactical droid; he was angry but he couldn’t express it
because his master found Grievous amusing. ‘’Yes, a capable
commander,’’ He said to Kalino in particular. ‘’Ah, yes, I’ve got an
idea; how about Grievous?’’
Slowly the cyborg sheathed his lightsaber and the droids lowered
their weapons. He sat back down into his seat, twitching at Kalino’s
unnatural arrogance for a droid. ‘’I will go there, as planned and
help out with the early stages of battle there. But I want the entire
army group C securing a perimeter around Kashyyyk.’’
‘’We would be diverting our current concentration efforts on Hutt
space which I am in control of! I am making sure the Confederacy
still has access to the Correlian run, without it emergency shipments
cannot be delivered through to army group B to help with the
pressing attacks we are experiencing via Mandalore and Wayland.
Without my victory there, we will have lost a third of the Outer
‘’We will soon have access there once army group A secures, Eradu,
Yhag ‘Dhul and Malastare,’’ Grievous argued. ‘’In my opinion your
campaign into Hutt space is a waste of resources. I therefore
command you to veer upwards to Kashyyyk and help us to quickly
arrive at the Core worlds.’’
All eyes turned to the tactical droid. ‘’I will obey orders from my
The cyborg General grinned beneath his mask. At the end of the
day, droids were droids. Dooku looked on at Grievous in shock. This
was foolish move, a costly one. They were dividing an entire front to
attack another. Sidious looked at his gobsmacked apprentice with a
smile of confidence. ‘’Grievous is playing his part,’’ he said.
The Count was certain he had a main role; but only the director held
the script.
Part three
The final stages
Grievous sat on-board the Invisible hand, looking out above the
blockaded homeworld of the Wookiees, Kashyyyk.
A hologram came to life revealing Darth Sidious the tall mastermind
of the dark side; yet elderly and frail he was moving the pieces in
the war. Only his chin and nose could be seen in his black hooded
cloak, always smiling. Grievous had learned to trust him, for he was
his master’s master and therefore the ruler of him.
‘’Grievous, the time has come to end this war, kidnap Supreme
Chancellor Palpatine,’’
Grievous had long awaited this moment. He could not remember it,
but it had always been there. He came to the conclusion the
Separatists must have encrypted it deep into his programming.
‘’It will be done my lord,’’
Grievous smashed through the widow of Palpatine’s office to find
three Jedi and several clones and Senate guards around him.
‘’How dare you intrude!’’ Palpatine said with majesty and
malevolence. ‘’Do you know who I am!?’’
Grievous kicked the Chancellor back into the protective arms of Jedi
master; Shaak Ti and knights: Roron Corobb; the Ithorian and Foul
Moudama; the Talz.
‘’Time to go,’’ Ti commented. ‘’Hold him off!’’
The three Jedi, two clones and Supreme Chancellor all exited the
office leaving Grievous with two Senate guards and many more Arctroopers.
Grievous drew his two lightsabers deflected each shot. He grabbed a
Senate guard and crushed his head on the floor under his feet and
grabbed another with his other leg and stabbed him. Leaping into the
air, Grievous hurled his lightsabers around him, cutting down those
in the immediate vicinity and finally throwing the remaining trooper
out of the window as he let out a howl of distress.
Grievous hesitated, and burst through the door, leaping from wall to
Corobb raised his hand and burst a hole in the wall where Grievous
was, but the cyborg skilfully leaped against the wall, running across
it. Moudama made another hole in the wall but Grievous stepped
against the opposite face again, gaining speed and velocity.
Shaak Ti raised her hand and crushed the wall where Grievous was
standing, pushing him against the hole.
Un-deterred, Grievous raced forward only to be met by Corobb’s
famous ‘force howl’ and he found himself flying back down the
corridor as the air around him vibrated like a hurricane.
He watched the small group enter the lift and plummet out of sight.
Grievous growled; he wanted the Jedi dead.
Clones ran back and forth, wavering ranks belie the enormous
skyscrapers and the Senate building in the distance.
Commando droids stormed the Senate apartment complex, shooting
down clones and blocking the Senators’ escape route. Senate guards
dressed in blue cloaks and robes hopelessly tried to fight back, being
sliced up vibroblades and vibroswords.
