EXISTING SYLLABUS College of Health & Human Services School of Nursing Course Number: NUR 205 Course Name: Transition into Nursing Credit Hours: 5 credits Contact Hours: 3 Classroom (Lecture) hours weekly (3 credits/ 45 hours) 6 Skills lab and clinical practicum hours weekly (2 credits/ 90 hours) Semester: Fall & Spring Course Instructor Flagstaff Tracy Van Slyke, RN, MSN Northern Arizona University School of Nursing Box 15035 Office- Basement Office # 928-523-8932 (prefer e-mail) Primary E-mail Address: Please use mail function within Bb Learn for NUR 205 Alternate E-mail Address: tracy.vanslyke@nau.edu Office Hours : Wednesday 11:00am- 12:30pm and by appointement Course Instructor AIP Donna Price, RN MS CNM Northern Arizona University School of Nursing Box 15035 Office #103 Office # 928-523-0319 Cell# 928-699-6866 Primary E-mail Address: Please use mail function within Bb Learn for NUR 205 Alternate E-mail Address:donna.price@nau.edu Office Hours: Wednesday 9am to 12 noon and by appointment Page 1 Pre-requisites: Admission to the program Co-requisites: BIO 320, NUR 214, NUR 215 Course Description: Emphasis is on the development of the student as a caring competent nurse at a beginning level, and focuses on introduction to the nursing profession, skill development, and situational transitions to the student nursing roles. The Lecture and Skills lab and clinical practicum portions of NUR 205 must be taken concurrently. 3 hours Lecture weekly, 6 hours Skills lab and clinical practicum weekly. Letter grade only. Student Learning Outcomes: At the completion of NUR 205/NUR 205L, the successful student will be prepared to: Didactic Portion Clinical Practice and Prevention Applies the principles underlying all nursing intervention procedures related to providing safe and appropriate care to patients in different care settings. Assumes accountability for applying principles of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention—including infection prevention--in all settings. Communication Demonstrates beginning professional communication skills in interactions with peers and faculty in all situations. Demonstrates appropriate, respectful, and accurate written and verbal communication. Critical Reasoning Incorporates knowledge from the behavioral, biological, and natural sciences to patient assessment and the planning and evaluation of safe and appropriate nursing care. Develops practice skills based on current knowledge, theory, and research. Demonstrates the ability to determine the method and rationale for implementing safe and appropriate patient-centered nursing care. Leadership Demonstrates beginning skills in management of time, materials, and self. Organizes and coordinates self to demonstrate beginning clinical competencies, accountability, and successful transition into the role of student nurse. Professionalism and Professional Values Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of basic nursing care within the legal, ethical, and regulatory framework of nursing practice. Plans nursing care with sensitivity to individual patient needs across a variety of settings. Demonstrates awareness, caring, and respect for the uniqueness of patients and others. Demonstrates flexibility and openness to continued learning about culture and diversity. Global Health Examines health literacy data and its impact on the practice of nursing. Page 2 Examines a patient's social, biological, and cultural features and how these influence the practice of nursing. Clinical portion Clinical Practice and Prevention Demonstrates beginning basic competence and application of knowledge in the performance of basic nursing skills in laboratory and structured clinical settings. Applies principles of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention--including infection prevention—to adult patients in selected clinical settings. Communication Demonstrates beginning professional communication skills in interactions with peers, faculty, and patients in selected clinical situations. Establishes and maintain effective working relationships with peers, faculty, and other members of the healthcare team. Demonstrates appropriate, respectful, and accurate written and verbal communication. Critical reasoning Develops practice skills based on current knowledge, theory, and research. Demonstrates beginning skills in the organization of patient data, identification of nursing diagnoses, and identification of priorities in the planning and delivery of care, and evaluation of care. Incorporates knowledge from the behavioral, biological, and natural sciences to patient assessment and the planning, implementation, and evaluation of safe, appropriate, and patient-centered nursing care. Leadership Seeks relevant direction from faculty in the implementation of basic patient-centered nursing care. Demonstrates beginning skills in management of time, materials, and self. Organizes and coordinate self to demonstrate beginning clinical competencies, accountability, and the successful transition into the role of student nurse. Professionalism and Professional Values Demonstrates responsibility for own development, maintenance, and application of current nursing knowledge. Adheres to ethical, legal, and professional responsibilities within the student role. Engages in self-reflection and professional dialogue with faculty about developing professional practice. Global Health Applies health literacy data within the clinical setting. Applies patient's social, biological, and cultural features to patient care. Course Structure/Course Approach: This course is divided into theory (3 credits) and Skills Lab and Clinical Practicum (2 credits) segments. The theory (Lecture/classroom) section of the course addresses critical thinking and the nursing process, research-based nursing care, communication, caring, nursing theory, culture, select nursing skills and procedures (e.g., infection