СJSC «ESIS» Fittings for electric power lines of 6 - 1150 kV 1 Contents 1. COUPLING FITTINGS ……………………………3 2. SUSPENSION FITTINGS ………………………..53 3. TENSION FITTINGS ………….…………………..68 4. CONNECTING FITTINGS ………………………..83 5. CONTACT FITTINGS ..…………………………..88 6. PROTECTION FITTINGS ………………..………93 2 1. COUPLING FITTINGS «BALL EYES» Ball eyes of this type are intended for assembling insulating strings in overhead power transmission line conductors and earthwires. Ball of the ball eye couples with an insulator cap or a socket eye. Socket dimensions of caps and socket eyes shall comply with the ball dimensions of the ball eyes as specified in GOST 27396-93. Coupling dimensions of the tongue shall comply with GOST 11359-75 requirements. Ball eyes meet Specs (TU) 3449-105-00111120-94 requirements. Reinforcement COUPLING (towing): BALL EYES (EARRIGS) SOCKET EYES (ЕARS) - type У-У1-У1К, У2-У2К, УСУСК ATTACHMENT JOINTS (MOUNTS) - type КГП, КГТ-КГП, КГТ-КГ, КГН SHACKLES (BRACES) - type СК-СКД,СКТ. LINKS INTERMEDIATES - type ПР-2ПР, ПРТ, ПРВ-ПТР, ПРС, ПРР-2ПРР, ПТМ. - type SR, SRS, SRC YOKES (ROCKER) - type 2КУ-3КУ, 4КУ-5КУ-6КУ-8КУ, К22КД, 2КД2, 3КД2-3КБ-4КД2-КТЗ, 2КЛ-3КЛ-4КЛ-5КЛ-8КЛ. BALL EYES of СР type Earrings type СР and СРС designed to produce insulating suspension wires and lightning protection cables and overhead power lines must meet TU 3400130441.005-95. 3 Earrings pestle must be connected to a cap center or eye. The dimensions of the socket insulator caps and lug must meet conventional size pistils earrings. Earrings odnolapchatoy eye must be connected to the valve, which has dvuhlapchatuyu eye. Breaking load earrings must meet failure load, connects with her clutch fittings. Choosing earrings for completing insulation hangers and rope fixtures overhead power lines is made depending on the type of center or eye. СР 4 (7, 12, 16, 30, 40) fittings type measurements, mm СР-4-11 СР-7-16 СР-12-16 СР-16-20 СР-21-20 СР-30-24 d 11,9 17 17 21 21 25 D 15 17 23 26 29 38 b 14 16 22 25 28 36 Н 50 65 65 70 80 100 СР-40-28 29 42 40 120 4 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass,, kg 40 70 120 160 210 300 0,12 0,3 0,41 0,55 0,65 1,35 400 1,73 BALL EYES of СРС type СРС 4 (7) fittings type СРС-4-11 СРС-7-16 СРС-7-16А measurements, mm d 11,9 17 17 D 17 23 17 Н 46,5 65 55,5 b 11 17 14 5 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass,, kg 40 70 70 0,12 0,32 0,26 СР-40ТВ11 (СР-40ТВ31) Weight - 0,15 кg СРС-40ЕВ11, СРС-70/40Е 6 Dimensions, mm Designation d D СРС-40ЕB11 18 42 СРС-70/40ЕВ 20 44 Weight, кg 0,15 СР-4/7-11/16 (СР-70/40ТВ) Weight - 0,16 кg 7 СРС-40ЕВ11 Weight- 0,198 кg 8 SOCKET EYES Socket eyes of this type are intended for coupling a pin of a string insulator unit or a ball eye with a line fitting. Socket of the ball and socket coupling of the socket eye is designed in compliance with GOST 27396-93 requirements. Coupling dimensions of the tongue shall comply with GOST 11359-75 requirements. Socket eyes are supplied complete with W-clips intended for locking of insulator pins or ball eye balls. Socket eyes meet Specs (TU) 3449-111-00111120-95 requirements. Eyelets (junction socket hole (lug)) for air overhead line of electricity transmission give issued the following types: У – ears (lugs) shortened У1 – oneclawed (onearme) (valved) (junction socket (hole) lug) ears; У1K –oneclawed (valved) (junction socket (hole) lug) ears cropped; У2 – doubledclawed (valved) (junction socket (hole) lug) ears; У2k – doubledclawed (valved) (junction socket (hole) lug) ears cropped; УС - ears (lugs)with a special curved finger (pin); УСC - ears shortened with a special bent finger (pin). For locking the rod bushing and pestle in a nest earrings ears (lugs) supplied with W-shaped locks. 9 SOCKET EYES of У1, У1К type а) fittings type У1-4-11 У1-7-16 У1-12-16 У1-16-20 У1-21-20 У1-30-24 У1-40-28 У1К-716 б) measurements, mm Н D1 В D 80,5 96,5 102, 5 113, 5 130, 5 150, 0 190, 0 77 12,5 19,2 19,2 23,0 23,0 27,5 32,0 19,2 14 16 22 25 28 36 40 16 15 17 23 26 29 38 42 17 10 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 40 70 120 160 210 300 400 70 Mass, pictur e. kg 0,53 0,67 1,05 1,60 2,24 5,04 8,13 0,62 а а а б б б б SOCKET EYES of У2, У2К type а) fittings type У2-7-16 У2-12-16 У2-16-20 У2-21-20 У2-30-24 У2К-7-16 б) measurements, mm Н 95,5 102,5 113,5 139,0 150,0 77,0 D1 19,2 19,2 23,0 23,0 27,5 19,2 В 17 23 26 29 38 17 d 16 22 25 28 36 16 11 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg picture. 70 120 160 210 300 70 0,98 1,52 2,17 3,56 6,43 0,98 а а б б б SOCKET EYES of У2К-7-16 type Socket eyes of this type are intended for coupling a pin of a string insulator unit or a ball eye with a line fitting. Socket eyes meet Specs (TU) 3449-111-00111120-95 requirements. Ultimate mechanical strength - 40 kN Mass - 0,29 kg 12 SOCKET EYES of УС, УСК type Socket eyes of this type are intended for coupling a pin of a string insulator unit with a shackle of SK type or a suspension clamp. Socket eyes meet Specs (TU) 3449-111-00111120-95 requirements. а) fittings type УС-7-16 УС-12-16 УС-16-20 УС-21-20 УС-30-24 УС-40-28 УСК-7-16 УСК-12-16 УСК-16-20 УСК-21-20 УСК-30-24 УСК-40-28 б) measurements, mm Н 104 113 132 145 164 200 67 78 90 90 100 127 А 19,2 19,2 23,0 23,0 27,5 32,0 19,2 19,2 23,0 23,0 27,5 32,0 В 110 122 146 169 198 237 110 125 142 158 197 237 d 18 25 28 28 36 42 18 25 28 28 36 42 13 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 70 120 160 210 300 400 70 120 160 210 300 400 Mass, kg picture. 1,25 2,0 2,90 4,71 7,50 12,50 1,2 2,1 3,30 4,17 7,40 11,30 а а а а а а б б б б б б ATTACHMENT JOINTS Attachment Joints (Mounts (fastening hubs)) types of КГП, КГ, КГТ, and КГН are designed for mounting tension and supporting insulating suspensions (hangers) to the supports of overhead transmission lines and distribution systems. Mountings of the type quark-gluon plasma to support the insulation hangers have a mechanical strength that the failure load(ensures indicating destructive) at specified angles of deflection of insulating suspensions(hangers) of up to 45 graphs (degrees) both along and transverse to the axis of the transmission line traverses. The mount is designed for grades КГП-9/12-3 mounting tension insulating suspension destroyed depleting(failure) load of 90 kN (9 ton) for deflection angles up to 30 degrees in the plane of the U-bolt and 20 degrees in the plane perpendicular to it. In the mode of fastening the supporting insulating suspension hanger) mount failure (destructive) load is 120 kN (12 ton). Mountings of the type quark-gluon plasma have dimensions corresponding to the size of the unified fastened intermediate supports (pylons). Mounts such as КГ is a stronger version of mounting tension and supporting insulation hangers. They are designed for a range of destructive loads from 120 to 400 kN and ensures reliability when operating in dynamic and fluctuating horizontal and vertical GOVERNMENTAL loads. In the attachment sites of the type CG after tightening bolts U-bolts, nuts, recorded (fixed) from self unscrewing (punching). The mount stamps КГТ-7-1 is designed to support the suspension mount lightning protection cables to wooden supports (pylons). 14 Mounts isolating suspension type REAG used on special transitions with laРГe mechanical loads and allow to bind to the supports, and other tubular structures. Mounts are mounted on a support between the two parallel kerchiefs. Mounts mounts types of КГП, КГ, КГТ, and КГН are designed for mounting tension and supporting insulating suspensions to the supports of overhead transmission lines and distribution systems. Mountings of the type quark-gluon plasma to support the insulation hangers have a mechanical strength that the failure load at specified angles of deflection of insulating suspensions of up to 45 graphs (degrees) both along and transverse to the axis of the transmission line traverses. The mount is designed for grades КГП-9/12-3 mounting tension insulating suspension destroyed depleting(failure) load of 90 kN (9 ton) for deflection angles up to 30 degrees in the plane of the U-bolt and 20 degrees in the plane perpendicular to it. In the mode of fastening the supporting insulating suspension mount failure load is 120 kN (12 ton). Mountings of the type quark-gluon plasma have dimensions corresponding to the size of the unified fastened intermediate supports. Mounts such as КГ is a stronger version of mounting tension and supporting insulation hangers. They are designed for a range of destructive loads from 120 to 400 kN and ensures reliability when operating in dynamic and fluctuating horizontal and vertical GOVERNMENTAL loads. In the attachment sites of the type CG after tightening bolts U-bolts, nuts, recorded from self (unscrewing, punching). The mount stamps КГТ-7-1 is designed to support the suspension mount lightning protection cables to wooden supports. Mounts isolating suspension type REAG used on special transitions with laРГe mechanical loads and allow to bind to the supports, and other tubular structures. Mounts are mounted on a support between the two parallel kerchiefs. 