Act 4 and 5 Questions

Questions for the Last Two Acts
Mr. McMahon
English 11
Macbeth – Question Guide
Please write answers in your notebooks.
Act 4, Scene 1
1. Why is so much time given to the witches at the
beginning of this scene?
2. What are the three prophecies shown to
3. What is the last thing shown to Macbeth?
4. a) Where has Macduff gone?
b) How does Macbeth respond to the news?
Act 4, Scene 2
1. What do we learn in this scene?
Act 4, Scene 3
1. How does Malcolm test Macduff’s sincerity in
this scene?
2. In order for the audience to be more sympathetic
with Malcolm, they must be satisfied that he will
prove to be a worthy king. In this scene, what
evidence is there that suggests Malcolm will
make a worthy king?
3. What news does Ross bring?
4. What does Macduff ask of the Gods?
Questions for the Last Two Acts
Mr. McMahon
English 11
Act V, Scene 1
1. Find the expressions in Lady Macbeth’s speech which refer to the murder of:
a) Duncan
b) Banquo
c) Lady Macduff.
2. Which murder appears to be troubling Lady Macbeth the most and why?
Act 5, Scene 2
2. What do we learn in this scene?
Act 5, Scene 3
1. Do you feel any sympathy towards Macbeth in this scene? Why or why not?
Act 5, Scene 4
1. What plan does Malcolm have?
2. What does Malcolm say of those who have served Macbeth?
3. Macbeth’s downfall is now certain. Yes or no?
Note: Denouement: The plot of Macbeth approaches denouement in this
scene when, after Macbeth places his last hope in the witches’ prophecies,
he finds that he was been misled by them. (English forces using boughs
from Birnam Wood.) The denouement continues as Macbeth is further
duped by the prophecies, and led to his death.
Act 5, Scene 5
1. What is the cry that Macbeth hears?
2. Paraphrase lines 9-15.
3. What news does Seyton bring and how does Macbeth react?
4. What news does the messenger bring?
5. “At least we’ll die with harness on our back.” Explain.
Act 5, Scene 6
1. What is the main purpose of this scene?
Act 5, Scene 7
1. Why does Shakespeare have Macbeth kill young Siward?
2. What does Macduff feel will happen if he does not personally kill Macbeth?
Act 5, Scene 8
1. How does nemesis strike its final blow to the spirit of Macbeth?
2. What is Macbeth’s reaction as his last shred of confidence is torn from him?
3. How does Shakespeare suggest the final restoration of order to the kingdom?
4. Was the conclusion to this tragedy a successful one? Why or why not?