Terahertz spectroscopy of deuterated methylene bi-radicals, CHD and CD2 Stéphane Bailleux stephane.bailleux@univ-lille1.fr June 25, 2015 – 70th ISMS Meeting Contributor Measurements Toho University (THz) H. Ozeki acknowledgements Motiv ation Chemistry the parent carbene smallest polyatomic with triplet ground state key role in many chemical systems (astrochemistry) Spectroscopic challenges Theoretically light & floppy (breakdown of Watson Hamiltonian) difficult to treat quantum chemically and to predict levels Experimentally Highly reactive (towards hydrocarbons) most lines are in the THz or far-IR frequency regions CH2 , a key interstellar species Identified in hot cores in dense interstellar clouds A key intermediate in interstellar carbon chemistry C+ + H2 CH2+ + hν CH2+ + H2 CH3+ + H detection in Orion IRc2 ? Roueff et al. JPCA (2013) CH3+ + e- CH2 + H d e u t e r i u m f r a c t i o n a t i o n : CH3+ + HD CH2D+ + H2 CH 2 D + + e - CHD + H or : CH 2 + D CHD 2 + + e - CHD + D or : CD 2 + H Hi-resolution rotational spectroscopy Far IR Laser Magnetic Resonance CH2 (3B1) : 1982 CHD (3Aʺ) : 1994 CD2 (3B1) : 1983 Microwave / Millimeter-wave isotopologue Number of pure rotational transitions CH20 CD20 6 4 CHD 0 f Max (THz) 2.0 0.5 Millimeter-wave spectroscopy of CHD Triplet ground state: |S| = 1 HSS = f(3 Sa² –S²) + β (Sb² –Sc²) Observation parameter CH2 CHD MHz global analysis our work FIR-LMR rotation A 2 211 494.5 1 664 577(447) B 253 617.71 170 344.047(3) 170 233.7(21) C 215 102.79 148 139.235(32) 149 100.6(21) 42 060(498) ΔK 87 644.2 -233.9(3) ΔNK -615.15 5.905 ΔN 11.082 Preliminary results (A&A 527, 1.9A64, 2011): δN 3.2023 81.8 δK 719.0 more transitions planed to be measured: 1 907.6 ΦK 7 042.119 111 ← 000 : ~17730.2 GHz ΦNK -0.5456 -32.7 ΦKN -115.05 111 ← 202 : ~821 GHz fine structure 7 782.78 a 7562.1(25) bb 1 437.812 1 339.584(75) 1 382.0(75) (εab +εba)/2 -59.96 εaa 20.584 -112.66(18) -105.527 εbb -154.097 -110.93(50) -83.342 εcc -124.386 -61. 2 CD 2 at THz frequency region (Toho Uni.) H. Ozeki (Toho Univ.) Production Pyrolysis (800 K / 1000 °F) of (CD 3 CO) 2 O (acetic anhydride-d 6 ) to produce CD 2 CO Mild discharge of CD 2 CO with Ar Low yield Example of spectrum 615 – 606 , F3 : 1178335.324 MHz Example of spectrum 212 – 101 , F2 : 1446874.340 MHz CD 2 at THz frequency region 5 Current progress on measurements : 111 – 0 00 at 1.224 , 1.228 , 1.234 THz (Astronomically relevant) 7 16 – 7 07 at 1240 GHz The 8 173 –fine-structure 8 08 at 1316 GHz components have been 9 09 – 8 18for at each 1351 GHz observed Parameters (MHz) CH2 global analysis rotation A B C ΔK ΔNK ΔN δN δK ΦK ΦNK ΦKN fine structure b εaa εbb εcc 2 211 494.5 253 617.71 215 102.79 87 644.2 -615.15 11.082 3.2023 719.0 7 042.119 -0.5456 -115.05 7 782.78 1 437.812 20.584 -154.097 -124.386 CD2 our work 1 132 828.84(33)000 126 805.934(95) 0 110 760.799(33) 0 16 795.2 (FIR-LMR) -148.215 (32) 2.8264(39) 0.6531(10) 83.4 (FIR-LMR) 588.0 (FIR-LMR) -0.0832(10) -7.294 (FIR-LMR) 7 169.2(2)0 1 221.84(26) 9.56(29) -76.512(73) -62.43(13) Concluding remarks Significant extension of number of lines measured (CD2) 33 distinct transition frequencies (x 2) rms = 77 kHz More lines should be measured those astronomically relevant low N hyperfine-structure pattern (weak lines) but hyperfine parameters not known (CD2) more efficient method of production required (CD2) discharge in CD4 samples (expensive) Paper in preparation Announcement Post-Doctoral Position Available at the University of Lille 1 year, starting from 01/2016 Net income : 2000 € Topic: spectroscopic detection of astronomically relevant species from the mmw to the THz frequency region Contact: stephane.bailleux@univ-lille1.fr Example of spectrum Millimeter-wave spectrometer (Toho) Precursor (CD3CO)2O Spectrometer (Lille Univ.) gas inlet cw power supply 5 kV / 600 mA parabolic mirror anode ballast N2 LN2 solenoid LN2-cooled absorption cell 12 -18 GHz local oscillator 10 MHz Rb atomic clock ~10 MHz Ref. oscillator to pump 320 MHz InSb preamplifier phase modulation BWO BWO power supply head pressure gauge 10 MHz PLL Feedback IF Phase Sensitive Detector Digital Oscilloscope