15 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГП-7-1 type Ultimate mechanical strength - 90/120 kN Mass - 0,7, kg 16 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГП 7-3 type fittings type measurements, mm Н d 80 32 80 39 100 38 16 20 24 L КГП-7-3 КГП-16-3 КГП-21-3 a max 8 16 16 17 а min 6 12 12 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg 70 160 210 0,44 0,81 1,22 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГП 7-2Б (В) type fittings type measurements, mm L Н H1 d КГП-7-2Б 80 116 39 КГП-7-2В 80 96 32 20 16 а а max min 16 8 18 12 6 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg 70 70 1,12 0,7 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГП- 7-Г (Е, Д) type fittings type measurements, mm КГП-7-2Г а а max min 50 31 23 16 8 6 5 24 8 16 8 50 32 6 5 8 80 22 14 16 8 6 L КГП-7-2Д КГП-7-1Е Н H1 4 d Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg 70 1,26 70 1,28 70 0,97 7 19 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГП 4-1 (7,12,16) type fittings type КГП-4-1 КГП-7-1 КГП-12-1 КГП-16-1 КГП-16-2 КГП-21-2 measurements, mm L Н H1 d В d1 80 80 80 100 80 100 77 82 104 113 109 118 22 18 21 18 19 14 16 16 20 24 20 24 15 17 23 26 26 29 14 16 22 25 25 28 a а max min 8 8 16 16 16 16 6 6 12 12 12 12 20 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg 40 70 120 160 160 210 0,6 0,8 2 2,43 2 3 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГП 7-1А (Б) type fittings type measurements, mm В d1 60 194 130 16 17 50 229 165 16 17 55 266 183 20 23 44 95 12 20 23 16 16 22 22 L КГП-7-1А КГП-7-1Б КГП-12-1А КГП-9/12-2С Н H1 d 21 А а max min 8 6 8 6 16 12 18 12 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg 70 70 120 120 1,02 1,1 2,56 1,7 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГТ-7-1 type Ultimate mechanical strength - 70 kN Mass -3,7 kg 22 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГ-1 type Ultimate mechanical strength, 40 kN Mass 0,26, kg 23 ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГ 12 (16,21,30,40) type fittings type measurements, mm L Н H1 d Ultimate mechanical strength, kN КГ-12-1 КГ-12-3 85 85 92 - - 16 16 120 120 2,11 1,2 КГ-16-1 КГ-21-3 КГ-25-3 КГ-30-3 КГ-40-3 97 95 100 118 138 99 - 9 - 20 20 24 24 30 160 210 210 210 210 3,22 2 2,9 3,6 6,47 24 Mass, kg ATTACHMENT JOINTS of КГН-7-5(12,16,21,30,60…) type а) fittings type КГН-7-5 КГН-12-5 КГН-16-5 КГН-21-5 КГН-30-5 КГН-45/30-1А КГН-45-5 КГН-60-5 КГН-75-5 КГН-90-5 КГН-135-5 б) measurements, mm В L Н H1 D d Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 16 22 25 28 36 40 40 45 50 56 110 60 70 70 85 100 115 115 125 140 145 175 120 160 160 180 200 242 220 220 - 105 140 140 160 180 190 200 200 230 230 270 17 23 26 29 38 42 42 47 52 58 72 32 40 40 50 56 56 70 75 85 90 110 70 120 160 210 300 450 450 600 750 900 1350 25 Mass, kg picture. 3,07 5,2 5,22 10,1 15,6 16 23,6 29 41,30 47,0 53,89 а а а а а а а а а а б SHACKLES Shackles of this type (Braces are designed) to go with the swivel chain connection on the connection type of "finger-lugs", change the location of the axis of hinge, coupling fittings, designed for different loads. Brackets are available in three types: • СК, СКД - hinge bracket with a chain; • СКТ- staples threeclawed (threearm) flat. Staples types of СК and СКД have on the one hand doubleclawed GOST 11359-75 eyelet, on the other hand ¬ HN provide a swivel chain connection to the same standard. Staples such as СК can make the transition from the shackles of a number of loads on adjacent brackets (pain Sheha (laРГe) or smaller) number of loads through the chain link. Staples such as extended access control have increased building height. Their use in isolating suspension(hangers) is recommended only in exceptional cases where the staples of normal length, for any reason not to apply. Staples such as СКТ threeclawed type have on the one hand oneclawed (onearme) eyelet with a compound according to GOST 11359-75, and on the other hand doubleclawed (doubledarme) eyelet on the same standard. 26 SHACKLES of СК type СК 4 (7,12,16,21…….360) fittings type СК-4-1 СК-7-1А СК-12-1А СК-16-1А СК-21-1А СК-25-1А СК-30-1А СК-60-1А СК-75-1А СК-90-1А СК-110-1А СК-120-1 СК-135-1 СК-180-1 СК-270-1 СК-360-1 СКД-10-1 СКД-12-1 СКД-16-1 СКД-21-1 СКД-30-1 СКД-45-1 measurements, mm В 15 17 23 26 29 34 38 47 52 58 62 67 72 82 110 128 19 23 26 29 38 42 Н 45 50 65 70 75 90 100 125 125 150 150 180 180 220 270 320 80 82 105 115 120 170 d 10 14 18 20 24 26 28 38 40 48 53 60 60 70 85 95 16 18 20 24 28 34 d1 14 16 22 25 28 32 36 45 50 56 60 65 70 80 108 125 18 22 25 28 36 40 27 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 40 70 120 160 210 250 300 600 750 900 1100 1200 1350 1800 2700 3600 100 120 160 210 300 450 Mass, kg 0,2 0,38 0,91 1,22 1,82 2,33 2,97 6,44 10,91 12,22 16,43 22,5 23,2 35,9 66 111,7. 0,67 1,16 1,36 2 3,10 6,03 SHACKLES of СКТ type СКТ 4 (7,12,16,21,30,45,53,60) Shackles of this type are intended for twisting the tongues of fittings to be connected. Shackles meet Specs (TU) 3449-107-00111120-94 requirements. fittings type СКТ-4-1 СКТ-7-1 СКТ-12-1 СКТ-16-1 СКТ-21-1 СКТ-30-1 СКТ-35-1 СКТ-45-1 СКТ-53-1 СКТ-60-1 measurements, mm Н 60 60 70 80 90 110 110 120 130 150 В 15 17 23 26 29 38 40 42 44 47 b 14 16 22 25 28 36 38 40 42 45 D 15 17 23 26 29 38 40 42 44 47 28 d 14 16 22 25 28 36 38 40 42 45 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 40 70 120 160 210 300 350 450 530 600 Mass, kg 0,24 0,46 0,93 1,52 1,96 3,53 4,60 6,52 7,43 9,52 INTERMEDIATE LINKS INTERMEDIATE LINKS of ПР type Links intermediates intermediates are intended to increase and regulate the length of the suspension(hangers), the transition from one type of connection to another, change the location of the axis of hinge, coupling fittings, designed for different load Noah. Intermediate links allow you to implement: • extension of insulating suspensions (hangers) (units types ПР, 2ПР, ПРТ); • changes in the plane of the hinge (such as ПРВ, links); • adjustment of the radial type rocker 3КЛ, 5КЛ, 8КЛ (links 2ПРР type); • Ease of installation (units of type PTM); • transition compounds with different reinforcement failure load (units of transitional type of PRT, PRS); • the transition from the compound "finger-eye" to the chain compound (such as ПРС units). Intermediate links of this type are intended for adjusting the length of an insulator set. Intermediate links meet Specs (TU) 3449-109-0011112095 requirements. 29 INTERMEDIATE LINKS of ПР type extension of insulating suspensions (hangers) (units types ПР, 2ПР, ПРТ); ПР 7 (12,16……135) а) 30 б) fittings type measurements, mm ПР-4-1 ПР-7-6 ПР-12-6 ПР-16-6 ПР-21-6 ПР-25-6 ПР-30-6 ПР-35-6 ПР-45-6 ПР-53-6 ПР-60-6 ПР-75-6 ПР-90-6 ПР-110-6 ПР-120-6 ПР-135-1 D 15 17 23 26 29 34 38 40 42 44 47 52 56 60 65 69 b 14 16 22 25 28 32 36 38 40 42 45 50 56 60 65 69 L 85 70 85 100 105 110 130 140 150 165 185 195 215 240 260 350 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 40 70 120 160 210 250 300 350 450 530 600 750 900 1100 1200 1350 - 31 Mass, kg Picture. 0,14 0,44 0,65 0,89 1,75 2,35 3,24 4 5,3 6,38 8,9 11,6 14,87 20 29,6 20,4 б а, б а а б б б б б б б б б б б а Twin-plate INTERMEDIATE LINKS of 2PR type Intermediate links of this type are intended for adjusting the length of an insulator set. Intermediate links meet Specs (TU) 3449-109-0011112095 requirements. fittings type 2ПР-4-1 2ПР-7-1 2ПР-12-1 2ПР-16-1 2ПР-21-1 2ПР-25-1 2ПР-30-1 2ПР-45-1 measurements, mm L B D Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 50 50 85 100 105 110 130 150 15 17 23 26 29 34 38 42 14 16 22 25 28 32 36 40 40 70 120 160 210 250 300 450 32 Mass, kg 0,33 0,49 1,25 1,87 2,73 3,68 5,31 7,67 Cranked intermediate links of ПРТ type ПРТ 7 (12,16,21,30,…120) Intermediate links of this type are intended for adjusting the length of an insulator set. Intermediate links meet Specs (TU) 3449-109-0011112095 requirements. 