control, safety, hygiene, activity & mobility, skin integrity, wound care, pain management, vital signs, oxygenation, elimination), professional issues (e.g., ethics, legal implications), and professional nursing roles. Page 3 Clinical competencies emphasized in the Skills lab and clinical practicum segment of the course focus on select nursing skills and procedures (e.g., infection control, safety, hygiene, activity & mobility, skin integrity, wound care, pain management, vital signs, oxygen therapy, documentation, nutrition, elimination). Nursing skills and procedures introduced and practiced in the Skills Lab setting are applied in limited Clinical experiences in well-defined practice settings. A separate course pack for NUR 205L (Skills lab and clinical practicum) outlines that portion of the course. NUR 205 will utilize a variety of approaches to support and enhance student learning and in achieving the course objectives. These instructional methods include, but are not limited to: lecture audio-visuals self-study guided discussion demonstrations self-evaluations clinical experiences group work quizzes return demonstration computer programs examinations case studies written assignments skills lab and clinical practicum reading assignments lecture handouts reflective journals Required Textbooks: The latest edition of each textbook is required and is listed below as of December 2011. Ackley, B.J. & Ladwig, G.B. (2011) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidenced-based guideline to planning care. St. Louis: Mosby. 978-0-323-07150-5 Chabner, D. E. (2012). Medical terminology: A short course (w/CD) (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders. 978-1-4377-3440-9 Kee, J.L. (2010). Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests (8th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN 978-0-13-507405-3 Potter, P. A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A. & Hall, A.M. (2013). Fundamentals of nursing (8th ed.). St.Louis: Mosby/Elsevier. 978-0-323-07933-4 Complete RN Online Case Studies (3yr Access Card) 2012 update. St. Louis: Elsevier 9781455727063 Mosby's Nursing Skills Videos Access card. St. Louis: Elsevier 9780323056335 A current drug guide that was purchased for NUR 331 Applied Pharmacology and Pathophysiology. Online Requirements: Evolve Online Case Studies: https://evolve.elsevier.com/ Kaplan Testing and Kaplan Resources: https://kaplanlwwtesting.kaplan.com/s_login.aspx Blackboard Learn assignments and readings: http://Bb Learn.nau.edu Course Outline: Page 4 Date/Topic Week 1 Week of 8/27/12 Syllabus & Overview of NUR 205 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice Caring in Nursing Practice Cultural Competence Communicati on Professional Nursing Role: Patient Education Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: 1. Identify and define the curricular threads of the NAU Nursing Curriculum. 2. Review course requirements, expectations, and policies. 3. Define caring. 4. Discuss the role that caring plays in building a nursepatient relationship. 5. Compare and contrast theoretical perspectives on the concept of caring. 6. Describe the therapeutic benefit of listening to patients’ stories. 7. Explore the role of the nurse in patient education. 8. Identify basic principles of Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources NUR 205 Syllabus and course pack (Please bring the NUR 205 Syllabus to class with you today) NAU Nursing Student Handbook, locate online prior to class How to Use On-Line Course Materials Bb Learn Course Evolve Resources Evolve Case Studies Required Reading Potter & Perry 8th Edition Ch 4: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice Ch 7: Caring in Nursing Practice Ch 9: Culture and Ethnicity Ch 24: Communication Ch 25: Patient Education Resources: Power Point® in online course Explore this Site on Health Literacy http://www.nih.gov/clearcommunication/healthliteracy.htm Medical Terminology Help Des Moines University online Medical Terminology course (free) http://www.dmu.edu/medterms/ Page 5 Assessment of Learning Class Discussion Nursing Model Patient Educatio n Culture Date/Topic Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: learning. 9. Describe approaches to incorporate teaching with routine nursing care. 10. Discuss the development of a teaching plan. 11. Differentiate between the terms culture and ethnicity. 12. Discuss the term cultural stereotyping, and its relevance to rendering culturally competent care. 13. Discuss types of health care practices that may have significant impact on wellness, illness, and healthseeking behaviors on persons of Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Page 6 Assessment of Learning Date/Topic Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: various cultural backgrounds. 14. Describe impact of culture in the transition into health profession. 15. Discuss health beliefs and practices important to healing in the Navajo culture and in other cultures, and compare to personal health beliefs and practices. 16. Define health and related concepts. 17. Identify variables influencing health beliefs, practices and illness behavior. Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Page 7 Assessment of Learning Date/Topic Week 2 Week of 9/3/12 Nursing Research and Evidencebased Practice (EBP) Library Information & Resources Infection Prevention and Control (e.g., hand hygiene, gloving) Safety (e.g., body mechanics, draw sheet, cupping/ cradling a limb) Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: 1. Explain how nursing research improves nursing practice. 2. Define evidencebased practice. 3. Locate current published nursing research that applies to a clinical topic. 4. Discuss the role critical thinking has when providing hygiene care to patients. 5. Discuss how scientific rationale influences the way a patient’s hygiene needs are met. 6. Explain the relationship between the chain of infection and transmission of infection. 