Grievous stood in front of his B2 super Battle droids, staring at the
lift. The door swung open and revealing the small group.
Corobb took yet another large breath, his throat pumping up with
Coruscant’s cold air and he used the force to push it out, the battle
droids flying back off into the Underworld. Grievous interlocked his
claws into the ground and started striding, battling against the
ferocious wind.
Corobb, exhausted, stopped and ran off, followed by Moudama
carrying a scared Palpatine and Shaak Ti with two clones shooting
and chopping as they ran.
At that moment two Magna-guards landed on the ground directly in
front of Corobb and Moudama.
Moudama leaped onto a passing sky-bus, while Corobb drew his green
bladed lightsaber and beheaded a Magna-guard, only to find it
continued fighting. The Talz followed Corobb, while the two Magnaguards killed the clones, one flying of the edge of the platform while
the other had a Magna-staff plunged into his chest.
Shaak Ti landed on the sky bus only to find seven other droids
battling with her Jedi friends. Grievous followed, drew two
lightsabers and cut both sides off the back of the Sky-bus.
Funnelling smoke, the bus started to turn vertical, sliding through
the air towards a sky-board advertising the Intergalactic Banking
clan; glowing blue.
The three Jedi, Foul Moudama carrying Palpatine all jumped off
towards the Maglev-train station. Shaak Ti leaped over a small
checkout station directly adjacent to the main line, the voice computer
‘’Please… please… please… please deposit two republic credits…’’
The voice ended as Grievous sliced the computer and charged through
the red smoke.
Corobb and Moudama ran forward but were separated by a Maglevtrain flying by in-between them.
Another train flew by Moudama, sectioning him off from the others,
as two Magna-guards confronted him. Moudama drew his lightsaber
and engaged them, struggling to not touch the train.
The Talz jumped into the air, carrying Palpatine just as another
train flew by, smashing the guards.
Foul landed on the train and flew past Shaak Ti who was duelling
Grievous and approached Corobb.
Moudama leaped off, spinning his lightsaber and sliced all three up.
Grunting in his Ithorian language, Corobb spoke.
‘’I’ll go help Shaak Ti, you take Palpatine to the bunker!’’
Moudama nodded, he stepped back, touched the train and flew off
like a parasite stuck to a car.
Corobb heard lightsaber slashed behind the train in front of him.
They stopped suddenly. Ithorians were known for their superior
listening, but not even Corobb could hear a thing.
The train passed, revealing a panting Shaak Ti, her agile body
silhouetted against the train behind her.
‘’We have to go, now!’’ She cried. The train behind her zoomed into
the distance, wheels whistling on the track, unveiling the cyborg
‘’Run, Jedi run!’’
But Grievous did not need to tell them for they were already on a
train flying off.
Grievous laughed as he withdrew the datapad Darth Sidious had
He lifted his comm to one of his Magna-guards.
‘’All units distract Shaak Ti, I will get the Chancellor.’’
As the cyclo-tram raced off down the tunnel leaving Shaak Ti alone
in the darkness. The female Togruta drew her lightsaber, the tunnel
glowed blue.
She heard footsteps, mechanical legs.
‘’Reveal yourself, Grievous!’’ She cried, only to find twenty-five
Magna-guards marching forward towards her.
‘’Grievous sent you to do his dirty work?’’ She laughed. ‘’I scrap
tinnies in my sleep.’’
The Magna-guards continued to walk forward and were halted
And then, several all dived at the Jedi Master, spinning their
Magna-staffs like maniacs.
Shaak Ti stabbed one in the chest, decapitated another, force crushed
She was confronted by three at once so she attacked one only to be
stunned with a Magna-staff from one behind her. Stumbling, she
attempted to fight back but was disarmed and her long silver hilt
rolled across the floor, underneath the feet of the ranks of the
Magna-guards, slowly they began to close in for the kill.
‘’Her selfless sacrifice will always be remembered in the archives of
the Jedi order,’’ Palpatine said, inside the bunker which was glowing
slightly green in the presence of the two ignited lightsabers.