33 fittings type ПРТ-4-1 ПРТ-7-1 ПРТ-12-1 ПРТ-16-1 ПРТ-21-1 ПРТ-60-1 ПРТ-7/4-1 ПРТ-7/12-2 ПРТ-7/16-2 ПРТ-7/21-2 ПРТ-12/4-1 ПРТ-12/7-2 ПРТ-12/16-2 ПРТ-12/21-2 ПРТ-12/45-2 ПРТ-16/12-2 ПРТ-16/21-2 ПРТ-16/25-2 ПРТ-16/30-2 ПРТ-16/45-2 ПРТ-21/12-2 ПРТ-21/16-2 ПРТ-21/30-2 ПРТ-21/45-2 ПРТ-21/60-2 ПРТ-25/12-2 ПРТ-25/16-2 ПРТ-25/21-2 ПРТ-30/12-2 ПРТ-30/21-2 ПРТ-30/60-2 ПРТ-35/21-2 ПРТ-45/7-1 ПРТ-45/12-2 ПРТ-45/30-2 ПРТ-120/60-1 ПРТ-120/90-1 measurements, mm В B1 Н D D1 15 17 23 26 29 47 15 23 26 29 15 17 26 29 42 23 29 34 38 42 23 26 38 42 47 23 26 29 23 29 47 29 40 23 38 47 58 14 16 22 25 28 45 16 16 16 16 22 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 28 32 32 32 36 36 36 38 17 40 40 65 65 75 70 100 110 115 185 85 95 95 105 90 95 110 110 150 110 115 125 125 145 110 115 140 150 170 135 125 140 140 140 175 150 72 150 160 275 275 15 17 22 26 29 47 17 17 17 17 23 23 23 23 23 26 26 26 26 26 29 29 29 29 29 34 34 34 38 38 38 40 17 42 42 67 67 14 16 23 25 28 45 14 22 25 28 14 16 25 28 40 22 28 32 36 40 22 25 36 40 45 22 25 28 22 28 45 28 40 22 36 45 56 34 Ultimate Mass, kg mechanical strength, kN 40 70 120 160 210 600 40 70 70 70 40 70 120 120 120 120 160 160 160 160 120 160 210 210 210 120 160 210 120 210 300 210 70 120 300 600 900 0,3 0,462 1,145 1,43 2,30 9,78 0,35 0,9 0,96 1,1 0,41 0,7 1,6 1,7 3,43 1,5 1,9 2,17 2,63 3,94 1,5 1,8 3,67 4,8 6,15 1,74 1,98 2,96 1,9 3,1 8,3 3,6 2,42 2,1 5,78 19,5 20,8 Twisted intermediate links of ПРВ type changes in the plane of the hinge (such as ПРВ, links) ПРВ 7 (12,16….135) fittings type measurements, mm ПРВ-4-1 ПРВ-7-1 ПРВ-12-1 ПРВ-16-1 ПРВ-21-1 ПРВ-30-1 ПРВ-45-1 ПРВ-53-1 ПРВ-60-1 ПРВ-75-1 ПРВ-90-1 ПРВ-110-1 ПРВ-120-1 ПРВ-135-1 L 85 130 140 150 150 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 350 D 15 17 23 26 29 38 42 44 47 52 58 62 67 72 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 40 70 120 160 210 300 450 530 600 750 900 1100 1200 1350 b 14 16 22 25 28 36 40 42 45 50 56 60 65 69 35 Mass, kg 0,14 0,43 0,74 0,91 1,3 2,5 4,1 5,4 6,5 8,2 11,2 15 16 23 Adjustable intermediate links of ПРР type ПРР 4 (7,12,16, 21….120) а) б) 36 в) fittings type measurements, mm L ПРР-4-1 440 ПРР-7-1 490 ПРР-12-1 550 ПРР-12-1А 490 ПРР-16-1 550 ПРР-16-1А 490 ПРР-21-1 750 ПРР-30-1 750 ПРР-35-1 950 ПРР-45-1 950 ПРР-53-1 950 ПРР-60-1 950 ПРР-90-1 1400 ПРР-120-1 1450 В b D d Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 15 17 23 23 26 26 29 38 40 42 44 47 58 67 14 16 22 22 25 25 28 36 38 40 42 45 56 65 15 17 23 23 26 26 29 38 40 42 44 47 58 67 14 16 22 22 25 25 28 36 38 40 42 45 56 65 40 70 120 120 160 160 210 300 350 450 530 600 900 1200 37 Mass, kg Picture. 0,95 2,08 3,69 3,38 5,0 4,6 8,76 14,65 20,51 23,0 26,68 31,65 65,56 102,4 б а б б б б б б б б б б в б Adjustable intermediate links of ПТР type ПТР 7 (10,12,16, 21, 25,30) fittings type ПТР-7-1 ПТР-10-1 ПТР-12-1 ПТР-16-1 ПТР-21-1 ПТР-25-1 ПТР-30-1 measurements, mm L 618 618 700 738 802 854 913 Imax 1min 827 590 819 586 935 664 963 698 1015 754 1100 802 1161 857 В 17 20 24 27 30 36 36 d 14 16 18 20 24 26 28 38 а 45 45 55 55 65 70 75 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg 66,64 (6,8) 88,26 (9,0) 117,68(12,0) 156,9(16,0) 205,94(21.0) 245,16(25,0) 294,2 (30,0) 3,0 3,8 5,7 7,2 9,5 13,8 17,4 Twin-plate intermediate links of 2ПРР type adjustment of the radial type rocker 3КЛ, 5КЛ, 8КЛ (links 2ПРР type); 2ПРР 7 (12,16…30) fittings type 2ПРР-7-2 2ПРР-12-2 2ПРР-12-2А 2ПРР-16-2 2ПРР-16-2А 2ПРР-21-2 2ПРР-25-2 2ПРР-30-2 measurements, mm L B D Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 245 275 245 275 245 375 375 375 17 23 23 26 26 29 34 38 16 22 22 25 25 28 32 36 70 120 120 160 160 210 250 300 39 Mass, kg 1,2 2,1 1,98 2,9 2,714 4,87 6,42 8,41 Mounting intermediate links of ПТМ type Ease of installation (units of type ПТМ) ПТМ 7 (12,16,21,30….120) fittings type ПТМ-4-1 ПТМ-7-2 ПТМ-12-2 ПТМ-16-2 ПТМ-21-2 ПТМ-30-2 ПТМ-35-2 ПТМ-45-2 ПТМ-53-2 ПТМ-60-2 ПТМ-75-2 ПТМ-90-2 ПТМ-120-2 measurements, mm H L D В b d Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 75 80 100 110 115 140 150 160 165 185 195 220 300 50 60 80 90 90 100 110 120 140 140 120 140 140 15 17 23 26 29 38 40 42 44 47 52 58 67 15 17 23 26 29 38 40 42 44 47 52 58 67 14 16 22 25 28 36 38 40 42 45 50 56 65 14 16 22 25 28 36 38 40 42 45 50 56 65 40 70 120 160 210 300 350 450 530 600 750 900 1200 40 Mass, kg 0,43 0,7 1,8 2,2 2,5 6,7 9,4 11,6 13,6 17,35 23,5 31,36 50,8 Mounting intermediate links of ПТМ 7 (12,16,21,30) type fittings type ПТМ-7-3 ПТМ-7-3А ПТМ-12-3 ПТМ-12-3А ПТМ-16-3 ПТМ-16-3А ПТМ-21-3 ПТМ-30-3 measurements, mm L 50 50 70 70 80 80 80 100 D 17 17 23 23 26 26 29 38 В 17 17 23 23 26 26 29 38 d 16 16 22 22 25 25 28 36 41 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg 70 70 120 120 160 160 210 300 0,7 0,6 1,8 1,7 2,4 2,3 3,08 6,72 YOKES (ROCKER) Rocker arm assembly used in the double circuit or multichain(multicircuit) insulation hangers to ensure uniform distribution of load between the individual chains of insulators by means of articulation. Beam is also used for joining the single circuit isolating suspensions of two, three or more phase conductors. Structurally, the rocker performed universal, and oneribed(, doubleribed. However, they can be double circuit, three circuit, three-prong, a four, five-way, eight, balance and special. Two edge rockers of all versions are equipped with a threaded end of the fingers, nuts and holders (latches). The special type of rocker rocker are КЛ. Rocker type КЛ used for the union of all chains of insulators after the installation and ensure reliable operation ting line at one chain is broken in two and isolating three circuit suspension, one or even two chains of insulators - in four and five circuit suspension, preventing the fall of the wire to the ground. Rockers are set to stretch isolating suspension with separate attachment to the support of two, three, four, five and eight wires of the split phase. The rays of the beam are attached to the fingers(pins) of the intermediate links of variable types and ПРР, 2ПРР. № Name of products Weight, kg № Name of products Weight, kg № Name of products 1 2КУ-121 4,800 24 2 2КУ-122 11,400 25 3КУ135-1 69,000 47 3КЛ290-3 91,000 3КУ180-1 136,000 48 3КЛ2120-1 213,000 42 Weight, kg 3 2КУ-301 8,200 26 4КУ-451 29,300 49 3КЛ2180-1 457,000 4 2КУ-302 13,000 27 5КУ-251 30,150 50 3КЛ2180-2 263,000 5 2КУ-451 10,420 28 5КУ-601 76,000 51 4КL225-1 44,600 6 2КУ-452 14,000 29 6КУ-451 54,620 52 КТЦ-7-1 1,500 7 2КУ-601 28,800 30 8КУ-531 66,800 53 ЗKБ-211 25,800 8 2КУ-602 17,000 31 К2-7-1S 1,500 54 ЗKБ-401 61,200 9 2КУ-603 13,900 32 К2-12-2 2,500 55 ЗKB-451 65,800 10 2КУ-901 31,800 33 2КЛ2-71S 1,460 56 ЗKБ-601 90,800 11 2КУ-901А 25,000 34 2КЛ212-1S 21,700 57 ЗKБ-901 212,000 12 2КУ120-1 29,800 35 2КЛ-122S 10,200 58 ЗKБ-902 108,000 13 2КУ135-1 44,300 36 2КЛ-252 20,900 59 ЗKБ120-1 278,000 14 2КУ-252 16,500 37 2КЛ-162А 0,800 60 ЗKБ120-3 188,000 15 2КУ-752 21,800 38 2КЛ-211 9,650 61 ЗKБ180-2 650,000 16 2КУ-751 15,800 39 2КЛ-304 19,300 62 ЗKБ180-4 429,000 43 17 2KУ120-2 100,600 40 2KД-403 16,800 63 ЗKБ270-1 18 2KУ180-1 67,300 41 2KД230-1 24,300 64 2КУ12/16-1 14,600 19 2KУ270-1 129,600 42 2KД2240-1 429,000 65 3КУ-213 48,400 20 3KУ-161 9,000 43 2KД2240-2 375,000 66 4КУ-212 74,600 21 3KУ-451 20,200 44 2KД2240-3 436,000 67 5КУ12/21-1 53,100 22 3KУ-601 24,700 45 3KД240-1 38,000 68 5КУ-401 149,000 23 3KУ-301 18,200 46 3KД260-1 56,600 69 8КУ-162 156,600 Rocker type 2KУ 44 945,000 Mark rocker L D D1 H H1 Weight, Failure load, кg not less, kN 2КУ-12-1 400 20 14 190 93 4,8 120 2КУ-12-2 600 20 14 315 110 11,4 120 2КУ-30-1 450 28 20 213 94 8,2 300 2КУ-30-2 500 32 20 256 101 13,0 300 2КУ-45-1 400 36 24 183 100 10,42 450 2КУ-45-2 450 36 24 268 100 14,0 450 2КУ-60-1 600 42 28 360 110 28,8 600 2КУ-60-2 450 42 28 250 111 17,0 600 2КУ-60-3 400 42 28 220 111 13,9 600 Mark rocker 2КУ-90-1 L D D1 H H1 Weight, Failure load, кg not less, kN 600 48 34 352 119 31,8 900 2КУ-90-1А 450 48 25,0 900 2КУ-120-1 400 60 38 396 119 29,8 1200 2КУ-135-1 600 60 40 396 155 44,3 1350 2КУ-25-2 600 28 20 370 100 16,5 250 2КУ-75-2 550 42 32 270 100 21,8 750 2КУ-75-1 400 42 32 270 100 15,8 750 145 45 2КУ-120-2 1100 56 38 640 120 100,6 1200 2КУ-180-1 600 70 48 412 132 67,3 1800 2КУ-270-1 600 85 60 590 185 129,6 2700 Rocker type 3КУ Rocker type 3КУ are designed to distribute the load between the individual circuits insulators. Suitable for mounting the three wires to the insulator. Support the connection of the chain type. 3КУ-16/60-1 3КУ-30-1 46 3КУ-135/180-1 Mark rocker D D1 Н H1 Н2 L Failure load, Weight, not less, kN кg ЗКУ-16-1 26 14 280 70 400 160 9,0 ЗКУ-45-1 42 22 330 70 400 450 20,2 ЗКУ-60-1 47 24 350 90 400 600 24,7 ЗКУ-З0-1 38 18 290 68 400 300 18,2 ЗКУ-135-1 60 36 485 120 400 195 1350 69,0 ЗКУ-180-1 70 40 555 120 600 190 1800 136,0 Rocker universal type 4KУ, 5KУ, 6KУ and 8KУ 4КУ-45-1 5КУ-25-1 5КУ-60-1 Failure load - 450 кN Weight - 29,3 кg. Failure load - 250 кN Weight - 30,15 kg. Failure load - 600 кN Weight - 76,0 kg. 47 6КУ-45-1 8КУ-53-1 Failure load - 450 кN Weight - 54,62 kg. Failure load - 530 кN Weight - 66,8 kg. Rocker double circuit type K2 Rocker double circuit type K2 with one point of attachment are for joining the single circuit isolating suspension of two wires phase power lines. Dimesion, mm Mark rocker К2-71С К2-12-2 С Н D 120 70 17 150 60 23 48 В d - - - - Failure load, кN Weight, kg 70 1,5 120 2,5 Rocker double circuit type 2КД 2КД-12/25-2 Mark rocker D D1 В В1 В2 2КД-1232 2С - 34 - Н L 105 108 200 2КД-2522 5 23 17 70 2 70 800 Weight, kg Failure load, not less, kN 10,2 250 20,9 120 Designed to distribute the load between the individual circuits insulator suitable for fixing two wires to insulator strings. 