7. Discuss actions that prevent the transmission of Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Required Reading: Potter & Perry 8th edition Ch 5: Evidence-Based Practice Ch 28: Infection Prevention and Control Ch 27: Client Safety Ch 39: Hygiene Assessment of Learning Assignment due Week 2 Complete: Infection Control Module & Exam by 9/5/12 11:59 pm. Resources: Power Point® in online course Complete: Safety Exam by 9/5/12 11:59 pm. Browse these web site: National Institute for Nursing Research (NINR) http://www.ninr.nih.gov/ NINR Areas of Research Emphasis http://www.ninr.nih.gov/NR/rdonlyres/F85C02CA-1EE3-40F7BDA4-3901F2284E96/0/ StrategicAreasofResearchEmphasis.pdf NINR Mission and Strategic Plan http://www.ninr.nih.gov/NR/rdonlyres/8BE21801-0C52-44C29EEA-142483657FB1/0/NINR_StratPlan_F2_508.pdf Acknowledgm ent of Syllabus/Cour se Requirements Form due 9/5/12 Page 8 Class Discussion Date/Topic Hygiene Week 3 Week of 9/10/12 Activity, & Mobility Issues Basic Human Needs (Maslow) Learning Outcomes Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources The student will be prepared to: health care– associated infection. 8. Explain the difference between medical and surgical asepsis. 9. Identify actions to ensure patient safety and discuss scientific rationale. 1. Describe Required Reading: interventions for maintaining Potter & Perry 8th Edition activity tolerance Ch 38: Activity & Exercise and mobility. Ch 47: Mobility and Immobility 2. Identify changes in physiological and Resources: psychosocial Power Point® in online course function associated with mobility and immobility 3. Describe factors that cause variations in body temperature, pulse, oxygen saturation, Page 9 Assessment of Learning In-Class Discussion (EBP/Library ) Exploring NAU Library site #1 EVOLVE ONLINE CASE STUDY: MOBILITYDUE: Wednesday 9/12/12 by 11:59 PM Class Discussion Date/Topic Week 4 Week of 9/17/12 Skin Integrity and Wound Care Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: respirations, and blood pressure. 4. Describe nursing care interventions to promote oxygenation in the primary care, acute care, and restorative and continuing care settings. 1. Discuss the risk factors that contribute to pressure ulcer formation. 2. Describe the pressure ulcer staging system. 3. Develop a nursing care plan for a patient with impaired skin integrity. 4. Discuss the normal process of wound healing 5. Describe the differences of wounds healing Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Required Reading: Potter & Perry 8th Edition Ch 48: Skin Integrity and Wound Care NDNQI Pressure Ulcer Training Modules One, Two and Three. Bring printout of each Module completion to class. Register under OPTION 2: Proof of Completion, No Contact Hours (this is FREE) https://www.nursingquality.org/NDNQIPressureUlcerTraining/ Default.aspx Resources: Power Point® in online course Assessment of Learning Complete Wound Care Exam by 9/19/12 11:59 pm. # 2 EVOLVE ONLINE CASE STUDY: SKIN/WOUND CAREDUE: Wednesday 9/19/12 by 11:59 PM Page 10 Class Discussion Date/Topic Week 5 Week of 9/24/12 Critical Thinking in Nursing NURSING PROCESS: Assessment Diagnosis (NANDA) Planning for Nursing Care Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: by primary and secondary intention. 6. Describe complications of wound healing. 7. Explain the factors that impede or promote wound healing. 1. Identify significant features and therapeutic outcomes of nurse-patient relationship. 2. Describe characteristics of a critical thinker. 3. Discuss critical thinking skills used in nursing practice. 4. Discuss the nurse’s responsibility in making clinical decisions. 5. Define Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Assessment of Learning Required Reading: Potter & Perry 8th Edition Ch 15: Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Ch 16: Nursing Assessment Ch 17: Nursing Diagnosis Ch 18: Planning Nursing Care Ch 19: Implementing Nursing Care Ch 20: Evaluation Ch 21: Managing Client Care, Delegation pp. 281-283 Ch 26: Documentation and Informatics Resources: Power Point® in online course. Page 11 Class Discussion Concept Mapping and Care Plan Exercises Date/Topic (NOC) Implementin g Nursing Care (NIC) Evaluation (NOC) Concept Mapping Delegation Documentati on Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: components of the assessment phase of the nursing process. 6. Explore the relationship between data collection, data analysis, and critical thinking. 7. Differentiate medical and nursing diagnoses. 8. Formulate a nursing diagnosis from a patient assessment. 9. Discuss the process of priority setting and relate it to clinical judgment. 10. Examine the process of selecting nursing interventions. 11. Describe use of the Nursing Interventions Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Page 12 Assessment of Learning Date/Topic Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: Classification project (NIC) & Nursing Outcomes Classification project (NOC) in developing a care plan. 12. Develop a patientcentered outcome/goal. 13. Describe the role of the evaluation stage of the nursing process. 14. Describe how the evaluation stage of the nursing process can lead to revision or modification of the plan of care. 15. Develop a care plan from a nursing assessment. 16. Discuss legal guidelines for documentation. Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Page 13 Assessment of Learning Date/Topic Week 6 Week of 10/1/12 Urinary Elimination Fluid Balance Week 7 Week of Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: 1. Identify factors that commonly influence urinary elimination. 2. Compare and contrast common alterations in urinary elimination. 3. Discuss nursing measures to promote normal micturition and reduce episodes of incontinence. 4. Discuss nursing measures to reduce urinary tract infection. 5. Identify clinical assessments for determining fluid balance. 