‘’Shaak Ti is stubborn and resilient, she will not die.’’
It was Moudama, his language much like the growls and grunts of
the Wookiees.
‘’A weakness,’’ A voice croaked.
The three turned around to see a Kaleesh cyborg dangling from the
roof, his face glowing green.
He drew two lightsabers.
Grievous leapt from the ceiling, rolled across the floor and jumped to
his feet. He pushed Moudama back with his foot and engaged Corobb,
they locked swords, pushing to exhaust the other. Foul Moudama got
back to his feet and charged, only to be greeted by the other blade,
he too, locked.
Grievous grew his third and fourth arm, drawing two blades.
Both of them saw this but did not fall back, a foolish move bringing
them a step closer to loss.
He brought the lightsabers to their chest and ignited the blades of
energy, emerging at the other side for Palpatine to see.
Grievous cackled.
‘’Their selfless sacrifice will be long remembered in the archives of
the Jedi order.’’
Palpatine walked straight up to the cyborg who was twice as tall as
‘’You monster!’’ He snarled. ‘’How dare you go around and kill Jedi!’’
‘’How dare you go around like you own the place,’’
‘’I do own the place!’’
‘’Then I’ve got the right person,’’
Palpatine was seized by the arm of Grievous, and was dragged out
and up the flight of steps which had just been smashed open by a
shuttle and into the ship and up the ramp.
‘’Take him to the Invisible Hand,’’ Grievous ordered.
The droid nodded and walked in, flanked by several Magna-guards.
The cyborg stepped back down the steps and picked up his recent
victims’ lightsabers.
He heard the door open and Shaak Ti walk in to find the two Jedi
slumped upon the floor, dripping and staining Moudama’s white fur.
Grievous stood up straight and examined the tall and flexible
‘’Wouldn’t you be better off as a dancer in the cantina?’’ He cackled.
‘’I don’t flirt with droids,’’ She snapped back. ‘’Wouldn’t you be
better off in the junkyards of Raxus Secondus?’’
‘’I don’t flirt with Jedi,’’ Grievous said back. ‘’I just kill them.’’
‘’What have you to gain from this war, Grievous!?’’
‘’The death of Jedi,’’ Grievous said back.
Grievous snarled. ‘’You destroyed my life, shot me down on Kaleesh
and left me for dead!’’
‘’What has Hill told you!?’’ Shaak cried. ‘’The Separatists shot your
ship down! They wanted you as their General!’’
‘’Lies!’’ Grievous shrieked.
‘’There’s more isn’t there?’’ Ti said quieter.
‘’You killed my only friend!’’ He snarled, tears welling in his red and
bloody eyes.
The Togruta drew her lightsaber. ‘’You have only gone too far down
the path, for the good of the future I must destroy you’’
Grievous let out a shriek and hurled himself at Shaak Ti, he crushed
her lightsaber and the energy crystal inside it using his hand,
grabbed her around the neck and tightened his grip on the windpipe.
He then slammed her against the floor and wrapped his talons
around her face, blood squirting from it.
At that moment Mace Windu ran in, flanked by several clones. They
opened fire at Grievous who drew a lightsaber and deflected each
Windu charged, swirling his violet blade and force pushed Grievous,
who flew off Shaak Ti and landed on the flight of stairs, blood
dripping from his feet.
Shaak Ti summoned the force and pulled Moudama’s blade from
Grievous’ belt and charged with Windu.
The cyborg jumped to his feet, leaped at them, used their chests as a
springboard and back flipped into the shuttle, which took off.
Grievous looked down at the two Jedi.
‘’Once again I triumph!’’ He laughed.
Windu and Ti both deactivated their blade and watched the shuttle
vanish into the distance.
The Togruta’s face was smeared with blood, pumping from the five
marks across her head where Grievous’ feet had pierced.
‘’Send me after Grievous,’’ Ti insisted. ‘’That’s the third time I’ve
fought him.’’
‘’No,’’ Mace replied sternly. ‘’Get yourself to a medical centre, I will
contact General Kenobi and General Skywalker to engage the
Invisible Hand. Hopefully they can catch them before they retreat
into Separatist space.’’