49 2КД-16-2А Double circuit rocker 2KД-16-2A with a mounting point is used for connection to single-circuit isolation suspension of two phase wires on transmission lines. The distance between the attachment points of chains of insulators - 400 mm. The minimum breaking load - 60 кN. Weight - 0,8 kg. From one point of attachment 2КД-21-1, 2КД-30-4, 2КД-40-3 Designed to distribute the load between the individual chains of insulators used for mounting two wires to insulator strings. 50 Rocker double circuit type 2КД2 2KД2-7-1С 2KД2-12-1С Dimension, mm Failure load, кN Mark rocker 2KД2-7-1С 2KД2-121С С Н 120 70 800 175 D - В d 17 16 23 22 Weight, kg 70 1,46 120 21,70 Rocker double circuit type 2КД one mounting point designed for connection to a single circuit isolation suspensions two phase conductors on power lines. 51 2KД2-240-1/3 Dimension, mm Mark rocker Н Н1 I 2KД2-2401 2760 2958 600 2KД2-240-2 2953 3143 600 1200 2KД2-240-3 2825 3015 960 2700 L L1 2700 Weight, kg 2158 429 1565 2158 375 3065 2158 436 3065 52 Failure load, кN SUSPENSION FITTINGS This section includes clips supporting the deaf for one or more wire hangers multi-idler, races spanking clips and special support (pylons). DEAD END SUSPENSION CLAMPS (Clamps support (pylons) Supporting deaf blind clamps are designed for mounting wires and lightning protection wires (steel channel cent) of insulating suspensions(hangers), as well as lightning protection cables for attaching directly to the intermediate supports(pylons) of overhead power lines. Terminals supporting deaf divided into groups by appointment: • Clamps for one wire in the phase types of PG and PGN; • Clamps for two, three, four, five and eight types of wires in the phase 2PGN, 3PGN, 4PGN, 4PGN2, 5PGN, 5PGN2, and 8PGN2, 8PGN4. • Clamps for outdoor switchgear brands 2PGN-5-1 and 3PGN-5-1. • Clamps for areas of frequent icing brands PGN-5-4 and 3PGN2-5-1 and 3PGN2-5-4. • Terminals for the three wires AS-500/336 brands 3PGN-6-1 and 3PGN2-6-1. • Clamps for hollow aluminum wires brands PGN-6-9, PGN-8-6, 3PGN-8-1 and 4PGN2-8-2. • Terminals for the intermediate-type angular bearings PGU, 2PGU and 3PGU and 5PGU2. • Suspensions(hangers) Multi-Idler. In addition to these major groups supporting the clamps on the power lines and substations is used a number of other supporting terminals and devices over a narrow purpose. 53 CLAMPS REFERENCE - type 2АА-3АА SUSPENSION MULTI-IDLER - tP4R, P6R, 2P6R, 3P6R, 5P6R SPACERS REMOTE (special) - type RS-2RS, 3RS, 4RS-4RD-5RS, 6RS8RS DEAD END SUSPENSION CLAMPS of ПГ type Suspension clamps of this type are intended for fastening conductors and earthwires to insulator sets of intermediate and angle towers of overhead power transmission lines. Suspension clamps meet Specs (TU) 3449-126-00111120-97 requirements. Dead end suspension clamps of ПГ-1 type Ultimate mechanical strength, 6 kN Mass 0,38, kg 54 Dead end suspension clamps of ПГ 1-11 (3-10) type fittings type measurements, mm L ПГ-1-11 wire or rope Ultimate mechanical strength, kN Mass, kg 60 3,7 60 5 l 240 88 190 112 канат Ø11, Ø 13 пров: АС 70/72 ПГ-3-10 300 88 215 128 AC 95/141 канат с сечением 276,34 55 Dead end suspension clamps of ПГ 2-11А type Suspension clamp of this type is intended for fastening 8.0...10.5 mm diameter earthwires to insulator sets of overhead power transmission lines. Minimum failing load - 25 kN. Weight - 1.14 kg. Suspension clamp meets Specs (TU) 3449-126-00111120-97 requirements. fittings type wire measurements, diameter, mm mm Н b d ПГ-2-11А 6,9...9,0 89 19,2 16 ПГ-2-11Б 9,2...12,6 89 19,2 16 ПГ-3-12 12,5...19,6 100 19,2 16 56 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 25 25 30 Mass, kg 0,9 0,9 1,25 Dead end suspension clamps of ПГ-2-11Д type Ultimate mechanical strength, 25 kN Mass 0,94, kg 57 DEAD END SUSPENSION CLAMPS of ПГН type Dead end suspension clamps of ПГН-1 (3,5) type Suspension clamps of this type are intended for fastening one conductor to insulator sets of 35-, 110-, 220 kV power transmission lines. Suspension clamps meet Specs (TU) 3449-126-00111120-97 requirements. fittings type measurements, mm ПГН-1-5 ПГН-2-6 ПГН-3-5 L 192 192 220 Н 93 93 99 h 55 55 66 b 17 17 20 wire diameter, mm 6,4-9,0 9,2-12,6 13,5-19,8 58 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 25 25 25 Mass, kg 0,7 0,7 1,1 Dead end suspension clamps of ПГН-2-6А type Suspension clamp of this type is intended for fastening one steel conductor (49, 40) and a diameter of 9.2...11.5 mm or an earthwire (49, 32, 57, 18, 65, 63) to insulator sets of 35-, 110-, 220 kV power transmission lines. Minimum failing load - 25 kN. Weight - 0.94 kg. Suspension clamp meets Specs (TU) 3449-126-00111120-97 requirements. Ultimate mechanical strength, 25 kN Mass 0,94, kg 59 Dead end suspension clamps of ПГН-5-3 type Suspension clamp of this type is intended for fastening 21.6...33.2 mm diameter conductors (aluminium, aluminium-steel, copper) to insulator sets of 35-, 110-, 220 kV power transmission lines. Ball and socket coupling dimensions is 16 mm as specified in GOST 27396. Minimum failing load - 60 kN. Weight - 5.5 kg. Suspension clamp meets Specs (TU) 3449-126-00111120-97 requirements. Ultimate mechanical strength, 60 kN Mass 5,5, kg 60 Dead end suspension clamps of ПГН-5-6 type Suspension clamp of this type is intended for fastening 21.6...33.2 mm diameter conductors (aluminium, aluminium-steel, copper) to intermediate and angle towers of overhead power transmission lines. Minimum failing load - 60 kN. Weight - 5.0 kg. Suspension clamp meets Specs (TU) 3449-126-00111120-97 requirements. Ultimate mechanical strength, 60 kN Mass 5,0, kg 61 CLAMPS REFERENCE type 2АА-3АА 2АА-4-3, 2АА-5-3, 2АА-6-3 The reference type clamp s 2AA-4-3, 2AA-5-3, Dimension, mm Type For wire diameter, mm Н max r Weight, кg 2АА-4-3 17,5-22,1 68 11,0 0,79 2АА-5-3 24,0-29,4 73 14,5 0,82 2АА-6-3 30,0-36,2 78 18,0 0,85 The reference type clamps 2AA-4-3, 2AA-5-3, 2AA-6-3 (for two cables in phase) are mounted on columns insulators ONSH types and OS, are used as bus-bar supports, outdoor switchgear. 62 2АА-8-1 Dimension, mm Type For wire diameter, mm 2АА-8-1 45,0 Н max г 81 22,5 Weight, кg 2,67 The reference terminal 2AA-8-1 for two cables PA500, mounted on columns insulators ONSH types and OS, are used as bus-bar supports, outdoor switchgear 63 3АА-8-1 Dimension, mm Type ЗАА-8-1 For wire diameter, mm 45,00 Н max r 101 22,5 Weight, кg 5,33 Defensive clamp 3AA-8-1, for the three wires PA500, mounted on columns insulators ONSH types and OS, are used as bus-bar supports, outdoor switchgear 64 SUSPENSION MULTI-IDLER type П4Р, П6Р, 2П6Р,3П6Р,5П6Р. Suspension of four roller П4Р-12-1 Mark suspension П4Р-12-1 Mounted steelaluminum wire 0 11,5-18,5 mm Mounted ropes Failure load, Weight, GOST 3063-80 kN, not less кg S70-S200 Ø 11,5-18,5 mm 120 87 Suspension chetyrehrolikovy P4R-12-1 is designed for suspension wire ropes at intermediate supports large transitions. Suspensions of six roller П6Р-30-1, П6Р-45-1 65 Mark suspension Type of wire, rope Weight, кg Failure load, not less, kN П6Р-30-1 AS Ø 24,137,5; BS Ø 28-33; B Ø 9,2-22,8; S Ø 23,5-7,0 203 300 П6Р-45-1 ASUS-300 (Ø 36,9); BS 253/196,5; BS 309/134; S 420-S 500 224 450 Designed for hanging steel-aluminum, bronze, steel wire and bronze wire rope at intermediate supports large transitions. Suspension Multi-Idler 2П6Р-30-2А Mark suspension Mounted ropes GOST 3063-80 Diameter steel cables to GOST 3063-80 Failure load, not less, kN Weight, кg 2П6Р-30-2А АS Ø 24,137,5 S Ø 23,5-27,0 660 510 Clip supports 2П6Р-30-2A is designed for suspension wire ropes and steel-aluminum wire at intermediate supports large transitions. 