Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis Presented by: Éva Széles Seminar on R & D Activities at the Institute of Isotopes Related to Nuclear Security February 19, 2010, Vienna Main Tasks of the Laboratory – nuclear forensics Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Analysis of confiscated nuclear materials characterization and identification of the found and confiscated samples with unknown origin destructive and non-destructive analysis analysis of U and Pu e.g. precise isotope ratio measurements Analysis for safeguards purposes environmental and swipe samples single particle analysis by laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) environmental monitoring for safeguards purposes before the decomissioning of nuclear facilities Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 2 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Main Tasks of the Laboratory - other aspects Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Analysis of environmental samples Measurement of low-level actinides in environmental samples (soil, sediment, water, plant, etc.) Analysis of alternative nuclear materials (Am, Np, Cm) Direct analysis of solid samples by LA-ICP-MS technique (e.g. geological samples, uranium ore samples, metal samples, etc.) Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 3 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Applied Techniques Main instruments: High resolution inductively coupled plasma sectorfield mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) High resolution gamma spectrometry (HRGS) Scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDX) Neutron coincidence counting (NCC) Additional techniques: X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) Prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA) Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 4 Vienna, February 19, 2010. ELEMENT2 with single collector Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes High-resolution inductively coupled plasma sector-field mass spectrometer (ICP-SFMS) Installed in a clean room (Class 100 000) Various sample introduction systems: Stable sample introduction Laser ablation system Sample preparation laboratory (Class 10 000): With a Class 100 laminar flow hood Ultra-trace level measurements Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 5 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Laser ablation (LA) unit for the mass spectrometer Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Quasi non-destructive measurement no chemical sample preparation needed short analysis time (typically <1 h/sample) Laser ablation system: UP213 (New Wave) Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 6 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes High-resolution gamma spectrometry (HRGS) Fully non-destructive measurement No sample preparation needed Low-background gamma spectrometer Iron chamber with 20 cm wall thickness 150 cm3 coaxial HPGe detector 34% relative efficiency Sample cavity flushed with nitrogen Planned upgrades: Better detector Underground facility Low-energy planar HPGe detectors For U and Pu isotopics N2 flushing Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 7 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Broad magnification range Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Type JEOL JSM-5600LV up to 300 000 “Low vacuum” mode for observing nonconductive samples in their native state Elemental analysis Attached energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 8 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Origin of nuclear forensics in Hungary Illicit trafficking in Hungary: since the early ’90s In the beginning: only planar HPGe used Since then: Low-background HPGe SEM ICP-MS NCC A possible site of illicit trafficking in Budapest Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 9 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Nuclear forensic applications at IKI Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Tested with following nuclear materials: Powder (U compounds) DA & NDA Pellets (U oxide) DA & NDA Fuel rods (U oxide) NDA Fuel assemblies NDA Sealed sources (eg. Pu) NDA … Non-destructive techniques (NDA) are still needed though very accurate destructive methods (DA) are available Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 10 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Selected nuclear forensic applications developed at the Institute of Isotopes Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 11 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Uranium age dating by destructive ICP-MS Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Determination of production date of nuclear materials Digestion of the uranium-oxide sample Determination of 234U-content by isotope dilution ICP-MS analysis Determination of 230Th-content by isotope dilution ICP-MS analysis after extraction-chromatographic separation Production of 229Th tracer: from 233U-solution („milking”) Uranium age dating by quasi-non destructive LA-ICP-MS Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 12 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Two measurements: Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Uranium age dating by fully non-destructive HRGS 234U/238U by planar HPGe 214Bi/238U by coaxial HPGe in low background Activity ratios determined by relative (“intrinsic”) efficiency calibration Independent of measurement geometry Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 13 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Detecting the presence of reprocessed uranium -7 232U 10 Reprocessed U / total U, % content indicates reprocessed uranium 232 Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes 232U analysis by HRGS -8 10 -9 10 -10 10 Not reprocessed -11 10 0.1 1 10 100 235 232U content determined by HRGS as a function of 235U enrichment U-enrichment, % 236U and Pu isotopes can be measured by ICP-MS Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 14 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Rare-earth elements in uranium-bearing materials determined by ICP-SFMS – Origin assessment Three uranium ore concentrates originating from different mills in order to compare their REE profiles after digestion of the samples and separation of the matrix (U) Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 15 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Trace elements in uranium-oxide determined by ICP-SFMS – Origin assessment Trace element analysis in 3 confiscated uranium-oxid pellets Joint analysis with Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) Samples: 590: Natural (HU-NAT) 642: LEU (HU-LEU) 643: DU (HU-DEP) Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis sample 590 16 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Quality assurance Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes ISO 9001:2000 ISO/IEC 17025 – accreditation of the ICP-MS laboratory is in progress Participation in interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency tests ITWG - HEU REIMEP, NUSIMEP, IAEA-PT Joint analysis with JRC ITU, Karlsruhe Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 17 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Inter-laboratory comparison (Round Robin) organised by the ITWG (2001) ~1 g HEU sample/lab. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes More than 10 nuclear forensic laboratories participated Isotopic composition 232U Average of RR (7.50±0.55)*10-8 HRGS LA-ICP-SFMS 234U 235U 236U 238U 0.964 ± 0.055 89.475 ± 1.14 0.661 ± 0.039 8.906 ± 1.22 0.98 ± 0.07 89.8 ± 0.7 0.6 ± 0.1 8.6 ± 0.5 0.965 ± 0.05 90.032 ± 1.30 0.681 ± 0.040 8.322 ± 0.25 Production date Production date by HRGS Production date by LA-ICP-SFMS Production date from Round-Robin 1978 ± 3 years August, 1979 ± 6 months Feb-July 1979 Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 18 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Joint analysis with Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes 3 uranium oxide pellets from 3 different batches were analysed at IKI by HRGS and LA-ICP-SFMS The pellets were sent to ITU for further investigation using DA methods ITU MC-ICP-MS IKI TIMS IDMS HRGS HRGS LA-ICPSFMS 3.2(9)10-8 232U 234U 0.0346(5) 0.0347(21) 0.0345(33) 0.025(20) 0.0362(24) 0.0358(9) 235U 2.5136(14) 2.5121(14) 2.5119(30) 2.51(12) 2.562(34) 2.529(19) 236U 0.451(22) 0.47(44) 0.47(86) - 0.38(24) 0.474(24) 238U 97.000(21) 96.9823(20) 96.9829(12) 97.47(12) 97.021(34) 96.961(20) Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 19 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Safeguards analysis of environmental samples Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 20 Vienna, February 19, 2010. The laboratory is capable of determining ultra-trace amounts of uranium and plutonium isotopes and their precise isotope ratios in environmental swipe samples Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Analysis of swipe samples – bulk analysis Analytical procedures developed for bulk analysis: Screening by gamma spectrometry Microwave digestion instead of ashing Extraction chromatographic separation with TRU® column process ICP-SFMS measurement Detection limits achieved: Uranium: 0.01 – 5 ng (IAEA SAL req.: 0.1 - 5 ng) Plutonium: 1 – 7 fg (IAEA SAL req.: 10 fg) Special developments: reduction of procedure background Clean room facilities Optimized procedure Sub-boiled acids and minimal chemical consumption Method was tested by analysis of real swipe samples Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 21 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Isotope IAEA/NWAL requirements Detection limit 239 Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Analytical performance parameters achieved Pu 240 Pu 241 Pu 238 U 235 U 234 U 236 U 7.5 fg Pu ≤ 10 fg/ swipe 2.4 fg 1.1 fg 1 ng U ≤ 0.1-5 ng/ swipe 11.4 pg 0.14 pg 0.083 pg Uncertainty of Isotope Ratios IAEA/NWAL requirements 235U/238U 0,23-0,7% ≤ 1% 234U/238U 0,3-3% ≤ 10% 236U/238U 0,3-3% ≤ 10% 240Pu/239Pu 7-10% ≤ 10% Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 22 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Development of a novel methodology for the isotopic composition measurement of single particles Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Analysis of single particles by LA-ICP-MS technique Current results: Isotopic analysis of individual uranium particles by laser ablation ICP-SFMS Tested for uranium-oxide particles with different enrichment, lateral dimensions: down to 10 micron Applicable also for low-abundant isotopes (234U, 236U) Typical precision achieved: 0.2-5% RSD for 235U/238U Testing for sub-micron particles (JRC IRMM, NUSIMEP) Particle location: fission track and SEM/EDS Further aim: adaptation of the method for swipe samples Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 23 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Analysis of single particles by LA-ICP-MS technique Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes LA-ICP-MS measurement LEU particle (40 x 38 um) Measured isotope ratios 234U/238U = (3.78 ± 0.19) × 10-4 235U/238U = (2.81 ± 0.04) × 10-2 236U/238U = (4.08 ± 0.08) × 10-3 Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis SEM/EDS 24 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Provision for decommissioning of nuclear facilities - environmental monitoring Objectives: determination of the environmental contamination baseline/level as a reference database in the vicinity of Hungarian nuclear facilities comprehensive environmental monitoring and analysis before decommissioning for safeguards purposes Test measurements at the KFKI site near the research reactor: plutonium and uranium concentrations and isotopic ratios in soil and wood-moss were determined Results: Pu: ~fg/g, U: ~ng/g Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 25 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Conclusion characterization of most types of nuclear material Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes IKI is capable of a complete nuclear-forensic Combined use of DA and NDA instrumentation HRGS, ICP-SFMS, SEM, NCC Note on Pu: handling only sealed sources Only NDA can be applied Environmental measurements at ultra-trace level Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 26 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Conclusion Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Planned developments: Particle analysis with laser ablation ICP-MS Upgrading the low-background HRGS facilities Possible future application: In-field age dating of shielded HEU (e.g. of an Improvised Nuclear Device)? Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 27 Vienna, February 19, 2010. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Isotopes Thank You for Your attention! Section Head: Dr. András Kovács Staff: ICP-MS: Dr. Tamás Bíró Dr. Éva Széles Mr. Róbert Katona Ms. Zsuzsanna Mácsik Staff on-leave: ICP-MS: Dr. Zsolt Stefánka (HAEA) Dr. Zsolt Varga (ITU) HRGS: Dr. László Lakosi Dr. Nguyen Cong Tam Mr. István Almási Mr. Péter Nagy HRGS: Dr. József Zsigrai (ITU) Mr. János Bagi (JRC Ispra) SEM: Dr. Péter Hargittai Laboratory for nuclear forensics and environmental analysis 28 Vienna, February 19, 2010.