Grievous watched as more and more Banking Clan and Trade
Federation reinforcements spilled from hyperspace.
A B1 Battle droid approached the General who was hunched over in
his Kaleesh robes.
‘’You have an incoming transmission from Lott Dod, the Senator for
the Trade…’’
‘’I know who he is!’’ Grievous snapped. ‘’Put him through!’’
The sly Neimodian appeared, dressed in fine black robes with a large
cursive hat, patterned with snakes and reptiles.
‘’What happened to the evacuation of me and my Separatist Senator
‘’Me and the Separatist council agreed that you pick up members of
your own party.’’
Dod snarled. ‘’Well can’t you do so yourself?’’
‘’I don’t rescue Trade Federation poodoo,’’ Grievous snapped back.
‘’Your language is no way to treat a high ranking member of the
Trade Federation!’’ The Neimodian gasped theatrically. ‘’I refuse to
stand here as Coruscant slowly falls down around me!’’
‘’I’ll speed up the bombardment then,’’ Grievous laughed, not joking.
The Neimodian Senator’s eyes sharpened.
‘’This is not a game, Grievous! If you leave me here the Trade
Federation will bring such accusations against the Confederacy!’’
‘’And if the Trade Federation does that it will be the Eradu Trade
Summit all over again.’’
Lott Dod quivered.
‘’Darth Sidious put you and Gunray in office,’’ Grievous threatened.
‘’He went along with your idea, assassinated all the other members
on Eradu. It was that easy. Now you just wait there till this has all
blown over, and when Count Dooku and Darth Sidious rule the
galaxy, I might come and collect you.’’
The Senator snarled and gave his trademark quote. ‘’This is an
And the hologram seized to exist.
Grievous watched in horror in a camera as Count Dooku was
beheaded by Anakin Skywalker and the two Jedi freed the
Chancellor. He grabbed a droid beside him round the head and
snapped it off, throwing the durasteel off his platform.
The Neimodian admiral approached him.
‘’Anything I can do, General?’’
‘’Send a transmission to the Separatist council; they have a new
The Neimodian nodded and left.
Grievous thought about his new role as leader of the Confederacy, the
thing which sprung out at him was teasing the Viceroy of the Trade
Federation, and getting the truth about what happened to the Maytr.
‘’Activate ray shield!’’ He cried as he watched three human males
run down the corridor through his screen, and observed the white
energy force form around them, more powerful than a lightsaber.
‘’Bring them to me,’’ He instructed a group of idol Battle droids.
‘’Wait a moment,’’ Kenobi said from inside the ray shield. ‘’How did
this happen? We’re cleverer than this.’’
‘’Apparently not,’’ Skywalker commented, looking around. ‘’R2 will
fix it.’’
As he said so the little Blue Astromech droid; R2D2 flew around a
corner and hit the wall, beeping like mad.
Following after it marched several B2 Battle droids, and they all
took them to the Bridge.
Palpatine tried to break free of the battle droid’s grip, but couldn’t.
‘’Ah,’’ Grievous said. ‘’If it isn’t young Skywalker. I was expecting
somebody of your reputation to be a little bit, older.’’
Anakin moved his face further away from the cyborg.
‘’General Grievous, you’re smaller than I thought.’’
The General twitched in anger, but held it in. ‘’Jedi scum’’
Kenobi leaned forward from the grip of the B2 Battle droids. ‘’We
have a job to do Anakin try not to upset him.’’
Grievous’ laughter ended abruptly. ‘’Kill them.’’
Two Magna-guards emerged from behind Grievous’ back and spun
their staffs in an elegant yet reckless matter.
Obi-wan leaped at the one to the left, while Anakin charged at the
one at the right.
‘’Ignore them,’’ Grievous instructed.
The small Astromech droid rolled over to Palpatine and fired his
Electro dispenser; causing both Super Battle droids to collapse inside
their silvery grey armour.
Kenobi jumped into the air, landed behind the Magna-guard and
beheaded it and ran towards Grievous only to find it continue
fighting. Anakin immediately saw a gap in his opponent’s technique
and disarmed it, slicing it in two leaving it’s torso to slide down to
the floor.