66 Suspension of six roller 5П6Р-150-1 Mark suspension Diameter steel Mounted ropes cables to GOST GOST 3063-80 3063-80 5П6РП-150- АS 500/336 Ø 1 37,5 S Ø 23,5-31,0 Failure load, not less, kN Weight, кg 1500 2540 Suspension of six roller 5P6R-150-1 is designed for suspension 5-wire transitions 1150 kV overhead line. SPACERS REMOTE (special) type РС-2РС, 3РС, 4РС-4РД5РС, 6РС-8РС 67 TENSION FITTINGS Armature tensioner comprises tensioning clips of various kinds, which are intended for fixing the wires and cables to the anchor-suspensions tensioning corner supports. Clamps of the load tensioning cables (ropes) in normal mode, when exposed to wind and ice. Clamps, perceiving the load of the tension of wires and cables must provide strength sealing wires (cables) is not less than 90% of the design strength of the wires (cables) to the gap. And also need to ensure a reliable electrical connection. Relative resistance electrical contact terminals, wherein the wire (rope) is cut should not exceed unity. Depending on the configuration and installation tension clamps are divided into wedge, bolted, wedged, compressible, fang. Tension fittings: - destination: BOLTED TENSION CLAMPS WEDGED TENSION CLAMPS CLAMP TIGHTЕNING SWAGE CLAMP TIGHTЕNING MOUNTING 68 BOLTED TENSION CLAMPS of НБ end НЗ type Tension fittings include tension clamps of various kinds, which are used to fix the wires and cables to the tension-tension pendants corner supports. Clamps the load of tension wires (cables) in normal mode when exposed to wind and ice. Clamps, seeing loads of tension wires and cables must provide strength sealing wires (cables) is not less than 90% of the theoretical strength of the wires (cables) on the break. And also to ensure a reliable electrical connection. Relative resistance electrical contact to the terminals where the wire (rope) is cut, should not exceed one. Depending on the design and method of mounting tension clamps are divided into wedge, bolt, wedge, compressible, fang. BOLTED TENSION CLAMPS of НБ-1 type Types of flaps are bolted for aluminum, steel-aluminum and copper conductors from 70 to 300 mm2. Ultimate mechanical strength - 40 kN Mass - 0,5, kg 69 BOLTED TENSION CLAMPS of НБ-2-6 type Tension clamp of this type is intended for fastening conductors (aluminium, aluminium-steel, copper) of 11.4...17.0 mm diameter. Minimum failing load - 57 kN. Weight - 2.0 kg. Tension clamp meets GOST R 51177 requirements. Types of flaps are bolted for aluminum, steel-aluminum and copper conductors from 70 to 300 mm2. Ultimate mechanical strength - 57 kN Mass - 2,0 kg 70 BOLTED TENSION CLAMPS of НЗ-2-7 type Flaps jammed НЗ-2-7 is designed for aluminum, steel-aluminum and copper conductors 70-150 mm2 suspensions tension-tension corner supports. Clamp type НЗ-2-7 Mark wire GOST 83980 Punchdown strength, kN А120 17,7 А150 20,5 М120 39,2 АS70/11 21,1 АS95/16 29,2 АS120/19 37,4 АS120/27 44,5 АS150/19 41,7 АS150/24 47,0 Failure load, kN, not less Weight, кg 57 1,67 Ultimate mechanical strength - 57 kN Mass - 1,67 kg 71 WEDGED TENSION CLAMPS of НК-1-1 type Tension clamp of this type is intended for fastening power line conductors (aluminium-steel) of 4.5...9.6 mm diameter (wedge No. 1), earthwires of 6.6...9.2 mm diameter (wedge No. 2). Minimum failing load - 60 kN. Weight - 0.9 kg. Tension clamp meets Specs (TU) 3449131-00111120-97 requirements. Wedged tension clamp of НКК-1-1Б type Flaps wedge brand НК-1-1 is designed for terminating and capture copper and aluminum conductors from 16 to 95 mm2 in order to consolidate them for tension insulator strings on-tension angular transmission towers and switchyard. Mounting clamp wedge type does not require cutting the wires. Ultimate mechanical strength - 60 kN Mass - 0,9 kg 72 Clamp НКК-2-1 Mark wire Number GOST 839wedge 80 2 - Diameter of the rope, mm to GOST 3063-80 to GOST 3071-74 11,0 13,5 15,5 Failure load, kN, not less Weight, кg 120 3,10 Flaps wedge koushny НКК-2-1 is designed for attaching wire rope diameter from 11.0 to 15.5 mm for tension-tension pendants corner supports. Clip НКК-2-1 is equipped with a supply of wedges, which number should be indicated, depending on the wire size and diameter of the rope used on the line. Mounting clamp wedge type does not require cutting the wires. 73 CLAMP TIGHTЕNING SWAGE Armature tensioner comprises tensioning clips of various kinds, which are intended for fixing the wires and cables to the anchor- suspensions tensioning corner supports. Clamps of the load tensioning cables (ropes) in normal mode, when exposed to wind and ice. Clamps, perceiving the load of the tension of wires and cables must provide strength sealing wires (cables) is not less than 90 % of the design strength of the wires (cables) to the gap. And also need to ensure a reliable electrical connection. elative resistance electrical contact terminals , wherein the wire (rope) is cut should not exceed unity. Depending on the configuration and installation tension clamps are divided into wedge, bolted, wedged, compressible, fang. For fixing of steel-aluminum wire 240 mm2 and up to sling tension overhead power lines are usually applied tension clamps compressible. Clips stretch compressible For fixing of steel-aluminum wire 240 mm2 and up to sling tension overhead power lines are usually applied tension clamps compressible . НАС-240/1200-1 74 НАС type clamps consist of a steel anchor with eye, which crimped steel core wire and an aluminum body with a tail that is mounted opressovaniem and provides mechanical terminations and electrical contact between the conductive part of the cable and a wire in the loop. The design of this type of clamp is such that the plane of the clamping opressovanii eyes can be any, depending on the conditions of acquisition insulating suspension and direction of the wire, leaving a trail. Nominal Cross-section of wires, mm2 Crimping matrix (body / anchor) AS 185/24; AS185/29 А-44/S-22 AS205/27; AS240/32 А-44/S-23 240/39; 185/43 А-44/S-23 AS240/56 А-44/S-23 AS300/39 А-46/S-22 AS300/48; AS330/43 А-46/S-23 НАС 330-2 AS330/30 НАС 300-1 L, мм Breaking load, kN, not less Weight, kg, not less 375 84,43 2,18 375 91,01 2,16 385 116,76 2,23 А-46/S-23 385 99,95 2,25 AS330/66; AS300/67 А-46/S-27 413 142,05 2,69 НАС 400-1 AS400/18; AS400/22 А-50/S-23 425 107,0 2,66 НАС 450-1 AS400/51; AS400/64; AS450/56 А-50/S-27 443 147,79 3,18 Mark clip НАС240-1 НАС 240-2 НАС330-1 75 НАС 500-1 AS500/26; AS500/27 А-50/S-23 453 126,62 2,85 НАС600-1 AS500/64; AS400/93 AS550/71; AS600/72 А-56/S-33 525 206,81 4,72 НАС700-1 AS650/79; AS700/86 А-66/S-33 572 245,0 6,84 НАС800-1 AS750/93; AS800/105 НАС1200-1 AS 1200/67 582 АSH-70/S36 671 6,91 266,2 9,48 НС-50/300-3, НС-108-1 Tension Clamps type НС are designed for attachment to the anchor of the steel ropes used on overhead power lines as wires or lightning protection cable ties. 76 L d Breaking load, kN, not less S-20 285 18 90,375 1,25 72,95; 80,61; 74,65 S-24 320 20 126,25 1,73 НС100-3 94,44; 101,72 S-28 355 24 136,875 2,66 НС120-3 117,90; 116,89 S-30 405 26 169,375 3,45 НС140-3 135,28; 141,37 S-30 405 26 178,125 3,45 НС150-3 153,84 S-34 435 28 202,5 4,57 НС170-3 173,60; 168,17 S-35 435 28 228,75 4,57 НС220-3 197,29; 217,70 S-40 485 34 286,25 6,79 НС230-3 228,74 S-40 485 34 284,375 6,79 НС260-3 262,51 S-42 530 34 327,5 8,01 НС300-3 298,52 S-44 540 36 371,875 8,70 НС108-1 108 405 26 Mark clip The calculated cross-sectional area, mm2 Crimping matrix НС50-3 50,45; 48,64; 49,32; 57,33 НС70-3 77 Dimension, mm Weight, kg, not less 3,35 Clips stretch compressible For fixing of steel-aluminum wire 240 mm2 and up to sling tension overhead power lines are usually applied tension clamps compressible. ТРАС-240/1200-1/2 Tension clamps type ТРАС are used in the implementation of transposition transposition of steel-aluminum wires for support. Clamps type ТРАС structure similar terminals and with the same anchor, but clamp body has a bore on the other hand, since the output to the loop wires is performed in the direction of flight. Mark clip ТРАС240-1 Nominal Cross-section of wires, mm2 Crimping matrix (body / anchor) AS 185/24; AS 185/29 А-44/S-22 AS205/27; AS240/32 А-44/S-23 78 L, мм Breaking load, kN, not less Weight, kg, not less 375 84,43 2,18 ТРАС240-2 240/39; 185/43 А-44/S-23 AS240/56 А-44/S-23 AS300/39 А-46/S-22 AS300/48; AS330/43 А-46/S-23 ТРАС330-2 AS330/30 ТРАС300-1 375 91,01 2,16 385 116,76 2,23 А-46/S-23 385 99,95 2,25 AS330/66; AS300/67 А-46/S-27 413 142,05 2,69 ТРАС400-1 AS400/18;AS400/22 А-50/S-23 425 107 2,66 ТРАС450-1 AS400/51; AS400/64; AS450/56 А-50/S-27 443 147,79 3,18 ТРАС500-1 AS500/26; AS500/27 А-50/S-23 453 126,62 2,85 ТРАС600-1 AS500/64; AS400/93; AS550/71; AS600/72 А-56/S-33 525 206,81 4,72 ТРАС700-1 AS650/79; AS700/86 А-66/S-33 572 245 6,84 ТРАС1200-1 AS 1200/67 АSH-70/S36 671 266,2 9,48 ТРАС330-1 НАСУС-70/500-1, НАСУС-70/500ZS-1 Tension-type clamps compressible НАСУС designed for installation of steel-aluminum wires of high strength, which are used in the construction of special passages overhead lines across rivers and other obstacles. 79 Mark clip Make wire GOST 83980 Crimping matrix (body / anchor) Dimension, mm S d L Breaking load, kN, not less Weight, kg, not less НАСУС70-1 AS70/72 А-36/S-23 22 23 535 96,83 2,6 НАСУС95-1 AS95/141 А-46/S-30 28 29 635 180,78 6,14 НАСУС185-1 AS185/128 А-46/S-30 28 29 325 206,79 6,46 НАСУС300-1 AS300/204 А-51/S-36 38 40 710 320,15 8,6 НАСУС500-1 AS500/336 МSH-65/S42 44 48 975 524,98 23,7 НАСУС70ZS-1 АZS70/39 А-З6/S-23 22 23 350 73,13 1,67 НАСУС500ZS-1 АZS500/336 578 18,1 МSH-65/S45 47 1000 43 80 Clips stretch compressible For fixing of steel-aluminum wire 240 mm2 and up to sling tension overhead power lines are usually applied tension clamps compressible. НМБ-95/400-1 Clips stretch compressible type НМБ designed to fix the copper and bronze wire sizes from 95 to 400 mm2 tensioning pendants overhead transmission lines and substations busbars. Dimension, mm L d С Diameter copper wires, mm НМБ-95-1 356 16 70 12,6 1,74 НМБ-120-1 450 18 90 14,0 3,29 НМБ-150-1 450 18 90 15,8 3,24 НМБ-185-1 500 18 90 17,6 4,19 НМБ-240-1 570 20 110 19,9 6,38 НМБ-300-1 785 26 122 22,1 11,40 НМБ-400-1 785 26 122 22,5 10,50 Mark clip 81 Weight, kg, not less НАП Mark clip Mark Matrix wires crimping Dimension, mm L d Breaking load, kN, not less 605 23 68,8 8,0 70,0 10,0 НАП500-3 PА605 НАП640-1 PА450 МSH-70 405 17 НАП500-4 PА605 605 23 А-59 А-59 Weight, kg, not less 7,74 Tension-type clamps compressible НАП is designed to anchor mounting of hollow aluminum wires to a tension insulating suspension. 