Sandgate District State High School Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide 2016 Please scan for digital version TABLE OF CONTENTS PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME TO THE SENIOR SCHOOL............................................................................ 2 CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 3 SENIOR EDUCATION PATHWAYS .................................................................................................... 8 PRE-REQUISITES & INCOMPATIBLE SUBJECT .................................................................................. 9 FACULTIES AND SUBJECT INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 11 VISUAL ARTS .................................................................................................... 12 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY ....................................................................................... 16 BUSINESS ......................................................................................................... 25 ENGLISH ........................................................................................................... 29 HUMAN MOVEMENTS .......................................................................................... 32 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................ 41 LANGUAGES ...................................................................................................... 44 MATHEMATICS................................................................................................... 47 PERFORMING ARTS ............................................................................................ 52 SCIENCE ........................................................................................................... 59 SOCIAL SCIENCES .............................................................................................. 64 APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................................................................... 71 Last Updated Version 24.08.2015. See School website for latest version. Sandgate District State High School Principal’s Welcome to the Senior School Welcome to the Senior Secondary Phase of your education. The vision for Sandgate District State High School is to “Expand the Horizons” of all students. Our curriculum structure reflects this vision. In Year 7 and 8, students study a curriculum which ensures all students get a sound general education with an emphasis on literacy and numeracy. In Year 9, students begin to specialise, choosing three electives. Year 10 is designed to assist students to better transition into Year 11 and give you a head start with your senior studies. Year 10 creates the opportunity for you to further specialise and refine your personalised course structure, supporting your pathway to your preferred post-school option. In Year 10, all students must study English and Mathematics and choose 4 other subjects, based on the following criteria: The student’s key strengths and aptitudes The student’s interests Which subjects will allow the student the best opportunity to achieve their post-school goal Do not choose subjects on the basis of perceived workload or because your friends are choosing it! During Senior Education and Training Planning (SETP) in term 3, Year 10 students will have the opportunity to further refine your course of study before beginning Year 11 and 12. In term 4 Year 10, students have one last opportunity to make sure you are meeting the perquisites for entry into senior subjects and that your proposed course of study will achieve your post-school goals, such as achieving the perquisites required for university courses. The SETP process is a rigorous one. Heads of Department will provide information about subjects and prerequisites in Year 11 and 12, and you will receive information about OP eligibility, QCE attainment, university, VET and SATs. You will also be encouraged to think about your future and to take positive steps toward ensuring that your time in Year 11 and 12 is rewarding, and prepares you well for university, further training and/or meaningful employment. Remember that unskilled jobs are becoming a smaller part of the economy. The higher the level of education you obtain, the more likely you are to: obtain and keep employment be successful at future education and training opportunities be healthy and happy secure higher wages and access rewarding career paths You are about to make some important life decisions. Be actively engaged when information is provided, speak to your parents and people working in the area you are interested in, and above all, take responsibility for the person you wish to become, by making good choices. Jeanette Gentle Principal Sandgate District State High School Page 2 CERTIFICATION The Student Education Profile Students in Queensland are issued with a senior education profile when they complete Year 12. All students receive a Senior Statement, and eligible students receive a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and/or a Tertiary Entrance Statement. Students who continue to study towards a QCE after completing Year 12 will receive a Statement of Results when they become eligible for a QCE. Senior Statement The Senior Statement is an official record of all the learning achievements in a Learning Account. It details what learning was attempted, the standard achieved and, where and when the learning took place. The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) will issue the Senior Statement to young people who: have met the requirements for the QCE, or are attending a school, and have banked at least one achievement in their learning account, and are enrolled at a school until the prescribed date at the end of Year 12, have completed a pattern of study which makes them OP eligible Tertiary Entrance Statement The Tertiary Entrance Statement shows an eligible student’s Overall Position (OP) and FPs (Field Positions). An OP indicates a student’s rank based on overall achievement in Authority subjects. FPs indicate a student’s rank based on overall achievements in Authority subjects in up to five fields (areas of study that emphasise particular knowledge and skills). Overall Position (OP) Your OP gives you a rank order position from 1 (highest) to 25 (lowest), if eligible. Your OP: indicates your rank order position, based on overall achievements in Authority subjects is the combined result of your best 100 weighted semester units (WSUs) in Authority subjects is calculated from subjects studied during Years 11 and 12 requires you to study at least 3 Authority subjects for all 4 semesters involves scaling using the QCS Test results uses equal weightings for all subjects. Sandgate District State High School Page 3 To be eligible for an OP, you must: study 20 semester units of Authority subjects (the equivalent of 5 subjects over 4 semesters), including at least 3 subjects for 4 semesters sit for the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test remain at school until the final day of Year 12. An OP is reported as one of 25 bands from 1 (highest) to 25 (lowest) for eligible students. Band 1 = about top 2% Band 2–6 = about next 15% Band 7–21 = about next 70% Band 22–24 = about next 11% Band 25 = about next 2% Field Positions (FPs) FPs are additional rank orders that supplement an OP. The term ‘field’ refers to areas of emphasis in the senior curriculum. FPs are only calculated when you are eligible for an OP and are used by tertiary institutions to help differentiate between students with the same OP. It is important to ensure that you qualify for the FPs that may be used in the final selection phase for your preferred tertiary courses. Field Positions: indicate your rank order position based on overall achievement in Authority subjects in up to 5 fields require completion of at least 60 weighted semester units (WSUs) of relevant Authority subjects involve scaling using QCS Test results are reported in bands 1 (highest) to 10 (lowest) use weightings that reflect the coverage of the fields in the subject syllabus Field A – extended written expression Field B – short written communication Field C – basic numeracy Field D – solving complex problems Field E – practical performance Subject weights for determining Field Positions When calculating FPs, the QCAA uses subject achievement indicators (SAIs) for the subjects that contribute to a particular field. Subjects do not contribute equally to FPs, and some subjects do not contribute any weight to some fields. The extent to which a subject contributes to each FP depends on that subject’s ‘weight’. The table of subject weights for fields is available on the QCAA website. However, most students are likely to be selected for courses without using FPs. QCS Test The Queensland Core Skills Test: is a statewide test available to students in Year 12 is based on Common Curriculum Elements (CCE) of the Queensland senior curriculum consists of four papers: Writing Task, Multiple Choice Papers (I and II) and Short Response is recommended for all students — OP-eligible and non–OP-eligible is a requirement to be eligible for an OP and FPs provides you with a result if you sit the test is reported on a 5-point scale from A (highest) to E (lowest). Preparation: All eligible students will sit a full practice QCS test in Year 11 to prepare them for the QCS preparation program. Sandgate District State High School Page 4 Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) To be eligible for a QCE, a student must be enrolled with a school and registered with the QCAA. For most students, the QCE will be achieved over Years 11 and 12. Others may not achieve it until after they finish Year 12. The total amount of learning required is at least twenty credits. This reflects an amount of learning that could be reasonably achieved by most young people over a two-year, full-time program of study in the Senior Secondary years. Students must also meet the QCE literacy and numeracy requirements. What is a credit? A credit is the minimum amount of learning at the set standard that can contribute to the QCE. A credit has two elements an amount of learning and a set standard. For example, a credit for a school subject is one semester (amount of learning) at Sound Achievement (set standard) or a credit for a certificate II qualification is 25% (amount of learning) of the competencies (set standard). Some learning achievements will be recorded in the Learning Account but will not be a credit because they either do not have the required amount of learning or they do not meet the set standard. For example, a Very Limited Achievement in a school subject does not meet the set standard to be a credit. Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) Students who are on individualised learning programs will receive The Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA). To be eligible, students must have impairments or difficulties in learning that are not primarily due to socioeconomic, cultural or linguistic factors. The QCIA is an official record that a student has completed at least 12 years of education. It summarises the student’s knowledge and skills for employers and training providers. Subject results Levels of Achievement / competencies can be obtained in individual subjects and contribute towards student’s OP, selection rank and QCE at exit. They are reported under the headings: Authority subjects - Authority subject results contribute to OP, selection rank, and QCE Authority-registered subjects - Authority- registered subjects contribute to selection rank and QCE Vocational Education Training (VET) - VET results contribute to selection rank and QCE Recognised subjects/courses. - Contribute to selection rank and QCE Recognised subjects/courses University subjects VET certificates Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) Sandgate District State High School Page 5 Vocational Education and Training (VET) VET is ‘Education and training for work’ and part of a broader educational network in Australia that includes schools, universities and adult and community education. VET may be undertaken at school or through a registered training provider. The qualifications gained from VET are nationally accredited and the skills gained will also allow individuals to enter the workforce and/or to move on to further vocational or academic studies. Certificate I to Advanced Diploma qualifications can be completed through VET. All students will be enrolled in the Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways during their senior phase of school. This will contribute towards their QCE. School-based apprenticeship and traineeships Part-time apprenticeships or traineeships can be undertaken during the senior phase of schooling. These are endorsed training packages, based on industry standards that can lead to nationally recognised qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Flexibility The qualification will recognise more learning options. Students can design a program of study to match their career goals. There is more flexibility in what, where and when learning occurs as portions of the learning needs do not take place at school. Some learning can be with a registered training provider, in a workplace or with a community group. Law The QCE complements the Government’s “Learning or Earning” laws which mean everyone will be required to complete Year 10 at school or other learning provider. Students can go on to complete a further two years of education and training by completing their senior phase of schooling or choose full time employment. For more information: visit the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA) website at visit the Careers Information Service at visit the Department of Employment and Training at for information about school-based apprenticeships and traineeships or contact the school Sandgate District State High School Page 6 PLANNING YOUR PATHWAY TO A QCE Sandgate District State High School Page 7 SENIOR EDUCATION PATHWAYS All Sandgate DSHS students are required to determine a pathway of study that is suitable for them. The earlier the students determine this, the easier the subject selection process will be and should lead to greater success in their chosen subject choices. PATHWAY OPTION 1: OP PATHWAY Students can seek tertiary entrance by obtaining an OP. To be eligible, they must study 20 semester units of Authority subjects, including at least three subjects for four semesters each, and sit the QCS Test (see OPs and FPs for more information). Students must also choose courses that meet the subject prerequisites for their tertiary preferences. Students who satisfy the prerequisites are then selected for particular courses based on their OP. Students with the best OPs are offered places first. In some cases institutions need to differentiate between students with the same OP by using FPs. In cases where it has not been possible to separate applicants for the same course by using the OP followed by the FPs as the primary means of selection, QTAC will use the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank as a final discriminator. PATHWAY OPTION 2: SELECTION RANK If you wish to undertake tertiary study in Queensland, but are not OP-eligible, you can apply to QTAC for a selection rank, which is an alternative method of tertiary entrance. This selection rank is not accepted in other states and territories in Australia. What is a selection rank? A selection rank is a rank based on the achievement in your best 20 semesters or the equivalent on your Senior Statement. How are selection ranks calculated? Selection ranks for OP-ineligible students are calculated using a schedule developed by QCAA and QTAC in consultation with tertiary institutions. Selection ranks are made up from students results in a mixture of Authority subjects, and/or Authorityregistered subjects, and/or vocational education units of competency/modules undertaken in Years 11 and 12. Only the best 20 semester units of study are used. If students sit the QCS Test, their test results will be used in the calculation of a selection rank. If students achieve a D result or better in the QCS Test , the selection rank may be moderated upwards. The maximum selection rank a student can get is around 90 (equivalent to an OP 6). PATHWAY OPTION 3: VOCATIONAL EDUCATION & TRAINING (VET) This pathway is most suitable for students that have no intention of studying at university. Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to education and training that focuses on delivering skills and knowledge required for specific industries. It is a learning option for young people in the senior phase of learning. Participating in VET can: provide credit points towards the attainment of a Queensland Certificate of Education, and/or the attainment of a nationally recognised VET qualification support a young persons transition to employment, vocational and higher education pathways. Other benefits of participating in VET include (but are not limited to): obtaining practical experience from work gaining familiarity on how workplaces operate developing employability skills allowing students to explore the potential career path they would like to pursue. SUBJECT OFFERINGS The subject selection lines have not been included in this document as line structures will differ between years 10 and 11. Students will instead be given a printed copy of their line structures. During the period of subject selection, line strcutures can also be found on Oneschool Sandgate District State High School Page 8 PRE-REQUISITES & INCOMPATIBLE SUBJECT Faculty Year 10 Subjects Subject Name Recommended Visual Art Nil Visual Art Commercial Art Media Art Nil Nil Visual Art Studies Multi Arts Studies Graphics Pathways Nil Graphics Hospitality Pathways Nil Hospitality Furnishing Pathways Industrial Graphics strongly recommended Furnishing Skills Visual Arts Applied Technology Automotive Pathways Engineering Pathways Industrial Graphics strongly recommended Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care Nil Business Communication and Technology Pathways Certificate I in Business C standard in Maths and English recommended C standard in Maths and English recommended Nil English Nil Accounting Pathways Business English Human Movements Industrial Graphics strongly recommended Year 11 & 12 Subjects Pre-requisites Subject Name Yr 10 English, Visual Art or Commercial Art A or B strongly recommended or HOD consultation Nil Nil Incompatible Subjects English Communication Nil Nil C Standard in yr10 Graphics or by HOD consultation Nil Engineering/Automotive/Furnishing Pathways or by HOD interview Industrial Graphics strongly recommended Engineering/Automotive/Furnishing Pathways or by HOD interview Industrial Graphics strongly recommended Engineering/Automotive/Furnishing Pathways or by HOD interview Industrial Graphics strongly recommended Prevocational Mathematics, English Communication Nil Certificate III in Early Education & Care Nil Nil Accounting C standard in Year 10 English and Maths. English Communication; Prevocational Mathematics C standard in Year 10 English. English Communication Nil Nil ‘C’ at the end of year 10 Nil English Communication English Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (AUR20712) Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (MEM20413) Business Communication and Technology Certificate II in Business English English Communication Nil Nil Nil English Communication; Students choosing Physical Education may choose one of the following: Recreation Studies, Cert III in Fitness or AOS. Students choosing Rec Studies may choose one of the following: PE or Cert III in Fitness. Physical Education C standard in HPEor ADP and English recommended Physical Education Year 10 HPE; C standard or higher in Year 10 English Recreation Studies Nil Recreation Studies Nil Academy of Sport (RL,AFL,NB,FB) ADP Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated AOS – Certificate III in Sport and Recreation (RL,AFL,NB,FB) Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Students choosing AOS may choose one of the following: PE or Cert III Fitness Introduction to Fitness Nil Certificate III in Fitness Nil Students choosing Cert III in Fitness may choose one of the following; PE, Recreation Studies or AOS. Year 10 Subjects Sandgate District State High School Year 11 & 12 Subjects Page 9 Faculty Information Technology Languages Mathematics Subject Name Information Technology Systems Foundation Nil Certificate I in Information, Digital Media & Technology Nil German Japanese Year 9 German – C Standard Year 9 Japanese – C Standard Mathematics Dance Performing Arts Nil C Standard in Year 10 English and Dance is recommended Drama C Standard in Year 10 English and Drama is recommended Master Music C Standard in Music nad English or by negotiation Subject Name English Communication, Information & Communications Technology Nil Nil German Japanese Year 10 German – C Standard Year 10 Japanese – C Standard English Communication English Communication Mathematics C Mathematics B Year 10 Maths – B Standard Year 10 Maths – B Standard Mathematics A Year 10 Maths – C Standard Prevocational Maths Nil Maths A, Prevocational Mathematics Maths A, Prevocational Mathematics Maths B, Maths C, Prevocational Mathematics Biology, Chemistry, Graphics, Information Technology Studies, Mathematics A, Mathematics B, Mathematics C, Physics Dance Certificate II in Dance Drama Music Music Extension Yr12 only Biology Introduction to Physics C Standard in Science, English & Maths recommended Physics Introduction to Chemistry C Standard in Science, English & Maths recommended Chemistry Science Nil Science in Practice History Pathways Geography Pathways Legal Studies Pathways Certificate I in Tourism Certificate II in Active Volunteering Nil Nil Nil Nil Modern History Geography Legal Studies Certificate II in Tourism Certificate III in Active Volunteering Sandgate District State High School Incompatible Subjects Year 10 English – C, Year 10 Maths – C C Standard in Science, English & Maths recommended Nil Pre-requisites Information Technology Systems Certificate II in Information, Digital Media & Technology Introduction to Biology Science Social Sciences Recommended Year 10 English – C Standard is recommended. C Standarad in Year 10 English and Dance is recommended Year 10 English- C Standard and Drama is recommended Must be able to perform (vocally or on an instrument) Must be able to perform (vocally or on an instrument) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil At least C in Yr 10 Bio or C in Yr 10 Chem or C in Yr 10 Phys plus C in English and Maths. Minimum C in Yr 10 Phys or Yr 10 Chem plus C in Maths Extension and C standard in English. Students must also study Maths B, Maths C is also recommended. Minimum C in Yr 10 Chem or C in Yr 10 Chem or B in Yr 10 Biol; plus C in English and Maths. Students must also study Maths B. Nil English Communication; Prevocational Mathematics Year 10 English - C Year 10 English - C Year 10 English - C Nil English Communication English Communication English Communication Nil Nil Nil Page 10 English Communication; Prevocational Mathematics English Communication; Prevocational Mathematics Nil FACULTIES AND SUBJECT INFORMATION VISUAL ARTS The Visual Arts Faculty offers three Year 10 subjects (students may choose more than one) Visual Art involves creating and presenting artworks by designing and creating two-dimensional (eg: drawing; painting; printmaking) and three-dimensional forms (eg: sculpture; pottery). Students communicate their ideas, feelings, experiences and observations of their worlds and display work in personal and public contexts. Visual Art prepares students for Visual Art in Years 11 and 12. Commercial Art focuses on practical activities in creating and presenting artworks by making twodimensional (eg: CD covers; posters; labels; adverts; logos; cartooning) and three-dimensional forms (eg: clay work; packaging; modelling and; jewellery). Students communicate their ideas, feelings, experiences and observations of their worlds and display their work in personal and public contexts. Commercial Art prepares students for Visual Art Studies in Years 11 and 12. Media Art engages students in practical activities that create digital art. They produce art through digital media genres, such as animation, advertisements, CD covers, posters and documentary and personal home pages. Students create meaning for audiences through a variety of forms, including newspapers, picture books, radio, television, film and video, as well as a vast range of popular cultural forms. Media Art prepares students for Multi- Arts Studies in Years 11 and 12. In years 11 and 12, the Visual Arts Authority subjects offered are (students may choose more than one): Visual Art: Visual Art is an academic area of study. It is a powerful method of communication. Visual Art is the means of personal expression by which students make visible ideas, thoughts, feelings and observations of their world through display and exhibition of made images and objects. Visual communication is as vital as the ability to read words or numbers. Through visual images, signs and diagrams, visual artists seek to renew and transform society by criticism and celebration. Visual Art offers future tertiary study opportunities by gaining an OP or Rank and folio of artworks. Visual Arts Studies: Visual Arts Studies is a practical area of study. It engages students in drawing, painting, ceramics and sculpture. Students study the human figure, perspective, mark making and colour. They explore a wide range of media such as pen, charcoal, ink, conte, watercolour, paint, clay and mixed media and produce a folio of artworks. . This course may contribute to TAFE and other diploma/certificate courses (eg: artist; designer; fashion designer; tattooist; interior designer; costume designer; jeweller; illustrator; make up artist) Multi Arts Studies: Multi-Arts Studies is a practical area of study. It provides students with opportunities to understand creative and imaginative processes as well as the use of technology in digital design. Students use a range of computer graphic design programmes (e.g. COREL DRAW; ADOBE Photoshop) and produce a digital folio of artworks. This course may contribute to TAFE and other diploma/certificate courses (eg: graphic designer; cartoonist; publisher; animator; photographer; advertising artist;commercial designer). NB: Students often choose more than one art subject as they complement each other. For example, Visual Art can be complemented by Multi-Arts Studies where learnt digital skills and knowledge are transferable. Students may also change art transition pathways from Year 10 into Years 11 and 12 (see pre-requisites). YEAR 10 YEAR 11 &12 VISUAL ART VISUAL ART AUTHORITY COMMERCIAL ART VISUAL ART STUDIES AUTHORITY REGISTERED MEDIA ART MULTI-ARTS STUDIES AUTHORITY REGISTERED Sandgate District State High School Page 12 Visual Art Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Visual Art – ART101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semesters 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Purchase of an A3 Display Folio and an A4 Visual Journal A3 Display Folio Semester Assessment Types A4 Visual Journal Students make and appraise art based on the themes: Object of My Obsession and; Virtual Visitor. They draw, paint, sculpt, print and use clay and mixed wet and dry media to invent personal artworks. NB: Students may select Visual Art Studies and/or MultiArts Studies in Years 11 and 12 as alternate pathways. Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Visual Art (80) – ART 111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Yr 10 English, Visual Art or Commercial Art A or B strongly recommended or HOD consultation Costs Purchase of an A3 Display Folio and an A4 Visual Journal Semester Assessment Types Folios of 2D and 3D art products A4 Visual Journal Written assignments Practical Exam Course Content & Notes Key topics: Units of study include: Identity; Environment; Technology; Semiotics and; Synergy. These units require completion of practical and theory components. Year 11 involves a variety experimental practical and theory aspects. In Year 12 students create personal art products and evaluate their own and other’s art. Sandgate District State High School Page 13 Visual Art Studies Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Commercial Art – ARC101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semesters 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Purchase of an A3 Display Folio and an A4 Visual Journal A3 Display Folio Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes A4 Visual Journal Students make art based on the themes: Bits ‘n’ Pieces and; Advertising. They design, make models; draw, paint, sculpt, print and use clay and craft media to invent personal artworks. NB: Students may select Visual Art (see pre-requisites) and/or Multi-Arts Studies in Years 11 and 12 as alternate pathways. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Visual Art Studies (6278) – VAS111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites NIL Costs Purchase of an A3 Display Folio and an A4 Visual Journal Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes A3 Display Folio of artworks A4 Visual Journal Key topics: Units of study include: Observing the Body; Mark Making;Perspective and; The Use of Colour. This course is a very practical area of study where students produce personal artworks. Students invent, design, draw, paint, print, sculpt and stencil to make cartoons, claywork, paintings, drawings and 3D art. Sandgate District State High School Page 14 Multi-Arts Studies Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Media Art – ARM101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semesters 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Recommended minimum C in Media Art or Art teacher consultation Costs Purchase of a USB and earphones Digital Art Folio Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Students make digital art based on the themes: Random Play and; Fantastic Journeys. They use computer software (eg: Photoshop; Corel Draw; Flash) to invent animations, digital cartooning, game design, video production and character design. NB: Students may select Visual Art (see pre-requisites) and/or Visual Art Studies in Years 11 and 12 as alternate pathways. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Multi-Art Studies (6268) – MRT111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites NIL Costs Purchase of a USB and earphones Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Digital Art Folio Key topics: Units of study include: ‘Advertising’; ‘Illustration’; ‘Cartoons’ and; ‘Packaging’. This course is a very practical area of study where students produce personal digital artworks. Students use Photoshop, Corel Draw and Flash to make digital designs, computer graphics, advertising designs, game designs, animation and photo editing. Sandgate District State High School Page 15 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY The Applied Technology Faculty offers six Year 10 subjects; Graphics Pathways This subject prepares students for Graphics in yr 11 & 12 and is complemented by also studying Visual Art. Students solve design problems and present their ideas and solutions as graphical products. Students learn sketching techniques and develop their CAD skills. Using the design process, students explore the needs of a target audience in the areas of Built Environment (architectural, landscape and interior), Industrial Design (engineering manufactured products and systems) & Graphic Design (corporate identity, advertisement and product packaging). Hospitality Pathways This subject is an introduction course to the subject Hospitality – which includes a Certificate 1. In Semester 1, students will explore the trends that determine food choices among society and link these to the Hospitality industry through research, analysis and evaluation. Students will prepare meals each week to coincide with the trends discussed in class. Semester 2 will focus on preparing food for appetizers, entrées, main meals and desserts. Students will then use these skills to create a restaurant experience, reflecting on their work and making recommendations for future tasks. Furnishing Pathways This subject is for students who wish to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities when selecting and using materials, procedures, tools and machinery to make practical projects with a manufacturing context. These projects will help develop the skills students need to prepare themselves for future employment, including skills that could enable them to carry out basic repairs, improvements and renovations. Students will learn how to select and use the appropriate materials, marking out and cutting tools, processes and machines that will enable students to complete the workshop projects. Engineering Pathways This subject should be chosen by students who want to study Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (MEM20413) in Sandgate’s Trade Skills Centre in Yr 11 & 12. Students will train in sheet metal working, welding, metal fabrication and fitting and machining. The foundation knowledge, skills and abilities will help students succeed in the VET course. Automotive Pathways This subject should be chosen by students who want to study Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (AUR20712) in Sandgate’s Trade Skills Centre in Yr 11 & 12. It provides students with an introduction to the automotive industry, with a focus on outdoor power equipment, marine and motorcycle. The foundation knowledge, skills and abilities will help students succeed in the VET course Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30113) During year 10, students will be introduced to the world of Early Childhood care, growth and development. Students will learn to interact effectively with children between the ages of 0-8 in a positive, supportive manner, whilst enhancing their overall development. This will be achieved by attending a day care setting once a week as part of the course and completing written booklets in class that link to work place practices. Students will be asked to design, analyse and implement activities and tasks that will be used in the day care setting. Sandgate District State High School Page 16 In year 11 and 12, the Applied Technology Authority subjects offered are: Graphics Senior Graphics is about solving design problems graphically and presenting graphical products. You will use a design process to identify and explore the design needs or opportunities of target audiences; research, generate and develop ideas; and produce and evaluate graphical solutions. You will solve graphical problems in at least two of three design areas: industrial design, graphic design and built environment (architecture, landscape architecture and interior design). In year 11 and 12, the Applied Technology VET or SAS subjects offered are: Hospitality Hospitality is designed to provide students with a variety of thinking, operational and workplace skills within the hospitality environment. The hospitality industry has become increasingly important in Australian society as a source of expanding employment opportunities. It provides students with the context to learn workplace culture and practices and also develop the skills, processes and attitudes crucial for making valid decisions about future career paths. Certification I in Hospitality has a practical focus with cooking tasks, projects and simulated work situations in the form of functions. Through such functions students work in teams to conduct a flow of work from kitchen through food preparation to restaurant service and clean up. The development of efficient and effective work practices and skills is highly emphasised. Certificate 1 in Hospitality* will be studied as a separate component of the program throughout year 11 and 12. It focuses on the wider hospitality environment and students are offered opportunities to gain Certificates in the responsible service of alcohol provide responsible gambling services and prepare and serve espresso coffee from appropriate registered training organisations. Certificate I in Hospitality (SIT102130) (delivered as a separate component in the subject Hospitality) Furnishing Skills Furnishing skills is aimed at all students who wish to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities when selecting and using materials, procedures, tools and machines to make practical projects within a Furnishing Context. These projects will help develop the skills they need to prepare themselves for future employment as well as recreation and leisure. Towards the end of Year 12, students will be expected to become involved in projects around the school that are designed to enhance the appearance of our grounds, in the form of seating, tables and the possibility of shade structures. Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (MEM20413) Engineering Pathways is aimed at all students who wish to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities when selecting and using materials, procedures, tools and machines to make practical projects with an Engineering focus. These projects will help develop the skills they need to prepare themselves for future employment as well as recreation and leisure. Students will train in a 1.3 million dollar purpose built Trade Skills Center at Sandgate DSHS. Through a Partnership with SkillsTech, students are able to study both Automotive (AUR20712) & Engineering (MEM20413) at Sandgate DSHS Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (AUR20712) & Automotive SAS This qualification covers the skills and knowledge required to perform a range of tasks related to familiarization, inspection, maintenance and troubleshooting of mechanical and electrical components and systems in outdoor power equipment, marine craft and motorcycles. Sandgate District State High School Page 17 Students will train in a 1.3 million dollar purpose built Trade Skills Center at Sandgate DSHS. Through a Partnership with SkillsTech, students are able to study both Automotive (AUR20712) & Engineering (MEM20413) at Sandgate DSHS Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care (CHC30113) Certificate III in Early Education is a rewarding course if you enjoy working with children. By studying Certificate III in Early Education & Care, you can look forward to an exciting career as a childcare assistant, a family day carer, nanny or kindergarten teacher. To work in a child care or day care centre, employers require you to have, or at least be studying towards a minimum qualification of a Certificate III. The course is offered on campus at Sandgate DSHS; Deception Bay State High School will be the Registered Training Organisation. YEAR 10 GRAPHICS PATHWAYS HOSPITALITY PATHWAYS FURNISHING PATHWAYS AUTOMOTIVE PATHWAYS ENGINEERING PATHWAYS CERTIFICATE III IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE PATHWAYS Sandgate District State High School YEAR 11 &12 GRAPHICS HOSPITALITY FURNISHING CERTIFICATE II IN AUTOMOTIVE VOCATIONAL PREPARATION (AUR20712) & AUTOMOTIVE STUDIES CERTIFICATE II IN ENGINEERING PATHWAYS (MEM20413) CERTIFICATE III EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE AUTHORITY AUTHORITY REGISTERED AUTHORITY REGISTERED VET & AUTHORITY REGISTERED VETIS AUTHORITY REGISTERED Page 18 Graphics Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Graphics Pathways – GPH101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs None Semester Assessment Types Classwork Design Folios Examinations Course Content & Notes Key topics: • User-centred design • Elements and principles of design • Design strategies • Technologies • Legal responsibilities • Project management • Materials Contexts: Built Environment using CAD Autodesk Revit Architecture (architectural, landscape and interior) Industrial Design using (engineering manufactured products and systems) Graphic Design (corporate identity, advertisement and product packaging) Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Graphics (76) – GPH111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites C Standard in yr10 Graphics or by HOD consultation Costs None Semester Assessment Types Design Folios ; Examinations Course Content & Notes Key topics: • User-centred design • Elements and principles of design • Design strategies • Technologies • Legal responsibilities • Project management • Materials Contexts: Built Environment using CAD Autodesk Revit Architecture (architectural, landscape and interior) Industrial Design using (engineering manufactured products and systems) Graphic Design (corporate identity, advertisement and product packaging) Sandgate District State High School Page 19 Hospitality Year 10 Subject Information Year 10 Semesters Offered Hospitality Pathways – HST101 Certificate I in Hospitality (SIT10213) – HST101 Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Semester Assessment Types Students to provide ingredients for practical Subject Name/Timetable Code Theory Exam Practical Function Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Surveying parents/grandparents/ family members how trends in food have changed over time Preparing classic recipes Comparing sugar and fat in different drinks, meals and takeaway foods, analysing outcomes and making recommendations Preparing appetizers, entrees, main meals and desserts Learning to serve meals, set tables, serve drinks and run a restaurant Costing recipes for functions Subject Information Year Levels Course of Study Hospitality – HST111 Certificate I in Hospitality (SIT10213) – HST111 Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate I Pre- requisites Nil $67.50 course fees for the Certificate I & students to provide ingredients for practical • Theory Exam • Practical Function QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Costs Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Key topics: Hygiene and Safety in the Hospitality Industry Cookery methods/High Tea Functions/ International CookeryThai, Indian, Middle Eastern, Japanese, South American, Malaysian Knife Skills Pasta, Fish, Chicken, Rice, Pastry, Egg, Vegetable, Indigenous Cookery Mocktails and Beverage Service / Tray service Restaurant – International Theme Sandgate District State High School Page 20 Furnishing Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Furnishing Pathways Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Industrial Graphics Pathways strongly recommended Costs None Semester Assessment Types Project (Product and Written component) Practical Demonstration Examination Course Content & Notes Key topics: • Introduction to the furnishing industry • Core Skills for Work • Safety in the furnishing workplace • Drawing interpretation and marking out • Selection and application of hand and power tools • Selection and application of static machinery • Materials selection, construction and assembly of a product • Surface preparation and finishing Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Furnishing Skills (FST) Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status N/A Pre- requisites Furnishing Pathways or by HOD interview Industrial Graphics strongly recommended Costs None Semester Assessment Types Project (Product and Written component) Practical Demonstration Examination Course Content & Notes Key topics: Core Skills for Work Furniture making Cabinet making Furniture finishing Glazing and framing This subject provides a unique opportunity for students to experience the challenge and personal satisfaction of undertaking practical work while developing beneficial vocational and life skills. Sandgate District State High School Page 21 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (MEM20413) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Year 10 Semesters Offered Engineering Pathways Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Pre-requisites Costs Semester Assessment Types Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Industrial Graphics strongly recommended None Project (Product and Written component) Practical Demonstration Examination Core Skills for Work Industry practices Production processes Sheet metal working Welding and fabricating Fitting and machining Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (MEM20413) Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate II – VETiS funded Engineering/Automotive Pathways or by HOD interview Industrial Graphics strongly recommended None - VETiS funded Students will be required to purchase safe work-wear uniform (boots/pants/shirt or coveralls) Observation, practical projects and theory tests will be assessed under the competency-based method Introduction to the engineering industry Safety in the engineering workplace Drawing interpretation and setting out Selection and application of hand and power tools Selection and application of static machinery Selection and application of welding/cutting processes Materials selection and application Surface preparation and finishing Fabrication Welding – MIG, ARC, OXY Cutting and joining materials Machining materials Pre- requisites Costs Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Students choosing Certificate II in Engineering Pathways will participate in Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). SWL is an initiative of Manufacturing Skills Queensland. There is no cost associated with the program if students find their own work placement. Where the student can’t find Work Placement then the school can help for a fee of $35 per placement. o The SWL program needs to be completed in 4 x 1 week blocks. It can be completed with the same employer, or 4 different employers or a combination thereof. o While participating in the SWL program, students are expected to operate at the standard of an apprentice, trainee or entry level employee within the business that they are undertaking their SWL program o This standard will be used by employers to rate the students’ performance. By allowing the employer to set the standards at which the students are required to operate, it is anticipated that they will gain a realistic expectation of the employability skills required for their chosen pathway. o Successful completion will result in two QCE points being awarded. Students choosing both Certificate II in Engineering Pathways and Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation only complete 1 SWL. Sandgate District State High School Page 22 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (AUR20712) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Automotive Pathways Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Pre-requisites Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Industrial Graphics Pathways strongly recommended $50 per Semester. Students will be required to purchase safe work-wear uniform (boots/pants/shirt or coveralls) Project (Product and Written component) Practical Demonstration Examination Core Skills for Work Automotive Mechanical Automotive Electrical Contexts Outdoor power equipment Marine Motorcycle Costs Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (AUR20712) & Automotive Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate II Engineering Pathways, Automotive Pathways or by HOD interview Industrial Graphics strongly recommended $50 per Semester Students will be required to purchase safe work-wear uniform (boots/pants/shirt or coveralls) Observation, practical projects and theory tests will be assessed under the competency-based method Course Contexts – Outdoor Power Equipment, Marine & Motorcycle Best practice and environmental sustainability Effective Communication Problem Solving WHS Electrical systems Mechanical systems Tools and equipment Inspect, service, adjust, repair & replace Pre- requisites Costs Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Students choosing Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation will participate in Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). SWL is an initiative of Manufacturing Skills Queensland. There is no cost associated with the program if students find their own work placement. Where the student can’t find Work Placement then the school can help for a fee of $35 per placement. o The SWL program needs to be completed in 4 x 1 week blocks. It can be completed with the same employer, or 4 different employers or a combination thereof. o While participating in the SWL program, students are expected to operate at the standard of an apprentice, trainee or entry level employee within the business that they are undertaking their SWL program o This standard will be used by employers to rate the students’ performance. By allowing the employer to set the standards at which the students are required to operate, it is anticipated that they will gain a realistic expectation of the employability skills required for their chosen pathway. o Successful completion will result in two QCE points being awarded. Students choosing both Certificate II in Engineering Pathways and Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation only complete 1 SWL. Sandgate District State High School Page 23 Certificate III in Early Education & Care (CHC30113) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care Pathways EEC101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) Pre-requisites Nil Costs $25 per semester Semester Assessment Types Each semester students will be expected to hand in booklets which include their written assessment. They will need to have their practical tasks signed off at their day care – which they will attend on a weekly basis. Students will also be expected to look after the ‘virtual babies’ for one week duration. Modules of study will include : Work within a relevant Legal and Ethical Framework Participate Effectively in the Work Environment Participate in Workplace Health and Safety Develop Positive and Respectful Relationships with Children Support Behaviour of Children and Young People Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care - CCS111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate III Pre- requisites Nil Costs $50 per semester Semester Assessment Types Each semester students will be expected to hand in booklets which include their written assessment. They will need to have their practical tasks signed off at their day care – which they will attend on a weekly basis. Students will also be expected to look after the ‘virtual babies’ for one week duration. Key topics: Ensure the Health and Safety of Children; Promote and Provide Healthy food and drinks; Provide Care for Babies and Toddlers; Provide Care for Children; Support the Holistic Development of Children in Early Childhood; Provide Experiences to Support Children’s Play and Learning; Use information about Children to Inform practice; Use an approved Learning Framework to Guide Practice; Work Effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People; Work effectively with Culturally Diverse Clients and Co-Workers; Develop Cultural Competence; Identify and Respond to Children and Young People at Risk; Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 24 BUSINESS The Business Faculty offers three Year 10 subjects (students may choose more than one): Accounting Pathways Accounting Pathways focuses on preparing students for the year 11 and 12 Accounting course. Accounting is an authority subject that leads to tertiary pathways and provides valuable personal life skills. Accounting will also provide essential business skills for the future and provide an understanding of what makes a business successful in local, national and global markets. Business Communication and Technology (BCT) Pathways (majoring in BCT and students will complete the Certificate I in business) BCT Pathways explores aspects of the business world that prepares students for the years 11 and 12 BCT program. Students will learn to analyse, evaluate and make recommendations, similar to those made every day in a business environment. Students will also complete the Certificate I in Business, which will ensure they have technology skills for both personal and career use. Certificate I in Business (BSB10115) This practical course