Grievous grabbed the discarded staff and saw two Jedi approaching
him from both sides.
‘’Jedi fools,’’ He cackled as he stepped back into the glass curved
Anakin jumped at the General to find Grievous cracking the glass
with his staff which shattered immediately, pulling all the air out.
Anakin summoned the force upon a wire dangling from the ceiling
and grabbed it while the emergency starboard vacuum protectors slid
through the window and the two dropped to their feet.
Grievous interlocked his feet with the ship and gained balance, this
was just like stepping into Roron Corobb’s force howl; but being
sucked into a vacuum clinging to the bridge of his flagship.
The General let himself be sucked into space, but fired his grappling
hook and swing around towards the escape pods. He tapped in the
codes upon a data module in the wall and the airlock flew open and
closed. Grievous walked through the cold steel room, his feet getting
stuck in the vents. He pulled himself into a small corridor, leaned
over and climbed into an escape pod. He launched the pod and slowly
was sucked into the Muunificent class Intergalactic Banking clan
frigate; Anguish and the fleet launched into hyperspace.
Grievous stepped out of the shuttle on Utapau: the sinkhole neutral
world located in the outer rim just beneath the Rimma Trade route.
Army group A was the smallest force the Confederacy had now, and
since Coruscant he had decided to keep Army group C where it
remained, instead taking the Separatist leaders deep into Confederate
space. The Republic now seemed to be concentrating its attacks on
army group B, making its way to the three Separatist strongholds;
Felucia, Saleucami and Mygeeto. The world had two natives who got
along relatively well: The Utai were small pink skinned creatures
with eye-stalks who were in charge of manual jobs like fixing
Starfighters and building. The second species; the Pau’an, mysterious
tall creatures with varied skin colours and sharp teeth were rich and
clever, often possessing posts as owners of businesses or government
Grievous stepped onto a platform flanked by several Muuns to be
greeted by three Pau’ans, all dressed in red with strange vertical
lines encrypted upon their skin.
‘’I am Tion Mendon,’’ The tallest said. ‘’Port administrator here. I
see you have brought an entire fleet here. I hope you are willing to
pay the large docking fee.’’
‘’I am General Grievous, leader of the Separatist alliance, and I shall
destroy you and your city if you do not oblige to my request. You will
not tell the Republic of our presence, let us do as we please and or
Mendon’s dark sunken eye sockets almost closed on his eyes. ‘’We can
house you as long as you promise not to bring the war here.’’
‘’The war guarantees your freedom, Mendon.’’
‘’Apparently not.’’
Grievous pretended not to see as an angered Lott Dod marched
towards him, flanked by two Neimodian guards. He faked his
occupation with admiring the view deep into the sinkhole, which was
cut off abruptly with dark and silvery water.
‘’I want words with you!’’ The Senator said sharply. Grievous turned
to reveal the small Senator for the Trade Federation.
‘’Senator Dod,’’ He said. ‘’I thought I left you in the safety of the
Rotunda where you belong.’’
‘’Save your empty threats, General,’’ The reply snarled. ‘’I have left
the Confederacy and now am working to preserve the Federation’s
ties with the Republic.’’
‘You are such an idiot to turn up here then,’’ Grievous laughed,
happy that this Senator had gave him an excuse to kill him. Lott
was about to answer when up marched Nute Gunray, wearing his red
robes and tiara, flanked by two standard Federation 00M Battle
‘’You traitor!’’ Gunray hissed.
‘’You have extremist views, you have assumed power and branded us
with the Separatist name!’’
‘’Well, I guarantee the Federation will vote to remove you from
‘’If I don’t kill you first’’ Grievous said calmly.
The Viceroy turned to him. ‘’This is internal Federation affairs, you
would no such thing until the Federation removes him from office.’’
‘’If all you are interested in is bickering,’’ Grievous snapped. ‘’I will
throw you and the rest of the Federation down this sinkhole.’’
The Viceroy turned on his heel and walked away, closely followed by
his droids.
Dod, quivering in fear, scuttled off; his guards running behind him.
Grievous saw San Hill finish talking with Wat Tambor and walk off.