82 CONNECTING FITTINGS Connecting fittings designed to connect the wires and cables overhead power lines to transmit the load current, and mechanical tension. By connecting nozzles include oval, spot color, compressible, loop, grounding clamps and repairs. By mounting clips are divided into: compressible, oval (assembled by compression or twisting) and spot (tightening bolts). Clips transient loop Clips transient loop used in case there is a need to implement the split of the wires. Clamps consist of two aluminum contact tabs sometimes copper clad. Paws clips on the ends of the wires crimped and bolted. CONNECTOR FITTINGS: CLAMP - type СОАС, СОМ Connectors end COMPRESSION-TYPE Connectors (CLAMP JUNCTION SWAGE) - type САС, САСУССАП, СВС, sleeves ГКСА JUNCTION OVAL Bolted connectors (CLAMP A SPOT) - type ПС-ПА, ПАМ-ПАБ CLAMP TRANSITIONAL LOOP - type ПП, ППТ ПАС, ППР COMPRESSION-TYPE EARTHING CLAMPS (CLAMP EARTH) - type ЗПС-3, ЗПС-3V CLAMP REPAIR- type РАС 83 COMPRESSION-TYPE Connectors of САС type Connectors of this type are intended for connecting aluminiumsteel conductors. Connectors meet Specs (TU) 3449-005-40064547-01 requirements. Reference designation in Latin letters САС-300-1 САС-500-1 САС-600-1 САС-500-2 САС-400-2 САС-500-3 Dimensions, mm Clamping Conductor Minimum Weight, strength, diameter, failing kg L l D kgf mm load, kN 81.5 24.0 580 80 54 90.5 24.1 116.7 2.74 93.5 25.4 108.4 27.5 660 80 58 116.2 27.7 147.7 3.32 118.2 28.8 149.5 32.4 750 90 65 206.8 4.53 165.4 33.2 100.9 30.0 660 80 58 126.6 3.33 101.2 29.4 660 90 58 156.3 29.1 195.1 3.46 750 80 65 133.4 30.6 166.7 4.42 84 Connectors of СВС type Connectors of this type are intended for connecting earthwires. Connectors ensure clamping strength of min. 90% of the tensiler strength of the earthwire. Connectors meet Specs (TU) 3449-130-00111120-97 requirements. fittings type measurements, mm СВС-50-3 СВС-70-3 СВС-100-3 СВС-120-3 СВС-135-3 СВС-150-3 СВС-200-3 СВС-260-3 СВС-300-3 9,1...9,2 11 13 14 15 16 18 21 22,5 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN d D L 14,5 17,5 21 22,5 24 25,5 29,5 33,5 34 85 26 30 36 40 40 42 48 56 60 80 85 90 95 100 110 120 120 120 Mass, kg 0,22 0,3 0,47 0,64 0,63 0,75 1,05 1,4 1,7 Bolted connectors of ПС type Bolted connectors of this type are intended for earthing of earthwires in 35-, 110 kV power transmission lines. Bolted connectors meet Specs (TU) 3449-115-00111120-95 requirements. Bolted connectors of ПС 1 (2, 3) type fittings type wire diameter, measurements, mm mm А L М ПС-1-1 5,5...8,6 28 70 36 ПС-2-1 9,1...12,0 34 70 36 ПС-3-1 12,5...14,0 34 92 42 86 Ultimate mechanical strength, kN 2,5 2,5 2,5 Mass, kg 0,373 0,42 0,75 Bolted connectors of ПА end ПАМ type Connectors of this type are intended for connecting aluminium and aluminium-steel conductors in loops of anchor towers in overhead power transmission lines. Connectors meet Specs (TU) 3449-11500111120-95 requirements. Reference designation A in Latin letters 20 ПА-1-4 30 ПА-2-4 Dimensions, mm B L l R H 30 46 36 47 52 60 23 32 4.0 6.0 87 Conductor Weight, diameter, kg mm 5.1...8.4 9.6...11.4 0.12 0.24 CONTACT FITTINGS For the implementation of the branches of the wires and attach the wires to the terminals on the unit used in terminals of different designs. The terminals are not designed to effect significant mechanical loads. Effort, providing contact wire- clamp is in them due to tie bolts (bolt clamps) or opressovaniem (hardware, junction compression clamps). To destination terminals are divided into: junction serving for the implementation of a branch ( branch line ) from the wire to the machine; hardware, providing connection wires to the terminals on the unit; It should be understood that the bolt contacts require periodic inspection and tightening of bolts. Special attention should be given to ensure the reliability of contacts in the transition from aluminum to copper wiring terminals on the unit. In these cases, the aluminum legs are copper plated terminals , avoiding the loss of contact due to electrolytic corrosion, especially when moisture . Direct bolting aluminum clamps with copper pin devices is not allowed. CONNECTION CLAMP Clips junction Clips junction OA type used for aluminum and steel-aluminum wire, type OM - for copper wire, type of PDA - for aluminum hollow wires. Clips junction compressible have the following notation for example, in the mark of OA -70 -1: 0 - clamp tap-off; 88 And - for aluminum ( steel-aluminum ) wires; 70 - conductor cross-section in mm2 is designed for clamp ; 1 - serial number of the clip. Plug- compressible junction type clamps ROA apply in cases where it is necessary to perform an offshoot of the systems in substations with mounted busbar, for example, the expansion of the substation. Crimped terminals junction of the split type OSA. used for overhead low voltage power lines. Clamp -type tap-off CAP for aluminum hollow wires are used in outdoor switchgear busbars (ORU) to perform the descent to the apparatus. HARDWARE CLAMPS AOA -clamps are used for performing branches in the spans PA500 power line wires. The structure of the housing clamp clips included tapbrand PDA -500 and hardware brands A2AP -500 -2 . Hardware clamp Clamps hardware designed for attachment to the apparatus and terminals for connection to the tap-off clamps. Hardware clamp compressible are denoted as follows, for example, in the brand A4A -95 -8 : A - clamp hardware; 4 - the number of holes in the contact foot ; And - for aluminum (steel-aluminum) wires; 89 M - for copper wires; AP - for hollow aluminum wire. 95 - conductor cross-section in mm2 is designed for clamp; 8 - number of models of the clip. Hardware clamp used to attach two, three, four and five wires to the terminals on the unit. Connection with the conclusion of the contact tabs machine screws provided, the number of which can be 2, 4, 6, and more/ There are two versions of clips: 1st version - the supply lines to the unit wires are perpendicular to the plane of the contact legs; 2nd version - the wires are parallel to the axis of the contact legs. Aluminum hardware terminals, which are attached to the copper terminals of the unit, have a copper contact plate welded to the body by cold welding or aluminum foot, copper-clad. Sometimes the legs are covered with a layer of copper clamps deposited by electroplating. Clips are mounted on the wires compressible opressovaniem using hydraulic presses. Each clip is labeled, the trademark of the plant, year of manufacture. Electrical resistance connected via terminals of the electric wires is greater than the resistance wire length equal to the length of the assembled clamp. Heating clip mounted to the wire by passing current through them to the maximum allowable current density of the wire is not more than the heating of the wire. Durability hollow sealing wires mounted with a slit in the junction terminals, provides at least 90 % of the strength of a wire. Mounting clamps must be performed in strict accordance with the requirements of the installation instructions and the instructions in the drawings. 90 Hardware clamp with strain of thermal expansion Clamps hardware with thermal expansion compensating marks AA 211 and AA 213 are intended for fastening a tire diameter pipe 140/120 mm to terminals apparatus. Clamps consist of two tubular holders tires, one of which is rigidly fixed to a tubular tire, and another bracket mounted on the output device allows the tubular tire to move relative thereto in an axial direction when temperature changes length tubular tire. Holders interconnected bus compressors. Comply with the requirements of GOST 13276-79. CONNECTION CLAMPS of 3ПС type 91 fittings type measureme nts, mm Mass, kg ЗПС-35 I 82 L 102 0,276 ЗПС-50 91 111 0,337 ЗПС-70 105 125 0,489 ЗПС-100 117 137 0,69 ЗПС-170 128 148 0,84 ЗПС-140 148 168 0,94 92 PROTECTION FITTINGS Fittings protector is designed to protect the insulation hangers, insulators, conductors, lightning protection cables from electrical and mechanical effects that cause deterioration or damage to the overhead of separate elements. To apply a protective fixture; strut spacers, vibration dampers, ballasts, safety and protective sleeves, rings, protective screens, mount displays, horn bit. SPACERS, Dead end spacers of РГ type (spacers remote) (DISTANCE PIECE, PHASE IN REMOTE DISTANCE) Spacers intended to maintain a predetermined distance phase conductors of overhead power lines and the outdoor switchgear, and to reduce the wires in subkolebany podproletah. Spacers are available types of WG, the VRA, 4РГ, 5РГ, 8РГ, P, PV, РГIF. Dies spacers of all kinds (except for the deaf sub-station of the type P) consist of an aluminum alloy and are unified for all types of braces and traction (for WP, PN, РГIF) or welded frame (for others). The use of non-magnetic alloy plates reduces losses in the reversal. Spacers withstand compressive and tensile force of at least 2kN directed along the axis of the rod. Force preceding offset plates mounted on the wire must be not less than 2kN. Spacers type РГ, as well as planar struts are equipped with captive screws, tightening plates with steel plates that protect the plate from wear and tear when you move. To prevent loosening bolts on the struts mounted bendable lock washers. 