6. List and discuss nursing interventions for both fluid volume excess and deficit. 1. Describe measuring/recordi Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Assessment of Learning Materials from weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 in both Lectures and Skills Lab and NDNQI Pressure Ulcer Training Modules. EXAM #1 Bring pencil. Required Reading: Complete Urinary Catheterizatio n Exam by 10/3/12 11:59 pm Potter & Perry 8th Edition Ch 41:Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance: pp 978-991(stop after Restriction of Fluids) Ch 45: Urinary Elimination Required Reading: Complete Bowel Page 14 Date/Topic 10/8/12 Fluid Balance Intake & Output Elimination: Bowel Nutrition Aspiration Precautions Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: ng fluid intake & output. 2. Describe the distribution, composition, movement, and regulation of body fluids. 3. Describe common disturbances in fluid balances. 4. List and discuss nursing interventions for patients with fluid imbalances. 5. Discuss the role of gastrointestinal organs in digestion and elimination. 6. List nursing interventions that promote normal bowel elimination. 7. Discuss nursing care measures required for patients with a bowel diversion. Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Potter & Perry 8th Edition Ch 41: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance: pp (pp. 882-889; 895-906; 914 915; 937-938) Ch 44: Nutrition Ch 46: Bowel Elimination Resources: Power Point® in online course Assessment of Learning Elimination Exam by 10/10/12 11:59 pm # 3 EVOLVE ONLINE CASE STUDY: CONSTIPATIO N- DUE: Thursday, 10/10/12 by 11:59 pm. Page 15 Class Discussion Learning Outcomes Date/Topic The student will be prepared to: Week 8 1. Describe the basic Week of philosophies of 10/15/12 ethics and the nursing perspective in Ethics & ethics. Values 2. Apply a method of ethical analysis to a clinical situation. Legal 3. Identify personal Implications and professional in Nursing values and clarify Practice personal values. 4. Discuss informed consent and HIPAA and advance Confidentialit directives. y 5. Identify contemporary ethical issues and nursing implications. 6. Explore legal concepts that apply to nurses. 7. Describe legal responsibilities/obl igations of nurses. 8. Discuss role of State Boards of Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Required Reading: Potter & Perry 8th Edition Ch 22: Ethics and Values Ch 23: Legal Implications in Nursing Practice Resources: Power Point® in online course ANA Code of Ethics (p. 15 of syllabus) Browse these web sites: http://www.nih.gov/sigs/bioethics/ www.azbn.gov Video: Confidentiality: Who Needs to Know Video: Nursing, Ethics, and the Law Page 16 Assessment of Learning Class Discussion In Class Case Studies Ethics In Class Activity (HIPAA and Confide ntiality Quiz, and Discussi on) Date/Topic Week 9 Week of 10/22/12 Safe Medication Administrati on Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: Nursing in licensure and regulation of nursing practice. 9. Locate and review standards of care for nurses. 10. Define legal aspects of nursepatient, nursephysician, nursenurse, and nurseemployer relationships. 11. Examine examples of legal issues that arise in nursing practice. Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Required Reading: Potter & Perry 8th Edition Ch 31: Medication Administration (pp 565-600, stop after “administering medications by irrigation”) Resources: Power Point® in online course Library Resources Page 17 Assessment of Learning Class Discussion Date/Topic Week 10 Week of 10/29/12 Oxygenation Pain Management Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: 1. Describe the relationship of cardiac output, preload, afterload, contractility, and heart rate. 2. Discuss the effect of a patient’s level of health, age, lifestyle, and environment on oxygenation. 3. Identify the clinical outcomes occurring as a result of disturbances in conduction, altered cardiac output, impaired valvular function, myocardial ischemia, and impaired tissue perfusion. 4. Describe nursing care interventions to promote oxygenation in the primary care, Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Assessment of Learning Required Reading: Potter & Perry 8th Edition Chapter 40: Oxygenation (OMIT chest tubes) Ch 43: Pain Management Class Discussion # 4 EVOLVE ONLINE CASE STUDY: BREATHING PATTERNSDUE: Thursday 10/31/12 by 11:59 pm. Resources: Power Point® in online course Video: Chronic Pain In Geriatrics Page 18 Date/Topic Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: acute care, and restorative and continuing care settings. 5. Describe the components of the pain assessment. 6. Identify components of the pain experience. 7. Discuss common misconceptions/m yths about pain. 8. Explain how cultural factors influence the pain experience. 9. Choose appropriate nursing diagnosis, outcomes, and interventions for a patient with pain. 10. Evaluate a patient’s response to pain interventions. 11. Describe applications for use of non- Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Page 19 Assessment of Learning Date/Topic Week 11 Week of 11/5/12 Week 12 Week of 11/19/12 Sleep Health Care Delivery System Health and Wellness Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: pharmacological pain interventions. Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources No lecture- Exam #2 Materials from weeks 7, 8, 9, & 10 in both Lectures and Skills Lab. 1. Compare the characteristics of sleep and rest. 2. Identify factors that normally promote and disrupt sleep. 3. Describe the components of a sleep history. 4. Select appropriate nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions for patients with sleep alteration. 