Printing Press DBQ Student Worksheet

Renaissance DBQ: The Printing Press
Student Worksheet
Task: Analyze the impact of the printing press (aka, how much did it change the world?)
Historical Context
1. Why were most Europeans in the Middle Ages unable to read or write?
2. Draw the “chain reaction” the Printing Press sparked:
Document A
3. How were books produced before the printing press?
4. How reliable do you think these copies were? Explain.
Document B
5. Describe the two types of manuscripts evident in the image.
6. Which type do you think would be easier to produce? Easier to read?
Document C
7. Which major movements were accelerated by the printing press?
8. Why do you think the printing press helped these movements succeed?
Document D
9. Describe how a book is being produced in these images.
10. Compare/Contrast Document D with Document B:
Document E
11. As the price of books decreased, what increased?
12. Looking at this graph, which point (year) do you think the printing press became
widely used? Why did you choose this year?
Document F
13. What do you think Thomas Carlyle meant when he claimed that the printing press
created a “whole new democratic world?”
Document G
14. Why did the use of the vernacular in the newly printed books help to reach all
levels and types of people?
15. Is the author showing any sort of bias (preference for only one side of the
argument)? Explain.
WRITE: Document-Based Question Essay
Your task is to answer the document-based question
(DBQ) in a historical argumentative essay. Use your
analysis of the documents and your knowledge of
history to write a brief essay answering the question.
“I” – make statements instead
Your opinion or personal experience
Casual language (contractions,
slang, pronouns – unless in a quote)
Question: Analyze the impact of the printing press (aka, how much did it change the world?)
Your position/claim:
Step 2: Organize your essay. YOU MUST USE THIS OUTLINE.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
The Attention Grabber/Lead -
The Background Information – 2-3 sentences about the general topic.
CLAIM – State your position for this essay.
Road Map of Reasons –
There are many reasons why
, two of which are
Second Reason-
Paragraph 4: Acknowledge
Counter Claim
Paragraph 2: Reasons/Evidence
First Reason-
Paragraph 3: Reasons/Evidence
The first reason is
Data/Evidence (Introduce Evidence):
In the document
, it shows
Explain (Common sense meaning of evidence):
Backing/Support with more information:
Closing Sentence – restate reason
Another reason is
Data/Evidence (Introduce Evidence):
In the document
, it shows
Explain (Common sense meaning of evidence):
Backing/Support with more information:
Closing Sentence – restate reason
Counterclaim (opposite side):
Others may say
A) Their 1st Argument Against Your Claim:
Your Rebuttal (Why they are wrong):
B) Their 2nd Argument Against Your Claim:
Your Rebuttal (Why they are wrong):
Restate Claim Statement:
In conclusion,
Paragraph 5:
Restate Reason 1 (full sentence summarizing reason):
Restate Reason 2 (full sentence summarizing reason):
Wrap Up (Restate importance of your claim in an interesting/different way):