93 Dampers (Vibration) Dampers are installed on the wires and cables of power lines to prevent them from damaging the fatigue stresses caused by vibration. For installation on overhead wires are used vibration dampers such as hepatitis B, CMO, or PIP. To install on wires big transitions - such as dampers GPG with a " blind " attachment or vibration dampers such as GPS reset. Vibration dampers are equipped with all types of dies with lower magnetic losses. Dampers (Rings and protective screens) Rings and protective screens used in tension insulator sets VL 330 kV and above to align the distribution level of the voltage drop on the insulators and protect the valve from the corona. The screens are also used to support the transition of large pods, the overhead line voltage of 500 kV and above in the case of terminal type PSU, as well as the 1150 kV overhead lines in those cases where this is provided by the project . Horn bit Horns are designed to create a bit of spark discharge gap insulators suspension lightning protector protects the cable from the electric arc. Ballasts The ballasts are used in power transmission lines that ran along the rugged terrain, to prevent "pull" wires. By supporting clamps suspended loads compensating ballasts, the required weight is determined by calculation. 94 SPACERS, Dead end spacers of РГ type Dead end spacers of РГ type used for installation of hollow wire type PA500 at busbar substation applied deaf strut-type РГ-5 Dimension, Wire diameter, Breaking load, Weight, mm Mark spacers mm kN kg L B b РГ-1-З00 300 РГ-1-400 400 25 4 РГ-1-500 500 РГ-2-300 300 РГ-2-400 0,624 15,2-18,9 0,964 1,96 1,114 1,6 30 8 21,6-26,6 400 1,8 95 РГ-2-485 485 2,0 РГ-2-500 600 2,2 РГ-2-600 600 2,0 РГ-2-650 650 2,3 РГ-3-400 400 1,8 РГ-3-500 500 2,0 27,5-30,6 РГ-3-600 600 2,2 РГ-3-650 650 2,3 Dead end spacers of 3РГ type Strut-type spacers are designed to keep the 3РГ at a given distance of three phase conductors of overhead power lines and open distribution devices. 96 Mark spacers Dimensions, mm Wire diameter, mm Breaking load, kN Weight, kg L 2R ЗРГ-3-400 400 30 27,5-30,6 1,96 3,40 ЗРГ-3400А 400 30 27,5-30,6 1,96 4,10 ЗРГ-5-1 400 46 45/37 2,0 3,33 ЗРГ-5-1А 400 46 45/37 2,0 4,55 Dead end spacers of 4РГ type Dead end spacers of 4РГ type to hold on specified distance of 4 phase conductors of overhead power lines and open distribution devices. 97 Mark spacers 4РГ-3400 Make wire GOST 839-80 Wire diameter, mm 4РГ-3600 Weight, kg А and АКP АS, АSКS, АSКP, АSК 500 400/64; 400/93 550 500/27; 500/64 6,04 450/56; 300/204 7,41 L 2R 4,97 27,5-30,6 4РГ-3400А Dimensions, mm 27,5-30,6 400 600 30 30 4РГ-3600А 8,24 4РГ-4400 550/71; 500/204 4РГ-4400А 500/336; 600/72 6,04 4РГ-4600 550/71; 500/204 7,37 4РГ-4600А 500/336; 600/72 4,93 31,5-37,7 31,5-37,7 400 600 36 36 8,24 6,60 4РГ-6400 59 98 400 58 Dead end spacers of 5РГ type Dead end spacers of 5РГ type to hold at a given distance 5-phase conductors of overhead power lines and open distribution devices. 5РГ-2, 5РГ-3 Mark spacers 5РГ-2З00 5РГ-2300А 5РГ-2- 5РГ-4, 5РГ-5 Make wire GOST 83980 Wire diameter, mm А и АS, АSКS, АSКP, АКP АSК 500 550 185/128; 240/32 240/39; 240/56; 300/39; 300/48; 300/66; 330/30; 330/43; Dimensions, mm L D Weight, kg 2R 21,6-26,6 300 510 7,20 5,90 21,6-26,6 400 680 7,10 99 400 400/22 8,40 5РГ-2400А 5РГ-3400 5РГ-3400А 300/204; 400/51; 400/64; 400/93; 450/56; 500/27; 500/64 7,1 27,5-30,6 400 680 8,3 5РГ-4600 37,5 600 36 14,81 46,5 600 46 15,7 500/336; 1200/67 5РГ-5600А Dead end spacers of 8РГ type 8РГ-2-400Г 8РГ-2-400Б, 8РГ-3-400Б 100 Dead end spacers of 8РГ type to hold at a given distance of 8-phase conductors of overhead power lines and open switchgear. The struts are equipped with captive screws, tightening dies. Mark spacers Dimensions, mm D L Wire diameter, mm Breaking load, kN Weight, kg 2R 8РГ-2400Г 1009 380 21,6-26,6 2,00 15,1 8РГ-2400Б 1045 400 25 21,6-30,6 1,96 20,8 8РГ-3400Б 1045 400 30 21,6-30,6 1,96 20,6 Dead end spacers of 6РГ type Dead end spacers of 6РГ-5-400 type to hold a predetermined distance of 6 phase conductors of overhead power lines and open switchgear. 101 6РГ-5-400 Mark spacers 6РГ-5400 Dimensions, mm D L 2R Wire diameter, mm 800 400 46 45/37 Breaking load, kN 1,96 Weight, kg 21,88 Dead end spacers of Р type Р spacers are designed to keep the phase conductors outdoor switchgear at a distance of 120 mm from each other. 102 Mark spacers Dimensions, mm For wire diameter in mm d L Weight, kg Р-2-120 21,6-26,6 25 153 0,50 Р-3-120 27,5-30,6 30 158 0,51 Р-4-120 31,5-37,7 36 164 0,55 Dead end spacers of РУ type Spacers distance weighted type of РУ mounted on stubs to limit the rocking of the two wires. Spacers weighted deaf type of РУ issued only to a distance of 400 mm between the wires. On the traction struts put on three cast cargo. 103 Mark spacers Dimensions, mm Wire diameter, mm Breaking load, kN Weight, kg 1,96 6,00 L 2R РУ-2-400 432 25 21,6-26,6 РУ-3-400 438 30 27,5-30,6 6,00 РУ-4-400 444 36 31,5-37,7 5,95 Dead end spacers of РГУ type Designed to hold at a given distance of two the phase conductors of overhead power lines. 104 Dimension, Wire diameter, Breaking load, Weight, mm Mark spacers mm kN kg L B b РГУ-0-300 РГУ-0-400 РГУ-0-500 300 400 25 500 РГУ-1-З00 РГУ-1-400 РГУ-1-500 300 400 500 РГУ-2-300 РГУ-2-400 РГУ-2-485 РГУ-2-500 РГУ-2-600 РГУ-2-650 300 400 30 485 500 600 650 13,0-16,8 0,83 1,17 1,32 17,1-19,8 0,83 1,17 1,32 8 1,96 21,6-26,6 105 2,11 2,3 2,46 2,49 2,68 2,77 DAMPERS Dampers of ГПГ type Dampers are installed on the wires and cables of power lines to prevent them from damaging the fatigue stresses caused by vibration. Mark vibration damper The diameter of the wire ГПГ-0,8-9,1 -300/10 9,0-11,0 ГПГ-0,89,1-300/13 Dimension, mm H Weight, kg 9,1 10 300 69 2,32 11,0-14,0 9,1 13 300 69 2,34 ГПГ-0,89,1-350/13 11,0-14,0 9,1 13 350 69 2,37 ГПГ-0,89,1-350/16 14,0-17,0 9,1 16 350 72 2,39 ГПГ-0,89,1-400/13 11,0-14,0 9,1 13 400 69 2,39 d 2R 106 L ГПГ-1,6-11350/10 9,0-11,0 11 10 350 72 4,23 ГПГ-1,6-11350/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 350 72 4,25 ГПГ-1,6-11400/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 400 72 4,28 ГПГ-1,6-11400/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 400 75 4,30 ГПГ-1,6-11400/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 400 78 4,32 ГПГ-1,6-11450/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 450 72 4,31 ГПГ-1,6-11450/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 450 75 4,33 ГПГ-1,6-11450/23 20,0-26,0 11 23 450 93 4,51 ГПГ-1,6-11450/31 26,0-32,0 11 31 450 98 4,57 ГПГ-1,6-11450/35 32,0-35,0 11 35 450 98 4,57 ГПГ-1,6-11500/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 500 72 4,34 ГПГ-1,6-11500/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 500 78 4,38 ГПГ-1,6-11550/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 550 75 4,39 107 ГПГ-1,6-11550/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 550 78 4,41 ГПГ-1,6-13350/13 11,0-14,0 13 13 350 84 4,39 ГПГ.1,6-13400/16 14,0-17,0 13 16 400 87 4,45 ГПГ-1,6-13400/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 400 90 4,47 ГПГ-1,6-13450/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 450 90 4,51 ГПГ-1,6-13450/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 450 93 4,61 ГПГ-2,4-11400/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 400 72 5,88 ГПГ-2,4-11450/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 450 72 5,91 ГПГ-2,4-11450/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 450 75 4,93 ГПГ-2,4-11500/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 500 72 5,94 ГПГ-2,4-11500/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 500 75 5,96 ГПГ-2,4-11500/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 500 78 5,98 ГПГ-2,4-11550/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 550 