introduces students to the basic technological skills and knowledge required to meet both personal and professional needs. It is a competency-based course and students are issued with the Certificate I in Business qualification upon successful completion. In year 11 and 12, the Business Authority subjects offered are: Accounting Accounting is the language of Business! Any student who wants to work in the financial industry and/or own their own business needs to understand the world of finance – and Accounting provides that understanding. Business Communication and Technology (BCT) Throughout the world people engage in business activities to design, produce, market, deliver and support goods and services. BCT encourages students to think intellectually, socially and morally about the role and ethical responsibilities of business in society today. BCT provides useful knowledge and skills for life. It lays an excellent foundation for students in tertiary study and for their future employment. The Business VET subjects (which contribute to a rank) that students can select are: Certificate II in Business (BSB20115) and/or Certificate III in Business (BSB 30115) These are practical, skill based qualifications. The certificate II will be offered to students in year 11. If the qualification is achieved the students will enrol in the Certificate III in Business program in year 12. A summary of the subject pathways is presented in the table below. YEAR 10 ACCOUNTING PATHWAYS BUSINESS COMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY PATHWAYS CERTIFICATE I IN BUSINESS Sandgate District State High School YEAR 11&12 ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY BUSINESS COMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE II IN BUSINESS VET Page 25 Accounting Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Accounting Pathways - ACC101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semesters 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types objective/short-answer response items practical processes (including spread sheeting) response to stimulus material Course Content & Notes Principles of double-entry accounting Preparation of accounting records and reports to indicate financial performance and financial position. Cash budgets (spread sheeting) Business finance eg loans, leasing, overdrafts. Processing payments/receipts (EFT/credit, transfer limits), security of information. (BCT component) Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Accounting (60) - ACC111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 English – C; Year 10 Maths - C Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types objective/short-answer/extended response items practical work (including computer based) response to stimulus material / assignments Key topics: Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Double entry Accounting records GST Budgeting Electronic business Cash flow statements Computer accounting (MYOB) Financial reports Page 26 Business Communication & Technology Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name & Timetable Code Business Communication & Technology Pathways – BCT101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does no contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Nil objective/short-answer response items practical application items (assignment) responses to stimulus materials folio Business finance eg loans, leasing, overdrafts. Financial policies and procedures Processing payments/receipts including EFT/credit, transfer limits. Financial documentation, online payments, transfer limits, fraud, identity theft Security of information Certificate I in Business (VET qualification – practical) Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject & Timetable Code Business Communication & Technology (63) – BCT111 Year Levels Course of Study Years 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to and OP or Rank (depending of student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 English - C Costs Nil • Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Short and extended written response Research • Multimodal presentation • Analytical exposition Key topics: Business environments, organisation and work teams, workplace health, safety and sustainability, international business, social media, events administration, managing people Sandgate District State High School Page 27 Business Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name & Timetable Code BSB10115 - Certificate I in Business- BUS101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards QCE points or Rank (depending of student eligibility) Pre-requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Folio / short response / role play / research / observation Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject & Timetable Code BSB30115 - Certificate II or III in Business - BUS111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate II and/or III Pre- requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Year 11 (Certificate II) Basic computing skills Communication Preparing simple business documents Spread sheeting Processing payments/receipts -EFT/credit, transfer limits. (BCT component) Short answer In class activity Case study Observation Editing business documents Using business technology Organising personal work priorities Work, health safety and sustainability Presentations Spreadsheets Folio of documents Assignment Research Year 12 (Certificate III) Creating documents Customer Service Recommending products and services Sustainability Presentations and spreadsheets (advanced features) NB: Students are required to attend work placement a minimum of 5 days each year. Sandgate District State High School Page 28 ENGLISH In semester 1 of year 10, the English Faculty offers a single core English programme that is completed by all year 10 students. In semester 2 of year 10, students move into one of two strands of English: English Students who participate in English are those who aim to complete ‘Authority’ English in years 11 and 12. These students typically intend to achieve an OP score in addition to their QCE and aspire to complete university education. These students will have achieved at least a ‘C’ in the core programme of English by the end of semester 1. Transition to English Communication. Students who move into Transition to English Communication are those who aim to complete English Communication in years 11 and 12. These students typically wish to secure their QCE and seek postschool pathways other than university education. These students may not have achieved a ‘C’ in the core programme of English by the end of semester 1. Student transitions are based on student-teacher conferencing as well as student results in English at the end of semester 1. The transitions are finalised at the end of semester 1, with students ready to participate in either English or Transition to English Communication at the beginning of semester 2. In year 11 and 12, the English Authority subject offered is: English English develops students’ knowledge of how language works in social and cultural contexts, as well as the effect and influence of language in complex and sophisticated texts. The senior English course is academic and literature-focused, with students constructing complex analytical, imaginative, persuasive and reflective texts. Students of English develop their capacities to become literate members of society and acquire skills that enable them to develop as informed and active citizens. The English SAS subject (which contributes to a rank and QCE) that students can select is: English Communication This is a vocational English subject with a focus on the development of practical, ‘every-day’ English skills. Students of English Communication are those who seek a post-school pathway that does not involve university education. English Communication is suitable for students who plan to enter TAFE and/or the workforce at the end of Year 12. English Communication is an Authority-registered subject that does not contribute towards calculation of an Overall Position (OP). The subject does, however, contribute credits towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and a rank. A summary of the subject pathways can be found below: YEAR 10 SEMESTER 1 YEAR 11& 12 SEMESTER 2 ENGLISH ENGLISH AUTHORITY ENGLISH TRANSITION TO ENGLISH COMMUNICATION Sandgate District State High School ENGLISH COMMUNICATION AUTHORITY REGISTERED Page 29 English Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code English – ENG101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semesters 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Semester 1: Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Semester 1 Narrative Analytical exposition Multimodal interpretation and analysis Semester 2- English Shakespearean text- comparative film review Shakespearean text- character interview News media- Essay exam Focus on literature (Australian novel & Shakespearean play) Comprehension and construction of complex texts Prepares students for ‘Authority’ English Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Semester 2: ‘C’ in English Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code English (1) - ENG111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET status No VET Pre-requisites ‘C’ at the end of year 10 Costs Semester Assessment types Nil Year 11 Analytical Expositions (1 under test conditions) Multimodal analysis Narrative (test conditions) Imaginative monologue Course content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Year 12 Analytical Expositions (1 under test conditions) Multimodal analysis Narrative (test conditions) Imaginative monologue Persuasive multimodal Focus on complex literature (classical poetry, novels and plays) Comprehension and construction of sophisticated, complex texts Prepares students for demands of university education Page 30 English Communication Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name Transition to English Communication Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Level of achievement below ‘C’ at the end of Semester 1 Costs Nil Semester Assessment types Course content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Film review Multimodal presentation Supported approach to learning and assessment Development of literacy skills Prepares students for English Communication Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code English Communication (6125) – ENC111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre-requisites Nil Costs Semester Assessment types Nil Year 11 Film review Panel discussion Speech Business literacy exam Festival proposal portfolio Persuasive presentation Reading journal Course content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Year 12 Personal reflective essay Speech Business plan Customer service role-play Job application Job interview Seminar Focus on practical texts (work-related, community-related) Comprehension and construction of ‘every-day’ texts Equips students with functional literacy skills useful in the workplace and the wider community. Page 31 HUMAN MOVEMENTS The Human Movements Faculty offers four Year 10 subjects; Physical Education Physical education helps students to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies to live healthy and physically active lives at school and for the rest of their life. They learn ‘in, through, and about’ movement, gaining an understanding that movement is integral to human expression and can contribute to people’s pleasure and enhance their lives. The year 10 subject prepares students for the academic rigour associated with Senior Physical Education. Recreation Studies Recreation Studies provides a unique opportunity for students to experience the challenge & fun of active participation in outdoor education, physical and community recreation, while developing a wide range of life skills. In Year 10 Recreation Studies prepares students for a camp based course in Year 11 and 12. Recreation Studies provides opportunities to explore new and exciting educational activities in a variety of contexts. Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30313) In year 10, students participating in this practical based subject will combine both class-based tasks and practical components in a real sport environment at the school each term. Successful completion of four terms will allow students to bank 2 QCE through participation in their Sports First Aid course, including a First Aid Certificate and CPR. Academy of Sport ( AFL, Rugby League, Football, Netball) Academy of Sport subject concentrates on developing the sporting prowess and fitness needed for elite performance in selected sports programs in Years 10 to 12. The student must display above average characteristics in ability and performance. In year 10, students participating in this practical based subject will combine both class-based tasks and practical components of their chosen sport at the school each term. In year 11 and 12, the Human Movements Authority subjects offered are: Physical Education Physical Education involves the study of physical activity and engages the students as intelligent performers, learning in, through and about physical activity. The course focuses on the interrelationships between psychological, biomechanical, physiological and sociological factors that influence individual and team physical performance. Physical Education aims to allow students to become physically educated as self-directed, interdependent and independent learners. Students will follow the same sport through Years 11 and 12. The Human Movements Authority Registered, VET or SAS subjects offered are: Recreation Studies Recreation Studies provides a unique opportunity for students to experience the challenge & fun of active participation in outdoor education, physical and community recreation, while developing a wide range of life skills. Recreation Studies is a camp based course that will enable students to develop some of the skills used in the recreation industry. Recreation Studies provides opportunities to explore new and exciting educational activities in a variety of contexts Sandgate District State High School Page 32 Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30313) Certificate III in Fitness provides a unique opportunity for students to experience the challenge & fun of active participation in the fitness industry, while developing skills necessary to & beneficial for living. Certificate III in Fitness provides opportunities to discover & explore new & varied physical activities. This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in a range of activities and functions requiring autonomous work within a defined range of exercise instruction situations and activities . Academy of Sport (AFL,Rugby League, Football, Netball) Academy of Sport subject concentrates on developing the sporting prowess and fitness needed for elite performance in selected sports programs in Years 10 to 12. The student must display above average characteristics in ability and performance. Topics to be covered by the program will include: Nutrition, Sport Psychology, Sport Management, Biomechanical Analysis, Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation, Strength Training and Conditioning and Skill Development. Academy of Sport students will complete their First Aid and level 1 coaching certificates YEAR 10 YEAR 11&12 PHYSICAL EDUCATION PHYSICAL EDUCATION AUTHORITY RECREATION STUDIES RECREATION STUDIES AUTHORITY REGISTERED ACADEMY OF SPORT (AFL, FOOTBALL, NETBALL, RUGBY LEAGUE) INTRODUCTION TO FITNESS Sandgate District State High School ACADEMY OF SPORT SAS CERTIFICATE III FITNESS AUTHORITY REGISTERED AUTHORITY REGISTERED Page 33 Physical Education Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Physical Education – PHE101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites C standard in HPE or ADP and English recommended Costs Approx. $70.00 Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Exams – Short response Reports Multi Modal presentation Essays Practical Volleyball and Sports Psychology Badminton and Biomechanics Life Saving and Skill Acquisition Touch Football and Exercise Physiology Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Physical Education (68) - PED111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 HPE; C or higher in Year 10 English Costs $70.00 Semester Assessment Types Practical Reports Research Reports Exam Essays Essays Multi-Modal presentations Practical Key topics: Touch, Volleyball, Squash and Golf Skill Acquisition and Motor Learning Components of Fitness and Energy Systems Figueroa’s Framework for Participation in Sport Biomechanical Analysis of Performance Sport Psychology Exercise Physiology Principles Training Methods and Program Design Patterns of Participation in Sport Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 34 Recreation Studies Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Recreational Studies – REC101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs $150 Multi modal presentations Journal writing Short response Examinations Response to stimulus – extended writing Practical work Basic navigation and orienteering Basic marine safety – life saving Bouldering and climbing techniques Camp craft Life and leadership skills Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Recreational Studies (6206) – RST111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Nil Costs $150/year Semester Assessment Types • Pamphlet/Brochure production • Exam • Journal writing • Practical Key topics: • Rock Climbing, Abseiling • Canoeing, Fishing, Boat licence, Snorkelling • Camping, Hiking, Navigation, Orienteering • Coastlines, employment • Initiatives, problem solving • Lifesaving, Senior First Aid • Life Skills Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 35 Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30313) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Fitness Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) Contributes 2 QCE points if completed in full Pre-requisites Nil Costs $70 – Sports first aid short course Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes • • • • • • • • • Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code SIS30313 -Certificate III in Fitness Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) Contributes 8 QCE if completed in full QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate III Pre- requisites Nil Costs $270 ($800 - $1000 out of school) Semester Assessment Types A range of teaching/learning strategies will be used to deliver the competencies. These include: • Practical tasks • Hands-on sessions with participants • Group work • Work experience Key topics: • · Provide fitness orientation and health screening • Instruct and monitor fitness programs • Develop and apply an awareness of specific populations to exercise delivery • Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness context Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Exams Checklists Journals Practicals First Aid qualification and CPR certificate. Responding to emergency situations. Managing conflict Conducting a risk analysis Fitness Circuits, Gym Routines, Organising Groups Page 36 Academy of Sport (AFL) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Academy of Sport AFL - ASA101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) Contributes 2 QCE points if completed in full Pre-requisites ADP Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Costs $160/Year Semester Assessment Types • • • • • • • • • • Course Content & Notes Exams Checklists Journals Practicals First Aid qualification and CPR certificate. Responding to emergency situations. Managing conflict Conducting a risk analysis Skills development, analysis Nutrition in sport. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Academy of Sport AFL (6206) - ASA111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate III Pre- requisites Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Costs $160/Year Semester Assessment Types A range of teaching/learning strategies will be used to deliver the competencies. These include: • Practical tasks • Hands-on sessions with participants • Group work • Work experience Key topics: • Coaching, First Aid • Session planning • Exercise fitness and training • Provide fitness orientation and health screening • Instruct and monitor fitness programs • Develop and apply an awareness of specific populations to exercise delivery • Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness context Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 37 Academy of Sport (Netball) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Academy of Sport Netball - ASN101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) Contributes 2 QCE points if completed in full Pre-requisites ADP Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Costs $160/Year Semester Assessment Types • • • • • • • • • • Course Content & Notes • Exams Checklists Journals Practicals Coaching, First Aid Session planning Exercise fitness and training Provide fitness orientation and health screening Instruct and monitor fitness programs Develop and apply an awareness of specific populations to exercise delivery Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness context Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Academy of Sport Netball- ASN111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate III Pre- requisites Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Costs $160/Year Semester Assessment Types A range of teaching/learning strategies will be used to deliver the competencies. These include: • Practical tasks • Hands-on sessions with participants • Group work • Work experience Key topics: • Coaching, First Aid • Micro teaching • Session planning • Exercise fitness and training • Umpiring, mini Olympics • Technology in sport • Drugs in Sport and community • Skills development, analysis • Nutrition in sport Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 38 Academy of Sport (Rugby League) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Academy of Sport Rugby League - ASR101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) Contributes 2 QCE points if completed in full Pre-requisites ADP Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Costs $160/Year Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Exams Checklists Journals Practicals First Aid qualification and CPR certificate. Responding to emergency situations. Managing conflict Conducting a risk analysis Skills development, analysis Nutrition in sport. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Academy of Sport Rugby League - ASR111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate III Pre- requisites Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Costs $160/Year Semester Assessment Types A range of teaching/learning strategies will be used to deliver the competencies. These include: • Practical tasks • Hands-on sessions with participants • Group work • Work experience Key topics: • Coaching, First Aid • Session planning • Exercise fitness and training • Provide fitness orientation and health screening • Instruct and monitor fitness programs • Develop and apply an awareness of specific populations to exercise delivery • Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness context • Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 39 Academy of Sport (Football) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Academy of Sport Football - ASS101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) Contributes 2 QCE points if completed in full Pre-requisites ADP Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Costs $160/Year Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Exams Checklists Journals Practicals First Aid qualification and CPR certificate. Responding to emergency situations. Managing conflict Conducting a risk analysis Skills development, analysis Nutrition in sport. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Academy of Sport Football - ASS111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate III Pre- requisites Skill and Fitness pre requisites as designated Costs $160/Year Semester Assessment Types A range of teaching/learning strategies will be used to deliver the competencies. These include: • Practical tasks • Hands-on sessions with participants • Group work • Work experience Key topics: • Coaching, First Aid • Session planning • Exercise fitness and training • Provide fitness orientation and health screening • Instruct and monitor fitness programs • Develop and apply an awareness of specific populations to exercise delivery • Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness contex Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 40 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The Information Technology Faculty offers two Year 10 subjects: These offerings are Information Technology Systems Foundation and Certificate I in Information, Digital Media & Technology. These subjects are designed to prepare students for subjects offered in Year 11 and 12. In Year 11 and 12 students can study a combination of Authority Subjects and Authority Registered subjects. Information Technology Systems Foundation: This subject provides foundation Information Technology skills necessary to succeed in the senior subject – Information Technology Systems. Certificate I Information, Digital Media & Technology (ICT10115) This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for individuals to safely perform foundation digital literacy tasks using a personal computer and a range of software applications and digital devices. In year 11 and 12, the Information Technology Authority subject offered is: Information Technology Systems Information Technology Systems should prove especially relevant to students in the way it prepares them to cope with, and harness to their advantage, the rapid changes and significant opportunities associated with IT, now and into their future. This subject may lead to employment in such areas as IT support, graphic and multimedia manipulation, or tertiary study in the fields of multimedia design, games design, website design and animation. The Information Technology VET subject offered is: Certificate II in Information, Digital Media & Technology (ICT20115) This qualification will provide students with foundation ICT skills and knowledge for an individual to be an effective ICT user or employee. In this course, students will gain knowledge and skills in relation to – occupational health and safety in the IT environment, computer maintenance, computer software, working effectively in an IT environment, using social media and social networking, computer operating systems, computer hardware, computer protection and prevention from malware and spam, designing documents, building websites, and using a digital media package. YEAR 10 YEAR 11 & 12 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE I IN INFORMATION, DIGITAL MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE II IN INFORMATION, DIGITAL MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY REGISTERED Sandgate District State High School Page 41 Information Technology Studies Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Information Technology Systems Foundation – INT101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Projects Graphic Design 2D Animation Course Content & Notes Video Editing Multimedia Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Information Technology Systems (65) – ITN111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 English – C, Year 10 Maths – C Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Projects Exam Graphic Design Video Production Course Content & Notes Web Design Multimedia Sandgate District State High School Page 42 Certificate I in Information, Digital Media & Technology (ICT10115) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code ICT10115 - Certificate I in Information, Digital Media & Technology – DMT101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 VET Status Certificate I Pre-requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Observations; Written Assessments (including short answer, activity sheets, research and other written assessment) Interactive Activities (including online quizzes, simulations) Case Studies; Projects Course Content & Notes Operate a personal computer Operate a word-processing application Use, communicate and search securely on the internet Use digital devices Operate spread sheet applications Operate presentation packages Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code ICT20115 - Certificate II in Information, Digital Media & Technology – DMT111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate II Pre- requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Observations; Written Assessments (including short answer, activity sheets, research and other written assessment) Interactive Activities (including online quizzes, simulations) Case Studies; Projects Course Content & Notes Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices; Create electronic presentations; Participate in OHS Processes; Use computer operating systems and hardware; Install software applications; Work and communicate effectively in an IT environment; Detect and protect from spam and destructive software; Run standard diagnostic tests; Operate digital media technology package; Operate application software; Design basic organisational documents using computing packages; Integrate commercial computing packages; Use social media tools for collaboration and engagements; Produce simple word processed documents Sandgate District State High School Page 43 LANGUAGES The Languages Faculty offers two Year 10 subjects; German and Japanese. These subjects are designed to prepare students for subjects offered in Year 11 and 12. German: German involves the study of the German language and culture. Student’s experience a range of activities designed to improve their ability to read, write, speak and listen to the language. Students will also investigate Germany's social, physical, environmental and economic contexts, thus giving them a greater knowledge of the nation in general. Japanese: Through experiences designed to develop and improve abilities in reading, writing, speaking and listening, students learn and experience real life language use and cultural diversity. Using language as a tool for learning now and later in life, students will explore Japan’s social, physical, environmental and economic contexts, thus giving them a greater knowledge of the nation in general. In year 11 and 12, the Languages Authority subjects offered are: German The Senior German course offers advanced studies in German language and culture, emphasising language in use. A wide range of communicative topics is studied: family, sports & hobbies, future plans & occupations, health, social issues and festivals and events. Holidays and holiday planning, climate & geography, roles in society, personality & relationships, the environment & current events are also covered. Japanese The study of Japanese continues the development of practical language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing. Studying a foreign language fosters in students a greater sensitivity to and understanding of English. Students come to recognise the worth of all cultures and so develop a respect for and tolerance of other people. Like no other subject, languages provide students with opportunities to learn about their own culture and values, through comparative studies of other countries, including Japan. The course develops communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through the study of themes such as family and community; leisure, recreation and human creativity; school and post-school options and social issues. Students also have the satisfaction of engaging with more of the literature, formal and informal, of the target language. School-organised trips, evening functions, poster and speaking competitions, lunch days and restaurant trips are an integral part of the Japanese program. Students have an opportunity to host Japanese students from our sister school in Osaka and to travel to Japan. YEAR 10 GERMAN YEAR 11& 12 GERMAN AUTHORITY JAPANESE JAPANESE AUTHORITY Sandgate District State High School Page 44 German Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code German – GER101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Year 9 German – C Standard Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes There are four Assessment types for Languages. These are: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. All four forms will be assessed per semester. Students will cover a wide range of topics throughout the course such as – Holidays, Part time work, Problems, Where do you live? Family and festivals along with annual cultural experiences to the German film festival and Oktober festival. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code German (6) – GER101 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 German – C Standard Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes There are four Assessment types for Languages. These are: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. All four forms will be assessed per semester. Key topics: Students will cover a wide range of topics throughout the course such as: Family life, Sports and hobbies, School, Future plans and occupations, Health, Student exchange, Social issues: world peace, aid, discrimination, Festivals and celebrations, Services; shopping, banking, transport, police, Accommodation: hotels, hostels, campsites, Climate and geography, Holiday planning and roles in society Sandgate District State High School Page 45 Japanese Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Japanese – JAP101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Year 9 Japanese - C standard Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types There are four Assessment types for Languages. These are: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. All four forms will be assessed per semester. Course Content & Notes Students will cover a wide range of topics throughout the course such as: Going places, all about the school, Festivals and Weather, Natural Wonders Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Japanese – JAP111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 Japanese - C Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes There are four Assessment types for Languages. These are: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. All four forms will be assessed per semester. Key topics: Students will cover a wide range of topics throughout the course such as: Family and community, leisure, recreation and human creativity, school, post-school options, social issues, environmental conservation, diary writing. Sandgate District State High School Page 46 MATHEMATICS The Mathematics Faculty offers a single Mathematics program that is completed by all year 10 students. Mathematics Mathematics is an integral part of a general education. It enhances an understanding of the world and the quality of participation in a rapidly changing society. All students will study the Australian Curriculum in various Mathematical contexts. Students will study Maths in either a highly algebraic or everyday life contexts. In term 4 of year 10 ,students will move into one of three learning pathways to meet the needs of individual students. These pathways are; Introduction to Maths B, Introduction to Maths A and Introduction of Prevocational Maths. In year 11 and 12, the Mathematics Authority subjects offered are: Mathematics A Mathematics is an integral part of a general education. In Maths A, the skills needed to make decisions which affect students’ everyday lives are developed. These skills are also called upon in other subject areas and provide a good general background for many areas of tertiary study. The study of Maths A will emphasise the development of positive attitudes towards a student’s involvement in mathematics. This development is encouraged by an approach involving problem solving and applications, working systematically and logically, and communicating with and about mathematics. Mathematics B In Maths B advanced mathematical skills are developed which form the basis for further study in mathematics. These skills are needed not only in the traditional careers of engineering or the physical sciences, but as tools in such fields as diverse as agriculture, food technology, geography, biology, economics and management. Mathematics C In Maths C students are given the opportunity to develop their full mathematical potential and extend the knowledge acquired in Maths B. Opportunities are provided for students to appreciate and experience the power of mathematics, and to see the role it plays as a tool in modelling and understanding many aspects of the world environment. The additional rigour and structure of the mathematics required in Maths C makes it a highly desirable course for students who intend pursuing a career involving the study of Engineering or Mathematics at a tertiary level. The Mathematics Authority Registered subject offered is: Prevocational Maths Prevocational Maths is a non OP subject. It is a practical subject in which students learn mathematical skills for interpreting society, personal organisation and practical purposes. Within these contexts students study the topics of Number, Data, Location and Time, Measurement and Finance. Prevocational YEAR 10 YEAR 11& 12 Optional Extra MATHEMATICS C INTRODUCTION TO MATHS B MATHEMATICS B AUTHORITY MATHEMATICS A INTRODUCTION TO MATHS A Sandgate District State High School PREVOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS AUTHORITY REGISTERED Page 47 Mathematics A Year 10 Subject Name/Timetable Code Year 10 Semesters Offered Subject Information Mathematics – MAT101 Semesters 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Two supervised exams One mathematical investigation Chance and data Introduction to linear programming and algebra Pythagoras, trigonometry and congruence Measurement and finance Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Mathematics A (36) – MAA101 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Mathematics MAT – C Standard or better Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Two supervised exams One mathematical investigation Key topics: Measurement and finance I Geometry and misrepresenting data Taxation, construction and navigation Manipulating and displaying data and types of interest Linking 2 and 3D and linear programming to find optimal solutions Fixing position and consumer credit Sandgate District State High School Page 48 Mathematics B Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Mathematics – MAX101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semesters 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites B standard or better in Yr 9 Mathematics recommended Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Two supervised exams One mathematical investigation Chance and data Linear functions Non-linear functions Measurement, Pythagoras and trigonometry Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Mathematics B (37) – MAB111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Mathematics MAX - C standard or better Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Two supervised exams One mathematical investigation Key topics: Applied statistical analysis and introduction to functions Exponential and logarithmic functions Periodic functions and applications Calculus and applications Sandgate District State High School Page 49 Mathematics C Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Mathematics – MAT101 Year 10 Semesters Offered N/A QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Is not offered in year 10 Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types N/A Course Content & Notes N/A Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Mathematics C (38) – MAC111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Mathematics MAX – B standard or better Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Two supervised exams One mathematical investigation Key topics: Number system and matrices Vectors and algebraic patterns Complex numbers and dynamics Geometric progressions and applications of matrices Applications of calculus Applications of dynamics Sandgate District State High School Page 50 Prevocational Mathematics Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Mathematics – MAT101 Year 10 Semesters Offered N/A QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Is not offered in year 10 Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types N/A Course Content & Notes N/A Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Prevocational Mathematics (6140) – PVM111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Two mathematical projects Key topics: Finance and budgeting Mentor maths and measurement Scale, rates and ratios Percentages and taxation Chance and data Sandgate District State High School Page 51 PERFORMING ARTS The Performing Arts Faculty offers three year 10 subjects: Dance Dance students explore the elements, skills and processes of Dance through choreography, performance and appreciation. Students are prepared for both the authority Dance subject and the Certificate 11 course in Dance. Drama Learning in Drama involves students making, performing, analysing and responding to drama, drawing on human experience as a source of ideas. Students engage with the knowledge of drama, develop skills, techniques and processes, and use materials as they explore a range of forms, styles and contexts. Master Music This course is designed for students who have an interest in music composition, performance and analysis, but who may not have had the opportunity to develop their music literacy and performance to a high level. Students in Master Music continue to develop more advanced skills in music composition, performance and analysis of music repertoire. Students are prepared for the authority Music course in Year 11 and Music Extension course in Year 12. In year 11 and 12, the Performing Arts Authority subjects offered are: Dance This course of study offers students opportunities to explore elements, skills and processes through the integrated practices of choreography, performance and appreciation. The body is the instrument of expression and uses combinations of the elements of dance (space, time, dynamics and relationships) to communicate and express meaning through expressive and purposeful movement. They develop an understanding that dance is a recognised and popular form of social interaction and a living expression of culture, spirituality and history. Drama This course of study offers students opportunities to develop creative, critical, imaginative and inventive thinking, disciplined working and the ability to work alone or in groups. Students who study Drama develop the capacity to motivate themselves by being open to new experiences and explore ideas. They learn to present themselves confidently in many different situations and develop skills in oral and written communication. Music This course of study offers students opportunities to develop a range of musical abilities that are expressed through performance, composition and musicology. Fundamental to the course is the development of musicianship, which is a set of skills, techniques, understandings, attitudes and dispositions that allows students to develop proficiency in music making. Studying music fosters students’ expression of their creativity and individuality through composing and performing music to communicate feelings, thoughts and ideas. Sandgate District State High School Page 52 Music Extension This authority subject is available only in Year 12 and only to students who are concurrently studying Senior Music. The subject allows students to specialise in one of three areas of music: Composition, Performance or Musicology. As the name suggests, it is an extension subject for students who have a particular interest, and identified ability in one of these three areas. In year 11 and 12, the VET subject offered is: Certificate II in Dance (CUA20113) After successful completion of this course this qualification can be used as a pathway into specialist Certificate III qualifications within the live performance industry such as dance performer, choreographer or dance teacher. The Certificate II in Dance reflects the role of a person working in a varied context in the live performance industry, using some discretion and judgement and relevant theoretical knowledge. This qualification is a preparatory qualification that can be used as a pathway into specialist Certificate III qualifications within the live performance industry YEAR 10 YEAR 11& 12 DANCE DANCE DRAMA DRAMA AUTHORITY AUTHORITY REGISTERED AUTHORITY MASTER MUSIC MUSIC AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE II DANCE Sandgate District State High School Page 53 Dance Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Dance – DAN101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites C Standard English and Dance is recommended . Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Performance; Choreography Task; Appreciation Task ( analytical essay or written test) Course Content & Notes Dance Technologies, New Moves; Dance Robotics; Dreaming Dances. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Dance (85) – DAN111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 English – C Standard Dance is recommended Costs Some excursions. Semester Assessment Types Performance; Choreography Task; Appreciation Task ( analytical essay or written test) Key topics: All that Jazz: Introduction to the functions of artistic and social dance in Course Content & Notes society. Investigation of the historical and social significance of the Jazz genre. Diversity: Introduction to the function of Ritual dance in society. Examining ritual dance in various geographic, socio-cultural and historical contexts. Landscapes: Analysis of the relationship between individuals and their landscape. Analysis of Australian landscape (desert, rainforest, beach, city) and exploration of environment as a stimulus. Empowerment: Analysis of various forms of oppression and discrimination in societies e.g. racial, sexual, political. Revision of racial issues explored by Alvin Ailey and Stephen Page. Virtual Worlds: Analysis and exploration of various dance technologies, e.g. video clips, musical theatre films, contemporary dance films, choreography of images, digital sets, projected images, lighting and special effects, digital sound-scapes, dance robotics, alternative performance spaces including virtual spaces, internet delivery, etc. New Directions: Critical reflection of the student’s world view and future life directions. Exploration of personal preferences in movement style through choreography, performance or appreciation. Sandgate District State High School Page 54 Drama Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Drama – DRA101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites C Standard English and Drama is recommended Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Prepared improvisation; written journal; performances (in response to poetry; student-devised performance; collage drama); creative production task; documentation; independent study. Course Content & Notes Gags and Giggles; Unreal Man!; Playful Productions. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Drama (88) – DRA111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 English- C Standard and Drama is recommended. Costs Some excursions Semester Assessment Types Performances; script writing; extended written responses; directing tasks. Key topics: Clarity and reality: students develop an understanding of the elements of drama and conventions of Realism. Focus will be given to learning the dramatic languages and they can be manipulated to create action and meaning Barbarity and unfamiliarity: In this unit students will study Australian Gothic Theatre with a focus on how this style provides a glimpse into Australia’s history and psyche. Hilarity and vulgarity: This unit develops understanding of how theatre can be used as means to challenge and critique society, and introduces students to notions of character through the exploration of elements and conventions of Comedy of Manners. Charity and solidarity: In this unit focus is given to the applying theatre to different contexts and for different purposes. Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 55 Music Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Master Music Program – MMP101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites C Standard and Music or by negotiation. Some ability to read, write and perform music notation Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Composition tasks (using Sibelius software); written tests (including aural); performances (solo and in small groups); research assignments; multi-media presentations Course Content & Notes Revolution and Romance (music and the arts in the nineteenth century); a Century of Change (the many and varied styles of music that emerged in the twentieth century, including Jazz); Cinema Sounds (composing a musical score to accompany a short film clip, using Sibelius software); Betlemania (an investigation of the social impact of popular music in the 60s). Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Music (91) – MUS111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Must be able to perform (vocally or on an instrument) Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Composition; performance (solo or in a small group); research essay or written test Course Content & Notes Key topics: From folk song to masterpiece: development of musicianship through understanding of musical elements and concepts in selected repertoire from a range of historical and cultural contexts. Traditions and Innovations: analysis of music that is representative of some significant musical traditions, and of individual musicians (or small groups of musicians) who have broken with historical, cultural or musical traditions. Trends in popular music: The focus of this unit is the development of musicianship skills within a popular music context. Let me entertain you: Opera, musical theatre, film, Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, rock musicals; program music. My island home: Investigating the musical cultures that have contributed to an Australian identity. Sandgate District State High School Page 56 Music Extension Year 12 Only Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Music (91) – MUS111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Must be able to perform (vocally or on an instrument) Costs Semester Assessment Types Composition; performance (solo or in a small group); research essay or written test Course Content & Notes Key topics: From folk song to masterpiece: development of musicianship through understanding of musical elements and concepts in selected repertoire from a range of historical and cultural contexts. Traditions and Innovations: analysis of music that is representative of some significant musical traditions, and of individual musicians (or small groups of musicians) who have broken with historical, cultural or musical traditions. Trends in popular music: The focus of this unit is the development of musicianship skills within a popular music context. Let me entertain you: Opera, musical theatre, film, Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, rock musicals; program music. My island home: Investigating the musical cultures that have contributed to an Australian identity. Sandgate District State High School Page 57 Certificate II in Dance (CUA20113) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Dance – DAN101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Pass in Year 9 English is recommended Costs Semester Assessment Types Prepared improvisation; written journal; performances (in response to poetry; student-devised performance; collage drama); creative production task; documentation; independent study. Course Content & Notes Gags and Giggles; Unreal Man!; Playful Productions. Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code CUA20113 - Certificate II in Dance – DNC111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate II Pre- requisites Some experience in Dance performance Costs Semester Assessment Types Performance; choreography tasks; worksheets; teacher observations with checklists; journal Course Content & Notes Key topics/competencies: Work effectively with others; basic dance techniques; artistic expression in dance performances; perform basic contemporary dance techniques; perform basic street dance technique; perform basic cultural dance technique; safe dance practices; develop a basic level of physical condition for dance performance; develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge Sandgate District State High School Page 58 SCIENCE The Science Faculty Offers Four year 10 subjects (students may choose more than one of the Introduction subjects or Science (stand-alone): Introduction to Biology: Students will experience a variety of Biological concepts and practical activities to prepare them for Year 11/12 Biology. Students will learn about the organisms around them and how they interact with their surroundings. They will also explore aspects of Genetics and Microbiology. Introduction to Physics: Majoring in Physics with Chemistry as a minor component. Students will explore the nature of forces, energy and motion to explain phenomena of the world in which we live. They will study these three pillars of physics in contextualised units to prepare for further study in the Year 11 and 12 course. There will be a dual focus unit, with some exposure to aspects of Chemistry. Introduction to Chemistry: Majoring in Chemistry with Physics as a minor component. Students will gain an understanding of how Chemistry applies to the world around them. They will experience contextual units and a variety of activities and experiments to learn Chemistry principles and be prepared for the Year 11 and 12 course. There will also be some exposure to Physics concepts/practices which may be complementary to the Chemistry. Science: Science strands in accordance with Australian Curriculum. Students will explore all four major strands of Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Earth Science). This subject will provide consolidation of concepts and practical activities that allow students to learn concepts that can help develop scientific literacy. In year 11 and 12, the Science Authority subjects offered are: Biology Biological Science is the study all living things as well as how they interact with their surroundings. Although there are a couple of opportunities for dissection, it is not compulsory for students to engage in these activities. Physics Physics is challenging! Physics explores the laws and phenomena of the universe and what happens and why. Physics is one of the most exciting and challenging subjects in the High School Curriculum where students learn to describe the real world in which we live and use scientific method to refine, expand and improve on what is currently known. Chemistry Chemistry is rewarding! It is challenging and exciting and allows students to learn about how materials react. Students explore a wide range of topics including making cheese which are then entered in the RNA Food & Wine Show! The Science Authority Registered, SAS subject offered is: Science in Practice. This Science subject allows students to explore a variety of Science topics with investigations and practical activities. Photography, Forensic Science, Ecology, Energy, Winemaking and the impact of Science on Health are all studied. YEAR 10 INTRODUCTION TO YEAR 11 &12 BIOLOGY AUTHORITY EITHER OR BOTH AUTHORITY BIOLOGY INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY SCIENCE SCIENCE IN PRACTICE AUTHORITY AUTHORITY REGISTERED Sandgate District State High School Page 59 Biology Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Introduction to Biology – BIO101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites C Standard in Science, English & Maths recommended Costs Approx $60 for field trips. Extended Experimental Investigation Research Assignment Written Test. Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes The living world – animals, plants, microbes, et al. Genetics – what makes us tick? Reproduction Ecology Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Biology (42) – BSC111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites At least C in BIO101 or C in CHE101 or C in PHC101 plus C in English and Maths. Costs Stradbroke Island Field Trip – approx. $235. Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Key topics: Sandgate District State High School Research assignment Written test Extended Experimental Investigation Physiology Reproduction Diversity Ecology Genetics Evolution Page 60 Chemistry Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Introduction to Chemistry - CHE101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites C Standard in Science, English & Maths recommended Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Research Assignment (Chemistry in Hollywood) Extended Experimental Investigation Demonstrations Course Content & Notes Chemical Reactions Red and Green (blood and environment) Food chemistry Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Chemistry (40)- CHM111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Minimum C in CHE101 or C in PHC101 or B in BIO101; plus C in English and Maths Extension. Students must be studying Maths B. Costs Approx. $100 for excursions Semester Assessment Types Course Content & Notes Key topics: Gases Chem of the Earth: Acid Sulfate Soils Thermochemistry Corrosion Chemistry Organic Chemistry Chemistry of the Car Nuclear Chemistry Research assignment Extended Experimental Investigation Written Test Sandgate District State High School Page 61 Physics Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Introduction to Physics- PHC101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites C Standard in Science, English & Maths recommended Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Exams Scientific reports Extended Experimental Investigation Course Content & Notes The physics of flight using Newton’s laws Conservation of energy and applications to collisions Extending wave theory and high energy radiation Working scientifically in Physics Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Physics (41) – PHY111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Minimum C in PHC101 or CHE101 or A in BIO101; plus C in Maths Extension and C standard English.Students must be studying Maths B. Costs Approx. $100 for various excursions (eg Dreamworld) Semester Assessment Types Supervised Exams Extended Experimental Investigations Extended Research Tasks Course Content & Notes Key topics: Wave theory and optics Kinematics of collisions Circular motion and astrophysics Nuclear processes and applications of physics to meteorology Electronics and electromagnetism Conservation of energy and quantum physics Sandgate District State High School Page 62 Science in Practice Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Science – SCI101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Written test Experimental reports Research assignment. Course Content & Notes Natural selection & genetics Chemistry – reaction rates Physics – Forces and Motion Earth Science - Universe Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Science in Practice(6248)- SIP111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to a Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Nil Costs Approx. $100 for excursions. Semester Assessment Types Research report and excursion booklet. Report Portfolio Written tests. Key topics: Lab skills and forensics Wine-making Photography Metals Myths in Science Energy converter Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 63 SOCIAL SCIENCES The Social Science Faculty offers five year 10 subjects: History Pathways: History Pathways studies the history of the modern world and Australia from 1918 to the present, with an emphasis on Australia in its global context. It also offers an introduction to Geography. The subject develops skills in research, analysis, evaluation and reflection which lead to authority Social Sciences subjects in year 11 and 12. Geography Pathways: Geography Pathways explores aspects of physical and human environments at local, regional and global scales. It allows students to view aspects of change in environments and populations and to develop strategies to combat issues. It also offers an introduction to History. Students will learn to analyse, evaluate, make recommendations and communicate in styles similar to those in year 11 and 12 Social Sciences subjects. Legal Studies Pathways (with Civics): Legal Studies Pathways focuses on aspects of Australia’s government, justice and court systems that prepare students for the years 11 and 12 Legal Studies program. Students will learn to analyse, evaluate and communicate using appropriate legal terminology and referencing. Certificate II in Active Volunteering (CHC20212) This practical course develops basic generic skills required by all organisations engaging volunteers. It allows students to work within the community on projects matched to their interests. Skills taught include workplace communication and operational knowledge, workplace health and safety and how to be an effective volunteer and team member. Students must complete at least 30 hours of volunteering to achieve this certificate. The course is a competency-based course and students are issued with the Certificate II in Active Volunteering upon successful completion. Certificate I in Tourism (SIT10112) This course provides the skills and knowledge for students to be competent in basic practical tourism skills and provides a pathway to a range of roles in the tourism and hospitality industries, particularly those enterprises with an Indigenous focus. The course is a competency-based course and students are issued with the Certificate I in Tourism upon successful completion. In year 11 and 12, the Social Science Authority subjects offered are: Modern History: Through the study of Modern History, students can understand why our modern world is the way it is. Students can understand the processes of change and continuity that have shaped today’s world, their causes, and the roles people have played in those processes. Students develop these understandings through processes of critical inquiry, debate and reflection, and through empathetic engagement with the standpoint of others. There is a special focus on values. Students begin to decide which values might guide the building of a more democratic, just and ecologically sustainable world for all people. Geography: Geography is the study of the human and natural characteristics of places and the interactions between them. It helps students to develop an informed perspective. This perspective will develop through field work and case studies at local, regional, national and global levels. Geographically informed citizens understand the interdependent nature of the world in which they live to allow them to make informed and reasoned judgments to improve their community, state, country and the world. Sandgate District State High School Page 64 Legal Studies: Legal Studies enables us to be better informed of our legal positions, rights and responsibilities. Active citizens need to investigate and understand the reasons for, and be able to contribute to, the constructive criticism and reform of a legal system that regulates their daily lives. By completing the Senior Legal Studies course, students will develop an enhanced ability to recognise diverse legal situations and issues that arise in their everyday lives and gain knowledge to understand legal frameworks which regulate and shape our society. They will formulate personal views of the legal system and understand how the law affects their world. This will enhance the ability of students to participate as informed, proactive and critical members of society. In year 11 and 12, the Social Science VET subjects offered are: Certificate III in active Volunteering (CHC30612) Active Volunteering incorporates ’life skills’ that are considered necessary for all people to be able to function with a reasonable degree of efficiency and well-being in their contemporary and future life situations in the community. This qualification covers people working in a volunteer capacity and builds on the foundation skills required by all volunteers, to deliver competency outcomes including: Undertaking administrative tasks that involve basic operational knowledge, accessing and recording information and making choices between a limited range of options relevant to the job Acquiring strategies that will assist them as volunteers to communicate more effectively with clients and be able to apply known solutions to a limited range of predictable problems Engaging in safe work practices, and applying basic operational knowledge in a moderate range of areas relevant to the job Developing a defined range of skills that will help assist them as volunteers to work effectively with colleagues (paid and volunteer) and take responsibility for their work output and learning. Certificate II in Tourism (SIT20112) The Certificate II in Tourism course aims to develop understanding, knowledge and appreciation of the industry and its impact on economic, social and environmental aspects of our lifestyle. The course is designed to provide students with intellectual and operational workplace skills as well as developing personal attributes and interpersonal skills. Students will develop specific skills related to the tourism and hospitality industries, as well as marketing strategies of attractions and other tourism sectors. YEAR 10 TERM 1-3 HISTORY PATHWAYS GEOGRPAHY PATHWAYS YEAR 11 &12 TERM 4 MODERN HISTORY GEOGRAPHY MODERN HISTORY AUTHORITY GEOGRAPHY AUTHORITY LEGAL STUDIES PATHWAYS LEGAL STUDIES LEGAL STUDIES AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE I IN TOURISM CERTIFICATE II ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING (WITH CIVICS) CERTIFICATE II IN CERTIFICATE II TOURISM AUTHORITY TOURISM CERTIFICATE II ACTIVE VOL CERTIFICATE III ACTIVE VOLUNTEERING Sandgate District State High School REGISTERED Page 65 Modern History Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code History Pathways– HIS101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Approx. $5 for field trip Semester Assessment Types response to stimulus research task multi-modal presentation Course Content & Notes World War II Migration Rights and freedoms Popular culture (1945 to present) Environment movement Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Modern History (21) - MHS111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 English - C Costs Nil Semester Assessment Types Response to stimulus Extended written response Multi-modal Research essay Editorial Key topics: Studies of conflict: 1.The war to end all wars – the causes of WWI; 2. The failure of peace: the causes of WWII. Studies of power: 1. Powerful groups; 2. Powerful individuals. History and the global perspective: 1.Globalisation of conflict and ideology – the Cold War; 2. ‘Farewell great and powerful friends’ – Australia’s foreign policy to the 1980s; 3. Globalisation and the New World Order; 4. Australia and the world today – Globalisation. Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 66 Geography Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Geography Pathways - GEG101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Approx. $5 for field trip Semester Assessment Types response to stimulus essay short response tests data/practical exercises field report Environmental change and management – local case study Geographies of human well-being Sustaining biodiversity Local environment (independent project) Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Geography (24) – GEG111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 English - C Costs Approx. $50 over two years – 4 field trips Semester Assessment Types Short response tests Stimulus response essay Practical exercise Field Report Key topics: Each semester covers a theme with two topics of study: Resources and Environment – Climate change; Coastal environments. Managing the Natural Environment – Managing catchments; Responding to natural hazards. Social Environments – Sustaining communities; Connecting People and Places. People and Development – Feeding the world’s people; The geography of disease Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 67 Legal Studies Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code Legal Studies Pathways (with civics) - LGL101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Does not contribute towards QCE points or Rank Pre-requisites Nil Costs Approx. $5 for travel to courts Semester Assessment Types Short response test Extended response to stimulus Extended research response: Multimodal Course Content & Notes Governance and government systems in Australia Court system Justice, criminal law, theories of punishment, equality and presumption of innocence Indigenous Australians and the law Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code Legal Studies (29) – LEG111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes to an OP or Rank (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status No VET Pre- requisites Year 10 English - C Costs Approx. $10 over two years – trips to courts and court library Semester Assessment Types Short response test Extended research response: written and multi-modal Extended response test (seen and unseen) Course Content & Notes Key topics: The legal system Criminal law Introduction to civil obligations Civil Wrongs (torts) and the law Family and the law Independent Inquiry Housing and the law Human rights Sandgate District State High School Page 68 Certificate II in Tourism (SIT20112) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code SIT10112 - Certificate I in Tourism – TOC101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards QCE points or Rank (depending on student eligibility) Pre-requisites Nil Costs Approx. $40 Semester Assessment Types May include: Portfolio Report Teacher observation Short Response Test Competencies include: Interpret aspects of local Australian Indigenous culture Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Participate in safe work practices Sell products and services Source and present information Use digital devices Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code SIT202112 - Certificate II in Tourism – VTU111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate II Pre- requisites Nil Costs Approx. $80 over two years Semester Assessment Types Teacher observation Short Response Test Industry Experience Booklet Field work task Report and presentation Portfolio Key topics: Come on, be part of the tourism industry Working in Queensland resorts and attractions Australia and the World Indigenous and update knowledge Course Content & Notes Sandgate District State High School Page 69 Certificate III in Active Volunteering (CHC30612) Year 10 Subject Information Subject Name/Timetable Code CHC20212- Certificate II in Active Volunteering – AVT101 Year 10 Semesters Offered Semester 1 & 2 QCE & Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) Pre-requisites Nil Costs TBA - for materials and enrolment with Volunteering Qld Semester Assessment Types Written and oral components Extended response Short response Forms Students complete core and elective units focussing on working in organisations, communication with others, producing documents and being an effective volunteer. They must also complete 30 hours of volunteer work. Some of these hours will be completed in projects at school but students will need to complete some volunteering hours in community organisations to gain the certificate. Course Content & Notes Year 11 & 12 Subject Information QCAA Subject/Timetable Code CHC30612 - Certificate III in Active Volunteering – SCT111 Year Levels Course of Study Year 11 & 12 OP & OP-Ineligible Rank Status Contributes towards VET (depending on student eligibility) QCE Status Each semester potentially contributes to QCE points VET Status Certificate III Pre- requisites Nil Costs $50 Semester Assessment Types Written and oral components Extended response Short response Forms Group meetings Course Content & Notes Key topics: Be an effective volunteer Participate in WHS processes Communicate appropriately with clients and colleagues Participate effectively in the work environment Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and coworkers Create electronic presentations Support group work activities Assist with recreation games not requiring equipment Sandgate District State High School Page 70 APPENDIX 1 VET Certificates and Units of Competency Course Code Course Title SIT10213 Certificate I in Hospitality Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective BSBWOR203B Work Effectively With Others Core SITXCCS101 Provide Information and Assistance Core SITXWHS101 Participate in Safe Work Practices Core SITXFSA101 Use Hygiene Practices for Food Safety Elective SITHFAB203 Prepare and Serve Non-Alcoholic Beverages Elective SITHFAB206 Serve Food and Beverages Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Course Code Course Title CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Education and Care Provider National Code Deception Bay State High School ( 30380) Title CHCCS400C Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework Core/Elective Core CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence Core CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children Core CHCECE003 Provide care for children Core CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks Core CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers Core CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children Core CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice Core CHCECE010 Support the holistic development of children in early childhood Core CHCECE011 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning Core CHCECE013 Use information about children to inform practice Core CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Core HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting Core HLTWHS001 Participate in work health and safety Core HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people Core CHCORG303C Participate effectively in the work environment Elective HLTHIR403 Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers Elective CHCECE006 Support behaviour of children and young people Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Sandgate District State High School Page 71 Course Code Course Title MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways Provider National Code MEM13014A Skills Tech (31396) Title Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Core MEMPE005A Develop a career plan for the engineering and manufacturing industry Core MEMPE006A Undertake a basic engineering project Core MEM16008A Interact with computing technology Elective MEM16006A Organise and communicate information Elective MEMPE003A Use oxy-acetylene and soldering equipment Elective MEMPE002A Use electric welding machines Elective MEMPE001A Use engineering workshop machines Elective MSAPMSUP106A Work in a team Elective MEM18001C Use hand tools Elective MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations Elective Core/Elective Core Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Course Code Course Title AUR20712 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation Provider National Code SkillsTech (31396) Title Core/Elective AURAEA2002 Apply environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace Core AURAFA2003 Communicate effectively in an automotive workplace Core AURAFA2004 Solve routine problems in an automotive workplace Core AURASA2002 Apply safe working practices in an automotive workplace Core AURETR1003 Apply automotive electrical system fundamentals Core AURLTA1001 Apply automotive mechanical system fundamentals Core AURTTK2002 Use and maintain workplace tools and equipment Core AURJTA1001 Perform minor adjustments to motorcycles Elective AURJTA1002 Remove and replace motorcycle components and accessories Elective AURJTD2002 Inspect and service motorcycle steering systems Elective AURRTE1001 Prepare outboard engines for wet-run testing Elective AURRTE2002 Service outboard engines and components Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Sandgate District State High School Page 72 Course Code Course Title BSB10115 Certificate I in Business Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others Core BSBCMM101 Apply basic communication skills Elective BSBIND201 Work effectively in a business environment Elective BSBITU101 Operate a personal computer Elective BSBITU102 Develop keyboard skills Elective BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily activities Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Course Code Course Title BSB20115 Certificate II in Business Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others Core BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace Elective BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers Elective BSBIND201 Work effectively in a business environment Elective BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed document Elective BSBITU202 Create and use spread sheets Elective BSBITU302 Elective BSBITU303 Create electronic presentations Design and produce text documents BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Elective BSBWOR204 Use business technology Elective BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily activities Elective BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others Elective Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Sandgate District State High School Page 73 Course Code Course Title BSB30115 Certificate III in Business Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective BSBWHS302 Apply knowledge of WHS legislation in the workplace Core BSBCMM301 Process customer complaints Elective BSBCUS301 Deliver and monitor a service to customers Elective BSBITU302 Elective BSBITU303 Create electronic presentations Design and produce text documents BSBITU304 Produce spread sheets Elective BSBITU306 Elective BSBPRO301 Design and produce busiess documents Recommend products and serivces BSBSUS301 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainbale practices Elective BSBWOR204 Use business technology Elective BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development Elective BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Elective Elective Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Course Code Course Title SIS30313 Certificate III in Fitness Provider Binnacle (31319) National Code Title National Code SISXOHS101 Core SISXIND101A Follow occupational health and safety policies Maintain sport, fitness and recreation equipment for activities Work effectively in a sport and recreation environment SISSSPT303A Conduct basic warm-up and cool-down programs Core SISFFIT311AD Deliver approved community fitness programs Core SISFFIT302A Provide quality service in the fitness industry Core SISFFIT301A Provide fitness orientation and health screening Core SISFFIT307A Undertake client health assessment Core HLTAID003 Core SISFFIT304A Provide first aid Provide healthy eating information to clients in accordance with recommended guidelines Instruct and monitor fitness programs SISFFIT308A Plan and deliver gym programs Core SISXFAC207 SISFFIT306A Core Core Core Core SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities Core Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness SISFFIT305A Core context Develop and apply an awareness of specific SISFFIT303A Core populations to exercise delivery Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Sandgate District State High School Page 74 Course Code Course Title ICT10115 Certificate I in Information, Digital Media & Technology Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective ICTICT101 Operate a personal computer Core ICTICT102 Operate word-processing applications Core ICTICT103 Use, communicate and search securely on the internet Core ICTICT104 Use digital devices Core ICTICT105 Operate spread sheet applications Elective ICTICT106 Operate presentation packages Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Course Code Course Title ICT20115 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media & Technology Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Core BSBITU302 Create electronic presentations Elective BSBWHS201 Contribute to Health and safety of self and others Core ICTICT201 Use computer operating systems and hardware Core ICTICT206 Install software applications Specified Elective ICTICT202 Work and communicate effectively in an IT environment Core ICTSAS206 Detect and protect from spam and destructive software Specified Elective ICTSAS301 Run standard diagnostic tests Elective ICTICT204 Operate digital media technology package Core ICTICT203 Operate application software Core ICTICT205 Design basic organisational documents using computing packages Specified Elective ICTICT207 Integrate commercial computing packages Specified Elective ICTWEB201 Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement Core BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Sandgate District State High School Page 75 Course Code Course Title CHC20212 Certificate II in Active Volunteering Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective CHCADMIN201D Core CHCORG202C Undertake basic administrative duties Communicate with people accessing the services of the organisation Work with others CHCVOL201B Be an effective volunteer Core HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS processes Core BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents Follow policies, procedures and programs of the organisation Support the activities of existing groups Elective CHCCOM201C CHCORG201C CHCGROUP201C Core Core Elective Elective Elective ICAICT103A Use, communicate and search securely on the internet Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Course Code Course Title CHC30612 Certificate III in Active Volunteering Provider Volunteering Queensland (6020) National Code Title Core/Elective CHCVOL201B Be an effective volunteer Core HLTWHS200A Participate in whs processes Core CHCCOM302D Communicate appropriately with clients and colleagues Core CHCORG303C Participate effectively in the work environment Core CHCCS400C Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework Core HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and coworkers Core HLTAID003 Provide first aid Elective BSBITU302B Create electonric presentations Elective CHCGROUP302D Support group work activities Elective SISCCRO301A Assist with recreation games not requiring equipment Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Sandgate District State High School Page 76 Course Code Course Title SIT10112 Certificate I in Tourism Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective SITTGDE101 Interpret aspects of local Australian Indigenous culture Core SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices Core ICAICT104A Use Digital Devices Elective BSBSUS201A Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices Elective SITXCOM101 Source and Present Information Elective Elective Sell Products and Services SITXCOM101 Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Course Code Course Title SIT20112 Certificate II in Tourism Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective SITTIND201 Source and use information on the tourism and travel industry Core SITXCCS202 Interact with customers Core SITXCOM201 Show social and cultural sensitivity Core SITTIND201 Source and use information on the tourism and travel industry Core SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices Core SITTGDE101 Interpret aspects of local Australian Indigenous culture Elective SITXCOM101 Source and present information Elective SITTTSL301 Provide advice on international destinations Elective SITTTSL302 Provide advice on Australian destinations Elective SITTTSL202 Access and interpret product information Elective BSBITU301B Create electronic presentations Elective SITTGDE306 Research and share general information on Australian Elective Indigenous Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Sandgate District State High School Page 77 Course Code Course Title CUA20113 Certificate II in Dance Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective BSBWORK203B Work Effectively with other Core CUADAN201 Develop basic dance techniques Core CUADAN202 Incorporate artistic expression into basic dance performance Core CUAPRF201 Prepare for performances Core CUAWHS Follow safe dance practices Core CUSWHS201 Develop basic level of physical condition for dance performance Core CUFIND201A Develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge Elective CUADAN205 Perform contemporary dance technique Elective CUADAN208 Perform basic street dance technique Elective CUADAN209 Perform basic cultural dance technique Elective CUASTA201 Develop basic staging skills Elective CUASTA202 Assist with bump in and bump out of shows Elective Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Course Code Course Title FSK20113 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways Provider Sandgate District State High School (30432) National Code Title Core/Elective FSKDIG03 Use digital technology for routine workplace problems Core FSKLRG09 Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems Core FSKLRG11 Use routine strategies for work-related learning Core FSKNUM14 Calculate with whole numbers and familiar faractions, decimals and percentages for work Estimate, measure and calculate routine metric measurments for work Interact effectively with others at work Core Core FSKWTG09 Read and respond to routine workplace information Write routine workplace texts BSBCMM201A Communicate in the Workplace Elective BSBIND201A Work Effectively in a business environment Elective BSBWHS201A Contribute to health and safety of self and others Elective FSKRDG09 Read and respond to routine standard operating procedures Elective FSKLRG10 Use Routine Strategies for career planning Elective FSKNUM15 FSK OCM07 FSKRDG10 Core Core Core FSKOCM06 Use oral communication skills to participate in workplace Elective teams Disclaimer: The school reserves the right to cancel or suspend the vocational component of the course should it not be able to meet the human resources standards as outlined in the ASQA Guidelines or the physical resources as detailed in the relevant training package Sandgate District State High School Page 78