5. Identify nursing interventions designed to promote normal sleep cycles for patients. Required Reading: Potter & Perry 8th Edition Ch 2: Health Care Delivery System Ch 6: Health and Wellness Ch 42: Sleep Assessment of Learning EXAM #2 Bring pencil. Class Discussion # 5 EVOLVE ONLINE CASE STUDY: Sleep Pattern- DUE: Wednesday 11/14/12 by 11:59 pm. Resources: Power Point® in online course Review Healthy People 2020 at this site: http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx CDC site: http://www.cdc.gov Page 20 Date/Topic Week 13 Week of Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: 6. Discuss the nurse’s roles in health and illness, and in the health care delivery system. 7. Discuss elements and influences in modern health care delivery system. 8. Define health and related concepts. 9. Identify variables influencing health beliefs, practices and illness behaviors. 10. Understand the purpose of Healthy People 2020. 11. Discuss the three levels of preventive care. 12. Describe impact of illness on the patient and family. Reading Week. No lecture. Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Page 21 Assessment of Learning Date/Topic Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Assessment of Learning 11/19 Week 14 Week of 11/26/12 Complement ary & Alternative Therapies Global Health 1. Define and differentiate between alternative and complementary therapies. 2. Explore role of complementary therapies in clinical nursing practice. 3. Describe purposes, principles, applications, methods, and risks of selected therapies. 4. Identify social, cultural, and economic forces that influence patient preference for non-allopathic therapies. 5. Explore resources Required Reading: Potter & Perry 8th Edition Chapter 32: Complementary and Alternative Therapies Explore these web sites on Global Health http://www.globalhealth.gov/ http://www.apha.org/programs/globalhealth/issues/ Page 22 Student Global Presentatio ns Week of 12/3/12 Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: for additional information on selected therapies, and evaluate usefulness and reliability of resources. KAPLAN EXAM: NUR 205 Fundamentals KAPLAN Exam READING WEEK DATE/PLACE/TIME TBA Week 16 Week of 12/10/12 FINAL EXAM Date/Topic Week 15 FINAL EXAM WEEK Final Exam Schedule TBA per University Schedule Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Assessment of Learning KAPLAN EXAM KAPLAN EXAM FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM Comprehensive and cumulative Final Exam (Includes content from the entire semester in NUR 205 and NUR 205L— including student Group Presentations in class) Bring pencil. Page 23 Date/Topic Learning Outcomes The student will be prepared to: Proctored Exam; paper & pencil exam in class; closed book. Reading & Assignments/Supplemental Resources Page 24 Assessment of Learning Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes: Course Evaluation: NUR 205 Course Grade will be based on grades earned on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Evaluation Measure Quizzes Examinations (20% each) Cumulative Final Examination Online Case Studies Group Presentation In-Class KAPLAN Exam (if Mastery is met) Passing Clinical Competencies (Skills lab and clinical practicum) Number 6 2 Percent 10 40 1 5 1 1 25 5 15 5 Pass/Fail In order to pass NURSING 205, the student must achieve the following: 1. A combined average of 78%, or higher, on all major exams (Exam #1, Exam #2, and Final Exam). Any student who does not achieve a 78%, or higher, exam average will receive an F for the course. 2. An overall course average of at least 78% in NUR 205, and a PASS in NUR 205L. 3. A grade of Pass in the Clinical Evaluation Tool used for the Clinical component of the course (NUR 205L). 4. Completion of all required (NUR 205L) skills lab and clinical practicum experiences, paperwork, documentation, evaluations, and any additional assignments required by Clinical Faculty. Final Course Grade: Upon completion of all course requirements, the student may calculate the Final Course Grade as follows: A = 93-100% B = 84-92% C = 78-83% F = below 78% and Pass in Skills lab and clinical practicum and Pass in Skills lab and clinical practicum and Pass in Skills lab and clinical practicum cannot progress A minimum grade of C is required for passing in all courses required in the Nursing Program. Clinical Health Requirements and Documentation: Clinical Health Requirements and Documentation are to be completed and copies submitted to the School of Nursing (SON) to the appropriate Department (e.g., Student Services Department) by the deadline. Page 25 COURSE POLICIES Makeup tests and retests: It is expected that tests will be taken at the time scheduled. Illness or other reasons to delay testing should be brought up with the instructor prior to the exam. Rescheduling of an exam may be arranged for valid reasons such as illness or personal/family emergencies. The instructor must be contacted prior to the scheduled exam and arrangements to take a make-up exam must be made with the faculty within one week of the exam. Failure to do so will result in ZERO points for that exam. Make up tests may be in any form (oral, written, essay) over the same objectives as the scheduled exam. Quizzes MAY NOT be made up. NO retests will be offered. Assignments: ALL ASSIGNMENTS are to be submitted as scheduled. Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior approval is obtained. Students are expected to have read the assigned reading and come to class prepared to discuss the topics, and to ask relevant questions concerning content. The instructor may opt to give quizzes pertinent to the reading at any time during the course. Attendance: Under NAU policy, students are expected to attend every session of classes in which they are enrolled. The format of the Lecture class is interactive and includes student participation and discussion. By not attending, students are deprived of that experience and deprive others of their input. See the following handbooks: School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook and Northern Arizona University Student Handbook Withdrawal Policy: If a student is unable to attend the course or must drop the course for any reason, it will be the responsibility of the student to withdraw from the course before the withdrawal deadline (see current NAU Schedule of Classes for deadline). Academic integrity There is no tolerance for cheating or plagiarism in this class. Any student participating in acts of academic dishonesty will be subject to the procedures and consequences outlined in NAU’s Student Handbook. Acts of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to the following: copying the work of other students, using unauthorized crib notes, plagiarism, stealing tests, or forging an instructor’s signature. Cheating on a test or plagiarism of written work will result in an “F” or “0" points being awarded to that test or paper. All forms of student academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty and plagiarism are prohibited and subject to disciplinary action. Cheating means intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise. Fabrication means intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Plagiarism means intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another, as one's own in any academic exercise. For further explanation of academic Page 26 dishonesty refer to the School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook and Northern Arizona University Student Handbook. Confidentiality Statement: Students must maintain patient confidentiality at all times. No discussion regarding patients is acceptable outside the Classroom or Clinical setting. In these areas, all discussions related to patients must take place in a location where individuals who are not involved in the specific patient's care cannot overhear the conversation. In Clinical conferences and classroom references to actual patient experiences, refer to the patient by their initials only. Patient records are not to be photocopied under ANY circumstances. Failure to adhere to this policy can result in removal from the Clinical experience. NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY POLICY STATEMENTS SAFE ENVIRONMENT POLICY NAU’s Safe Working and Learning Environment Policy seeks to prohibit discrimination and promote the safety of all individuals within the university. The goal of this policy is to prevent the occurrence of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status and to prevent sexual harassment, sexual assault or retaliation by anyone at this university. You may obtain a copy of this policy from the college dean’s office or from the NAU’s Affirmative Action website http://home.nau.edu/diversity/. If you have concerns about this policy, it is important that you contact the departmental chair, dean’s office, the Office of Student Life (928-523-5181), or NAU’s Office of Affirmative Action (928-5233312). STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES If you have a documented disability, you can arrange for accommodations by contacting Disability Resources (DR) at 523-8773 (voice)or 523-6906 (TTY), dr@nau.edu (email)or 928-523-8747 (fax).Students needing academic accommodations are required to register with DR and provide required disability related documentation. Although you may request an accommodation at any time, in order for DR to best meet your individual needs, you are urged to register and submit necessary documentation (www.nau.edu/dr) 8 weeks prior to the time you wish to receive accommodations. DR is strongly committed to the needs of student with disabilities and the promotion of Universal Design. Concerns or questions related to the accessibility of programs and facilities at NAU may be brought to the attention of DR or the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity (523-3312). INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD Any study involving observation of or interaction with human subjects that originates at NAU—including a course project, report, or research paper—must be reviewed and Page 27 approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects in research and research-related activities. The IRB meets monthly. Proposals must be submitted for review at least fifteen working days before the monthly meeting. You should consult with your course instructor early in the course to ascertain if your project needs to be reviewed by the IRB and/or to secure information or appropriate forms and procedures for the IRB review. Your instructor and department chair or college dean must sign the application for approval by the IRB. The IRB categorizes projects into three levels depending on the nature of the project: exempt from further review, expedited review, or full board review. If the IRB certifies that a project is exempt from further review, you need not resubmit the project for continuing IRB review as long as there are no modifications in the exempted procedures. A copy of the IRB Policy and Procedures Manual is available in each department’s administrative office and each college dean’s office or on their website: http://www.research.nau.edu/compliance/irb/index.aspx If you have questions, contact the IRB Coordinator in the Office of the Vice President for Research at 928-523-8288 or 523-4340. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The university takes an extremely serious view of violations of academic integrity. As members of the academic community, NAU’s administration, faculty, staff and students are dedicated to promoting an atmosphere of honesty and are committed to maintaining the academic integrity essential to the education process. Inherent in this commitment is the belief that academic dishonesty in all forms violates the basic principles of integrity and impedes learning. Students are therefore responsible for conducting themselves in an academically honest manner. Individual students and faculty members are responsible for identifying instances of academic dishonesty. Faculty members then recommend penalties to the department chair or college dean in keeping with the severity of the violation. The complete policy on academic integrity is in Appendix G of NAU’s Student Handbook http://home.nau.edu/images/userimages/awf/9476/ACADEMIC%20DISHONESTY.pdf ACADEMIC CONTACT HOUR POLICY The Arizona Board of Regents Academic Contact Hour Policy (ABOR Handbook, 2-206, Academic Credit) states: “an hour of work is the equivalent of 50 minutes of class time…at least 15 contact hours of recitation, Lecture, discussion, testing or evaluation, seminar, or colloquium as well as a minimum of 30 hours of student homework is required for each unit of credit.” The reasonable interpretation of this policy is that for every credit hour, a student should expect, on average, to do a minimum of two additional hours of work per week (e.g., preparation, homework, studying). Page 28 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT Membership in the academic community places a special obligation on all members to preserve and atmosphere conducive to a safe and positive learning environment. Part of that obligation implies the responsibility of each member of the NAU community to maintain an environment in which the behavior of any individual is not disruptive. It is the responsibility of each student to behave in a manner which does not interrupt or disrupt the delivery of education by faculty members or receipt of education by students, within or outside the classroom. The determination of whether such interruption or disruption has occurred has to be made by the faculty member at the time the behavior occurs. It becomes the responsibility of the individual faculty member to maintain and enforce the standards of behavior acceptable to preserving an atmosphere for teaching and learning in accordance with University regulations and the course syllabus. At a minimum, students will be warned if their behavior is evaluated by the faculty member as disruptive. Serious disruptions, as determined by the faculty member, may result in immediate removal of the student from the instructional environment. Significant and/or continued violations may result in an administrative withdrawal from the class. Additional responses by the faculty member to disruptive behavior may include a range of actions from discussing the disruptive behavior with the student to referral to the appropriate academic unit and/or Office of Student Life for administrative review, with a view to implement corrective action up to and including suspension or expulsion. NAU CIVILITY STATEMENT Membership in the academic community places a special obligation on all members to preserve an atmosphere conducive to the freedom to teach and learn. Part of that obligation implies the responsibility of each member of the NAU community to maintain a positive learning environment in which the behavior of any individual does not disrupt the classes of teachers or learners. It is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to determine, maintain, and enforce standards of behavior acceptable to preserving an atmosphere appropriate for teaching and learning. Students will be warned if their behavior is evaluated by the faculty member as disruptive. Sanctions may include a range of responses from immediate removal from class to referral to the appropriate academic unit and/or the Office of Student Life to review pertinent alleged university violations of ethical and behavioral standards. Significant and/or continued violations may result in “administrative withdrawal” from the class. Page 29 PROPOSED SYLLABUS: Northern Arizona University College of Health and Human Services School of Nursing NUR 205 Transition into Nursing Credits: 3 credits/ 45 clock hours Semester: Fall & Spring Instructor: Lynn Allchin, PhD, CHPN, CNE, RN 3895 N Business Center Dr. Suite 120 Northern Arizona University School of Nursing Tucson, AZ 85705 (520) 879-7952 Office Hours: TBA Course Prerequisites: Admission to Nursing Program Co-requisites: NUR 205L, NUR 214, NUR 214L, NUR 215 Catalogue Description: Emphasis on development of student as a caring competent nurse at beginning level. Focuses on introduction to profession, skill development, and situational transition to nursing student role. Course Description: Emphasis on development of student as a caring competent nurse at beginning level. Focuses on introduction to profession, skill development, and situational transition to nursing student role. Student Learning Outcomes: The successful student: Clinical Practice and Prevention 1. Applies the principles underlying all nursing intervention procedures related to providing safe and appropriate care to patients in different care settings. 2. Assumes accountability for applying principles of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention—including infection prevention--in all settings. Communication 3. Demonstrates beginning professional communication skills in interactions with peers and faculty in all situations. 4. Demonstrates appropriate, respectful, and accurate written and verbal communication. Page 30 Critical Reasoning 5. Incorporates knowledge from the behavioral, biological, and natural sciences to patient assessment and the planning and evaluation of safe and appropriate nursing care. 6. Develops practice skills based on current knowledge, theory, and research. 7. Demonstrates the ability to determine the method and rationale for implementing safe and appropriate patient-centered nursing care. Leadership 8. Demonstrates beginning skills in management of time, materials, and self. 9. Organizes and coordinates self to demonstrate beginning clinical competencies, accountability, and successful transition into the role of student nurse. Professionalism and Professional Values 10. Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of basic nursing care within the legal, ethical, and regulatory framework of nursing practice. 11. Plans nursing care with sensitivity to individual patient needs across a variety of settings. 12. Demonstrates awareness, caring, and respect for the uniqueness of patients and others. 13. Demonstrates flexibility and openness to continued learning about culture and diversity. Global Health 14. Examines health literacy data and its impact on the practice of nursing. 15. Examines a patient's social, biological, and cultural features and how these influence the practice of nursing. Course Structure and Approach: This course addresses topics that are foundational to the practice and role of the profession, such as critical thinking and the nursing process, research-based nursing care, communication, caring, nursing theory, culture, select nursing skills and procedures professional issues (e.g., ethics, legal implications), and professional nursing roles. A required concurrent lab, offers the opportunity to develop selected skills and prepare for introductory clinical practice. Approaches to learning that are employed include lecture, reading, use of audio-visuals, online resources, self-study, guided discussion, group work, case studies, concept maps, and written assignments. Textbook and required materials: Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G. B. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 9th Edition American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Page 31 Chabner, D. E. (2009). Medical terminology: A short course (w/CD) (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders. Elsevier Online Course for Evolve Case Studies: 2 year access. (ISBN-13: 9781416060062) Mosby’s Nursing Skills Video Skills: Student On-Line: 3 year access, Version 3.0 Potter, P. A., & Perry, A. G. (2009). Fundamentals of nursing enhanced multi media package (with NEW revised/updated CD) (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. (ISBN: 978-0-323-080835) Supplemental materials/e-resources: E-reserves are located in BBLearn course materials, as well as additional links to resources such as Kaplan and Evolve. Course outline: Date Topics Week 1 Overview/Orientation Week 2 Activities/Assignments Class Discussion Syllabus Acknowledgment due How to use online resources Video Using library resources Week 3 Week 4 Nursing research & evidencebased practice (EBP) Foundations of clinical practice: hygiene and safety Maslow/priorities patient care needs Activity and mobility Skin integrity/wound care Week 5 Critical thinking in Nursing Nursing Process Concept mapping and care plan exercises Week 6 Urinary Elimination Fluid balance Fluid Balance Bowel elimination Nutrition Ethics & values legal issues & regulation confidentiality/HIPPA Pain management Medication administration Oxygenation Exam #1—in class Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Case study #1 due Case study #2 Case study #3 Ethics case studies HIPPA quiz (in class) Case study #4 Page 32 Date Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 (reading week) Week 16 (final exams) Topics Sleep Health care delivery system Health and wellness promotion Complementary and alternative therapies Global health Review for end-of course exams Kaplan standardized exam for fundamentals Comprehensive final exam Activities/Assignments Exam #2—in class Case study #5 Student presentations Kaplan standardized exam for fundamentals Comprehensive final exam— in class Assessment of Student Learning: Multiple measures of student learning and mastery are assessed over the semester. In order to pass NURSING 205, the student must achieve the following: 1. A combined average of 78%, or higher, on all major exams (Exam #1, Exam #2, and Final Exam). Any student who does not achieve a 78%, or higher, exam average will receive an F for the course. 2. An overall course average of at least 78%. Grading system: The course grade will be calculated as follows: Assessment Percentage of grade Course exams (2 at 20% each) 40 Online case studies 15 Group presentation 15 Kaplan exam (if mastery score met) 5 Cumulative final exam 25 Total 100 Final Course Grade: Upon completion of all course requirements, the student may calculate the Final Course Grade as follows: A = 93-100% B = 84-92% C = 78-83% F = below 78% Course policies: Retests/makeup tests: It is expected that tests will be taken at the time scheduled. Illness or other reasons to delay testing should be brought up with the instructor prior to the exam. Rescheduling of an exam may be arranged for valid reasons such as illness Page 33 or personal/family emergencies. The instructor must be contacted prior to the scheduled exam and arrangements to take a make up exam must be made with the faculty within one week of the exam. Failure to do so will result in ZERO points for that exam. Make up tests may be in any form (oral, written, essay) over the same objectives as the scheduled exam. Quizzes MAY NOT be made up. NO retests will be offered. Attendance: Under NAU policy, students are expected to attend every session of classes in which they are enrolled. The format of the Lecture class is interactive and includes student participation and discussion. By not attending, students are deprived of that experience and deprive others of their input. Plagiarism, cheating, academic dishonesty: Please refer to Appendix G of the NAU Student Handbook (http://home.nau.edu/images/userimages/awf/9476/ACADEMIC%20DISHONESTY.pdf) for definitions, policies, penalties, and procedures related to various forms of academic dishonesty. University policies: Please review the following policies available on the Northern Arizona University Policy Statement website http://www4.nau.edu/avpaa/UCCPolicy/plcystmt.html 1. Safe Environment Policy 2. Students with Disabilities Policy 3. Institutional Review Board Policy 4. Academic Contact Hour Policy Sensitive Course Materials Policy Page 34