78 6,01 108 ГПГ-2,4-11550/23 20,0-26,0 11 23 550 93 6,17 ГПГ-2,4-11600/23 20,0-26,0 11 23 600 93 6,20 ГПГ-2,4-13400/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 400 90 6,07 Mark vibration damper The diameter of the wire d 2R ГПГ-2,4-13450/13 11,0-14,0 13 ГПГ-2.4-13450/20 17,0-20,0 ГПГ-2,4-13450/23 Dimension, mm H Weight, kg 13 450 90 6,07 13 20 450 90 6,11 20,0-26,0 13 23 450 93 6,27 ГПГ-2,4-13450/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 450 97 6,33 ГПГ-2,4-13500/13 11,0-14,0 13 13 500 84 6,12 ГПГ-2,4-13500/16 14,0-17,0 13 16 500 87 6,14 ГПГ-2,4-13500/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 500 90 6,16 ГПГ-2,4-13500/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 500 93 6,32 ГПГ-2,4-13500/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 500 97 6,38 109 L ГПГ-2,4-13500/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 500 98 6,38 ГПГ-2,4-13550/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 550 90 6,20 ГПГ-2,4-13550/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 550 93 6,36 ГПГ-2,4-13600/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 600 93 6,41 ГПГ-3,2-13450/16 14,0-17,0 13 16 450 87 7,69 ГПГ-3,2-13450/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 450 93 7,87 ГПГ-3,2-13450/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 450 97 7,93 ГПГ-3,2-13500/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 500 90 7,76 ГПГ-3,2-13500/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 500 98 7,98 ГПГ-3,2-13550/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 550 90 7,80 ГПГ-3,2-13550/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 550 93 7,96 ГПГ-3,2-13550/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 550 97 8,00 ГПГ-3,2-13600/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 600 93 8,01 110 ГПГ-3,2-13600/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 600 97 8,07 ГПГ-3,2-13600/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 600 98 8,07 ГПГ-3,2-13650/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 650 98 8,11 ГПГ-3,2-13650/38 35,0-38,0 13 38 650 100 8,19 ГПГ-4,0-13500/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 500 90 9,36 ГПГ-4,0-13500/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 500 93 9,52 ГПГ-4,0-13550/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 550 90 9,40 ГПГ-4,0-13550/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 550 93 9,56 ГПГ-4,0-13550/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 550 97 9,62 ГПГ-4,0-13600/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 600 97 9,67 ГПГ-4,0-13600/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 600 98 9,67 111 Vibration damper resets the type of ГПС Vibration resets the type of ГПС are to a diameter of 10.0 mm to 37.0 mm mounted transitions at high power lines to prevent them from damaging the fatigue stresses caused by vibration. Cleared vibration damper when hitting the jack-plate supporting the roller suspension reset freeing the wire. Mark vibration damper The diameter of the wire Dimension, mm ГПС-0,8-9,1300/10 9,0-11,0 9,1 10 300 86 2,47 ГПС-0,8-9,1300/13 11,0-14,0 9,1 13 300 86 2,48 ГПС-0,8-9,1 350/13 11,0-14,0 9,1 13 350 86 2,51 112 d 2R L Н Weight, kg ГПС-0,8-9,1350/16 14,0-17,0 9,1 16 350 86 5,52 ГПС-0,8-9,1400/13 11,0-14,0 9,1 13 400 86 5,53 ГПС-1,6-11350/10 9,0-11,0 11 10 350 90 4,43 ГПС-1,6-11350/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 350 90 4,44 ГПС-1,6-11400/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 400 90 4,46 ГПС-1,6-11400/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 400 90 4,47 ГПС-1,6-11400/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 400 90 4,49 ГПС-1,6-11450/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 450 90 4,48 ГПС-1.6-11450/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 450 90 4,49 ГПС-1,6-11450/23 20,0-26,0 11 23 450 97 4,74 ГПС-1,6-11450/31 26,0-32,0 11 31 450 97 4,77 ГПС-1,6-11450/35 32,0-35,0 11 35 450 97 4,79 ГПС-1,6-11500/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 500 90 4,51 113 ГПС-1,6-11500/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 500 90 4,54 ГПС-1,6-11550/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 550 90 4,55 ГПС-1,6-11550/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 550 90 4,57 ГПС-1,6-13350/13 11,0-14,0 13 13 350 90 4,48 ГПС.1,6-13400/16 14,0-17,0 13 16 400 90 4,53 ГПС-1,6-13400/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 400 90 4,55 ГПС-1,6-13450/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 450 90 4,59 ГПС-1,6-13450/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 450 97 4,72 ГПС-2,4-11400/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 400 90 6,07 ГПС-2,4-11450/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 450 90 6,1 ГПС-2,4-11450/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 450 90 6,11 ГПС-2,4-11500/13 11,0-14,0 11 13 500 90 6,13 ГПС-2,4-11500/16 14,0-17,0 11 16 500 90 6,14 114 ГПС-2,4-11500/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 500 90 6,16 ГПС-2,4-11550/20 17,0-20,0 11 20 550 90 6,19 ГПС-2,4-11550/23 20,0-26,0 11 23 550 97 6,42 ГПС-2,4-11600/23 20,0-26,0 11 23 600 97 6,45 ГПС-2,4-13400/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 400 90 6,15 Weight, kg Mark vibration damper The diameter of the wire Dimension, mm ГПС-2,4-13450/13 11,0-14,0 13 13 450 90 6,16 ГПС-2,4-13450/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 450 90 6,19 ГПС-2,4-13450/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 450 97 6,42 ГПС-2,4-13450/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 450 97 6,45 ГПС-2,4-13500/13 11,0-14,0 13 13 500 90 6,21 ГПС-2,4-13500/16 14,0-17,0 13 16 500 90 6,22 115 d 2R L н ГПС-2,4-13500/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 500 90 6,24 ГПС-2,4-13500/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 500 97 6,44 ГПС-2,4-13500/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 500 97 6,5 ГПС-2,4-13500/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 500 97 6,52 ГПС-2,4-13550/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 550 90 6,28 ГПС-2,4-13550/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 550 97 6,51 ГПС-2,4-13600/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 600 97 6,58 ГПС-3,2-13450/16 14,0-17,0 13 16 450 90 7,77 ГПС-3,2-13450/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 450 97 8,02 ГПС-3,2-13450/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 450 97 8,05 ГПС-3,2-13500/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 500 90 7,88 ГПС-3,2-13500/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 500 97 8,12 ГПС-3,2-13550/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 550 90 7,88 116 ГПС-3,2-13550/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 550 97 8,11 ГПС-3,2-13550/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 550 97 8,14 ГПС-3,2-13600/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 600 97 8,16 ГПС-3,2-13600/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 600 97 8,19 ГПС-3,2-13600/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 600 97 8,21 ГПС-3,2-13650/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 650 97 8,21 ГПС-3,2-13650/38 35,0-38,0 13 38 650 97 8,27 ГПС-4,0-13500/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 500 90 9,44 ГПС-4,0-13500/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 500 97 9,67 ГПС-4,0-13550/20 17,0-20,0 13 20 550 90 9,48 ГПС-4,0-13550/23 20,0-26,0 13 23 550 97 9,71 ГПС-4,0-13550/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 550 97 9,74 ГПС-4,0-13600/31 26,0-32,0 13 31 600 97 9,74 117 ГПС-4,0-13600/35 32,0-35,0 13 35 600 97 9,81 Ballasts of БЛ type The ballasts are used in power transmission lines that ran along the rugged terrain, to prevent "pull" wires. By supporting clamps suspended loads compensating ballasts, the required weight is determined by calculation. Ballast БЛ-100-1 Ballast БЛ-200-1 118 Ballast БЛ-400-1 119 Ballast БЛ-400-2 Ballast БЛ-400-5 Dimension, mm Mark ballast БЛ-100-1 БЛ-200-1 А В 400 310 400 310 L 320 480 Step adjustment of ballast weight, kg Connect terminals Weight, brands kg 100; 50 ПГ-1-11;ПГН-15; ПГН-2-6;ПГН-35 103,0 200; 150; 100; 50 ПГ-1-11; ПГН-15; ПГН-2-6; ПГН-35 205,0 120 БЛ-400-1 425 400 732 400; 300; 200; 100 ПГН-1-5; ПГН-26; ПГН-3-5 411,0 БЛ-400-2 425 378 732 400; 300; 200; 100 - 412,5 BL-400-5 425 400 732 400; 300; 200; 100 PGN-5-3 415,6 Ballast type БП БП type ballasts designed for installation on wires and ropes intermediate supports in order to avoid "pulling" wiring, and to prevent violations of acceptable (by electron tric strength of the air gap), the minimum disstates to support trunk. 121 Mark ballast The diameter of the wire (cable), mm БП-50-1 7,8-11,5 БП-1-100-1 13,0-17,1 BP-2-100-1 18,2-24,5 BP-3-100-1 25,5-30,6 122 L, Weight, kg mm 176 51 302 102