Grievous approached him.
‘’Ever since Rush Clovis committed suicide my life is a living hell,’’
San said to no-one in particular. ‘’Ah, Grievous. How good to see my
The Cyborg interrupted. ‘’I think we should talk about this in
private. Alone.’’
The last word he directed towards the Iotran guards several yards
‘’Of course,’’ Hill said. ‘’Let us go into my chamber.’’
The place was a large room, with an even larger open window above
the sinkhole. It was peaceful, peaceful for the upcoming drama.
Hill and Grievous went out towards the edge.
‘’What is it?’’
Grievous snarled. ‘’Was it you who destroyed the Maytr?’’
Hill was taken aback. He reached for his comm to find none, and he
rushed towards the door. Grievous galloped towards him; grabbed him
and pinned him against the floor.
‘’What do you know!?’’
‘’I needed you, Grievous!’’ Hill cried. ‘’But Dooku and the others
wanted you! They attempted to bribe me! I was left no choice! Dooku
would kill me! It was Dooku! Not me! I was going to tell you, I
Grievous grabbed him by the collar and lifted him in the air.
‘’Banking clan poodoo!’’
Hill remained quiet and endured the insult.
‘’I should kill you where you stand,’’ Grievous snarled. ‘’My world is
being conquered by the Huks! Starving! And I am here worrying
about your stupid war! I should be doing what I did to Torvarskl to
Grievous flung Hill across the room, his body sliding across the floor
towards the edge. The ground shook violently in an earthquake, dust
spilled from the roof. Grievous’ emotions were rattling through the
force, howling across the barren sinkhole world. The cyborg’s
hologram beamed to live, revealing Wat Tambor.
‘’The meeting is on now,’’
Grievous nodded and closed it.
‘’I shall spare you and we shall go to the meeting. But after that I
shall leave for Kaleesh and kill the Huks. After that I shall destroy
the Jedi and the Republic. And then, I will kill you and all the other
Separatist slime.’’
Hill wiped his brow and got up from the floor. ‘’And now onto the
current state of war.’’
Grievous stood in front of the Separatist council, pacing back and
‘’I am sending you to the Mustafar system, you will be safe there.’’
Gunray stood. ‘’I will update you on the Lott Dod situation. He has
been sacked, and no longer represents anything. His campaign to
turn the Federation back to its former state, is closed.’’
A few clapped, while others remained silent. At that moment
something hit the floor and all the members turned around to see a
ginger bearded man. The Jedi had found them, somehow.
‘’Hello there,’’ Kenobi said.
‘’Master Kenobi,’’ Grievous croaked. ‘’What a surprise.’’
The Jedi Master drew his lightsaber and poised it above his head
while his other hand pointed at Grievous with two fingers. ‘’Your
Grievous laughed as his cape slipped back onto the floor revealing his
skeletal frame. His arms clicked and withdrew revealing his other
two. All his hands grabbed a lightsaber from his belt. ‘’Fool,’’ He
said. ‘’I have been trained by Count Dooku himself in your Jedi
He pulled his top arms back while the bottom two spun repetitively,
singeing the floor. He had constantly practised Marka Ragnos’
technique, now the master of it and knew just how to go about using
Kenobi took two steps back and hesitated, there was no weakness in
his technique. This was devastating against form three which was
Kenobi’s favourite; nothing fancy, just effective. But he could see how
Form four; the most acrobatic and fancy which Obi-wan could not;
rather did not want to; master.
Kenobi summoned the force and jumped into the air, forcing Grievous
to change from his Buzz-saw fashion. Kenobi landed, their blades
buzzing with energy as they collided, their vibration cells rattling
like mad. The General unleashed a flurry of unpredictable blows,
thirty a second. Kenobi maintained his ground, however, so Grievous
ramped up his attacks. Kenobi dodged one slash and altered his parry
to an offensive move, slicing off one the lower left wrist where
Master Dragger’s lightsaber had been; the Jedi he had slain upon
His arm funnelled smoke, catching Grievous off-guard; yet Kenobi
too. The cyborg lunged at Kenobi, hurling his lightsabers in anger
only to find Kenobi somersaulting into the air and slicing off his
other lower hand; the one clutching Gand’ra’caka the Ithorian’s sabre.
The hand rolled out across the floor, bouncing slightly. The
Separatists saw this and all rushed to their ships. Hill hesitated,
turned around and saw Grievous. He nodded as he caught his
eyesight and raced off; followed by the Iotran guard.
It was just then millions of clone troopers arrived, grappling down
into the platform. Droids raced out and the two factions locked in
Grievous lifted his blades after the panic and prepared to engage to
find Kenobi force pushing him up into the ceiling, the cyborg howling
the whole time. Grievous lost grip of his lightsabers and his belt slid
down to the floor; his many trophies all rolling out beneath the
clashing droids and clones. Grievous plummeted down with them, he
landed on all fours and scuttled to his wheel bike, a silvery black
wheel which he had acquired from the Techno union before the battle
of Coruscant.
He hopped in and speeding out of the hangar and falling to the lower
levels of the city crushing clones and droids alike in his path.
Kenobi, close behind, mounted his Varactyl; Boga a lizard like
creature with green scales. However as he leapt his lightsaber slipped
from his hand and slid down the curved ship which had crashed
there many years before.
Kenobi continued, the two furiously racing through Pau city as battle
raged fierce around them. Kenobi ran alongside the wheel bike, so
the two were exactly level. Grievous saw the Jedi and pulled out a
Magna-staff he had stashed there and thrust it at Boga. Kenobi
grabbed the shaft and wrenched it from the cyborg’s hands. He
thrust the staff at the wheels, realised it would not work and instead
attacked the General himself. The General gripped it with both
hands and ripped Kenobi from his mount and onto the floor, dragging
the Jedi along in the dust. Obi-wan swung himself up onto the wheel
bike and they both grappled for control of the vehicle. Grievous pulled
out a blaster and shot at Kenobi, missing as Kenobi dodged. But his
agility jerked the wheel to the side and they flipped at the landing
platform where the Soulless one was waiting. Grievous jumped off
just after Kenobi fell and the bike, spitting sparks, skidded off the
edge and into the sinkhole below. Grievous lifted his blaster while
Kenobi grabbed for the staff. The two got to their feet and Kenobi
charged at Grievous, disarming him. The Jedi plunged the staff
through the air at Grievous; pushing him over. The General reacted
with a large kick in the stomach at Kenobi; pelting him across the
platform as he groaned in pain while the staff was dropped half way
in-between them. Kenobi regained his feet while Grievous drew
closer. They engaged fiercely in melee combat.
Kenobi charged at Grievous and grabbed him by the rib-cage pulling
apart two armorplast plates revealing all his disgusting vital organs.
The General pushed Kenobi to the ground in fury, while the Jedi
counterattacked with a kick against the Durasteel bonding alloys of
Grievous’ legs, only to injure himself against the metal. The cyborg
grabbed Kenobi by the collar and threw him across the platform, the
Jedi barely managing to grip onto the edge. Grievous lifted the
Magna-staff and drew closer for the kill, laughing as he did so.
Kenobi cleared his mind and leaped into the air, the blaster flying
towards him from the other end of the platform. Grievous deflected
the first two, but was left vulnerable and found the thermal plasma
igniting a fire inside his chest. Grievous howled as he was struck
again, now rattling violently. Fire burst from his eye sockets, and
then from his chest, leaving this skeletal frame covered in inferno.
Grievous, taking one final breath collapsed upon the floor. He was no
longer a living being. Just a pile of junk belonging in the junkyards
of Raxus Secondus.
‘’So uncivilised,’’ Kenobi said, tossing the blaster aside.
The Kaleesh watched as Grievous’ broken body was carried up the
aisle of the temple, carried by two dressed in Mummu masks in his
honour. They gently placed the skeletal frame in the coffin, and
pulled the stone over it.
The clone wars were over; the Separatists had lost. But Sidious and
his new apprentice, Lord Vader were in control. And Grievous was
remembered as a demigod by the Kaleesh. A murderer by the people.
And foolish by Darth Sidious.
By Joshua
Age eleven.